The Journal of Economic History: The tasks of economic history DATINI

The Journal of Economic History

New York, Economic History Association
Quadrimestrale; dal 1951 Trimestrale
ISSN: 0022-0507

Conservata in: Università degli Studi di Firenze, Biblioteca di Scienze Sociali:

– Punto di servizio: Economia, Riv. Str. 0264
Consistenza: a. 1, 1941-

– Punto di servizio: Scienze Politiche, Riv. Str. 0330
Consistenza: 21(1961) -23(1963); 32(1972) –
Lacune: 1961-1963, 1978; 2005, 3, 4; 2006, 1;

Conservata in: Prato, Istituto culturale e di documentazione Lazzerini – Fondo Melis
Consistenza: n. 1, 1941: 5, 1945; 20/2, 1960; 21/3, 1961

[ 2030-2021 ] [ 2020-2011 ] [ 2010-2001 ] [ 2000-1991 ] [ 1990-1981 ] [ 1980-1971 ] [ 1970-1961 ] [ 1960-1951 ] [ 1950-1941 ]

copertina della rivista

a. L, 1990, n. 4

Angela Redish, The Evolution of the Gold Standard in England, p. 789
Loren Brandt, Barbara Sands, Beyond Malthus and Ricardo: Economic Growth, Land Concentration, and Income Distribution in Early Twentieth-Century Rural China, p. 807
Sumner J. La Croix, James Roumasset, The Evolution of Private Property in Nineteenth-Century Hawaii, p. 829
Anne M. Carlos, Stephen Nicholas, Agency Problems in Early Chartered Companies: The Case of the Hudson’s Bay Company, p. 853
David Greasly, Fifty Years of Coal-mining Productivity: The Record of the British Coal Industry before 1939, p. 877
Carol E. Heim, The Treasury As Developer-Capitalist? British New town Building in the 1950s, p. 903

Martin A. Garrett, Jr., The Mule in Southern Agriculture: A Requiem, p. 925
Mark Overton, Re-estimating Crop Yields from Probate Inventories: A Comment, p. 931
Anthony Patrick O’Brien, Were Businessmen Afraid of FDR? A Comment on Mayer and Chatterji, p. 936
Thomas Mayer, Monojit Chatterji, Reply to O’Brien, p. 942

Editors’ Notes, p. 945
Reviews of Books, p. 948

a. L, 1990, n. 3

David Eltis, Welfare Trends among the Yoruba in the Early Nineteenth Century The Anthropometric Evidence, p. 521
Robin Cowan, Nuclear Power Reactors: A Study in Technological Lock-in, p. 541
Mark Harrison, The Volume of Soviet Munitions Output, 1937-1945: A Reevaluation, p. 569
John C. Brown, The Condition of England and the Standard of Living: Cotton Textiles in the Northwest, 1806-1850, p. 591
Jean-Laurent Rosenthal, The Development of Irrigation in Provence, 1700-1860: The French Revolution and Economic Growth, p. 615
Steven J. Novak, The Real Takeover of the BIA: The Preferential Hiring of Indians, p. 639

M: K: Thornton, R. L. Thornton, The Financial Crisis of A.D. 33: A Keynesian Depression?, p. 655
Metin M. Cosgel, Scattering and Contracts in Medieval Agriculture: Challenges Ahead, p. 663
Bruce W. Hetherington, Bank Entry and the Low Issue of National Bank Notes: A Re-examination, p. 669
José Manuel Campa, Exchange Rates and Economic Recovery in the 1930s: An Extension Latin America, p. 677
Michael H, Disintegration in Lancashire: A Comment on Temin, p. 683
Peter Temin, Product Quality and Vertical Integration in the Early Cotton Textile Industry: A Reply, p. 691
Bruce G. Carruthers, Politics, Popery. and Property. A Comment on North and Weingast, p. 693

Allan G. Bogue, Fogel’s Journey through the Slave States, p. 699

Editors’ Notes, p. 711
Reviews of Books, p. 713

a. L, 1990, n. 2


Robert B. Barsky, J. Bradford De Long, Bull and Bear Markets in the Twentieth Century, p. 265
Charles W. Calomiris, In Deposit Insurance Necessary? A Historical Perspective, p. 283
Peter Temin, Socialism and Wages in the Recovery from the Great Depression in the United States and Germany, p. 297
William A. Sundstrom, Was There a Golden Age of Flexible Wages? Evidence from Ohio Manufacturing, 1892-1910, p. 309
Jeffrey A. Miron, Christina D. Romer, A New Monthly Index of Industrial Production, 1884-1940, p. 321
Ruth Dupré, Regulation the Quebec Dairy Industry, 1905-1921: Peeling Off the Joseph Label, p. 339
Richard J. Sullivan, The Revolution of Ideas: Widespread Patenting and Invention During the English Industrial Revolution, p. 349
Kenneth L. Sokoloff, B. Zorina Khan, The Democratization of Invention During Early Industrialization: Evidence from the United States, 1790-1846, p. 363
Martha Ellen Shiells, Collective Choice of Working Conditions: Hours in British and U. S. Iron and Steel, 1890-1923, p. 379
Robert Whaples, Winning the Eight-Hour Day, 1909-1919, p. 393
Michael A. Bernstein, American Economic Expertise from the Great War to the Cold War: Some Initial Observations, p. 407
Ann Mari May, President Eisenhower, Economic Policy, and the 1960 Presidential Election, p. 417

David Mitch, The Role of the Textbook in Undergraduate Economic History Courses: Indispensable tool or Superficial Convenience?, p. 428

Lee A. Craig, Farm Output, Productivity, and Fertility Decline in the Antebellum Northern United States, p. 432
Adrienne D. Hood, Organization and Extent of Textile Manufacture in Eighteenth-Century Rural Pennsylvania: A Case Study of Chester County, p. 434
Daniel Barbezat, International Cooperation and Domestic Cartel Control: The International Steel Cartel, 1926-1938, p. 436
Jean-Laurent Rosenthal, The Fruits of Revolution: Property Rights, Litigation, and French Agriculture, 1700-1860, p. 438
Joshua L. Rosenbloom, Labor Market Institutions and the Geographic Integration of Labor Markets in the Late Nineteenth-Century United States, p. 440
Susan Wolcott, Keynes vs. Churchill: British Unemployment in the Twenties, p. 442
Philip T. Hoffman, Roger L. Ransom, Discussion, p. 444

Editors’ Notes, p. 450
Reviews of Books, p. 455

a. L, 1990, n. 1

Susan B. Carter, Elizabeth Savoca, Labor Mobility and Lengthy Jobs in Nineteenth-Century America, p. 1
Jane Humphries, Enclosures, Common Rights, and Women: The Proletarianization of Families in the Late Eighteenth and Early Nineteenth Centuries, p. 17
Warren C. Whatley, Getting a Foot in the Door: “Learning”, State Dependence, and the Racial Integration of Firms, p. 43
Nachum I. Gross, Israeli Economic Policies, 1948-1951: Problems of Evaluation, p. 67
Joshua L. Rosenbloom, One Market or Many? Labor Market Integration in the Late Nineteenth-Century United States, p. 85
Robert A. Black, Claire G. Gilmore, Crowding Out during Britain’s Industrial Revolution, p. 109
George K. Davis, Gary M. Pecquet, Interest Rates in the Civil War South, p. 133
Edwin S. Hunt, A New Look at the Dealings of the Bardi and Peruzzi with Edward III, p. 149

Margaret Patterson, David Reiffen, The Effect of the Bubble Act on the Market for Joint Stock Shares, p. 163

Joel Mokyr, John a. C. Nye, La Grande Quantification, p. 172

Editors’ Notes, p. 177
Reviews of Books, p. 182

a. XLIX, 1989, n. 4

Douglass C. North, Barry R. Weingast, Constitutions and Commitment: The Evolution of Institutions Governing Public Choice in Seventeenth-Century England, p. 803
Gary D. Libecap, The Political Economy of Crude Oil Cartelization in the United States, 1933 – 1972, p. 833
Avner Greif, Reputation and Coalitions in Medieval Trade: Evidence on the Maghribi Traders, p. 857
Douglas Fisher, The Price Revolution: A Monetary Interpretation, p. 883
Donald Cox, John Vincent Nye, Male-Female Wage Discrimination in Nineteenth-Century France, p. 903
David R. Meyer, Midwestern Industrialization and the American Manufacturing Belt in the Nineteenth Century, p. 921
John R. Hanson II, Education, Economic Development, and Technology Transfer: A Colonial Test, p. 939

Kenneth Ng, Nancy Virts, The Value of Freedom, p. 958
Jonathan B. Pritchett, The Burden of Negro Schooling: Tax Incidence and Racial Redistribution in Postbellum North Carolina, p. 966
Jack Carr, Sherry Glied, Frank Mathewson, Unlimited Liability and Free Banking in Scotland: A Note, p. 974
Gregory Clark, Productivity Growth without Technical Change in European Agriculture: Reply to Komlos, p. 979

