The Journal of Economic History: The tasks of economic history DATINI

The Journal of Economic History

New York, Economic History Association
Quadrimestrale; dal 1951 Trimestrale
ISSN: 0022-0507

Conservata in: Università degli Studi di Firenze, Biblioteca di Scienze Sociali:

– Punto di servizio: Economia, Riv. Str. 0264
Consistenza: a. 1, 1941-

– Punto di servizio: Scienze Politiche, Riv. Str. 0330
Consistenza: 21(1961) -23(1963); 32(1972) –
Lacune: 1961-1963, 1978; 2005, 3, 4; 2006, 1;

Conservata in: Prato, Istituto culturale e di documentazione Lazzerini – Fondo Melis
Consistenza: n. 1, 1941: 5, 1945; 20/2, 1960; 21/3, 1961

[ 2030-2021 ] [ 2020-2011 ] [ 2010-2001 ] [ 2000-1991 ] [ 1990-1981 ] [ 1980-1971 ] [ 1970-1961 ] [ 1960-1951 ] [ 1950-1941 ]

copertina della rivista

a. LX, 2000, 4

Douglas J. Puffert, The Standardization of Track Gauge on North American Railways, 1830-1890, p. 933
Sheilagh Ogilvie, Jeremy Edwards, Women and the « Second Serfdom »: Evidencefrom Early Modern Bohemia, p. 961
Ronald N. Johnson, Declining Industries and the Persistence of Government Support Programs: The Quiet Decline of Gum Naval Stores Production in the United States, p. 995
Paul R. Gregory, Aleksei Tikhonov, Central Planning and Unintended Consequences: Creating the Soviet Financial System, 1930-1939, p. 1017
David J. Cowen, The First Bank of the United States and the Securities Market Crash of 1792, p. 1041
Niall Ferguson, Brigitte Granville, « Weimar on the Volga »: Causes and Consequences of Inflation in 1990s Russia Compared with 1920s Germany, p. 1061
B. Zorina Khan, Commerce and Cooperation: Litigation and Settlement of Civil Disputes on the Australian Frontier, 1860-1900, p. 1088

Gene Smiley, A Note on New Estimates of the Distribution of Income in the 1920s, p. 1120

Editor’s Notes, p. 1129
Reviews of Books, p. 1132

a. LX, 2000, 3

Mark Potter, Good Offices: Intermediation by Corporate Bodies in Early Modern French Public Finance, p. 599
Gillian Hamilton, The Decline of Apprenticeship in North America: Evidence from Montreal, p. 627
Lillian Li, Integration and Disintegration in North China’s Grain Markets, 1738-1911, p. 665
Naomi R. Lamoreaux, Kenneth L. Sokoloff, The Geography of Invention in the American Glass Industry, 1870-1925, p. 700
Blanca Sànchez-Alonso, Those Who Left and Those Who Stayed Behind: Explaining Emigrationfrom the Regions of Spain, 1880-1914, p. 730
William J. Collins, African-American Economic Mobility in the 1940s: A Portrait from the Palmer Survey, p. 756
Claudia Goldin, Lawrence F. Katz, Education and income in the Early Twentieth Century: Evidence from the Prairies, p. 782
C. Knick Harley, N.F.R. Crafts, Simulating the Two Views of the British Industrial Revolution, p. 819

Peter Temin, A Response to Harley and Crafts, p. 842
Steven Sarson, Distribution of Wealth in Prince George ‘s County, Maryland, 1800-1820, p. 847

E. L. Jones, Time and Chance in the Old-World Economies, p. 856

Editors’ Notes, p. . 860
Reviews of Books, p. 862

a. LX, 2000, 2

Larry Neal (Presidential Address), A Shocking View ofEconomic History, p. 317
Douglas A. Irwin, Did Late-Nineteenth-Century US. Tariffs Promote Industries? Evidence from the Tinplate Industry, p. 335
Raymond L. Cohn, Nativism and the End of the Mass Migration of the 1840s and 1850s, p. 361
Gerald Friedman, The Political Economy ofEarly Southern Unionism: Race, Politics, and Labor in the South, 1880-1953, p. 384

Douglass C. North, Barry R. Weingast, Introduction: Institutional Analysis and Economic History, p. 414
John Wells, Douglas Wills, Revolution, Restoration, and Debt Repudiation: The Jacobite Threat to England’s Institutions and Economic Growth, p. 418
Nathan Sussman, Yishay Yafeh, Institutions, Reforms, and Country Risk: Lessons from Japanese Government Debt in the Meiji Era, p. 442
Bruno S. Frey, Marcel Kucher, History as Reflected in Capital Markets: The Case of World War II, p. 468

Summaries of Doctoral Dissertations, p. 497
Abstracts of Papers Presented at the Annual Meeting, p. 530
Editors’ Notes, p. 542
Reviews of Books, p. 546

a. LX, 2000, 1

Joel Mokyr, Why « More Workfor Mother? » Knowledge and Household Behavior, 1870-1945, p. 1
Janet Currie, Joseph Ferrie, The Law and Labor Strifè in the United States, 1881-1894, p. 42
Brian A’hearn, Could Southern Italians Cooperate? Banche Popolari in the Mezzogiorno, p. 67
Farley Grubb, The Transatlantic Marketfor British Convict Labor, p. 94
David Eltis, Stanley L. Engerman, The Importance ofSlavery and the Slave Trade to Industrializing Britain, p. 123
Jon R. Moen, Ellis W. Tallman, Clearinghouse Membership and Deposit Contraction during the Panic of 1907, p. 145
Maristella Botticini, A Tale of « Benevolent » Governments: Private Credit Markets, Public Finance, and the Role of Jewish Lenders in Medieval and Renaissance Italy, p. 164
William M. Doyle, Capital Structure and the Financial Development of the US. Sugar-Refining Industry, 1875-1905, p. 190
William O. Brown, Richard C. K. Burdekin, Turning Points in the US. Civil War. A British Perspective, p. 216

Philip R. P. Coelho, Robert A. Mcguire, Diets Versus Diseases: The Anthropometrics of Slave Children, p. 232
Richard H. Steckel, Diets Versus Diseases in the Anthropometrics of Slave Children: A Reply, p. 247

Robert L. Tignor, New Works in West African Economic History, p. 260

Editors’ Notes, p. 264
Reviews of Books, p. 270

a. LIX, 1999, 4

Richard Sicotte, Economic Crisis and Political Response. The Political Economy of the Shipping Act of 1916, p. 861
Siddharth Chandra, Timothy J. Vogelsang, Change and Involution in Sugar Production in Cultivation-System Java, 1840-1870, p. 885
Hui-Wen Koo, Chun-Chieh Wang, Indexed Pricing. Sugarcane Price Guarantees in Colonial Taiwan, 1930-1940, p. 912
Werner Troesken, Typhoid Rates and the Public Acquisition of Private Waterworks, 1880-1920, p. 927
Dudley Baines, Paul Johnson, Did They Jump or Were They Pushed? The Exit of Older Men from the London Labor Market, 1929-1931, p. 949
Howard Bodenhorn, A Troublesome Caste: Height and Nutrition of Antebellum Virginia’s Rural Free Blacks, p. 972
Jennifer L. Frankl, An Analysis of Japanese Corporate Structure, 1915-1937, p. 997
Kris James Mitchener, Ian W. McLean, US. Regional Growth And Convergence, 1880-1980, p. 1016
James A. Dunlevy, William K. Hutchinson, The Impact of Immigration on American Import Trade in the Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries, p. 1043

