The American Historical Review DATINI

American Historical Review

Washington, American Historical Association
ISSN: 0002-8762
Rivista on line all’indirizzo web: [servizio accessibile ai soli abbonati]

Conservata in: Università degli Studi di Firenze, Biblioteca di Scienze Sociali
Punto di servizio: Scienze Politiche, Riv. Straniere 0011
Consistenza: a. 26, 1920/21-
Lacune: a. 91, 1986, 5; a. 106, 2001, 6; a. 110, 2005, 2

[ 2030-2021 ] [ 2020-2011 ] [ 2010-2001 ] [ 2000-1996 ] [ 1995-1991 ] [ 1990-1986 ] [ 1985-1981 ] [ 1980-1975 ]

copertina della rivista

a. 128, 2023, 3

Mark Philip Bradley, From the Editor’s Desk. New AHR Submission Guidelines, p. 1549

Debra Blumenthal, ?As [Healthy] Women Should?. Enslaved Women, Medical Experts, and ?Hidden? Menstrual Disorders in Late Medieval Mediterranean Slave Markets, p. 1558
Heather Vrana, Endemic Goiter and El Salvador’s Battle Against Cretinismo, p. 1587
Beeta Baghoolizadeh, Seeing Black America in Iran, p. 1618
Destin Jenkins, Breaking the Bonds of Segregation. Civil Rights Politics and the History of Modern Finance, p. 1643
Paul Bjerk, Political Biography and the Agency of Audience, p. 1670

Mark Philip Bradley, Inside the History Lab, p. 1695

Patrick Flores, Sze Ying Goh, Du’o’ng M?nh Hùng, Issa Yi Xian Sng, Southeast Asian History as Contemporary Art, p. 1699

Tore Olsson, Teaching History with Video Games, p. 1755
Saniya Lee Ghanoui, Historical Podcasts in the Classroom, p. 1777

Sarah Abrevaya Stein, Eating on the Ground. Picnicking at the End of Empire, p. 1795

a. 128, 2023, 3

Jeremy LaBuff, Prolegomena to Any Future Indigenous History of the Ancient World, p. 1075
Martin Wagner, Excoriating Stalin, Criticizing Mao. Entangled Reevaluations of the Past in the 1950s Soviet Union and 1970s/80s China, p. 1105
Brian DeLay, The Arms Trade and American Revolutions, p. 1144
Sarah Bellows-Blakely, Empowering African Girls? Capitalism, Poverty, and Silencing in the Writing of History, p. 1182
Stephanie Mawson, Escaping Empire. Philippine Mountains and Indigenous Histories of Resistance, p. 1211

Mark Philip Bradley, Inside the History Lab, p. 1247

Inger Leemans, William Tullett, Caro Verbeek, Sofia Collette Ehrich, Kate McLean, Cecilia Bembibre, Victoria-Anne Michel, Knowing by Sensing How to Teach the History of Smell, p. 1251

Durba Ghosh, Jayanta Sengupta, Mathura Umachandran, Arielle Xena Alterwaite, Tawny Paul, Thomas J. Adams, Sue Mobley, Mismonumentalizing and Decolonizing. Public History as History for the Public, p. 1267
R. Darrell Meadows, Joshua Sternfeld, Benjamin Schmidt, Lauren Tilton, Matthew L. Jones, Kate Crawford, Joshua Sternfeld, Meredith Broussard, Leen-Kiat Soh, Elizabeth Lorang, Chulwoo Pack, Yi Liu, Artificial Intelligence and the Practice of History. A Forum, p. 1345

Kenda Mutongi, Alan de Gooyer, African History and Meleko Mokgosi: Your Trip to Africa, p. 1391

a. 128, 2023, 2

Denise Y. Ho, Oysterman and Refugee. Hong Kong and China Between the Tides, 1949–1997 561
Margarita Fajardo, CEPAL, the ?International Monetary Fund of the Left?? The Tale of Two Global Institutions, p. 588
John E. Crowley, How Averages Became Normal, p. 616 Max Mishler, ?Improper and Almost Rebellious Conduct?. Enslaved People’s Legal Politics and Abolition in the British Empire, p. 648

