Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient DATINI

Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient

Conservata in: Prato, Fondazione Istituto Internazionale di Storia Economica “F. Datini”, Coll: Riv. 62
Consistenza: a. 1, 1958 – a. 56, 2013, 4-5
Lacune: a. 2, 1959; 6, 1963; 23, 1980; 42, 1999-43, 2000; 45, 2002; 48, 2005, 1; a. 51, 2008, 4; a. 54, 2011, 2;

[ 2020-2011 ] [ 2010-2001 ] [ 2000-1991 ] [ 1990-1981 ] [ 1980-1971 ] [ 1970-1958 ]

copertina della rivista

a. 41, 1998

Paul J. Smith, Fear of Gynarchy in an Age of Chaos: Kong Qi’s Reflections on Life in South China under Mongol Rule, p. 1
Carl Petry, Fractionalized Estates in a Centralized Regime: The Holdings of al-Ashraf Qaytbay and Qansuh al-Ghawri according to heir Waqf Deeds, p. 96
Ben-Zion Rosenfeld, Innkeeping in Jewish Society in Roman Palestine, p. 133
Daud Ali, Technologies of the Self: Courtly Artifice and Monastic Discipline in Early India, p. 159
Michael W. Charney, Crisis and Reformation in a Maritime Kingdom of Southeast Asia: Forces of Instability and Political Disintegration in Western Burma (Arakan) (1603-1701), p. 185
Harriet T. Zurndorfer, Introduction: The Discipline of World History and the Economic and Social History of the Orient: A New Fashion in an Old Hat? Further Reflections on Forty Years of Jesho, p. 241
Jack A. Goldstone, The Problem of the “Early Modern” World, p. 249
Peter Van Der Veer, The Global History of “Modernity”, p. 285
David Washbrook, The Global History of “Modernity” – A Response to a Reply, p. 295
Norman Yoffee, The Economics of Ritual at Late Old Babylonian Kish, p. 312
Jan Wisseman Christie, Javanese Markets and the Asian Sea Trade Boom of the Tenth to Thirteenth Centuries A.D, p. 344
Sanjay Subrahmanyam, Reflections on State-Making and History-Making in South India 1500-1800, p. 382
Joanna F. Handlin Smith, Social Hierarchy and Merchant Philanthropy as Perceived in Several Late-Ming and Early-Qing Texts, p. 417
Rachid El Hour, Manuela Marin, Captives, Children, and Conversion: The Case from Late Nasrid Granada, p. 453

Miriam Hoexter, Waqf Studies in the Twentieth Century: The State of the Art, p. 474

Reviews, p. 118, 220, 496

a. 40, 1997

Steven Grosby, Borders, Territory and Nationality in the Ancient Near East and Armenia, p. 1
Yüsuf Ragib, La fabbrication des lames damasséees en Orient, p. 30
Harriet T. Zurndorfer, Introduction:Women’s History in Global Perspective, p. 149
Jaana Toivari, Interpersonal Dispotes in the Workmen’s Community of Deir el-Medina, p. 153
Maya Shatzmiller, Women and Wage Labour in the Medieval Islamic West: Legal Issues in an Economic Context, p. 174
Hedda Reindl-Kiel, A Woman timar Holder in Ankara Province during the Second Half on the 16th Century, p. 207
Kimberly Besio, Gender, Loyalty and the Reproduction of the Wang Zhaojun Legend: Some Social Ramifications of Drama in the Late Ming, p. 251
Kate Fleet, Ottoman Grain Exports from Western Anatolia at the End of the Fourteenth Century, p. 283
Harriet T. Zurndorfer, Introduction: “Modernity” and Its Contents in the Economic and Social History of the Orient, p. 333
Klaas Veenhof, “Modern” Features of Old Assyrian Trade, p. 336
Christopher Eyre, Peasants and “Modern” Leasing Strategies in Ancient Egypt, p. 367
Barbara Watson Andaya, Historicising “Modernity” in Southeast Asia, p. 391
David Washbrook, From Comparative Sociology to Global History: Britain and India in the Pre-History of Modernity, p. 410
Ira Lapidus, Islamic Revival and Modernity: The contemporary Movements and the Historical Paradigms, p. 444
Harriet T. Zurndorfer, China and “Modernity”: The Uses of the Study of Chinese History in the Past and the Present, p. 461

