The Journal of Economic History: The tasks of economic history DATINI

The Journal of Economic History

New York, Economic History Association
Quadrimestrale; dal 1951 Trimestrale
ISSN: 0022-0507
Conservata in: Università degli Studi di Firenze, Biblioteca di Scienze Sociali:

– Punto di servizio: Economia, Riv. Str. 0264
Consistenza: a. 1, 1941-

– Punto di servizio: Scienze Politiche, Riv. Str. 0330
Consistenza: 21(1961) -23(1963); 32(1972) –
Lacune: 1961-1963, 1978; 2005, 3, 4; 2006, 1;

Conservata in: Prato, Istituto culturale e di documentazione Lazzerini – Fondo Melis
Consistenza: n. 1, 1941: 5, 1945; 20/2, 1960; 21/3, 1961

[ 2030-2021 ] [ 2020-2011 ] [ 2010-2001 ] [ 2000-1991 ] [ 1990-1981 ] [ 1980-1971 ] [ 1970-1961 ] [ 1960-1951 ] [ 1950-1941 ]

copertina della rivista

a. LXXX, 2020, 4

Mauro Rota, Jacob Weisdorf, Italy and the Little Divergence in Wages and Prices: New Data, New Results, p. 931
Edward Kosack, Zachary Ward, El Sueño Americano? The Generational Progress of Mexican Americans Prior to World War II, p. 961
Thanyaporn Chankrajang, Jessica Vechbanyongratana, Canals and Orchards: The Impact of Transport Network Access on Agricultural Productivity in Nineteenth-Century Bangkok, p. 996
Christopher Hanes, Explaining Anomalous Wage Inflation in the 1930s United States, p. 1031
Sibylle Lehmann-Hasemeyer, Jochen Streb, Discrimination against Foreigners: The Wuerttemberg Patent Law in Administrative Practice, p. 1071
James J. Feigenbaum, Hui Ren Tan, The Return to Education in the Mid-Twentieth Century: Evidence from Twins, p. 1101
Sascha O. Becker, Erik Hornung, The Political Economy of the Prussian Three-Class Franchise, p. 1143
Jutta Bolt, Leigh Gardner, How Africans Shaped British Colonial Institutions: Evidence from Local Taxation, p. 1189

Editors’ Notes, p. 1224
Reviews of Books, p. 1229

a. LXXX, 2020, 3

Gertjan Verdickt, The Effect of War Risk on Managerial and Investor Behavior: Evidence from the Brussels Stock Exchange in the Pre-1914 Era, p. 629
Ariell Zimran, Transportation and Health in the Antebellum United States, 1820-1847, p. 670
Felix Kersting, Iris Wohnsiedler, Nikolaus Wolf, Weber Revisited: The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Nationalism, p. 710
Eric Hilt, Wendy Rahn, Financial Asset Ownership and Political Partisanship: Liberty Bonds and Republican Electoral Success in the 1920s, p. 746
Caitlin Rosenthal, Balancing the Books: Convergence and Diversity of Accounting in Massachusetts, 1875-1895, p. 782
Johan Ericsson, Jakob Molinder, Economic Growth and the Development of Real Wages: Swedish Construction Workers’ Wages in Comparative Perspective, 1831-1900, p. 813
Price Fishback, Sebastian Fleitas, Jonathan Rose, Ken Snowden, Collateral Damage: The Impact of Foreclosures on New Home Mortgage Lending in the 1930s, p. 853
Alan de Bromhead, Alan Fernihough, Enda Hargaden, Representation of the People: Franchise Extension and the « Sinn Féin Election » in Ireland, 1918, p. 886

