Scandinavian Economic History Review DATINI

Scandinavian Economic History Review

København, The Scandinavian Society for Economic and Social History
ISSN: 0358-5522
Conservata in: Prato, Fondazione Istituto Internazionale di Storia Economica “F. Datini”, Coll: Riv. 64
Consistenza: v. 49, 2001, 1-v. 56, 2008, 3

Conservata in: Università degli Studi di Firenze, Biblioteca di Scienze Sociali
Punto di servizio: Economia; Riv. str. 0273
Consistenza: v. 1, 1953, 1-

[ 2030-2021 ] [ 2020-2011 ] [ 2010-2001 ] [ 2000-1991 ] [ 1990-1981 ] [ 1980-1971 ] [ 1970-1961 ] [ 1960-1953 ]

copertina della rivista

v. 68, 2020, 3

Susanna Fellman, Martin Shanahan, Beyond the market: broader perspectives in cartel research, p. 195
Robrecht Declercq, Forging cartels. A transatlantic perspective on business collusion and the interwar copper industry (1918-1940), p. 204
Harald Espeli, Insurance cartels and state policies in Norway, 1870s-1990s, p. 222
Malin Dahlström, The foundations of cooperation: building cartels in the Nordic cement industry and beyond, 1890-1947, p. 239
Birgit Karlsson, Two cartel regimes. Swedish paper cartels and the EEC in the 1970s, p. 254
Ana Rosado-Cubero, Angel Martínez-Soto, A history of the sugar and cement cartels in twentieth-century Spain, p. 270
Päl Thonstad Sandvik, Espen Storli, The quest for a non-competitive market: Standard oil, the international oil industry and the Scandinavian states, 1890-1939, p. 289

v. 68, 2020, 2

Erik Bengtsson, Svante Prado, The rise of the middle class: the income gap between salaried employees and workers in Sweden, ca. 1830-1940, p. 91
Kathryn E. Gary, Mats Olsson, Men at work. Wages and industriousness in southern Sweden 1500-1850, p. 112
Ola Honningdal Grytten, Revising price history: consumer price index for Norway 1492-2018, p. 129
Sakari Heikkinen, Christer Lundh, Sticky Swedes and flexible Finns: manufacturing labour markets in Finland and Sweden during the Great Depression, p. 145
Magnus Henrekson, Dan Johansson, Mikael Stenkula, The rise and decline of industrial foundations as controlling owners of Swedish listed firms: the role of tax incentives, p. 170

v. 68, 2020, 1

Paolo Di Martino, Emanuele Felice, Michelangelo Vasta, A tale of two Italies: ‘access-orders’ and the Italian regional divide, p. 1
Jakob Molinder, Martin Söderhäll, Did industrialisation lead to segregation in cities of the nineteenth century? The case of Uppsala 1880-1900, p. 23
David E. Andersson, Matti La Mela, Nordic networks: patent agents and the business of technology intermediation in Sweden and Finland, 1860-1910, p. 45
Vincent Geloso, Collusion and combines in Canada, 1880-1890, p. 66

v. 67, 2019, 3

Erik Bengtsson, Anna Missiaia, Ilkka Nummela, Mats Olsson, Unequal poverty and equal industrialisation: Finnish wealth, 1750-1900, p. 229
Kristoffer Collin, Christer Lundh, Svante Prado, Exploring regional wage dispersion in Swedish manufacturing, 1860-2009, p. 249
Elena Kochetkova, Pavel Pokidko, Soviet industrial production and waste dispersal: a case study of pulp and paper plants on the Karelian Isthmus, 1940s-1980s, p. 269
Nadia Fernàndez-de-Pinedo, Félix-Fernando Muñoz, Visualising defence and war in economic history journals (1989-2018), p. 283
Mats Morell, Martin Söderhäll, Smallholders’ and large estates’ reaction to changed market conditions 1860-1910, p. 312

