History of Educacion & Children’s Literature – HECL
Macerata, Edizioni Universitá di Macerata
ISSN: 1971-1093 (print)
ISNN: 1971-1131 (online)
Conservata in: Prato, Fondazione Istituto Internazionale di Storia Economica « F. Datini », Coll: Riv. 119
Consistenza: I, 2006, 1-
Lacune: XI, 2016, 1; XI, 2016, 2; XII, 2017, 2;
[ 2030-2021 ] [ 2020-2006 ]
The historical research into school practice
edited by Vera Lucia Gaspar da Silva, Francisca Comas Rubí, Bernat Sureda Garcia
Vera Lucia Gaspar da Silva, Francisca Comas Rubí, Bernat Sureda Garcia, The historical research into school practice. Presentation, p. 11
Juri Meda, School writings as sources for the study of teaching practices: the Italian case (1925-1945), p.
Sergi Moll Bagur, Bernat Sureda Garcia, Private religious schools for boys in the Spanish post Civil War period: an analysis through triangulating historical sources, p. 17
Vera Lucia Gaspar da Silva, Gizele de Souza, Historical perspective of material school culture: theoretical and methodological possibilities, p. 49
Pedro Luis Moreno Martínez, José Pedro Marín Murcia, Teaching material catalogues as a source for studying educational practice in natural science in Spain (1882-1936), p. 61
Maria Stephanou, Marina Venafre Pereira de Souza, Illustrated gallery of animals: figurative ABCs and the literacy process (France and Brazil, 19th and 20th centuries), p. 85
Francisca Comas Rubí, Sara González Gómez, Professional press for teachers as a source to study
schooling practice: «El Magisterio Balear» (1873-1916), p. 111
Maria Augusta Martiarena de Oliveira, School photographs: studying the history of a school institution and educational practices based on images, p. 131
Sylvain Wagnon, The Filmstrip. History and evolution of an educational tool, p. 151
Josep Casanovas, Núria Padrós, Eulàlia Collelldemont, The representation of school on NO-DO: visions of school practice on Francoist newsreels, p. 163
Llorenç Gelabert Gual, Xavier Motilla Salas, School textbooks, didactic material and a new approach in music teaching in Catalonia with the opening of the School of musical pedagogy Ireneu Segarra method, p. 183
Carlos Menguiano-Rodríguez, Maria del Mar del Pozo Andrés, Gabriel Barceló-Bauzà, A new source for the study of educational practices: competitive exams for school headteacher positions (Spain, 20th century), p. 199
Pauli Dávila, Luis M. Naya, Joana Miguelena, Yearbooks as a source in researching school practices in private religious schools, p. 219
The past and the present: a historical outline of Polish research into translations of children’s and young adult literature
edited by Katarzyna Biernacka-Licznar, Anna Ascenzi
Anna Ascenzi, Katarzyna Biernacka-Licznar, The past and the present: a historical outline of Polish research into traslations children’s and young adult literature. Introduction, p. 243
Ewa Nicewicz-Staszowska, Is more always better? Translations of Italian children’s literature in Poland after 2000. Selected aspects, p. 249
Justyna ?ukaszewicz, Bianca Pitzorno in Polish translations, p. 271
Katarzyna Biernacka-Licznar, Natalia Paprocka, From outside the Iron Curtain: censorship and translations of Western children’s and young-adult literature in people’s Poland under Stalinism (1948-1956), p. 289
Irena Barbara Kalla, Dutch-language children’s literature in Polish translation: 200 years of relations between the peripheries, p. 309
El?bieta Jamróz-Stolarska, One hundred years of illustrated books for children in Poland: an analysis of the publishing market in the years 1918-2018, p. 331
Luigiaurelio Pomante, Professors’ obituaries. A valuable source for studying the history of university and higher education, p. 353
Victoria K. Pichugina, Yana A. Volkova, Marcus Tullius Cicero’s concept of education through
culture, p. 389
Victoria Shmidt, Female bildungsroman in Czech conduct periodicals: the inception of the genre, p. 407
Susanne Adina Meyer, Teaching history of art in European universities and high schools in the light of a 1914 investigation, p. 429
Roberto Sani, Mons. Giovanni Battista Scalabrini and italian emigration in Brazil: pastoral care, education and national identity (1883-1905), p. 471
Nuria Anaya-Reig, Vicente Calvo Fernández, Prácticas útiles para enseñar hoy a leer contenidas en una cartilla hispanoamericana del siglo XIX, p. 471
Catherine Broom, Myrtle Shannon v. Herbert King: power, privilege & silence, p. 485
María de la Hoz Bermejo Martínez, «Debemos considerar al marido como nuestro señor». El ideal de la perfecta esposa en los teatros de papel de Seix i Barral (1915-1953), p. 501
Paolo Scotton, Università, ideologie e potere. La comunità di discorso universitaria del primo franchismo, p. 521
Jerzy Kochanowicz, Beata Topij-Stempi?ska, Education in Jesuit boarding schools for nobles in Po?ock (1772-1820), p. 541
Erika González-García, Miguel Beas Miranda, Inés María Muñoz-Galiano, National anthems: voices of the past and feelings of the present, p. 563
Elsa Maria Bruni, The selection of elites during the italian fascist period: from Gentile’s idealism to Bottai’s eugenics, p. 585
Giulia Gadolini, Carla Ghizzoni, Garibaldi narrato e celebrato nelle scuole elementari nel
primo centenario della nascita (1907). Il caso di Milano, p. 609
Dalila Forni, Male and female teachers between real and ideal. The literary-historical representation of three novels by De Amicis, p. 653
Alberto Barausse, Terciane Ângela Luchese, Celebration of italiannes: italian immigration in Rio Grande do Sul and schools, between memory and history (1924-1926), p. 671
Valentino Minuto, L’apartheid educativo nell’Eritrea italiana. Quali scuole per i meticci?, p. 699
Lucia Paciaroni, La «scuola attiva» a Mogliano. Riflessione pedagogica e pratica didattica nell’attività magistrale di Giovanni Lucaroni (1934-1956), p. 715
Robert L. Hampel, Entrance examinations in the 1920s: correspondence schools decline the invitation, p. 743
Critical Reviews / Rassegne critiche, Discussioni, Recensioni, p. 755
Being a student in the Habsburg Monarchy
edited by
Ivana Horbec, Maja Matasovi?, Branko Ostajmer
Ivana Horbec, Maja Matasovi?, Branko Ostajmer, Being a student in the Habsburg monarchy. Introduction, p. 11
Towards the modernisation of school system: students’ perspective
Ivana Horbec, Maja Matasovi?, Sola praxis format hominem? Ideals and criticism of the system of higher learning in the 18th Century Kingdom of Hungary, p. 21
Valentina Chierichetti, Simonetta Polenghi, Learning in ginnasio and liceo in Habsburg Milan (1814- 1859), p. 41
Magdolna Éva Rébay, School in the eyes of Hungarian high nobility. The counts Széchényi (1867-1918), p. 69
Rudolf Bari?i?, Education interrupted: reasons why clerics in Bosna Srebrena discontinued their studies, p. 91
Manuela-Claire Warscher, «… we do not need educated farmers» . Rural education in Istria 1850-1914, p. 113
Personal maturation through learning
Zrinko Novosel, Upbringing and early education in the selected 19th Century Croatian memoirs, p. 127
Marijana Kokanovi? Markovi?, Young ladies at the piano. The role of music in the upbringing and education of girls in Novi Sad in the Nineteenth Century, p. 139
Din ko upan, How to turn female students into good mothers, wives and housewives. The construction of female identity in pedagogical discourses in Croatia in the second half of the 19th Century, p. 151
Guido van Hengel, Claiming adolescent spaces: education and power in AustroHungarian Bosnia and Hercegovina, p. 169
Peregrinatio academica
Olga Khavanova, Mediocre pupils – informative letters? Hungarian nobleman István Dessewffy at Vienna Theresianum in the 1750s, p. 191
Vlasta ?voger, Students from the small country in the big city: Croatians studying in Vienna in the nineteenth Century, p. 207
Rupert Klieber, Croatian clerics studying at the Frintaneum Imperial Institute and the University of Vienna 1816 to 1918, p. 225
Students’ Life
Teodora Shek Brnardi?, The everyday life of cadets at the Wiener Neustadt Military Academy, as portrayed in the paintings of Bernhard Albrecht (1785-1793), p. 245
eljko Oser, Socializing of Slovene students at Austrian universities from the March Revolution to World War I, p. 273
Tihana Lueti?, Students’ magazines at the beginning of the 20th Century in Zagreb, p. 287
Vladimir Borissovich Pomelov, The activities of the educators in Russia in the first half of the XVIII Century (the case of the Vyatka Province), p. 309
Estefanía Fernández Antón, La Renovación Pedagógica: análisis de dos proyectos educativos para identificar las dificultades y las claves del impacto social, p. 327
Roberto Sani, About a history of periodical press for teachers and schools in a united Italy (1861-1945), p. 347
Natalia Naydenova, Yulia Ebzeeva, (Anti)religious propaganda in the Soviet and post-Soviet works of fiction for young readers, p. 379
Valentino Minuto, Una città ancora troppo coloniale. Uno studio sulle scuole di Asmara negli anni ’50, p. 397
Yoon-cheol Park, History of Korean education and the Fourth Industrial Revolution, p. 431
Evelina Scaglia, Alberta Bergomi, Education and propaganda in the «Patriotic Postcards» distributed by the Lombard Committee of the General Union of Italian Teachers during WWI, p. 445
Luigiaurelio Pomante, Periodical press for University professors in Italy between war and post-war period (1939-1960), p. 469
Ismail Guven, Hamiyet Sezer Feyzio?lu, Italian missionary schools in the Ottoman Empire since XVIII Century, p. 519
Sofia Montecchiani, Il conte Leopoldo Armaroli: giurista, politico e studioso dell’esposizione infantile nell’Italia di fine Settecento e inizio Ottocento, p. 553
Michel Ostenc, Les organisations de jeunesse fascistes dans l’Italie mussolinienne (1926-1943). L’Opera Nazionale Balilla (0.N.B.) et la Gioventù Italiana del Littorio (G.I.L.). Deuxième partie, p. 573
Critical Reviews and Bibliography / Rassegne critiche, Discussioni, Recensioni
Critical Reviews / Rassegne critiche, p. 619
Forum / Discussioni, p. 693
Notices / Recensioni, p. 765
Scientific News and Activities of Research Centres / Cronache scientifiche e Attività degli istituti di ricerca, p. 791
International Referees Committee (2020), p. 819
Students in action during the «long 60s»
edited by
Andrés Payà Rico, José Luis Hernández Huerta
Andrés Payà Rico, José Luis Hernández Huerta, Student movements of the «long 1960s». Steps towards the cultural revolution, social change and political transformation, p. 13
José Luis Hernández Huerta, Andrés Payà Rico, Other social actors involved in Brazil’s «Long ’68» in the midst of the violence. Public-sphere representations of the Catholic Church’s discourse and actions in solidarity with student agitators, p. 21
Blanka Kudlá?ová, Illegal confessional education of university students in the secret church in Slovakia in the 1960s, p. 55
Kelly Ludkiewicz Alves, From popular culture to social transformation: student youth, peasants and the Base Education Movement (MEB) in the 1960s, p. 75
Sandra Carli, La experiencia estudiantil universitaria en los largos 60s y el estallido del ’69 argentino. Emergencia juvenil y biografías femeninas, p. 97
Carmen Sanchidrián Blanco, Women should remain very womanly: female university students and work in Spain in 1968, p. 113
Pauli Dávila, Luis M. Naya, Joana Miguelena, On May ’68 in Spain: student youth and the autonomous universities, p. 135
Óscar J. Martín García, «They are the force for change in today’s world and they will lead tomorrow’s». The United States and Spanish students in the context of global ’68, p. 157