Naomi Standen, Alien Regimes and Mental States, p. 73
Wim Boot, A tale of two cities: Edo and Paris, p. 90
Alfred McCoy, Southeast Asia and the Costs of Modernity: Reflections on “The Cambridge History of Southeast Asia”, p. 107
Nadia M. El-Cheikh, Describing the Other to get at the Self: Byzantine Women in Arabic Sources (8th – 11th Centuries), p. 239

Reviews, p. 117, 294

a. 39, 1996

Mario Liverani, Reconstructing the Rural Landscape of the Ancient Near East, p. 1
Kenneth Hall, The Textile Industry in Southeast Asia, 1400-1800, p. 87
Yvonne j Seng, Fugitives and Factotums Slaves in Early Sixteenth Century Istanbul, p. 136
Hans Ulrich Vogel, Introduction (Special Theme Issue Money in the Orient), p. 207
Jan Wisseman Christie, Money and Its Uses in the Javanese States of the Ninth to Fifteenth Centuries, p. 243
Najaf Haider, Precious Metal Flows and Currency Circulation in the Mughal Empire, p. 298
Richard Von Glahen, Comment on “Arbitrage, China, and World Trade in the Early Modern Period”, p. 365
Daniel Panzac, L’Économie-monde ottomane en question, p. 368
Kenneth W Chase, The Edict of 495 Reconsidered, p. 383
Oded Peri, The Christian Population of Jerusalem in the Late Seventeenth Century Aspects of Demography, Economy and Society, p. 398

Nina Garbutt, Ibn Jazlah, The Forgotten ‘Abbasid Gastronome, p. 42
Mason C. Hoadley, New Views on Javanese History, p. 45
Panagiotis N Doukelis, Vivre et survivre dans la campagne syrienne en marge d’un livre décent sur les campagnes de la Syrie du Nord du IIe au VIIe siècles, p. 170
John N Miksic, Archaeology, Ceramics and Coins, p. 287
Himanshu Prabha Ray, Seafaring and Maritime Contacts: An Agenda for Historical Analysis, p. 422

Reviews, p. 50, 180, 379, 432

a. 38, 1995

Hugh R. Clark, The Fu of Minnan: A Local Clan in Late Tang and Song China (9th – 13 th centuries), p. 1
Bernhard Kölver, Payments on Delivery, or Kautalya’s Prayama- (Documents from Nepal. 6), p. 75

Georges Duby, Introduction, p. 121
M. Stol, Women in Mesopotamia, p. 123
Mounira Chapoutot-Remadi, Femmes dans la ville mamluke, p. 145
Barbara Watson, Andaya, Women and Economic Change: The Pepper Trade in Pre-Modern Southeast Asia, p. 165
Clara Wing-Chung Ho, The Cultivation of Female Talent: Views on Women’s Education in China During the Early and High Qing Periods, p. 191

Daniel Crecelius, Introduction, p. 247
Jean-Claude Garcin, Mustapha Anouar Taher, Enquête sur le financement d’un waqf égyptien du XVe siècle: Les comptes de Jawhar al-lala, p. 262
Gilles Hennequin, Waqf et monnaie dans l’Égypte Mamluke, p. 305
Murat Çizakça, Cash Waqfs of Bursa, 1555-1823, p. 313
Gregory O. Kozlowski, Imperial Authority, Benefactions and Endowments (Awqdj) in Mughal India, p. 355
Joanna F Handlin Smith, Opening and Closing a Dispensary in Shan-Yin County. Some Thoughts about Charitable Associations, Organizations, and Institutions in Late Ming China, p. 371
Paul M. Cobb, Scholars and Society at Early Islamic Ayla, p. 417

