The Journal of Economic History: The tasks of economic history DATINI

The Journal of Economic History

New York, Economic History Association
Quadrimestrale; dal 1951 Trimestrale
ISSN: 0022-0507
Conservata in: Università degli Studi di Firenze, Biblioteca di Scienze Sociali:

– Punto di servizio: Economia, Riv. Str. 0264
Consistenza: a. 1, 1941-

– Punto di servizio: Scienze Politiche, Riv. Str. 0330
Consistenza: 21(1961) -23(1963); 32(1972) –
Lacune: 1961-1963, 1978; 2005, 3, 4; 2006, 1;

Conservata in: Prato, Istituto culturale e di documentazione Lazzerini – Fondo Melis
Consistenza: n. 1, 1941: 5, 1945; 20/2, 1960; 21/3, 1961

[ 2030-2021 ] [ 2020-2011 ] [ 2010-2001 ] [ 2000-1991 ] [ 1990-1981 ] [ 1980-1971 ] [ 1970-1961 ] [ 1960-1951 ] [ 1950-1941 ]

copertina della rivista

a. LXX, 2010, 4

Kenneth A. Snowden, Covered Farm Mortgage Bonds in the United States During the Late Nineteenth Century, p. 783
Mauricio Drelichman, Hans-Joachim Voth, The Sustainable Debts of Philip II: A Reconstruction of Castile’s Fiscal Position, 1566-1596, p. 813
Jonathan D. Rose, Hoover’s Truce: Wage Rigidity in the Onset of the Great Depression, p. 843
Barry Eichengreen, Douglas A. Irwin, The Slide to Protectionism in the Great Depression: Who Succumbed and Why?, p. 871
Ryan Lampe, Petra Moser, Do Patent Pools Encourage Innovation? Evidence from the Nineteenth-Century Sewing Machine Industry, p. 898
Carsten Burhop, The Transfer of Patents in Imperial Germany, p. 921
David Eltis and Frank D. Lewis, Kimberly McIntyre, Accounting for the Traffic in Africans: Transport Costs on Slaving Voyages, p. 940
Jonathan A. Lanning, Productivity, Discrimination, and Lost Profits During Baseball’s Integration, p. 964

Editors’ Notes, p. 989

a. LXX, 2010, 3

Gary R. Saxonhouse, Gavin Wright, National Leadership and Competing Technological Paradigms: The Globalization of Cotton Spinning, 1878-1933, p. 535
Dora L. Costa, Pensions and Retirement Among Black Union Army Veterans, p. 567
K. Kivanç Karaman, Sevket Pamuk, Ottoman State Finances in European Perspective, 1500-1914, p. 593
Caroline Fohlin, Asymmetric Information, Market Power, and the Underpricing of New Stock Issues in Germany, 1882-1892, p. 630
Michael Huberman, Christopher M. Meissner, Riding the Wave of Trade: The Rise of Labor Regulation in the Golden Age of Globalization, p. 657
Ran Abramitzky, Zephyr Frank, Aprajit Mahajan, Risk, Incentives, and Contracts: Partnerships in Rio de Janeiro, 1870-1891, p. 686
Guillaume Daudin, Domestic Trade and Market Size in Late-Eighteenth-Century France, p. 716
Shih-tse Lo, Dhanoos Sutthiphisal, Crossover Inventions and Knowledge Diffusion of General Purpose Technologies: Evidence from the Electrical Technology, p. 744

Editors’ Notes, p. 765

a. LXX, 2010, 2

Richard H. Steckel, Inequality Amidst Nutritional Abundance: Native Americans on the Great Plains, p. 265
Sheilagh Ogilvie, Consumption, Social Capital, and the « Industrious Revolution » in Early Modern Germany, p. 287
Alexander J. Field, The Procyclical Behavior of total Factor Productivity in the United States, 1890-2004, p. 326
Tahir Andrabi, Michael Kuehlwein, Railways and Price Convergence in British India, p. 351
Fabio Sánchez, María del Pilar López-Uribe, Antonella Fazio, Land Conflicts, Property Rights, and the Rise of the Export Economy in Colombia, 1850-1925, p. 378
Stephen Broadberry, Carsten Burhop, Real Wages and Labor Productivity in Britain and Germany, 1871-1938: A Unified Approach to the International Comparison of Living Standards, p. 400
Neil Canaday, Charles Reback, Race, Literacy, and Real Estate Transactions in the Postbellum South, p. 428

Summaries of Doctoral Dissertations, p. 466
Abstracts of Papers Presented at the Annual Meeting, p. 482
Abstracts of Posters Presented at the Annual Meeting, p. 499
Editors Note, p. 504
Reviews of Books, p. 509

a. LXX, 2010, 1

Sun Go, Peter Lindert, The Uneven Rise of American Public Schools to 1850, p. 1
Kris James Mitchener, Masato Shizume, Marc D. Weidenmier, Why did Countries Adopt the Gold Standard? Lessons from Japan, p. 27
Tom Nicholas, The Role of Independent Invention in U.S. Technological Development, 1880-1930, p. 57
Elizabeth Brainerd, Reassessing the Standard of Living in the Soviet Union: An Analysis Using Archival and Anthropometric Data, p. 83
Farley Grubb, Testing for the Economic Impact of the U.S. Constitution: Purchasing Power Parity Across the Colonies versus Across the States, 1748-1811, p. 118
Sibylle H. Lehmann, The German Elections in the 1870s: Why Germany Turned from Liberalism to Protectionism, p. 146
Tirthankar Roy, Economic Conditions in Early Modern Bengal: A Contribution to the Divergence Debate, p. 179
Todd C. Neumann, Price V. Fishback, Shawn Kantor, The Dynamics of Relief Spending and the Private Urban Labor Market During the New Deal, p. 195
John R. Bowblis, The Decline in Infant Death Rates, 1878-1913: The Role of Early Sickness Insurance Programs, p. 221

