
Binghamton, Fernand Braudel Center for the Study of Economies, Historical Systems, and Civilizations
ISSN: 0147-9032
Conservata in: Prato, Fondazione Istituto Internazionale di Storia Economica “F. Datini”, Coll: Riv. 40
Consistenza: a. I/1 (1977) -a. XXVIII, 2005, 4
Lacune: a. XXIII, 2000, 1, 2, 3, 4; a. XXVII, 2004, 1, 2;

Conservata in: Università degli Studi di Firenze, Biblioteca di Scienze Sociali – RIV STR 304
Consistenza: XII, 1989, 1-a. XXXV, 2012, 3-4
[ 2020-2011 ] [ 2010-2001 ] [ 2000-1996 ] [ 1995-1991 ] [ 1990-1986 ] [ 1985-1981 ] [ 1980-1977 ]

copertina della rivista

XXIII, 2000, 4

Prabirjit Sarkar, North-South Uneven Development: What the Data Show, p. 439
Hannes Hofbauer, Andrea Komlosy, Capital Accumulation and Catching-up Development in Eastern Europe, p. 459
Marcus Faro de Castro, Latin America and the Future of International Development Assistance, p. 503
Manfred Bienefeld, Structural Adjustment: Debt Collection Device or Development Policy?, p. 533

Abstracts, p. 584

XXIII, 2000, 3

Christopher A. McAuley, Oliver C. Cox’s World-System: Insights, Omissions, and Speculations, p. 313
Jason W. Moore, Sugar and the Expansion of the Early Modern World-Economy: Commodity Frontiers, Economical Transformation, and Industrialization, p. 409

Abstracts, p. 436

XXIII, 2000, 2

Marjolein ‘t Hart, Warfare and Capitalism: The Impact of the Economy on State Making in Northwestern Europe, Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries, p. 209
Eric Mielants, Perspectives on the Origins of Merchant Capitalism in Europe, p. 229
Duccio Sacchi, Gathering, Organization, and Production of Information in Sixteenth-Century Surveys in Hispanic America, p. 293

Abstracts, p. 310

XXIII, 2000, 1

Immanuel Wallerstein, Introduction, p. 1
Y. Eyüp Özveren, Shipbuilding, 1590-1790, p. 15
Sheila Pelizzon, Grain Flour, 1590-1790, p. 87
Immanuel Wallerstein, Next Steps, p. 197

Abstracts, p. 202

a. XXII, 1999, 4

S. Amin, Post-Maoist China: A Comparison with Post-Communist Russia, p. 375
P. Sarkar, Are Poor Countries Coming Closer to the Rich? Caribbean Migrants to Core Zones, p. 387

R. Grosfoguel, Introduction: “Cultural Racism” and Colonial Caribbean Migrants in Core Zones of the Capitalist World-Economy, pag. 409
M. Giraud, Les migrations guadaloupéenne et martiniquaise en France métropolitaine, p. 435
Ph. Nanton, Migration Dynamics: Great Britain and the Caribbean, pag. 449
L. Sansone, Small Places, Large Migrations: Notes on the Specificity of the Population of Surinamese and Antillean Origin in the Netherlands, pag. 471
R. Grosfoguel, Puerto Ricans in the United States: A Comparative Approach, p. 503

Notes on Authors, p. 523
Abstracts, p. 525

a. XXII, 1999, 3

E. Rata, The Theory of Neotribal Capitalism, p. 231

S. Amin, History Conceived as an Eternal Cycle, p. 291
G. Arrighi, The World According to Andre Gunder Frank, p. 327
I. Wallerstein, Frank Proves the European Miracle, p. 355

Notes on Authors, p. 373
Abstracts, p. 374

a. XXII, 1999, 2

J. de Vries, Great Expectations: Early Modern History and the Social Sciences, p. 121
A. Dirlik, Place-based Imagination: Globalism and the Politics of Place, p. 151
M. González Arencibia, Alternativas de Desarollo, Frente a la Globalización Capitalista y al Derrumbe del “Socialismo Reale”: Opciones para Cuba, p. 189

Notes on Authors, p. 227
Abstracts, p. 228

a. XXII, 1999, 1

M. Ceruti, Narrative Elements: A New Common Feature Between the Sciences of Nature and the Sciences of Societies, pag. 1
L. Birken, Chaos Theory and “Western Civilization”, pag. 17
J. Mac Laughlin, European Gypsies and the Historical Geography of Loathing, p. 31
C.A. Aguirre Rojas, La vision braudelienne sur le capitalisme antérieur à la Révolution Industrielle, pag. 61
S. Sherman, Hegemonic Transitions and the Dynamics of Cultural Change, p. 87

Notes on Authors, p. 118
Abstracts, p. 119

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a. XXI, 1998, 4

I. Wallerstein, Introduction, p. 387
W. Czajkowski, Marx’s Paradigm – A Paradigm to Be (Re) discovered?, or How Marx Could Help Us to Construct Unitarian Theories of History, p. 389
Y. Eyüp Özveren, An Institutionalist Alternative to Neoclassical Economics?, pag.469

Notes on Authors, p. 531
Abstracts, p. 532

a. XXI, 1998, 3

I. Wallerstein, Introduction, p. 251
P. Banerjee, The Disciplinary Triplet of “Social Sciences”: An Indian Response, p. 253
W. Zhengyi, Inherit or Transfer? A Dilemma in Reconstructing Chinese Social Reality, p. 327