v. 67, 2019, 2

Francisco J. Beltran Tapia, Espen Ekberg, Editorial, p. 115

Hamid Raza, Gylfi Zoega, Stephen Kinsella, Exploring the effects of capital mobility on the saving-investment nexus: evidence from Icelandic historical data, p. 117
Peter Håkansson, Anders Nilsson, Getting a job when times are bad: recruitment practices in Sweden before, during and after the Great Recession, p. 132
Avni Önder Hanedar, Hatice Gaye Gencer, Sercan Demiralay, Ismail Altay, The Ottoman dissolution and the Istanbul bourse between war and peace: a foreign exchange market perspective on the Great War, p. 154
Hans Sjögren, Martin Jes Iversen, The state as the investor of last resort: a comparative study of banking crises in Denmark and Sweden, p. 171
Kristin Ranestad, Copper trade and production of copper, brass and bronze goods in the Oldenburg monarchy: copperworks and copper users in the eighteenth century, p. 190
Pierre-Yves Donzé, Ben Wubs, Global competition and cooperation in the electronics industry: the case of X-ray equipment, 1900-1970, p. 210

Book review, p. 226

v. 67, 2019, 1

Jari Ojala, Tiina Hemminki, Pasi Nevalainen, Increase in diversity: Nordic dissertations 2014-2018, p. 4

Sandra Hellstrand, Perceptions of the economics of apprenticeship in Sweden c. 1900, p. 12
Cristián Ducoing, Ben Gales, Rick Hölsgens, María del Mar Rubio-Varas, Energy and machines. Energy capital ratios in Europe and Latin America. 1875-1970, p. 31
Astrid Kander, Josef Taalbi, Juha Oksanen, Karolin Sjöö, Nina Rilla, Innovation trends and industrial renewal in Finland and Sweden 1970-2013, p. 47
Sibylle Lehmann-Hasemeyer, Alexander Opitz, The value of active politicians on supervisory boards: evidence from the Berlin stock exchange and the parliament in interwar Germany, p. 71
Simon Ville, Olav Wicken, John Dean, Dynamic paths of innovation in natural resource industries in Australia and Norway since World War Two, p. 90

Book review, p. 110

v. 66, 2018, 3

Camilla Brautaset, Jari Ojala, Research on international trade and transport – a generational shift?, p. 223

Rodney Edvinsson, Christoffer Tarek Gad, Assessing trade in the mercantilist era: evidence from a new database on foreign trade of Sweden – Finland, 1738-1805, p. 226
Manish Kumar, A method for estimating the volume of Baltic timber products exported through the Sound and its application to Portugal, 1669-1815, p. 246
Hannes Vinnal, Cost-distance ratio in change: transmission rates of commercial correspondence in the North and Baltic Sea region, 1732-1808, p. 264
Tim Leunig, Jelle van Lottum, Bo Poulsen, Surprisingly gentle confinement: British treatment of Danish and Norwegian prisoners of war during the napoleonic wars, p. 282
Henric Häggqvist, Foreign trade as fiscal policy: tariff setting and customs revenue in Sweden, 1830-1913, p. 298

Book review, p. 317

v. 66, 2018, 2

Paul Sharp, Editorial, p. 125

Tristan Jacques, Fredrik Sandgren, Retail Trade, Consumption, and the Construction of Markets, p. 127

Johanna Wassholm, Anna Sundelin, Emotions, trading practices and communication in transnational itinerant trade: encounters between ‘Rucksack Russians’ and their customers in the late nineteenth- and early twentieth-century Finland, p. 132
Klara Arnberg, Beyond Mrs consumer: competing femininities in Swedish advertising trade publications, 1900-1939, p. 153
Espen Ekberg, Kristoffer Jensen, The non-globalisation of modern food retailing: the case of the failed Coop Norden merger, p. 170
Thomas Victor Conti, Mercantilism: a materialist approach, p. 186
Carsten Porskrog Rasmussen, Manors and states: the distribution and structure of private manors in early modern Scandinavia and their relation to state policies, p. 201