Editors’ Notes, p. 233

a. LXIX, 2009, 4

Robert C. Allen, The Industrial Revolution in Miniature The Spinnig Jenny in Britain, France, and India, p. 901
Xavier Tafunell, Capital Formation in Machinery in Latin America, 1890-1930, p. 928
Rui Esteves, David Khoudour-Castéras, A Fantastic Rain of Gold: European Migrants’ Remittances and Balance of Payments Adjustment During the Gold Standard Period, p. 951
Charles Calomiris, Jonathan Pritchett, Preserving Slave in Families for Profit: Traders’ Incentives and Pricing in the New Orleans Slave Market, p. 986
Markus Lampe, Effects of Bilateralism and the MFN Clause on International Trade: Evidence for the Cobden-Chevalier Network, 1860-1875, p. 1012
Kenneth M. Sylvester, Ecological Frontiers on the Grasslands of Kansas: Changes in Farm Scale and Crop Diversity, p. 1041
Leandro Prados de la Escosura, Joan R. Rosés, The Sources ot Long-Run Grouth in Spain, 1850-2000, p. 1063
Dror Goldberg, The Massachusetts Paper Money of 1690, p. 1092
Graeme G. Acheson, Charles R. Hickson, John D. Turner, Quing Ye, Rule Britannia! British Stock Market Returns, 1825-1870, p. 1107

Myung Soo Cha, Productivity Trend in Korea from the Seventeenth to Nineteenth Century: A Comment on Jun, Lewis, and Kang, p. 1308
Jun Seong Ho, James B. Lewis, Kang Han-Rog, Stability or Decline? Demand or Supply?, p. 1144

Editors’ Notes, p. 1152
Review of Books, p. 1156

a. LXIX, 2009, 3

Eric Hilt, Katharine O’Banion, The Limited Partnership in New York, 1822-1858: Partnerships Withoutout Kinship, p. 615
Marc Flandreau, Juan H. Flores, Bonds and Brands: Foundations of Sovereign Debt Markets, 1820-1830, p. 646
Fabian Lange, Alan L. Olmstead, Paul W. Rhode, The Impact of the Boll Weevil, 1892-1932, p. 685
Alexander Moradi, Towards an Objective Account of Nutrition and Health in Colonial Kenya: A Study of Stature in African Army Recruits and Civilians, 1880-1980, p. 719
Leah Platt Boustan, Competition in the Promised Land: Black Migration and Racial Wage Convergence in the North, 1940-1970, p. 755
Brian A’hearn, Jörg Baten, Dorothee Crayen, Quantifying Quantitative Literacy: Age Heaping and the History of Human Capital, p. 783
Eliana Balla, Noel D. Johnson, Fiscal Crisis and Institutional Change in the Ottoman Empire and France, p. 809
Nikolaus Wolf, Was Germany Ever United? Evidence from Intra- and International Trade, 1885-1933, p. 846

Reviews of Books, p. 882

a. LXIX, 2009, 2

Alan L. Olmstead, The First Line of Defense: Inventing the Infrastructure to Combat Animal Diseases, p. 327
Catalina Vizcarra, Guano, Credible Commitments, and Sovereign Debt Repayment in Nineteenth-Century Perú, p. p. 358
Trevon D. Logan, The Transformation of Hunger: The Demand for Calories Past and Present, p. 388
Eltjo Buringh, Jan Luiten Van Zanden, Charting the « Rise of the West »: Manuscripts and Printed Books in Europe, A Long-Term Perspective from the Sixth through Eighteenth Centuries, p. 409
Gary Richardson, Patrick Van Horn, Intensified Regulatory Scrutiny and Bank Distress in New York City During the Great Depression, p. 446
Alvaro S. Pereira, The Opportunity of a Disaster: The Economic Impact of the 1755 Lisbon Earthquake, p. 466
Carsten Burhop, Thorsten Lübbers, Cartels, Managerial Incentives, and Productive Efficiency in German Coal Mining, 1881-1913, p. 500

Brace W. Hetherington, Peter J. Kower, A Reexamination of Lebergott’s Paradox About Blockade Running During the American Civil War, p. 528

Summaries of Doctoral Dissertations, p. 533
Abstracts of Papers Presented at the Annual Meeting, p. 569
Abstracts of Posters Presented at the Annual Meeting, p. 587
Editors Note, p. 593
Reviews of Books, p. 598

a. LXIX, 2009, 1

Valerie A. Ramey, Time Spent in Home Production in the Twentieth-Century United States: New Estimates from Old Data, p. 1
Mark Dincecco, Fiscal Centralization, Limited Government, and Public Revenues in Europe, 1650-1913, p. 48
Lee J. Alstom, Shannan Mattiace, Tomas Nonnenmacher, Coercion, Culture, and Contracts: Labor and Debt on Henequen Haciendas in Yucatán, Mexico, 1870- 1915, p. 104
Kris James Mitchener, Mari Ohnuki, Institutions, Competition, and Capital Market Integration in Japan, p. 138
Christiana Stoddard, Why did Education Become Publicly Funded? Evidence from the Nineteenth-Century Growth of Public Primary Schooling in the United States, p. 172
Dan Bogart, Nationalizations and the Development of Transport Systems: Cross-Country Evidence from Railroad Networks, 1860-1912, p. 202
James I. Stewart, Economic Opportunity or Hardskip? The Causes of Geographic Mobility on the Agricultural Frontier, 1860-1880, p. 238
Latika Chaudhary, Determinants of Primary Schooling in British India, p. 269

Editors Note, p. 303
Reviews of Books, p. 312

a. LXVIII, 2008, 4

Gary King, Ori Rosen, Martin Tanner, Alexander F. Wagner, Ordinary Economic Voting Behavior in the Extraordinary Election of Adolf Hitler, p. 951 Karen Clay, Randall Jones, Migrating to Riches? Evidence from the California Gold Rush, p. 997
C. Knick Harley, Steers Afloat: The North Atlantic Meat Trade, Liner Predominance, and Freight Rates, 1870-1913, p. 1028
John L. Neufeld, Corruption, Quasi-Rents, and the Regulation of Electric Utilities, p. 1059
Luciano Pezzolo, Giuseppe Tattara, « Una fiera senza luogo »: Was Bisenzone an International Capital Market in Sixteenth-Century Italy?, p. 1098
Alan L. Olmstead, Paul W. Rhode, Biological Innovation and Productivity Growth in the Antebellum Cotton Economy, p. 1123

Burton A. Abrams, Jing Li, James G. Mulligan, Did Corliss Steam Engines Fuel Urban Growth in the Late Nineteenth Century? Less Sanguine Results, p. 1172