Osamu Saito, Bringing the Covert Structure of the Past to Light, p. 992

Editors’ Notes, p. 1000
Reviews of Books, p. 1004

a. XLIX, 1989, n. 3

Eugene Nelson White, Was There a Solution to the Ancien Regime’s Financial Dilemma?, p. 545
Peter J. Wylie, Technological Adaptation in Canadian Manufacturing, 1900 – 1929, p. 569
Thomas K. McCraw, Forest Reinhardt, Losing to Win: U.S. Steel’s Pricing, Investment Decisions, and Market Share, 1901 – 1938, p. 593
Douglas Fisher, Walter N. Thurman, Sweden’s Financial Sophistication in the Nineteenth Century: An Appraisal, p. 621
David W. Galenson, Clayne L. Pope, Economic and Geographic Mobility on the Farming Frontier: Evidence From Appanoose County, Iowa, 1850 – 1870, p. 635
Ulrich Blum, Leonard Dudley, A Spatial Approach to Structural Change: The Making of the French Hexagon, p. 657
Christopher Grandy, New Jersey Corporate Chartermongering, 1875 – 1929, p. 677

Marshall Sarnat, The Emergence of Israel’s Security Market: A Note, p. 693
Thomas C. Owen, A Standard Ruble of Account far Russian Business History, 1769 – 1914: A Note, p. 699
Gregory Clark, Why Isn’t the Whole World Developed? A Reply to Hanson, p. 707
Donald Hoke, British and American Horology: A Reply to Bolino, p. 715

Joachim F. E. Bläsing, Promising and Stimulation: Modern Business History in Germany and Netherlands, p. 720

Editors’ Notes, p. 725
Reviews of Books, p. 727

a. XLIX, 1989, n. 2


Jacob M. Price (Presidential Address), What Did Merchants Do? Reflections on British Overseas Trade, 1660 – 1790, p. 267
David Feeny, The Decline of Property Rights in Man in Thailand, 1800 – 1913, p. 285
Kerry A. Odell, The Integration of Regional and Interregional Capital Markets: Evidence from the Pacific Coast States, 1883 – 1913, p. 297
Mary M. Schweitzer, State-Issued Currency and the Ratification of the U.S. Constitution, p. 311
Kenneth Lipartito, System Building on the Margin: The Problem of Public Choice in the Telephone Industry, p. 323
Bernard Elbaum, Why Apprenticeship Persisted in Britain But Not in the United States, p. 337
Jerome C. Rose, Biological Consequences of Segregation and Economic Deprivation: A Post-Slavery Population from Southwest Arkansas, p. 351
Richard N. Langlois, Paul L. Robertson, Explaining Vertical Integration: Lessons from the American Automobile Industry, p. 361
Martha L. Olney, Credit as a Production-Smoothing Device: The Case of Automobiles, 1913 – 1938, p. 377
Lorena S. Walsh, Plantation Management in the Chesapeake, 1620 – 1820, p. 393
Lois Green Carr, Russell R. Menard, Land, Labor, and Economies of Scale in Early Maryland: Some Limits to Growth in the Chesapeake System of Husbandry, p. 407
Lon L. Peters, Managing Competition in Germany Coal, 1893 – 1913, p. 419
Daniel Barbezat, Cooperation and Rivalry in the International Steel Cartel, 1926 – 1932, p. 435

Helen Shapiro, State Intervention and Industrialization: The Origins of the Brazilian Automotive Industry, p. 448
John C. Brown, Reforming the Urban Environment: Sanitation, Housing, and Government Intervention in Germany, 1870 – 1910, p. 450
Timothy Guinnane, Migration, Marriage, and Household Formation: The Irish at the Turn of the Century, p. 452
Ali I. Saad, Schooling and Occupational Choice in Nineteenth-Century America, p. 454
Colleen M. Callahan, Movements in Aggregate Price Uncertainty in the United States, 1884 – 1981, p. 457
David C. Wheelock, The Strategy and Consistency of Federal Reserve Monetary Policy, 1919 – 1933, p. 459
Jon S. Cohen, Warren Whatley, Discussion, p. 461

Editors’ Notes, p. 469
Reviews of Books, p. 473

a. XLIX, 1989, n. 1

Lawrence H. Officer, The Remarkable Efficiency of the Dollar-Sterling Gold Standard, 1890 – 1906, p. 1
George Grantham, Agricultural Supply During the Industrial Revolution: French Evidence and European Implications, p. 43
David L. Carlton, Peter A. Coclanis, Capital Mobilization and Southern Industry, 1880 – 1905 : The Case of the Carolina Piedmont, p. 73
David R. Weir, tontines, Public Finance, and Revolution in France and England, 1688 – 1789, p. 95
Price a. Fishback, Dieter Lauszus, The Quality of Services in Company towns: Sanitation in Coal towns During the 1920s, p. 125
Donald F. Schaefer, Locational Choice in the Antebellum South, p. 145

Joshua L. Rosenbloom, Is Wage Rate Dispersion a Good Index of Labor Market Integration? A Comment on Rothenberg, p. 166
Roger L. Ransom, Richard Sutch, The Trend in the Rate of Labor Force Participation of Older Men, 1870 – 1930: A Reply to Moen, p. 170

George Grantham, Jean Meuvret and the Subsistence Problem in Early Modern France, p. 184

Editors’ Notes, p. 201
Reviews of Books, p. 205

copertina della rivista

a. XLVIII, 1988, n. 4

Kenneth L. Sokoloff, Inventive Activity in Early Industrial America: Evidence from Patent Records, 1790 – 1846, p. 813
C. Knick Harley, Ocean Freight Rates and Productivity, 1740-1913: The Primacy of Mechanical Invention Reaffirmed, p. 851
Kenneth Ng, Free Banking Laws and Barriers to Entry in Banking, 1838 – 1860, p. 877
Peter Temin, Product Quality and Vertical Integration in the Early Cotton Textile Industry, p. 891

Editors’ Notes, p. 908
Reviews of Books, p. 914

a. XLVIII, 1988, n. 3

Winifred B. Rothenberg, The Emergence of Farm Labor Markets and the Transformation of the Rural Economy: Massachusetts, 1750 – 1855, p. 537
Robert E. Gallman, Changes in the Level of Literacy in a New Community of Early America, p. 567
Farley Grubb, The Auction of Redemptioner Servants, Philadelphia, 1771 – 1804: An Economic Analysis, p. 583
Stefano Fenoaltea, International Resource Flows and Construction Movements in the Atlantic Economy. The Kuznets Cycle in Italy, 1861 – 1913, p. 605
Anthony Patrick O’Brien, Factory Size, Economies of Scale, and the Great Merger Wave of 1898 – 1902, p. 639

John Joseph Wallis, Douglass C. North, Should Transaction Costs be Subtracted from Gross National Product?, 651
John Komlos, Agricultural Productivity in America and Eastern Europe: A Comment, 655
August C. Bolino, British and American Horology: A Comment on Hoke, p. 665
John R. Hanson II, Why Isn’t the Whole World Developed? A Traditional View, p. 668
Carole Shammas, The Food Budget of English Workers: A Reply to Komlos, p. 673
John Vincent Nye, Game Theory and the North American Fur Trade: A Comment, p. 677
Ann M. Carlos, Elizabeth Hoffman, Game Theory and the North American Fur Trade: A Reply, p. 681
Ron Michener, Backing Theories and the Currencies of Eighteenth-Century America: A Comment, p. 682
Charles W. Calomiris, The Depreciation of the Continental: A Reply, p. 693

Charles Feinstein, The Rise and Fall of the Williamson Curve, p. 699

Editors’ Notes, p. 730
Reviews of Books, p. 733

a. XLVIII, 1988, n. 2


Louis Galambos (Presidential Address), What Have CEOs Been Doing?, p. 243
David F. Weiman, Urban Growth on the Periphery of the Antebellum Cotton Belt: Atlanta, 1847 – 1860, p. 259
Kenneth A. Snowden, Mortgage Lending and American Urbanization, 1880 – 1890, p. 273
Jane Knodell, Interregional Financial Integration and the Banknote Market: The Old Northwest, 1815 – 1845, p. 287
Eric S. Schubert, Innovations, Debts, and Bubbles: International Integration of Financial Markets in Western Europe, 1688 – 1720, p. 299
John C. Brown, Coping with Crisis: The Diffusion of Waterworks in Late Nineteenth-Century German towns, p. 307
George R. Boyer, What Did Unions Do in Nineteenth-Century Britain?, p. 319
Richard H. Steckel, The Health and Mortality of Women and Children, 1850 – 1860, p. 333
John B. Legler, Richard Sylla, John J. Wallis, U.S. City Finances and the Growth of Government, 1850 – 1902, p. 347
Pim Kooij, Peripheral Cities and Their Regions in the Dutch Urban System until 1900, p. 357
Edward Peter Fitzgerald, Did France’s Colonial Empire Make Economic Sense? A Perspective from the Postwar Decade, 1946 – 1956, p. 373
Daniel M. G. Raff, Wage Determination Theory and the Five-Dollar Day at Ford, p. 387
Boris a. Anan’Ich, The Russian Private Banking Houses, 1870 – 1914, p. 401

