Business History Review DATINI

Business History Review

Harvard, Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration
Bimestrale; dal 1949 trimestrale
ISSN: 0007-6805
Conservata in: Università degli Studi di Firenze, Biblioteca di Scienze Sociali
Punto di servizio: Economia, Riv. Str. 338
Consistenza: a. 10, 1936, 1-
Lacune: v. 75, 2001, 3;

[ 2030-2021 ] [ 2020-2011 ] [ 2010-2001 ] [ 2000-1991 ] [ 1990-1981 ] [ 1980-1971 ] [ 1970-1961 ] [ 1960-1951 ] [ 1950-1941 ] [ 1940-1936 ]

copertina della rivista

v. 97, 2023, 2


Editors? Note, p. 195-198

Leigh Gardner, Slavery, Coercion, and Economic Development in Sub-Saharan Africa, p. 199-223
Mary E. Hicks, Captivity’s Commerce: The Theory and Methodology of Slaving and Capitalism, p. 225-246
Anne Ruderman, Marlous van Waijenburg, (Un)principled Agents: Monitoring Loyalty after the End of the Royal African Company Monopoly, p. 247-281
Carolyn Roberts, Pharmaceutical Captivity, Epistemological Rupture, and the Business Archive of the British Slave Trade, p. 283-305
Justene Hill Edwards, ?This Slavery Business Is a Horrible Thing?: The Economy of American Slavery in the Lives of the Enslaved, p. 307-334
Bronwen Everill, Khadidiatou Diedhiou, Profiting from Slavery and Emancipation: Compensation, Capital, and Collateral in Nineteenth-Century Senegal, p. 335-361
Nicholas Radburn, The British Gunpowder Industry and the Transatlantic Slave Trade, p. 363-384

Isabel Cole, Walter A. Friedman, A Guide to the History of Industrial Slavery in the United States, p. 385-409

Announcement, p. 411-413
Review Essay, p. 415-419
Book Review, p. 421-441

v. 97, 2023, 1

Editors’ Note, p. 1

Ann-Kristin Bergquist, Magnus Lindmark, Nadezda Petrusenko, Creating Value Out of Waste: The Transformation of the Swedish Waste and Recycling Sector, 1970s–2010s, p. 3
Matthew Lowenstein, Shuji Cao, Business Accounting at Fengshengtai in Late Imperial China: Is There New Evidence of Double-Entry Bookkeeping?, p. 33
Victor M. Gwande, The Political Economy of American Businesses in British Central Africa, 1953–1963, p. 67
Robert Yee, A State of Supervision: The Political Economy of Banking Regulation in Germany, 1900s–1930s, p. 93

Announcements, p. 127
Review essay, p. 131
Book reviews, p. 163

v. 96, 2022, 4

Robin J. C. Adams, Gareth Campbell, Christopher Coyle, John D. Turner, Business Creation and Political Turmoil: Ireland versus Scotland before 1900, p. 709
Janette Rutterford, Leslie Hannah, The Unsung Activists: UK Shareholder Investigation Committees, 1888–1940, p. 741
Klas Rönnbäck, Oskar Broberg, From Defensive to Transformative Business Diplomacy: The British South Africa Company and the End of Chartered Company Rule in Rhodesia, 1910–1925, p. 777
Mairi Maclean, Gareth Shaw, Charles Harvey, Gary Stringer, Methodological Openness in Business History Research: Looking Afresh at the British Interwar Management Movement, p. 805
Alice Milor, Ownership Matters: French Governments and Automotive Industrialists Facing the Japanese Challenge, 1974–1986, p. 833

Announcements, p. 857
Review essays, p. 865

v. 96, 2022, 3

Editors’ Note, p. 485

B. Zorina Khan, Related Investing: Family Networks, Gender, and Shareholding in Antebellum New England Corporations, p. 487
Damian Clavel, The Rise and Fall of George Frederic Augustus II: The Central American, Caribbean, and Atlantic Life of a Miskitu King, 1805-1824, p. 525
Teresa da Silva Lopes, Shin Tomita, Trademarks as ?Global Merchants of Skill?: The Dynamics of the Japanese Match Industry, 1860s-1930s, p. 559
Laureen Kuo, Plan Calcul: France’s National Information Technology Ambition and Instrument of National Independence, p. 589
Gishan Dissanaike, Ranadeva Jayasekera, Geoff Meeks, Why Do Unsuccessful Companies Survive? U.S. Airlines, Aircraft Leasing, and GE, 2000-2008, p. 615

Announcements, p. 643
Review essay, p. 647
Book reviews, p. 704

v. 96, 2022, 2


Editors’ Note, p. 235
Andrea Colli, Andrea Lluch, Introductory Note: Franco Amatori and Comparative Business History, p. 237

Adam K. Frost, Reframing Chinese Business History, p. 245
Aurora Gómez Galvarriato, Gabriela Recio Cavazos, Mexico’s Business and Entrepreneurship in the Era of Nationalism, p. 289
Valentina Fava, Volodymyr Kulikov, Recent Trends in the Business History of Russia: The Blurry Borders of the Discipline, p. 325
Sébastien Guex, The Emergence of the Swiss Tax Haven, 1816-1914, p. 353
Carlos Dávila, Andrea Lluch, Entrepreneurship in Emerging Markets: Female Entrepreneurs in Colombia since 1990, p. 373
Chinmay Tumbe, Globalization, Cities, and Firms in Twentieth-Century India, p. 399

