Business History Review DATINI

Business History Review

Harvard, Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration
Bimestrale; dal 1949 trimestrale
ISSN: 0007-6805
Conservata in: Università degli Studi di Firenze, Biblioteca di Scienze Sociali
Punto di servizio: Economia, Riv. Str. 338
Consistenza: a. 10, 1936, 1-
Lacune: v. 75, 2001, 3;

[ 2030-2021 ] [ 2020-2011 ] [ 2010-2001 ] [ 2000-1991 ] [ 1990-1981 ] [ 1980-1971 ] [ 1970-1961 ] [ 1960-1951 ] [ 1950-1941 ] [ 1940-1936 ]

copertina della rivista

a. 34, 1960, 4

Walter Lafeber, The American Business Community and Cleveland’s Venezuelan Message, p. 393
Norman J. Wood, Industrial Relations Policies of American Management, 1900 – 1933, p. 403
Richard Graham, The Investment Boom in British-Texan Cattle Companies, 1880 – 1885, p. 421
James Don Edwards, Early Bookkeeping and Its Development into Accounting, p. 446
Roy J. Sampson, American Accounting Education, Textbooks and Public Practice Prior to 1900, p. 459
Mary E. Murphy, Sir George touche, Bart., C.A., 1861 – 1935: A Memoir, p. 467
Dorothea D. Reeves, The Kress Library of Business and Economics, p. 478

Contributions from: Stuart Bruchey, p. 495
Contributions from: Hagley Museum History Fellowships, p. 498

Book Reviews, p. 499

a. 34, 1960, 3

Jean Lindsay, An Early Industrial Community – The Evans’ Cotton Mill at Darley Abbey, Derbyshire, 1783 – 1810, p. 277
Kenneth H. Myers, ABC and SRDS: The Evolution of Two Specialized Advertising Services, p. 302
Dorothea D. Reeves, Sixteenth-Century Writings on Bookkeeping Acquired by the Kress Library of Business and Economics, p. 327
A. K. Steigerwalt, The Nam and the Congressional Investigations of 1913; A Case Study in the Suppression of Evidence, p. 335
Robert W. Lovett, Business Manuscripts at Baker Library, Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration, p. 345
Robert F. Severson Jr., The American Manufacturing Frontier, 1870 – 1940, p. 356

Book Review, p. 373

a. 34, 1960, 2

Robert E. Carlson, British Railroads and Engineers and the Beginnings of American Railroad Development, p. 137
Ralph W. Hidy, Muriel E. Hidy, Anglo-American Merchant Bankers and the Railroads of the Old Northwest, 1848 – 1860, p. 150
Robert C. Toole, Behind the Lines: The La Crosse Packet Company During the Civil War, p. 170
A. W. Currie, British Attitudes toward Investment in North American Railroads, p. 194
Lorna M. Daniells, Studies in Enterprise, 1959: A Selected Bibliography, p. 217

Contributions from: Arthur M. Johnson – Barry E. Supple, p. 241
The Editor, p. 247

Book Reviews, p. 249

a. 34, 1960, 1

Edith T. Penrose, The Growth of the Firm – A Case Study: The Hercules Powder Company, p. 1
D. T. Gilchrist, Albert Fink and the Pooling System, p. 24
Jacob Adler, Water Rights and Cabinet Shuffles: How Claus Spreckels’ Hawaiian Career Began, p. 50
Ruth B. Bordin, A Michigan Lumbering Family, p. 64
George W. Bishop Jr., New England Journalist: Highlights in the News Paper Career of Charles H. Dow, p. 77

Contribution from: Arthur H. Cole, Yusif A. Syigh, The Editor, p. 95

Peter J. Coleman, Beard, McDonald, and Economic Determinism in American Historiography – A Review Article, p. 113

Book Review, p. 121

a. 33, 1959, 4

Joe B. Frantz, Borden at the Century Mark: Case Study of a Centennial Observance, p. 469
Arnold M. Paul, Legal Progressivism, the Courts, and the Crisis of the 1890’s, p. 495
John Tipple, The Anatomy of Prejudice: Origins of the Robber Baron Legend, p. 510
Neil A. Mc Nall, John Greig: Land Agent and Speculator, p. 524
Richard W. Gable, Birth of an Employers’ Association, p. 535
Newcomen Awards in Business History, p. 546
Fellowship In Business History, p. 548

Contribution from: Robert V. Eagly, Firestone Tire & Rubber Company, Warren G. Ogden Jr., Barry E. Supple, The Editor’s Desk, p. 549