Doron Timor, Student protest and the «Legitimation Crisis» in Israel 1965-1977, p. 177
Dimitrios Foteinos, The formation of resistance culture in Greece and the history null curriculum: a preliminary account, p. 191
Jones Irwin, «Et Après?» – The 1970s philosophical fallout from May ’68 and its contemporary significance, p. 209
Migrations and History of education in a transnational view between Italy and Brazil in 19th and 20th centuries
edited by
Anna Ascenzi, Alberto Barausse, Terciane Ângela Luchese, Roberto
Anna Ascenzi, Alberto Barausse, Terciane Ângela Luchese, Roberto Sani, History of education and migrations: crossed (or connected or entangled) histories between local and transnational perspective. A research «agenda», p. 227
Roberto Sani, Catholicism, education and emigration: the Spiritual Guide of the Italian emigrant in America [Guida spirituale per l’emigrato italiano nella America] by the Scalabrinian priest Pietro Colbacchini, p. 263
Elaine Cátia Falcade Maschio, Childhood, school and education in Italian settlements under the auspices of the Scalabrinian Missionaries, located in the state of Paraná, Brazil, p. 285
Alberto Barausse, Between religion and nation: Italica Gens and the development of ethnical schools and Italian language in Southern Brazil in the early 20th century (1910-1930), p. 303
Maria Teresa Santos Cunha, Cristiani Bereta da Silva, A «civilizing mission» between quills, inks, and types: Italian immigrants and «La Tribuna» newspaper (Florianópolis/SC – 1932), p. 339
Alberto Barausse, Maria Helena Câmara Bastos, Informing and educating for Italianess on the pages of «Stella d’Italia» (Porto Alegre/RS, 1902-1908), p. 359
Terciane Ângela Luchese, Ethnical catholic press in the RS Italian colonial regional: clashes and consensus on behalf of education (1898-1927), p. 389
Anna Ascenzi, Journals for italian young people abroad during the Fascist Twenty Years: from «Aquilotti d’Italia» (1928-1930) to «Il Tamburino della gioventù italiana all’estero» (1931-1943), p. 425
Claudia Panizzolo, Scuole italiane all’estero: a study on reading books circulating in Italian ethnical schools in Brazil (Late 19th and early 20th Century), p. 447
Terciane Ângela Luchese, « ?libriccini, tutto l’amore che nutro per l’infanzia». Syllabaries written and printed in Brazil to the Italian ethnic schools (1906-1907), p. 467
Michela d’Alessio, Preparatory courses addressed to «special» teachers for training Italian migrants in the early twentieth century, p. 491
Eliane Mimesse Prado, Orphaned and abandoned children in the city of São Paulo: the crucial understanding to create the Scalabrinian orphanage, p. 509
Gelson Leonardo Rech, Alberto Barausse, Schooling of italian immigrants in Porto Alegre/RS (1928-1938), p. 527
Antonio de Ruggiero, Italians in the cities of Rio Grande do Sul: social networks and ethnic associationism (1870-1914), p. 559
Ersoy Topuzkanam??, Teaching turkish to Germans in 1910s in Istanbul and Berlin: Bolland’s Book Türkisches Lesebuch für Deutsche, p. 585
Giseli Cristina do Vale Gatti, Décio Gatti Júnior, Civic-patriotic celebrations in Brazilian schools. History and memory of the Gymnásio Mineiro de Uberlândia in Minas Gerais, Brazil (1930-1950), p. 603
Roberto Sani, «Passons aux barbares». Antoine-Frédéric Ozanam, Catholicism and challenges of a modern industrial society in France in the first half of the nineteenth century, p. 621
Irina V. Volkova, «Meeting Spain» and lessons the Soviet front-line generation learned from the 1936-1939 Spanish Civil War, p. 637
María Eugenia Bolaño Amigo, Graphic and cultural press as school’s place of memory. «Céltiga» (Buenos Aires) and «La Esfera» (Madrid) as contrasting examples in the early 20th century, p. 661
Chiara Meta, Formazione dell’uomo e teoria della personalità in Antonio Gramsci, p. 683
Vandana Saxena, Suman Sigroha, The ordinary and the extreme: Second World War in young adult fiction set in Asia, p. 695
Thomas Karlsohn, Humboldt and the written word: on the media conditions for bildung, p. 713
Béla Pukánszky, Life reform and talent care in Tarhos. The failure of a promising Hungarian school experiment in the early 1950s, p. 749
Andrea Marrone, Nicolò Rezzara e le battaglie scolastiche dei cattolici italiani tra Otto e Novecento, p. 763
Antonia Mª Mora-Luna, Educación y literatura en el tardofranquismo y la transición democrática española. La enseñanza de la literatura en una sociedad tecnificada (1970-1982), p. 785
Maura Di Giacinto, Migrant otherness: social representations, historical courses, educational patterns, p. 815
Marco Severini, Ex cathedra. Lodovico Mortara, l’emancipazione femminile e la legge sulla capacità giuridica della donna, p. 829
Lorenzo Cantatore, The MuSEd of Roma Tre between past and present. With unpublished writings by Giuseppe Lombardo Radice and Mauro Laeng, p. 861
Critical Reviews and Bibliography / Rassegne critiche, Discussioni, Recensioni, p. 889
Forum / Discussioni, p. 911
Notices / Recensioni, p. 1035
Scientific News and Activities of Research Centres / Cronache scientifiche e Attività degli istituti di ricerca, p. 1047
International Referees Committee (2019), p. 1055.
Memories and Public Celebrations of Education in Contemporary Times
edited by
Juri Meda, Luigiaurelio Pomante, Marta Brunelli
Juri Meda, Luigiaurelio Pomante, Marta Brunelli, Memories and public celebrations of education in contemporary times. Presentation, p. 11
Place of memory
Juri Meda, The «Sites of School Memory» in Italy between memory and oblivion: a first approach, p. 25
Marta Brunelli, «Non-places» of school memory. First reflections on the forgotten places of education as generators of collective school memory: hetween Oral history, Public history and Digital history, p. 49
Joaquim Pintassilgo, Alda Namora de Andrade, Different schools as «places of memory»: the case of Cooperativa a Torre (1970-present days), p. 73
Francesca Davida Pizzigoni, The Beckwith schoolhouse-museums as a place of memory, p. 91
Neslihan Kansu-Yetkiner, Politics of collective memory in education: Atatürk corners in Turkish schools, p. 109
Aleksandra Maksimovic, Jovana Milutinovic, The School Museum as a tool for building a bridge between the national and European cultural heritage in Vojvodina: a case study of the Serbian Orthodox Gymnasium in Novi Sad (1810-1918), p. 127
Claudemir de Quadros, Forging a new homeland: the unique experience of brizoletas in Rio Grande do Sul/Brazil in the second half of the 20th century, p. 145
Tony Honorato, Ana Clara Bortoleto Nery, The normal school of Piracicaba as a memory place of the republican regime in Brazil, p. 163
Politics of memory
Alberto Barausse, «Ricambiare l’amore che portano all’educazione…». Public memory and awards of honour of public education in Italy from the Unification to the end of the 19th Century (1861-1898), p. 185
Maria Cristina Morandini, Medals and diplomas of merit for teachers: the Premio Bottero award in Turin (1891-1918), p. 207
Chiara Venturelli, A stone on the wall. Collective and public memory of an eclectic primary school teacher, p. 223
Carla Carpigiani, Gianluca Gabrielli, Renewing the ties of one century of history: an experiment of citizen history on the occasion of the Centenary of the Fortuzzi school, p. 239
Funeral memories
Joakim Landahl, Annika Ullman, The politics of immortality: the funeral of an education minister and teacher unionist, p. 261
Mirella D’Ascenzo, Remembering teachers and headmasters. Funeral memories as source in history of education between nation building and collective memory, p. 279
Vucina Zoric, Funeral memories as a form of promotion of the value system and contrihutions of important protagonists in the area of development of education in Montenegro, p. 295
Invention of educational tradition
Luigiaurelio Pomante, The invention of tradition in the Italian University during the Fascist period (1922-1943), p. 317
Sara Ramos Zamora, Teresa Rahazas Romero, The invention of the educational tradition in religious Madrid elite schools. Identity and distinction of the private school culture during Franco’s dictatorship, p. 333
Alla Salnikova, Svetlana Malysheva, «Lenin has studied here»: a case study of the invention of the Soviet University «revolutionary» myth, p. 359
Luana Salvarani, The invention of the Common School tradition. Early American educational historiography and the building of a long-standing narrative, p. 379
Özgür Yildiz, Syrian protestant college in American missionary archives (1887-1902), p. 397
Elena Fernández Gémez, «Transformando el jardin en escuela». Las escrituras expuestas en las Escuelas del Ave-Maria del Padre Manjòn, p. 421
Imre Garai, András Németh, Changes in and chailenges of the secondary teacher training system in Budapest during the Great War and the period immediately following it, p. 449
Chengcheng You, The cultural poetics of anthropomorphism: rereading a chinese fable, p. 465
Haifeng Hui, Yuan Tan, Beyond the initial aim of literary adaptation for children: stylistic and narrative changes and their «Byproducts» in the Penguin readers edition of Gulliver’s Travels, p. 485
Eva Vitezova, Jana Waldnerova, Brief history of Slovak children’s literature until 1960, p. 499
Tetiana Kochubei, Olha Melnykova, Educational-and-cultural processes in Ukraine in XVIIth Century: european tendencies, p. 513
Javier Laspalas, Un tratado de educación cosmopolita: las Cartas de Lord Chesterfield a su hijo, p. 535
Manuel Ferraz Lorenzo, El concepto curricular de «consumo» durante el tardofranquismo y la transición democratica en España (1969-1982), p. 557
Noemi Cinelli, ¡Estudiosa juventud! Elevad vuestra mente kia la nobleza del arte!». The tradition of the artistic education in Chile in the Speech from Alessandro Ciccarelli (19th century), p. 577
Sofia Montecchiani, Il secolo dei trovatelli e il brefotrofio di Osimo. Un modello di istituto assistenziale tra fede e diplomazia nelle Marche dell’Ottocento, p. 591
Marco Severini, There is no story without its heroes. Ten women and the right to vote in Italy in 1906, p. 625
Michel Ostenc, Les organisations de jeunesse fascistes dans l’Italie mussolinienne (1926-1943). L’Opera Nazionale Balilla (O.N.B.) et la Gioventù Italiana del Littorio (G.I.L.). Première partie, p. 641
Carmela Covato, L’educazione delle donne nell’Italia post-unitaria. Un’autorevole discussione a più voci della fine degli anni Ottanta, p. 679
Critical Reviews and Bibliography / Rassegne critiche, Discussioni, Recensioni, p. 719
Scientific News and Activities of Research Centres / Cronache scientifiche e Attività degli istituti di ricerca, p. 821
Images of the European Child
edited by
Bernat Sureda Garcia and María del Mar del Pozo Andrés
Bernat Sureda Garcia and María del Mar del Pozo Andrés, Presentation, p. 11
Jeroen J.H. Dekker, The restrained child: imaging the regulation of children’s behaviour and emotions in Early Modern Europe, The Dutch Golden age, p. 17
Juri Meda, Marta Brunelli, The dumb child: contribution to the study of the iconogenesis of the dunce cap, p. 41
María del Mar del Pozo Andrés, The undisciplined child: the image of the rebellious childhood in an age of educational disciplining (1809-1840), p. 71
Jeremy Howard, The imagined child: visualising Cowie youngsters, signs of life and learning in images of children from a fishing community of northeast Scotland, ca. 1870, p. 99
Silvia Assirelli, The literary child: childhood and literary iconography between the 19th and 20th Centuries, p. 135
Pere Capellà Simó, The painting child: childhood as painted by children themselves (15th-20th Centuries), p. 163