Erik D. Craft, Private Weather Organizations and the Founding of the United States Weather Bureau, p. 106
Peter Scott, The Efficiency of Britain’s « Silly Little Bobtailed » Coal Wagons: A Comment on Van Vleck, p. 1072
Va Nee L. Van Vleck, In Defense (Again) of « Silly Little Bobtailed » Coal Wagons: Reply to Peter Scott, p. 1081

Editors’ Notes, p. 1085
Reviews of Books, p. 1088

a. LIX, 1999, 3

Gerardo Della Paolera, Alan M. Taylor, Economic Recovery from the Argentine Great Depression: Institutions, Expectations, and the Change of Macroeconomic Regime, p. 567
Robert Higgs, From Central Planning to the Market: The American Transition, 1945-1947, p. 600
J. Peter Ferderer, David A. Zalewski, To Raise the Golden Anchor? Financial Crises and Uncertainty During the Great Depression, p. 624
Robert K. Fleck, The Marginal Effect of New Deal Relief Work on County-Level Unemployment Statistics, p. 659
Tom Nicholas, Clogs to Clogs in Three Generations? Explaining Entrepreneurial Performance in Britain Since 1850, p. 688
Joshua L. Rosenbloom, William A. Sundstrom, The Sources of Regional Variation in the Severity of the Great Depression: Evidence from U. S. Manufacturing, 1919-1937, p. 714
Kevin Carey, Investigating a Debt Channel for the Smoot-Hawley Tariffs: Evidence from the Sovereign Bond Market, p. 748

Mette Ejrnæs, Karl Gunnar Persson, Grain Storage in Early Modern Europe, p. 762
Sumner J. La Croix, Economic Integration and Convergence: A Second Decomposition Method, p. 773
Sukkoo Kim, Decomposing U.S. Regional Incomes: A Reply, p. 779

G Von Tunzelmann, Big Business, Growth, and Decline, p. 787

Editors’ Notes, p. 795
Reviews of Books, p. 797

a. LIX, 1999, 2

Gavin Wright (Presidential Address), The Civil Rights Revolution as Economic History, p. 267
Juan Carmona, James Simpson, The « Rabassa Morta » in Catalan Viticulture: The Rise and Decline of a Long-Term Sharecropping Contract, 1670s-1920s, p. 290
José Morilla Critz, Alan L. Olmstead, Paul W. Rhode, « Horn of Plenty »: The Globalization of Mediterranean Horticulture and the Economic Development of Southern Europe, 1880-1930, p. 316
Ruth Dupré, « If It’s Yellow, It Must Be Butter »: Margarine Regulation in North America Since 1886, p. 353
Carlos D. Ramírez, Did Glass-Steagall Increase the Cost of External Finance for Corporate Investment?: Evidence from Bank and Insurance Company Affiliations, p. 372
Susan Wolcott, Gregory Clark, Why Nations Fail: Managerial Decisions and Performance in Indian Cotton Textiles. 1890-1938, p. 397
Werner Troesken, Patronage and Public-Sector Wages in 1896, p. 424

John Chapman, Charities, Rents, and Enclosure: A Comment on Clark, p. 447
Gregory Clark, In Defense of « Commons Sense »: Reply to Chapman, p. 451

Summaries of Doctoral Dissertations, p. 456
Abstracts of Papers Presented at the Annual Meeting, p. 487
Editors’ Notes, p. 500
Reviews of Books, p. 505

a. LIX, 1999, 1

John R. Hanson II, Culture Shock and Direct Investment in Poor Countries, p. 1
Peter C. Mancall, Thomas Weiss, Was Economic Growth Likely in Colonial British North America?, p. 17
Joyce Burnette, Labourers at the Oakes: Changes in the Demand for Female Day-Laborers at a Farm near Sheffield during the Agricultural Revolution, p. 41
Gillian Hamilton, Property Rights and Transaction Costs in Marriage: Evidence from Prenuptial Contracts, p. 68
Maristella Botticini, A Loveless Economy? Intergenerational Altruism and the Marriage Market in a Tuscan town, 1415-1436, p. 104
Karen B. Clay, Property Rights and Institutions: Congress and the California Land Act of 1851, p. 122
Ekaterini Kyriazidou, Martin Pesendorfer, Viennese Chairs: A Case Study for Modern Industrialization, p. 143
Christina D. Romer, Why Did Prices Rise in the 1930s?, p. 167

Editors’ Notes, p. 200
Reviews of Books, p. 205

a. LVIII, 1998, 4

Steven Herscovici, Migration and Economic Mobility. Wealth Accumulation and Occupational Change Among Antebellum Migrants and Persisters, p. 927
Simone A. Wegge, Chain Migration and Information Networks: Evidence from Nineteenth-Century Hesse-Cassel, p. 957
Dora L. Costa, Unequal at Birth: A Long-Term Comparison of Income and Birth Weight, p. 987
Ronnie J. Phillips, Harvey Cutler, Domestic Exchange Rates and Regional Economic Growth in the United States, 1899-1908: Evidence from Cointegration Analysis, p. 1010
Holland Hunter, Keeping Track of Economic Change with Ambiguous tools: Soviet Planning 1928-1991, p. 1027
Mark Harrison, Prices, Planners, and Producers: an Agency Problem in Soviet Industry, 1928-1950, p. 1032
Robert C. Allen, The Standard of Living in the Soviet Union, 1928-1940, p. 1063
Elizabeth Field-Hendrey, The Role of Gender in Biased Technical Change: U.S. Manufacturing, 1850-1919, p. 1090
Tony Caporale, Barbara McKiernan, Interest Rate Uncertainty and the Founding of the Federal Reserve, p. 1110

Editors’ Notes, p. 1118
Style Sheet for Contributors, p. 1122
Reviews of Books, p. 1127

a. LVIII, 1998, 3

Charles H. Feinstein, Pessimism Perpetuated: Real Wages and the Standard of Living in Britain during and after the Industrial Revolution, p. 625
Sukkoo Kim, Economic Integration and Convergence: US. Regions, 1840-1987, p. 659
S. R Epstein, Craft Guilds, Apprenticeship, and Technological Change in Preindustrial Europe, p. 684
Jane Knodell, The Demise of Central Banking and the Domestic Exchanges: Evidence from Antebellum Ohio, p. 714
Myung Soo Cha, Imperial Policy or World Price Shocks? Explaining Interwar Korean Consumption Trend, p. 731
Werner Troesken, Exclusive Dealing and the Whiskey Trust, 1890-1895, p. 755

John Komlos, Shrinking in a Growing Economy? The Mystery of Physical Stature during the Industrial Revolution, p. 779
Richard H. Steckel, Strategic Ideas in the Rise of the New Anthropometric History and their Implications for Interdisciplinary Research, p. 803
Mary Eschelbach Hansen, Land Ownership, Farm Size, and Tenancy after the Civil War, p. 822
Gregory Clark, Ysbrand Van Der Werf, Work in Progress? The Industrious Revolution, p. 830
Chulhee Lee, Long-Term Unemployment and Retirement in Early-Twentieth-Century America, p. 844

