The American Historical Review DATINI

American Historical Review

Washington, American Historical Association
ISSN: 0002-8762
Rivista on line all’indirizzo web:

Conservata in: Università degli Studi di Firenze, Biblioteca di Scienze Sociali
Punto di servizio: Scienze Politiche, Riv. Straniere 0011
Consistenza: a. 26, 1920/21-
Lacune: a. 91, 1986, 5; a. 106, 2001, 6; a. 110, 2005, 2

[ 2030-2021 ] [ 2020-2011 ] [ 2010-2001 ] [ 2000-1996 ] [ 1995-1991 ] [ 1990-1986 ] [ 1985-1981 ] [ 1980-1975 ]

copertina della rivista

a. 100, 1995, 5

Luise White, « They Could Make Their Victims Dull »: Genders and Genres, Fantasies and Cures in Colonial Southern Uganda, p. 1379
David A. Bell, Lingua Populi, Lingua Dei: Language, Religion, and the Origins of French Revolutionary Nationalism, p. 1403
Diane P. Koenker, Men against Women on the Shop Floor in Early Soviet Russia: Gender and Class in the Socialist Workplace, p. 1438
Regina Kunzel, Pulp Fictions and Problem Girls: Reading and Rewriting Single Pregnancy in the Postwar United States, p. 1465

Michael Kazin, The Agony and Romance of the American Left, p. 1488

Featured reviews, p. 1513
Reviews of books, p. 1517
Collected essays, p. 1738
Documents and bibliographies, p. 1752
Other book received, p. 1755
Communications, p. 1765

a. 100, 1995, 4

David L. Ransel, Summing Up, p. 1009
Walter Lafeber, The World and the United States, p. 1015
Michael Geyer, Charles Bright, World History in a Global Age, p. 1034
Robin Fleming, Picturesque History and the Medieval in Nineteenth-Century America, p. 1061
Edward Muir, The Italian Renaissance in America, p. 1095
Lynn Hunt, Forgetting and Remembering: The French Revolution Then and Now, p. 1119
Terence Emmons, Russia Then and Now in the Pages of the American Historical Review and Elsewhere: A Few Centennial Notes, p. 1136
Bonnie G. Smith, Gender and the Practices of Scientific History: The Seminar and Archival Research in the Nineteenth Century, p. 1150
Alfred W. Crosby, The Past and Present of Environmental History, p. 1177

Film Reviews, p. 1190
Featured reviews, p. 1190
Reviews of books, p. 1233
Collected essays, p. 1344
Documents and bibliographies, p. 1357
Other book received, p. 1360
Communications, p. 1371

a. 100, 1995, 3

David L. Ransel, Volume 100, No. 3, p. 645
Dorothy Ross, Grand Narrative in American Historical Writing: From Romance to Uncertainty, p. 651
Gordon S. Wood, A Century of Writing Early American History: Then and Now Compared; Or How Henry Adams Got It Wrong, p. 678
Patricia Nelson Limerick, Turnerians All: The Dream of a Helpful History in an Intelligible World, p. 697
R. David Edmunds, Native Americans, New Voices: American Indian History, 1895-1995, p. 717
Thomas Cripps, Historical Truth: An Interview with Ken Burns, p. 741
Earl Lewis, To Turn as On a Pivot: Writing African Americans into a History of Overlapping Diasporas, p. 765
Nicholas Lemann, History Solo: Non-academic Historians, p. 788
Dominick Lacapra, History, Language, and Reading: Waiting for Crillon, p. 799
Mark H. Leff, Revisioning U.s. Political History, p. 829
Greg Dening, « P 905 .A512 X 100 »: An Ethnographic Essay, p. 854

Featured reviews, p. 865
Reviews of books, p. 872
Collected essays, p. 982
Documents and bibliographies, p. 991
Other book received, p. 885
Communications, p. 1004

a. 100, 1995, 2

Karen Halttunen, Humanitarianism and the Pornography of Pain in Anglo-American Culture, p. 303
Pamela Scully, Rape, Race, and Colonial Culture: The Sexual Politics of Identity in the Nineteenth-Century Cape Colony, South Africa, p. 335
John Markoff, Violence, Emancipation, and Democracy: The Countryside and the French Revolution, p. 360
J. William Harris, Etiquette, Lynching, and Racial Boundaries in Southern History: A Mississippi Example, p. 387
John A. Phillips, Charles Wetherell, The Great Reform Act of 1832 and the Political Modernization of England, p. 411