Sara González Gómez, Bernat Sureda Garcia, The healthy child: photography and the promotion of health awareness in schools in Barcelona (1909-1933), p. 193
Sjaak Braster, The progressive child: images of new education in the New Era (1920-1939), p. 215
Anna Ascenzi, Roberto Sani, The totalitarian child: the image of childhood in the Fascist school notebooks (1922-1943), p. 251
Avelina Miquel Lara, Francisca Comas Rubí, The war child: childhood as it appears in photographs in publications for Republican combatants during the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939), p. 279
Teresa Rabazas, Sara Ramos, The school child: two images of a pedagogical model in Madrid, 1960s, p. 305
Maria Luce Sijpenhof, The black child: «racist» depictions in Dutch secondary school history textbooks (1968-2017), p. 327
Beatriz Comella-Gutiérrez, Johann Funger’s pedagogy in the context of northern humanism, p. 355
José Marìa Ariso, Baltasar Gracián (1601-1658), predecessor of lifelong education and arbiter of good taste, p. 375
Maria Hricková, Adriana Kicková, History of radio broadcasting for schools in the Czechoslovak Republic, p. 393
Anna Ascenzi, Roberto Sani, A history of the periodical press for children in Italy during the 19th Century. Part One, p. 411
Haifeng Hui, Appropriating Robinson Crusoe to be a good boy: literary adaptation in The New Robinson Crusoe at the end of the 18th Century, p. 445
Gabriella Ambrus, Csaba Csapodi, Ödön Vancsó, Teaching reality based tasks in Hungarian schools based on some national traditions, p. 461
Liudmila G. Guseva, Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky: the founder of scientific pedagogy in the 19th Century Russia, p. 479
Gabriella Seveso, The figure of the nurse in classical theatre from an educational perspective, p. 493
Anna Ascenzi, Scientific publication for children and young people during the 19th Century in Italy: from Antonio Stoppani to Luigi Bertelli/Vamba, p. 511
Miguel Martín-Sánchez, Carolina Gutiérrez-Tejeiro, Jorge Cáceres-Muñoz, Krause’s influence in school architecture: the case of Spanish pedagogy in the 19th Century, p. 531
Grigory Kornetov, Maria Polyakova, Leibniz und Peter I: ein Bildungsprojekt zu Beginn des Aufklärungszeitalters, p. 551
Critical Reviews and Bibliography / Rassegne critiche, Discussioni, Recensioni, p. 575
Scientific News and Activities of Research Centres / Cronache scientifiche e Attività degli istituti di ricerca, p. 685
International Referees’ Committee (2018), p. 703
«Educating for beauty the youth of the new Italy». Schooling, cultural heritage and building of the national identity from Unification until the post-Second World War period
edited by
Dorena Caroli and Elisabetta Patrizi
Dorena Caroli, Elisabetta Patrizi, Becoming Italians at school through the cultural and natural heritage, p. 11
Elisabetta Patrizi, The representation of the cultural and natural heritage as a training tool of national consciousness in three classics of the Nineteenth century Italian school: Giannetto, Il Bel Paese and Cuore, p. 19
Fabio Targhetta, The landscape as a means to nationalization: Italian heritage and national identity education in the 19th and 20th century, p. 53
Roberto Sani, «Discovering the best and most ignored Italy». The regional Almanacs for the primary school introduced by the Gentile Reform and the use of the cultural and natural heritage for the promotion of a national identity and a sense of citizenship, p. 85
Dorena Caroli, Images and imagery of «Europe’s Garden». Cultural, artistic and natural heritage in reading books for the Italian schools abroad, p. 115
Luigiaurelio Pomante, «Italy, the land of beauty and art». The Italian landscape and cultural heritage in the books and the primary school textbooks from the Fascist period to the II postwar period: between national identity and sense of citizenship, p. 157
Anna Ascenzi, «Italian beauties». The Italian cultural heritage and its landscape and natural resources in the school exercise books from the Fascist period to the World War II, p. 213
Angelo Van Gorp, Frank Simon, Marc Depaepe, Frictions and fractions in the new education fellowship, 1920s-1930s: Montessori(ans) vs. Decroly(ans), p. 251
Juan González Ruiz, Memoria y gratitud: el reconocimiento de la docencia a través de escrituras expuestas, p. 271
Adelina Arredondo, Carlos Capistrán-López, Pedagogy of death in popular traditions and in the institutionalization of the day of the dead in México, p. 297
Vlasta ?voger, Zeitungen. Plattform für Debatten über die Modernisierung des kroatischen Schulwesens im 19. Jahrhundert, p. 321
Marcus Levy Bencostta, Las fiestas escolares en Brasil (Curitiba, 1914-1971), p. 337
Shah Al Mamun Sarkar, Nirban Manna, Juvenile rights and politicization of childhood in colonial Bengal. A socio-literary panorama, p. 357
Carmen López Esteban, Femando Almaraz Menéndez, Alexander Maz Machado, Formación de Maestros en España en el periodo de entre siglos XIX y XX: la Aritmética y el Álgebra de José Dalmáu Carles, p. 377
Anthony L. Smyrnaios, An early controversy over educational innovation: Christos Evangelides vs. John Valettas in Syros (1851-1852), p. 399
Ismail Guven, Education as a power for constituting a new nation:the relations of power and education in Turkey from the Republican period (1923) until today, p. 415
Luigiaurelio Pomante, «to bring our universities back to their former glory». The debate on the legal and economical status of university professors in the years after World War II on the pages of «L’Università italiana» (1946-1949), p. 435
András Németh, Die pädagogischen Bewegungen der «Neuen Erziehung» und die Universitätspädagogik in Ungarn (1920-1945), p. 465
Maria Teresa Trisciuzzi, Hayao Miyazaki. The kingdom of dreams and madness, p. 483
Domenico Francesco Antonio Elia, Per una promozione dei mezzi di educazione di massa nella ginnastica: l’opera di Pietro Gallo (1841-1916), p. 507
Svetlana V. Ivanova, Children’s periodical press during World War II (the Great Patriotic War) by the example of the magazine «Murzilka», p. 527
Ksenija Domiter Protner, Child abuse in the family environment in Slovenia in the first part of the 20th Century, p. 537
Manuele Ambrosini, Il progetto di scuola media unica in Italia nei verbali del Consiglio Superiore della Pubblica Istruzione (1958-1960), p. 555
Luciane Sgarbi Santos Grazziotin, Maria Helena Camara Bastos, To civilize for devotion. The cultural practice of holy cards in christian formation rituals (XXth century), p. 575
Serena Sani, Education and politics in Italy after the second World War, p. 593
Luca Montecchi, Rural schools as a source of inspiration for urban schools. The historic example of Montesca, Umbria and its model of school gardening, p. 607
Tiziana Pironi, Educating the European conscience in the correspondence between Ellen Key and Romain Rolland (1911-1924), p. 615
Mirella D’Ascenzo, Collettive and public memory on the walls. School naming as a resource in history of education, p. 633
Critical Reviews and Bibliography / Rassegne critiche, Discussioni, Recensioni e Bibliografia, p. 663
Scientific News and Activities of Research Centres / Cronache scientifiche e Attività degli istituti di ricerca, p. 749
edited by Roberto Sani
Tomá? Kasper, German youth in Czechoslovakia and the «struggle» for a «new person and a new society», p. 9
Carla Ghizzoni, Building the Nation. Schools and Constitution Day in Milan in the aftermath of Italian Unification, p. 23
Maria do Rosario Longo Mortatti, Literature for primary school and education of republican citizens, in the «Revista de Ensino» (SP-Brazil) 1902-1918, p. 47
Maria Cristina Morandini, «God and the people»: Mazzini’s Duties of man in the Italian school system over the period spanning the latenineteenth and early-twentieth centuries, p. 67
Beatrice Jane Vittoria Balfour, «Let’s make schools a daily practice of liberty and democracy!». Testimonies of the Italian Resistance in Italian school diaries (Reggio Emilia, Italy, 1940s-1970s), p. 87
Elena Tabacchi, In the Heart of the Nation. Reading books and nationalism in fin-de-siècle Italy (18 80-1900), p. 105
Décio Gatti Júnior, Bruno Gonçalves Borges, Between the Empire and the Republic: the permanence of a biography of the Nation in the history taught in secondary and primary schools in Brazil (1860-1950), p. 119
Fabio Targhetta, «The beloved face of the fatherland». The role of the landscape into the processes of national identity building, p. 139
Mara Donato Di Paola, Educational policy on language teaching in Belgian secondary state schools, 1830-1890, p. 157
Gianluca Gabrielli, Nationalisation through Contrasts: «the racial us» and «the colonial us» in the construction of Italian identity at school, p. 185
Francisco A. Gonzá1ez Redondo, Cristina Escrivá Moscardó, Gabriel Benavides Escrivá, On the access of the working class to higher education in Spain: from the institute of Scholar Selection to theinstitutes for Workers, p. 205
Alberto Carli, Tito Speri: an apprentice revolutionary on the eve of 1848 insurrection. The Municipal Lyceum of Lodi and the development of local patriotic spirit in the first half of the XIX century, p. 225
Anna Ascenzi, Roberto Sani, The teaching of Rights and Duties in the schools of united Italy: between ideological control, social discipline and citizenship education (1861-1900). Part two, p. 241
Domenico F.A. Elia, The Italian way to gymnastics: the psycho-kinetic theory of Baumann, p. 277
Geert Thyssen, Engineered Communities? Industry, open-air schools, and imaginaries of belonging (c. 1913-1963), p. 297
Esmeralda Dani Hoti, The role of the school manuals in the national identity formation of Albanians during the Renaissance, p. 321
Vadim S. Parsamov, The establishment of the Higher Attestation Commission (the VAK) and the politics of the Bolsheviks in the sphere of higher education in the late 1920s – early 1930s, p. 345
José Luis Hernández Huerta, Sonia Ortega Gaite, Civic Education and public opinion in Argentina during the transition to democracy (1982-1983), p. 359
Valeria Viola, Drawing for the nation. The role of drawing classes in the construction process of the national identity and industry (1861-1891), p. 391
Rossella Andreassi, The Correspondence (Corrispondenza) of «Il Giornalino della Domenica» (1906-1911): a training ground for the development of civic education and national sentiment in the Italian youths, p. 405
Alberto Barausse, The construction of national identity in textbooks for Italian schools abroad: the case of Brazil between the two World Wars, p. 425
Michela D’Alessio, «Our Schools». The work of the Association of Southern Italy against illiteracy in Basilicata (1921-1928), p. 463
International Bibliography / Bibliografia Internazionale, p. 483
This issue p. 9
The role of scientific journals in the development and internationalization of historical-educational research
edited by Roberto Sani
Carlos Eduardo Vieira, José Gonçalves Gondra, «Revista Brasileira de História da Educação»: trajetória e os desafios da internacionalização (2001-2014), p. 13
Eckhardt Fuchs, Rebekka Horlacher, Jürgen Oelkers, Daniel Tröhler, Challenging national boundaries in the history of education. An outline of the journal «Bildungsgeschichte: International Journal for the Historiography of Education» (IJHE), p. 23
Décio Gatti Júnior, The role and current challenges of the Brazilian periodical «Cadernos de História da Educação?» in scientific publishing in the history of education in the twenty-first century, p. 29