Editors Note, p. 1177
Reviews of Books, p. 1180

a. LXVIII, 2008, 3

Eric Hilt, When did Ownership Separate from Control? Corporate Governance in the Early Nineteenth Century, p. 645
Noel Maurer, Carlos Yu, What T. R. Took: The Economie Impact of the Panama Canal, 1903-1937, p. 686
Scott Mixon, The Crisis of 1873: Perspectives from Multiple Asset Classes, p. 722-757
Rafael Dobado González, Aurora Gómez Galvarriato, Jeffrey G. Williamson, Mexican Exceptionalism: Globalization and De-Industrialization, 1750, p. 758
Scott Alan Carson, The Effect of Geography and Vitamin D on African American Stature in the Nineteenth Century: Evidence from Prison Records, p. 812
Patrick Wallis, Apprenticeship and Training in Premodern England, p. 832
Chulhee Lee, Health, Information, and Migration: Geographic Mobility of Union Army Veterans, 1860-1880, p. 862
Boris Mironov, Brian A’Hearn, Russian Living Standards under the Tsars: Anthropometric Evidence from the Volga, p. 900
Stephen Broadberry, arsten Burhop, Resolving the Anglo-German Industriai Productivity Puzzle, 1895-1935: A Response to Professor Ritschl, p. 930

Review of books, 935

a. LXVIII, 2008, 2

Paul M. Hohenberg, Toward a More Useful Economie History, p. 339
Debin Ma, Economie Growth in the Lower Yangzi Region of China in 1911-1937: A Quantitative and Historical Analysis, p. 355
Roman Studer, India and the Great Divergence: Assessing the Efficiency of Grain Markets in Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century India, p. 393
Ta-Chen Wang, Banks, Credit Markets, and Early American Development: A Case Study of Entry and Competition, p. 438
Kris James Mitchener, Marc D. Weidenmier, The Baring Crisis and the Great Latin American Meltdown of the 1890s, p. 462
J. Peter Ferderer, Advances in Communication Technology and Growth of the American Over-the-Counter Markets, 1876-1929, p. 501
Albrecht Ritschl, The Anglo-German Industriai Productivity Puzzle, 1895-1935: A Restatement and a Possible Resolution, p. 535

Rui Pedro Esteves, The Institutional Foundations of the International Capital Market Before 1914, p. 566
Steven Nafziger, Communal Institutions, Resource Allocation, and Russian Economie Development: 1861-1905, p. 570
Jared Rubin, The Lender’s Curse: A New Look at the Origin and Persistence of Interest Bans in Islam and Christianity, p. 575
Mark W. Geiger, Missouri’s Hidden Civil War: Financial Conspiracy and the End of the Planter Elite, 1861-1865, p. 579
Scott P. Marler, Merchants and the Politicai Economy of Nineteenth-Century Louisiana: New Orleans and Its Hinterlands, p. 584
Todd C. Neumann, Automobiles, the Mass Market, and the Retail Revolution of the Early Twentieth Century: A Structural Analysis of Changes in American Retail Institutions, Market Power, and Labor Demand, p. 591
Joyce Burentte, Comments on Esteves, Nafziger, and Rubin, p. 594
Carolyn M. Moehling, Comments on Geiger, Marler, and Neumann, p. 599

Abstracts of Papers Presented at the Annual Meeting, p. 603
Editors’ notes, p. 621
Reviews of books, p. 626

a. LXVIII, 2008, 1

Filippo Occhino, Kim Oosterlinck, Eugene N. White, How Much Can a Victor Force the Vanquished to Pay? France under the Nazi Boot, p. 1
Leslie Hannah, Logistics, Market Size, and Giant Plants in the Early Twentieth Century: A Global View, p. 46
Aldo Musacchio, Can Civil Law Countries Get Good Institutions? Lessons from the History of Creditor Rights and Bond Markets in Brazil, p. 80
Mark Guglielmo, The Contribution of Economists to Military Intelligence During World War II, p. 109
Kirsten Wandschneider, The Stability of the Interwar Gold Exchange Standard: Did Politics Matter?, p. 151
Robert c. Allen, The Nitrogen Hypothesis and the English Agricultural Revolution: A Biological Analysis, p. 182
David Khoudour-Castéras, Welfare State and Labor Mobility: The Impact of Bismarck’s Social Legislation on German Emigration before World War I, p. 211
Jun Seong Ho, James B. Lewis, Kang Han-Rog, Korean Expansion and Decline from the Seventeenth to the Nineteenth Century: A View Suggested by Adam Smith, p. 244

Farley Grubb, The Continental Dollar: How Much Was Really Issued?, p. 283

Editors’ notes, p. 292
Reviews of books, p. 300

a. LXVII, 2007, 4

Jac C. Heckelman, Keith L. Dougherty, An Economic Interpretation of the Constitutional Convention of 1787 Revisited, p. 829
William J. Collins, Robert A. Margo, The Economic Aftermath of the 1960s Riots in American Cities: Evidence from Property Values, p. 849
Mark Aldrich, Running Out of Steam: Federal Inspection and Locomotive Safety, 1912-1940, p. 884
Robert H. Bates, John H. Coatsworth, Jeffrey G. Williamson, Lost Decades: Postindependence Performance in Latin America and Africa, p. 917
Daniel K. Benjamin, Anca Tifrea, Learning by Dying: Combat Performance in the Age of Sail, p. 968
Sok Chul Hong, The Burden of Early Exposure to Malaria in the United States, 1850-1860: Malnutrition and Immune Disorders, p. 1001
Ryan M. Geraghty, The Impact of Globalization in the Roman Empire, 200 BC – AD 100, p. 1036

a. LXVII, 2007, 3

Noel Maurer, Stephen Haber, Related Lending and Economic Performance: Evidence from Mexico, p. 551
Douglas A. Irwin, Tariff Incidence in America’s Gilded Age, p. 582
Mauricio Drelichman, Sons of Something: Taxes, Lawsuits, and Pollitical Control in Sixteenth-Century Castile, p. 608
Gary Richardson, The Check is in the Mail: Correspondentn Clearing and the Collapse of the Banking System, 1930 to 1933, p. 643
Martin Ivanov, Adam tooze, Convergence or Decline on Europe’s Southeastern Periphery? Agriculture, Population, and GNP in Bulgaria, 1892-1945, p. 672
Lance E. Davis, Larry Neal, Eugene White, The Highest Price Ever: The Great NYSE Seat Sale of 1928-1929 and Capacity Constraints, p. 705
Oscar Calvo-Gonzalez, American Military Interests and Economic Confidence in Spain under the Franco Dictatorship, p. 740
Alan L. Olmstead, Paul W. Rhode, Not on My Farm! Resistance to Bovine Tuberculosis Eradication in the United States, p. 768