Russell A. Kazal, Revisiting Assimilation: The Rise, Fall, and Reappraisal of a Concept in American Ethnic History, p. 437

Featured reviews, p. 472
Reviews of books, p. 480
Collected essays, p. 624
Documents and bibliographies, p. 632
Other book received, p. 634
Communications, p. 640

a. 100, 1995, 1

Thomas C. Holt, Presidential Address: Marking: Race, Race-making, and the Writing of History, p. 1

Mary W. Blanchard, Boundaries and the Victorian Body: Aesthetic Fashion in Gilded Age America, p. 21
Jeffrey D. Needell, Identity, Race, Gender, and Modernity in the Origins of Gilberto Freyre’s Oeuvre, p. 51
Ralph V. Turner, The Problem of Survival for the Angevin « Empire »: Henry II’s and His Sons’ Vision versus Late Twelfth-Century Realities, p. 78
Wen-Hsin Yeh, Corporate Space, Communal Time: Everyday Life ín Shanghai’s Bank of China, p. 97

Featured reviews, p. 123
Reviews of books, p. 133
Collected essays, p. 280
Documents and bibliographies, p. 293
Other book received, p. 295
Communications, p. 301

a. 99, 1994, 5

AHR Forum
Gyan Prakash, Subaltern Studies as Postcolonial Criticism, p. 1475
Florencia E. Mallon, The Promise and Dilemma of Subaltern Studies: Perspectives from Latin American History, p. 1491
Frederick Cooper, Conflict and Connection: Rethinking Colonial African History, p. 1516

William M. Reddy, Condottieri of the Pen: Journalists and the Public Sphere in Postrevolutionary France (1815-1850), p. 1546
Leila J. Rupp, Constructing Internationalism: The Case of Transnational Women’s Organizations, 1888-1945, p. 1571
Eric Arnesen, « Like Banquo’s.Ghost, It Will Not Down »: The Race Question and the American Railroad Brotherhoods, 1880-1920, p. 1601

Featured Reviews, p. 1634
Reviews of books, p. 1642
Collected essays, p. 1795
Documents and bibliographies, p. 1819
Other book received, p. 1812
Communications, p. 1821

a. 99, 1994, 4

Gary Gerstle, The Protean Character of American Liberalism, p. 1043
Kenneth Lipartito, When Women Were Switches: Technology, Work, and Gender in the Telephone Industry, 1890-1920, p. 1074
Sandra Stanley Holton, « To Educate Women into Rebellion »: Elizabeth Cady Stanton and the Creation of a Transatlantic Network of Radical Suffragists, p. 1112
Barbara Donagan, Atrocity, War Crime, and Treason in the English Civil War, p. 1137
Seth Koven, Remembering and Dismemberment: Crippled Children, Wounded Soldiers, and the Great War in Great Britain, p. 1167
Brett Fairbairn, History from the Ecological Perspective: Gaia Theory and the Problem of Cooperatives in Turn-of-the-Century Germany, p. 1203

Film Reviews, p. 1240
Featured Reviews, p. 1274
Reviews of books, p. 1285
Collected essays, p. 1441
Documents and bibliographies, p. 1459
Other book received, p. 1463
Communications, p. 1472

a. 99, 1994, 3

Michael S. Roth, Performing History: Modernist Contextualism in Carl Schorske’s Fin-de-Siècle Vienna, p. 729
Harry Liebersohn, Discovering Indigenous Nobility: Tocqueville, Chamisso, and Romantic Travel Writing, p. 746
Christopher Waldrep, The Making of a Border State Society: James McGready, the Great Revival, and the Procecution of Profanity in Kentucky, p. 767
Gabriella Berti Logan, The Desire Contribute: An Eighteenth-Century Italian Woman of Science, p. 785
Richard Kieckhefer, The Specific Rationality of Medieval Magic, p. 813