José Luis Hernández Huerta, Antonella Cagnolati, En la Historia de la Educación. La gestión editorial, las revistas de Historia de la Educación y «Espacio, Tiempo y Educación», p. 39
Maria Helena Camara Bastos, Claudemir de Quadros, Maria Stephanou, Revista «História da Educação» da ASPHE/RS (Brasil): compartilhando estudos e pesquisas desde 1997, p. 57
Marta Ruiz-Corbella, Arturo Galán, Alfonso Diestro, Las revistas científicas en educación ante la exigencia de la sociedad en red, p. 65
Antonio Viñao Frago, Revistas científicas e historia de la educación: una reflexión personal, p. 73
Roberto Sani, «History of Education & Children’s Literature» and the internationalization of historical-educational research in Italy (2006-2014), p. 89
Nineteenth- and twentieth-century schools as a laboratory for the promotion of national identity and citizenship education / Part One Call for Papers for the 10th anniversary of the journal «History of Education & Children’s Literature» (2006-2015)
edited by Roberto Sani
Ingrid Brühwiler, Citizenship education in Switzerland before, during and after the First World War, p. 99
Ina Katharina Uphoff, The construction of Heimat on German wallcharts in the early 20th century, and the part it played in creating a national identity, p. 121
Elaine Cátia Falcade Maschio, Celebrating Italianità: the teaching of the Italian language and culture in ethnic schools in Paraná, Brazil, p. 139
Ramona Caramelea, A school subject serving the nation. Geography textbooks in Romania (1864-1945), p. 155
Alla Salnikova, Zhanna Khamitova, School architecture as a way of promotion of Soviet identity in the 1930s’ Stalinist Russia, p. 177
Lucia Wanjiku, 19th and 20th-century school as a laboratory for national identity and citizenship education: the case of Uganda, p. 195
Paulí Dávila, Iñaki Zabaleta, Joxe Garmendia, The construction of the Basque Fatherland: religion, nationalism and education (1895-1931), p. 215
Adriana Kicková, Mária Ki??ová, Czechoslovak identity and history course books in the Czechoslovak Republic (1918-1939), p. 235
Tomá? Kasper, Dana Kasperová, National, state and civic education in the Czech lands of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and, after 1918, in Czechoslovakia, p. 251
Anna Ascenzi, Roberto Sani, The teaching of Rights and Duties in the schools of united Italy: between ideological control, social discipline and citizenship education (1861-1900). Part One, p. 279
Cecilia Axell, Jonas Hallström, Technology and the shaping of a Swedish national identity in the educational work of Selma Lagerlöf, 1900-1907, p. 299
Blanka Kudlácová, National character of the Educational Reform Movement in Slovakia in the interwar period, p. 317
Joaquim Pintassilgo, Carlos Manique da Silva, School military education and the construction of a national identity in Portugal in the passage from the 19th to the 20th Century, p. 339
Xavier Tornafoch Yuste, Isavena Opisso Atienza, National identity, civic values and school textbooks in Spain: La Enciclopedia cíclico-pedagógica and El libro de España (1931-1957), p. 361
Evelina Scaglia, The Regents’ System of Marco Agosti between Fascism and democracy, p. 369
Guillemette Tison, French pupils between the two wars of 1870-1871 and 1914-1918. Reading books and their patriotic consciousness, p. 393
Eliane Mimesse Prado, Obstacles to teaching the Portuguese language in elementary schools in the city of São Paulo (Brazil) in the early 20th century, p. 411
Vucina Zoric, Fundamentals of John Dewey’s concept of civic education, p. 427
Mirella D’Ascenzo, Nation building in the school prize giving ceremonies of the first decades after Italian Unification. A case study of post-unification Bologna, p. 447
Miguel Beas Miranda, Erika González García, Study and interpretation of citizens’ multiple identities in Spanish schoolbooks on «Education for Citizenship and Human Rights», p. 469
Anthony L. Smyrnaios, The slow nationalization of Greek education through history teaching in the 19th Century, p. 489v
Branko ?u?tar, The historical development of the formation of the elite in the south of the Habsburg Empire. Slovenes and the schooling of the intellectual class in the late 1800s and early 1900s, p. 505
Dorena Caroli, Russian schools abroad. National identity, Soviet reforms and cosmopolitan education by Sergei I. Hessen (1887-1950), p. 527
Elisabeth Erdmann, The functionalization of history and social studies education in Germany from the 19th century until today, p. 555
Pablo Toro Blanco, Towards a new Chile through the heart: aspects on the construction of a nationalist emotionology in school textbooks during Pinochet years (c.1974-c.1984), p. 583
Edvard Protner, The process of the Slovenian pedagogy gaining independence under the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, p. 601
Agustín Escolano Benito, The identity of the schoolbook as textual genre and as mediation of cultural construction of the educated citizenship, p. 625
Giorgia Grilli, English public schools and the moulding of the ‘Englishman’, p. 643
International Referees’ Committee (2015) p. 669
Primers, culture(s) of childhood and educational models in Europe (XVI-XXth centuries)
guest editors Dorena Caroli and Alla Salnikova
Dorena Caroli, Alla Salnikova, Primers, culture(s) of childhood and educational models in Europe (16-20th centuries), p. 11
Dorena Caroli, Ivan Fedorov’s 1574 and 1578 Primers: a pedagogical perspective, p. 19
Maria Cristina Bragone, A Manual for the young Tsar: Simeon Polotskii’s primer, p. 43
Dzhamilya Ramazanova, Slavonic-Greek-Latin Primer by Fedor Polikarpov (1701): history and sources of trilingual elementary education in Russia, p. 59
Gary Marker, Between Enlightenment and Orthodoxy: The Primers of Platon (Levshin) and the Ascent of Secular Russian in the Late Eighteenth Century, p. 71
Olga Ilyukha, Yuri Shikalov, The primer at the cultural crossroads: an early stage in the history of school books in Karelia (late 19th-ear1y 20th centuries), p. 89
Alberto Barausse, Learning to read and write in Italy in the second half of the nineteenth century. Primers and reading exercise booklets: publications, ministerial control and teaching (1861-1898), p. 109
Vitaly Bezrogov, Consolidating childhood: children and warpage in Soviet and post-Soviet reading primers 1945-2008, p. 151
Maria Kozlova, Morality for kids in cultural and historical measurements: patterns, translated by primary school textbooks and their transformation in the post-Soviet period, p. 163
Kristin Heinze, Carsten Heinze, The Educational Conceptualisation of the «Ethnic Community (Volksgemeinschaft)» in National Socialist Primers by the Example of Presentations of Adolf Hitler – Methodical Prospects, p. 185
Alla Salnikova, Dilyara Galiullina, From an «ABC book with prayers» to the primer of a new type: Tatar primers of the late 19th-early 20th century, p. 201
Wendelin Sroka, Research on the history of reading primers: a cali for enhanced cross-border cooperation, p. 221
Wolfgang Brezinka, The ‘scientification’ of Pedagogy and its consequences. Retrospectives and prospects, p. 235
Elisabetta Patrizi, La Rethorica ecclesiastica e l’Omiliario per la Chiesa ambrosiana scritti da Agostino Valier su istanza di Carlo Borromeo, p. 249
Teresa González Pérez, At the cutting edge of education: learning to teach and teaching to learn, p.
Maria Cristina Morandini, L’educazione dei sordomuti a Genova nell’Ottocento, p. 311
Andrea Marrone, La pedagogia di Félix Dupanloup in Italia, p. 337
Daniela Traffano, «Ignorancia e incivilización, o miseria y despotismo». Pueblos indigenas y escuelas de primeras letras vistos desde el poder estatal en Oaxaca, México, 1825-1889, p. 357
Martine Gilsoul, Maria Montessori et la France. Genèse d’une histoire, p. 379
Sara Mori, Perino’s books and magazines for children: a new way to widen young readership in Italy (1882-1897), p. 399
Fabiana Loparco, «Boys of England», «The Boy’s Own Paper», and the English influence in the Italian «Giornale per i Bambini», p. 419
Piero Fossati, L’edilizia per le scuole dei popolo nell’Ottocento genovese, p. 445
Elisa Mazzella, «With the love of a father, with the understanding of a mother». The figure of Father Giuseppe Vavassori (1888-1975): his educational and formative values, p. 467
Ilaria Mattioni, Casa dolce casa: nascita e princìpi formativi della Scuola di educazione ed economia domestica di Bergamo (1908-1918), p. 489
Adriana Ki?ková, Mária Ki??ová, The Educational System in the Slovak Region of the Czechoslovak Republic (1918-1930), p. 513
H. Manuel Pérez-Moreno, J. Carlos González-Faraco, La sección femenina de la Falange española y su papel en la formación de la mujer rural durante la dictatura del general Franco, p. 529
Carla Ghizzoni, La ginnastica nelle scuole primarie milanesi nel primo decennio postunitario, p. 549
Luciane Sgarbi Santos Grazziotin, Terciane Ângela Luchese, The schooling process and teacher training in the Italian colonial region of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil (1910-1940), p. 579
Paolo Scotton, Educazione alla vita politica. Individuo e società nel pensiero di José Ortega y Gasset, a partire dalle Meditaciones del Quijote (1914), p. 603
Tareq M. Zayed, Abdullah al-Mizan, History of emancipatory worldview of Muslim learners, p. 623
Bienvenido Martín Fraile, Isabel Ramos Ruiz, Una nueva manera de interpretar los cuadernos escolares: las escrituras al margen, p. 643
Gurutze Ezkurdia Arteaga, Karmele Perez Urraza, Begoña Bilbao Bilbao, Citizenship model in an informational society, p. 661
Critical Reviews and Bibliography / Rassegne critiche, Discussioni, Recensioni e Bibliografia, p. 685
Scientific News and Activities of Research Centres / Cronache scientifiche e Attività degli istituti di ricerca, p. 825
International bibliografy / Bibliografia internazionale, p. 853
School textbooks and teachers training between past and present
Proceedings of the International Conference, Limoges (France), 3-4 June 2013
ESPE de l’Académie de Limoges, Université de Limoges
edited by Paolo Bianchini and Marc Moyon
Paolo Bianchini, Marc Moyon, The school textbook: a source and didactic tool, p. 11
Renaud d’Enfert, The history of mathematics education and textbooks in France in the 19th and 20th centuries, p. 17
Jacques Gleyse, Making Angels. Bodily restraints championed in French school textbooks on moral values (1880-1964), p. 27
Paulo Mello, Public policies for the production of textbooks for youth and adults in Brazil books: some reflections on recent historical trajectory, p. 47
Jean-Paul Artaud, François Loget, A revolution through images: looking at French science textbooks (Third Republic 1870-1940), p. 59
Hugues Marquis, The role of old and recent history textbooks in the initial training of primary school teachers, p. 75
Muriel Coret, Malika Kaheraoui, The verb in grammar textbooks of yesterday and today. What impact on primary school teacher training?, p. 87
Valérie Legros, Marc Moyon, Laetitia Perret, Including research on textbooks in the training of primary school (K-5) teachers-to-be, p. 99
Maryvone Priolet, The use of mathematics textbooks in the training of elementary school teachers in France, p. 111
Paolo Bianchini, The databases of school textbooks and the Web 2.0, p. 125
Circe Bittencourt, Textbooks and school memory: research and preservation of the books for Projeto LIVRES, p. 135
Robert Strötgen, New information infrastructures for textbook research at the Georg Eckert Institute, p. 149
Gabriela Ossenbach, Textbook databases and their contribution to international research on the history of school culture, p. 163
University Traditions: A Resource or Burden?
