Business History Review DATINI

Business History Review

Harvard, Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration
Bimestrale; dal 1949 trimestrale
ISSN: 0007-6805
Conservata in: Università degli Studi di Firenze, Biblioteca di Scienze Sociali
Punto di servizio: Economia, Riv. Str. 338
Consistenza: a. 10, 1936, 1-
Lacune: v. 75, 2001, 3;

[ 2030-2021 ] [ 2020-2011 ] [ 2010-2001 ] [ 2000-1991 ] [ 1990-1981 ] [ 1980-1971 ] [ 1970-1961 ] [ 1960-1951 ] [ 1950-1941 ] [ 1940-1936 ]

copertina della rivista

v. 94, 2020, 4

Editors’ Note, p. 673

Michael Aldous, Partners, Servants, or Entrepreneurs? Banians in the Nineteenth-Century Bengal Economy, p. 675
Thomas R. Buckley, Multinational Companies and the Cultural Industries: W.H. Smith in Canada, 1950-1989, p. 699
Jenny Andersson, Ghost in a Shell: The Scenario tool and the World Making of Royal Dutch Shell, p. 729
Carlo Edoardo Altamura, Juan Flores Zendejas, Politics, International Banking, and the Debt Crisis of 1982, p. 753
Matthew N. Eisler, Public Policy, Industrial Innovation, and the Zero-Emission Vehicle, p. 779

Announcements, p. 803
Perspectives, p. 807
Review Essay, p. 835
Book Reviews, p. 853

v. 94, 2020, 3

Editors’ Note, p. 481

Nicolas Marty, The True Revolution of 1968: Mineral Water Trade and the Early Proliferation of Plastic, 1960s-1970s, p. 483
Ghassan Moazzin, Investing in the New Republic: Multinational Banks, Political Risk, and the Chinese Revolution of 1911, p. 507
Monica Keneley, British Fire Insurers in Australia, 1860-1920: A Story of Enterprise, Luck, and Resilience, p. 535
Mircea Raianu, Trade, Finance, and Industry in the Development of Indian Capitalism: The Case of Tata, p. 569 Sebastian Hoffmann, Stephen P. Walker, Adapting to Crisis: Accounting Information Systems during the Weimar Hyperinflation, p. 593

Announcements, p. 627
Review Essay, p. 631
Book Reviews, p. 660

v. 94, 2020, 2

Editors’ Note, p. 285

William P. Kennedy,P. J. R. Delargy, Shorting the Future? Capital Markets and the Launch of the British Electrical Industry, 1882-1892, p. 287
Simon Ville, David Tolmie Merrett, Investing in a Wealthy Resource- Based Colonial Economy: International Business in Australia before World War I, p. 321
Teresa da Silva Lopes, Andrea Lluch, Gaspar Martins Pereira, The Changing and Flexible Nature of Imitation and Adulteration: The Case of the Global Wine Industry, 1850-1914, p. 347
Pierre-Yves Donzé, The Advantage of Being Swiss: Nestlé and Political Risk in Asia during the Early Cold War, 1945-1970, p. 373
Anna Spadavecchia, Building Industrial Districts: Do Subsidies Help? Evidence from Postwar Italy, p. 399

Announcements, p. 425
Book Reviews, p. 464

v. 94, 2020, 1


Editors’ Note, p. 1

Robert Fredona, Sophus A. Reinert, Italy and the Origins of Capitalism, p. 5

William Caferro, Premodern European Capitalism, Christianity, and Florence, p. 39
Jeffrey Miner, Profit and Patrimony: Property, Markets, and Public Debt in Late Medieval Genoa, p. 73
Franco Franceschi, Big Business for Firms and States: Silk Manufacturing in Renaissance Italy, p. 95
Sophus A. Reinert, Robert Fredona, Political Economy and the Medici, p. 125
Maria Fusaro, The Burden of Risk: Early Modern Maritime Enterprise and Varieties of Capitalism, p. 179
Corey Tazzara, Port of Trade or Commodity Market? Livorno and Cross-Cultural Trade in the Early Modern Mediterranean, p. 201
Francesca Trivellato, Renaissance Florence and the Origins of Capitalism: A Business History Perspective, p. 229