Jean-Laurent Rosenthal, Steve Haber, Naomi Lamoreaux, Dora Costa, Latika Chaudhary, Petra Moser, Eric Zolt, In Memoriam: Ken Sokoloff, p. 810
Reviews of Books, p. 813

a. LXVII, 2007, 2

Gary D. Libecap (Presidential Address), The Assignment of Property Rights on the Western Frontier: Lesson for Contemporary Environmental and Resoruce Policy, p. 257
Eric Hilt, Investment and Diversification in the American Whaling Industry, p. 292
Stephen Broadberry, Carsten Burhop, Comparative Productivity in British and German Manufacturing Before World War II: Reconciling Direct Benchmark Estimates and Time Series Projections, p. 315
Rainer Fremdling, Herman de Jong, Marcel P. Timmer, British and German Manufacturing Productivity Compared: A New Benchmark for 1935-36 Based on Double Deflated Value Added, p. 350
Christopher Kingston, Marine Insurance in Britain and America, 1720-1844: A Comparative Institutional Analysis, p. 379
William A. Sundstrom, The Geography of Wage Discrimination in the Pre-Civil Rights South, p. 410
Brooks A. Kaiser, The Athenian Trierarchy: Mechanism Design for the Private Provision of Public Goods, p. 445

Patrick O’Brien, In Memoriam: Stephan (Larry) Epstein, p. 481

Summaries of doctoral dissertation, p. 484
Abstracts of papers presented at the annual meeting, p. 516
Abstracts of posters presented at the annual meeting, p. 530
Editors’ Notes, p. 535
Reviews of books, p. 535

a. LXVII, 2007, 1

Ian Keay, The Engine or the Caboose? Resource Industries and Twentieth-Century Canadian Economic Performance, p. 1
Gregg Huff, Giovanni Caggiano, Globalization, Immigration, and Lewisian Elastic Labor in Pro-World War II Southeast Asia, p. 33
Randy McFerrin, Douglas Wills, High Noon on the Western Range: A Property Rights Analysis of the Johnson County War, p. 69
Renato P. Colistete, Productivity, Wages, and Labor Politics in Brazil, 1945-1962, p. 93
William D. Nordhaus, Two Centuries of Productivity Growth in Computing, p. 128
Simon J. Hogerzeil, David Richardson, Slave Purchasing Strategies and Shipboard Morality: Day-to-Day Evidence from the Dutch African Trade, 1751-1797, p. 160
Marco Casari, Emergence of Endogenous Legal Institution: Property Rights and Community, Governance in the Italian Alps, p. 191

Editors’ notes, p. 227
Reviews of books, p. 236

a. LXVI, 2006, 4

Alfonso Herranz-Loncán, Railroad Impact in Backward Economies: Spain, 1850-1913, p. 853
Ran Abramitzky, Fabio Braggion, Migration and Human Capital: Self Selection of Indentured Servant to the Americas, p. 882
Nathan Sussman, Yishay Yafeh, Institutional Reforms, Financial development and Sovereign Debt: Britain 1690-1790, p. 906
Dora L. Costa, Matthew E. Kahn, Forging a New Identity: The Costs and Benefits of Diversity in Civil War Combat units for Black Slaves and Freemen, p. 936
Noel D. Johnson, Banking on the King: The Evolution of the Royal Revenue Farms in Old Regime France, p. 963
Dhanoos Sutthiphisal, Learning-by-Producing and the Geographic Links Between Invention and Production: Experience from the Second Industrial Revolution, p. 992
Jason Long, The Socioeconomic Return to Primary Schooling in Victorian England, p. 1026

David Eltis, Frank D. Lewis, David Richardson, Slave Prices, the African Slave Trade, and Productivity in Eighteenth-Century South Carolina: A Reassessment, p. 1054
Peter C. Mancall, Joshua L. Rosenbloom, Thomas Weiss, Slave Prices, the African Slave Trade, and Productivity in Eighteenth-Century South Carolina: A Reply, p. 1066

a. LXVI, 2006, 3

Jane Knodell, Rethinking the Jacksonian Economy: The Impact of the 1832 Bank Veto on Commercial Banking, p. 541
Nicholas Craft, Abay Mulatu, How did the Location of Industry Respond to Falling Transport Costs in Britain Before World War I?, p. 575
Anne Kelly Knowles, Richard G. Healey, Geography, timing and Technology: A GIS-Based Analysis of Pennsylvania’s Iron Industry, 1825-1875, p. 608
Timothy Leunig, Time is money: A Re-Assessment of the Pasenger Social Saving from Victorian British Railways, p. 635
Lee J. Alston, Jeffery A. Jenkins, Tomas Nonnenmacher, Who Should Govern Congress? Access to Power and the Salary Grab of 1873, p. 674
Gregory Clark, Gillian Hamilton, Survival of the Richest: The Malthusian Mechanism in Pre-Industrial England, p. 707
Martha J. Bailey, William J. Collins, The Wage Gains of African-American Women in the 1940s, p. 737
Nicholas H. Dimsdale, Nicholas Horsewood, Arthur van Riel, Unemployment in Interwar Germany: An Analysis of the Labor Market, 1927-1936, p. 778
Sevket Pamuk, Estimating Economic Growth in the Middle East since 1820, p. 809

Reviews of books, p. 829

a. LXVI, 2006, 2

Roger L. Ransom (Presidential Address), War and Cliometrics: Adventures in Economie History, p. 271
Niall Ferguson, Moritz Schularick, The Empire Effect: The Determinants of Country Risk in the First Age of Globalization, 1880-1913, p. 283
Trevon D. Logan, Nutrition and Well-Being in the Late Nineteenth Century, p. 313
Christopher Hoag, The Atlantic Telegraph Cable and Capital Market Information Flows, p. 342
Dinah Duffy Martini, Eugene Silberberg, The Diffusion ofTractor Technology, p. 354 Christoph Buchhem and Jonas Scherner, The Role of Private Property in the Nazi Economy: The Case of Industry, p. 390
Thomas F. Cargill, Thomas Mayer, The Effect of Changes in Reserve Requirements During the 1930s: The Evidence from Nonmember Banks, p. 417
Warren E. Weber, Early State Banks in the United States: How Many Were There and When Did They Exist?, p. 433

Thomas A. Garrett, David C. Wheelock, Why Did Income Growth Vary Across States During the Great Depression?, p. 456

