The Journal of Economic History: The tasks of economic history DATINI

The Journal of Economic History

New York, Economic History Association
Quadrimestrale; dal 1951 Trimestrale
ISSN: 0022-0507
Conservata in: Università degli Studi di Firenze, Biblioteca di Scienze Sociali:

– Punto di servizio: Economia, Riv. Str. 0264
Consistenza: a. 1, 1941-

– Punto di servizio: Scienze Politiche, Riv. Str. 0330
Consistenza: 21(1961) -23(1963); 32(1972) –
Lacune: 1961-1963, 1978; 2005, 3, 4; 2006, 1;

Conservata in: Prato, Istituto culturale e di documentazione Lazzerini – Fondo Melis
Consistenza: n. 1, 1941: 5, 1945; 20/2, 1960; 21/3, 1961

[ 2030-2021 ] [ 2020-2011 ] [ 2010-2001 ] [ 2000-1991 ] [ 1990-1981 ] [ 1980-1971 ] [ 1970-1961 ] [ 1960-1951 ] [ 1950-1941 ]

copertina della rivista

a. LXXXIII, 2023, 4

Faustine Perrin, Tobias Karlsson, Joris Kok, The Historical Gender Gap Index: A Longitudinal and Spatial Assessment of Sweden, 1870–1990, p. 943
Liang Bai, Lingwei Wu, Political Conflict and Development Dynamics: Economic Legacies of the Cultural Revolution, p. 981
Price V. Fishback, Jessica LaVoice, Allison Shertzer, Randall P. Walsh, The HOLC Maps: How Race and Poverty Influenced Real Estate Professionals’ Evaluation of Lending Risk in the 1930s, p. 1019
Louis Rouanet, Ennio E. PianovDrafting the Great Army: The Political Economy of Conscription in Napoleonic France, p. 1057
Meredith M. Paker, Judy Z. Stephenson, Patrick Wallis, Job Tenure and Unskilled Workers before the Industrial Revolution: St Paul’s Cathedral 1672–1748, p. 1101
Latika Chaudhary, James Fenske, Railways, Development, and Literacy in India, p. 1139
Robert C. Allen, The Transportation Revolution and the English Coal Industry, 1695–1842: A Geographical Approach, p. 1175
Mark Tooru Kanazawa, The Efficiency of Occupational Licensing during the Gilded and Progressive Eras: Evidence from Judicial Review, p. 1221

Editors’ notes, p. 1253
Reviews of books, p. 1257

a. LXXXIII, 2023, 3

Richard Hornbeck, Dust Bowl Migrants: Environmental Refugees and Economic Adaptation, p. 645
Kara Dimitruk, The Glorious Revolution and Access to Parliament, p. 676
Craig Palsson, State Capacity, Property Rights, and External Revenues: Haiti, 1932–1949, p. 709
Brian A’hearn, Valeria Rueda, Internal Borders and Population Geography in the Unification of Italy, p. 747
Andreas Ferrara, Patrick A. Testa, Churches as Social Insurance: Oil Risk and Religion in the U.S. South, p. 786
Alessandro Nuvolari, Gaspare Tortorici, Michelangelo Vasta, British-French Technology Transfer from the Revolution to Louis Philippe (1791–1844): Evidence from Patent Data, p. 833
Abe de Jong, Tim Kooijmans, Peter Koudijs, Plantation Mortgage-Backed Securities: Evidence from Surinam in the Eighteenth Century, p. 874
Timothy W. Guinnane, We Do Not Know the Population of Every Country in the World for the Past Two Thousand Years, p. 912