Announcements, p. 253

v. 93, 2019, 4


Editors’ Note, p. 657

Laura Phillips Sawyer, Herbert Hovenkamp, New Perspectives in Regulatory History, p. 659

William J. Novak, Institutional Economics and the Progressive Movement for the Social Control of American Business, p. 665
Susie J. Pak, Comment, p. 697
Anne Fleming, Anti-Competition Regulation, p. 701
Rebecca Haw Allensworth, Comment, p. 725
Reuel Schiller, The Curious Origins of Airline Deregulation: Economic Deregulation and the American Left, p. 729
Lily Geismer, Comment, p. 755
Daniel A. Crane, A Premature Postmortem on the Chicago School of Antitrust, p. 759 Lina M. Khan, Comment, p. 777
David J. Gerber, Prisms of Distance and Power: Viewing the U.S. Regulatory Tradition, p. 781

Announcements, p. 801

v. 93, 2019, 3


Editors’ Note, p. 441

Charles Harvey, Mairi Maclean, Roy Suddaby, Historical Perspectives on Entrepreneurship and Philanthropy, p. 443

Catherine Casson, Mark Casson, « to Dispose of Wealth in Works of Charity »: Entrepreneurship and Philanthropy in Medieval England, p. 473
Alice Shepherd, Steven Toms, Entrepreneurship, Strategy, and Business Philanthropy: Cotton Textiles in the British Industrial Revolution, p. 503
Niall G. MacKenzie, Jillian Gordon,Martin J. Gannon, A Spirit of Generosity: Philanthropy in the Scotch Whisky Industry, p. 529
Nicolas J. Duquette, Founders’ Fortunes and Philanthropy: A History of the U.S. Charitable-Contribution Deduction, p. 553

Announcements, p. 585
Research Note, p. 589
Review Essay, p. 599

v. 93, 2019, 2

Editors’ Note, p. 219

Jan-Otmar Hesse, The German Textile Puzzle: Selective Protectionism and the Silent Globalization of an Industry, p. 221
Catherine Casson, Mark Dodgson, Designing for Innovation: Cooperation and Competition in English Cotton, Silk, and Pottery Firms, 1750-1860, p. 247
Rolv Petter Amdam, Robert Fredona, Sophus A. Reinert, Breaking Even: Political Economy and Private Enterprise in the Norwegian Glass Industry, 1739-1803, p. 275
Peter Scott, Rethinking Business Models in the Great Depression: The Failure of America’s Vacuum Cleaner Industry, p. 319
Christophe Lécuyer, Confronting the Japanese Challenge: The Revival of Manufacturing at Intel, p. 349

Announcements, p. 375
Research Note, p. 379
Review Essay, p. 397

v. 93, 2019, 1


Editors’ Note, p. 1

Ann-Kristin Bergquist, Renewing Business History in the Era of the Anthropocene, p. 3

Charles Halvorson, Deflated Dreams: The EPA’s Bubble Policy and the Politics of Uncertainty in Regulatory Reform, p. 25
Simone M. Müller, Hidden Externalities: The Globalization of Hazardous Waste, p. 51
Adam Rome, DuPont and the Limits of Corporate Environmentalism, p. 75
Marten Boon, A Climate of Change? The Oil Industry and Decarbonization in Historical Perspective, p. 101
Ann-Kristin Bergquist, Shawn A. Cole, John Ehrenfeld, Andrew A. King, Auden Schendler, Understanding and Overcoming Roadblocks to Environmental Sustainability: Past Roads and Future Prospects, p. 127