Proceedings of the International Conference, Moscow (Russia), 26-28 September 2013
National Research University Higher School of Economics
edited by Roberto Sani and Elena Vishlenkova
Roberto Sani, Elena Vishlenkova, University tradition: a resource or burden?, p. 177
Pieter Dhondt, Nancy Vansieleghem, The idea of a university: a universal institution in a globalised world, p. 183
Elena Vishlenkova, Designers of the past and various histories for a Russian university, p. 203
Pavel Ouvarov, Who founded the University of Paris? A history of a one sixteenth-century lawsuit, p. 227
Luigiaurelio Pomante, Between tradition and innovation. The small provincial universities’ role in the construction of the Italian university system from Unification to the II postwar period, p. 251
Alexander Dmitriev, The cunning of memory: Soviet university and its post-Communist condition, p. 269
Aleksander Rusanov, The continuity of university history: a case-study of Portuguese Studium Generale (1288-1377), p. 287
Oleg Morozov, The historical past of Tübingen university within the 1927 jubilee context, p. 301
Roberto Sani, Preserving the identity, building the tradition. The annual reports for the inauguration of the academic year as a source for the history of Italian universities: the case of the University of Macerata, p. 321
Elisabetta Patrizi, La formazione del clero veronese dopo Trento: le origini del Seminario diocesano e la riforma della Scuola degli accoliti, p. 339
Inge Botteri, Un’educazione ‘civica’ del Settecento: Jacopo Facciolati e Il giovane cittadino istruito nella scienza civile e nelle leggi, p. 381
Jan Guncaga, Teachers Institute in Spisska Kapitula. The first teachers institute in the area of Slovakia, p. 409
Edvard Protner, Wege der Durchsetzung des Herbartianismus – am Beispiel Sloweniens, p. 431
Emanuele Pagano, Il liceo napoleonico di Brescia, p. 451
Domenico Francesco Antonio Elia, A case-study: gyms and gymnastics teachers in Apulia and Basilicata (1861-1893), p. 467
Mariella Colin, Un Cuore azzurro, un Cuore rosa: da De Amicis a Haydée nell’Italia liberale, p. 487
Anna Ascenzi, Roberto Sani, « Moulding the peasant masses to make our Italy into a Nation ». Ottavio Gigli and the National Association for the Founding of Rural Infant Schools, from the struggle against illiteracy to nation-building (1866-1873). Part Two, p. 509
Valeria Viola, L’istruzione tecnica nel Meridione nel quarantennio postunitario (1861-1898). L’esperienza del Molise, p. 559
Carla Ghizzoni, Cattolici, educazione e scuola nei primi anni dell’Unione popolare (1906-1909), p. 603
Simonetta Polenghi, School subjects didactics in the history of education. Sources and methodology. Italian studies, p. 635
Sabrina Fava, « Il Vittorioso »: a magazine for youth education beyond Italian fascist propaganda, p. 649
Dana Kasperova, Problems and the course of education in Terezín Ghetto, p. 667
Haifeng Hui, Appropriating Robinson Crusoe in Chinese primary school after-class compulsory reading: applauding a ‘Kind-Hearted’ Crusoe, p. 693
Alberto Barausse, Primary School Teachers’ Associations in Italy from Unification to late ninteenth century: origin and development between processes of professionalization and nationalization, p. 709
Fabiana Loparco, Ferdinando Martini e la direzione del « Giornale per i Bambini » in alcuni documenti inediti (1881-1889), p. 757
Critical Reviews and Bibliography / Rassegne critiche, Discussioni, Recensioni e Bibliografia, p. 785
Scientific News and Activities of Research Centres / Cronache scientifiche e Attività degli istituti di ricerca, p. 853
International Bibliography of the History of Education and Children’s Literature (2010-2012), p. 729
Javier Vergara, Ana Costa París, La indentidad pedagógica de la Compañia de Jesús en el siglo XVI, p. 11
Elisabetta Patrizi, Per un sistema educativo globale: le scuole e i consueta ministeria della Compagnia di Gesù nella Verona di Agostino Valier, p. 33
Fabio Giovanni Locatelli, De la Peña e i parrocos de indios: educazione e conversione nel Nuovo Mondo (XVII secolo), p. 75
Simonetta Polenghi, Die Rousseaurezeption auf deutsch-österreichischem Gebiet. Von Lessings Rezensionen bis Mildes Auslegung (1751-1813), p. 95
Betul Açikgöz, The civics textbooks in the late Ottoman Empire: children of Islam and the Homeland, p. 113
Anna Ascenzi, Roberto Sani, « Moulding the peasant masses to make our Italy into a Nation ». Ottavio Gigli and the National Association for the Founding of Rural Infant Schools, from the struggle against illiteracy to nation-building (1866-1873). Part One, p. 159
Paolo Alfieri, « A qual fine vero e proprio debba rispondere la ginnastica nelle scuole ». Emilio Baumann e la manualistica ad uso dei maestri elementari all’indomani della legge De Sanctis, p. 195
Andrea Marrone, Pedagogia e scuola nella « Rassegna Nazionale » (1879-1915), p. 221
Elena Tabacchi, « Secondo i naturali confini della libertà degli insegnanti ». Forme di censura e controllo nell’esperienza della seconda Commissione centrale per l’esame dei libri di testo (1894-1901), p. 239
Caterina Donaggio, Onore e povertà. L’infanzia abbandonata a Venezia nel secondo Ottocento, p. 259
Bernat Sureda Garcia, Francisca Comas Rubí, Proposals for women’s education in the magazine « Feminal », p. 273
Valeria Miceli, L’Inchiesta Scialoja e le scuole normali, p. 293
Kira Mahamud Angulo, Emotion and sentiment in the pedagogical discourse on primary education during the Franco regime: a strategic counterattack to the legacy of the past, p. 333
Gianfranco Bandini, Pour une école coopérative et socialement engagée: diffusion et révision de l’?uvre de Célestin Freinet en Italie, p. 357
Francesco Terzulli, Anatomia di un lungo consenso. Le pratiche didattiche di un preside fascista nel Sud Italia (1930-1955), p. 377
Maija Rask, Satu Uusiautti, Kaarina Määttä, Health. The first prerequisite of the joy of life. The history of the subject of health education in Finland, p. 415
Federico Appel, Contro il romanzo contemporaneo: Yambo e la trilogia di Carlo Bousset, p. 433
Monica Olioso, School and children’s books in Sierra Leone, p. 455
Katia Pizzi, Pinocchio, Futurism and modernity, p. 475
Critical Reviews and Bibliography / Rassegne critiche, p. 555
Scientific News and Activities of Research Centres / Cronache scientifiche e Attività degli istituti di ricerca, p. 691
Proceedings of the International Conference
Maribor (Slovenia), 11-13 October 2012
University of Maribor, Faculty of Arts
edited by Edvard Protner and Simonetta Polenghi
Simonetta Polenghi, Edvard Protner, The development of teacher training in the countries of Central and South-Eastern Europe. Foreword to thematic section of the issue, p. 11
Edvard Protner, The development of private education regulation in the field of teacher training in Slovenia, p. 17
?tefka Batini?, Igor Radeka, The development and prospects of teacher education in Croatia, p. 43
Nata?a Vujisi? ?ivkovi?, Vera Spasenovi?, The development of primary school teacher education in Serbia in the 19th and the first decade of the 20th century, p. 63
Snie?ana ?u?njara, The position of teachers in Bosnia and Herzegovina during the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, p. 85
Vu?ina Zori?, The development of primary school teacher education in Montenegro, p. 107
Suzana Miovska-Spaseva, Development of primary teacher schooling in Macedonia (1869-1963). Roots and fruits of a century-long tradition, p. 129
Simonetta Polenghi, Elementary school teachers in Milan during the Restoration (1814-1859): innovations and improvements in teacher training, p. 147
Eva Kan??ková, Formation and institutionalisation of education for female teachers, during the second haif of the 19th century in the Czech Lands, p. 167
Tomá? Kasper, Dana Kasperová, Die berufliche und nationale Emanzipation der tschechischen Lehrerschaft im letzten Drittel des 19. Jahrhunderts. Motive, Ziele, Erfahrungen und Reflexionen, p. 181
Ana Victoria Sima, From the Enlightenment to Philanthropìnism in the pedagogical thought of the Romanians from Transylvania, the Banat and Hungary (1776-1848), p. 199
Imre Garai, The Baron Jézsef Eòtvòs Collegium as an elite teacher training institute. The analysis of the admitted members between 1895 and 1950, p. 215
Elisabetta Patrizi, Devozione e carità. Educazione Cristiana ed edificazione dell’immagine della Verona sancta nel secondo Cinquecento, p. 235
Fatih Demirel, ?brahim Turan, School for Tribes, p. 271
Andrea Mariani, Le strategie educative dell’aristocrazia polacco-lituana 1720-1773). Il ruolo dei gesuiti fra ideale retorico-umanistico e pratica pedagogica, p. 295
Gianluca Gabrielli, Finding out about the colonies. The role of schools, between the 1800s and 1900s, in establishing an Italian colonial identity. The state of research, p. 319
Florindo Palladino, L’istruzione secondaria in Mouse dopo la restaurazione borbonica (1821-1828), p. 343
Antonio Viñao Frago, Historia de las disciplinas, profesionalización docente y formación de profesores: el caso español, p. 365
Gianfranco Tortorelli, Filologia, editoria, educazione e identità nazionale: unatradizione per l’Italia, p. 381
Marta Brunelli, From nature guiding to nature interpretation in the United States (1872-1920). The origins of the professional practice of heritage interpretation: between protection and education, p. 399
Eliane Mimesse Prado, Elaine Catia Falcade Maschio, The education of Venetian girls in Brazil: a study of colonialcenters in São Caetano and Alfredo Chaves between 1883 and 1912, p. 429
Milena Bernardi, Children and the dark side of Charles Dickens, p. 445
Dorena Caroli, New insights into the history of child rearing withinRussian and Soviet families (1890-1940), p. 475
Adriana Ki?ková, Mária Ki??ová, Nineteenth century female education in the Siovak Regionof the Austro-Hungarian Empir, p. 503
Mirella D’Ascenzo, The classical studies secondary school and the construction of national identity in post-unitary Italy, p. 523
Betül Açikgöz, Penetration of the scientific discourse into textbooks of religious instruction in the 1910s in the Ottoman Empire, p. 537
Sabrina Fava, Nell’officina ceativa di Gianni Rodari: dal Quaderno di Fantastica al « Pioniere », p. 581
Irja-Kaisa Lakkala, Kaarina Määttä, Satu Uusiautti, Boarding schools as means to educate children from remote districts in Finland. A micro-historical study of the role of the student hall of residence in Sodankylii, 1943-1972, p. 597
Christine Diplari, From centralisation to decentralisation within the European educational context: the Greek example from 1980s to nowadays, p. 619
William Grandi, L’Olimpo fanciullo. Tracce storiche di una pedagogia del mito tra educazione, narrazione e didattica, p. 635
Maria Cristina Morandini, Torino benefica: l’Istituto per l’educazione dei ciechi, p. 657
Fabiana Loparco, La Sezione Maestre e Maestri della Camera del Lavoro di Milano (1893-1898). Parte prima, p. 675
Luigiaurelio Pomante, Fascismo, cultura e università in un importante discorso di Giuseppe Bottai (1928), p. 713
Andrea Greco, Il « Fiammifero » di Vamba. Un disegno ritrovato: primi appunti di ricerca, p. 727
Critical Reviews and Bibliography / Rassegne critiche, p. 737
Forum / Discussioni, p. 759