Summaries of doctoral dissertations, p. 467
Abstracts of papers presented at the annual meeting, p. 503
Abstracts of posters presented at the annual meeting, p. 516
Editors’ notes, p. 519
Reviews of books, p. 525

a. LXVI, 2006, 1

Mark Harrison, Byung-Yeon Kim, Plans, Prices, and Corruption: The Soviet Firm Under Partial Centralization, 1930 to 1990, p. 1
Leslie Hannah, The Whig Fable of American Tobacco, 1895-1913, p. 42
Liam Brunt, Rediscovering Risk: Country Banks as Venture Capital Firms in the First Industriai Revolution, p. 74
Joseph H. Davis, An Improved Annual Chronology of U.S. Business Cycles since the 1790s, p. 103
Oliver Volckart, Nikolaus Wolf, Estimating Financial Integration in the Middle Ages: What Can We Learn from a TAR Model?, p. 122
Chang-Tai Hsieh, Christina D. Romer, Was the Federal Reserve Constrained by the Gold Standard During the Great Depression? Evidence from the 1932 Open Market Purchase Program, p. 140
Gary B. Magee, Andrew S. Thompson, The Global and Local: Explaining Migrant Remittance Flows in the English-Speaking World, 1880-1914, p. 177
Alexander J. Field, Technological Change and U.S. Productivity Growth in the Interwar Years, p. 203

Editors’ notes, p. 237
Reviews of books, p. 245

a. LXV, 2005, 4

Stanley L. Engerman, Kenneth L. Sokoloff, The Evolution of Suffrage Institutions in the New World, p. 891
Maristella Botticini, Zvi Eckstein, Jewish Occupational Selection: Education, Restrictions, or Minorities?, p. 922
Giovanni Federico, Not Guilty? Agriculture in the 1920s and the Great Depression, p. 949
Marc Flandreau, Clemens Jobst, The Ties that Divide: A Network Analysis of the International Monetary System, 1890-1910, p. 977
Shawn Cole, Capitalism and Freedom: Manumissions and the Slave Market in Louisiana, 1725-1820, p. 1008
Mary Beth Combs, A Measure of « Legal Independence »: The 1870 Married Women’s Property Act and the Portfolio Allocations of British Wives, p. 1028
Lee J. Alston, Joseph P. Ferrie, Time on the Ladder: Career Mobility in Agriculture, 1890-1938, p. 1058
Tetsuji Okazaki, Michiru Sawada, Kazuki Yokoyama, Measuring the Extent and Implications of Director Interlocking in the Prewar Japanese Banking Industry, p. pp 1082
Louis P. Cain, David D. Haddock, Similar Economic Histories, Different Industriai Structures: Transatlantic Contrasts in the Evolution of Professional Sports Leagues, p. 1116

Editors’ notes, p. 1148
Reviews of books, p. 1151

a. LXV, 2005, 3

Carsten Burhop, Guntram B. Wolff, A Compromise Estimate of German Net National Product, 1851-1913, and its Implications for Growth and Business Cycles, p. 613
Kris James Mitchener, Marc Weidenmier, Empire, Public Goods, and the Roosevelt Corollary, p. 658
Scott Wallsten, Returning to Victorian Competition, Ownership, and Regulation: An Empirical Study of European Telecommunications at the Turn of the Twentieth Century, p. 693
Marc T. Law, Sukkoo Kim, Specialization and Regulation: The Rise of Professionals and the Emergence of Occupational Licensing Regulation, p. 723
Elisabeth Huybens, Astrid Luce Jordan, Sangeeta Pratap, Financial Market Discipline in Early-Twentieth-Century Mexico, p. 757
Mark Kanazawa, Immigration, Exclusion, and Taxation: Anti-Chinese Legislation in Gold Rush California, p. 779
Metin M. Cosgel, Thomas J. Miceli, Risk, Transaction Costs, and Tax Assignment: Government Finance in the Ottoman Empire, p. 806
Alan Green, Mary Mackinnon, Chris Minns, Conspicuous by their Absence: French Canadians and the Settlement of the Canadian West, p. 822

Notes and discussion
Solomos Solomou, Dimitris Vartis, Effective Exchange Rates in Britain, 1920-1930, p. 850

Editors’ notes, p. 860
Reviews of books, p. 861

a. LXV, 2005, 2

Joel Mokyr, The Intellectual Origins of Modern Economic Growth, p. 285
Chulhee Lee, Wealth Accumulation and the Health of Union Army Veterans, 1860-1870, p. 352
Gary Richardson, The Prudent Village: Risk Pooling Institutions in Medieval English Agriculture, p. 386
Carolyn M. Moehling, « She Has Suddenly Become Powerful »: Youth Employment and Household Decision Making in the Early Twentieth Century, p. 414
Dan Bogart, Did Turnpike Trusts Increase Trasportation Investment in Eighteenth-Century England?, p. 439
Raimond L. Cohn, The Transition from Sail to Steam in Immigration to the United States, p. 469
Sainthi Hejeebu, Contract Enforcement in the English East India Company, p. 496

Summaries of doctoral dissertations, p. 524
Abstracts of papers presented at the annual meeting, p. 550
Abstracts of posters presented at the annual meeting, p. 566
Editors’ Notes, p. 572
Reviews of Books, p. 577

a. LXV, 2005, 1

Jason Long, Rural-Urban Migration and Socioeconomic Mobility in Victorian Britain, p. 1
Price V. Fishback, William C. Horrace, Shawn Kantor, Did New Deal Grant Programs Stimulate Local Economies? A Study of Federal Grants and Retail Sales During the Great Depression, p. 36
William R. Summerhill, Big Social Savings in a Small Laggard Economy: Railroad-Led Growth in Brazil, p. 72
Rafael Dobado, Gustavo A. Marrero, Corn Market Integration in Porfirian Mexico, p. 103
Daniel C. Giedeman, Branch Banking Restrictions and Finance Constraints in Early-Twentieth-Century America, p. 129
Kris James Mitchener, Bank Supervision, Regulation, and Instability During the Great Depression, p. 152
Jeremy Baskes, Colonial Institutions and Cross-Cultural Trade: Repartimiento Credit and Indigenous Production of Cochineal in Eighteenth-Century Oaxaca, Mexico, p. 186
John Joseph Wallis, Constitutions, Corporations, and Corruption: American States and Constitutional Change, 1842 to 1852, p. 211