Announcements, p. 149
Research Note, p. 153

v. 92, 2018, 4

Editor’s Note, p. 603

W. Walker Hanlon, Skilled Immigrants and American Industrialization: Lessons from Newport News Shipyard, p. 605
Susanna Fellman, Martin Shanahan, Sectoral Influence on Competition Legislation: Evidence from the Cartel Registers, 1920-2000, p. 633
Christopher L. Colvin, Organizational Determinants of Bank Resilience: Explaining the Performance of SME Banks in the Dutch Financial Crisis of the 1920s, p. 661
Stephanie Decker, Africanization in British Multinationals in Ghana and Nigeria, 1945-1970, p. 691
Niall G. MacKenzie, Creating Market Failure: Business-Government Relations in the British Paper-Pulp Industry, 1950-1980, p. 719

Announcements, p. 743
Remenbrance, p. 745
Review Essay, p. 749
Book Reviews, p. 766

v. 92, 2018, 3

Editor’s Note, p. 423

Núria Puig, Adoración Álvaro-Moya, The Long-Term Effects of Foreign Investment on Local Human Capital: Four American Companies in Spain, 1920s-1970s, p. 425
Katrin Schreiter, Davide Ravasi, Institutional Pressures and Organizational Identity: The Case of Deutsche Werkstätten Hellerau in the GDR and Beyond, 1945-1996, p. 453
Jacob Anbinder, Selling the World: Public Relations and the Global Expansion of General Motors, 1922-1940, p. 483
Bernardo Batiz-Lazo, Gustavo A. Del Angel, The Ascent of Plastic Money: International Adoption of the Bank Credit Card, 1950-1975, p. 509

Announcements, p. 535
Review Essay, p. 537
Book Reviews, p. 565

v. 92, 2018, 2

Samuel Milner, The Problem of Productivity: Inflation and Collective Bargaining after World War II, p. 227
Rika Fujioka, Jon Stobart, Global and Local: Retail Transformation and the Department Store in Britain and Japan, 1900-1940, p. 251
Paolo Di Martino, Michelangelo Vasta, Reassessing the Italian « Economic Miracle »: Law, Firms’ Governance, and Management, 1950-1973, p. 281
Per H. Hansen, Anne Magnussen, Making Sense of Business and Community in Hollywood Films, 1928-2016, p. 307

Announcements, p. 339
Review Essay, p. 343
Book Reviews, p. 408

v. 92, 2018, 1

Editors’ Note, p. 1

Petri Paju, Thomas Haigh, IBM’s Tiny Peripheral: Finland and the Tensions of Transnationality, p. 3
Joseba De la Torre, Maria del Mar Rubio-Varas, Learning by Doing: The First Spanish Nuclear Plant, p. 29
Lindsay Schakenbach Regele, Industrial Manifest Destiny: American Firearms Manufacturing and Antebellum Expansion, p. 57
Stefan Link, The Charismatic Corporation: Finance, Administration, and Shop Floor Management under Henry Ford, p. 85
James W. Cortada, Change and Continuity at IBM: Key Themes in Histories of IBM (A historiographical review), p. 117

Announcements, p. 149
Review Essay, p. 153
Book Reviews, p. 203

v. 91, 2017, 4

Editors’ Note, p. 649

Chinmay Tumbe, Transnational Indian Business in the Twentieth Century, p. 651
Nuno Luís Madureira, Squabbling Sisters: Multinational Companies and Middle East Oil Prices, p. 681
René Taudal Poulsen, Kristoffer Jensen, René Schrøder Christensen, Liping Jiang, Corporate Strategies and Global Competition: Odense Steel Shipyard, 1918-2012, p. 707
Volodymyr Kulikov, The Hundred Largest Employers in the Russian Empire, circa 1913, p. 735
R. Daniel Wadhwani, Christina Lubinski, Reinventing Entrepreneurial History, p. 767

Announcements, p. 801
Selected Abstracts from International Business History Journals, p. 803
Review Essay, p. 809
Book Reviews, p. 832

v. 91, 2017, 3

Editors’ Introduction: Debating Methodology in Business History, p. 443

Mairi Maclean, Charles Harvey, Stewart R. Clegg, Organization Theory in Business and Management History: Present Status and Future Prospects, p. 457
Jonathan Levy, Capital as Process and the History of Capitalism, p. 483
Marten Boon, Business Enterprise and Globalization: towards a Transnational Business History, p. 511
Gareth Austin, Carlos Dávila, Geoffrey Jones, The Alternative Business History: Business in Emerging Markets, p. 537

