European review of economic history DATINI

European Review of Economic History

Cambridge, Cambridge University press in association with Kobenhavns universitet. Okonomiske Institut European, University of Groningen, European Historical Economics Society
ISSN: 1361-4916
Conservata in: Prato, Fondazione Istituto Internazionale di Storia Economica « F. Datini », Coll: Riv. 53
Consistenza: v. 5, 2001, 1-v. 9, 2005, 3

Conservata in: Università degli Studi di Firenze, Biblioteca di Scienze Sociali
Punto di servizio: Economia – Coll: Riv. Str. 0734
Consistenza: v. 1, 1997, 1-
Lacune: v. 11, 2007, 2;
[ 2030-2021 ] [ 2020-2011 ] [ 2010-1997 ]

copertina della rivista

v. 27, 2023,4

Nicola Amendola, Giacomo Gabbuti, Giovanni Vecchi, On some problems of using the Human Development Index in economic history, p. 477
David De La Croix, Mara Vitale, Women in European academia before 1800—religion, marriage, and human capital, p. 506
Leentje Moortgat, Jan Annaert, Marc Deloof, Why do firms pay dividends? 180 years of evidence, p. 533
Vincent Geloso, Alicia Plemmons, Andrew Thomas, No wheat crisis: trade liberalization and transportation innovation in Quebec during the 1830s and 1840s, p. 560
Marcin Wro? Ski, Income distribution in Warsaw in the 1830s, p. 581
Guillermo Esteban-Oliver, On the right track? Railways and population dynamics in Spain, 1860–1930, p. 606
Gino Luzzatto Prize by the European Historical Economics Society for the best dissertation in economic history submitted between June 2019 and June 2021—Summaries of the finalists’ PhD theses, p. 634 Felix Kersting, The political economy of social identity in 19th century Germany, p. 635
Cédric Chambru, Environmental shocks, religious struggle, and resilience: a contribution to the economic history of Ancien Régime France, p. 638
Maylis Avaro, Essays in monetary history, p. 641

v. 27, 2023, 3

Karol J. Borowiecki, Introduction to the special issue: the economic history of the arts, p. 303
Ennio E. Piano, Clara E. Piano, Contracting creativity: patronage and creative freedom in the Italian Renaissance art market, p. 311
Hans J. Van Miegroeta, Anne-Sophie V. Radermecker, Authorship as a determinant of art prices and auction settings in eighteenth-century Paris, p. 336
Léa Saint-Raymond, The Toulouse salons: a regional counterweight to the Parisian art scene? (1861–1939), p. 362
Lukas Kuld, Sara Mitchell, Market structure and creative cluster formation: the origins of urban clusters in German literature, 1700–1932, p. 380
Jeroen Euwe, Kim Oosterlinck, The German art market during WW II, p. 412
John O.’Hagan, Historical mobility, creative output, and age of prominent visual artists, composers, and authors, p. 437
Karol Jan Borowiecki, Nicholas Martin Ford, Maria Marchenko, Harmonious relations: quality transmission among composers in the very long run, p. 454

v. 27, 2023, 2

Margaret E. Peters, Government finance and imposition of serfdom after the Black Death, p. 149
María José Fuentes-Vásquezand, Irina España-Eljaiek, Coffee tastes bitter: education and the coffee economy in Colombia in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, p. 174
Jason Lennard, Sticky wages and the Great Depression: evidence from the United Kingdom, p. 196
Seán Kenny, Anders Ögrenand Liang Zhao, The highs and the lows: bank failures in Sweden through inflation and deflation, 1914–1926, p. 223
Dimitris P. Sotiropoulos, Janette Rutterford, Daniele Tori, Antonis Kyparissis, Fund management in the interwar period: UK investment trust portfolio asset allocation in the 1920s, p. 250
Ricardo Ferraz, The Portuguese budgetary costs with First World War: a comparative perspective, p. 278

v. 27, 2023, 1

Gabriel Brea-Martinez, Materfamilias : the association of mother’s work on children’s absolute income mobility, Southern Sweden (1947–2015), p. 1
Martin Dribe, Börn Eriksson, Jonas Helgertz, From Sweden to America: migrant selection in the transatlantic migration, 1890–1910, p. 24
Marc Badia-Miró, Anna Carreras-Marín, Michael Huberman, Smooth sailing: market integration, agglomeration, and productivity growth in interwar Brazil, p. 45
Vinzent Ostermeyer, Local multipliers and the growth of services: evidence from late nineteenth century USA, Great Britain, and Sweden, p. 70
David Chilosi, Giovanni Federico, Antonio Tena-Junguito, Terms of trade during the first globalization: new evidence, new results, p. 91
Marina Chuchko, Foreign investments and tariff protection revisited: correcting the trade balance of the Russian Empire, 1880–1913, p. 123