E. L. Jones, The Wealth and Poverty of History, p. 857
Kevin H. O’Rourke, Culture, Malthus, and Irish Demographic History, p. 862
Jörg Baten, John Komlos, Height and the Standard of Living, p. 866

Editors’ Notes, p. 871
Reviews of Books, p. 874

a. LVIII, 1998, 2

Deirdre McCloskey (Presidential Address), Bougeois Virtue and the History of P and S, p. 297
Ann M. Carlos, Jennifer Key, Jill L. Dupree, Learning and the Creation of Stock-Market institutions: Evidence from the Royal African and Hudson ‘s Bay Companies, 1670-1700, p. 318
Claudia Goldin, America ‘s Graduation from High School: The Evolution and Spread of Secondary Schooling in the Twentieth Century, p. 345
Stephen Broadberry, How Did the United States and Germany Overtake Britain? A Sectoral Analysis of Comparative Productivity Levels, 1870-1990, p. 375
Martha L. Olney, When Your Word Is Not Enough: Race, Collateral, and Household Credit, p. 408
Stephan Klasen, Marriage, Bargaining, and Intrahousehold Resource Allocation: Excess Female Mortality among Adults during Early German Development, 1740-1860, p. 432
Timothy G. Conley, David W. Galenson, Nativity and Wealth in Mid-Nineteenth-Century Cities, p. 468
Metin M. Cosgel, John E. Murray, Productivity of a Commune: The Shakers, 1850-1880, p. 494

Mario Pastore, Government, Taxation, Coercion, and Ideology: A Comment on Yeager, p. 511
Timothy J. Yeager, A Reply to Pastore, p. 521

Edward Beatty, The Political Basis of Industrialization in Mexico before 1911, p. 525
Timothy Leunig, The Myth of the Corporate Economy: Factor Costs, Industrial Structure and Technological Choice in the Lancashire and New England Cotton Textile Industries. 1900-1913, p. 528
Simone Wegge, Migration Decisions in Mid-Nineteenth-Century Germany, p. 532
Carolyn M. Moehling, Work and Family: Intergenerational Support in American Families, 1880-1920, p. 535
Mark a. Siegler, Real Output and Business Cycle Volatility,1869-1993: US. Experience in International Perspective, p. 537
Robert E. Wright, Banking and Politics in New York 1784-1829, p. 541
Daniel Barbezat, Kenneth A. Snowden, Discussion, p. 544

Abstracts of Papers Presented at the Annual Meeting, p. 553
Editors’ Notes, p. 567
Reviews of Books, p. 572

a. LVIII, 1998, 1

Alan M. Taylor, On the Costs of Inward-Looking Development: Price Distortions, Growth, and Divergence in Latin America, p. 1
Hans-Joachim Voth, Time and Work in Eighteenth-Century London, p. 29
Douglas A. Irwin, Higher Tariffs, Lower Revenues? Analyzing the Fiscal Aspects of « The Great Tariff Debate of 1888 », p. 59
Gregory Clark, Commons Sense: Common Property Rights, Efficiency, and Institutional Change, p. 73
Kerry A. Odell, David F. Weiman, Metropolitan Development, Regional Financial Centers, and the Founding of the Fed in the Lower South, p. 103
Nathan Sussman, The Late Medieval Bullion Famine Reconsidered, p. 126
Pierre Claude Reynard, Manufacturing Strategies in the Eighteenth Century: Subcontracting for Growth among Papermakers in the Auvergne, p. 155
Joshua L. Rosenbloom, Strikebreaking and the Labor Market in the United States, 1881-1894, p. 183

Gregory Clark, Renting The Revolution, p. 206
Michael Turner, John Beckett, Bethanie Afton, Renting the Revolution: A Reply to Clark, p. 211
John Munro, Crisis and Change in the Later Medieval English Economy, p. 215

Editors’ Notes, p. 220
Reviews of Books, p. 226

a. LVII, 1997, 4

Kevin H: O’Rourke, The European Grain Invasion, 1870-1913, p. 775
Judith A. McDonald, Anthony Patrick O’Brien, Colleen M. Callahan, Trade Wars: Canada ‘s Reaction to the Smoot-Hawley Tariff, p. 802
Bruce M. S. Campbell, Matching Supply to Demand. Crop Production and Disposal by English Demesnes in the Century of the Black Death, p. 827
William D. Lastrapes, George Selgin, The Check Tax: Fiscal Folly and the Great Monetary Contraction, p. 859
Javier Cuenca Esteban, The Rising Share of British Industrial Exports in Industrial Output, 1700-1851, p. 879
Livio Di Matteo, The Determinants of Wealth and Asset Holding in Nineteenth-Century Canada: Evidence from Microdata, p. 907

David Greasley, Les Oxley, Endogenous Growth or « Big Bang »: Two Views of the First Industrial Revolution, p. 935
N. F. R. Crafts, Terence C. Mills, Endogenous Innovation, Trend Growth, and the British Industrial Revolution: Reply to Greasley and Oxley, p. 950
David C. Greasley, Les Oxley, Endogenous Growth, Trend Output, and the Industrial Revolution: Reply to Crafts and Mills, p. 957

Editors’ Notes, p. 961
Reviews of Books, p. 963

a. LVII, 1997, 3

John E. Murray, Standards of the Present for People of the Past: Height, Weight, and Mortality among Men of Amherst College, 1834-1949, p. 585
William J. Collins, When the Tide Turned: Immigration and the Delay of the Great Black Migration, p. 607
Carlo Bardini, Without Coal in the Age of Steam: A Factor-Endowment Explanation of the Italian Industrial Lag Before World War I, p. 633
Leon Bettendorf, Erik Buyst, Rent Control and Virtual Prices: A Case Study for Interwar Belgium, p. 654
Mark W. Nichols, Jill M. Hendrickson, Profit Differentials Between Canadian and U.S. Commercial Banks: The Role of Regulation, p. 674
Gregor W. Smith, R. Todd Smith, Greenback-Gold Returns and Expectations of Resumption, 1862-1879, p. 697

Gary D. Libecap, The New Institutional Economics and Economic History, p. 718

Editors’ Notes, p. 722
Reviews of Books, p. 723

a. LVII, 1997, 2

Peter Temin (Presidential Address), Is it Kosher to Talk about Culture?, p. 267
Kenneth L. Sokoloff, David Dollar, Agricultural Seasonality and the Organization of Manufacturing in Early Industrial Economies. The Contrast Between England and the United States, p. 288
Barbara J. Alexander, Failed Cooperation in Heterogeneous Industries Under the National Recovery Administration, p. 322
Sevket Pamuk, In the Absence of Domestic Currency: Debased European Coinage in the Seventeenth-Century Ottoman Empire, p. 345
Jeffry A. Frieden, Monetary Populism in Nineteenth-Century America: An Open Economy Interpretation, p. 367
Andrew J. Seltzer, The Effects of the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 on the Southern Seamless Hosiery and Lumber Industries, p. 396
Alan Booth, Joseph Melling, Christoph Dartmann, Institutions and Economic Growth: The Politics of Productivity in West Germany, Sweden, and the United Kingdom, 1945-1955, p. 416

Mancur Olson Jr., An Appreciation: Reply to Booth, Melling and Dartmann, p. 445
Michael Pammer, Proxy Data and Income Estimates: The Economic Lag of Central and Eastern Europe, p. 448
David F. Good, Proxy Data and Income Estimates: Reply to Pammer, p. 456
Lee J. Alston, Kyle D. Kauffman, Agricultural Chutes and Ladders: New Estimates of Sharecroppers and « True Tenants » in the South, 1900-1920, p. 464