Notice / Recensioni, p. 783
Scientific News and Activities of Research Centres / Cronache scientifiche e Attività degli istituti di ricerca, p. 795
Javier Laspalas, Primary schools in eighteenth-century Spain: assessment and research perspectives, p. 11
Leyla Almazova, Muslim educationai revival in modern Tatarstan in the course of millennial historical development, p. 33
Florindo Palladino, Biase Zurlo e l’istruzione secondaria in Mouse tra Decennio francese e restaurazione dei Borboni (1810-1820), p. 49
Roberto Sani, « Refining the masses to build the Nation ». National schooling and education in the first four decades postunification, p. 79
Benedetta Quadrio, La Storia del De Sanctis e il progetto di educazione nazionale, p. 97
Margot Hiliel, « Help make the world a better piace to uve in ». Young people as redemptive conscience in Austraiian books for young adults, p. 113
Patrizia Savio, L’immagine dei Savoia nei manuali di « Storia Patria » per le scuole primarie tra Otto e primo Novecento, p. 127
Marco Rovinello, One nation, two worlds? Prolegomena to new research on nation-building in Italian schools and the military (1861-1914), p. 149
Andrea Marrone, Giuseppe Allievo e la libertà di insegnamento, p. 173
Anna Ascenzi, Tmaining a generation of « educational virgins ». Il romanzo d’una maestra (1901) by Ida Baccini between autobiography and the relaunch of the « female teaching vocation », p. 193
Martine Gilsoul, Hélène Lubienska de Lenval (1895-1972): Montessori et l’audace de l’intuition, p. 221
Maria Cristina Morandini, Tra educazione e assistenza: la scuola speciale per ragazzi rachitici di Torino, p. 241
Kira Mahamud, Mother Nature at the service of the fatherland. Scientific knowledge in primary education reading books during the Franco dictatorship (1939-1959), p. 259
Davide Montino ?, Società, infanzia e narrazioni realistiche nella letteratura giovanile dell’Italia del secondo dopoguerra (1946-1962), p. 287
Teresa González Pérez, El valor de la ética civica o la configuración ideológica de una materia curricular. La educación para la ciudadanfa, p. 319
Ana Maria Badaneili Rubio, Miguel Somoza Rodriguez, The CEIMES project: recovering the scientific heritage of the historic secondary schools of Madrid, p. 341
Elisabetta Patrizi, « I Ricordi al popolo della città et diocese di Verona » di Agostino Valier. Un progetto per gli ‘stati di vita’ tra rinnovamento pastorale ed edificazione della civitas christiana, p. 359
Luigiaurelio Pomante, « Da unità solitarie, sparute e vacillanti, come sono oggi, a membra vigorose di un corpo vitale ». Il tentativo di fusione degli atenei di Macerata, Camerino e Urbino per la creazione di una « grande Università Marchigiana » (1946-1948), p. 401
Critical Reviews and Bibliography / Rassegne critiche, Discussioni, Recensioni e Bibliografia, p. 471
Scientific News and Activities of Research Centres / Cronache scientifiche e Attività degli istituti di ricerca, p. 557
Abstracts, p. 7
This issue / Questo fascicolo, p. 9
Actas del Coloquio Internacional « Escrituras Infantiles » / Proceedings of the International Colloquium « Children’s Writings »
Centro Internacional de la Cultura Escolar (CEINCE) Berlanga de Duero – Soria (Espaiia), 6-7 septiembre 2011
Coordinadores / Coordinators
Verónica Sierra Blas, Juri Meda, Antonio Castillo Gòmez
Antonio Castillo Gómez, Presentación:La infancia y la escritura, p. 15
Verónica Sierra Blas, En busca del « eslabén perdido ». Algunas reflexiones sobre las escrituras infantiles, p. 21
Bloque I / Section I
Antonio Vifiao Frago, Del garabato y los palotes a la escritura: notas sobre la génesis y el concepto de preescritura, p. 45
Maria del Mar del Pozo Andrés, Capturing life on a leaflet: the meaning of children’s writings in the Cervantes Graded School of Madrid (1921-1939), p. 69
Sjaak Braster, Facebook in the classroom: children’s writings in school diaries (1950-1990), p. 93
Ana Maria Badanelli, The preservation of heritage: children’s writings and school textbooks research, p. 119
Bloque II / Section II
Escribir lo intimo / Writing the self
Arianne Baggerman, Modern pedagogy and the spread of diary writing around 1800, p. 141
Francesca Borruso, La mia scuola. Il diario di una maestra dall’Archivio Didattico Lombardo Radice, p. 165
Bloque III / Section III
Escribir la guerra / Writing the war
Antonio Gibelli, Bambini e bambine alle prese con la scrittura: uno sguardo storico sul secolo XX, p. 183
Dorena Caroli, Soviet children’s writings: school exercise books, letters to the authorities, personal diaries and war memories, p. 201
Anne Wingenter, « Vi saluto romanamente! ». Self-narration and performance in children’s letters to Mussolini, p. 241
Juri Meda, « O partigiano, portami via… ». La rappresentazione della Guerra di Liberazione nei componimenti scritti e nei disegni presentati dalle scuole italiane al Concorso nazionale sulla Resistenza (1965), p. 261
Elisabetta Patrizi, « Per insegnarci con l’opere et con le parole la scienza della vera salute ». Le Scuole della dottrina cristiana di Verona al tempo di Agostino Valier, p. 297
Andrea Mariani, L’insegnamento delle scienze nelle scuole dei Gesuiti polacchi. Fra popolarizzazione e applicazioni pratiche(1740-1773), p. 319
Dorena Caroli, Educational institutions, curricula and cultural models in the higher education of the nobility and intelligentsia at the turn of the 20th century in Russia, p. 341
Merja Paksuniemi, Satu Uusiautti, Kaarina Maàttà Teetotalism as the core of education at the elementary school teacher training college of Tornio, Finland, p. 389
Giovanni Ferraro, Manuali di aritmetica, algebra, trigonometria e geometria analitica nella Napoli preunitaria, p. 413
Elisa Mazzella, « L’orto è il miglior libro in questa scienza ». Giovanni Biroli e l’orto botanico del Liceo convitto di Novara, p. 445
Domenico Francesco Antonio Elia, Giuseppe Pezzarossa’s (1880-1911) gymnastic equipment workshop, p. 465
Roberto Sani, The Invention of tradition in the minor Universities of a united Italy. The case of the thirteenth-century origins of the Studium Maceratense, p. 485
Pieter Dhondt, Social education or medica! care? Divergent views on visiting nurses in Belgium in the interwar years, p. 505
Teresa Gonzáles Pérez, La politica educativa del franquismo y los estudios de bachillerato. Memoria de un modelo subsidiario, p. 523
Francesca Borruso, « Piccole donne crescono ». La letteratura didattico-morale per la gioventù femminile, p. 557
Cristiano Casalini, Fertile wit. The (unwritten) doctrines of Juan Huarte de San Juan and Chomsky’s intuition, p. 575
Erica Moretti, John Tortorice, Fry collection of Italian history and culture. A review, p. 591
Luigiaurelio Pomante, Un contributo al riordinamento delle università italiane nel primo dopoguerra. Il progetto di « federazione » degli atenei marchigiani del rettore Giovanni Gallerani (1919), p. 597
Critical Reviews and Bibliography / Rassegne critiche, Discussioni, Recensioni e Bibliografia, p. 639
Scientific News and Activities of Research Centres / Cronache scientifiche e Attività degli istituti di ricerca, p. 695
Abstracts, p. 7
Cristina Yanes, The museum as a representation space of popular culture and educational memory, p. 19
Marina Bonomelli, Libri per fanciulli e giovinetti nella Milano della Restaurazione, p. 33
Benedetta Quadrio, Francesco De Sanctis educatore nazionale: La scienza e la vita come testo programmatico, p. 59
Roberto Sani, State, church and school in Italy from 1861 to 1870, p. 81
Luca Montecchi, « Un’esperienza di istruzione rurale integrale ». David Levi Morenos e le Colonie dei Giovani Lavoratori, p. 115
Elemér Kelemen, The nationality references of the Hungarian education policy in the period of dualism of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy, p. 141
Furio Pesci, L’educazione morale e religiosa nell’opera di Maria Montessori. Alcuni studi del Laboratorio Montessori di Roma, p. 159
Anna Ascenzi, The downfall, death and transfiguration of an elementary school teacher in Italy at the dose of the 1900s. Il Romanzo d’una maestra by Annetta Fusetti, or the triumph of petit bourgeois individualistìc morality, p. 169
Janos Géczi, Tibor Darvai, Iconographic examination of the photos in journal « Tanit6 » (« Teacher »), p. 187
Sabrina Fava, La letteratura per l’infanzia tra fine Ottocento e Grande Guerra: un terreno di contesa o di conciliazione tra laici e cattolici?, p. 203
Concepción Naval, Julia Pavón, Portrayal of 2Oth-century European totalitarian regimes in Spanish secondary education textbooks, p. 229
Loretta De Franceschi, Scientific, educational and pleasure reading for young Italian soldiers: 1900-1920, p. 261
Carla Ghizzoni, Le Scuole serali e festive superiori del Comune di Milano fra socialismo e avvento del fascismo, p. 281
Pieter Verstraete, Doing disability history and the notion of « limit-experience », p. 321
Andrea Greco, « Ricordi fotografici giornalineschi ». Vamba e la promozione della fotografia ne « Il Giornalino della Domenica », p. 339
Francesco Terzulli, Un balcone sulla storia dell’Italia unita. L’archivio storico dell’Istituto Tecnico Pitagora di Taranto (1895-2010), p. 375
Critical Reviews and Bibliography / Rassegne critiche, Discussioni, Recensioni e Bibliografia, p. 405
Forum / Discussioni, p. 457
Notices / Recensioni, p. 487
Scientific News and Activities of Research Centres / Cronache scientifiche e Attività degli istituti di ricerca, p. 507
Abstracts, p. 7
Roberto Sani, « History of Education & Children’s Literature » (Hecl),five years on. An ongoing assessment, p. 19
Corinna Onelli, An innovative schoolbook: the Selectiores dicendi formulae (1666) of Father Bartolomeo Beverini, p. 39
Francesca Sbardella, Leggere, rileggere e riscrivere: pratica quotidiana del testo agiografico, p. 59
Simonetta Polenghi, Die Osterreichische Schulreform in der habsburgischen Lombardei, p. 77
Alessandra Avanzjnj, The education of women: « La voce delle donne » (1865-1867) and the fight for women’s rights in post-uflitarY Italy, p. 93
Siphis Bouzakis, Entrance policies to the Greek universities. From the free entrance in 1837 to the numerus clausus of the students accepted in 1930. A historical-sociological approach, p. 105
Anna Ascenzi, A « Homeland Religion » for educating the Italian people. The history manual by Lorenzo Bettini (1882), from didactic innovation to « sacralisation » of the Risorgimento epic, p. 119
Silvia Assirelli, La rappresentazione dell’infanzia nelle copertine de « Il Giornalino della Domenica » (1906-1911). Un itinerario iconografico, p. 145
Fabio Targhetta, Tra letteratura, pedagogia e strategie promozionali: il bollettino bibliografico « Paraviana » (1921-1940), p. 179
Margot Hiliel, « She makes them tingie all over »: eroticising the child in twentieth-century Australian picture books, p. 199
Valeria Miceli, Per una storia della formazione magistrale nell’Italia meridionale. Origini e sviluppo della Scuola normale maschile in Mouse (1872-1898), p. 215
Juri Meda, « Mezzi di educazione di massa ». Nuove fonti e nuove prospettive di ricerca per una « storia materiale della scuola » tra XIX e XX secolo, p. 253
Irma Rizzini, José G. Gondra, Hygiene, childhood typology and institutionalization of poor children in Brazil (1875-1913), p. 281