Book Review, p. 581

a. 33, 1959, 3

Arthur H. Cole, The Tempo of Mercantile Life in Colonial America, p. 277
John A. Denovo, A Railroad for Turkey: The Chester Project, 1908 – 1913, p. 300
Gabriel Kolko, The Premises of Business Revisionism, p. 330
Henry Eilbirt, The Development of Personnel Management in the United States, p. 345
William D. Torrence, Great Independent: The Lincoln Telephone Company, 1903 – 1908, p. 365

Contribution from: Johnson Supple, Myers Smalley, Johs. Lunde Steven J. Shaw, Arthur H. Cole, p. 383

Walter Rundell Jr., Centennial Bibliography: Annotated Selections on the History of the Petroleum Industry in the United States, p. 429
Newcomen Awards Announcement, p. 448

Book Reviews, p. 449

a. 33, 1959, 2

Gene M. Gressley, Teschemacher and De Billier Cattle Company: A Study of Eastern Capital on the Frontier, p. 121
Cedric B. Cowing, Sons of the Wild Jackass and the Stock Market, p. 138
Charles N. Glaab, Business Patterns in the Growth of a Midwestern City: The Kansas City Business Community before the Civil War, p. 156
Dorothea D. Reeves, The Jost Amman Print, p. 175
James H. Soltow, Small City Industrialists in the Age of Organization: Case Study of the Manufacturers’ Association of Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, 1908 – 1958, p. 178
Clark C. Spence, The Montana Company, Limited: Case Study of an Anglo-American Mining Investment, p. 190

Over the Counter, p. 204

Lorna M. Daniells, Studies in Enterprise, 1958: A Selected Bibliography of American and Canadian Company Histories and Biographies of Businessmen, p. 217
Henrietta M. Larson, George S. Gibb, Two Giants of International Trade: The Unilever and Royal Dutch Histories – A Review Article, p. 244

Book Reviews, p. 256

a. 33, 1959, 1

Alfred D. Chandler Jr., The Beginnings of “Big Business” in American Industry, p. 1
Charles M. Gates, Boom Stages in American Expansion, p. 82
Milton J. Nadworny, The Perfect Melodeon: The Origins of the Estey Organ Company, 1846 – 1866, p. 43
Robert W. Lovett, A Tidewater Merchant in New Hampshire, p. 60
Richard N. Farmer, Local Entrepreneurship in Saudi Arabia, p. 73
Barry E. Supple, From Business to Government – A Review Article, p. 87

Book Reviews, p. 106

copertina della rivista

a. 32, 1958, 4

Sidney Fine, The Ford Motor Company and the N.R.A., p. 353
Lance Edwin Davis, Peter Lester Payne, From Benevolence to business. The Story of Two Savings Banks, p. 386
August C. Bolino, Mormon Philosophy and Practical Railroad Building, p. 407

Alvin C. Gluek Jr., A Sidelight in the Business History of the Hudson’s Bay Company, p. 423

John E. Sawyer, Perspective and Direction, 1948 – 1958. A Review Article, p. 434

Over the Counter, p. 444
Book Reviews, p.?

a. 32, 1958, 3

Forrest McDonald, Samuel Insull and the Movement for State Utility Regulatory Commissions, p. 241
John B. Rae, The Fabulous Billy Durant, p. 255

Stuart Bruchey, American Merchants in Foreign Trade in the Eighteenth and Early Nineteenth Centuries, p. 272

Glenn H. Miller Jr., The Hawkes Papers: A Case Study of a Kansas Mortgage Brokerage Business, 1871 – 1888, p. 293
Peter Mellish Reed, Standard Oil in Indonesia, 1898 – 1928, p. 311

Book Reviews, p. 338

a. 32, 1958, 2

Thomas P. Hughes, Harold P. Brown and the Executioner’s: An Incident in the AC-DC Controversy, p. 143
Giulio Pontecorvo, Investment Banking and Security Speculation in the Late 1920’s, p. 166
Reinhold A. Dorwart, The Earliest Fire Insurance Company in Berlin and Brandenburg, 1705 – 1711, p. 192
Lance Edwin Davis, Stock Ownership in the Early New England Textile Industry, p. 204

Book Reviews, p. 223

a. 32, 1958, 1

Hal Bridges, The Robber Baron Concept in American History, p. 1
Raymond De Roover, The Story of the Alberti Company of Florence, 1302 – 1348, as Revealed in Its Account Books, p. 14
Richard W. Griffin, The Augusta (Georgia) Manufacturing Company in Peace, War, and Reconstruction, 1847 – 1877, p. 60
James Don Edwards, Public Accounting in the United States from 1918 to 1928, p. 74
James H. Soltow, The Small City Industrialist, 1900 – 1950: A Case Study of Norristown, Pennsylvania, p. 102
Kenneth W. Boulding, John Kenneth Galbraith, The American Business System – By Thomas C. Cochran. A Review Article, p. 116