John Majewski, A Revolution too Many?, p. 476

Joshua Gotkin, The Legislated Adjustment of Labor Disputes: An Empirical Analysis, 1880 to 1894, p. 481
Steven Herscovici, Progress Amid Poverty: Economic Opportunity in Antebellum Newburyport, p. 484
Tomas Nonnenmacher, Law, Emerging Technology, and Market Structure: The Development of the Telegraph Industry 1838-1868, p. 488
David Cowen, Exchange Rate Regime Choice and Economic Performance in the Interwar Years, p. 491
Anne G. Hanley, Capital Markets in the Coffee Economy: Economic Growth and Institutional Change in São Paulo, Brazil, 1850-1905, p. 493
Hans-Joachim Voth, Time Use in Eighteenth-Century London: Some Evidence from the Old Bailey, p. 497
Joshua L. Rosenbloom, Jean-Laurent Rosenthal, Discussion, p. 500

Abstracts of Papers Presented at the Annual Meeting, p. 510
Editors’ Notes, p. 522
Reviews of Books, p. 527

a. LVII, 1997, 1

Randall Nielsen, Storage and English Government Intervention in Early Modern Grain Markets, p. 1
Timothy J. Hatton, The Immigration Assimilation Puzzle in Late Nineteenth-Century America, p. 34
Peter Temin, Two Views of the British Industrial Revolution, p. 63
Philip R. Coelho, Robert A. McGuire, African and European Bound Labor in the British New World: The Biological Consequences of Economic Choices, p. 83
Garland L. Brinkley, The Decline in Southern Agricultural Output, 1860-1880, p. 116
Va Nee L. Van Vleck, Delivering Coal by Road and Rail in Britain: The Efficiency of the « Silly Little Bobtailed » Coal Wagons, p. 139
Sumner J. La Croix, Christopher Grandy, The Political Instability of Reciprocal Trade and the Overthrow of the Hawaiian Kingdom, p. 161

Larry G. Gerber, Individualism Transformed, p. 190
Paul R. Gregory, Searching for Consistency in Historical Data: Alternate Estimates of Russia’s Industrial Production, 1887-1913, p. 196

Editors’ Notes, p. 203
Reviews of Books, p. 210

a. LVI, 1996, 4

John Majewski, Who Financed the Transportation Revolution? Regional Divergence and Internal Improvements in Antebellum Pennsylvania and Virginia, p. 763
Arthur J. Rolnick, François R. Velde, Warren E. Weber, The Debasement Puzzle: An Essay on Medieval Monetary History, p. 789
Price a. Fishback, Shawn Everett Kantor, The Durable Experiment: State Insurance of Workers’ Compensation Risk in the Early Twentieth Century, p. 809
Christopher Hanes, Changes in the Cyclical Behavior of Real Wage Rates, 1870-1990, p. 837
Marc Flandreau, The French Crime of 1873: An Essay on the Emergence of the International Gold Standard, 1870-1880, p. 862

S. R. H. Jones, Simon P. Ville, Efficient Transactors or Rent-Seeking Monopolists? The Rationale for Early Chartered Trading Companies, p. 898
Ann M. Carlos, Stephen Nicholas, Theory and History: Seventeenth.-Century Joint-Stock Chartered Trading Companies, p. 916
S. R. H. Jones, Simon P. Ville, Theory and Evidence: Understanding Chartered Trading Companies, p. 925

Editors’ Notes, p. 927
Reviews of Books, p. 929

a. LVI, 1996, 3

Yasukichi Yasuba, Did Japan Ever Suffer from a Shortage of Natural Resources Before World War II?, p. 543
Sara Horrell, Home Demand and British Industrialization, p. 561
Robert A. Margo, The Rental Price of Housing in New York City, 1830-1860, p. 605
Joshua L. Rosenbloom, Was There a National Labor Market at the End of the Nineteenth Century? New Evidence on Earnings in Manufacturing, p. 626
James E. Hartley, Steven M. Sheffrin, J. David Vasche, Reform During Crisis: The Transformation of California ‘s Fiscal System During the Great Depression, p. 657

Lisa Geib-Gundersen, Elizabeth Zahrt, A New Look at U.S. Agricultural Productivity Growth, 1800-1910, p. 679
Howard Bodenhorn, Michael Haupert, The Note Issue Paradox in the Free Banking Era, p. 687
Carlos Newland, María Jesús San Segundo, Human Capital and Other Determinants of the Price Life Cycle of a Slave: Peru and La Plata in the Eighteenth Century, p. 694

E. L. Jones, Venetian Twilight: How Economies Fade, p. 702

Editors’ Notes, p. 706
Reviews of Books, p. 708

a. LVI, 1996, 2


Jeffrey G. Williamson (Presidential Address), Globalization, Convergence, and History, p. 277
Christopher Hanes, Turnover Cost and the Distribution of Slave Labor in Anglo-America, p. 307
Debin Ma, The Modern Silk Road: The Global Raw-Silk Market, 1850-1930, p. 330
B. Zorina Khan, Married Women’s Property Laws and Female Commercial Activity: Evidence from United States Patent Records, 1790-1895, p. 356
Michael D. Bordo, Hugh Rockoff, The Gold Standard as a « Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval », p. 389
Richard Von Glahn, Myth and Reality of China’s Seventeenth-Century Monetary Crisis, p. 429

William Parker, Economic History: The Teacher and the Subject, p. 455

Joyce Burnette, Exclusion and the Market: The Causes of Occupational Segregation in Industrial Revolution Britain, p. 459
Ruthanne Deutsch, Bridging the Archipelago: Cities and Regional Economies in Brazil, 1870-1920, p. 461
William R. Summerhill, Railroads and the Brazilian Economy Before 1914, p. 464
John Majewski, Commerce and Community: Internal Improvements in Virginia and Pennsylvania, 1790-1860, p. 467
Edward P. McDevitt, The Evolution of Irrigation Institutions. in California: The Rise of the Irrigation District, 1910-1930, p. 469
David G. Surdam, Northern Naval Superiority and the Economics of the American Civil War, p. 473
Cormac Ó Gráda, Winifred B. Rothenberg, Discussion, p. 475

Abstracts of Papers Presented at the Annual Meeting, p. 486
Editors’ Notes, p. 496
Reviews of Books, p. 501

a. LVI, 1996, 1

Stanley L. Engerman, Economic History and Old Age, p. 1
Susan B. Carter, Richard Sutch, Myth of the Industrial Scrap Heap: A Revisionist View of Turn-of-the Century American Retirement, p. 5
Brian Gratton, The Poverty of Impoverishment Theory: The Economic Well-Being of the Elderly, 1890-1950, p. 39
Dora L. Costa, Health and Labor Force Participation of Older Men, 1900-1991, p. 62
Janice Rye Kinghorn, John Vincent Nye, The Scale of Production in Western Economic Development: A Comparison of Official Industry Statistics in the United States, Britain, France, and Germany, 1905-1913, p. 90
Timothy W. Guinnane, Ronald I. Miller, Bonds without Bondsmen: Tenant-Right in Nineteenth-Century Ireland, p. 113
Jenny B. Wahl, The Jurisprudence of American Slave Sales, p. 143
Philip Keefer, Protection Against a Capricious State: French Investment and Spanish Railroads, 1845-1875, p. 170