Davide Montino, Giuseppe Fanciulli negli anni de « Il Giornalino della Domenica ». Infanzia, giornalismo e politica, p. 305
Sabrina Fava, Imparare a leggere per diventare lettori: riflessioni di Emilia Formìggini Santamaria da Tolstoj a Prima lettura, p. 319
Luca Montecchi, Una scuola tra mito e realtà. Spontaneismo, metodo didattico e propaganda pedagogica nella scuola di San Gersolè, p. 343
Geraldo Inacio Filho, The « Orders of the Day » and the representation of the military by the High Command of the Brazilian Armed Forces, p. 383
Luigi Calvitti, Per conservare e tramandare la memoria di una grande esperienza formativa alimentata da un’autentica passione civile, p. 409
Critical Reviews / Rassegne critiche, p. 419
Forum / Discussioni, p. 447
Notices / Recensioni, p. 501
Scientific News and Activities of Research Centres / Cronache scientifiche e Attività degli istituti di ricerca, p. 519
Abstracts, p. 7
Agustín Escolano Benito, Sherlock Holmes goes to school. Ethnohistory of the school and educational heritage, p. 17
Chinzorig Batnasan, Tutors and textbooks of the Mongolian aristocratic children in the early Yüan Dynasty: the case of Prince Chen-chin, p. 33
Roberto Sani, The Society of Jesus and the missionary experience of Father Matteo Ricci in China between reformatio ecclesiae and inculturalisation of the Gospel, p. 61
Anna Ascenzi, Letteratura ed esperienza magistrale femminile nell’Italia di fine Ottocento. La costruzione di una difficile identità in Scuola Normale Femminile di Matilde Serao (1885), p. 93
Piergiovanni Genovesi, The army as « the real school of the Nation ». The « martial aspect » of popular education in the Italian post-unitary, p. 137
Luisa Lombardi, Il metodo visivo ìn Italia. Le proiezioni luminose nella scuola elementare Italiana (1908-1930), p. 149
Branko ?u?tar, The teacher as a punisher? School sanctions in Slovenia in educational theory and practice before and after World War I, p. 173
Elemér Kelemen, Brief history of the administration of education in Hungary, p. 183
Geert Thyssen, Frederik Herman, Walter Kusters, Sarah Van Ruyskensvelde, Marc Depaepe, From popular to unpopular education? The open-air school(s) of « Pont-Rouge », Roubaix (1921-1978), p. 199
Sarah Van Ruyskensvelde, Education and occupation. An introduction to Catholic secondary education in Belgium during World War II, p. 229
Miguel Beas Miranda, Erika González Garcia, Cosmopolitan citizenship in Spanish textbooks on education for citizenship, p. 247
Michel Ostenc, La notion de temps entre le merveilleux, l’horreur et l’aventure dans la littérature française pour l’enfance (2007-2010), p. 273
Robert L. Hampel, Theory, practice and rhetoric: Joseph Schwab’s vision of the Ph.D. in administration, p. 291
Alberto Barausse, Dal Regno di Sardegna al Regno d’Italia. Continuità e discontinuità nelle politiche del libro scolastico – Parte seconda: appendice documentaria, p. 301
Anna Ascenzi, « Per impedire l’intrusione nell’istruzione nazionale del seme di mala scienza e di mali costumi ». La relazione di Luigi Gabriele Pessina sull’esame dei libri di testo (1881), p. 339
Critical Reviews and Bibliography / Rassegne critiche, Discussioni, Recensioni e Bibliografia, p. 387
Forum / Discussioni, p. 453
Notices / Recensioni, p. 465
Scientific News and Activities of Research Centres / Cronache scientifiche e Attività degli istituti di ricerca, p. 477
Abstracts, p. 7
Essays and Research / Saggi e ricerche
Elisabetta Patrizi, The library of Cardinal Silvio Antoniano between studia humanitatis and ecclesiastical culture, p. 19
Xia Zhao, Alienated childhood: a comparison between childhood represented in English and Chinese children’s literature of the late 20th century, p. 63
Ana María Badanelli, Gabriela Ossenbach, Making history in the Digital Age: new forms of access to the sources and of preservation of the historical-educational heritage, p. 79
Luisa Revelli, Histoire de la langue dans l’histoire de l’école: l’italien post-unitaire à travers les compositions écrites des élèves, p. 93
Sylvia Schütze, Das Prinzip der Elementarisierung in der Lehrmethode EA.W. Diesterwegs und seme Anwendung in seinen
Lehrbüchern, p. 115
Inge Botteri, L’ultima institutio: il buon contadino, p. 153
Francesco Ascoli, The role of calligraphy in the Italian schools of modern times, p. 193
Eugenio Otero Urtaza, Children’s literature in wartime: the magazine « Los Niños » (1870-1877), p. 219
Roberto Sani, Schools policy and teacher training in Italy in the Giolitti age, p. 239
Alessandro Breccia, Ceto accademico e politica in una città universitaria: l’Università popolare di Pisa dalle origini al secondo dopoguerra (1900-1945), p. 259
Galina Makarewitsch, Representation of sexuality in elementary school textbooks of the late Soviet period, p. 293
Adernir Valdir dos Santos, Lo Stato Nuovo brasiliano (1937-1945) e la formazione scolastica dell’infanzia: il fascismo « goccia a goccia », p. 315
Teresa González Pérez, La transformation de l’éducation espagnole à la fin du franquisme. La Loi générale de l’éducation et la formation d’instituteurs, p. 337
Alla Salnikova, Not Yuietide? Fir Tree ornaments as an integral part of Soviet socialization practices (1920s-1960s), p. 355
Sources and Documents / Fonti e Documenti
Alberto Baurase, Dal Regno di Sardegna al Regno d’Italia. Continuità e discontinuità nelle politiche del libro scolastico – Parte prima, p. 377
Critical Reviews / Rassegne critiche, p. 421
Forum / Discussioni, p. 441
Notices / Recensioni, p. 459
Scientific News and Activities of Research Centres / Cronache scientifiche e Attività degli istituti di ricerca, p. 485
Essays and Research / Saggi e ricerche
Marta Brunelli, Educating and disciplining readers. Books, publishing and libraries in Italy at the time of the Enquiry of the Congregation of the Index, p. 17
Stefano Spalletti, Education and history of economie thought: from Adam Smith to the « Residue of Ignorance » (1776-1964), p. 61
Luigiaurelio Pomante, L’Università di Macerata nella prima metà dell’Ottocento, p. 73
Teresa Gonzàles Perez, Curriculum et identité national, p. 107
Giorgio Chiosso, Gli scritti educativi di Carlo Tancredi Falletti di Barolo, p. 125
Flavia Obino Correa Werle, Graduation boards as registers of the institutional history, p. 149
Simonetta Nicolini, « Occhi limpidi e cuore puro ». La storia dell’arte raccontata ai ragazzi da Guido Edoardo Mottini, p. 167
Carla Ghizzoni, Il Comune di Milano e l’istruzione dei giovani lavoratori. Le Civiche Scuole Serali e Festive Superiori fra Unità e età giolittiana, p. 197
Alberto Barausse, L’educazione linguistica nelle scuole molisane dall’Unità alla fine dell’Ottocento, p. 225
Dorena Caroli, New Sources for the teaching of history and of the Constitution in the Soviet Union: textbooks and school exercise book (1945-1965), p. 251
Roberto Sani, Pastoral care and Christian education in second post-war Italy. The testimony of don Lorenzo Milani, p. 279
Luca Montecchi, Alle origini della « scuola serena ». Giuseppe Lombardo Radice e la cultura pedagogica italiana del primo Novecento di fronte al mito della scuola della Montesca, p. 307
Cristina Pasqualini, La tri-complessità di Edgar Morin: la vita, il pensiero e la ricezione, p. 339
Sources and Documents / Fonti e Documenti
Anna Ascenzi, L’insegnamento della storia nelle scuole elementari post unitarie in una relazione di Pietro Dazzi, p. 355
Critical Reviews / Rassegne critiche, p. 373
Forum / Discussioni, p. 387
Notices / Recensioni, p. 409
Scientific News and Activities of Research Centres / Cronache scientifiche e Attività degli istituti di ricerca, p. 441
Abstracts, p. 7
Essays and Research / Saggi e ricerche
Daniel Lindmark, Learning to write the right learning. The ideological function of copies in writing instruction in 19th-century Sweden, p. 19
Angela Giallongo, The educational thought of Christine de Pizan. Body, gender and « sport », p. 31
Simonetta Polenghi, « Militia est vita hominis ». Die « militärische « Erziehung des Jesuitenpaters Ignaz Parhamer im Zeitalter Maria Theresias, p. 41
Elemér Kelemen, Place and role of the secondary school in the formation and development of the modern Hungarian school system, p. 69
Teresa Gonzàlez Perez, Enseñando a ser mujeres: literatura para niñas en la historia de la educación, p. 95
Fabiana Cacciapuoti, Alle origini della scrittura leopardiana: la biblioteca. Dalla formazione al progetto, p. 113
Guillemette Tison, Livres de lecture, lecture des livres. Représentations de la lecture dans les romans scolaires de la
IIIe République en France (1870-1940), p. 137
Susannah Wright, « Our future citizens »: values in late nineteenth and early twentieth century moral instruction books, p. 157
Luca Montecchi, Una scuola per i contadini: la Scuola Rurale Faina, p. 179
Heloìsa Helena Pimenta Rocha, Education, health and production of knowledge about the childhood in Brazil, p. 199
Angela Magnanini, Educazione, rischio e giovani delinquenti. Il caso di Ferrara (1899-1900), p. 217
Roberto Sani, Catholic educational publishing between the two wars: the case of the publishers SEI of Turin and La Scuola of Brescia, p. 231
Geert Thyssen, New education within an architectural icon? A case study of a Milanese open-air school (1922-1977), p. 243
Valentina Oldano, L’esperienza di don Lorenzo Milani a Barbiana attraverso gli scritti di Gianni Rodari, p. 267
Sources and Documents / Fonti e Documenti
Laura Detti, Italo Calvino, la scuola e i ragazzi. Il carteggio tra lo scrittore e il suo giovane pubblico, p. 289
Daniela Brighigni, Memorie d’un ispettore scolastico, p. 325
Roberta Cesana, Collezionare e conservare il libro per ragazzi La Collezione ‘900 Sergio Reggi al Centro Apice dell’Università degli studi di Milano, p. 337
Critical Reviews / Rassegne critiche, p. 349
Forum / Discussioni, p. 367
Notices / Recensioni, p. 387
Scientific News and Activities of Research Centres / Cronache scientifiche e Attività degli istituti di ricerca, p. 417
Abstracts, p. 7
Essays and Research / Saggi e ricerche
Paul F. Gehl, Off the press into the classroom: using the textbooks of Antonio Mancinelli, p. 19
Dubravka Te?ak, An overview of Croatian children’s literature with respect to changes in children’s literature of the world, p. 31
Antonella Cagnolati, Hornbooks and prayers: textbooks for children in Reformation England (XVIth century), p. 59
Teresa González Pérez, « The Children’s Island ». An innovative, academic experience, p. 67
Cristina Yanes Cabrerà, The teaching profession during the origins of the state secondary education in Spain, p. 83
Giovanni Ferraro, Manuali di geometria elementare nella Napoli preunitaria (1806-1860), p. 103
Ariclê Vechia, The « German Threat » in Southern Brazil: the education of German immigrants as a menace to the « Brazilian National Character », p. 141
Mirella Scala, L’insegnamento della letteratura italiana nei ginnasi-licei dall’Unità alla fine dell’Ottocento, p. 165
Ivano Vespignani, Editoria e scuola tra Otto e Novecento. L’opera del tipografo-editore Licinio Cappelli a Rocca San Casciano, p. 195
Martino Negri, L’universo di Viperetta: un modello di testualità iconico-verbale del secolo passato, p. 213