Reviews of books, p. 939

a. LXXXIII, 2023, 2

Ann M. Carlos, The Country They Built: Dynamic and Complex Indigenous Economies in North America before 1492, p. 319
Jean Lacroix, Pierre-Guillaume Méon, Kim Oosterlinck, Political Dynasties in Defense of Democracy: The Case of France’s 1940 Enabling Act, p. 359
Cihan Artunç, The Impact of Business Cycle Conditions on Firm Dynamics and Composition, p. 398
Thor Berger, Per Engzell, Björn Eriksson, Jakob Molinder, Social Mobility in Sweden before the Welfare State, p. 431
Vincent Delabastita, Sebastiaan Maes, The Feudal Origins of Manorial Prosperity: Social Interactions in Eleventh-Century England, p. 464
Nicola Bianchi, Michela Giorcelli, Reconstruction Aid, Public Infrastructure, and Economic Development: The Case of the Marshall Plan in Italy, p. 501
Trevon D. Logan, Whitelashing: Black Politicians, Taxes, and Violence, p. 538

Summaries of doctoral dissertations, p. 573
Abstracts of papers presented at the 2022 annual meeting, p. 613
Editors’ notes, p. 633
Reviews of books, p. 641

a. LXXXIII, 2023, 1

Heyu Xiong, Yiling Zhao, Sectarian Competition and the Market Provision of Human Capital p. 1
David Escamilla-Guerrero, Moramay López-Alonso, Migrant Self-Selection and Random Shocks: Evidence from the Panic of 1907 p. 45
Todd Messer, Financial Failure and Depositor Quality: Evidence from Building and Loan Associations in California p. 87
Michael Aldous, Philip T. Fliers, John D. Turner, Was Marshall Right? Managerial Failure and Corporate Ownership in Edwardian Britain p. 131
Christoph Koenig, Loose Cannons: War Veterans and the Erosion of Democracy in Weimar Germany p. 167
Adrien Montalbo, Landholding Inequality and the Consolidation of Democracy: Evidence from Nineteenth-Century France p. 203
Sean Bottomley, Institutional Change and Property Rights before the Industrial Revolution: The Case of the English Court of Wards and Liveries, 1540–1660 p. 242
Florian Ploeckl, Market Access and Information Technology Adoption: Historical Evidence from the Telephone in Bavaria, p. 275

Editors’ notes, p. 309
Reviews of books, p. 316

a. LXXXII, 2022, 4

Sergio Correia, Stephan Luck, Emil Verner, Pandemics Depress the Economy, Public Health Interventions Do Not: Evidence from the 1918 Flu, p. 917
Hui Ren Tan, Black and White Names: Evolution and Determinants, p. 959
Luiza Antonie, Kris Inwood, Chris Minns, Fraser Summerfield, Intergenerational Mobility in a Mid-Atlantic Economy: Canada, 1871-1901, p. 1003
Dimitris P. Sotiropoulos, Janette Rutterford, Daniele Tori, U.K. Investment Trust Valuation and Investor Behavior, 1880-1929, p. 1031
Ulrich Pfister, Economic Growth in Germany, 1500-1850, p. 1071
Silvi K. Berger, Franco Mariuzzo, Peter L. Ormosi, Residential Exodus from Dublin Circa 1900: Municipal Annexation and Preferences for Local Government, p. 1109
Amanda Gregg, Tamar Matiashvili, Modernization in Progress: Part-Year Operation, Mechanization, and Labor Force Composition in Late Imperial Russia, p. 1143
Sebastian Till Braun, Richard Franke, Railways, Growth, and Industrialization in a Developing German Economy, 1829-1910, p. 1183

Editors’ notes, p. 1223
Reviews of books, p. 1229

a. LXXXII, 2022, 3

Yu Hao, Zhengcheng Liu, Xi Weng, Li-An Zhou, The Making of Bad Gentry: The Abolition of Keju, Local Governance, and Anti-Elite Protests, 1902-1911, p. 625
Jeremy Atack, Robert A. Margo, Paul W. Rhode, ?Mechanization Takes Command??: Powered Machinery and Production Times in Late Nineteenth-Century American Manufacturing, p. 663
Tai-Kuang Ho, Ya-Chi Lin, And Kuo-Chun Yeh, The Borchardt Hypothesis: A Cliometric Reassessment of Germany’s Debt and Crisis during 1930-1932, p. 691
François Lafond, Diana Greenwald, J. Doyne Farmer, Can Stimulating Demand Drive Costs Down? World War II as a Natural Experiment, p. 727
Charles W. Calomiris, Matthew Jaremski, Why Join the Fed?, p. 765
Guillaume Bazot, Eric Monnet, Matthias Morys, Taming the Global Financial Cycle: Central Banks as Shock Absorbers in the First Era of Globalization, p. 801
Morgan Kelly, Cormac Ó Gráda Connecting the Scientific and Industrial Revolutions: The Role of Practical Mathematics, p. 841
James Fenske, Bishnupriya Gupta, Song Yuan, Demographic Shocks and Women’s Labor Market Participation: Evidence from the 1918 Influenza Pandemic in India, p. 875