David Joravsky, Communism in Historical Perspective, p. 837

Featured Reviews, p. 858
Reviews of books, p. 864
Collected essays, p. 1013
Documents and bibliographies, p. 1027
Other book received, p. 1030
Communications, p. 1038

a. 99, 1994, 2

AHR Forum
Michael O’Malley, Specie and Species: Race and the Money Question in Nineteenth-Century America, p. 369
Nell Irvin Painter, Thinking about the Languages of Money and Race: A Response to Michael O’Malley, « Specie and Species », p. 396
Michael O’Malley, Response to Nell Irvin Painter, p. 405

AHR Forum
Alan Brinkley, The Problem of American Conservatism, p. 409
Susan M. Yohn, Will the Real Conservative Please Stand Up? or, The Pitfalls Involved in Examining Ideological Sympathies: A Comment on Alan Brinkley’s « Problem of American Conservatism« , p. 430
Leo P. Ribuffo, Why Is There So Much Conservatism in the United States and Why Do So Few Historians Know Anything about It?, p. 438
Alan Brinkley, Response to the Comments of Leo Ribuffo and Susan Yohn, p. 450

Ronald P. Formisano, The Invention of the Ethnocultural Interpretation, p. 453

Ida Altman, Reginald D. Butler, The Contact of Cultures: Perspectives on the Quincentenary, p. 478

Featured Reviews, p. 504
Reviews of books, p, 514
Collected essays, p. 702
Documents and bibliographies, p. 717
Other book received, p. 720
Communications, p. 727

a. 99, 1994, 1

Louise A. Tilly, Presidential Address: Connections, p. 1

Caroline Ford, Private Lives and Public Order in Restoration France: The Seduction of Emily Loveday, p. 21
Seymour Drescher, The Long Goodbye: Dutch Capitalism and Antislavery in Comparative Perspective, p. 44
Rebecca J. Scorr, Defining the Boundaries of Freedom in the World of Cane: Cuba, Brazil, and Louisiana after Emancipation, p. 70
Steven Ruggles, The Transformation of American Family Structure, p. 103
Hitomi Tonomura, Black Hair and Red Trousers: Gendering the Flesh in Medieval Japan, p. 129

David G. Rowley, Russian Nationalism and the Cold War, p. 155

Featured Reviews, p. 172
Reviews of books, p. 184
Collected essays, p. 340
Documents and bibliographies, p. 355
Other book received, p. 358
Communications, p. 365

a. 98, 1993, 5

David Eltis, Europeans and the Rise and Fall of African Slavery in the Americas: An Interpretation, p. 1399
Liana Vardi, Construing the Harvest: Gleaners, Farmers, and Officials in Early Modern France, p. 1424
Margaret Lavinia Anderson, Voter, Junker, Landrat, Priest: The Old Authorities and the New Franchise in Imperial Germany, p. 1448
Marci Sortor, Saint-Omer and Its Textile Trades in the Late Middle Ages: A Contribution to the Proto-industrialization Debate, p. 1475
Gordon H. Chang, He Di, The Absence of War in the U.S.-China Confrontation over Quemoy and Matsu in 1954-1955: Contingency, Luck, Deterrence?, p. 1500
Joanna Waley-Cohen, China and Western Technology in the Late Eighteenth Century, p. 1525

James Hoopes, Objectivity and Relativism Affirmed: Historical Knowledge and the Philosophy of Charles S. Peirce, p. 1545

Featured reviews, p. 1556
Reviews of books, p. 1562
Collected essays, p. 1717
Documents and bibliographies, p. 1732
Other book received, p. 1741
Communications, p. 1741

a. 98, 1993, 4

J. Arch Getty, Gábor T. Rittersporn, Viktor N. Zemskov, Victims of the Soviet Penal System in the Pre-war Years: A First Approach on the Basis of Archival Evidence, p. 1017
Peter A. Coclanis, Distant Thunder: The Creation of a World Market in Rice and the Transformations It Wrought, p. 1050
James L. Huston, The American Revolutionaries, the Political Economy of Aristocracy, and the American Concept of the Distribution of Wealth, 1765-1900, p. 1079