Eric S. Schubert, The Ties That Bound: Market Behavior in Foreign Exchange in Western Europe during the Eighteenth Century, p. 409
Francesco L. Galassi, Reassessing Mediterranean Agriculture: Stagnation and Growth in Tuscany, 1870 – 1914, p. 410
Judith A. Miller, The Pragmatic Economy: Liberal Reforms and the Grain Trade in Upper Normandy, 1750 – 1789, p. 412
Anthony O’Brien, Prosperity and Depression, 1893 – 1933, p. 415
Sally Clarke, Farmers as Entrepreneurs: Regulation and Innovation in American Agriculture during the Twentieth Century, p. 416
Kenneth Lipartito, The Telephone in the South: A Comparative Analysis, 1877 – 1920, p. 419
Barry Eichengreen, Maris Vinovskis, Discussion, p. 421

William N. Parker, Old Themes and New Techniques, Part I, p. 428
David R. Weir, Old Themes and New Techniques, Part II, p. 435

Editors’ Notes, p. 438
Reviews of Books, p. 442

a. XLVIII, 1988, n. 1

Gerald Friedman, Strike Success and Union Ideology: The United States and France, 1880 – 1914, p. 1
Gloria L. Main, Jackson T. Main, Economic Growth and the Standard of Living in Southern New England, 1640-1774, p. 27
Charles W. Calomiris, Institutional Failure, Monetary Scarcity, and the Depreciation of the Continental, p. 47
Joel Mokyr, Is There Still Life in the Pessimist Case? Consumption during the Industrial Revolution, 1790-1850, p. 69
Robert C. Allen, Cormac Ó Gráda, On the Road Again with Arthur Young: English, Irish, and French Agriculture during the Industrial Revolution, p. 93
Robert C. Allen, Inferring Yields from Probate Inventories, p. 117
James T. Campen, Anne Mayhew, The National Banking System and Southern Economic Growth: Evidence from One Southern City, 1870-1900, p. 127

George Karatzas, The Greek Hyperinflation and Stabilization of 1943-1946: A Comment on Makinen, p. 138
Gail E. Makinen, The Greek Hyperinflation and Stabilization of 1943-1946: A Reply, p. 140
Gregory Clark, Can Management Develop the World? Reply to Wilkins, p. 143
John Komlos, The Food Budget of English Workers: A Comment on Shammas, p. 149

Robert S. DuPlessis, Urban History, Urbanization, and Economic History, p. 150

Editors’ Notes, p. 155
Reviews of Books, p. 160

a. XLVII, 1987, n. 4

Robert A. Margo, Georgia C. Villaflor, The Growth of Wages in Antebellum America: New Evidence, p. 873
John Komlos, The Height and Weight of West Point Cadets. Dietary Change in Antebellum America, p. 897
Jane Humphries, “… The Most Free From Objection …” The Sexual Division of Labor and Women’s Work in Nineteenth-Century England, p. 929
Susan P. McCaffray, Origins of Labor Policy in the Russian Coal and Steel Industry, 1874-1900, p. 951
Derek Matthews, The Technical Transformation of the Late Nineteenth-Century Gas Industry, p. 967

Mira Wilkins, Efficiency and Management: A Comment on Gregory Clark’s “Why Isn’t the Whole World Developed?”, p. 981
Nancy Virts, Estimating the Importance of the Plantation System to Southern Agriculture in 1880, p. 984

Editors’ Notes, p. 989
Reviews of Books, p. 992

a. XLVII, 1987, n. 3

Mary MacKinnon, English Poor Law Policy and the Crusade Against Outrelief, p. 603
David F. Weiman, Farmers and the Market in Antebellum America: A View from the Georgia Upcountry, p. 627
John Vincent Nye, Firm Size and Economic Backwardness: A New Look at the French Industrialization Debate, p. 649
Kenneth A. Snowden, Mortgage Rates and American Capital Market Development in the Late Nineteenth Century, p. 671
John L. Neufeld, Price Discrimination and the Adoption of the Electricity Demand Charge, p. 693
Loren Brandt, Farm Household Behavior, Factor Markets, and the Distributive Consequences of Commercialization in Early Twentieth-Century China, p. 711
Barrie A. Wigmore, Was the Bank Holiday of 1933 Caused by a Run on the Dollar?, p. 739

Barry Eichengreen, Agricultural Mortgages in the Populist Era: Reply to Snowden, p. 757
Jon Moen, The Labor of Older Men: A Comment, p. 761

Evsey Domar, Kahan on Russian Economic History, p. 769
James E. Cronin, The Wisdom of Conventional Wisdom, p. 775

Editors’ Notes, p. 778
Reviews of Books, p. 780

a. XLVII, 1987, n. 2


Stuart Bruchey (Presidential Address), Economy and Society in an Earlier America, p. 299
Donald Hoke, British and American Horology: Time to Test Factor Substitution Models, p. 321
Daniel Nelson, Mass Production and the U.S. Tire Industry, p. 329
Leonard S. Reich, Edison, Coolidge, and Langmuir: Evolving Approaches to American Industrial Research, p. 341
Peter Hayes, Carl Bosch and Carl Krauch: Chemistry and the Political Economy of Germany, 1925-1945, p. 353
Carol E. Heim, R & D, Defense, and Spatial Divisions of Labor in Twentieth-Century Britain, p. 365
Roger L. Ransom, Richard Sutch, Tontine Insurance and the Armstrong Investigation: A Case of Stifled Innovation, 1868-1905, p. 379
Richard Sylla, John B. Legler, John J. Wallis, Banks and State Public Finance in the New Republic: The United States, 1790-1860, p. 391
Michael D. Bordo, Angela Redish, Why Did the Bank of Canada Emerge in 1935?, p. 405
Gregory Clark, Productivity Growth without Technical Change in European Agriculture before 1850, p. 419
Ross Thomson, Learning by Selling and Invention: The Case of the Sewing Machine, p. 433
Peter J. George, Richard J. Preston, “Going in Between”: The Impact of European Technology on the Work Patterns of the West Main Cree of Northern Ontario, p. 447
Richard Roberts, French Colonialism, Imported Technology, and the Handicraft Textile Industry in the Western Sudan, 1898-1918, p. 461
Alexander J. Field, Modern Business Enterprise as a Capital-Saving Innovation, p. 473

Carolyn C. Cooper, Thomas Blanchard’s Patent Management, p. 487
Martha L. Olney, Advertising, Consumer Credit, and the “Consumer Durables Revolution” of the 1920s, p. 489
Jonathan B. Pritchett, The Racial Division of Education Expenditures in the South, 1910, p. 491
Stephen H. Haber, The Industrialization of Mexico, 1890-1940. The Structure and Growth of Manufacturing in an Underdeveloped Economy, p. 493
Aurel Schubert, The Credit-Anstalt Crisis of 1931: A Financial Crisis Revisited, p. 495
Martha Shiells, Hours of Work and Shiftwork in the Early Industrial Labor Markets of Great Britain, the United States, and Japan, p. 497
Glenn Porter, Larry Neal, Discussion, p. 501

Robert S. Gottfried, The Black Death: A Comment, p. 509

Editors’ Notes, p. 511
Review of Books, p. 516

a. XLVII, 1987, n. 1

Jacob M. Price, Paul G. E. Clemens, A Revolution of Scale in Overseas Trade: British Firms in the Chesapeake Trade, 1675-1775, p. 1
Warren Whatley, Southern Agrarian Labor Contracts as Impediments to Cotton Mechanization, p. 45
S.R.H. Jones, Technology, Transaction Costs, and the Transition to Factory Production in the British Silk Industry, 1700-1870, p. 71
Larry Neal, The Integration and Efficiency of the London and Amsterdam Stock Markets in the Eighteenth Century, p. 97
Carol E. Heim, Philip Mirowski, Interest Rates and Crowding-Out during Britain’s Industrial Revolution, p. 117
Gregory Clark, Why Isn’t the Whole World Developed? Lessons from the Cotton Mills, p. 141
Frank Lewis, Mary MacKinnon, Government Loan Guarantees and the Failure of the Canadian Northern Railway, p. 175
Geofrey Mills, Hugh Rockoff, Compliance with Price Controls in the United States and the United Kingdom during World War II, p. 197

Jeffrey G. Williamson, Has Crowding Out Really Been Given a Fair Test? A Comment, p. 214

Editors’ Notes, p. 217
Reviews of Books, p. 221

a. XLVI, 1986, n. 4

Jennifer Roback, The Political Economy of Segregation: The Case of Segregated Streetcars, p. 893
Robert C. Stacey, Agricultural Investment and the Management of the Royal Demesne Manors, 1236-1240, p. 919
E. H. Hunt, Industrialization and Regional Inequality: Wages in Britain, 1760-1914, p. 935
Ann M. Carlos, Elizabeth Hoffman, The North American Fur Trade: Bargaining to a Joint Profit Maximum under Incomplete Information, 1804-1821, p. 967
Michael Huberman, Invisible Handshakes in Lancashire: Cotton Spinning in the First Half of the Nineteenth Century, p. 987
Morris Altman, Resource Endowments and Location Theory in Economic History: A Case Study of Quebec and Ontario at the Turn of the Twentieth Century, p. 999
Price a. Fishback, Did Coal Miners “Owe Their Souls to the Company Store”? Theory and Evidence from the Early 1900s, p. 1011