I. M. Diakonoff, Old Babylonian Ur, p. 91
James L. Hevia, Gender and China studies, p. 224
G. Van Driel, Nippur and the Inanna temple during the Ur II period, p. 393
Dennis o: Flynn, Arturo Giraldez, Arbitrage, China, and world trade in the early modern period, p. 429
André Wink, “Reinassance de la Bharatie” French accounts of eighteenth-century India, p. 448

Reviews, p. 95, 232, 407, p. 453

a. 37, 1994

Rudi Matthee, Coffee in Safavid Iraa. Commerce and Consumption, p. 1
Elisabeth C. L. During Caspers, Further Evidence for ‘Central Asian’ Materials from the Arabian Gulf, p. 33
Jean-Claude Garcin, La ville pré-moderne, p. 103
Michael J. Reimer, Ottoman Alexandria: The Paradox of Decline and the Reconfiguration of Power in Eighteenth-Century Arab Provinces, p. 107
K. K. Trivedi, The Emergence of Agra as a Capital and a City. A Note on its Spatial and Historical Background During the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries, p. 147
Colette Establet, Jean-Paul Pascual, André Raymond, La mesure de l’inégalité dans la société ottomane: Utilisation de l’indice de Gini pour Le Caire et Damas vers 1700, p. 171
James D. Tracy, Studies in Eighteenth Century Mugh al and Ottoman Trade, p. 197
Muzaffar Alam, Trade, State Policy and Regional Change: Aspects of Mugh al-Uzbek Commercial Relations, c. 1550-1750, p. 202
Jos Gommans, The Horse Trade in Eighteenth-Century South Asia, p. 228
Daniel Crecelius, Hamza Abd al- Aziz Badr, French Ships and Their Cargoes Sailing Between Damiette and Ottoman Ports1777-1781, p. 251
Jane Hathaway, The Wealth and Influence of an Exiled Ottoman Eunuch in Egypt: The Waqf Inventory of Abbas Agha, p. 293
M. Heltzer, Trade Between Egypt and Western Asia. New Metrological Evidence (On E.W Castle in Jesho XXXV), p. 318

R. Bin Wong, Dimensions of State expansion and contraction in imperial China, p. 54
E. Lipinski, Économie Phénicienne. Travaux récents et desiderata, p. 322

Reviews, p. 67, 183, 287, 328

a. 36, 1993

H. Crane, Notes on Saldjuq Architectural Patronage in Thirteenth Century Anatolia, p. 1
Tayeb El-Hibri, Coinage Reform under the Abbasid Caliph al-Ma’mun, p. 58
JESHO After 35 Years: In Retrospect and Prospect, p. 101
Jack A. Goldstone, Trend or Cycles?: The Economic History of East-West Contact in the Early Modern World, p. 104
K.R. Veenhof, Ancient Mesopotamia and JESHO, p. 120
Jean-Claude Garcin, Le JESHO et la recherche sur l’histoire économique et sociale des pays musulmans, p. 139
Hermann Kulke, “A Passage to India”. Temples, Merchants and the Ocean, p. 154
André Wink, JESHO and Southeast Asia, p. 181
Harriet T Zurndorfer, JESHO and East Asia. Some Remarks on the Evolution of a Field of Study, p. 183
Table générale des volumes XXVI à XXXV, p. 193
Hans Ulrich Vogel, Cowry Trade and Its Role in the Economy of Yünnaa. From the Ninth to the Mid-Seventeenth Century, Part I, p. 211
Pierre-Yves Manguin, Trading Ships of the South China Sea, p. 253
Hans Ulrich Vogel, Cowry Trade and Its Role in the Economy of Yünnan: From the Ninth to the Mid-Seventeenth Century, Part II, p. 309