AHR Forum
Carl Strikwerda, The Troubled Origins of European Economic Integration: International Iron and Steel and Labor Migration in the Era of World War I, p. 1106
Paul W. Schroeder, Economic Integration and the European International System in the Era of World War I, p. 1130
Carl Strikwerda, Response to « Economic Integration and the European International System in the Era of World War I », p. 1138

Marc Raeff, Autocracy Tempered by Reform or by Regicide?, p. 1143

Film Reviews, p. 1156
Featured Reviews, p. 1193
Reviews of books, p. 1206
Collected essays, p. 1358
Documents and bibliographies, p. 1376
Other book received, p. 1381
Communications, p. 1391

a. 98, 1993, 3

Mary Louise Roberts, Samson and Delilah Revisited: The Politics of Women’s Fashion in 1920s France, p. 657
Peter Fritzsche, Machine Dreams: Airmindedness and the Reinvention of Germany, p. 685
Sheldon Garon, The World’s Oldest Debate? Prostitution and the State in Imperial Japan, 1900-1945, p. 710
Valerie A. Kivelson, The Devil Stole His Mind: The Tsar and the 1648 Moscow Uprising, p. 733

AHR Forum
Charles Bergquist, Labor History and Its Challenges: Confessions of a Latin Americanist, p. 757
Thomas F. O’Brien, The Revolutionary Mission: American Enterprise in Cuba, p. 765
Jonathan C. Brown, Foreign and Native-Born Workers in Porfirian Mexico, p. 786

Features Reviews, p. 819
Reviews of books, p. 829

a. 98, 1993, 2

David A. Hollinger, How Wide the Circle of the « We »? American Intellectuals and the Problem of the Ethnos since World War II, p. 317

AHR Forum
Laura Engelstein, Combined Underdevelopment: Discipline and the Law in Imperial and Soviet Russia, p. 338
Rudy Koshar, Foucault and Social History: Comments on « Combined Underdevelopment », p. 354
Jan Goldstein, Framing Discipline with Law: Problems and Promises of the Liberal State, p. 364
Laura Engelstein, Reply, p. 376

Londa Schiebinger, Why Mammals Are Called Mammals: Gender Politics in Eighteenth-Century Natural History, p. 382
Carole Shammas, A New Look at Long-Term Trends in Wealth Inequality in the United States, p. 412
Nell Irvin Painter, Malcolm X across the Genres, p. 432
Gerald Horne, « Myth » and the Making of « Malcolm X », p. 440

Features Reviews, p. 451
Reviews of books, p. 466
Collected essays, p. 622
Documents and bibliographies, p. 637
Other book received, p. 641
Communications, p. 650

a. 98, 1993, 1

Frederic Wakeman, Jr., Presidential Address: Voyages, p. 1

Michael D. Bess, E.P. Thompson: The Historian as Activist, p. 18
Paul Freedman, The German and Catalan Peasant Revolts, p. 39
Victoria E. Bonnell, The Peasant Woman in Stalinist Political Art of the 1930s, p. 55

John E. Wills, Jr., Maritime Asia, 1500-1800: The Interactive Emergence of European Domination, p. 83
John Mack Faragher, The Frontier Trail: Rethinking Turner and Reimagining the American West, p. 106

Robert A. McCaughey, Jaroslav Pelikan. The Idea of the University: A Reexamination, p. 118
Marc Baer, Linda Colley. Britons: Forging the Nation 1707-1837, p. 119

Reviews of books, p. 130
Collected essays, p. 284
Documents and bibliographies, p. 303
Other book received, p. 306
Communications, p. 314

a. 97, 1992, 5

AHR Forum
Lawrence W. Levine, The Folklore of Industrial Society: Popular Culture and Its Audiences, p. 1369
Robin D.G. Kelley, Notes on Deconstructing « The Folk », p. 1400
Natalie Zemon Davis, Toward Mixtures and Margins, p. 1409
T.J. Jackson Lears, Making Fun of Popular Culture, p. 1417
Lawrence W. Levine, Levine Responds, p. 1427

Jeffrey Brooks, Official Xenophobia and Popular Cosmopolitanism in Early Soviet Russia, p. 1431
Diana Delia, From Romance to Rhetoric: The Alexandrian Library in Classical and Islamic Traditions, p. 1449