Robert E. Gallman, Dietary Change in Antebellum America, p. 193
John Komlos, Anomalies in Economic History: toward a Resolution of the « Antebellum Puzzle », p. 202
James W. Hughes, Daniel P. Barbezat, Basing-Point Pricing and the « Stahlwerksverband » An Examination of the « New Competitive School », p. 215

Arthur Van Riel, Rethinking the Economic History of the Dutch Republic: The Rise and Decline of Economic Modernity Before the Advent of Industrialized Growth, p. 223

Editors’ Notes, p. 230
Reviews of Books, p. 235

a. LV, 1995, 4

N. F. R. Crafts, Exogenous or Endogenous Growth? The Industrial Revolution Reconsidered, p. 745
PAUL W. Rhode, Learning, Capital Accumulation, and the Transformation of California Agriculture, p. 773
Hans-Joachim Voth, Did High Wages or High Interest Rates Bring Down the Weimar Republic? A Cointegration Model of Investment in Germany, 1925-1930, p. 801
Laura J. Owen, Worker Turnover in the 1920s: What Labor-Supply Arguments Don’t Tell Us, p. 822
Timothy J. Yeager, « Encomienda » or Slavery? The Spanish Crown’s Choice of Labor Organization in Sixteenth-Century Spanish America, p. 842
Jon Gjerde, Anne McCants, Fertility, Marriage, and Culture: Demographic Processes Among Norwegian Immigrants to the Rural Middle West, p. 860

Masao Suzuki, Success Story? Japanese Immigrant Economic Achievement and Return Migration, 1920-1930, p. 889

Richard Sylla, Three Centuries of Finance and Monetary Control in America, p. 902
François Crouzet, A New Economic History of Britain, p. 908

Editors’ Notes, p. 914
Reviews of Books, p. 923

a. LV, 1995, 3

Thomas Maloney, Warren C. Whatley, Making the Effort: The Contours of Racial Discrimination in Detroit’s Labor Markets, 1920-1940, p. 465
John C. Brown, Imperfect Competition and Anglo-German Trade Rivalry: Markets for Cotton Textiles Before 1914, p. 494
Paul Huck, Infant Mortality and Living Standards of English Workers During the Industrial Revolution, p. 528
Gillian Hamilton, Enforcement in Apprenticeship Contracts: Were Runaways a Serious Problem? Evidence from Montreal, p. 551
Margaret Levenstein, Mass Production Conquers the Pool: Firm Organization and the Nature of Competition in the Nineteenth Century, p. 575
John R. Garrett, Monetary Policy and Expectations: Market-Control Techniques and the Bank of England, 1925-1931, p. 612

Shawn Everett Kantor, Supplanting the Roots of Southern Populism: The Contours of Political Protest in the Georgia Hills, p. 637
Tung Liu, Gary J. Santoni, Courtenay C. Stone, In Search of Stock Market Bubbles: A Comment on Rappoport and White, p. 647
Eugene White, Stock Market Bubbles? A Reply, p. 655
Richard J. Sullivan, Patent Counts and Textile Invention: A Comment on Griffiths, Hunt, and O’Brien, p. 666
Patrick K. O’Brien, Trevor Griffiths, Philip Hunt, There Is Nothing Outside the Text, and There Is No Safety in Numbers: A Reply to Sullivan, p. 671

Timothy W. Guinnane, Recent Developments in Irish Economic History, 1850-1914, p. 673
E. L. Jones, Uneven World Development, p. 679
Thomas K. McCraw, Lives of the Great Economists, p. 683

Editors’ Notes, p. 694
Reviews of Books, p. 696

a. LV, 1995, 2


Cynthia Taft Morris (Presidential Address), How Fast and Why Did Early Capitalism Benefit the Majority?, p. 211
Eugene Nelson White, The French Revolution and the Politics of Government Finance, 1770-1815, p. 227
Philip I. Hoffman, Gilles Postel-Vinay, Jean-Laurent Rosenthal, Redistribution and Long-Term Private Debt in Paris, 1660-1726, p. 256
Gene Smiley, Richard H. Keehn, Federal Personal Income Tax Policy in the 1920s, p. 285
Lee A. Craig, The Political Economy of Public-Private Compensation Differentials: The Case of Federal Pensions, p. 304
David Eltis, The total Product of Barbados, 1664-1701, p. 321
Elizabeth Herr, Women, Marital Status, and Work Opportunities in 1880 Colorado, p. 339

Harold D. Woodman, Capitalism, Morality, and the Peculiar Institution, p. 367

Garland L. Brinkley, The Economic Impact of Disease in the American South, 1860-1940, p. 371
Dora L. Costa, Health, Income, and Retirement: Evidence from Nineteenth-Century America, p. 374
Andrew Seltzer, Causes and Consequences of American Minimum Wage Legislation, 1911-1947, p. 376
H. Clark Johnson, The Gold Deflation, France, and the Coming of the Depression, 1919-1932, p. 378
L. Lynne Kiesling, Collective Action and Assisting the Poor: The Political Economy of Income Assistance During the Lancashire Cotton Famine, p. 380
Va Nee L. Van Vleck, Reassessing Technological Backwardness: Absolving the « Silly Little Bobtailed » Coal Car, p. 383
Lee A. Craig, Barbara Sands, Discussion, p. 386

Abstracts of Papers Presented at the Annual Meeting, p. 394
Editors’ Notes, p. 409
Reviews of Books, p. 413

a. LV, 1995, 1

David R. Weir, Family Income, Mortality, and Fertility on the Eve of the Demographic Transition: A Case Study of Rosny-sous-Bois, p. 1
Alan L. Olmstead, Paul W. Rhode, Beyond the Threshold: An Analysis of the Characteristics and Behavior of Early Reaper Adopters, p. 27
B. Zorina Khan, Property Rights and Patent Litigation in Early Nineteenth-Century America, p. 58
Paul E. Lovejoy, David Richardson, British Abolition and Its Impact on Slave Prices Along the Atlantic Coast of Africa, 1783-1850, p. 98
David M. Wishart, Evidence of Surplus Production in the Cherokee Nation Prior to Removal, p. 120
Robert Whaples, Where Is There Consensus Among American Economic Historians?, p. 139

Editors’ Notes, p. 155
Reviews of Books, p. 161

a. LIV, 1994, 4

George Alter, Claudia Goldin, Elyce Rotella, The Savings of Ordinary Americans: The Philadelphia Saving Fund Society in the Mid-Nineteenth Century, p. 735
Judith G. Coffin, Gender and the Guild Order: The Garment Trades in Eighteenth-Century France, p. 768
Farley Grubb, The End of European Immigrant Servitude in the United States: An Economic Analysis of Market Collapse, 1772-1835, p. 794
J. Peter Ferderer, David A. Zalewski, Uncertainty as a Propagating Force in the Great Depression, p. 825
J. R. Vernon, World War II Fiscal Policies and the End of the Great Depression, p. 850
David F. Good, The Economic Lag of Central and Eastern Europe: Income Estimates far the Habsburg Successor States, 1870-1910, p. 869
Kevin O’Rourke, Jeffrey G. Williamson, Late Nineteenth-Century Anglo-American Factor-Price Convergence: Were Heckscher and Ohlin Right?, p. 892