Book Reviews, p. 122

a. 31, 1957, 4

Irene D. Neu, An English Businessman in Sicily, 1806 – 1861, p. 355
Morrell Heald, Management’s Responsibility to Society: The Growth of an Idea, p. 375
David H. Stratton, Behind Teapot Dome: Some Personal Insights, p. 385
Cedric B. Cowing, Market Speculation in the Muckraker Era: The Popular Reaction, p. 403
Robert A. Lynn, Installment Credit Before 1870, p. 414
August C. Bolino, Bibliographical Note – The Vatican Film Library, p. 425

Book Reviews, p. 437

a. 31, 1957, 3

Moment, The Business of Whaling in America in the 1850’s, p. 261
Overton, Charles Elliott Perkins, p. 292
Eilbirt, Twentieth-Century Beginnings in Employee Counseling, p. 310
Treue, A Journal for Company Histories and Entrepreneurial Biography, p. 323

Book Reviews, p. 337

a. 31, 1957, 2

Barry E. Supple, A Business Elite: German-Jewish Financiers in Nineteenth-Century New York, p. 143
Charles J. Kennedy, The Eastern Rail-road Company, 1855 – 1884, p. 179
Edmond M. Beame, Rochester’s Flour-Milling Industry in Pre-Canal Days, p. 209
Judah Adelson, The Early Evolution of Business Organization in France, p. 226

Book Reviews, p. 246

a. 31, 1957, 1

Jack Blicksilver, George Gunton: Pioneer Spokesman for a Labor-Big Business Entente, p. 1
Milton J. Nadworny, Frederick Taylor and Frank Gilbreth: Competition in Scientific Management, p. 23
Fritz Redlich, Academic Education f or Business: Its Development and the Contribution of Ignaz Jastrow (1856 – 1937). In Commemoration of the Hundredth Anniversary of Jastrow’s Birth, p. 35
Charles J. Kennedy, The Eastern Railroad Company to 1855, p. 92

Publications Note, p. 141
Book Reviews, p. 125

a. 30, 1956, 4

Norman Scott Brien Gras, 1884 – 1956, p. 357
Werner Baer, The Promoting and the Financing of the Suez Canal, p. 361
Marian V. Sears, The American Businessman at the Turn of the Century, p. 382
James Don Edwards, Public Accounting in the United States from 1928 to 1951, p. 444
H. Wayne Morgan, The Origins and Establishment of the First Bank of the United States, p. 472

Books Reviewed, p. 493

a. 30, 1956, 3

W. Woodruff, History and the Businessman, p. 241
Howard R. Delancy, The Cole Motor Car Company, p. 260
Eric L. Waugh, Railroads and the Changing Face of Britain, 1825 – 1901, p. 274
Oliver Knight, Oil – Canada’s New Wealth, p. 297
Ralph W. Hidy, Some Implications of the Recent Literature on the History of the Petroleum Industry: A Review Article, p. 329

Books Reviewed, p. 347

a. 30, 1956, 2

Alfred D. Chandler Jr., Management Decentralization: An Historical Analysis, p. 111
James F. Doster, Vicissitudes of the South Carolina Railroad, 1865 – 1878: A Case Study in Reconstruction and Regional Traffic Development, p. 175
Wayland A. Tonning, The Beginnings of the Money-Back Guarantee and the One-Price Policy in Champaign-Urbana, Illinois, 1833 – 1880, p. 196
James Don Edwards, Some Significant Developments of Public Accounting in the United States, p. 211

Books Reviewed, p. 227

a. 30, 1956, 1

James H. Stone, The Merchant and the Muse: Commercial Influences on American Popular Music before the Civil War, p. 1
Lawrence H. Leder, Vincent P. Carosso, Robert Livingston (1654 – 1728): Businessman of Colonial New York, p. 18
William Thomas Doherty Jr., Louis Houck: Opponent and Imitator of Jay Gould, p. 46
Merrill J. Roberts, The Motor Transportation Revolution, p. 57

Books Reviewed, p. 97

a. 29, 1955, 4 (reprinted from a. 29, 1955, 3)