Pamela Kyle Crossley, The Rulerships of China, p. 1468

Reviews of books, p. 1484
Collected essays, p. 1640
Documents and bibliographies, p. 1654
Other book received, p. 1657
Communications, p. 1665

a. 97, 1992, 4

Piotr S. Wandycz, Poland, p. 1011
Jiri Koralka, Czechoslovakia, p. 1026
István Deák, Hungary, p. 1401
Keith Hitchins, Romania, p. 1064
Ivo Banac, Yugoslavia, p. 1084
Maria Todorova, Bulgaria, p. 1105

Ben Kiernan, The Vietnam War: Alternative Endings, p. 1118

Film Reviews, p. 1138
Reviews of books, p. 1173
Collected essays, p. 1324
Documents and bibliographies, p. 1338
Other book received, p. 1341
Communications, p. 1350

a. 97, 1992, 3

AHR Forum
Paul W. Schroeder, Did the Vienna Settlement Rest on a Balance of Power?, p. 683
Enno E. Kraehe, A Bipolar Balance of Power, p. 707
Robert Jervis, A Political Science Perspectíve on the Balance of Power and the Concert, p. 716
Wolf D. Gruner, Was There a Reformed Balance of Power System or Cooperative Great Power Hegemony?, p. 725
Paul W. Schroeder, A Mild Rejoinder, p. 733

Kathleen Canning, Gender and the Politics of Class Formation: Rethinking German Labor History, p. 736
Jacqueline Goggin, Challenging Sexual Discrimination in the Historical Profession: Women Historians and the American Historical Association, 1890-1940, p. 769
Yuri L. Bessmertny, August 1991 as Seen by a Moscow Historian, or the Fate of Medieval Studies in the Soviet Era, p. 803

Reviews of books, p. 817
Collected essays, p. 973
Documents and bibliographies, p. 985
Other book received, p. 989
Communications, p. 1000

a. 97, 1992, 2

Linda K. Kerber, The Paradox of Women’s Citizenship in the Early Republic: The Case of Martin vs. Massachusetts, 1805, p. 349
Sarah Deutsch, Learning to Talk More Like a Man: Boston Women’s. Class-Bridging Organizations, 1870-1940, p. 379

AHR Forum
Russell Jacoby, A New Intellectual History?, p. 405
Dominick Lacapra, Intellectual History and Its Ways, p. 425

Molly Myerowitz Levine, The Use and Abuse of Black Athena, p. 440
Robert L. Pounder, Black Athena 2: History without Rules, p. 461
Janet J. Ewald, Slavery in Africa and the Slave Trades from Africa, p. 465

AHR Forum
Marcus Raskin, JFK and the Culture of Violence, p. 487
Michael Rogin, JFK: The Movie, p. 500
Robert A. Rosenstone, JFK: Historical Fact/Historical Film, p. 506

Reviews of books, p. 512
Collected essays, p. 661
Documents and bibliographies, p. 672
Other book received, p. 674
Communications, p. 680

a. 97, 1992, 1

William E. Leuchtenburg, Presidential Address: The Historian and the Public Realm, p. 1

Linda Gordon, Social Insurance and Public Assistance: The Influence of Gender in Welfare Thought in the United States, 1890-1935, p. 19
Nancy Fitch, Mass Culture, Mass Parliamentary Politics, and Modern Anti-Semitism: The Dreyfus Affair in Rural France, p. 55
Mercedes Vilanova, Anarchism, Political Participation, and Illiteracy in Barcelona between 1934 and 1936, p. 96

Patricia Nelson Limerick, The Multicultural Islands, p. 121
Michael Kazin, The Grass-Roots Right: New Histories of U.S. Conservatism in the Twentieth Century, p. 136