Mark Philip Bradley, Inside the History Lab, p. 687
Gillian Frank, Saniya Lee Ghanoui, Lauren Jae Gutterman, Sex with the Sound On, p. 691
Peter Becker, Kate Brown, Zachary Doleshal, Jamie R. Martin, Malgorzata Mazurek, David Petruccelli, Máté Rigó, Carolyn Taratko, Tara Zahra, A World of Contradictions. Globalization and Deglobalization in Interwar Europe, p. 703
Anna Yu. Krylova, William H. Sewell, Jr., Judith Walkowitz, Geoff Eley, Angela E. Zimmerman, Vivien Tejada, Anna Yu. Krylova, The Agency Dilemma. A Forum, p. 883

Lucas Bessire, Incident at Antelope Springs, p. 939

a. 128, 2023, 1

James H. Sweet, Slave Trading as a Corporate Criminal Conspiracy, from the Calabar Massacre to BLM, 1767–2022, p. 1

Rotem Kowner, A Holocaust Paragon of Virtue’s Rise to Fame. The Transnational Commemoration of the Japanese Diplomat Sugihara Chiune and Its Divergent National Motives, p. 31
Julian Weideman, ?Tunisian Islam?, Women’s Rights, and the Limits of French Empire in Twentieth-Century North Africa, p. 64
Lauren R. Clay, Liberty, Equality, Slavery. Debating the Slave Trade in Revolutionary France, p. 89
Louise E. Walker, Everyday Economic Justice. Mediating Small Claims in Mexico City, 1813–1863, p. 120
Megan Eaton Robb, Becoming Elizabeth. The Transformation of a Bihari Mughal into an English Lady, 1758–1822, p. 144
Ariel Ron, When Hay Was King. Energy History and Economic Nationalism in the Nineteenth-Century United States, p. 177
Giora Sternberg, Writing to Undo. Protestation as a Mode of Early Modern Resistance, p. 214

Mark Philip Bradley, Inside the History Lab, p. 251
Paul Thomas Chamberlin, Kaysha Corinealdi, Cindy Ewing, Hussein Fancy, Arunabh Ghosh, Rebecca Herman, Raevin Jimenez, Laleh Khalili, Maria John, Erik R. Scott, Quinn Slobodian, Julia Stephens, On Transnational and International History, p. 255

Marieke van Erp, William Tullett, Vincent Christlein, Thibault Ehrhart, Ali Hürriyetoglu, Inger Leemans, Pasquale Lisena, Stefano Menini, Daniel Schwabe, Sara Tonelli, Raphaël Troncy, Mathias Zinnen, More than the Name of the Rose. How to Make Computers Read, See, and Organize Smells, p. 335

a. 127, 2022, 4

Lydia Walker, The Political Geography of International Advocacy. Indian and American Cold War Civil Society for Tibet, p. 1579
Ofer Ashkenazi, Reading Private Photography. Pathos, Irony and Jewish Experience in the Face of Nazism, p. 1606
Oscar de la Torre, The Well That Wept Blood. Ghostlore, Haunted Waterscapes, and the Politics of Quilombo Blackness in Amazonia (Brazil), p. 635
Nico Slate, The Geography of Nonviolence. The United Nations, the Highlander Folk School, and the Borders of the Civil Rights Movement, p. 1659
Carl Wennerlind, Atlantis Restored. Natural Knowledge and Political Economy in Early Modern Sweden, p. 1687
David Carey Jr., Medicine and Health ?in the Least Civilized Regions?. Indigenous Healers, Scientific Doctors, and International Interlopers in Twentieth-Century Guatemala and Ecuador, p. 1715
Katie Barclay, Compassion as an Agent of Historical Change, p. 1752

a. 127, 2022, 3

Christopher Heaney, Skull Walls. The Peruvian Dead and the Remains of Entanglement, p. 1071
Gili Kliger, Translating God on the Borders of Sovereignty, p. 1102
Stuart Michael McManus, Decolonizing Renaissance Humanism, p. 1131
Farina Mir, Urdu Ethics Literature and the Diversity of Muslim Thought in Colonial India, p. 1162
Joseph Ben Prestel, A Diaspora Moment. Writing Global History Through Palestinian-West German Ties, p. 1190
Andrew Preston, The Limits of Brotherhood. Race, Religion, and World Order in American Ecumenical Protestantism, p. 1222
Sebestian Kroupa, Reading beneath the Skin. Indigenous Tattooing in the Early Spanish Philippines, ca. 1520-1720, p. 1252