Editors’ Notes, p. 257
Reviews of Books, p. 265

a. LXIV, 2004, 4

Alan L. Olmstead, Paul W. Rhode, The « Tuberculous Cattle Trust »: Disease Contagion in an Era of Regulatory Uncertainty, p. 929
Michael Huberman, Working Hours of the World Unite? New International Evidence of Worktime, 1870-1913, p. 964
Kerry A. Odell, Marc D. Weidenmier, Real Shock, Monetary Aftershock: The 1906 San Francisco Earthquake and the Panic of 1907, p. 1002
Jan Luiten Van Zanden, On the Efficiency of Markets, for Agricultural Products: Rice Prices and Capital Markets in Java, 1823-1853, p. 1028
Dora L. Costa, Race and Pregnancy Outcomes in the Twentieth Century: A Long-Term Comparison, p. 1056
Noel Maurer, Andrei Gomberg, When the State in Untrustworthy: Public Finance and Private Banking in Porfirian Mexico, p. 1087
Marshall Gramm, Phil Gramm, The Free Silver Movement in America: A Reinterpretation, p. 1108

Editors’ Notes, p. 1130
Reviews of Books, p. 1133

a. LXIV, 2004, 3

Oscar Gelderblom, Joost Jonker, Completing a Financial Revolution: The Finance of the Dutch East India Trade and the Rise of the Amsterdam Capital Market, 1595-1612, p. 641
Alan Dye, Richard Sicotte, The U.S. Sugar Program and the Cuban Revolution, p. 673
Peter Temin, Financial Intermediation in the Early Roman Empire, p. 705
Alan L. Olmstead, Paul W. Rhode, An Impossible Undertaking: The Eradication of Bovine Tuberculosis in the United States, p. 734
John E. Murray, Family, Literacy, and Skill Training in the Antebellum South: Historical-Longitudinal Evidence from Charleston, p. 773
Douglas A. Irwin, The Aftermath of Hamilton’s « Report on Manufactures », p. 800
Isabel Schnabel, The German Twin Crisis of 1931, p. 822

Notas and discussion, p. 872
Editors’ notes, p. 892
Reviews of Books, p. 893

a. LXIV, 2004, 2

Thomas Weiss, Tourism in America Before World War II, p. 289
Antoine Parent, Christophe Rault, The Influences Affecting French Assets Abroad Priorto 1914, p. 328
Michelle Connolly, Human Capital and Growth in the Postbellum South: A Separate but Unequal Story, p. 363
Robert C. Allen, Ian Keay, Saving the Whales: Lessons from the Extinction of the Eastern Arctic Bowhead, p. 400
Sthephen T. Ziliak, Self-Reliance Before the Welfare State: Evidence from the Charity Organization Movement in the United States, p. 433
Harry Kitsikopoulos, Convertible Husbandry vs. Regular Common Fields: A Model on the Relative Efficiency of Medieval Field Systems, p. 462
Robert Higgs, Wartime Socialization of Investment: A Reassessment of U.S. Capital Formation in the 1940s, p. 500
Nicholas Crafts, Productivity Growth in the Industrial Revolution: A New Growth Accounting Perspective, p. 521

Review Article, p. 536
Summaries of Doctoral Dissertations, p. 540
Abstracts of Papers presented at the annual meeting, p. 587
Abstracts of Posters presented at the annual meeting, p. 602
Editors’ Notes, p. 606
Reviews of Books, p. 610

a. LXIV, 2004, 1

Dora L. Costa, The Measure of Man and Older Age Mortality: Evidence from the Gould Sample, p. 1
Eona Karakacili, English Agrarian Labor Productivity Rates Before the Black Death: A Case Study, p. 24
Nathan Rosenberg, Manuel Trajtenberg, A General-Purpose Technology at Work: The Corliss Steam Engine in the Late-Nineteenth-Century United States, p. 61
Carol H. Shiue, Local Granaries and Central Government Disaster Relief: Moral Hazard and Intergovernmental Finance in Eighteenth and Nineteenth-Century China, p. 100
Masao Suzuki, Important or Impotent? Taking Another Look at the 1920 California Alien Land Law, p. 125
Guillaume Daudin, Profitability of Slave and Long-Distance Trading in Context: The Case of Eighteenth-Century France, p. 144
Jeremy Atack, Fred Bateman, Robert A. Margo, Skill Intensity and Rising Wage Dispersion in Nineteenth-Century American Manufacturing, p. 172
Liam Brunt, Nature or Nurture? Explaining English Wheat Yields in the Industrial Revolution, c. 1770, p. 193

Notes and Discussion, p. 226
Review Article, p. 236
Editors’ Notes, p. 240
Reviews of Books, p. 247

a. LXIII, 2003, 4

Charles R. Hickson, John D. Turner, The Trading of Unlimited Liability Bank Shares in Nineteenth-Century Ireland: The Bagehot Hypothesis, p. 931
John A. James, Mark Thomas, A Golden Age? unemployment and the American Labor Market, 1880-1910, p. 959
Joan R. Rosés, Why Isn’t the Whole of Spain Industrialized? New Economic Geography and Early Industrialization, 1797-1910, p. 995
Tom Nicholas, Why Schumpeter was Right: Innovation, Market Power, and Creative Destruction in 1920s America, p. 1023
Stefano Fenoaltea, Peeking Backward: Regional Aspects of Industrial Growth in Post-Unification Italy, p. 1059
Marc T. Law, The Origins of State Pure Food Regulation, p. 1103

Stephen C. Cooke, Wage and Industry Effects in U.S. Regional Incomes, 1840 to 1987: A CES Wage Index Method, p. 1131

Editors’ Notes, p. 1147
Reviews of Books, p. 1149

a. LXIII, 2003, 3

Chiaki Moriguchi, Implicit Contracts, the Great Depression, and Institutional Change: A Comparative Analysis of U.S. and Japanese Employment Relations, 1920-1940, p. 625
J. Peter Ferderer, Institutional Innovation and the Creation of Liquid Financial Markets: The Case of Bankers’ Acceptances, 1914-1934, p. 666
Stefano Fenoaltea, Notes on the Rate of Industrial Growth in Italy, 1861-1913, p. 695
Wayne A. Grove, Craig Heinicke, Better Opportunities or Worse? The Demise of Cotton Harvest Labor, 1949-1964, p. 736
Costas Kaplanis, The Debasement of the « Dollar of the Middle Ages », p. 768
Daniel A. Schiffman, Shattered Rails, Ruined Credit: Financial Fragility and Railroad Operations in the Great Depression, p. 802
Marianne Ward, John Devereux, Measuring British Decline: Direct Versus Long-Span Income Measures, p. 826