Reviews of Books, p. 926
Addendum, p. 930

a. LXXX, 2020, 2

Price V. Fishback, Social Insurance and Public Assistance in the Twentieth-Century United States, p. 311
Mauricio Drelichman, David González Agudo, The Gender Wage Gap in Early Modern Toledo, 1550-1650, p. 351
Mario L. Chacón, Jeffrey L. Jensen, The Political and Economic Geography of Southern Secession, p. 386
Felipe González, Mounu Prem, Francisco Urzúa I., The Privatization Origins of Political Corporations: Evidence from the Pinochet Regime, p. 417
Sergi Basco, John P. Tang, Select The Samurai Bond: Credit Supply, Market Access, and Structural Transformation in Pre-War Japan, p. 457
Meeghan Rogers, Gareth Campbell, John Turner, From Complementary to Competitive: The London and U.K. Provincial Stock Markets, p. 501
Felipe Benguria, Chris Vickers, Nicolas L. Ziebarth, Labor Earnings Inequality in Manufacturing during the Great Depression, p. 531

Dissertation Summary, p. 564
Abstract, p. 593
Editors’ Notes, p. 615
Reviews of Books, p. 622

a. LXXX, 2020, 1

Trevon D. Logan, Do Black Politicians Matter? Evidence from Reconstruction, p. 1
Peter Scott, James T. Walker, The Comfortable, the Rich, and the Super-Rich. What Really Happened to top British Incomes during the First Half of the Twentieth Century?, p. 38
Matthew Jaremski, David C. Wheelock, The Founding of the Federal Reserve, the Great Depression, and the Evolution of the U.S. Interbank Network, p. 69
Ola Olsson, Christopher Paik, A Western Reversal Since the Neolithic? The Long-Run Impact of Early Agriculture, p. 100
Richard B. Baker, John Blanchette, Katherine Eriksson, Long-Run Impacts of Agricultural Shocks on Educational Attainment: Evidence from the Boll Weevil, p. 136
Joyce Burnette, Maria Stanfors, Understanding the Gender Gap Further: The Case of Turn-of-the-Century Swedish Compositors, p. 175
Stefan Leknes, Jürgen Modalsli, Who Benefited from Industrialization? The Local Effects of Hydropower Technology Adoption in Norway, p. 207
Cong Liu, The Effects of World War I on the Chinese Textile Industry: Was the World’s Trouble China’s Opportunity?, p. 246

Editors’ Notes, p. 286
Reviews of Books, p. 293

a. LXXIX, 2019, 4

Martin Abel, Long-Run Effects of Forced Resettlement: Evidence from Apartheid South Africa, p. 915
Cliff T. Bekar, The Persistence of Harvest Shocks in Medieval England, p. 954
Katherine Eriksson, Zachary Ward, The Residential Segregation of Immigrants in the United States from 1850 to 1940, p. 989
Michael Bordo, Eric Monnet, Alain Naef, The Gold Pool (1961-1968) and the Fall of the Bretton Woods System: Lessons for Central Bank Cooperation, p. 1027
Giampaolo Lecce, Laura Ogliari, Institutional Transplant and Cultural Proximity: Evidence from Nineteenth-Century Prussia, p. 1060
Pilar Nogues-Marco, Alfonso Herranz-Loncán, Nektarios Aslanidis, The Making of a National Currency: Spatial Transaction Costs and Money Market Integration in Spain (1825-1874), p. 1094
John Komlos, Brian A’Hearn (: Note), Clarifications of a Puzzle: The Decline in Nutritional Status at the Onset of Modern Economic Growth in the United States, p. 1129
Howard Bodenhorn, Timothy W. Guinnane, Thomas A. Mroz, Diagnosing Sample-Selection Bias in Historical Heights: A Reply to Komlos and A’Hearn, p. 1154

Editors’ Notes, p. 1176
Reviews of Books, p. 1180

a. LXXIX, 2019, 3

Leonardo Ridolfi, Six Centuries of Real Wages in France from Louis IX to Napoleon III: 1250-1860, p. 589
Yannick Dupraz, French and British Colonial Legacies in Education: Evidence from the Partition of Cameroon, p. 628
Charlotte Bartels, Top Incomes in Germany, 1871-2014, p. 669
John Devereux, Arrested Development? Puerto Rico in an American Century, p. 708
Stephen Quinn, William Roberds, A Policy Framework for the Bank of Amsterdam, 1736-1791, p. 736
Toke S. Aidt, Raphaël Franck, What Motivates an Oligarchic Elite to Democratize? Evidence from the Roll Call Vote on the Great Reform Act of 1832, p. 773
Patrick D. Alexander, Ian Keay, Responding to the First Era of Globalization: Canadian Trade Policy, 1870-1913, p. 826
Mikolaj Malinowski, Economic Consequences of State Failure-Legal Capacity, Regulatory Activity, and Market Integration in Poland, 1505-1772, p. 862