Mark Philip Bradley, Inside the History Lab, p. 1290

Zoe Butt, Lee Weng-Choy, We Are Not the Stories We Tell Ourselves. Weaving Differing Registers of Memory in the Arts, p. 1295
Mark Philip Bradley, Making Tuan Andrew Nguyen’s The Spector of the Ancestors Becoming, p. 1313

Alexis Dudden, Kim Inthavong, Okinawa: Territory as Monument, p. 1321
David Arnold, Pablo F. Gómez, Maria John, Angela Ki Che Leung, Kalala Ngalamulume, Dora Vargha, The Pandemic and History, p. 1341

Ariel Mae Lambe, Seeing Madness in the Archives, p. 1381

a. 127, 2022, 2

Michael Thornton, A Capitol Orchard. Botanical Networks and the Creation of a Japanese ‘Neo-Europe’, p. 573
Kendra T. Field, The Privilege of Family History, p. 600
Leslie James, Blood Brothers. Colonialism and Fascism as Relations in the Interwar Caribbean and West Africa, p. 634
Marco Antonio Ramos, Making Disappearance Visible. The Realities of Cold War Violence, p. 664
Jeong Min Kim, Base Money. U.S. Military Payment Certificates and the Transpacific Sexual Economies of the Korean War, 1950-53, p. 691
Diana Paton, Gender History, Global History, and Atlantic Slavery On Racial Capitalism and Social Reproduction, p. 726
Philip Janzen, Linga’s Dream? Interpreters, Entextualization, and Knowledge Production in Central Africa, p. 755

Mark Philip Bradley, Inside the History Lab, p. 788

Adom Getachew, Engaged History, p. 793
Ashley D. Farmer, Steven D. Booth, Tracy Drake, Raquel Flores-Clemons, Erin Glasco, Skyla S. Hearn, Stacie Williams, Toward an Archival Reckoning, p. 799
Adom Getachew, Naomi Kebede, Monument Gallery, p. 831

Inger Leemans, William Tullett, Cecilia Bembibre, Lizzie Marx, Whiffstory. Using Multidisciplinary Methods to Represent the Olfactory Past, p. 849
Lizzie Marx, Sofia Collette Ehrich, William Tullett, Inger Leemans, Cecilia Bembibre, Odeuropa, IFF (, Museum Ulm, Making Whiffstory. A Contemporary Re-creation of an Early Modern Scent for Perfumed Gloves, p. 881

Jo Guldi, The Algorithm. Mapping Long-Term Trends and Short-Term Change at Multiple Scales of Time, p. 895

Martha Hodes, As If I Wasn’t There. Writing from a Child’s Memory, p. 913

a. 127, 2022, 1

Jacqueline Jones, Historians and Their Publics, Then and Now, p. 1

Judd Kinzley, Wartime Dollars and the Crowning of China’s Hog Bristle King. The Dubious Legacies of American Aid, 1938-1949, p. 31
Dagomar Degroot, Blood and Bone, Tears and Oil. Climate Change, Whaling, and Conflict in the Seventeenth-Century Arctic, p. 62
Cian T. McMahon, « That City Afloat ». Maritime Dimensions of Ireland’s Great Famine Migration, p. 100
Samuel Dolbee, Empire on the Edge. Desert, Nomads, and the Making of an Ottoman Provincial Border, p. 129
Susanne M. Klausen, « Do You Call Yourself a White Man? ». Nationalism, Criminalization of Interracial Sex, and the Policing of White Male (Hetero)sexuality in South Africa during Apartheid, p. 159
Tamar Herzig , Slavery and Interethnic Sexual Violence. A Multiple Perpetrator Rape in Seventeenth-Century Livorno, p. 194