Stephen Broadberry, Relative Per Capita Income Levels in the United Kingdom and United States since 1870: Reconciling Time-Series Projections and Direct-Benchmark Estimates, p. 852

Editors’ Notes, p. 864
Reviews of Books, p. 866

a. LXIII, 2003, 2

Peter H. Lindert (Presidential Address), Voice and Growth: Was Churchill Right?, p. 315
Brian A’Hearn, Anthropometric Evidence on Living Standards in Northern Italy, 1730-1860, p. 351
Michael R. Haines, Lee A. Craig, Thomas Weiss, The Short and the Dead: Nutrition, Mortality, and the « Antebellum Puzzle » in the United States, p. 382
Timur Kuran, The Islamic Commercial Crisis: Institutional Roots of Economic Underdevelopment in the Middle East, p. 414
Alan L. Olmstead, Paul W. Rhode, Hog-Round Marketing, Seed Qualidty, and Government Policy: Institutional Change in U.S. Cotton Production, 1920-1960, p. 447
Hajime Hadeishi, Economic Well-Being and Fertility in France: Nuits, 1744-1792, p. 489

Notes and Discussion, p. 506
Review Article, p. 514
Summaries of Doctoral Dissertations, p. 517
Abstracts of Papers presented at the annual meeting, p. 555
Abstracts of Posters presented at the annual meeting, p. 570
Editors’ Notes, p. 572
Reviews of Books, p. 577

a. LXIII, 2003, 1

Stephen Haber, Noel Maurer, Armando Razo, When the Law Does Not Matter: The Rise and Decline of the Mexican Oil Industry, p. 1
James Bessen, Technology and Learning by Factory Workers: The Stretch-Out at Lowell, 1842, p. 33
Hans-Joachim Voth, With a Bang, not a Whimper: Pricking Germany’s « Stock Market Bubble » in 1927 and the Slide into Depression, p. 65
Leonard Caruana, Hugh Rockoff, A Wolfram in Sheep’s Clothing: Economic Warfare in Spain, 1940-1944, p. 100
Myung Soo Cha, Did Takahashi Korekiyo Rescue Japan from the Great Depression?, p. 127
Sarah Turner, John Bound, Closing the Gap or Widening the Divide: The Effects of the G.I. Bill and World War II on the Educational Outcomes of Black American, p. 145
Mark Harrison, The Political Economy of a Soviet Military R&D Failure: Steam Power for aviation, 1932 to 1939, p. 178
Cormac Ó Gráda, Eugene N. White, The Panics of 1854 and 1857: A View from the Emigrant Industrial Savings Bank, p. 213

Editors’ Notes, p. 241
Reviews of Books, p. 249

a. LXII, 2002, 4

Alan L. Olmstead, Paul W. Rhode, The Red Queen and the Hard Reds: Productivity Growth in American Wheat, 1800-1940, p. 929
Stephen Broadberry, Sayantan Ghosal, From the Counting House to the Modern Office: Explaining Anglo-American Productivity Differences in Services, 1870-1990, p. 967
Karen Clay, Werner Troesken, Strategic Behavior in Whiskey Distilling, 1887-1895, p. 999
Mark Potter, Jean-Laurent Rosenthal, The Development of Intermediation in French Credit Markets: Evidence from the Estates of Burgundy, p. 1024
William J. Hausman, John L. Neufeld, The Market for Capital and the Origins of State Regulation of Electric Utilities in the United States, p. 1050
W. G. Huff, Boom-or-Bust Commodities and Industrialization in Pre-World War II Malaya, p. 1074

Notes and discussion, p. 1116
Review article, p. 1126
Editors’ notes, p. 1133
Reviews of books, p. 1136

a. LXII, 2002, 3

George R. Boyer, Timothy J. Hatton, New Estimates of British Unemployment, 1870-1913, p. 643
John Sedgwick, Product Differentiation at the Movies: Hollywood, 1946 to 1965, p. 676
Cormac Ó Gráda, Jean-Michel Chevet, Famine and Market in Ancien Régime France, p. 706
Werner Troesken, The Lemits of Jim Crow: Race and the Provision Water and Sewerage Services in American Cities, 1880-1925, p. 734
John E. Murray, Chinese-Filipino Wage Differentials in Early-Twentieth-Century Manila, p. 773
Jeremy Atack, Fred Bateman, Robert A. Margo, Part-Year Operation in Nineteenth-Century American Manufacturing: Evidence from the 1870 and 1880 Censuses, p. 792
Håkan Lindgren, The Modernization of Swedish Credit Markets, 1840-1905: Evidence from Probate Records, p. 810
Linda M. Hooks, Kenneth J. Robinson, Deposit Insurance and Moral Hazard. Evidencefrom Texas Banking in the 1920s, p. 833

Editors’ Notes, p. 854
Reviews of books, p. 856

a. LXII, 2002, 2

Richard Sylla, Financial Systems and Economic Modernization, p. 277
Süleyman Özmucur, Sevket Pamuk, Real Wages and Standards of Living in the Ottoman Empire, 1489-1914, p. 293
Philip T. Hoffman, David Jacks, Patricia A. Levin, Peter H. Lindert, Real Inequality in Europe since 1500, p. 322
John E. Murray, Ruth Wallis Herndon, Markets for Children in Early America: A Political Economy of Pauper Apprenticeship, p. 356
Michael J. Hiscox, Interindustry Factor Mobility and Technological Change: Evidence on Wage and Profit Dispersion Across U.S. Industries, 1820-1990, p. 383
Kevin H. O’Rourke, Jeffrey G. Williamson, After Columbus: Explaining Europe’s Overseas Trade Boom, 1500-1800, p. 417
Peter L. Rousseau, Jacksonian Monetary Policy, Specie Flows, and the Panic of 1837, p. 457
Gregory Clark, Shetter from the Storm: Housing and the Industrial Revolution, 1550-1909, p. 489

Chulhee Lee, Sectoral Shift and the Labor-Force Participation of Older Males in the United States, 1880-1940, p. 512
Robert Whaples, The Supply and Demand of Economic History: Recent Trends in the Journal of Economic History, p. 524