Editors’ Notes, p. 917
Reviews of Books, p. 921

a. LIV, 1994, 3

Viken Tchakerian, Productivity, Extent of Markets, and Manufacturing in the Late Antebellum South and Midwest, p. 497
J. William Harris, Crop Choices in the Piedmont Before and After the Civil War, p. 526
David Gabel, Competition in a Network Industry: The Telephone Industry, 1894-1910, p. 543
Christina D. Romer, Remeasuring Business Cycles, p. 573
Ron Harris, The Bubble Act: Its Passage and Its Effects on Business Organization, p. 610
Alan Dye, Avoiding Holdup: Asset Specificity and Technical Change in the Cuban Sugar Industry, 1899-1929, p. 628
Richard S. Grossman, The Shoe That Didn’t Drop: Explaining Banking Stability During the Great Depression, p. 654

Colleen M. Callahan, Judith A. McDonald, Anthony Patrick O’Brien, Who Voted for Smoot-Hawley?, p. 683

Editors’ Notes, p. 691
Reviews of Books, p. 693

a. LIV, 1994, 2


Jan De Vries (Presidential Address), The Industrial Revolution and the Industrious Revolution, p. 249
Avner Greif, On the Political Foundations of the Late Medieval Commercial Revolution: Genoa During the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries, p. 271
Jean-Laurent Rosenthal, Rural Credit Markets and Aggregate Shocks: The Experience of Nuits St. Georges, 1756-1776, p. 288
Susan Wolcott, The Perils of Lifetime Employment Systems: Productivity Advance b, the Indian and Japanese Textile Industries, 1920-1938, p. 307
Michael D. Bordo, Hugh Rockoff, Angela Redish, The U.S. Banking System from a Northern Exposure: Stability Versus Efficiency, p. 325
Linda Barrington, Cecilia A. Conrad, At What Cost a Room of Her Own? Factors Contributing to the Feminization of Poverty Among Prime-Age Women, 1939-1959, p. 342
Thomas Maloney, Wage Compression and Wage Inequality Between Black and White Males in the United States, 1940-1960, p. 358
William A. Sundstrom, The Color Line: Racial Norms and Discrimination in Urban Labor Markets, 1910-1950, p. 382
John Nader, The Rise of an Inventive Profession: Learning Effects in the Midwestern Harvester Industry, 1850-1890, p. 397
Charles W. Calomiris, Christopher Hanes, Consistent Output Series for the Antebellum and Postbellum Periods: Issues and Preliminary Results, p. 409

Mary Eschelbach Gregson, « Strategies far Commercialization: Missouri Agriculture, 1860-1880 », p. 423
Lawrence W. Boyd, « The Economics of the Coal Company town: Institutional Relationships, Monopsony, and Distributional Conflicts in American Coal towns », p. 426
David A. Zalewski, « An Empirical Analysis of Uncertainty and Investment During the Great Depression », p. 428
Andrew Godley, « Enterprise and Culture: Jewish Immigrants in London and New York, 1880-1914 », p. 430
Chi-Kong Lai, « China’s First Modern Corporation and the State: Officials, Merchants, and Resource Allocation in the China Merchants’ Steam Navigation Company, 1872-1902 », p. 432
Alan M. Taylor, « Argentine Economic Growth in Comparative Perspective », p. 434
Carole Shammas, Carol E. Heim, Discussion, p. 437

Editors’ Notes, p. 446
Reviews of Books, p. 450

a. LIV, 1994, 1

Joseph P. Ferrie, The Wealth Accumulation of Antebellum European Immigrants to the U.S., 1840-60, p. 1
F. Halsey Rogers, « Man to Loan $1500 and Serve as Clerk »: Trading Jobs far Loans in Mid-Nineteenth-Century San Francisco, p. 34
I. Aldrich Finegan, Robert A. Margo, Work Relief and the Labor Force Participation of Married Women in 1940, p. 64
William Caferro, City and Countryside in Siena in the Second Half of the Fourteenth Century, p. 85
Akira Motomura, The Best and Worst of Currencies: Seigniorage and Currency Policy in Spain, 1597-1650, p. 104
Gregory Clark, Factory Discipline, p. 128
Jan Tore Klovland, Pitfalls in the Estimation of the Yield on British Consols, 1850-1914, p. 164

Editors’ Notes, p. 188
Reviews of Books, p. 194

a. LIII, 1993, 4

David Pope, Glenn Withers, Do Migrants Rob Jobs? Lessons of Australian History, 1861-1991, p. 719
Peter Razzell, The Growth of Population in Eighteenth-Century England: A Critical Reappraisal, p. 743
Stephen Broadberry, Manufacturing and the Convergence Hypothesis: What the Long-Run Data Show, p. 772
Seung-Wook Kim, Price a. Fishback, Institutional Change, Compensating Differentials, and Accident Risk in American Railroading, 1892-1945, p. 796
Wayne A. Lewchuk, Men and Monotony: Fraternalism as a Managerial Strategy at the Ford Motor Company, p. 824
David C. Wheelock, Government Policy and Banking Market Structure in the 1920s, p. 857
William M. Emmons III, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Electric Utilities, and the Power of Competition, p. 880

Clifford Thies, Daniel Gerlowski, Bank Capital and Bank Failure, 1921-1932: Testing the White Hypothesis, p. 908

George R. Boyer, England’s Two Agricultural Revolutions, p. 915

Editors’ Notes, p. 924
Reviews of Books, p. 929

a. LIII, 1993, 3

Ann M. Carlos, Frank D. Lewis, Indians, the Beaver, and the Bay: The Economics of Depletion in the Lands of the Hudson’s Bay Company, 1700-1763, p. 465
Jenny Bourne Wahl, The Bondsman’s Burden: An Economic Analysis of the Jurisprudence of Slaves and Common Carriers, p. 495
Lee A. Craig, Thomas Weiss, Agricultural Productivity Growth During the Decade of the Civil War, p. 527
Peter Rappoport, Eugene White, Was There a Bubble in the 1929 Stock Market?, p. 549
Timothy J. Hatton, Jeffrey G. Williamson, After the Famine: Emigration from Ireland, 1850-1913, p. 575
Susan Wolcott, Keynes Versus Churchill: Revaluation and British Unemployment in the 1920s, p. 601
Mitsuhiko Kimura, Standards of Living in Colonial Korea: Did the Masses Become Worse Off or Better Off Under Japanese Rule?, p. 629

Sumner J. La Croix, Christopher Grandy, Financial Integration in Antebellum America: Strengthening Bodenhorn’s Results, p. 653

Editors’ Notes, p. 659
Reviews of Books, p. 660

a. LIII, 1993, 2


Moses Abramovitz (Presidential Address), The Search far the Sources of Growth: Areas of Ignorance, Old and New, p. 217
Sue Bowden, Paul Turner, The Demand far Consumer Durables in the United Kingdom in the Interwar Period, p. 244
David R. Weir, Parental Consumption Decisions and Child Health During the Early French Fertility Decline, 1790-1914, p. 259
Nancy Folbre, Barnet Wagman, Counting Housework: New Estimates of Real Product in the United States, 1800-1860, p. 275
B. Zorina Khan, Kenneth L. Sokoloff, « Schemes of Practical Utility »: Entrepreneurship and Innovation Among « Great Inventors » in the United States, 1790-1865, p. 289
Eleanor Von Ende, Thomas Weiss, Consumption of Farm Output and Economic Growth in the Old Northwest, 1800-1860, p. 308
Metin M. Cosgel, Religious Culture and Economic Performance: Agricultural Productivity of the Amish, 1850-80, p. 319
Mary Eschelbach Gregson, Rural Response to Increased Demand: Crop Choice in the Midwest, 1860-1880, p. 332
Kris Inwood, Phyllis Wagg, The Survival of Handloom Weaving in Rural Canada Circa 1870, p. 346
Christopher Grandy, Original Intent and the Sherman Antitrust Act: A Re-examination of the Consumer-Welfare Hypothesis, p. 359
Joan Nix, David Gabel, AT&T’s Strategic Response to Competition: Why Not Preempt Entry?, p. 377