Erratum XX, 3/4, p. 383
Notes on Authors, p. 384
Abstracts, p. 385

a. XXI, 1998, 2

I. Ekeland, What is Chaos Theory?, p. 137
P. Vilar, Reflections on the Notion of “Peasant Economy”, pag.151

W. H. McNeill, Crossing Barriers of Language, pag.193
S. Brucan, Communism versus Capitalism: A False Issue, pag.201
S. Amin, La Russie dans le système mondial: Géographie ou histoire?, p. 207
M. Fuchs, H.-H. Nolte, Russia and the West: The New Debate on the Uniqueness of Cultures, p. 221

Notes on Authors, p. 246
Abstracts, p. 247

a. XXI, 1998, 1

D. Straussfogel, How Many World-Systems? A Contribution to the Continuationist/Transformationist Debate, p. 1
M. C. Forte, Globalization and World-Systems Analysis: Toward New Paradigms of a Geo-Historical Social Anthropology (A Research Review), pag. 29

I. Wallerstein, The Rise and Future Demise of World-Systems Analysis, p. 103
G. Arrighi, Capitalism and the Modern World-System: Rethinking the Non-Debates of the 1970’s, pag.113

Notes on Authors, p. 130
Abstracts, p. 131

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a. XX, 1997, 3/4

I. Wallerstein, Introduction, p. 277
U. Strohmayer, The Displaced, Deferred or was it Abandoned Middle: Another Look at the Idiographic-Nomothetic Distinction in the German Social Sciences, p. 279
A. Foursov, Social Times, Social Spaces, and Their Dilemmas: Ideology “In One Country”, pag. 345
Keong-il Kim, Genealogy of the Idiographic vs. the Nomothetic Disciplines: The Case of History and Sociology in the United States, p. 465
R. Grosfoguel, A TimeSpace Perspective on Development: Recasting Latin American Debates, p. 465

Notes on Authors, p. 541
Abstracts, p. 543

a. XX, 1997, 2

F. Moretti, Narrative Markets, ca. 1850, p. 151
R. Sosa Elizaga, Social Sciences in Latin America: From the Neoliberal Deluge to the End of the Century Merchant Capitalism, pag. 175

J. Luiten van Zanden, Synopsis of Book: The Rise and Decline of Holland’s Economy: Merchant Capitalism and the Labour Market, pag. 189
A. Knotter, A New Theory of Merchant Capitalism?, pag. 193
C. Lis, H. Soly, Different Paths of Development: Capitalism in the Northern and Southern Netherlands during the Late Middle Ages and Early Modern Period, p. 211
I. Wallerstein, Merchant, Dutch, or Historical Capitalism?, pag. 243
J. Luiten van Zanden, Do We Need a Theory of Merchant Capitalism?, pag.255
A. Knotter, Afterword: Parasitory and Dynamic Elements in Merchant Capitalism, p. 269

Notes on Authors, p. 271
Abstracts, p. 272

a. XX, 1997, 1

P. J. Taylor, Modernities and Movements: Antisystemic Reactions to World Hegemony, p. 1
A. Kumar Bagchi, Contested Hegemonies and Laissez-Faire: Controversies over the Monetary Standard in India at the High Noon of the British Empire, p. 19
Y. Eyüp Özveren, A Framework for the Study of the Black Sea World, 1789-1915, p. 77
R. Grosfoguel, Migration and Geopolitics in the Greater Antilles: From the Cold War to the Post-Cold War, p. 115

Notes on Authors, p. 146
Abstracts, p. 147

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a. XIX, 1996, 4

W. A. Dunaway, The Incorporation of Mountain Ecosystems into the Capitalist World-System, pag.355
R. F. Bulman, Discerning Major Shifts in the World-System — Some Help From Theology?, p. 383
S. P. Thakur, Note on International Trade and the Political Economy of State Formation in South Asia: A Long Wave?, pag. 401
J. Arn, Third World Urbanization and the Creation of A Relative Surplus Population: A History of Accra, Ghana to 1980, pag. 413
J.-M. Berthelot, La dynamique pluriculturelle dans la construction de la sociologie et l’aporie du relativisme, p. 445 Notes on Authors, p. 464
Abstracts, p. 467

a. XIX, 1996, 3

A. Dirlik, Social Formations in Representations of the Past: The Case of “Feudalism” in Twentieth-Century Chinese Historiography, p. 227
R. Arvind Palat, Fragmented Visions: Excavating the Future of Area Studies in a Post-American World, p. 269

W. Warren Wagar, Socialism, Nationalism, and Ecocide, pag. 319
G. Arrighi, Workers of the World at Century’s End, pag. 335

Notes on Authors, p. 352
Abstracts, p. 353

a. XIX, 1996, 2

A. Foursov, Communism, Capitalism, and the Bells of History, pag.103
R. Grosfoguel, From Cepalismo to Neoliberalism: A World-Systems Approach to Conceptual Shifts in Latin America, p. 131
R. Tardanico, From Crisis to Restructuring: The Nexus of Global and National Change in the Costa Rican Labor Market, pag. 155
K. Tsokhas, War, Industrialization, and State Intervention in the Semiperiphery: The Australian Case, p. 197

Notes on Authors, p. 224
Abstracts, p. 225

a. XIX, 1996, 1

I. Prigogine, The Laws of Chaos, p. 1
I. Wallerstein, History in Search of Science, p. 11
F. Tabak, Ars Longa, Vita Brevis? A Geohistorical Perspective on Pax Mongolica, p. 23
S. Ikeda, The History of the Capitalist World-System vs. the History of East-Southeast Asia, p. 49
M. Murteira, The Transition from Central Planning to Market Economy: An International Comparison, p. 79

Notes on Authors, p. 99
Abstracts, p. 100