Book review, p. 219
Call for paper, p. 221

v. 66, 2018, 1

Jari Ojala, Tiina Hemminki, Pasi Nevalainen, Dissertations in economic and business history in Nordic countries in 2016, p. 1

Espen Ekberg, Martin Jes Iversen, Time for a Nordic business history initiative?, p. 9

Magnus Lindmark, Fredrik Olsson Spjut, From organic to fossil and in-between: new estimates of energy consumption in the Swedish manufacturing industry during 1800-1913, p. 18
Svante Prado, Joacim Waara, Missed the starting gun! Wage compression and the rise of the Swedish model in the labour market, p. 34
Johan Svanberg, Migration at the multi-level intersection of industrial relations: the Schleswig-Holstein Campaign and the Swedish garment industry in the early 1950s, p. 54
Karlo Kauko, Did taxes, decrees or credibility drive money? Early nineteenth century Finland from a chartalist perspective, p. 73
Jakob Molinder, Why did Swedish regional net migration rates fall in the 1970s? The role of policy changes versus structural change, 1945-1985, p. 91

Book review, p. 116

v. 65, 2017, 3

Jari Ojala, Editorial, p. 223

Erik Lakomaa, The history of business and war: introduction, p. 224

Luca Mocarelli, Giulio Ongaro, Weapons’ production in the Republic of Venice in the Early Modern period: the manufacturing centre of Brescia between military needs and economic equilibrium, p. 231
Gjermund Forfang Rongved, The Gold War: the dissolution of the Scandinavian Currency Union during the First World War, p. 243
Nathan Delaney, The Great War and the transformation of the Atlantic copper trade, p. 263
Maiju Wuokko, Business in the battle of ideas, 1945-1991: conclusions from the Finnish case, p. 279
Davíd F. Björnsson, Gylfi Zoega, Seasonality of birth rates in agricultural Iceland, p. 294
Hanna Vikström, Per Högselius, Dag Avango, Swedish steel and global resource colonialism: Sandviken’s quest for Turkish chromium, 1925-1950, p. 307

v. 65, 2017, 2

Jari Ojala, Editor’s note, p. 113

Deirdre Nansen McCloskey, Neo-institutionalism is not yet a scientific success: a reply to Barry Weingast, p. 116
Erik Ringmar, Comments on McCloskey and Weingast, p. 124
Adnan Türegün, Revisiting Sweden’s response to the Great Depression of the 1930s: economic policy in a regional context, p. 127
Erik Bengtsson, Jakob Molinder, The economic effects of the 1920 eight-hour working day reform in Sweden, p. 149
Rodney Edvinsson, Therese Nordlund Edvinsson, Explaining the Swedish ‘housewife era’ of 1930-1970: joint utility maximisation or renewed patriarchy?, p. 169
Roger Svensson, The search for seignorage: periodic re-coinage in medieval Sweden, p. 189
Magnus Bohman, Deal with it! The emergence and reversal of an agro-ecological crisis, Southern Sweden in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, p. 206

v. 65, 2017, 1

Alfred Reckendrees, Economic history in times of transition, p. 1

Lars Fredrik Andersson, Liselotte Eriksson, Sickness absence in compulsory and voluntary health insurance: the case of Sweden at the turn of the twentieth century, p. 6
Johannes Hagen, Pension principles in the Swedish pension system, p. 28
Lawrence Stryker, The King’s currency: Gustav II Adolf and the copper standard (1619-1632), p. 52
Mats Hallenberg, Magnus Linnarsson, The quest for publicness: political conflict about the organisation of tramways and telecommunication in Sweden, c. 1900-1920, p. 70
Juha Sahi, Most-favoured-nation treaty in service of trade? Case: early trade policy relations between Finland and Japan and their impact on the sales networks of the Finnish forest industry, p. 88

v. 64, 2016, 3

Jari Ojala, Tiina Hemminki, Pasi Nevalainen, Defending dissertations on economic history, p. 179