Rondo Cameron, Was England Really Superior to France?, p. 1031

Editors’ Notes, p. 1040
Reviews of Books, p. 1044

a. XLVI, 1986, n. 3

David S. Landes, What Do Bosses Really Do?, p. 585
Donald R. Adams Jr., Prices and Wages in Maryland, 1750-1850, p. 625
Naomi R. Lamoreaux, Banks, Kinship, and Economic Development: The New England Case, p. 647
Michael Turner, English Open Fields and Enclosures: Retardation or Productivity Improvements, p. 669
Jeffrey G. Williamson, The Impact of the Irish on British Labor Markets During the Industrial Revolution, p. 693
Richard H. Steckel, A Peculiar Population: The Nutrition, Health, and Mortality of American Slaves from Childhood to Maturity, p. 721
Martin Brown, Peter Philips, Craft Labor and Mechanization in Nineteenth-Century American Canning, p. 743
Eugene Smolensky, Municipal Financing of the U.S. Fine Arts Museum: A Historical Rationale, p. 757
Steven B. Webb, Fiscal News and Inflationary Expectations in Germany After World War I, p. 769
Gail E. Makinen, The Greek Hyperinflation and Stabilization of 1943-1946, p. 795

Editors’ Notes, p. 807
Reviews of Books, p. 813

a. XLVI, 1986, n. 2


Stanley L. Engerman (Presidential Address), Slavery and Emancipation in Comparative Perspective: A Look at Some Recent Debates, p. 317
Christina Romer, New Estimates of Prewar Gross National Product and Unemployment, p. 341
David R. Weir, The Reliability of Historical Macroeconomic Data for Comparing Cyclical Stability, p. 353
Stanley Lebergott, Discussion, p. 367
Susan B. Carter, Occupational Segregation, Teachers’ Wages, and American Economic Growth, p. 373
Moses Abramovitz, Catching Up, Forging Ahead, and Falling Behind, p. 385
Farley Grubb, Redemptioner Immigration to Pennsylvania: Evidence on Contract Choice and Profitability, p. 407
George R. Boyer, The Poor Law, Migration, and Economic Growth, p. 419
James W. Oberly, Westward Who? Estimates of Native White Interstate Migration After the War of 1812, p. 431
Barry Eichengreen, Henry A. Gemery, The Earnings of Skilled and Unskilled Immigrants al the End of the Nineteenth Century, p. 441
Milton Esbitt, Bank Portfolios and Bank Failures During the Great Depression: Chicago, p. 455
Jeremy Atack, Firm Size and Industrial Structure in the United States During the Nineteenth Century, p. 463
Trevor J. O. Dick, Consumer Behavior in the Nineteenth Century and Ontario Workers, 1885-1889, p. 477

Donald Hoke, Ingenious Yankees, The Rise of the American System of Manufactures in the Private Sector, p. 489
Kenneth Snowden, Three Essays on the American Capital Market, 1870-1913, p. 491
Christina Romer, The Instability of the Prewar Economy Reconsidered: A Critical Examination of Historical Macroeconomic Data, p. 494
Gordon Boyce, The Growth and Dissolution of a Large-Scale Business Enterprise: The Furness Interest, 1892-1919, p. 496
Gregory Clark, British Labor in Britain’s Decline, p. 498
Mary MacKinnon, Poverty and Policy: The English Poor Law, 1860-1910, p. 500
W. Elliot Brownlee, Michael Edelstein, Discussion, 503

Jon S. Cohen, Marxism in a Nutshell, p. 515

Editors’ Notes, p. 521
Reviews of Books, p. 526

a. XLVI, 1986, n. 1

Roger L. Ransom, Richard Sutch, The Labor of Older Americans: Retirement off the Job, 1870-1937, p. 1
John M. Veitch, Repudiations and Confiscations by the Medieval State, p. 31
Philip Hoffman, Taxes and Agrarian Lands in Early Modern France: Land Sales, 1550-1730, p. 37
Richard H. Steckel, Richard A. Jensen, New Evidence on the Causes of Slave and Crew Mortality in the Atlantic Slave Trade, p. 57
Robert A. McGuire, Robert L. Ohsfeldt, An Economic Model of Voting Behavior over Specific Issues at the Constitutional Convention of 1787, p. 79
George R. Boyer, The Old Poor Law and the Agricultural Labor Market in Southern England: An Empirical Analysis, p. 113
David F. Good, Uneven Development in the Nineteenth Century: A Comparison of the Habsburg Empire and the United States, p. 137
Louis P. Cain, Donald G. Paterson, Biased Technical Change, Scale, and Factor Substitution in American Industry, 1850-1919, p. 153
Solomos Solomou, Non-Balanced Growth and Kondratieff Waves in the World Economy, 1850-1913, p. 165
Ranald C. Michie, The London and New York Stock Exchanges, 1850-1914, p. 171
Robert A. Margo, Race, Educational Attainment, and the 1940 Census, p. 189
Willis Peterson, Yoav Kislev, The Cotton Harvester in Retrospect: Labor Displacement or Replacement?, p. 199

Yasukichi Yasuba, Standard of Living in Japan Before Industrialization: From What Level Did Japan Begin? A Comment, p. 217
Susan B. Hanley, Standard of Living in Nineteenth-Century Japan: Reply to Yasuba, p. 225

Richard Roehl, The Ecclesiastical Economy of Medieval Europe, p. 227

Editors’ Notes, p. 232
Association Notes, p. 239
Reviews of Books, p. 247

a. XLV, 1985, n. 4

Winifred B. Rothenberg, The Emergence of a Capital Market in Rural Massachusetts, 1730-1838, p. 781
Marcello De Cecco, Monetary Theory and Roman History, p. 809
Kathleen Biddick, Medieval English Peasants and Market Involvement, p. 823
Hiram Caton, The Preindustrial Economics of Adam Smith, p. 833
Farley Grubb, The Market for Indentured Immigrants: Evidence on the Efficiency of Forward Labor Contracting in Philadelphia, 1745-1773, p. 855
Elmus Wicker, Colonial Monetary Standards Contrasted: Evidence from the Seven Years’ War, p. 869
Michael Haines, Inequality in Childhood Mortality: A Comparison of England and Wales, 1911, and the United States, 1900, p. 885
Thomas Mayer, Monojit Chatterji, Political Shocks and Investment: Some Evidence from the 1930s, p. 913
Barry Eichengreen, Jeffrey Sachs, Exchange Rates and Economic Recovery in the 1930s, p. 925
Susan J. Linz, Foreign Aid and Soviet Postwar Recovery, p. 947

Peter toumanoff, A Note on the Profitability of Serfdom, p. 955
Evsey Domar, Mark Machina, The Profitability of Serfdom: A Reply, p. 960

Robert Triffin, Charles Calomiris, A Retrospective on the Classical Gold Standard: Two Views, p. 963

Editors’ Notes969
Association Notes, p. 972
Reviews of Books, p. 974

a. XLV, 1985, n. 3

John A. James, Jonathan S. Skinner, The Resolution of the Labor-Scarcity Paradox, p. 513
John McDonald, G. D. Snooks, The Determinants of Manorial Income in Domesday England: Evidence from Essex, p. 541
Lawrence H. Officer, Integration in the American Foreign-Exchange Market. 1791-1900, p. 557
Thomas C. Owen, The Russian Industrial Society and Tsarist Economic Policy, 1867-1905, p. 587
Bennett D. Baack, Edward John Ray, Special Interests and the Adoption of the Income Tax in the United States, p. 607
Kent Osband, The Boll Weevil Versus “King Cotton”, p. 627

Robert Woods, The Effects of Population Redistribution on the Level of Mortality in Nineteenth-Century England and Wales, p. 645
Gene Smiley, Banking Structure and the National Capital Market, 1869-1914: A Comment, p. 653
Marie Elizabeth Sushka, W. Brian Barrett, Banking Structure and the National Capital Market, 1869-1914: A Reply, p. 661
Frederic L. Pryor, Climatic Fluctuations as a Cause of the Differential Economic Growth of the Orient and Occident: A Comment, p. 667
E. L. Jones, Disasters and Economic Differentiation Across Eurasia: A Reply, p. 675
Frederic L. Pryor, A Rejoinder, p. 683

Raymond L. Cohn, Deaths of Slaves in the Middle Passage, p. 685
William Darity Jr., The Numbers Game and the Profitability of the British Trade in Slaves, p. 693
Seymour Drescher, British Slavers: A Comment, p. 704
B. L. Anderson, David Richardson, Market Structure and the Profits of the British African Trade in the Late Eighteenth Century: A Rejoinder Rebutted, p. 705
J. E. Inikori, Market Structure and Profits: A Further Rejoinder, p. 708

William J. Hausman, British Coal, p. 712
Bent Hansen, Egypt Decolonialized, p. 716