Richard C. Overton, Can the Records Manager Help the Business Historian?, p. 211
Arthur Barcan, Records Management and the “Paperwork Age”, p. 218
James H. Soltow, The Business Use of Business History, p. 227

a. 29, 1955, 3

Richard C. Overton, Can the Records Manager Help the Business Historian?, p. 211
Arthur Barcan, Records Management and the “Paperwork Age”, p. 218
James H. Soltow, The Business Use of Business History, p. 227
Harris Proschansky, The Origins of the National Association of Life Underwriters, p. 238
Mary E. Murphy, Recent Research in British Accounting History, p. 263

Books Reviewed, p. 277

a. 29, 1955, 2

Thomas R. Navin, Marian V. Sears, The Rise of a Market for Industrial Securities, 1887 – 1902, p. 105
Harry R. Stevens, Bank Enterprisers in a Western town, 1815 – 1822, p. 139
Kwang-Ching Liu, Administering a Steam-Navigation Company in China,1862 – 1867, p. 157
Gerald Nash, The Reformer Reformed: John H. Reagan and Railroad Regulation, p. 189

Books Reviewed, p. 197

a. 29, 1955, 1

Harry Brown, The Fleece and the Loom: Wool Growers and Wool Manufacturers during the Civil War Decade, p. 1
Kendall Beaton, Dr. Gesner’s Kerosene: The Start of American Oil Refining, p. 28
Mabel Newcomer, Professionalization of Leadership in the Big Business, p. 54
John B. Rae, Engineering Education as Preparation for Management: A Study of M.I.T. Alumni, p. 64
James Abegglen, Recruitment of Business Leaders: A Commentary on the Newcomer and Rae Papers, p. 75
MVHA Business History Programs, p. 79
Robert A. Lively, The American System: A Review Article, p. 81

Books Reviewed, p. 97

a. 28, 1954, 4

Thomas R. Navin, Marian V. Sears, A Study in Merger: Formation of the International Mercantile Marine Company, p. 291
James F. Doster, The Conflict over Railroad Regulation in Alabama, p. 329
Thomas C. Cochran, Ray Ginger, The American-Hawaiian Steamship Company, p. 343
Theodore F. Marburg, A Study of Small Business Failure: Smith & Griggs of Waterbury, p. 366

At AHA Annual Meeting, p. 385

Books Reviewed, p. 387

a. 28, 1954, 3

P.T. Bauer, Origins of the Statutory Export Monopolies of British West Africa, p. 197
Marvin J. Barloon, Pricing Policy in the Steel Industry, p. 244
Lucile Kane, Selling Cut-Over Lands in Wisconsin, p. 236
Alfred D. Chandler Jr., Patterns of American Railroad Finance, 1830 – 50, p. 248
Bernard Mandel, Gompers and Business Unionism, 1873 – 90, p. 264

Books Reviewed, p. 276

a. 28, 1954, 2

John G. B. Hutchins, The American Shipping Industry since 1914, p. 105
R. Richard Wohl, The Significance of Business History, p. 128
William T. Doherty, The Impact of Business on Protestantism, 1900 – 29, p. 141
Kwang-Ching Liu, Financing a Steam-Navigation Company in China, 1861 – 62, p. 154

Books Reviewed, p. 182

a. 28, 1954, 1

Marvin J. Barloon, The Expansion of Blast Furnace Capacity, 1938 – 52, p. 1
Leonard J. Arrington, The Mormon Tithing House, p. 24
Ernest M. Lander Jr., Manufacturing in South Carolina, 1815 – 60, p. 59
Ray Ginger, Labor in a Massachusetts Cotton Mill, 1853 – 60, p. 67
Rondo E. Cameron, The Statue of Economic History: A Review Article, p. 92

Books Reviewed, p. 92

a. 27, 1953, 4

Anita Shafer Goodstein, Labor Relations in the Saginaw Valley Lumber Industry, 1865 – 1885, p. 193
Florence Edler De Roover, New Facets on the Financing and Marketing of Early Printed Books, p. 222
Fritz Redlich, A German Eighteenth-Century Iron Works During Its First Hundred Years – III, p. 231
Robert W. Lovett, Business Manuscripts in Baker Library, p. 260

Editor’s Column, p. 264

a. 27, 1953, 3

J. Carlyle Sitterson, Expansion, Reversion, and Revolution in the Southern Sugar Industry: 1850 – 1910, p. 129
Fritz Redlich, A German Eighteenth-Century Iron Works during Its First Hundred Years – II, p. 141
S. G. Checkland, An English Merchant House in China after 1842, p. 158

Editor’s Column, p. 190

a. 27, 1953, 2

Fritz Redlich, A German Eighteenth-Century Iron Works During Its First Hundred Years – I, p. 69
Donald L. Kemmerer, Financing Illinois Industry, 1830 – 1890, p. 97
Ray Ginger, Company-Sponsored Welfare Plans in the Anthracite Industry before 1900, p. 112
Robert W. Lovett, Storekeeping in a Maine Seacoast town: Records of the W. G. Sargent Company, p. 121
Ford Motor Company Archives, p. 124