Barry R. Weingast, Exposing the neoclassical fallacy: McCloskey on ideas and the great enrichment, p. 189
Rodney Edvinsson, Testing the demand approach to reconstruct pre-industrial agricultural output, p. 202
John A. Dove, U.S. state fiscal constraints and railroad development through the nineteenth century, p. 243
Karolin Sjöö, Innovation and industrial renewal in Sweden, 1970-2007, p. 258
Lars Fredrik Andersson, Ann-Kristin Bergquist, Rikard Eriksson, Profits, dividends and industry restructuring: the Swedish paper and pulp industry between 1945 and 1977, p. 278

v. 64, 2016, 2

Camilla Brautaset, Jari Ojala, Business as usual, p. 81

Alexander Sohn, Poor university professors? The relative earnings decline of German professors during the twentieth century, p. 84
Naomi R. Lamoreaux, Corporate governance and the expansion of the democratic franchise: beyond cross-country regressions, p. 103
Magnus Lindmark, Lars Fredrik Andersson, An historical wealth assessment – measuring the Swedish national wealth for the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, p. 122
Giacomo Domini, The innovation-trade nexus: Italy in historical perspective (1861-1939), p. 138
Einar Lie, Eivind Thomassen, A Norwegian fixation: explaining cheap money in Norway, 1945-1986, p. 160

v. 64, 2016, 1

Jari Ojala, Alfred Reckendrees, Towards debate and open conversation, p. 1

Deirdre Nansen McCloskey, The great enrichment: a humanistic and social scientific account, p. 6
Staffan Albinsson, A salary bass: a study of bassists’ earnings in the Royal Swedish Opera, 1799-1980, p. 19
Daniel Waldenström, The national wealth of Sweden, 1810-2014, p. 36
Mats Olsson, Patrick Svensson, The landlord lag – productivity on peasant farms and landlord demesnes during the agricultural revolution in Sweden 1700-1860, p. 55

v. 63, 2015, 3

Jari Ojala, Knut Sogner, Re-collaborating in the Nordic economic history research community, p. 213
Marten Seppel, Feeding the motherland: grain exports from the Swedish Baltic provinces during the Great Famine of 1696-1697, p. 215
Miikka Voutilainen, Malthusian checks in pre-industrial Sweden and Finland: a comparative analysis of the demographic regimes, p. 235
Serge Svizzero, The long-term decline in terms of trade and the neolithisation of Northern Europe, p. 260
Pieter Woltjer, Taking over: a new appraisal of the Anglo-American productivity gap and the nature of American economic leadership ca. 1910, p. 280
Lars Ahnland, Private debt in Sweden in 1900-2013 and the risk of financial crisis, p. 302

v. 63, 2015, 2

Jari Ojala, Editorial, p. 107

Joerg Baten, Stefan Priwitzer, Social and intertemporal differences of basic numeracy in Pannonia (first century BCE to third century CE), p. 110
Johan Söderberg, Oceanic thirst? Food consumption in mediaeval Sweden, p. 135
Dan Johansson, Mikael Stenkula, Gunnar Du Rietz, Capital income taxation of Swedish households, 1862-2010, p. 154
Karl Stern, Implementation of non-tariff measures in Estonia in the 1930s, p. 178

v. 63, 2015, 1

David S. Adams, Contemporary perceptions of the First World War reflected in the capital markets, p. 1
Björn L. Basberg, Amateur or professional? A new look at nineteenth-century patentees in Norway, p. 24
Elina Kuorelahti, Boom, depression and cartelisation: Swedish and Finnish timber export industry 1918-1921, p. 45
Martin Uebele, Daniel Gallardo-Albarrán, Paving the way to modernity: Prussian roads and grain market integration in Westphalia, 1821-1855, p. 69
Ian Peter Grohse, Cities of commerce: the institutional foundations of international trade in the Low Countries, 1250-1650, p. 95
Mats Ingulstad, Alan S. Milward and a century of European change, p. 98
Hanna Lindberg, Den tillfälliga husmodern. Hemvårdarinnekåren i Sverige 1940-1960, p. 100