Summaries of doctoral dissertations, p. 533
Abstracts of papers presented at the annual meeting, p. 566
Abstracts of posters displaued at the annual meeting, p. 582
Editors’ notes, p. 583
Reviews of books, p. 588

a. LXII, 2002, 1

D. M. G. Sutherland, Peasants, Lords, and Leviathan: Winners and Losers from the Abolition of French Feudalism, 1780-1820, p. 1
Robert K. Fleck, Democratic Opposition to the Fair Labor Standards: Act of 1938, p. 25
Jeffrey G. Williamson, Land, Labon and Globalization in the Third. World 1870-1940, p. 55
Gary D. Libecap, Zeynep Kocabiyik Hansen, « Rain Follows the Plow » and Dryfarming Doctrine: The Climate Information Pmblem and Homestead Failure in the Upper Great Plains, 1890-1925, p. 86
Richard S. Grossman, New Indices of British Equity Prices, 1870-1913, p. 121
Howard Bodenhorn, Making the Little Guy Pay: Payments-System Networks, Crass-Subsidization, and the Collapse of the Suffolk System, p. 147
Richard Pomfret, State-Directed Diffusion of Technology: The Mechanization of Cotton Harvesting in Soviet Central Asia, p. 170
Carolyn Dimitri, Contract Evolution and Institutional Innovation: Marketing Pacific-Grown Apples from 1890 to 1930, p. 189

Harry Kitsikopoulos, Harold Fox, Campbell on Late-Medieval English Agriculture: Two Views, p. 213

Editors’ notes, p. 217
Reviews of books, p. 223

a. LXI, 2001, 4

Curtis J. Simon, The Supply Price of Labor During the Great Depression, p. 877
Nicola Rossi, Gianni Toniolo, Giovanni Vecchi, Is the Kuznets Curve Still Alive? Evidence from Italian Household Budgets, 1881-1961, p. 904
Carolyn M. Moehling, Women’s Work and Men’s Unemployment, p. 926
Noel Maurer, Tridib Sharma, Enforcing Property Rights Through Reputation: Mexico’s Early Industrialization, 1878-1913, p. 950
Robin L. Einhorn, Species of Property: The American Property-Tax Uniformity Clauses Reconsidered, p. 974
Gregory Clark, Anthony Clark, Common Rights to Land in England, 1475-1839, p. 1009
Ann M. Carlos, Frank D. Lewis, Trade, Consumption, and the Native Economy: Lessons from York Factory, Hudson Bay, p. 1037
Hans-Joachim Voth, The Longest Years: New Estimates of Labor Input in England, 1760-1830, p. 1065
Eugene Beaulieu, J. C. Herbert Emery, Pork Packers, Reciprocity, and Laurier’s Defeat in the 1911 Canadian General Election, p. 1083

Editors’ Notes, p. 1102
Reviews of Books, p. 1105

a. LXI, 2001, 3

Stephen Quinn, The Glorious Revolution’s Effect on English Private Finance: A Microhistory, 1680-1705, p. 593
Peter C. Mancall, Joshua L. Rosenbloom, Thomas Weiss, Slave Prices and the South Carolina Economy, 1722-1809, p. 616
Leigh Swaw-Taylor, Parliamentary Enclosure and the Emergence of an English Agricultural Proletariat, p. 640
Alan L. Olmstead, Paul W. Rhode, Reshaping the Landscape: The Impact and Diffusion of the Tractor in American Agriculture, 1910-1960, p. 663
Suchit Arora, Health, Human Productivity, and Long-Term Economic Growth, p. 699
Werner Troesken, Race, Disease, and the Provision of Water in American Cities, 1889-1921, p. 750
Douglas A. Irwin, Peter Temin, The Antebellum Tariff on Cotton Textiles Revisited, p. 777

Notes and Discussion, p. 799
Review Article, p. 806
Editors’ Notes, p. 819
Reviews of Books, p. 821

a. LXI, 2001, 2

Claudia Goldin (Presidential Address), The Human-Capital Century and American Leadership: Virtues of the Past, p. 263
Helge Berger, Mark Spoerer, Economic Crises and the European Revolutions of 1848, p. 293
Jakob B. Madsen, Agricultural Crises and the International Transmission of the Great Depression, p. 327
Timothy W. Guinnane, Cooperatives as Information Machines: German Rural Credit Cooperatives, 1883-1914, p. 366
Hugh Grant, Henry Thille, Tariffs, Strategy, and Structure: Competition and Collusion in the Ontario Petroleum Industry, 1870-1880, p. 390
John G. Treble, Productivity and Effort: The Labor-Supply Decisions of Late Victorian Coalminers, p. 414
Timothy Leunig, New Answers to Old Questions: Explaining the Slow Adoption of Ring Spinning in Lancashire, 1880-1913, p. 439

Jonathan B. Pritchett, Quantitative Estimates of the United States Interregional Slave Trade, 1820-1860, p. 467

Martin Daunton, Britain Imperial Economy, p. 476

Summaries of Doctoral Dissertations, p. 486
Abstracts of Papers Presented at the Annual Meeting, p. 517
Abstracts of Posters Displayed at the Annual Meeting, p. 530
Editors’ Notes, p. 532
Reviews of Books, p. 536

a. LXI, 2001, 1

Eric W. Van Luijk, Jan C. Van Ours, The Effects ofGovernment Policy on Drug Use: Java, 1875-1904, p. 1
Tomas Nonnenmacher, State Promotion and Regulation of the Telegraph Industry, 1845-1860, p. 19
Zephyr L. Frank, Exports and Inequalily: Evidencefrom the Brazilian Frontier, 1870-1937, p. 37
William J. Collins, Jeffrey G. Williamson, Capital-Goods Prices and lnvestment, 1870-1950, p. 59
Bradley Hansen, Learning to Tax: The Political Economy of the Opium Trade in Iran, 1921-1941, p. 96
Richard O. Zerbe Jr., C. Leigh Anderson, Culture and Fairness in the Development of Institutions in the California Gold Fields, p. 114
Bishnupriya Gupta, The International Tea Cartel During the Great Depression, 1929-1933, p. 144
Richard H. Steckel, Carolyn M. Moehling, Rising Inequality: Trends in the Distribution of Wealth in Industrializing New England, p. 160

Randall G. Holcombe, Donald J. Lacombe, The Growth of Local Government in the United States from 1820 to 1870, p. 184

Reviews of Books, p. 197