Announcements, p. 571
Review Essays, p. 575

v. 91, 2017, 2

Editors’ Note, p. 225

Timothy W. Guinnane, Ron Harris, Naomi R. Lamoreaux, Contractual Freedom and Corporate Governance in Britain in the Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries, p. 227
Michael Mayer, Julia Hautz, Christian Stadler, Richard Whittington, Diversification and Internationalization in the European Single Market: The British Exception, p. 279
Nicholas Alexander, Anne Marie Doherty, The Origins of American International Retailing: Tiffany of New York in London and Paris, 1837-1914, p. 301
Stephen B. Adams, Arc of Empire: The Federal Telegraph Company, the U.S. Navy, and the Beginnings of Silicon Valley, p. 329

Announcements, p. 361
Remembrance, p. 365
Review Essays, p. 377

v. 91, 2017, 1

Tirthankar Roy, Transfer of Economic Power in Corporate Calcutta, 1950-1970, p. 3
Robert Fitzgerald, International Business and the Development of British Electrical Manufacturing, 1886-1929, p. 31
Peter Scott, James T. Walker, « The Only Way Is Up »: Overoptimism and the Demise of the American Five-and-Dime Store, 1914-1941, p. 71
Catherine Schenk, Rogue Trading at Lloyds Bank International, 1974: Operational Risk in Volatile Markets, p. 105
Laureen Kuo, Improving French Competitiveness through American Investment following World War II, p. 129

v. 90, 2016, 4

Judge Glock, The Rise and Fall of the First Government-Sponsored Enterprise: The Federal Land Banks, 1916-1932, p. 623
Christy Ford Chapin, The Politics of Corporate Social Responsibility in American Health Care and Home Loans, p. 647
Rolv Petter Amdam, Executive Education and the Managerial Revolution: The Birth of Executive Education at Harvard Business School, p. 671

Roundtable On Management Theory After Organization Man: Creativity, Burnout, Intuition, Heterarchy

Christopher McKenna, Introduction: From Management Consultant to Psychological Counse, p. 691
Samuel Franklin, Creativity, p. 694
Matthew J. Hoffarth, Executive Burnout, p. 701
Kira Lussier, Managing Intuition, p. 708
Bretton Fosbrook, Evolution through Heterarchical Organization, p. 719
Pankaj Ghemawat, Evolving Ideas about Business Strategy, p. 727

v. 90, 2016, 3

Special Issue: Food and Agriculture

Editors’ Note, p. 403

Emily Pawley, Cataloging Nature: Standardizing Fruit Varieties in the United States, 1800-1860, p. 405
Casey Marina Lurtz, Developing the Mexican Countryside: The Department of Fomento’s Social Project of Modernization, p. 431
Teresa da Silva Lopes, Building Brand Reputation through Third-Party Endorsement: Fair Trade in British Chocolate, p. 457
Ai Hisano, The Rise of Synthetic Colors in the American Food Industry, 1870-1940, p. 483
Sarah Milov, Promoting Agriculture: Farmers, the State, and Checkoff Marketing, 1935-2005, p. 505

Review Essay, p. 541

v. 90, 2016, 2

Editors’ Note, p. 195

Ann-Kristin Bergquist, Magnus Lindmark, Sustainability and Shared Value in the Interwar Swedish Copper Industry, p. 197
Susana Martínez-Rodríguez, Creating the Sociedad de Responsabilidad Limitada: The Use of Legal Flexibility in Spanish Company Law, 1869-1953, p. 227
Peter Scott, James T. Walker, Bringing Radio into America’s Homes: Marketing New Technology in the Great Depression, p. 251
Paul J. Miranti, Innovation’s Golden Triangle: Finance, Regulation, and Science at the Bell System, 1877-1940, p. 277
David Chambers, Ali Kabiri, Keynes and Wall Street, p. 301
Stephanie Decker, Organizations in Time: History, Theory, Methods, p. 333