Editors’ Notes, p.?
Reviews of Books, p. 724

a. XLV, 1985, n. 2


Stanley Lebergott (Presidential Address), The Demand for Land: The United States, 1820-1860, p. 181
Daniel Scott Smith, Notes on the Measurement of Values, p. 213
Larry Neal, Integration of International Capital Markets: Quantitative Evidence from the Eighteenth to Twentieth Centuries, p. 219
David W. Galenson, Population Turnover in the English West Indies in the Late Seventeenth Century: A Comparative Perspective, p. 227
Peter Lindert, Discussion, p. 237
Louis P. Cain, William Dean’s Theory of Urban Growth: Chicago’s Commerce and Industry, 1854-1871, p. 241
Peter A. Coclanis, Bitter Harvest: The South Carolina Low Country in Historical Perspective, p. 251
Lacy K. Ford, Self-Sufficiency, Cotton, and Economic Development in the South Carolina Upcountry, 1800-1860, p. 260
William H. Phillips, Southern Textile Mill Villages on the Eve of World War II: The Courtenay Mill of South Carolina, p. 269
Gary Gorton, Clearinghouses and the Origin of Central Banking in the United States, p. 277
Eugene Nelson White, The Merger Movement in Banking, 1919 – 1933, p. 285
Kris Inwood, Productivity Growth in Obsolescence: Charcoal Iron Revisited, p. 293
Robert R. MacMurray, Technological Change in a Society in Transition: Work in Progress on a Unified Reference Work in Early American Patent History, p. 299
Richard J. Sullivan, The Timing and Pattern of Technological Development in English Agriculture, 1611-1850, p. 305
George Grantham, Discussion, p. 315
William K. Hutchinson, Import Substitution, Structural Change, and Regional Economic Growth in the United States: The Northeast, 1870-1910, p. 319
Jacob Metzer, Oded Kaplan, Jointly but Severally: Arab-Jewish Dualism and Economic Growth in Mandatory Palestine, p. 327
Leslie Hannah, Why Employer-Based Pension Plans? The Case of Britain, p. 347
K. Celeste Gaspari, Arthur G. Woolf, Income, Public Works, and Mortality in Early Twentieth-Century American Cities, p. 355
john W. Adams, Alice Bee Kasakoff, Wealth and Migration in Massachusetts and Maine: 1771-1798, p. 363
Ben Baack, Edward Ray, The Political Economy of the Origins of the Military-Industrial Complex in the United States, p. 369
Hugh Rockoff, The Origins of the Federal Budget, p. 377
Colin Forster, Unemployment and Minimum Wages in Australia, 1900-1930, p. 383
R. M. Hartwell, Discussion, p. 389
Andrew A. Beveridge, Local Lending Practice: Borrowers in a Small Northeastern Industrial City, 1832-1915, p. 393
William Clark, Charlie Turner, International Trade and the Evolution of the American Capital Market, 1888-1911, p. 405
Louis Ferleger, Capital Goods and Southern Economic Development, p. 411
John S. Lyons, Vertical Integration in the British Cotton Industry, 1825-1850: A Revision, p. 419
Albion M. Urdank, Economic Decline in the English industrial Revolution: The Gloucester Wool Trade, 1800-1840, p. 427
Leonard N. Rosenband, Productivity and Labor Discipline in the Montgolfier Paper Mill, 1780-1805, p. 435
Herman Freudenberger, Discussion, p. 445
Susan Mosher Stuard, Medieval Workshop: toward a Theory of Consumption and Economic Change, p. 447

George R. Boyer, The Economic Role of the English Poor Law, 1780-1834, p. 452
Jack A. Goldstone, Origins of the English Revolution: A Demographic Approach, p. 454
William Mass, Technological Change and Industrial Relations: The Diffusion of Automatic Weaving in the United States and Britain, p. 458
Mark Thomas, An Input-Output Approach to the British Economy, 1890-1914, p. 460
Mary M. Schweitzer, Contracts and Custom: Economic Policy in Colonial Pennsylvania, p. 463
Larry Schweikart, Banking in the American South, 1836-1865, p. 465
Marlene H. Rikard, An Experiment in Welfare Capitalism: The Health Care Services of the Tennessee Coal, iron and Railway Company, p. 467
Joel Mokyr, Harold D. Woodman, Discussion, p. 471

Editors’ Notes, p. 480
Reviews of Books, p. 484

a. XLV, 1985, n. 1

Ann Kussmaul, Agrarian Change in Seventeenth-Century England: The Economic Historian as Paleontologist, p. 1
Debra Glassman, Angela Redish, New Estimates of the Money Stock in France, 1493-1680, p. 31
Richard L. Rudolph, Agricultural Structure and Proto-Industrialization in Russia: Economic Development With Unfree Labor, p. 47
David Weiman, The Economic Emancipation of the Non-Slaveholding Class: Upcountry Farmers in the Georgia Cotton Economy, p. 71
Lee J. Alston, Joseph P. Ferrie, Labor Costs, Paternalism, and Loyalty in Southern Agriculture: A Constraint on the Growth of the Welfare State, p. 95

Jacob Metzer, How New Was the New ERA? The Public Sector in the 1920s, p. 119
Anne Mayhew, Walter C. Neale, David W. Tandy, Markets in the Ancient Near East: A Challenge to Silver’s Argument and Use of Evidence, p. 127
Morris Silver, Karl Polanyi and Markets in the Ancient Near East: Reply, p. 135
N. F. R. Crafts, English Workers’ Real Wages During the Industrial Revolution: Some Remaining Problems, p. 139
Peter Lindert, Jeffrey Williamson, English Workers’ Real Wages: A Reply to Crafts, p. 145

Editors’ Notes, p. 154
Reviews of Books, p. 159

a. XLIV, 1984, n. 4

Evsey D. Domar, Mark J. Machina, On the Profitability of Russian Serfdom, p. 919
Gerald Epstein, Thomas Ferguson, Monetary Policy, Loan Liquidation, and Industrial Conflict: The Federal Reserve and the Open Market Operations of 1932, p. 957
Woodruff D. Smith, The Function of Commercial Centers in the Modernization of European Capitalism: Amsterdam as an Information Exchange in the Seventeenth Century, p. 985
Joan Underhill Hannon, Poverty in the Antebellum Northeast. The View from New York State’s Poor Relief Rolls, p. 1007
Mark Bils, Tariff Protection and Production in the Early U.S. Cotton Textile Industry, p. 1033
Rodney Maddock, Ian McLean, Supply-Side Shocks. The Case of Australian Gold, p. 1047
Gregory Clark, Authority and Efficiency. The Labor Market and the Managerial Revolution of the Late Nineteenth Century, p. 1069

Herman Freudenberger, Frances J. Mather, Clark Nardinelli, A New Look at the Early Factory Labor Force, p. 1085

David Ludden, South Asia Cambridged in Economic Perspective, p. 1091
Joel Mokyr, And Thou, Happy Austria? A Review Essay, p. 1094

Editors’ Notes, p. 1100
Reviews of Books, p. 1105

a. XLIV, 1984, n. 3

Stefano Fenoaltea, Slavery and Supervision in Comparative Perspective: A Model, p. 635
Mary Kilbourne Matossian, Mold Poisoning and Population Growth in England and France, 1750-1850, p. 669
Jeffrey G. Williamson, Why Was British Growth So Slow During the Industrial Revolution?, p. 687
Angela Redish, Why Was Specie Scarce in Colonial Economies? An Analysis of the Canadian Currency, 1796-1830, p. 713
David Pope, Rostow’s Kondratieff Cycle in Australia, p. 729
Price Fishback, Segregation in Job Hierarchies: West Virginia Coal Mining, 1906-1932, p. 755
Avi J. Cohen, Technological Change as Historical Process: The Case of the U.S. Pulp and Paper Industry, 1915-1940, p. 775

Ari Y. Ben-Shachar, Demand versus Supply in the Industrial Revolution: A Comment, p. 801
Joel Mokyr, Demand versus Supply in the Industrial Revolution: A Reply, p. 806
Joan Underhill Hannon, The Generosity of Antebellum Poor Relief, p. 810
Barry Eichengreen, Experience and the Male-Female Earning Gap in the 1890s, p. 822
Paul L. Menchik, Is the Family Wealth Squandered? A Test of the Merry- Widow Model, p. 835