Reviews of Books, p. 897

a. LXXIX, 2019, 2

Cormac Ó Gráda, The Next World and the New World: Relief, Migration, and the Great Irish Famine, p. 319
Kevin Hjortshøj O’Rourke, Reviews and Reflections. Economic History and Contemporary Challenges to Globalization, p. 356
Santiago Pérez, Intergenerational Occupational Mobility across Three Continents, p. 383
Robin Pearson, David Richardson, Insuring the Transatlantic Slave Trade, p. 417
Alexander Persaud, Escaping Local Risk by Entering Indentureship: Evidence from Nineteenth-Century Indian Migration, p. 447
Nuno Palma, Jaime Reis, From Convergence to Divergence: Portuguese Economic Growth, 1527-1850, p. 477

Summaries of doctoral dissertations, p. 507
Abstracts of papers presented at the 2018 annual Meeting, p. 543
Editors’ notes, p. 564
Reviews of books, p. 571

a. LXXIX, 2019, 1

Tetsuji Okazaki, Toshihiro Okubo, Eric Strobl, Creative Destruction of Industries: Yokohama City in the Great Kanto Earthquake, 1923, p. 1
Karen Clay, Ethan Schmick, Werner Troesken, The Rise and Fall of Pellagra in the American South, p. 32
Giovanni Federico, Alessandro Nuvolari, Michelangelo Vasta, The Origins of the Italian Regional Divide: Evidence from Real Wages, 1861-1913, p. 63
Ariell Zimran, Sample-Selection Bias and Height Trends in the Nineteenth-Century United States, p. 99
Dylan Shane Connor, The Cream of the Crop? Geography, Networks, and Irish Migrant Selection in the Age of Mass Migration, p. 139
Ling-Fan Li, The Stop of the Exchequer and the Secondary Market for English Sovereign Debt, 1677-1705, p. 176
Seven Agir, Cihan Artunç, The Wealth Tax of 1942 and the Disappearance of Non-Muslim Enterprises in Turkey, p. 201
Keith Meyers, In the Shadow of the Mushroom Cloud: Nuclear Testing, Radioactive Fallout, and Damage to U.S. Agriculture, 1945 to 1970, p. 244

Editors’ notes, p. 275
Reviews of books, p. 282

a. LXXVIII, 2018, 4

Stephen Broadberry, Hanhui Guan, and David Daokui Li, , p. China, Europe, and the Great Divergence: A Study in Historical National Accounting, 980-1850, p. 955
Jason Long and Henry Siu, Refugees from Dust and Shrinking Land: Tracking the Dust Bowl Migrants, p. 1001
Emily Erikson, Sampsa Samila, Networks, Institutions, and Uncertainty: Information Exchange in Early-Modern Markets, p. 1034
Christopher M. Meissner and John P. Tang, Upstart Industrialization and Exports: Evidence from Japan, 1880-1910, p. 1068
Eric C. Edwards, Steven M. Smith, The Role of Irrigation in the Development of Agriculture in the United States, p. 1103
Jennifer Alix-Garcia, Sarah Walker, Volker Radeloff,Jacek Kozak, Tariffs and Trees: The Effects of the Austro-Hungarian Customs Union on Specialization and Land-Use Change, p. 1142
Karen Clay, Joshua Lewis, Edson Severnini, Pollution, Infectious Disease, and Mortality: Evidence from the 1918 Spanish Influenza Pandemic, p. 1179
Roy E. Bailey, Timothy J. Hatton, Kris Inwood, Atmospheric Pollution, Health, and Height in Late Nineteenth Century Britain, p. 1210

