Scottish Economic & Social History DATINI

Scottish Economic & Social History

Edinburgh, Economic and Social History Society of Scotland
Annuale; dal 1997 semestrale

dal 2004 (a. 24): Journal of Scottish Historical Studies

ISSN: 0269-5030
Conservata in: Prato, Fondazione Istituto Internazionale di Storia Economica « F. Datini », Coll: Riv. 76
Consistenza: a. 13, 1993-a. 23, 2003, 2

[ 2003-2001 ] [ 2000-1993 ]

copertina della rivista

v. 23, 2003, 2

Stuart Macdonald, Enemies of God Revisited: Recent Publications on Scottish Witch-hunting, p. 65
Annette Carruthers, House Museums and Domestic Life Displaus in Scotland, p. 85
Kirsty Lingstadt, Scotland’s Black Diamonds: Heritage, Education, Entertainment and Commercialism, p. 99

Review Essay, p. 112
Reviews, p. 119

v. 23, 2003, 1

W. Hamish Fraser, Rosalind Mitchison (1919-2002) and John Butt (1929-2002): An Appreciation, p. 1
Andrew Bain, The Beginnings of Democratic Control of Local Education in Scotland, p. 7
R. Guerriero-Wilson, Women and the Scottish Clerks’ Association: From Contempt to Collegiality, p. 26
The Biographical Dictionary of Scottish Women, p. 43

Reviews, p. 48

v. 22, 2002, 2

Arthur McIvor, Ronnie Johnston, Voices from the Pits: Health and Safety in Scottish Coal Mining Since 1945, p. 111
Michael French, Jim Phillips, Food Safety Regimes in Scotland, 1899-1914, p. 134
K. J. James, A View from Across the Irish Sea: Margaret Irwin and the Sweating Question in Ulster, p. 158

Reviews, p. 168

v. 22, 2002, 1

Ian Levitt, Scottish Papers Submitted to the Cabinet, 1966-70: a Guide to Records held at the Public Record Office (with Addendum, 1964-66), p. 1
Murray Watson, The English Diaspora: Discovering Scotland’s Invisible Migrants – 1945 to 2000, p. 23
Sarah Pedersen, A Surfeit of Socks? The Impact of the First World War on Women Correspondents to Daily Newspapers, p. 50

Reviews, p. 73

v. 21, 2001, 2

Kathryn L. Moore, The Northeast of Scotland’s Coastal Tranding Links Towards the End of the nineteenth Century, p. 95
Lorraine Peters, Paisley and the Cotton Famine of 1862-1863, p. 121
Kay Blackwell, Women on Red Clydeside: The invisibile Workforce Debite, p. 140

Reviews, p. 163

v. 21, 2001, 1

James R. Coull, Fishery Development in Scotland in the Eighteenth Century, p. 1
W Douglas Jones, ‘The Bold Adventurers’: A Quantitative Analysis of the Darien Subscription List (1696), p. 22
John Steward, ‘The most precious possession of a nation is its children’: The Clyde Committee on Homeless Children in Scotland, p. 43

Reviews, p. 67