v. 26, 2022, 4

Wolf-Fabian Hungerland, Nikolaus Wolf, The panopticon of Germany’s foreign trade, 1880-1913: New facts on the first globalization, p. 479
Luigi Oddo, Andrea Zanini, The paradox of « Malthusian urbanization »: urbanization without growth in the Republic of Genoa, 1300-1800, p. 508
Jan Luiten Van Zanden, Emanuele Felice, Benchmarking the Middle Ages: fifteenth century Tuscany in European perspective, p. 535
Sergio Espuelas, Trade globalization and social spending in Spain, 1850-2000, p. 555
Bang Dinh Nguyen, Political power of the press in the Weimar Republic, p. 579
Youssouf Merouani, Faustine Perrin, Gender and the long-run development process. A survey of the literature, p. 612

v. 26, 2022, 3

Sara Torregrosa-Hetland,Oriol Sabaté, Income tax progressivity and infl ation during the world wars, p. 311
Abel Gwaindepi, Fiscal capacity in « responsible government » colonies: the Cape Colony in comparative perspective, c. 1865-1910, p. 340
David A. Bogle, Christopher Coyle, John D. Turner, Capital market development over the long run: the portfolios of UK life assurers over two centuries, p. 370
Luke Mcgrath, Stephen Hynes, John Mchale, Reassessing Ireland’s economic development through the lens of sustainable development, p. 399
Stefano Battilossi, Stefano Houpt, Gertjan Verdickt, Scuttle for shelter: flight-to-safety and political uncertainty during the Spanish Second Republic, p. 423
Masami Imai, Tetsuji Okazaki, Michiru Sawada, The effects of lender of last resort on financial intermediation during the great depression in Japan, p. 448

v. 26, 2022, 2

Joerg Baten, Kleoniki Alexopoulou, Elite violence and elite numeracy in Africa from 1400 CE to 1950 CE, p. 155
Bryan P. Cutsinger, Vincent Geloso, Mathieu Bédard, The wild card: colonial paper money in French North America, 1685 to 1719, p. 185
Abe De Jong, Wilco Legierse, What causes hot markets for equity IPOs? An analysis of initial public offerings in the Netherlands, 1876-2015, p. 208
Francisco J. Beltrán Tapia, Francisco J. Marco-Gracia, Death, sex, and fertility: female infanticide in rural Spain, 1750-1950, p. 234
Michiel De Haas, Reconstructing income inequality in a colonial cash crop economy: five social tables for Uganda, 1925-1965, p. 255
Piotr Korys, Maciej Tyminski, Economic growth on the periphery: estimates of GDP per capita of the Congress Kingdom of Poland (for years 1870-1912), p. 284
Peter Sandholt Jensen, Cristina Victoria Radu, Paul Sharp, To the manor born: a new microlevel wage database for eighteenth-century Denmark, p. 302

v. 26, 2022, 1

Max Breitenlechner, Daniel Gründler, Gabriel P. Mathy, Johann Scharler, Credit supply shocks and the Great Depression in Germany, p. 1
Luis Felipe Zegarra, Living costs and welfare ratios in Western Europe: new estimates using a linear programming model, p. 38
Gregori Galofré-Vilà, Martin Mckee, David Stuckler, Quantifying the mortality impact of the 1935 old-age assistance, p. 62
Mario F. Carillo, Tullio Jappelli, Pandemics and regional economic growth: evidence from the Great Influenza in Italy, p. 78
Woong Lee, Yeo Joon Yoon, Structural change in the job matching process in the United States, 1923-1932, p. 107
Christian Beyer, Cartelization and firm performance in Upper Silesia 1880-1913, p. 124