Announcements, p. 425
Review essay, p. 433
Book reviews, p. 480

v. 96, 2022, 1

JoAnne Yates and Craig N. Murphy, Guest Editors

Editors’ Note, p. 1

JoAnne Yates, Craig N. Murphy, Introduction: Standards and the Global Economy, p. 3
Anne G. Hanley, Men of Science and Standards: Introducing the Metric System in Nineteenth-Century Brazil, p. 17
Stephen Mihm, Inching toward Modernity: Industrial Standards and the Fate of the Metric System in the United States, p. 47
Grace Ballor, CE Marking, Business, and European Market Integration, p. 77
Andrew L. Russell, James L. Pelkey, Loring Robbins, The Business of Internetworking: Standards, Start-Ups, and Network Effects, p. 109
Xaq Frohlich, Making Food Standard: The U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s Food Standards of Identity, 1930s-1960s, p. 145
Margaret B. W. Graham, Comment, p. 177

Announcements, p. 189
Perspectives, p. 195
Review Essay, p. 223
Book Reviews, p. 862

v. 95, 2021, 4

Editors’ Note, p. 629

Shennette Garrett-Scott, « All the Other Devils this Side of Hades »: Black Banks and the Mississippi Banking Law of 1914, p. 631
Michael Aldous, Christopher Coyle, Examining the Role of a Private-Order Institution in Global Trade: The Liverpool Cotton Brokers’ Association and the Crowning of King Cotton, 1811-1900, p. 671
Seven Agir, Cihan Artunç, Set and Forget? The Evolution of Business Law in the Ottoman Empire and Turkey, p. 703
Andrew Smith, Robert E. Wright, Sowing the Seeds of a Future Crisis: The SEC and the Emergence of the Nationally Recognized Statistical Rating Organization (NRSRO) Category, 1971-1975, p. 739
Adam Nix, Stephanie Decker, Carola Wolf, Enron and the California Energy Crisis: The Role of Networks in Enabling Organizational Corruption, p. 765

Announcements, p. 803
Perspectives, p. 805
Review Essay, p. 823
Book Reviews, p. 862

v. 95, 2021, 3


Editors’ Note, p. 373

Jeffrey Fear, Cristina Stanca-Mustea, « Carl Laemmle Presents »: A Story of Political and Cultural Risk in Germany, 1917-1934, p. 375
Samuel E. Backer, The Informational Economy of Vaudeville and the Business of American Entertainment, p. 423
Cynthia B. Meyers, Advertisers and American Broadcasting: From Institutional Sponsorship to the Creative Revolution, p. 447
Sudev Sheth, Geoffrey Jones, Morgan Spencer, Emboldening and Contesting Gender and Skin Color Stereotypes in the Film Industry in India, 1947-1991, p. 483
Juan Ricardo Nazer, Manuel Llorca-Jaña, The Development of the Casino Industry in Chile, p. 517
Denise Tsang, Innovation in the British Video Game Industry since 1978, p. 543

Announcement, p. 569
Review Essay, p. 571

v. 95, 2021, 2

Editors’ Note, p. 191

Seán Kenny and Anders Ögren, Unlimiting Unlimited Liability: Legal Equality for Swedish Banks with Alternative Shareholder Liability Regimes, 1897-1903, p. 193
Francesca Fauri, The Italian State’s Active Support for the Aeronautical Industry: The Case of the Caproni Group, 1910-1951, p. 219
Muhammad H. Zaman, Tarun Khanna, The Cost and Evolution of Quality at Cipla Ltd., 1935-2016, p. 249
John D. Wong, Making Vitasoy « Local » in Post-World War II Hong Kong: Traditionalizing Modernity, Engineering Progress, Nurturing Aspirations, p. 275
Carlo Edoardo Altamura, Global Banks and Latin American Dictators, 1974-1982, p. 301

Announcement, p. 333
Review Essay, p. 335
Book Reviews, p. 354

v. 95, 2021, 1

Editors’ Note, p. 1 Timothy W. Guinnane, Research Creating a New Legal Form: The GmbH, p. 3
Arnaud Bartolomei, Matthieu de Oliveira, Boris Deschanel, Thomas Mollanger, The Making of Commercial Innovations: The Use of Printed Commercial Circular Letters in France and Europe, 1750-1850, p. 33
Maanik Nath, Do Institutional Transplants Succeed? Regulating Raiffeisen Cooperatives in South India, 1930-1960, p. 59
Peter Conti-Brown, Sean H. Vanatta, The Logic and Legitimacy of Bank Supervision: The Case of the Bank Holiday of 1933, p. 87
Tom Nicholas, How History Shaped the Innovator’s Dilemma, p. 121

Announcement, p. 149
Review Essay, p. 151
Book Reviews, p. 159