Editors’ notes, p. 1248
Reviews of books, p. 1252

a. LXXVIII, 2018, 3

David Chilosi, Max-Stephan Schulze, Oliver Volckart, Benefits of Empire? Capital Market Integration North and South of the Alps, 1350-1800, p. 637
Evan K. Rose, The Rise and Fall of Female Labor Force Participation During World War II in the United States, p. 673
Erik Bengtsson, Daniel Waldenström, Capital Shares and Income Inequality: Evidence from the Long Run, p. 712
Ethan Schmick, Collective Action and the Origins of the American Labor Movement, p. 744
Andrew J. Seltzer, Jeff Borland, The Impact of the 1896 Factory and Shops Act on the Labor Market of Victoria, Australia, p. 785
Shari Eli, Laura Salisbury, Allison Shertzer, Ideology and Migration after the American Civil War, p. 822
Patrick Wallis, Justin Colson, David Chilosi, Structural Change and Economic Growth in the British Economy before the Industrial Revolution, 1500-1800, p. 862
Rohan Alexander, Zachary Ward, Age at Arrival and Assimilation During the Age of Mass Migration, p. 904

Reviews of books, p. 938

a. LXXVIII, 2018, 2

Michael D. Bordo, An Historical Perspective on the Quest for Financial Stability and the Monetary Policy Regime, p. 319
Matthias Beestermöller, Ferdinand Rauch, A Dissection of Trading Capital: Trade in the Aftermath of the Fall of the Iron Curtain, p. 358
Mohamed Saleh, On the Road to Heaven: Taxation, Conversions, and the Coptic-Muslim Socioeconomic Gap in Medieval Egypt, p. 394
Dimitris P. Sotiropoulos, Janette Rutterford, Individual Investors and Portfolio Diversification in Late Victorian Britain: How Diversified Were Victorian Financial Portfolios?, p. 435
S. D. Smith, Martin Forster, « The Curse of the Caribbean »? Agency’s Impact on the Productivity of Sugar Estates on St. Vincent and the Grenadines, 1814-1829, p. 472
Federico Etro, The Economics of Renaissance Art, p. 500
Dina Shatnawi, Price Fishback, The Impact of World War II on the Demand for Female Workers in Manufacturing, p. 539

Summaries of Doctoral Dissertations, p. 575
Abstracts of Papers Presented at the 2017 Annual Meeting, p. 611
Editors’ Notes, p. 630
Reviews of Books, p. 635

a. LXXVIII, 2018, 1

Stephan E. Maurer, Behavior and Public Employment in Nazi Germany, p. 1
Marlous van Waijenburg, Financing the African Colonial State: The Revenue Imperative and Forced Labor, p. 40
Francisco J. Beltán Tapia, Alfonso Díez-Minguela, Julio Martinez-Galarraga, Tracing the Evolution of Agglomeration Economies: Spain, 1860-1991, p. 81
Joshua Lewis, Infant Health, Women’s Fertility, and Rural Electrification in the United States, 1930-1960, p. 118
Matthew Jaremski, Price V. Fishback, Did Inequality in Farm Sizes Lead to Suppression of Banking and Credit in the Late Nineteenth Century?, p. 155
Vellore Arthi, « The Dust Was Long in Settling »: Human Capital and the Lasting Impact of the American Dust Bowl, p. 196
Ewout Frankema, Jeffrey Williamson, Pieter Woltjer, An Economic Rationale for the West African Scramble? The Commercial Transition and the Commodity Price Boom of 1835-1885, p. 231