v. 90, 2016, 1

Editors’ Note, p. 1

Steven Toms, Qi Zhang, Marks & Spencer and the Decline of the British Textile Industry, 1950-2000, p. 3
Laura Phillips Sawyer, California Fair Trade: Antitrust and the Politics of « Fairness » in U.S. Competition Policy, p. 31
Sean H. Vanatta, Citibank, Credit Cards, and the Local Politics of National Consumer Finance, 1968-1991, p. 57
Hartmut Berghoff, Varieties of Financialization? Evidence from German Industry in the 1990s, p. 81

Announcements, p. 109
Review Essay, p. 113
Book Reviews, p. 131

v. 89, 2015, 4

Editors’ Note, p. 629

B. Zorina Khan, Inventing Prizes: A Historical Perspective on Innovation Awards and Technology Policy, p. 631
Graeme G. Acheson, Gareth Campbell, John D. Turner, Active Controllers or Wealthy Rentiers? Large Shareholders in Victorian Public Companies, p. 661
Rolv Petter Amdam, Ove Bjarnar, Globalization and the Development of Industrial Clusters: Comparing Two Norwegian Clusters, 1900-2010, p. 693
Brian R. Cheffins, Corporate Governance since the Managerial Capitalism Era, p. 717

Announcements, p. 745
Abstract, p. 749
Review Essay, p. 761
Book Reviews, p. 767

v. 89, 2015, 3

Brian R. Cheffins, Corporate Governance since the Managerial Capitalism Era
Sean H. Vanatta, Citibank, Credit Cards, and the Local Politics of National Consumer Finance, 1968-1991
Laura Phillips Sawyer, California Fair Trade: Antitrust and the Politics of « Fairness » in U.S. Competition Policy
B. Zorina Khan, Inventing Prizes: A Historical Perspective on Innovation Awards and Technology Policy
Rolv Petter Amdam and Ove Bjarnar, Globalization and the Development of Industrial Clusters: Comparing Two Norwegian Clusters, 1900-2010
Graeme G. Acheson, Gareth Campbell, John D. Turner, Active Controllers or Wealthy Rentiers? Large Shareholders in Victorian Public Companies

v. 89, 2015, 2

Editors’ Note, p. 205

Peter Borscheid, Niels-Viggo Haueter, Institutional Transfer: The Beginnings of Insurance in Southeast Asia, p. 207
David Tolmie Merrett, Simon Ville, Accounting for Nonconvergence in Global Wool Marketing before 1939, p. 229
Miguel A. López-Morell, Luciano Segreto, The International Mercury Cartel, 1928-1954: Controlling Global Supply, p. 255
Yally Avrahampour, « Cult of Equity »: Actuaries and the Transformation of Pension Fund Investing, 1948-1960, p. 281
Douglas Cumming, Grant Fleming, Corporate Defaults, Workouts, and the Rise of the Distressed Asset Investment Industry, p. 305

Announcement, p. 331
Review Essay, p. 339
Book Reviews, p. 345

v. 89, 2015, 1

Editors’ Note, p. 1

Helge Ryggvik, A Short History of the Norwegian Oil Industry: From Protected National Champions to Internationally Competitive Multinationals, p. 3
Tobias Cramer, Building the « World’s Pharmacy »: The Rise of the German Pharmaceutical Industry, 1871-1914, p. 43
Thomas David, Janick Marina Schaufelbuehl, Transatlantic Influence in the Shaping of Business Education: The Origins of IMD, 1946-1990, p. 75
Elizabeth Fones-Wolf, Ken Fones-Wolf, Managers and Ministers: Instilling Christian Free Enterprise in the Postwar Workplace, p. 99