Paolo Alfieri, La formazione morale e patriottica della gioventù cattolica nella rivista degli oratori milanesi (1907-1917), p. 235
Bruno Bontempi junior, Modelos de instrução e cultura politica: os países estrangeiros no « Inquérito sobre a instrução pública no estado de São Paulo e suas necessidades » de 1914, p. 265
Anna Pastore, Editoria, cultura letteraria ed educazione cattolica in Italia tra le due guerre: il caso de « Il Ragguaglio Librario » (1933-1945), p. 285
Roberto Sani, The « Fascist reclamation « of textbooks from the Gentile Reform to the School Charter of Bottai, p. 305
Luciana Bellatalla, La formazione di insegnanti « speciali »: uno sguardo ai manuali, p. 337
Frederik Herman, Melanie Surmont, Marc Depaepe, Frank Simon, Angelo Van Gorp, Remembering the schoolmaster’s blood-red pen. The story of the exercise books and the story of the children of the time (1950-1970), p. 351
Sources and Documents / Fonti e Documenti
Antonio Borrelli, Innovazione medico-scientifica, formazione sanitaria e polemiche accademiche nella Napoli di fine Ottocento: le travagliate vicende della Clinica chirurgica, p. 379
Critical Reviews / Rassegne critiche, p. 399
Forum / Discussioni, p. 413
Notices / Recensioni, p. 441
Scientific News and Activities of Research Centres / Cronache scientifiche e Attività degli istituti di ricerca, p. 473
Abstracts, p. 7
Essays and Research / Saggi e ricerche
Marina Gazzini, Lay confraternities and youth education in Renaissance Italy. The Grassi and taverna schools of Milan, p. 15
Elisabetta Patrizi, Carlo Borromeo, Archbishop in Milan, among religious disciplining, pastoral renewal and Christian education (1564-1584), p. 33
Alberto Carli, Elisa Mazzella, Ophelia at the museum. Venuses and anatomical models in the teaching of obstetrics between the XVIIth and XVIIIth centuries, p. 61
Giuseppe Bonvegna, Come educare la nazione? Newman e l’Idea di Università, p. 81
John Ramsland, The myth and reality of Point Puer, p. 111
Anthony L. Smymaios, Manuals of conversion: Protestant missionary schoolbooks in Greece during the 19th century, p. 117
Fang Weiping, Western anthropological thoughts and modern children’s literature theory in China: the case of Chou Tso-jen, p. 141
Robert Hampel, Testing medical students at Harvard, 1870-1930, p. 155
Ken Yasuoka, The policies for a nationalistic education in Japan in the Meiji Period, p. 175
Mariella Colin, L’Italie et les Italiens vus par la littérature enfantine, entre Second Empire et Troisième République, p. 199
Anna Ascenzi, The Pigna Paper Mill and the exercise books of the « New Italy » (1870-1960), p. 217
Giorgio Chiosso, La stampa scolastica e l’avvento del fascismo, p. 257
Dorena Caroli, Russian and Soviet schooling: educational legacies, institutional reforms and national identities, p. 283
Manuel Ferraz Lorenzo, Educación y ciudadanía en España hasta 1975: una construcción histórica forjada de equilibrios y dependencias, p. 305
Laura Detti, Un autore per adulti o per ragazzi? Ipotesi sulla lingua di Italo Calvino, p. 343
Sources and Documents / Fonti e Documenti
Diego Erba, Libri di testo ticinesi. Il Fondo del Centro Didattico di Mas-sagno, p. 379
Critical Reviews / Rassegne critiche, p. 389
Forum / Discussioni, p. 419
Notices / Recensioni, p. 437
Scientific News and Activities of Research Centres / Cronache scientifiche e Attività degli istituti di ricerca, p. 463
Abstracts, p. 7
Essays and Research / Saggi e ricerche
Katherine Maye-Saidi, The historical al-Andalus in Spanish and Moroccan secondary school history books, p. 17
Carlo Vecce, La scuola umanistica dall’Italia all’Europa, p. 45
Ilaria Filograsso, Per una storia del teatro scolastico. Il contributo di Jan Amos Komensky, p. 55
Honoré Vinck, « Fiat nose versus point nose »: Black and White in Congolese colonial schoolbooks, p. 69
Patrizia Savio, I Fratelli delle Scuole Cristiane autori ed editori per la scuola, p. 79
Simonetta Polenghi, From Vienna to Milan: the Austrian reform of the Gymnasium and its implementation in Lombardy during the Restoration, with some data on the Ginnasio di Brera, p. 101
Vincenzo Trombetta, Libri per gli educatori: l’istituzione della Biblioteca Magistrale nella Napoli postunitaria, p. 127
Anna Ascenzi, The image of Giuseppe Mazzini in history textbooks from Italian unification to the end of World War II (1861-1945), p. 157
Elemér Kelemen, The reflection of the changes of the educational policy of the 19th and 20th centuries in the Hungarian educational laws, p. 177
Davide Montino, Libro, quaderno e moschetto. Pedagogia della guerra nelle letture e nelle scritture scolastiche durante il regime fascista, p. 193
Roberto Sani, Educational and mass market Catholic publishing in Italy between the two wars, p. 217
Vitaly Bezrogov, Between Stalin and Christ: the religious socialisation of children in Soviet and post-Soviet Russia (based on materials about memories of childhood), p. 239
Valentina Oldano, Lo scrittore e il priore. Appunti per un confronto tra Gianni Rodari e don Lorenzo Milani, p. 267
Ilaria Mattioni, Editoria periodica salesiana ed educazione femminile nell’Italia del secondo dopoguerra. Il caso di « Primavera. Rivista per giovanette » (1950-1979), p. 291
Sources and Documents / Fonti e Documenti
Patrizia Morelli, Contro la « pedanteria grammaticale ». La relazione di Giovanni Pascoli sull’insegnamento del latino nei ginnasi-licei al Ministro della Pubblica Istruzione Ferdinando Martini (1893), p. 315
Critical Reviews / Rassegne critiche, p. 373
Forum / Discussioni, p. 393
Notices / Recensioni, p. 427
Scientific News and Activities of Research Centres / Cronache scientifiche e Attività degli istituti di ricerca, p. 459
Abstracts, p. 7
Essays and Research / Saggi e ricerche
Vitaly Bezrogov, Galina Makarewitsch, The world of adults and the world of children in present-day Russian early reading books (search for a family and an educational ideal in post-Soviet Russia), p. 17
Roberto Sani, Towards a history of special education in Italy: schools for the deaf-mute from the Napoleonic era to the Gentile Reforms, p. 35
Sira Serenella Macchietti, Le scuole delle Maestre Pie Venerini: della Controriforma un’istituzione educativa, p. 57
Giorgio Chiosso, Dal mestiere alla professione magistrale. Note sul lavoro dei maestri elementari nel secondo Ottocento, p. 85
Honoré Vinck, Le manuel scolaire au Congo belge. L’état de la recherche, p. 117
Carla Ghizzoni, Maestri e istruzione popolare a Milano negli anni della Prima guerra mondiale, p. 143
Anna Ascenzi, Education for democracy in textbooks: the case of history texts in Italian schools in the years following the Second Word War, p. 173
Riccardo Pagano, La pedagogia di Gaetano Santomauro tra ricerca teoretica e orientamenti valoriali, p. 195
Alberto Carli, Il volto nascosto della fiaba italiana di secondo Ottocento. Medicina, antropologia e folklore, p. 217
Marco Moroni, Instruction and economie development: agricultural schools in The Marche in the 1800’s, p. 241
Katia Montalbetti, Origins and development of the experimental culture in educational field, p. 267
Davide Montino, Libri e giovani lettori tra XIX e XX secolo: un percorso di tipo qualitativo, p. 299
Francesca Borruso, A Museum of Schools in the Capital Rome (1874-1938), p. 323
Sources and Documents / Fonti e Documenti
Juri Meda, Sgorbi e scarabocchi. Guida ragionata alle collezioni storiche di disegni infantili, p. 349
Critical Reviews / Rassegne critiche, p. 377
Forum / Discussioni, p. 395
Notices / Recensioni, p. 415
Scientific News and Activities of Research Centres / Cronache scientifiche e Attività degli istituti di ricerca, p. 435
Abstracts, p. 7
Essays and Research / Saggi e ricerche
Elemér Kelemen, Changes in Educational Policy in Eastern Central Europe in the 1990s, p. 17
Roberto Sani, Schools in Italy and Democracy Education in the Aftermath of the Second Word War, p. 37
Michel Ostenc, L’historien gênois Vito Vitale et la réforme Gentile de 1923, p. 55
Janine Despinette, Les imagiers de la littérature en couleurs, p. 73
Pablo Pineau, Rubén Cucuzza, Escenas de lectura y libros de texto en la historia de la escuela argentina, p. 91
Giorgio Fabre, Tra propaganda ed educazione: il fascismo, la censura e gli editori, p. 103
Alberto Carli, La nuova veglia di lettura, la fiaba « moderna » e l’Italia unita. Ferdinando Martini, Emma Perodi e Luigi Capuana tra oralità e scrittura, p. 131
Rocco Cerrato, Editoria religiosa ed educazione cristiana in Italia durante la crisi modernista, p. 151
Stefania Valeri, La fortuna della letteratura francese per l’infanzia nell’Italia della seconda metà del Settecento, p. 173
Fabio Targhetta, Tra riorganizzazione industriale e sviluppo editoriale: la casa editrice Paravia tra le due guerre, p. 209
Sabrina Fava, Maria Montessori du coté de enfance, p. 231
Donatella Lombello, Dalle « bibliotechine di classe » alla biblioteca scolastica nella rete nazionale, p. 249
Carla Callegari, « Non dite mai: non ce la faccio più ». Giovani ebrei durante la Shoah e sviluppo della resilienza, p. 283
Sources and Documents / Fonti e Documenti
Elisabetta Patrizi, La genesi dei Tre Libri dell’educatione Christiana dei figliuoli di Silvio Antoniano nei carteggi del cardinale Carlo Borromeo, p. 313
Forum / Discussioni, p. 355
Notices / Recensioni, p. 387
Scientific News and Activities of Research Centres / Cronache scientifiche e Attività degli istituti di ricerca, p. 417
Rules for Contributors / Norme redazionali, p. 437
Roberto Sani, « History of Education & Children’s Literature » (HECL)
Abstracts, p. 13
Essays and Research / Saggi e ricerche
Amedeo Quondam, « Formare con parole ». L’Institutio del moderno gentiluomo, p. 23
Roberto Sani, For a History of Family Education in the Modern and Contemporary Era. Research Itineraries and Perspectives, p. 55
Mariella Colin, Cent ans de Cuore en France: édition, traduction, lecture, p. 83
Daniel Lindmark, Importing Educational Reform. International News in Sweden’s First Pedagogical Journal (1810-1812), p. 105
Giorgio Chiosso, Il rinnovamento del libro scolastico nelle esperienze di Giuseppe Lombardo Radice e dei « lombardiani », p. 127
Joaquim Pintassilgo, Portuguese Pedagogical Textbooks in the First Third of the 20th Century: Between Tradition and Innovation, p. 141
Carmen Colmenar Orzaes, La protección a la primiera infancia en España en el primer tercio del siglo XX, p. 167
Simonetta Polenghi, Youth Culture and military Education in Napoleonic times: the Battalions of Hope in the First Cisalpine Republic, p. 191
Antonella Cagnolati, « Educare arbusculas Dei ». The School of Infancy in Comenius’ Educational Theory, p. 217
Renata Lollo, Poesia per l’infanzia nel secolo XIX, p. 231
Sabrina Fava, Tra libri e riviste: l’apporto della casa editrice Formìggini alla letteratura per l’infanzia, p. 267
Juri Meda, La politica quotidiana. L’utilizzo propagandistico del diario scolastico nella scuola fascista, p. 287
Sources and Documents / Fonti e Documenti
Anna Ascenzi, Lettere a Vamba. « Il Giornalino della Domenica « nei rapporti epistolari tra Luigi Bertelli e i suoi collaboratori, p. 317
Critical Reviews / Rassegne critiche, p. 367
Forum / Discussioni, p. 381
Notices / Recensioni, p. 395
Scientific News and Activities of Research Centres / Cronache scientifiche e Attività degli istituti di ricerca, p. 431