Alfred Reckendrees, Jacob Weisdorf, Scandinavian Economic History Review 2011-2014: a report, p. 102

v. 62, 2014, 3

Marc Flandreau, Gabriel Geisler Mesevage, The separation of information and lending and the rise of rating agencies in the USA (1841-1907), p. 213
Jan Kunnas, Eoin McLaughlin, Nick Hanley, David Greasley, Les Oxley, Paul Warde, Counting carbon: historic emissions from fossil fuels, long-run measures of sustainable development and carbon debt, p. 243
Matti La Mela, Property rights in conflict: wild berry-picking and the Nordic tradition of allemansrätt, p. 266
Erik Bengtsson, Labour’s share in twentieth-century Sweden: a reinterpretation, p. 290

v. 62, 2014, 2

Gregory Clark, Kevin Hjortshøj O’Rourke, Alan M. Taylor, The growing dependence of Britain on trade during the Industrial Revolution, p. 109
Svenja Gärtner, German stagnation versus Swedish progression: gender wage gaps in comparison, 1960-2006, p. 137
Mikael Stenkula, Dan Johansson, Gunnar Du Rietz, Marginal taxation on labour income in Sweden from 1862 to 2010, p. 163
Harald Espeli, ‘Cooperation on a purely matter-of-fact basis’: the Norwegian central bank and its relationship to the German supervisory authority during the occupation, 1940-1945, p. 188

v. 62, 2014, 1


Marco H.D. van Leeuwen, Elise van Nederveen Meerkerk, Lex Heerma van Voss, Provisions for the elderly in north-western Europe: an international comparison of almshouses, sixteenth-twentieth centuries, p. 1
Henk Looijesteijn, Marco H.D. van Leeuwen, Founding large charities and community building in the Dutch Republic, c. 1600-1800, p. 17
Nigel Goose, Accommodating the elderly poor: almshouses and the mixed economy of welfare in England in the second millennium, p. 35
Peter Wessel Hansen, Honourable dwellings: almshouses as estate-consistent charity in Copenhagen, c. 1700-1850, p. 58
Ida Bull, ‘All of my remaining property I donate to the poor…’: institutions for the poor in Norwegian cities during the eighteenth century, p. 75

Book Reviews, p. 94

v. 61, 2013, 3

Anders Ravn Sörensen, Monetary romanticism: nationalist rhetoric and monetary organisation in nineteenth-century Denmark, p. 209
Christer Lundh, Was there an urban-rural consumption gap? The standard of living of workers in southern Sweden, 1914-1920, p. 233
Carlo Ciccarelli, Tommaso Proietti, Patterns of industrial specialisation in post-Unification Italy, p. 259
Pedro Lains, Ester Gomes da Silva, Jordi Guilera, Wage inequality in a developing open economy: Portugal, 1944-1984, p. 287

Book Reviews, p. 312

v. 61, 2013, 2

Jonas Ljungberg, Lennart Schön, Domestic markets and international integration: paths to industrialisation in the Nordic countries, p. 101
Florian Ploeckl, Local convergence: Baden 1829-1847, p. 122
Concha Betrán, Maria A. Pons, Comparing past and present wage inequality in two globalisation periods, p. 140
Paul Caruana-Galizia, Jordi Martí-Henneberg, European regional railways and real income, 1870-1910: a preliminary report, p. 167

Book Reviews, p. 197

v. 61, 2013, 1

Joel Mokyr, Cultural entrepreneurs and the origins of modern economic growth, p. 1
Stefan Houpt, Productivity and transition in Swedish iron and steel, 1870-1940, p. 34
örjan Simonson, Information costs and commercial integration. The impact of the 1692 Swedish postage tariff, p. 60
Johan Söderberg, Resistance to commodification: farmland prices and rents in Sweden, 1274-1649, p. 82