Reviews of books, p. 913

a. LXXXII, 2022, 2

John Joseph Wallis, An Alternative Institutional Approach to Rules, Organizations, and Development, p. 335
Yuzuru Kumon, The Labor-Intensive Path: Wages, Incomes, and the Work Year in Japan, 1610-1890, p. 368
Warren Whatley, How the International Slave Trades Underdeveloped Africa, p. 403
Atsushi Kobayashi, Asia’s Silver Absorption through the Triangular Settlement System, 1846-1870, p. 442
Nathan Sussman, Financial Developments in London in the Seventeenth Century: The Financial Revolution Revisited, p. 480
Ann M. Carlos, Donna L. Feir, Angela Redish, Indigenous Nations and the Development of the U.S. Economy: Land, Resources, and Dispossession, p. 516

Dissertation Summary, p. 556
Abstracts of Papers Presented at the 2021 Annual Meeting, p. 592
Editors’ notes, p. 613
Reviews of books, p. 619

a. LXXXII, 2022, 1

José-Antonio Espín-Sánchez, Salvador Gil-Guirado, Chris Vickers, La « Doña » è Mobile: The Role of Women in Social Mobility in a Pre-Modern Economy, p. 1
Concepción Betrán, Michael Huberman, Against the Grain: Spanish Trade Policy in the Interwar Years, p. 42
Guido Alfani, Victoria Gierok, Felix Schaff, Economic Inequality in Preindustrial Germany, ca. 1300-1850, p. 87
Jaime Arellano-Bover, Displacement, Diversity, and Mobility: Career Impacts of Japanese American Internment, p. 126
Jonathan Chapman, Interest Rates, Sanitation Infrastructure, and Mortality Decline in Nineteenth-Century England and Wales, p. 175
Pim de Zwart, Daniel Gallardo-Albarrán, Auke Rijpma, The Demographic Effects of Colonialism: Forced Labor and Mortality in Java, 1834-1879, p. 211
Luna Bellani, Anselm Hager, Stephan E. Maurer, The Long Shadow of Slavery: The Persistence of Slave Owners in Southern Lawmaking, p. 250
François R. Velde, What Happened to the U.S. Economy during the 1918 Influenza Pandemic? A View Through High-Frequency Data, p. 284

Editors’ notes, p. 327
Reviews of books, p. 331

a. LXXXI, 2021, 4

Rui Esteves, Gabriel Geisler Mesevage, Private Benefits, Public Vices: Railways and Logrolling in the Nineteenth-Century British Parliament, p. 975
Miguel Angel Carpio, María Eugenia Guerrero, Did the Colonial mita Cause a Population Collapse? What Current Surnames Reveal in Peru, p. 1015
Chicheng Ma, Knowledge Diffusion and Intellectual Change: When Chinese Literati Met European Jesuits, p. 1052
Michiel de Haas, The Failure of Cotton Imperialism in Africa: Seasonal Constraints and Contrasting Outcomes in French West Africa and British Uganda, p. 1098
Yanfeng Gu, James Kai-sing Kung, Malthus Goes to China: The Effect of « Positive Checks » on Grain Market Development, 1736-1910, p. 1137
Emily Battaglia, Faizaan Kisat, Malaria, Race, and Inequality: Evidence from the Early 1900s U.S. South, p. 1173
Conor Lennon, G.I. Jane Goes to College? Female Educational Attainment, Earnings, and the Servicemen’s Readjustment Act of 1944, p. 1223