Mark Philip Bradley, Inside the History Lab, p. 256
William Tullett, Inger Leemans, Hsun Hsu, Stephanie Weismann, Cecilia Bembibre, Melanie A. Kiechle, Duane Jethro, Anna Chen, Xuelei Huang, Jorge Otero-Pailos, Mark Bradley, Smell, History, and Heritage, p. 261
Cemil Aydin, Grace Ballor, Sebastian Conrad, Frederick Cooper, Nicole CuUnjieng Aboitiz, Richard Drayton, Michael Goebel, Pieter M. Judson, Sandrine Kott, Nicola Miller, Aviel Roshwald, Glenda Sluga, Lydia Walker, Rethinking Nationalism, p. 311

Alex Hidalgo, The Book as Archive, p. 373
Jennifer Lambe, Christine Jorgensen in Cuba. On Dormant Leads and Archival Dead Ends, p. 387

A Note from the AHR Associate Editor: Reviewing History 401
Featured Reviews, p. 403
Reviews, p. 462

a. 126, 2021, 4

In This Issue, p. IX

Alexandra Hui, Listening to Extinction: Early Conservation Radio Sounds and the Silences of Species, p. 1371
Julia Tischler, « The Only Industry That Can Make Us Hold Our Own »: Black Agrarianism in South Africa from a Transatlantic Perspective, ca. 1910-1930, p. 1396
Richard Reid, Africa’s Revolutionary Nineteenth Century and the Idea of the « Scramble », p. 1424 Lasse Heerten, Biafras of the Mind: French Postcolonial Humanitarianism in Global Conceptual History, p. 1448
Joseph L. Locke, Ben Wright, History Can Be Open Source: Democratic Dreams and the Rise of Digital History, p. 1485

Adam Clulow, Daina Ramey Berry, Beyond 2020: Collecting Time Capsules in a Year of Pandemic, p. 1512
Luciana Heymann, Alexandre Moreli, Lula’s Prison Letters and the Brazilian Presidential Papers: Archives, Readings, and Uses, p. 1520

Julia S. Torrie, France’s Role in the Holocaust Revisited: Marrus and Paxton’s Vichy France and the Jews, p. 1535

Jennifer Tucker, Introduction, p. 1552
Matthew Fox-Amato, Talking about Photography, p. 1559
Zeynep Devrim Gürsel, Looking Anew, p. 1562
Marius Kothor, Photography and Orality in African History, p. 1566
Sumathi Ramaswamy, In Your Face, p. 1568
Olga Shevchenko, Beyond the Image, p. 1571

James R. Barrett, Lula: A Most Exceptional Common Man, p. 1574
Benjamin A. Cowan, Social Movements and the Politics of Cunning, p. 1577
Benito Schmidt, One Is Not Born but Rather Becomes Lula, p. 1580
Gay Seidman, Why Did Lula’s Party Lose Power?, p. 1583
John. D. French, Toward a Social History of Politics: An Exceptional « Common » Man’s Path to the Presidency in Brazil, p. 1587

Featured Reviews, p. 1592
Reviews of Books, p. 1618
Collected Essays, p. 1711
Documents and Bibliographies, p. 1714
Digital Resources, p. 1715
Communications, p. 1717
Index, p. 1718
Index of Topics, p. 1743
Index of Advertisers, p. 5(a)

a. 126, 2021, 3

In This Issue, p. XI

Colin P. Elliott, The Ecology of Exchange: The Monetization of Roman Egypt, p. 901
Alison Bashford, World History and the Tasman Sea, p. 922
Adriana Chira, Freedom with Local Bonds: Custom and Manumission in the Age of Emancipation, p. 949
Laura Robson, Capitulations Redux: The Imperial Genealogy of the Post-World War I « Minority » Regimes, p. 978
Winston James, To the East Turn: The Russian Revolution and the Black Radical Imagination in the United States, 1917-1924, p. 1001
Asif Siddiqi, Soviet Secrecy: Toward a Social Map of Knowledge, p. 1046
Koji Hirata, Made in Manchuria: The Transnational Origins of Socialist Industrialization in Maoist China, p. 1072
Itza A. Carbajal, Michelle Caswell, Critical Digital Archives: A Review from Archival Studies, p. 1102