Barbara L. Solow, Why Ireland Starved, p. 839

Editors’ Notes, p. 844
Reviews of Books, p. 848

a. XLIV, 1984, n. 2


Alice Hanson Jones (Presidential Address), Wealth and Growth of the Thirteen Colonies: Some Implications, p. 239
Douglass C. North, Government and the Cost of Exchange in History, p. 255
Robert R. Keller, Ann Mari May, The Presidential Political Business Cycle of 1972, p. 265
Peter D. McClelland, Discussion, p. 273
Lee J. Alston, Morton Owen Schapiro, Inheritance Laws Across Colonies: Causes and Consequences, p. 277
Raymond L. Cohn, Mortality on Immigrant Voyages to New York, 1836-1853, p. 289
David Eltis, Mortality and Voyage Length in the Middle Passage: New Evidence from the Nineteenth Century, p. 301
Philip T. Hoffman, The Economic Theory of Sharecropping in Early Modern France, p. 309
William J. Hausman, Cheap Coals or Limitation of the Vend: The London Coal Trade, 1770-1845, p. 321
Reed Geiger, Planning the French Canals: The “Becquey Plan” of 1820-1822, p. 329
Joel Mokyr, Discussion, p. 341
Philip Mirowski, Macroeconomic Instability and the “Natural” Processes in Early Neoclassical Economics, p. 345
Wayne A. Lewchuk, The Role of the British Government in the Spread of Scientific Management and Fordism in the Interwar Years, p. 355
Barry Eichengreen, Keynes and Protection, p. 363
Mark Thomas, Discussion, p. 375
Gary D. Libecap, The Political Allocation of Mineral Rights. A Re-evaluation of Teapot Dome, p. 381
Arthur F. McEvoy, Harry N. Scheiber, Scientists, Entrepreneurs, and the Policy Process: A Study of the Post 1945 California Sardine Depletion, p. 393
Paul A. Tiffany, The Roots of Decline: Business-Government Relations in the American Steel Industry, 1945-1960, p. 407
Michelle Burge McAlpin, Economic Policy and the True Believer: The Use of Ricardian Rent Theory in the Bombay Survey and Settlement System, p. 421
Carl E. Pray, The Impact of Agricultural Research in British India, p. 429
J. Van Fenstermaker, John E. Filer, Robert Stanley Herren, Money Statistics of New England, 1785-1837, p. 441
Edwin J. Perkins, Langdon Cheves and the Panic of 1819: A Reassessment, p. 455
Marie Elizabeth Sushka, W. Brian Barrett, Banking Structure and the National Capital Market, 1869-1914, p. 463
Michael A. Bernstein, A Reassessment of Investment Failure in the Interwar American Economy, p. 479
Alexander J. Field, A New Interpretation of the Onset of the Great Depression, p. 489
Steven B. Webb, The Supply of Money and Reichsbank Financing of Government and Corporate Debt in Germany, 1919-1923, p. 499
Robert A. McGuire, Robert L. Ohsfeldt, Economic Interests and the American Constitution. A Quantitative Rehabilitation of Charles A. Beard, p. 509
Javier Cuenca Esteban, Trends and Cycles in U.S. Trade with Spain and the Spanish Empire, 1790-1819, p. 521
Kenneth L. Sokoloff, Investment in Fixed and Working Capital during Early Industrialization: Evidence from U.S. Manufacturing Firms, p. 545
David Mitch, Underinvestment in Literacy? The Potential Contribution of Government Involvement in Elementary Education to Economic Growth in Nineteenth-Century England, p. 557
Bernard Elbaum, William Lazonick, The Decline of the British Economy: An Institutional Perspective, p. 567
Carol E. Heim, Structural Transformation and the Demand for New Labor in Advanced Economies Interwar Britain, p. 585
Lance Davis; Michael Edelstein, Discussion, p. 596

Enrique Cárdenas, Mexico’s Industrialization during the Great Depression: Public Policy and Private Response, p. 603
Price a. Fishback, Employment Conditions of Blacks in the Coal Industry, 1900-1930, p. 605
John Gandar, Economic Causation and British Emigration in the Late Nineteenth Century, p. 608
Angela Redish, The Optimal Supply of Bank Money: Upper Canada’s Experience on and off the Specie Standard, p. 610
David R. Weir, Fertility Transition in Rural France, 1740-1829, p. 612
Warren C. Whatley, Institutional Change and Mechanization in the Cotton South, p. 614
John A. James, Discussion, p. 617

Editors’ Notes, p. 622
Association Notes, p. 626
Reviews of Books, p. 630

a. XLIV, 1984, n. 1

David W. Galenson, The Rise and Fall of Indentured Servitude in the Americas: An Economic Analysis, p. 1
David R. Weir, Life Under Pressure: France and England, 1670-1870, p. 27
N. F. R. Crafts, Economic Growth in France and Britain, 1830-1910: A Review of the Evidence, p. 49
Donald H. Kagin, Monetary Aspects of the Treasury Notes of the War of 1812, p. 69
James H. Stock, Real Estate Mortgages, Foreclosures, and Midwestern Agrarian Unrest, 1865-1920, p. 89
Sevket Pamuk, The Ottoman Empire in the “Great Depression” of 1873-1896, p. 107
Eugene Nelson White, A Reinterpretation of the Banking Crisis of 1930, p. 119
John Joseph Wallis, The Birth of the Old Federalism: Financing the New Deal, 1932-1940, p. 139

Harry T. Oshima, The Growth of U.S. Factor Productivity: The Significance of New Technologies in the Early Decades of the Twentieth Century, p. 161
Michael A. Bernstein, Sean Wilentz, Marketing, Commerce, and Capitalism in Rural Massachusetts, p. 171
Winifred B. Rothenberg, Markets, Values, and Capitalism: A Discourse on Method, p. 174

Roger F. Riefler, Development of the U.S. Urban System, p. 179

Editors’ Notes, p. 185
Reviews of Books, p. 190

a. XLIII, 1983, n. 4

Morris Silver, Karl Polanyi and Markets in the Ancient Near East: The Challenge of the Evidence, p. 795
Gay L. Gullickson, Agriculture and Cottage Industry: Redefining the Causes of Proto-Industrialization, p. 831
Donald F. Schaefer, The Effect of the 1859 Crop Year Upon Relative Productivity in the Antebellum South, p. 851
Bent Hansen, Interest Rates and Foreign Capital in Egypt Under British Occupation, p. 867
Lee J. Alston, Farm Foreclosures in the United States During the Interwar Period, p. 885
Warren C. Whatley, Labor for the Picking: The New Deal in the South, p. 905
Carol E. Heim, Industrial Organization and Regional Development in Interwar Britain, p. 931
David C. Mowery, Industrial Research and Firm Size, Survival, and Growth in American Manufacturing, 1921-1946: An Assessment, p. 953

Dennis O. Flynn, David J. St. Clair, The Social Returns to Empire: A Note, p. 981
Lance E. Davis, Robert A. Huttenback, The Social Rate of Return: A Note on a Note, p. 983

Peter H. Lindert, Remodeling British Economic History: A Review Article, p. 986
Geoffrey Jones, Some Recent Histories of International Oil, p. 993
Thomas G. Rawski, New Sources for Studying China’s Economy, p. 997

Editors’ Notes, p. 1003
Reviews of Books, p. 1008

a. XLIII, 1983, n. 3

Carl P. Parrini, Martin J. Sklar, New Thinking About the Market, 1896-1904: me-Ainetican Economists on Investment and the Theory of Surplus Capital, p. 559
Lawrence Officer, Dollar-Sterling Mint Parity and Exchange Rates, 1791-1834, p. 579
Lee Soltow, Kentucky Wealth at the End of the Eighteenth Century, p. 617
Stanley Engerman, Contract Labor, Sugar, and Technology in the Nineteenth Century, p. 635
Peter Temin, Patterns of Cotton Agriculture in Post-Bellum Georgia, p. 661
Stephen Nicholas, Agency Contracts, Institutional Modes, and the Transition to Foreign Direct Investment by British Manufacturing Multinationals Before 1939, p. 675
David Feeny, Extensive versus Intensive Agricultural Development: Induced Public Investment in Southeast Asia, 1900-1940, p. 687

Stefano Fenoaltea, The Organization of Serfdom in Eastern Europe: A Comment, p. 705
Robert Millward, The Organization of Serfdom in Eastern Europe: A Reply, p. 709
B. L. Anderson, David Richardson, Market Structure and Profits of the British African Trade in the Late Eighteenth Century: A Comment, p. 713
J. E. Inikori, Market Structure and Profits of the British African Trade in the Late Eighteenth Century: A Rejoinder, p. 723

Peter Temin, Monetary Trends and Other Phenomena, p. 729

Editors’ Notes, p. 740
Reviews of Books, p. 747
Book Notes, p. 792

a. XLIII, 1983, n. 2

Warren D. Devine Jr., From Shafts to Wires: Historical Perspective on Electrification, p. 347
M. K. Thornton, R. L. Thornton, Manpower Needs for the Public Works Programs of the Julio-Claudian Emperors, p. 373
Bruce M. S. Campbell, Arable Productivity in Medieval England: Some Evidence from Norfolk, p. 379
Alexander James Field, Land Abundance, Interest/Profit Rates, and Nineteenth-Century American and British Technology, p. 405
John A. James, Structural Change in American Manufacturing, 1850-1890, p. 433
Malcolm R. Burns, Economies of Scale of Tobacco Manufacture, 1897-1910, p. 461

Rona S. Weiss, The Market and Massachusetts Farmers, 1750-1850: Comment, p. 475
Winifred B. Rothenberg, The Market and Massachusetts Farmers: Reply, p. 479
Karl Hardach, Wheat, Rye, and the Sources of German Protection: A Comment on Webb’s Article, p. 481
Steven B. Webb, Reply, p. 482
James M. MacDonald, Merger Statistics Revisited: A Comment, p. 483
Richard Tilly, Reply, p. 486
Gene Smiley, Recent Unemployment Rate Estimates for the 1920s and 1930s, p. 487

Tim Wright, Economic Development in China During the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, p. 494