Editors’ notes, p. 1255
Reviews of books, p. 1263
Miscellaneous, p. 1268

a. LXXXI, 2021, 3

Joshua K. Hausman, Paul W. Rhode, Johannes F. Wieland, Farm Product Prices, Redistribution, and the Early U.S. Great Depression, p. 649
Stéphane Becuwe, Bertrand Blancheton, Christopher M. Meissner, The French (Trade) Revolution of 1860: Intra-Industry Trade and Smooth Adjustment, p. 688
Federico Droller, Martin Fiszbein, Staple Products, Linkages, and Development: Evidence from Argentina, p. 723
Tobias A. Jopp, War, Coal, and Forced Labor: Assessing the Impact of Prisoner-of-War Employment on Coal Mine Productivity in World War I Germany, p. 763
Greg Howard, Arianna Ornaghi, Closing Time: The Local Equilibrium Effects of Prohibition, p. 792
Quentin Lippmann, From Material to Non-Material Needs? The Evolution of Mate Preferences through the Twentieth Century in France, p. 831
Nuno Palma, Liuyan Zhao, The Efficiency of the Chinese Silver Standard, 1920-1933, p. 872
Simone A. Wegge, Inheritance Institutions and Landholding Inequality in Nineteenth-Century Germany: Evidence from Hesse-Cassel Villages and Towns, p. 909

Peter M. Solar, China’s GDP: Some Corrections and the Way Forward, p. 943

Stephen Broadberry, Hanhui Guan, David Daokui Li, China, Europe, and the Great Divergence: A Restatement, p. 958

a. LXXXI, 2021, 2

Hugh Rockoff, Oh, How the Mighty Have Fallen: The Bank Failures and Near Failures That Started America’s Greatest Financial Panics, p. 331
Neil Cummins, Where Is the Middle Class? Evidence from 60 Million English Death and Probate Records, 1892-1992, p. 359
Felipe González, Felipe Vial, Collective Action and Policy Implementation: Evidence from Salvador Allende’s Expropriations, p. 405
Denis Cogneau, Yannick Dupraz, Sandrine Mesplé-Somps, Fiscal Capacity and Dualism in Colonial States: The French Empire 1830-1962, p. 441
Jakob Molinder, Tobias Karlsson, Kerstin Enflo, More Power to the People: Electricity Adoption, Technological Change, and Labor Conflict, p. 481
Craig Palsson, Small Farms, Large Transaction Costs: Haiti’s Missing Sugar, p. 513
Duol Kim, Heejin Park, Biological Living Standards of Korea during the Port-Opening Period, 1876-1910, p. 549

Summaries of doctoral dissertations, p. 577
Abstracts of papers presented at the 2020 annual meeting, p. 615
Editors’ notes, p. 635
Reviews of books, p. 641

a. LXXXI, 2021, 1

James Fenske, Namrata Kala, Linguistic Distance and Market Integration in India, p. 1
W. Walker Hanlon, Casper Worm Hansen, Jake Kantor, Temperature, Disease, and Death in London: Analyzing Weekly Data for the Century from 1866 to 1965, p. 40
Gregori Galofré-Vilà, Christopher M. Meissner, Martin McKee, David Stuckler, Austerity and the Rise of the Nazi Party, p. 81
Philip G. Pardey, Julian M. Alston, Unpacking the Agricultural Black Box: The Rise and Fall of American Farm Productivity Growth, p. 114
Natalya Naumenko, The Political Economy of Famine: The Ukrainian Famine of 1933, p. 156
Paul W. Rhode, Biological Innovation without Intellectual Property Rights: Cottonseed Markets in the Antebellum American South, p. 198
Morgan Kelly, Cormac Ó Gráda, Peter M. Solar, Safety at Sea during the Industrial Revolution, p. 239
Giovanni Federico, Max-Stephan Schulze, Oliver Volckart, European Goods Market Integration in the Very Long Run: From the Black Death to the First World War, p. 276

Editors’ Notes, p. 309
Reviews of Books, p. 316