Reviews of books, p. 156
Collected essays, p. 323
Documents and bibliographies, p. 332
Other book received, p. 335
Communications, p. 343

a. 96, 1991, 5

Rashid Khalidi, Arab Nationalism: Historical Problems in the Literature, p. 1363
Philip S. Khoury, Continuity and Change in Syrian Political Life: The Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, p. 1374
John F. Devlin, The Baath Party: Rise and Metamorphosis, p. 1396
Marion Farouk-Sluglett, Peter Sluglett, The Historiography of Modern Iraq, p. 1408
Afaf Lutfi Al-Sayyid Marsot, Survey of Egyptian Works of History, p. 1422
J.E. Peterson, The Arabian Peninsula in Modern Times: A Historiographical Survey, p. 1435
Kenneth W. Stein, A Historiographic Review of Literature on the Origins of the Arab-Israeli Conflict, p. 1450
Bernard Reich, Themes in the History of the State of Israel, p. 1466
Shaul Bakhash, Iran, p. 1479

Reviews of books, p. 1479
Collected essays, p. 1648
Documents and bibliographies, p. 1657
Other book received, p. 1660
Communications, p. 1667

a. 96, 1991, 4

AHR Forum
Ian Tyrrell, American Exceptionalism in an Age of International History, p. 1031
Michael McGerr, The Price of the « New Transnational History », p. 1056
Ian Tyrrell Responds, p. 1068

Arthur Waldron, The Warlord: Twentieth-Century Chinese Understandings of Violence, Militarism, and Imperialism, p. 1073

John K. Thornton, African Dimensions of the Stono Rebellion, p. 1101

Film reviews, p. 1114
Reviews of books, p. 1148
Collected essays, p. 1335
Documents and bibliographies, p. 1346
Other book received, p. 1349
Communications, p. 1357

a. 96, 1991, 3

J.H. Hexter, Carl Becker, Professor Novick, and Me; or, Cheer Up, Professor N.1, p. 675
Linda Gordon, Comments on That Noble Dream, p. 683
David A. Hollinger, Postmodernist Theory and Wissenschaftliche Practice, p. 688
Allan Megill, Fragmentation and the Future of Historiography, p. 693
Peter Novick, My Correct Views on Everything, p. 699
Dorothy Ross, Afterword, p. 704

Seymour Drescher, British Way, French Way: Opinion Building and Revolution in the Second French Slave Emancipation, p. 709
Stuart B. Schwartz, The Voyage of the Vassals: Royal Power, Noble Obligations, and Merchant Capital before the Portuguese Restoration of Independence, 16241640, p. 735
Mark Bassin, Inventing Siberia: Visions of the Russian East in the Early Nineteenth Century, p. 763
Steven L. Hoch, The Banking Crisis, Peasant Reform, and Economic Development in Russia, 1857-1861, p. 795

Reviews of books, p. 821
Collected essays, p. 1006
Documents and bibliographies, p. 1018
Other book received, p. 1921
Communications, p. 1026

a. 96, 1991, 2

Steven J. Ross, Struggles for the Screen: Workers, Radicals, and the Political Uses of Silent Film, p. 333
Melissa L. Meyer, « We Can Not Get a Living as We Used to »: Dispossession and the White Earth Anishinaabeg, 1889-1920, p. 368

Leon Fink, « Intellectuals » versus « Workers »: Academic Requirements and the Creation of Labor History, p. 395
Ellen Fitzpatrick, Rethinking the Intellectual Origins of American Labor History, p. 422
Leon Fink, Responds, p. 423

Everard H. Smith, Chambersburg: Anatomy of a Confederate Reprisal, p. 432

Steven F. Lawson, Freedom Then, Freedom Now: The Historiography of the Civil Rights Movement, p. 456

Reviews of books, p. 472
Collected essays, p. 649
Documents and bibliographies, p. 661
Other book received, p. 663
Communications, p. 670

a. 96, 1991, 1

David Herlihy, Presidential Address: Family, p. 1

David Nicholas, Of Poverty and Primacy: Demand, Liquidity, and the Flemish. Economic Miracle, 1050-1200, p. 17
R.B. Goheen, Peasant Politics? Village Community and the Crown in Fifteenth-Century England, p. 42
Peter N. Stearns, Timothy Haggerty, The Role of Fear: Transitions in American. Emotional Standards for Children, 1850-1950, p. 63

Tamara K. Hareven, The History of the Family and the Complexity of Social Change, p. 95

Reviews of books, p. 125
Collected essays, p. 301
Documents and bibliographies, p. 313
Other book received, p. 315
Communications, p. 324