Editors’ Notes, p. 501
Reviews of Books, p. 505

a. XLIII, 1983, n. 1


Allan G. Bogue (Presidential Address), Changes in Mechanical and Plant Technology. The Corn Belt, 1910-1940, p. 1
Angus Maddison, A Comparison of the Levels of GDP Per Capita in Developed and Developing Countries, 1700-1980, p. 27
Cynthia Taft Morris, Irma Adelman, Institutional Influences on Poverty in the Nineteenth Century: A Quantitative Comparative Study, p. 43
Jeffrey O. Williamson, Discussion, p. 56
Morris, Adelman, Reply, p. 61
John Othick, Development Indicators and the Historical Study of Human Welfare: towards a New Perspective, p. 63
Martha L. Olney, Fertility and the Standard of Living in Early Modern England. In Consideration of Wrigley and Schofield, p. 71
Harry C. McDean, “Reform” Social Darwinists and Measuring Levels of Living on Americans Farms, 1920-1926, p. 79
Mancur Olson, Discussion, p. 86
Carole Shammas, Food Expenditures and Economic Well-Being in Early Modern England, p. 89
Gloria L. Main, The Standard of Living in Colonial Massachusetts, p. 101
Lorena S. Walsh, Urban Amenities and Rural Sufficiency: Living Standards and Consumer Behavior in the Colonial Chesapeake, 1643-1777, p. 109
Paul O. E. Clemens, Discussion, p. 118
Anne C. Meyering, Did Capitalism Lead to the Decline of the Peasantry? The Case of the French Combraille, p. 121
John Komlos, Poverty and Industrialization At the End of the “Phase-Transition” in the Czech Crown Lands, p. 129
Elvira M. Wilbur, Was Russian Peasant Agriculture Really That Impoverished? New Evidence from a Case Study from the “Impoverished Center” at the End of the Nineteenth Century, p. 137
Ira A. Glazier; Herman H. Freudenberger, Discussion, p. 145
J. R. Kearl, Clayne L. Pope, The Life Cycle in Economic History, p. 149
Jackson T. Main, Standards of Living and the Life Cycle in Colonial Connecticut, p. 159
Robert A. Margo, Richard H. Steckel, Heights of Native-Bonn Whites During the Antebellum Period, p. 167
R. A. Cage, The Standard of Living Debate: Glasgow, 1800-1850, p. 175
Susan B. Hanley, A High Standard of Living in Nineteenth-Century Japan: Fact or Fantasy?, p. 183
Ian W. McLean, Jonathan Pincus, Did Australian Living Standards Stagnate between 1890 and 1940?, p. 193
R. M. Hartwell; James I. Nakamura, Discussion, p. 203
Gene Smiley, Did Incomes for Most of the Population Fall from 1923 through 1929?, p. 209
Mark Schmitz, Price a. Fishback, The Distribution of Income in the Great Depression: Preliminary State Estimates, p. 217
Roberta M. Spalter-Roth, Differentiating between the Living Standards of Husbands and Wives in Two-Wage-Earner Families, 1968 and 1979, p. 231
Louis P. Cain, Discussion, p. 241
Margaret Sanders, Measurement of Levels of Living in the People’s Republic of the Congo since 1950, p. 243
Nola Reinhardt, Commercialization of Agriculture and Rural Living Standards: El Palmar, Colombia, 1960-1979, p. 251
M. Louise Fox, Income Distribution in Post-1964 Brazil: New Results, p. 261
D. M. P. McCarthy, Discussion, p. 272

Carol E. Heim, Uneven Regional Development in Interwar Britain, p. 274
Sanford M. Jacoby, The Origins of Internal Labor Markets in American Manufacturing Firms, 1910-1940, p. 276
Stephen W. Schoene, The Economics of U.S. Public Land Policy Prior to 1860, p. 279
Diane Lindstrom, Discussion, p. 282
Roger C. Lister, Bank Behavior, Regulation, and Economic Development: California, 1860-1910, p. 284
David Mitch, The Spread of Literacy in Nineteenth-Century England, p. 287
Karen Pfeifer, Agrarian Reform and the Development of Capitalist Agriculture in Algeria, p. 289
Robert E. Gallman, Discussion, p. 291

John H. Munro (Convenor), Medieval Monetary Problems: Bimetallism and Bullionism, p. 294
David F. Good (Convenor), Measuring the Integration of Markets in Labor, Capital, and Products, p. 298
Gary D. Libecap (Convenor), Government Regulation in the Economy, p. 301

Editors’ Notes, p. 303
Reviews of Books, p. 307

a. XLII, 1982, n. 4

Claudia Goldin, Kenneth Sokoloff, Women, Children, and Industrialization in the Early Republic: Evidence from the Manufacturing Censuses, p. 741
Carla Rahn Phillips, The Spanish Wool Trade, 1500-1780, p. 775
C. Knick Harley, Oligopoly Strategy and the Timing of American Railroad Construction, p. 797
Joan Underhill Hannon, City Size and Ethnic Discrimination: Michigan Agricultural Implements and Iron Working Industries, 1890, p. 825
Mark Aldrich, Determinants of Mortality Among New England Cotton Mill Workers During the Progressive Era, p. 847
James Foreman-Peck, The American Challenge of the Twenties: Multinationals and the European Motor Industry, p. 865
Helen Manning Hunter, The Role of Business Liquidity During the Great Depression and Afterwards: Differences Between Large and Small Firms, p. 883

Donald R. Adams Jr., The Standard of Living During American Industrialization. Evidence from the Brandywine Region, 1800-1860, p. 903
Charles P. Kindleberger, Sweden in 1850 as an “Impoverished Sophisticate”: Comment, p. 918
Lars O. Sandberg, Sweden as an “Impoverished Sophisticate”: A Reply, p. 921

Editors’ Notes, p. 923
Reviews of Books, p. 929

a. XLII, 1982, n. 3

David W. Galenson, The Atlantic Slave Trade and the Barbados Market, 1673-1723, p. 491
Robert Millward, An Economic Analysis of the Organization of Serfdom in Eastern Europe, p. 513
Robert E. Gallman, Influences on the Distribution of Landholdings in Early Colonial North Carolina, p. 549
Morton Owen Schapiro, A Land Availability Model of Fertility Changes in the Rural Northern United States, 1760-1870, p. 577
Stefano Fenoaltea, The Growth of the Utilities Industries in Italy, 1861-1913, p. 601
Richard Tilly, Mergers, External Growth, and Finance in the Development of Large-Scale Enterprise in Germany, 1880-1913, p. 629
Trevor J. O. Dick, Canadian Newsprint, 1913-1930. National Policies and the North American Economy, p. 659

Bradley O. Lewis, Economic Causes of Late Nineteenth-Century Agrarian Unrest: Comment, p. 688
Robert A. McGuire, Economic Causes of Late Nineteenth-Century Agrarian Unrest: Reply, p. 697

Editors’ Notes, p. 700
Reviews of Books, p. 705

a. XLII, 1982, n. 2

C. Knick Harley, British Industrialization Before 1841: Evidence of Slower Growth During the Industrial Revolution, p. 267
Jeffrey A. Frankel, The 1807-1809 Embargo Against Great Britain, p. 291
Steven B. Webb, Agricultural Protection in Wilhelminian Germany: Forging an Empire with Pork and Rye, p. 309
Lee J. Alston, Robert Higgs, Contractual Mix in Southern Agriculture since the Civil War: Facts, Hypotheses, and Tests, p. 327
Michael R. Haines, Agriculture and Development in Prussian Upper Silesia, 1846-1913, p. 355
Moses S. Musoke, Alan L. Olmstead, The Rise of the Cotton Industry in California: A Comparative Perspective, p. 385

Scott D. Grosse, On the Alleged Antebellum Surge in Wage Differentials: A Critique of Williamson and Lindert, p. 413
Peter H. Lindert, Jeffrey G. Williamson, Antebellum Wage Widening Once Again, p. 419
Albert W. Niemi Jr., The Increasing Pay Gap for Women in Textile and Clothing Industries: A Reexamination, p. 423
Robert J. Thornton, Thomas Hyclak, The Increasing Pay Gap for Women in the Textile and Clothing Industries, 1910 to 1970: An Alternative Explanation, p. 427
Paul F. McGouldrick, Michael B. Tannen, The Rising Male-Female Pay Gap: Contrary Evidence and New Findings, p. 432