Acknowledgements, p. 100

v. 60, 2012, 3

Alfred Reckendrees, Jacob Weisdorf, Editor’s Note, p. 223

Geoffrey Jones, Marco H.D. van Leeuwen, Stephen Broadberry, The future of economic, business, and social history, p. 225
Thor Berger, Kerstin Enflo, Martin Henning, Geographical location and urbanisation of the Swedish manufacturing industry, 1900-1960: evidence from a new database, p. 290
Livio Di Matteo, Land and inequality in Canada 1870-1930, p. 309

v. 60, 2012, 2

Jacob Weisdorf, Alfred Reckendrees, Editor’s Note, p. 121

Christer Lundh, Wage forms, costs of living and the urban-rural wage gap: Southern Sweden, 1881-1930, p. 123
Harm G. Schröter, Easy prey? Firms based in small nations and international cartels, 1919-1939, p. 146
Eric B. Golson, Did Swedish ball bearings keep the Second World War going? Re-evaluating neutral Sweden’s role, p. 165
Kristina Söderholm, Ann-Kristin Bergquist, Firm collaboration and environmental adaptation. The case of the Swedish pulp and paper industry 1900-1990, p. 183

v. 60, 2012, 1

Alfred Reckendrees, Jacob Weisdorf, Editor’s Note, p. 1

Ulf Nielsson, Bjarni K. Torfason, Iceland’s economic eruption and meltdown, p. 3
Dan-Olof Rooth, Kirk Scott, Three generations in the New World: labour market outcomes of Swedish Americans in the USA, 1880-2000, p. 31
Kim Abildgren, Business cycles and shocks to financial stability: empirical evidence from a new set of Danish quarterly national accounts 1948-2010, p. 50
Stephen Broadberry, Alexander Klein, Aggregate and per capita GDP in Europe, 1870-2000: continental, regional and national data with changing boundaries, p. 79

v. 59, 2011, 3

Alfred Reckendrees, Jacob Weisdorf, Editor’s Note, p. 211

Maria Stanfors, Tobias Karlsson, Gender, occupation, or workplace: what mattered for the gender gap in the Swedish tobacco industry?, p. 214
Päl Thonstad Sandvik, Espen Storli, Confronting market power: Norway and international cartels and trusts, 1919-39, p. 232
Rodney Edvinsson, Johan Söderberg, Prices and the growth of the knowledge economy in Sweden and Western Europe before the industrial revolution, p. 250
Rosemarie Fiebranz, Erik Lindberg, Jonas Lindström, Maria Ågren, Making verbs count: the research project ‘Gender and Work’ and its methodology, p. 273

v. 59, 2011, 2

Alfred Reckendrees, Jacob Weisdorf, Editor’s Note, p. 99

Sakari Saaritsa, The poverty of solidarity: the size and structure of informal income smoothing among worker households in Helsinki, 1928, p. 102
Markus Lampe, Paul Sharp, Something rational in the state of Denmark? The case of an outsider in the Cobden-Chevalier network, 1860-1875, p. 128
Christine Myrvang, Organising affluence: the Norwegian Consumer Council and comparative product testing in the 1950s and 1960s. Technocratic roots and practices, p. 149
Rodney Edvinsson, Inflation before paper money: debasement cycles in Sweden-Finland 1350-1594, p. 166

v. 59, 2011, 1

Lars Magnusson, Mats Morell, Editor’s Note, p. 1

Steen Andersen, Between imperative and risk. The case of Christiani, Nielsen’s market entry in Norway 1941-45, p. 3
Harald Edquist, Parallel development? Productivity growth following the diffusion of electric motors and ICT, p. 29
Bruce R. Dalgaard, Magne Supphellen, Entrepreneurship in Norway’s economic and religious nineteenth-century transformation, p. 48
Jelle van Lottum, Bo Poulsen, Estimating levels of numeracy and literacy in the maritime sector of the North Atlantic in the late eighteenth century, p. 67