Reviews and Reflections, p. 268
Editorial, p. 300
Reviews of Books, p. 307

a. LXXVII, 2017, 4

Santiago Pérez, The (South) American Dream: Mobility and Economic Outcomes of First- and Second-Generation Immigrants in Nineteenth-Century Argentina, p. 971
Yu Sasaki, Publishing Nations: Technology Acquisition and Language Standardization for European Ethnic Groups, p. 1007
Taylor Jaworski, World War II and the Industrialization of the American South, p. 1048
Arcangelo Dimico, Alessia Isopi, Ola Olsson, Origins of the Sicilian Mafia: The Market for Lemons, p. 1083
Joseph Davis, Marc D. Weidenmier, America’s First Great Moderation, p. 1116
Jean Beuve, Eric Brousseau, Jérôme Sgard, Why Are Modern Bureaucracies Special? State Support to Private Firms in Early Eighteenth-Century France, p. 1144
Peter M. Solar, Nicolas J. Duquette, Ship Crowding and Slave Mortality: Missing Observations or Incorrect Measurement?, p. 1177
Peter Basile, Sung Won Kang, John Landon-Lane, Hugh Rockoff, An Index of the Yields of Junk Bonds, 1910-1955, p. 1203

Editors’ Notes, p. 1220
Reviews of Books, p. 1224

a. LXXVII, 2017, 3

Matthieu Chavaz, Marc Flandreau, « High & Dry »: The Liquidity and Credit of Colonial and Foreign Government Debt and the London Stock Exchange (1880-1910), p. 653
José-Antonio Espín-Sánchez, Institutional Inertia: Persistent Inefficient Institutions in Spain, p. 692
Gary W. Cox, Political Institutions, Economic Liberty, and the Great Divergence, p. 724
Hoyt Bleakley, Sok Chul Hong, Adapting to the Weather: Lessons from U.S. History, p. 756
Jeroen Puttevils, Marc Deloof, Marketing and Pricing Risk in Marine Insurance in Sixteenth-Century Antwerp, p. 796
Alex Cousley, Peter Siminski, Simon Ville, The Effects of World War II Military Service: Evidence from Australia, p. 838
Christopher L. Colvin, Banking on a Religious Divide: Accounting for the Success of the Netherlands’ Raiffeisen Cooperatives in the Crisis of the 1920s, p. 866
Gabriele Cappelli, Joerg Baten, European Trade, Colonialism, and Human Capital Accumulation in Senegal, Gambia and Western Mali, 1770-1900, p. 920

Reviews of Books, p. 952

a. LXXVII, 2017, 2

Lee J. Alston, Beyond Institutions: Beliefs and Leadership, p. 353
Felipe González, Guillermo Marshall, Suresh Naidu, Start-up Nation? Slave Wealth and Entrepreneurship in Civil War Maryland, p. 373v Neil Cummins, Lifespans of the European Elite, 800-1800, p. 406
Kazuki Onji, John P. Tang, Taxes and the Choice of Organizational Form in Late Nineteenth Century Japan, p. 440
Tarun Jain, Common tongue: The Impact of Language on Educational Outcomes, p. 473
Eric Hilt, Economic History, Historical Analysis, and the « New History of Capitalism », p. 511

a. LXXVII, 2017, 1

Laura Salisbury, Women’s Income and Marriage Markets in the United States: Evidence from the Civil War Pension, p. 1
Michael Huberman, Christopher M. Meissner, Kim Oosterlinck, Technology and Geography in the Second Industrial Revolution: New Evidence from the Margins of Trade, p. 39
Gabriel Mathy, Nicolas L. Ziebarth, How Much Does Political Uncertainty Matter? The Case of Louisiana under Huey Long, p. 90
Trevon D. Logan, John M. Parman, The National Rise in Residential Segregation, p. 127
Howard Bodenhorn, Timothy W. Guinnane, Thomas A. Mroz, Sample-Selection Biases and the Industrialization Puzzle, p. 171
Nadav Ben Zeev, Joel Mokyr, Karine van der Beek, Flexible Supply of Apprenticeship in the British Industrial Revolution, p. 208
Xavier Duran, Marcelo Bucheli, Holding Up the Empire: Colombia, American Oil Interests, and the 1921 Urrutia-Thomson Treaty, p. 251
Daniel Waldenström, Wealth-Income Ratios in a Small, Developing Economy: Sweden, 1810-2014, p. 285
Guido Alfani, Tommy E. Murphy, Plague and Lethal Epidemics in the Pre-Industrial World, p. 314