v. 25, 2021, 4

25th year of the European Review of Economic History: Note of the Editors, p. 609
Paul Sharp, A short history of the European Review of Economic History in celebration of its twenty-fifth anniversary, p. 610
Martina Cioni, Giovanni Federico, Michelangelo Vasta, Spreading Clio: a quantitative analysis of the first 25 years of the European Review of Economic History, p. 618
Gareth Campbell, Richard S. Grossman, John D. Turner, Before the cult of equity: the British stock market, 1829-1929, p. 645
Esteban A. Nicolini, Fernando Ramos-Palencia, Comparing income and wealth inequality in pre-industrial economies: the case of Castile (Spain) in the eighteenth century, p. 680
Christophe Chamley, Asientos as sinews of war in the composite superpower of the 16th century, p. 703
Brian Marein, Spatial population trends and economic development in Puerto Rico, 1765-2010, p. 723
M. Postigliola, M. Rot, Institutions and literacy rates: the legacy of Napoleonic reforms in Italy, p. 757
David M. Higgins, Brian D. Varian, Britain’s Empire Marketing Board and the failure of soft trade policy, 1926-33, p. 780
Hakon Albers, Ulrich Pfister, Erratum to: Climate change, weather shocks, and price convergence in pre-industrial Germany, p. 806

v. 25, 2021, 3

ARTICLES Leonardo Ridolfi, Alessandro Nuvolari, L’histoire immobile? A reappraisal of French economic growth
using the demand-side approach, 1280-1850
, p. 405 Peter T. Leeson, Ennio E. Piano, The golden age of mercenaries, p. 429
Valentín Figueroa, The consolidation of royal control: evidence from northern Castile, 1352-1787, p. 447
Hakon Albers, Ulrich PfisterClimate change, weather shocks, and price convergence in pre-industrial Germany, p. 467
Walter Jansson, Bank branching, concentration, and local economic growth in pre-WW1 England and Wales, p. 490
Jacopo Timini, The drivers of Italian exports and product market entry: 1862-1913, p. 513 Carles Sudrià, A hidden fight behind neutrality. Spain’s struggle on exchange rates and gold during the Great War, p. 549
Sergio Petralia, GPTs and growth: evidence on the technological adoption of electrical and electronic technologies in the 1920s, p. 571

v. 25, 2021, 2

Daniel Gallardo-Albarrán, Herman De Jong, Optimism or pessimism? A composite view on English living standards during the Industrial Revolution, p. 1
David Chilosi, Giovanni Federico, The effects of market integration during the first globalization: a multi-market approach, p. 20
Ernesto López Losa, Santiago Piquero Zarauz, Spanish subsistence wages and the Little Divergence in Europe, 1500-1800, p. 59
Sofia Teives Henriques, Paul Sharp, Without coal in the age of steam and dams in the age of electricity: an explanation for the failure of Portugal to industrialize before the Second World War, p. 85
Matthias Morys, The gold standard, fiscal dominance and fi nancial supervision in Greece and South-East Europe, 1841-1939, p. 106
Yeo Joon Yoon, Tariffs and industrialization in late nineteenth century America: the role of scale economies, p. 137
Gunnar Lantz, Letting the masses pay for the welfare state: tax regressivity in postwar Sweden, p. 160
Alain Naef, Dirty float or clean intervention? The Bank of England in the foreign exchange market, p. 180

v. 25, 2021, 1

Gary W. Cox, Valentin Figueroa, Political fragmentation, rural-to-urban migration and urban growth patterns in western Eurasia, 800-1800, p. 203
Nicholas Crafts, Alexander Klein, Spatial concentration of manufacturing industries in the United States: re-examination of long-run trends, p. 223
Ideen A. Riahi, Animals and the prehistoric origins of economic development, p. 247
Isabel Bartolomé Rodríguez, Manuel González-Mariscal, The domestic consumption of fi rewood in preindustrial Seville, 1518-1775. An intensive bias driven by the Mediterranean diet, p. 280
Vincent Delabastita, Erik Buyst, Intergenerational mobility of sons and daughters: evidence from nineteenth-century West Flanders, p. 300
Francisco J Medina-Albaladejo, Dolores Añón Higón, Alfonso Díez-Minguela, José-Miguel Lana-Berasain, Old wine in new wineskins? Understanding the cooperative movement: Catalonia, 1860-1939, p. 328
Giacomo Gabbuti, Labor shares and inequality: insights from Italian economic history, 1895-1970, p. 355
Yutaka Arimoto, Changmin Lee, Domestic industrialization under colonization: evidence from Korea, 1932-1940, p. 379
Sofia Teives Henriques, Paul Sharp, Erratum to: Without coal in the age of steam and dams in the age of electricity: an explanation for the failure of Portugal to industrialize before the Second World War, p. 404