Reviews, p. 84, 281, 354

a. 35, 1992

Suraiya Faroqhi, Political Activity Among Ottoman Taxpayers and the Problem of Sultanic Legitimation (1570-1650), p. 1
Irit Bligh-Abramski, The Judiciary (Qadis) as a Governmental Administrative Tool in Early Islam, p. 40
Krishna Kumar, The Silver Plates of the Gungeria Hoard: Their Monetary Significance, p. 72
Claude Cahen 1909-1991, par Jean-Claude Garcin, p. 105
Harriet T Zurndorfer, Learning, Lineages, and Locality in Late Imperial China. A Comparative Study of Education in Huichow (Anhwei) and Foochow (Fukien) 1600-1800, Part I, p. 109
P S Kanaka Durga, Y A. Sudhakar Reddy, Kings, Temples and Legitimation of Autochthonous Communities. A Case Study of a South Indian Temple, p. 145
Oded Peri, Waqf and Ottoman Welfare Policy The Poor Kitchen of Hasseki Sultan in Eighteenth-Century Jerusalem, p. 167
Harriet T Zurndorfer, Learning, Lineages, and Locality in Late Imperial China. A Comparative Study of Education in Huichow (Anhwei) and Foochow (F’ukien) 1600-1800, Part II, p. 209
Edward W Castle, Shipping and Trade in Ramesside Egypt, p.239
Amikam Elad, Two Identical Inscriptions from Jund Filastin from the Reign of the Abbasid Caliph, Al-Muqtadir, p. 301

Bekir Kemal Ataman, Ottoman demographic History (14th- 17th centuries) some considerations, p. 187
Michael Dillon, Transport and Marketing in the development of the jingdezhen porcelain industri during the Ming and Qing Dynasties, p. 278

Reviews, p. 95, 291, 361

a. 34, 1991

Daniel Martin Varisco, A Royal Crop Register from Rasulid Yemen, p. 1
James Heitzman, Ritual Polity and Economy: The Transactional Network of an Imperial Temple in Medieval South India, p. 23
V S Kadam, Forced Labour in Maharastra in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth centuries: A study in its Nature and Change, p. 55
Daniel D Snell, Marketless Trading in our Time, p. 129
Vardit Rispler-Chaim, Insurance ans Semi-insurance Transactions in Islamic history until the 19th century, p. 142
Ranabir Chakravarti, Horse Trade and Piracy at Tana (Thana,Maharashtra, India) Gleanings from Marco Polo, p. 159
Christopher I Beckwith, The impact of Horse and Silk Trade on the Economics of T’ang China and the Uighur Empire On the importance of international commerce in the Early Middle Ages, p. 183
Roderich Ptak, Pferde auf Sec Ein vergessener Aspekt des miritimen chinesischen Handels im frühen 15 Jahrhundert, p.199
R L Miller, Counting Calories in Egyptian Ration Texts, p. 257
M J Kister, Land Property and Jihad A discussion of some early traditions, p. 270
E C L During Caspers, The Indus Valley ‘Unicorn’ A Near Eastern connection?, p. 312
Farhat Hasan, Conflict and Cooperation in Anglo-Mughal Trade Relations During the Reign of Aurangzeb, p. 351

Abdul Rahim Abdul Rahman, The Document of the Egyptian religious courts (Al-Mahakim al-shar’Iyya) as a source for the study of Ottoman privincial administration in Egypt (923/1517 – 1213/1798), p. 88
Frank H. Stewart, Notes on the arrival of the Bedouin tribes in Sinai, p. 97
Clinton Bailey, A reply to f: Stewart’s “Notes on the arrival of the Bedouin tribes in Sinai”, p. 110
S. Allam, Sur l’ordalie en Egypte Pharaonique, p. 361

Reviews, p. 116, 234, 365