Editors’ Notes, p. 440
Reviews of Books, p. 445
Book Notes, p. 488

a. XLII, 1982, n. 1


Jonathan Hughes, The Great Strike at Nushagak Station, 1951: Institutional Gridlock, p. 1
Richard Sylla, Monetary Innovation in America, p. 21
Michael David Bordo, Discussion, p. 31
Eugene Nelson White, The Political Economy of Banking Regulation, 1864-1933, p. 33
Richard H. Keehn, Discussion, p. 41
Robert B. Zevin, The Economics of Normalcy, p. 43
Stephen Resnick, Richard Wolff, A Reformulation of Marxian Theory and Historical Analysis, p. 53
Susan Feiner, Factors, Bankers, and Masters: Class Relations in the Antebellum South, p. 61
Rolf Jensen, The Transition from Primitive Communism: The Wolof Social Formation of West Africa, p. 69
Rona S. Weiss, Primitive Accumulation in the United States: The Interaction between Capitalist and Noncapitalist Class Relations in Seventeenth-Century Massachusetts, p. 77
William Lazonick, Discussion, p. 83
Barry J. Eichengreen, The Proximate Determinants of Domestic Investment in Victorian Britain, p. 87
William H. Phillips, Induced Innovation and Economic Performance in Late Victorian British Industry, p. 97
William P. Kennedy, Economic Growth and Structural Change in the United Kingdom, 1870-1914, p. 105
Ben Baack; Donald N. McCloskey, Discussion, p. 115
Lance E. Davis, Robert Huttenback, The Political Economy of British Imperialism: Measures of Benefits and Support, p. 119
Michael Edelstein, Discussion, p. 131
B. R. Tomlinson, The Political Economy of the Raj: The Decline of Colonialism, p. 133
Dennis O. Flynn, Fiscal Crisis and the Decline of Spain (Castile), p. 139
Michael R. Weisser, The Agrarian Depression in Seventeenth-Century Spain, p. 149
Philip T. Hoffman, Sharecropping and Investment in Agriculture in Early Modern France, p. 155
Carla Rahn Phillips; Domenico Sella, Discussion, p. 160
Susan B. Carter, Mark Prus, The Labor Market and the American High School Girl, 1890-1928, p. 163
Susan A. Matthies, Families At Work: An Analysis By Sex of Child Workers in the Cotton Textile Industry, p. 173
Peter Philips, Gender-Based Wage Differentials in Pennsylvania and New Jersey Manufacturing, 1900-1950, p. 181
Robert A. Margo, Discussion, p. 187
Marvin McInnis, The Changing Structure of Canadian Agriculture, 1867-1897, p. 191
Trevor J. O. Dick, Mechanization and North American Prairie Farm Costs 1896-1930, p. 199
Robert E. Ankli, Wendy Millar, Ontario Agriculture in Transition: The Switch from Wheat to Cheese, p. 207
Wayne D. Rasmussen, Discussion, p. 216

James W. Eaton, The Wyoming Stock Growers Association: An Application of Davis’s and North ‘s Theory of Institutional Change, p. 218
Cathy Louise McHugh, The Family Labor System in the Southern Cotton Textile Industry, 1880-1915, p. 220
Roberto B. Martins, Growing in Silence: The Slave Economy of Nineteenth-Century Minas Gerais, Brazil, p. 222
Robert O. Moeller, Peasants, Politics, and Pressure Groups in War and Inflation: A Study of the Rhineland and Westphalia, 1919-1924, p. 223
Lon L. Peters, Cooperative Competition in German Coal and Steel, 1893-1914, p. 227
Arthur O. Woolf, Energy and Technology in American Manufacturing: 1900-1929, p. 230

David Feeny (Convenor), Quantitative Third-World Economic History, p. 233

Editors’ Notes, p. 235
Reviews of Books, p. 239

a. XLI, 1981, n. 4

Harlan I. Halsey, The Choice Between High-Pressure and Low-Pressure Steam Power in America in the Early Nineteenth Century, p. 723
J. E. Inikori, Market Structure and the Profits of the British African Trade in the Late Eighteenth Century, p. 745
Ann Carlos, The Causes and Origins of the North American Fur Trade Rivalry: 1804-1810, p. 777
Susan Mosher Stuard, Dowry Inflation and Increments in Wealth in Medieval Ragusa (Dubrovnik), p. 795
Ya’akov Firestone, Land Equalization and Factor Scarcities: Holding Size and the Burden of Impositions in Imperial Central Russia and the Late Ottoman Levant, p. 813
Robert A. McGuire, Economic Causes of Late Nineteenth-Century Agrarian Unrest, p. 835
Richard H. Timberlake Jr., The Significance of Unaccounted Monies, p. 853
Stanley Lebergott, Through the Blockade: The Profitability and Extent of Cotton Smuggling, 1861-1865, p. 867

Gene Smiley, Regional Variation in Bank Loan Rates in the Interwar Years, p. 889
Sidney Pollard, Sheffield and Sweet Auburn-Amenities and Living Standards in the British Industrial Revolution: A Comment, p. 902
Jeffrey G. Williamson, Some Myths Die Hard-Urban Disamenities One More Time: A Reply, p. 905

Editors’ Notes, p. 908
Reviews of Books, p. 910
Book Notes, p. 964

a. XLI, 1981, n. 3

William H. Lazonick, Production Relations, Labor Productivity, and Choice of Technique: British and U. S. Cotton Spinning, p. 491
Frank D. Lewis, Farm Settlement on the Canadian Prairies, 1898 to 1911, p. 517
Eugene Nelson White, State-Sponsored Insurance of Bank Deposits in the United States, 1907-1929, p. 537
Philip Mirowski, The Rise (and Retreat) of a Market: English Joint Stock Shares in the Eighteenth Century, p. 559
David J. St. Clair, The Motorization and Decline of Urban Public Transit, 1935-1950, p. 579
Stuart Daultrey, David Dickson, Cormac Ó Gráda, Eighteenth- Century Irish Population: New Perspectives from Old Sources, p. 601
Lawrence H. Officer, The Floating Dollar in the Greenback Period: A Test of Theories of Exchange-Rate Determination, p. 629

James C. Riley, Mortality on Long-Distance Voyages in the Eighteenth Century, p. 651

Ralph Austen, Capitalism, Class, and African Colonial Agriculture. The Mating of Marxism and Empiricism, p. 657

Editors’ Notes, p. 664
Book Notes, p. 668
Reviews of Books, p. 670

a. XLI, 1981, n. 2

J. I. Nakamura, Human Capital Accumulation in Premodern Rural Japan, p. 263
Winifred B. Rothenberg, The Market and Massachusetts Farmers, 1750-1855, p. 283
Jacques A. Barbier, Herbert S. Klein, Revolutionary Wars and Public Finances: The Madrid Treasury, 1784-1807, p. 315
Louis P. Cain, Donald G. Paterson, Factor Biases and Technical Change in Manufacturing: The American System, 1850-1919, p. 341
Walther Kirchner, Russian Tariffs and Foreign Industries before 1919: The German Entrepreneur’s Perspective, p. 361
Hugh Rockoff, Price and Wage Controls in Four Wartime Periods, p. 381

Mark Schmitz, Donald Schaefer, Paradox Lost: Westward Expansion and Slave Prices before the Civil War, p. 402

Richard Roehl, Medieval Texts: A Review Article, p. 408
Klaus Wolff, “Textile History”: The First Ten Years, p. 411
Maris A. Vinovskis, Estimating the Wealth of Americans on the Eve of the Revolution, p. 415
William Grampp, Ricardo and Malthus, p. 421

Editors’ Notes, p. 424
Announcements, p. 426
Book Notes, p. 428
Reviews of Books, p. 430

a. XLI, 1981, n. 1


Richard A. Easterlin, Why Isn’t the Whole World Developed?, p. 1
Elias H. Tuma, Why Problems Do Not Go Away: The Case of Inflation, p. 21
Marie Elizabeth Sushka, Discussion, p. 29
William Lazonick, Competition, Specialization, and Industrial Decline, p. 31
David W. Galenson, White Servitude and the Growth of Black Slavery in Colonial America, p. 39
Lorena S. Walsh, Discussion, p. 48
Elyce J. Rotella, The Transformation of the American Office: Changes in Employment and Technology, p. 51
William H. Mulligan Jr., Mechanization and Work in the American Shoe Industry: Lynn, Massachusetts, 1852-1883, p. 59
Mary H. Blewett, Discussion, p. 64
Leonard A. Carlson, Labor Supply, the Acquisition of Skills, and the Location of Southern Textile Mills, 1880-1900, p. 65
Mary J. Oates, Discussion, p. 72
Jeffrey G. Williamson, Urban Disamenities, Dark Satanic Mills, and the British Standard of Living Debate, p. 75
Jeremy Atack, Fred Bateman, Egalitarianism, Inequality, and Age: The Rural North in 1860, p. 85
Clayne L. Pope, Discussion, p. 94
John Joseph Wallis, Daniel K. Benjamin, Public Relief and Private Employment in the Great Depression, p. 97
Harry N. Scheiber, Regulation, Property Rights, and Definition of “The Market”: Law and the American Economy, p. 103
Robert Higgs, Discussion, p. 110
Terry L. Anderson, p. J. Hill, Economic Growth in a Transfer Society: The United States Experience, p. 113
Thomas S. Ulen, Discussion, p. 120
Hugh Rockoff, The Response of the Giant Corporations to Wage and Price Controls in World War II, p. 123
Louis Cain, George Neumann, Planning for Peace: The Surplus Property Act of 1944, p. 129
Thomas K. McCraw, Discussion, p. 136
Frank B. Tipton Jr., Government Policy and Economic Development in Germany and Japan: A Skeptical Reevaluation, p. 139
Gary D. Libecap, Bureaucratic Opposition to the Assignment of Property Rights: Overgrazing on the Western Range, p. 151
Jonathan J. Pincus, Discussion, p. 159
Ann Harper-Fender, Discouraging the Use of a Common Resource: The Crees of Saskatchewan, p. 163
Marilyn Gerriets, The Organization of Exchange in Early Christian Ireland, p. 171
Joel Mokyr, Discussion, p. 177
Peter toumanoff, The Development of the Peasant Commune in Russia, p. 179
Anita B. Baker-Lampe, Discussion, p. 185

Summaries of Doctoral Dissertations by: Peter FitzRandolph, Rodney Dale Green, Philip Lesser, Dena S. Markoff, Arthur F. McEvoy, and Richard J. Salvucci, p. 187
Carolyn L. Weaver, Discussion, p. 199

Announcements, p. 20
Association Notes, p. 202
Editors’ Notes, p. 203
Reviews of Books, p. 205