Editor’s column, p. 126
Executive Secretary’s Announcements, p. 127

a. 27, 1953, 1

Mary E. Murphy, Lord Plender: A Vignette of an Accountant and His Times, 1861 – 1948, p. 1
Allan G. Bogue, The Administrative and Policy Problems of the J. B. Watkins Land Mortgage Company, 1873 – 1894, p. 26
Thomas R. Navin, Investment Banking since 1900: An Unexplored Field in American Financial History, p. 60

Editor’s Column, p. 66

a. 26, 1952, 4

Marvin D. Bernstein, Colonel William C. Greene and the Cananea Copper Bubble, p. 179
Lucile Kane, Hersey, Staples and Company, 1854 – 1860: Eastern Managers and Capital in Frontier Business, p. 199
James F. Doster, The Shelby Iron Works Collection in the University of Alabama Library, p. 214
Robert W. Lovett, The Beverly Cotton Manufactory: Or Some New Light on an Early Cotton Mill, p. 218

Editor’s Column, p. 243
Acknowledgments, p. 246

a. 26, 1952, 3

Stanley S. Miller, Business and the Fear of Materialism, p. 107
Frances W. Gregory, The Office of President in the American Textile Industry, p. 122
Hugh G. J. Aitken, Financing the Welland Canal: An Episode in the History of the St. Lawrence Waterway, p. 135
Jean E. Keith, The Role of the Louisville and Nashville Railroad in the Early Development of Alabama Coal and Iron, p. 165

Editor’s Column, p. 175
Secretary’s Column, p. 177

a. 26, 1952, 2

Cyril O’Donnell, Origins of the Corporate Executive, p. 55
Anita Shafer, The Williams Brothers, Merchants and Shippers, 1825 – 1850, p. 73
Fritz Redlich, An Eighteenth-Century German Guide for Investors, p. 95

Editor’s Column, p. 105

a. 26, 1952, 1

Joe B. Frantz, The Mercantile House of McKinney & Williams, Underwriters of the Texas Revolution, p. 1
Nancy P. Norton, Labor in the Early New England Carpet Industry, p. 19
Vincent P. Carosso, Werner Sombart’s Contribution to Business History, p. 27
The Newberry Library Guide to Illinois Central Records, p. 50

Editor’s Column, p. 51

a. 25, 1951, 4

Charles S. Kennedy, The Early Business History of Four Massachusetts Railroads – IV, p. 207
Thomas C. Cochran, The Executive Mind: The Role of Railroad Leaders, 1845 – 1890, p. 230
Carlos E. Castañeda, The First Chartered Bank West of the Mississippi: Banco Nacional De Texas, p. 242
G. A. Petch, A Mid-Victorian Employer on Factory Management, p. 257
A Guide to a Collection of Business Manuscripts, p. 261

Editor’s Column, p. 265
Acknowledgments, p. 267

a. 25, 1951, 3

Peter Gorb, Robert Owen as a Businessman, p. 127
Leonard S. Arrington, Iron Manufacturing in Southern Utah in the Early 1880’s: The Iron Manufacturing Company of Utah, p. 149
John Philip Hall, Shoemaking in the Post-Revolutionary Period: The Business Records of Three Cordwainers of Reading, Massachusetts, p. 169
Charles J. Kennedy, The Early Business History of Four Massachusetts Railroads – III, p. 188

Editor’s Column, p. 204

a. 25, 1951, 2

Richard N. Current, Technology and Promotion: The Typewriter, p. 77
Charles J. Kennedy, The Early Business History of Four Massachusetts Railroads – II, p. 84
Robert W. Lovett, Squire Rantoul and His Drug Store, 1796 – 1824, p. 99
W. T. Baxter, A Colonial Bankrupt: Ebenezer Hancock, 1741 – 1819, p. 115

Editor’s Column, p. 125

a. 25, 1951, 1

Harold F. Williamson, Management and Innovations: The Winchester Repeating Arms Company, a Case Study, p. 1
Thomas R. Navin, Innovation and Management Policies – The Textile Machinery Industry: Influence of the Market on Management, p. 15
W. Woodruff, Origins of an Early English Rubber Manufactory, p. 31
Charles J. Kennedy, The Early Business History of Four Massachusetts Railroads – I, p. 52
A Guide to Business Records in Wisconsin, p. 73

Editor’s Column, p. 73