a. LXXVI, 2016, 4

Martin Dribe, Jonas Helgertz, The Lasting Impact of Grandfathers: Class, Occupational Status, and Earnings over Three Generations in Sweden 1815-2011, p. 969
Daniel K. Fetter, The Home Front: Rent Control and the Rapid Wartime Increase in Home Ownership, p. 1001
Pamfili M. Antipa, How Fiscal Policy Affects Prices: Britain’s First Experience with Paper Money, p. 1044
Shari Eli, Laura Salisbury, Patronage Politics and the Development of the Welfare State: Confederate Pensions in the American South, p. 1078
Tobias A. Jopp, How Technologically Progressive Was Germany in the Interwar Period? Evidence on total Factor Productivity in Coal Mining, p. 1113
Mike Matheis, Local Economic Impacts of Coal Mining in the United States 1870 to 1970, p. 1152
Leticia Arroyo Abad, Jan Luiten van Zanden, Growth under Extractive Institutions? Latin American Per Capita GDP in Colonial Times, p. 1182
Farley Grubb, Colonial New Jersey Paper Money, 1709-1775: Value Decomposition and Performance, p. 1216

Editors’ Notes, p. 1233

a. LXXVI, 2016, 3

Fabian F. Drixler, Hidden in Plain Sight: Stillbirths and Infanticides in Imperial Japan, p. 651
Mohamed Saleh, Public Mass Modern Education, Religion, and Human Capital in Twentieth-Century Egypt, p. 697
Denis Ivanov, Human Capital and Knowledge-Intensive Industries Location: Evidence from Soviet Legacy in Russia, p. 736
Elisabeth Ruth Perlman, Steven Sprick Schuster, Delivering the Vote: The Political Effect of Free Mail Delivery in Early Twentieth Century America, p. 769
Kyle Harper, People, Plagues, and Prices in the Roman World: The Evidence from Egypt, p. 803
Woong Lee, Slack and Slacker: Job Seekers, Job Vacancies, and Matching Functions in the U.S. Labor Market during the Roaring Twenties and the Great Contraction, 1924-1932, p. 840
Marcel P. Timmer, Joost Veenstra, Pieter J. Woltjer, The Yankees of Europe? A New View on Technology and Productivity in German Manufacturing in the Early Twentieth Century, p. 874
Shingo Watanabe, Technology Shocks and the Great Depression, p. 909
Robert Inklaar, Herman de Jong, Reitze Gouma, A Note on Technology Shocks and the Great Depression, p. 934
John Joseph Wallis, The New Economic History and Beyond: The Scholarship of Douglass C. North, p. 937

a. LXXVI, 2016, 2

Robert A. Margo, Obama, Katrina, and the Persistence of Racial Inequality, p. 301
Olivier Accominotti, David Chambers, If You’re So Smart: John Maynard Keynes and Currency Speculation in the Interwar Years, p. 342
Alan G. Green, David A. Green, Immigration and the Canadian Earnings Distribution in the First Half of the Twentieth Century, p. 387
Joshua K. Hausman, What Was Bad for General Motors Was Bad for America: The Automobile Industry and the 1937/38 Recession, p. 427
Natacha Postel-Vinay, What Caused Chicago Bank Failures in the Great Depression? A Look at the 1920s, p. 478
Pim de Zwart, Globalization in the Early Modern Era: New Evidence from the Dutch-Asiatic Trade, c. 1600-1800, p. 520
Marco Casari, Maurizio Lisciandra, Gender Discrimination in Property Rights: Six Centuries of Commons Governance in the Alps, p. 559
Summaries of Doctoral Dissertations, p. 595