Joseph P. Ferrie, « We Are Yankeys Now »: The Economic Mobility of Two Thousand Antebellum Immigrants to the United States, p. 388
Andrew R. Rutten, The Supreme Court and the Search far an Economic Constitution, 1870-1990, p. 391
Margaret C. Levenstein, Information Systems and Internal Organization: A Study of the Dow Chemical Company, 1890-1914, p. 393
Alan Dye, Tropical Technology and Mass Production: The Expansion of Cuban Sugar Mills, 1899-1929, p. 396
Paul Huck, Infant Mortality and the Standard of Living During the British Industrial Revolution, p. 399
Pierre Sicsic, Labor Markets and Establishment Size in Nineteenth-Century France, p. 401
Kenneth L. Sokoloff, Gregory Clark, Discussion, p. 404

Editors’ Notes, p. 411
Reviews of Books, p. 415

a. LIII, 1993, 1

Moshe Buchinsky, Ben Polak, The Emergence of a National Capital Market in England, 1710-1880, p. 1
Stefan E. Oppers, The Interest Rate Effect of Dutch Money in Eighteenth-Century Britain, p. 25
Nathan Sussman, Debasements, Royal Revenues, and Inflation in France During the Hundred Years’ War, 1415-1422, p. 44
Arthur Van Riel, Arthur Schram, Weimar Economic Decline, Nazi Economic Recovery, and the Stabilization of Political Dictatorship, p. 71
John Majewski, Christopher Baer, Daniel B. Klein, Responding to Relative Decline: The Plank Road Boom of Antebellum New York, p. 106
Lee A. Craig, Robert M. Fearn, Wage Discrimination and Occupational Crowding in a Competitive Industry: Evidence from the American Whaling Industry, p. 123

Scott Sumner, Colonial Currency and the Quantity Theory of Money: A Critique of Smith’s Interpretation, p. 139
Douglas A. Irwin, Free Trade and Protection in Nineteenth-Century Britain and France Revisited: A Comment on Nye, p. 146
John Vincent Nye, Reply to Irwin on Free Trade, p. 153

Editors’ Notes, p. 159
Reviews of Books, p. 163

a. LII, 1992, 4

Christina D. Romer, What Ended the Great Depression?, p. 757
Alexander James Field, Uncontrolled Land Development and the Duration of the Depression in the United States, p. 785
David C. Wheelock, Regulation and Bank Failures: New Evidence from the Agricultural Collapse of the 1920s, p. 806
Price a. Fishback, Shawn Everett Kantor, « Square Deal » or Raw Deal? Market Compensation for Workplace Disamenities, 1884-1903, p. 826
Sara Horrell, Jane Humphries, Old Questions, New Data, and Alternative Perspectives: Families’ Living Standards in the Industrial Revolution, p. 849
Trevor Griffiths, Philip A. Hunt, Patrick K. O’Brien, Inventive Activity in the British Textile Industry, 1700-1800, p. 881
Alan M. Taylor, External Dependence, Demographic Burdens, and Argentine Economic Decline After the « Belle Époque », p. 907

Editors’ Notes, p. 937
Reviews of Books, p. 939

a. LII, 1992, 3

S. Broadberry, F. R. Crafts, Britain’s Productivity Gap in the 1930s: Some Neglected Factors, p. 531
C. Knick Harley, International Competitiveness of the Antebellum American Cotton Textile Industry, p. 559
Howard Bodenhorn, Capital Mobility and Financial Integration in Antebellum America, p. 585
Jon Moen, Ellis W. Tallman, The Bank Panic of 1907: The Role of Trust Companies, p. 611
Mark Toma, Interest Rate Controls: The United States in the 1940s, p. 631
Timothy W. Guinnane, Age at Leaving Home in Rural Ireland, 1901-1911, p. 651
Pierre Sicsic, City-Farm Wage Gaps in Late Nineteenth-Century France, p. 675

Richard K. Vedder, Lowell Gallaway, Racial Differences in Unemployment in the United States, 1890-1990, p. 696

Editors’ Notes, p. 703
Reviews of Books, p. 706

a. LII, 1992, 2


Lois Green Carr (Presidential Address), Emigration and the Standard of Living: The Seventeenth Century Chesapeake, p. 271
Philip T. Hoffman, Gilles Postel-Vinay, Jean-Laurent Rosenthal, Private Credit Markets in Paris, 1690-1840, p. 293
J. Bradford De Long, Productivity Growth and Machinery Investment: A Long-Run Look, 1870-1980, p. 307
Joel Mokyr, Technological Inertia in Economic History, p. 325
John C. Brown, Market Organization, Protection, and Vertical Integration: German Cotton Textiles before 1914, p. 339
Alfredo G. Esposto, Italian Industrialization and the Gerschenkronian « Great Spurt »: A Regional Analysis, p. 353
Farley Grubb, Educational Choice in the Era Before Free Public Schooling: Evidence from German Immigrant Children in Pennsylvania, 1771-1817, p. 363
Raymond L. Cohn, The Occupations of English Immigrants to the United States, 1836-1853, p. 377
William H. Phillips, Patent Growth in the Old Dominion: The Impact of Railroad Integration before 1880, p. 389
Alexander James Field, The Magnetic Telegraph, Price and Quantity Data, and the New Management of Capital, p. 401
William A. Sundstrom, Last Hired, First Fired? Unemployment and Urban Black Workers During the Great Depression, p. 415
Sherrie A. Kossoudji, Laura J. Dresser, Working Class Rosies: Women Industrial Workers during World War II, p. 431

Anne McCants, The Role of the Charitable Institution in the Early Modern Dutch Economy: The Case of the Amsterdam Burgerweeshuis, p. 447
Douglas J. Puffert, The Economics of Spatial Network Externalities and the Dynamics of Railway Gauge Standardization, p. 449
Nathan Sussman, Mints and Debasements: Monetary Policy in France During the Second Phase of the Hundred Years’ War: 1400-1425, p. 452
Christopher Hanes, The Development of Nominal Wage Rigidity in Nineteenth-Century America, p. 454
Shawn Everett Kantor, Property Rights and the Dynamics of Institutional Change: The Closing of the Georgia Open Range, 1870-1900, p. 456
Laura J. Owen, The Decline of Turnover of Manufacturing Workers: Case Study Evidence from the 1920s, p. 459
Eugene White, Robert A. Margo, Discussion, p. 464