Announcement, p. 125
Review Essay, p. 129
Book Reviews, p. 155

v. 88, 2014, 4

Editors’ Note, p. 645

Mary O’Sullivan, A Fine Failure: Relationship Lending, Moses Taylor, and the Joliet Iron & Steel Company, 1869-1888, p. 647
Adoración Álvaro-Moya, The Globalization of Knowledge-Based Services: Engineering Consulting in Spain, 1953-1975, p. 681
Álvaro Silva, Organizational Innovation in Nineteenth-Century Railway Investment: Peripheral Countries in a Global Economy, p. 709
Andrew Cohen, Britain and the Breakdown of the Colonial Environment: The Struggle over the Tanzam Oil Pipeline in Zambia, p. 737
Cory Davis, The Political Economy of Commercial Associations: Building the National Board of Trade, 1840-1868, p. 761

Announcement, p. 785
Review Essay, p. 791
Book Reviews, p. 799

v. 88, 2014, 3

Editors’ Note, p. 443

Espen Storli, Cartel Theory and Cartel Practice: The Case of the International Aluminum Cartels, 1901-1940, p. 445
Manuel Llorca-Jaña, Shaping Globalization: London’s Merchant Bankers in the Early Nineteenth Century, p. 469
Peter Scott, When Innovation Becomes Inefficient: Reexamining Britain’s Radio Industry, p. 497
John Hoenig, A tomato for All Seasons: Innovation in American Agricultural Production, 1900-1945, p. 523
Bradley A. Hansen, A Failure of Regulation? Reinterpreting the Panic of 1907, p. 545

Announcements, p. 571
Review Essay, p. 583
Book Reviews, p. 593

v. 88, 2014, 2

Editors’ Note, p. 239

Gelina Harlaftis, The Onassis Global Shipping Business, 1920s-1950s, p. 241
Thomas Heinrich, Fighting Ships that Require Knowledge and Experience: Industrial Mobilization in American Naval Shipbuilding, 1940-1945, p. 273
Andrea Colli, Multinationals and Economic Development in Italy during the Twentieth Century, p. 303
Howard H. Yu, Willy C. Shih, Taiwan’s PC Industry, 1976-2010: The Evolution of Organizational Capabilities, p. 329

Announcements, p. 359
Research Note, p. 367
Conference Report, p. 373
Book Reviews, p. 379

v. 88, 2014, 1

Special Issue: Business, Networks, and the State in India

Editors’ Note, p. 1
Dwijendra Tripathi, Introduction, p. 3

Tirthankar Roy, Trading Firms in Colonial India, p. 9
Gijsbert Oonk, The Emergence of Indigenous Industrialists in Calcutta, Bombay, and Ahmedabad, 1850-1947, p. 43
K. Ravi Raman, Business, Ethnicity, Politics, and Imperial Interests: The United Planters’ Association of Southern India, 1893-1950, p. 73
Medha Kudaisya, « The Promise of Partnership »: Indian Business, the State, and the Bombay Plan of 1944, p. 97
Prithwiraj Choudhury, Tarun Khanna, Charting Dynamic Trajectories: Multinational Enterprises in India, p. 133

Announcements, p. 171
Review Essay, p. 187

v. 87, 2013, 4

Editors’ Note, p. 625

Edward J. Balleisen, Sally Clarke, Jonathan M. Karpoff, Jonathan Macey, Ron Harris, Christy Ford Chapin, Corporate Reputation Roundtable, p. 627

Rowena Olegario, Christopher McKenna, Introduction: Corporate Reputation in Historical Perspective, p. 643
Kenneth Lipartito, Mediating Reputation: Credit Reporting Systems in American History, p. 655
James Taylor, Privacy, Publicity, and Reputation: How the Press Regulated the Market in Nineteenth-Century England, p. 679
Susie J. Pak, Reputation and Social Ties: J. P. Morgan & Co. and Private Investment Banking, p. 703
Marcelo Bucheli, Erica Salvaj, Reputation and Political Legitimacy: ITT in Chile, 1927-1972, p. 729