Kenda Mutongi, The Wages of Harlotry-Luise White’s The Comforts of Home: Prostitution in Colonial Nairobi (1990-2020), p. 1121

Catherine Tatiana Dunlop, Losing an Archive: Doing Place-Based History in the Age of the Anthropocene, p. 1143
Michelle Armstrong-Partida, Susan Mcdonough, Finding Amica in the Archives: Navigating a Path between Strategic Collaboration and Independent Research, p. 1154
Caroline Grego, The Search for the Kayendo: Recovering the Lowcountry Rice Toolkit, p. 1165

Reviews of Historical Fiction, p. 1184
Featured Reviews, p. 1194
Reviews of Books, p. 1235
Collected Essays, p. 1354
Documents and Bibliographies, p. 1357
Digital Resources, p. 1358
Communications, p. 1360
Index, p. 1361
Index of Topics, p. 1368
Index of Advertisers 8(a)

a. 126, 2021, 2

In This Issue, p. XI
From the Editor’s Desk, p. XV

Sylvia Sellers-García, Walking While Indian, Walking While Black: Policing in a Colonial City, p. 455
Nicolas Barreyre, Claire Lemercier, The Unexceptional State: Rethinking the State in the Nineteenth Century (France, United States), p. 481
Rosario Forlenza, Europe’s Forgotten Unfinished Revolution: Peasant Power, Social Mobilization, and Communism in the Southern Italian Countryside, 1943-45, p. 504
Eiko Maruko Siniawer, « Toilet Paper Panic »: Uncertainty and Insecurity in Early 1970s Japan, p. 530
Deokhyo Choi, The Empire Strikes Back from Within: Colonial Liberation and the Korean Minority Question at the Birth of Postwar Japan, 1945-47, p. 555
Benjamin N. Lawrance, Vusumuzi R. Kumalo, « A Genius without Direction »: The Abortive Exile of Dugmore Boetie and the Fate of Southern African Refugees in a Decolonizing Africa, p. 585
Briana J. Smith, Grassroots Glasnost: Experimental Art, Participation, and Civic Life in 1980s East Berlin, p. 623

Andrew Seal, « The Vanished Power of the Usual Reign »: Jackson Lears, No Place of Grace, and the Struggle for Hegemony in History, p. 655

Karlos K. Hill, Community-Engaged History: A Reflection on the 100th Anniversary of the 1921, p. 670
Lilia Topouzova, On Silence and History, p. 685
Joy Neumeyer, Darkness at Noon: On History, Narrative, and Domestic Violence, p. 700
William Gallois, An Illumination of a Floating World, p. 708

Reviews of Ohio Short Histories of Africa, p. 710
Featured Reviews, p. 723
Reviews of Books, p. 755
Collected Essays, p. 885
Documents and Bibliographies, p. 888
Digital Resources, p. 889
Communications, p. 891
Index, p. 892
Index of Topics, p. 899
Index of Advertisers 6(a)

a. 126, 2021, 1

In This Issue, p. XI
From the Editor’s Desk, p. XV

Mary Lindemann, Slow History, p. 1

Ulinka Rublack, Befeathering the European: The Matter of Feathers in the Material Renaissance, p. 19
Iris Idelson-Shein, Rabbis of the (Scientific) Revolution: Revealing the Hidden Corpus of Early Modern Translations Produced by Jewish Religious Thinkers, p. 54
Gerard Sasges, Mold’s Dominion: Science, Empire, and Capitalism in a Globalizing World, p. 82
Jesse Hoffnung-Garskof, Cuban Racial Politics in Nineteenth-Century New York: A Critical Digital Approach, p. 109
Jan Plamper, Sounds of February, Smells of October: The Russian Revolution as Sensory Experience, p. 140

José Ragas, Archiving the Chilean Revolution, p. 166
Andrew Denning, Deep Play? Video Games and the Historical Imaginary, p. 180

Ahr Review Roundtable, p. 199
Video Game Reviews, p. 214
Film Reviews, p. 220
Featured Reviews, p. 234
Reviews of Books, p. 263
Collected Essays, p. 434
Documents and Bibliographies, p. 440
Digital Resources, p. 441
Index, p. 443
Index of topics, p. 452
Index of Advertisers 6(a)