Editors’ Notes, p. 469
Reviews of Books, p. 476

a. LII, 1992, 1

François R. Velde, David R. Weir, The Financial Market and Government Debt Policy in France, 1746-1793, p. 1
Robert Higgs, Wartime Prosperity? A Reassessment of the U.S. Economy in the 1940s, p. 41
Gregory Clark, The Economics of Exhaustion, the Postan Thesis, and the Agricultural Revolution, p. 61
Farley Grubb, Fatherless and Friendless: Factors Influencing the Flow of English Emigrant Servants, p. 85
Jonathan B. Pritchett, Herman Freudenberger, A Peculiar Sample: The Selection of Slaves for the New Orleans Market, p. 109
Jeremy Atack, Fred Bateman, How Long Was the Workday in 1880?, p. 129
Sanford M. Jacoby, Sunil Sharma, Employment Duration and Industrial Labor Mobility in the United States, 1880-1980, p. 161
Gordon Boyce, 64thers, Syndicates, and Stock Promotions: Information Flows and Fund-raising Techniques of British Shipowners Before 1914, p. 181

Donald R. Adams Jr., Prices and Wages in Antebellum America: The West Virginia Experience, p. 206

Editors’ Notes, p. 217
Reviews of Books, p. 220

a. LI, 1991, 4

Philip I. Hoffman, Land Rents and Agricultural Productivity: The Paris Basin, 1450-1789, p. 771
Charles W. Calomiris, Larry Schweikart, The Panic of 1857: Origins, Transmission, and Containment, p. 807
David F. Weiman, Peopling the Land by Lottery? The Market in Public Lands and the Regional Differentiation of Territory on the Georgia Frontier, p. 835
Shawn Everett Kantor, Razorbacks, Ticky Cows, and the Closing of the Georgia Open Range: The Dynamics of Institutional Change Uncovered, p. 861
Daniel Jacoby, The Transformation of Industrial Apprenticeship in the United States, p. 887
Edward H. Lorenz, An Evolutionary Explanation for Competitive Decline: The British Shipbuilding Industry, 1890-1970, p. 911
Stephen Nicholas, Richard H. Steckel, Heights and Living Standards of English Workers During the Early Years of Industrialization, 1770-1815, p. 937

William Parker, The Scale and Scope of Alfred D. Chandler, Jr., p. 958

Editors’ Notes, p. 964
Reviews of Books, p. 966

a. LI, 1991, 3

Naomi R. Lamoreaux, Bank Mergers in Late Nineteenth-Century New England: The Contingent Nature of Structural Change, p. 537
Stephen H. Haber, Industrial Concentration and the Capital Markets: A Comparative Study of Brazil, Mexico, and the United States, 1830-1930, p. 559
David W. Galenson, Economic Opportunity on the Urban Frontier: Nativity, Work, and Wealth in Early Chicago, p. 581
Timothy J. Hatton, Jeffrey G. Williamson, Unemployment, Employment Contracts, and Compensating Wage Differentials: Michigan in the 1890s, p. 605
Geert Bekaert, Caloric Consumption in Industrializing Belgium, p. 633
Donald O. Parsons, Male Retirement Behavior in the United States, 1930-1950, p. 657
J. Bradford De Long, Andrei Shleifer, The Stock Market Bubble of 1929: Evidence from Closed-end Mutual Funds, p. 675

Carol E. Heim, Philip Mirowski, Crowding Out: A Response to Black and Gilmore, p. 701

Editors’ Notes, p. 707
Reviews of Books, p. 709

a. LI, 1991, 2


Richard Sutch (Presidential Address), All Things Reconsidered: The Life-Cycle Perspective and the Third Task of Economic History, p. 271
Robert Whaples, A Quantitative History of the Journal of Economic History and the Cliometric Revolution, p. 289
Michael D. Bordo, Eugene White, A Tale of Two Currencies: British and French Finance During the Napoleonic Wars, p. 303
Timothy F. Bresnahan, Daniel M. G. Raff, Intra-Industry Heterogeneity and the Great Depression: The American Motor Vehicles Industry, 1929-1935, p. 317
Robert A. Margo, The Microeconomics of Depression Unemployment, p. 333
Donald McCloskey, The Prudent Peasant: New Findings on Open Fields, p. 343
Kevin O’Rourke, Burn Everything British but Their Coal: The Anglo-Irish Economic War of the 1930s, p. 357
Susan Wolcott, British Myopia and the Collapse of Indian Textile Demand, p. 367
Nancy Virts, The Efficiency of Southern Tenant Plantations, 1900-1945, p. 385
Elizabeth Hoffman, Gary D. Libecap, Institutional Choice and the Development of U.S. Agricultural Policies in the 1920s, p. 397
Timothy J. Hatton, Jeffrey G. Williamson, Integrated and Segmented Labor Markets: Thinking in Two Sectors, p. 413
Joshua L. Rosenbloom, Occupational Differences in Labor Market Integration: The United States in 1890, p. 427
Ricardo D. Salvatore, Modes of Labor Control in Cattle-Ranching Economies: California, Southern Brazil, and Argentina, 1820-1860, p. 441

William M. Emmons III, Private and Public Responses to Market Failure in the U.S. Electric Power Industry, 1882-1942, p. 452
Robert Whaples, The Shortening of the American Work Week: An Economic and Historical Analysis of Its Context, Causes, and Consequences, p. 454
Catharine Anne Wilson, Landlords, Tenants, and Immigrants: The Irish and the Canadian Experience, p. 457
Avner Greif, The Organization of Long-Distance Trade: Reputation and Coalitions in the Geniza Documents and Genoa During the Eleventh and Twelfth Centuries, p. 459
Terence McIntosh, Schwäbisch Hall, 1650-I750: Urban Social and Economic Life in Southwest Germany After the Thirty Years’ War, p. 462
Kevin O’Rourke, Agricultural Change and Rural Depopulation: Ireland, 1845-1876, p. 464
Susan B. Carter, David R. Weir, Discussion, p. 466

Editors’ Notes, p. 475
Reviews of Books, p. 480

a. LI, 1991, 1

Kevin O’Rourke, Did the Great Irish Famine Matter?, p. 1
John Vincent Nye, The Myth of Free-Trade Britain and Fortress France: Tariffs and Trade in the Nineteenth Century, p. 23
John J. Binder, David T. Brown, Bank Rates of Return and Entry Restrictions, 1869-1914, p. 47
Lee A. Craig, The Value of Household Labor in Antebellum Northern Agriculture, p. 67
Lee J. Alston, I. J. Hatton, The Earnings Gap Between Agricultural and Manufacturing Laborers, 1925-1941, p. 83
Sally Clarke, New Deal Regulation and the Revolution in American Farm Productivity: A Case Study of the Diffusion of the Tractor in the Corn Belt, 1920-1940, p. 101
Yuzo Murayama, Information and Emigrants: Interprefectural Differences of Japanese Emigration to the Pacific Northwest, 1880-1915, p. 125
Charles P. Kindleberger, The Economic Crisis of 1619 to 1623, p. 149

Jack A. Goldstone, Monetary Versus Velocity Interpretations of the « Price Revolution »: A Comment, p. 176
Philip R. P. Coelho, G. J. Santoni, Regulatory Capture and the Monetary Contraction of 1932: A Comment on Epstein and Ferguson, p. 182
Gerald Epstein, Thomas Ferguson, Answers to Stock Questions: Fed Targets, Stock Prices, and the Gold Standard in the Great Depression, p. 190

Editors’ Notes, p. 201
Reviews of Books, p. 207