Announcements, p. 757
Literature Review, p. 763
Review Essay, p. 787
Book Reviews, p. 797

v. 87, 2013, 3

Editors’ Note, p. 405

David Tolmie Merrett, The Australian Bank Crashes of the 1890s Revisited, p. 407

Cathie Jo Martin, Party Politics and the Default Move from Coordination to Liberalism, p. 431
Olga Kravets, Özlem Sandikçi, Marketing for Socialism: Soviet Cosmetics in the 1930s, p. 461
Tomoko Hashino, Takafumi Kurosawa, Beyond Marshallian Agglomeration Economies: The Roles of Trade Associations in Meiji Japan, p. 489
Daniel A. Wren, James D. Mooney and General Motors’ Multinational Operations, 1922-1940, p. 515

Announcements, p. 545
Literature Review, p. 553
Book Reviews, p. 559

v. 87, 2013, 2

Editors’ Note, p. 201

Pierre-Yves Donzé, Siemens and the Business of Medicine in Japan, 1900-1945, p. 203
Alexandre Macchione Saes, Modernizing Electric Utilities in Brazil: National vs. Foreign Capital, 1889-1930, p. 229
Monica Keneley, Does Organizational Heritage Matter in the Development of Offshore Markets? The Case of Australian Life Insurers, p. 255
Evrydiki Sifneos, Greek Family Firms in the Azov Sea Region, 1850-1917, p. 279
Tobias Rötheli, Innovations in US Banking Practices and the Credit Boom of the 1920s, p. 309

Announcements, p. 329
Book Reviews, p. 337

v. 87, 2013, 1 – Special Issue: Markets for Innovation


Editors’ Note, p. 1

Naomi R. Lamoreaux, Kenneth L. Sokoloff, Dhanoos Sutthiphisal, Patent Alchemy: The Market for Technology in US History, p. 3
B. Zorina Khan, Selling Ideas: An International Perspective on Patenting and Markets for Technological Innovations, 1790-1930, p. 39
Carsten Burhop, Nikolaus Wolf, The German Market for Patents during the « Second Industrialization, » 1884-1913: A Gravity Approach, p. 69
Alessandro Nuvolari, James Sumner, Inventors, Patents, and Inventive Activities in the English Brewing Industry, 1634-1850, p. 95
Tom Nicholas, Hiroshi Shimizu, Intermediary Functions and the Market for Innovation in Meiji and Taisho Japan, p. 121
Announcements, p. 151
Book Reviews, p. 157

v. 86, 2012, 4

Editors’ Note, p. 655

Howell Harris, Coping with Competition: Cooperation and Collusion in the US Stove Industry, c.1870-1930, p. 657
Per H. Hansen, Business History: A Cultural and Narrative Approach, p. 693
María del Carmen Collado, Entrepreneurs and Their Businesses during the Mexican Revolution, p. 719
Chibuike U. Uche, British Government, British Businesses, and the Indigenization Exercise in Post-Independence Nigeria, p. 745
Yongdo Kim, Interfirm Cooperation in Japan’s Integrated Circuit Industry, 1960s-1970s, p. 773

Announcements, p. 793
Book Reviews, p. 809

v. 86, 2012, 3

Editors’ Note, p. 415

Hans Sjögren, Thomas Taro Lennerfors, René Taudal Poulsen, The Transformation of Swedish Shipping, 1970-2010, p. 417
Robert E. Wright, Christopher Kingston, Corporate Insurers in Antebellum America, p. 447
Bartow J. Elmore, The American Beverage Industry and the Development of Curbside Recycling Programs, 1950-2000, p. 477
Veronica Binda, Strategy and Structure in Large Italian and Spanish Firms, 1950-2002, p. 503
Christopher McDonald, Western Union’s Failed Reinvention: The Role of Momentum in Resisting Strategic Change, 1965-1993
, p. 527

