“Prices and Standards of Living”

Prato Prato, PO, Italy

Call for papers: The focus of the seminar are prices and their influence on standards of living in past economies and societies. Its aim is to investigate the influence of prices on living conditions. Attention will be devoted to the influence of prices on incomes, inequality, poverty and then everyday living standards both in the short and long run; without any chronological constraint.

“Natural Resources and Environment”

Prato Prato, PO, Italy

Call for papers: The focus of the 2017 seminar is the exploitation of Natural Resources and Environment in past and modern economies and societies. Its aim is to investigate the influence of natural resources and environmental changes on the economy of past and present societies. Attention was devoted to the exploitation of land, mineral resources, energy carriers, water and to climatic changes both in the short and long run.

“Global Exchanges and Maritime Trades”

Prato Prato, PO, Italy

Call for papers: The focus of the 2018 seminar is the formation and development of maritime exchanges. Its aim is to investigate the influence of trades and connections by sea on the integration of past and present economies, societies and cultures. Attention will be devoted to the exchanges, their techniques, institutions, periods of growth and decline and their geography. Papers could cover any period from Antiquity till today.

“Income, Wealth, Inequality”

Prato Prato, PO, Italy

Call for papers: The focus of the 2019 seminar is the level, structure, evolution of income and wealth and their distribution among social classes, families, individuals and among nations. Its aim is to investigate the structure of income and wealth in past and present societies and the inequalities both within and between countries. Attention is be devoted to the forms of income (wages, interests, profits, rents) and wealth (both real and financial assets), their changes in time and the influence of the institutions on their distribution.

Annulé(e) “Consumption”

Prato Prato, PO, Italy

Call for papers: The focus of the 2020 seminar is consumption. The aims are: consumption by households, its share in total income, its structure and the role of fashion and cultures in shaping it; in addition, the commercial strategies employed to sell luxury products and how these stimulated demand; so as Taste, distinction, habit, and peer pressure as these provide an opportunity to discuss ideas about personal and social capital in history. Finally questions about the importance of durable and non-durable goods addressed together with geographical differences in consumption and the underlying causes.

“Economic Innovations”

Prato Prato, PO, Italy

Call for papers: The 2022 Datini-Ester seminar deals with Economic Innovations; that is the effects on the productivity and efficiency of the economic system deriving from changes in the mix of the inputs. Our purpose is to clarify the role of technical and institutional changes in different economies and discuss the possibility of measuring their effects on gross product.

“Economic Exchanges”

Prato Prato, PO, Italy

Call for papers: The 2023 Datini-Ester seminar deals with Economic Exchanges. The aims are encourage research on the exchange of goods and services, on the role of markets, monies, trade, transaction costs and institutional contexts, which might foster market integration or, alternatively, constrain economic performance. Purpose is to clarify the role of the economic exchange and market in past economies.

“Social and geographic mobility”

Prato Prato, PO, Italy

Call for papers: The 2024 Datini-Ester seminar deals with Social and geographic mobility. The aims are encourage research on social and socio-economic mobility (both upward and downward) in different historical contexts, as well as on geographic mobility, that is migration (short- or long-distance). As is well known, across human history geographic mobility has often played a major role in shaping patterns of socio-economic mobility. Purpose is to clarify the determinants, the extent and the final consequences of mobility in different periods, across entire societies or regarding specific social groups.