Announcements, p. 551
Review Essay, p. 569

v. 86, 2012, 2

Editors’ Note, p. 209

Lisa D. Cook, Overcoming Discrimination by Consumers during the Age of Segregation: The Example of Garrett Morgan, p. 211
Teresa da Silva Lopes, Paul Duguid, Introduction: Behind the Brand, p. 235
Patricio Sáiz, Paloma Fernàndez Pérez, Catalonian Trademarks and the Development of Marketing Knowledge in Spain, 1850-1946, p. 239
David M. Higgins, « Forgotten Heroes and Forgotten Issues »: Business and Trademark History during the Nineteenth Century, p. 261
Teresa da Silva Lopes, Mark Casson, Brand Protection and the Globalization of British Business, p. 287
Paul Duguid, A Case of Prejudice? The Uncertain Development of Collective and Certification Marks, p. 311

Announcements, p. 335

v. 86, 2012, 1

Editors’ Note, p. 1

Gareth Campbell, John D. Turner, Dispelling the Myth of the Naive Investor during the British Railway Mania, 1845-1846, p. 3
Julie Bower, Howard Cox, How Scottish & Newcastle Became the U.K.’s Largest Brewer: A Case of Regulatory Capture?, p. 43
María Fernàndez-Moya, Creating Knowledge Networks: Spanish Multinational Publishers in Mexico, p. 69
William Thomas, Operations Research vis-à-vis Management at Arthur D. Little and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the 1950s, p. 99

Announcements, p. 123

v. 85, 2011, 4

Editors’ Note, p. 675

Ann-Kristin Bergquist, Kristina Söderholm, Green Innovation Systems in Swedish Industry, 1960-1989, p. 677
Christina Lubinski, Path Dependency and Governance in German Family Firms, p. 699
Ian Brown, Tracing Burma’s Economic Failure to Its Colonial Inheritance, p. 725
Ian Phimister, Corporate Profit and Race in Central African Copper Mining, 1946-1958, p. 749
Marina Nicoli, Entrepreneurs and the State in the Italian Film Industry, 1919-1935, p. 775

Announcements, p. 799 Index, p. 881

v. 85, 2011, 3

Editors’ Note, p. 459

Andrea Ryan, Gunnar Trumbull, Peter Tufano, A Brief Postwar History of U.S. Consumer Finance, p. 461
R. Daniel Wadhwani, The Institutional Foundations of Personal Finance: Innovation in U.S. Savings Banks, 1880s-1920s, p. 499
Jan Logemann, Americanization through Credit? Consumer Credit in Germany, 1860s-1960s, p. 529
Christine Zumello, The « Everything Card » and Consumer Credit in the United States in the 1960s, p. 551

Announcements, p. 557
International Abstracts, p. 587
Review Essays, p. 603

v. 85, 2011, 2

Walter A. Friedman, Geoffrey Jones, Creative Industries in History, p. 237

Charles Harvey, Jon Press and Mairi Maclean, William Morris, Cultural Leadership, and the Dynamics of Taste, p. 245
Eugènie Briot, From Industry to Luxury: French Perfume in the Nineteenth Century, p. 273
Francesca Carnevali, Fashioning Luxury for Factory Girls: American Jewelry, 1860-1914, p. 295
Véronique Pouillard, Design Piracy in the Fashion Industries of Paris and New York in the Interwar Years, p. 319
Mukti Khaire, The Indian Fashion Industry and Traditional Indian Crafts, p. 245

Announcements, p. 367

v. 85, 2011, 1

Walter A. Friedman, Geoffrey Jones, Business History: Time for Debate, p. 1
Mark Casson, John S. Lee, The Origin and Development of Markets: A Business History Perspective, p. 9
Randall Morck, Bernard Yeung, Economics, History, and Causation, p. 39
Christos N. Pitelis, Globalization, Development, and History in the Work of Edith Penrose, p. 65
Jack High, Economic Theory and the Rise of Big Business in America, 1870-1910, p. 85
Leslie Hannah, J. P. Morgan in London and New York before 1914, p. 113
Franco Amatori, Entrepreneurial Typologies in the History of Industrial Italy: Reconsiderations, p. 151

Announcements, p. 151