Editors’ Notes, p. 647
Abstracts of Papers Presented at the 2015 Annual Meeting, p. 627

a. LXXVI, 2016, 1

Graeme G. Acheson, Gareth Campbell, John D. Turner, Nadia Vanteeva, Corporate Ownership, Control, and Firm Performance in Victorian Britain, p. 1
Brian Beach, Joseph Ferrie, Martin Saavedra, Werner Troesken, Typhoid Fever, Water Quality, and Human Capital Formation, p. 41
Catherine Guirkinger, Gani Aldashev, Clans and Ploughs: Traditional Institutions and Production Decisions of Kazakhs under Russian Colonial Settlement, p. 76
Richard H. Steckel, Nicolas Ziebarth, Trader Selectivity and Measured Catch-Up Growth of American Slaves, p. 109
Jonathan Pritchett, Herman Freudenberger, A Peculiar Sample: A Reply to Steckel and Ziebarth, p. 139
B. Zorina Khan, Invisible Women: Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Family Firms in Nineteenth-Century France, p. 163
Sarah G. Carmichael, Alexandra de Pleijt, Jan Luiten van Zanden, Tine De Moor, The European Marriage Pattern and Its Measurement, p. 196
Tracy K. Dennison, Sheilagh Ogilvie, Institutions, Demography, and Economic Growth, p. 205
Editors’ Notes, p. 218
Reviews of Books, p. 230

a. LXXV, 2015, 4

William J. Collins, Marianne H. Wanamaker, The Great Migration in Black and White: New Evidence on the Selection and Sorting of Southern Migrants, p. 947
Giovanni Federico and Michelangelo Vasta, What Do We Really Know about Protection before the Great Depression: Evidence from Italy, p. 993
Leonardo Weller, Government versus Bankers: Sovereign Debt Negotiations in Porfirian Mexico, 1888-1910, p. 1030
Guido Alfani, Economic Inequality in Northwestern Italy: A Long-Term View (Fourteenth to Eighteenth Centuries), p. 1058
Peter Scott, Nicolas Ziebarth, The Determinants of Plant Survival in the U.S. Radio Equipment Industry During the Great Depression, p. 1097
Richard B. Baker, From the Field to the Classroom: The Boll Weevil’s Impact on Education in Rural Georgia, p. 1128
Carl Kitchens, Price Fishback, Flip the Switch: The Impact of the Rural Electrification Administration 1935-1940, p. 1161
Timothy W. Guinnane, Jochen Streb, Incentives That (Could Have) Saved Lives: Government Regulation of Accident Insurance Associations in Germany, 1884-1914, p. 1196

Essays-The Future of Economic History
Introduction, p. 1228
William J. Collins, Looking Forward: Positive and Normative Views of Economic History’s Future, p. 1228
Kris James Mitchener, The 4D Future of Economic History: Digitally-Driven Data Design, p. 1234
Ran Abramitzky, Economics and the Modern Economic Historian, p. 1240
Naomi Lamoreaux, The Future of Economic History Must Be Interdisciplinary, p. 1251

Editors’ Notes, p. 1258
Errata, p. 1262
Reviews of Books, p. 1263

a. LXXV, 2015, 3

Barry Eichengreen, Arnaud Mehl, Livia Chitu, Gary Richardson, Mutual Assistance between Federal Reserve Banks: 1913-1960 as Prolegomena to the TARGET 2 Debate, p. 621
Nicholas Radburn, Keeping « the wheel in motion »: Trans-Atlantic Credit Terms, Slave Prices, and the Geography of Slavery in the British Americas, 1755-1807, p. 660
Veronica Aoki Santarosa, Financing Long-Distance Trade: The Joint Liability Rule and Bills of Exchange in Eighteenth-Century France, p. 690
Cihan Artunç, The Price of Legal Institutions: The Beratli Merchants in the Eighteenth-Century Ottoman Empire, p. 720
Fredrik N.G. Andersson, Jonas Ljungberg, Grain Market Integration in the Baltic Sea Region in the Nineteenth Century, p. 749
Kirsten Wandschneider, Landschaften as Credit Purveyors-The Example of East Prussia, p. 791
Kris James Mitchener, Matthew Jaremski, The Evolution of Bank Supervisory Institutions: Evidence from American States, p. 819
Carlo Ciccarelli, Alessandro Nuvolari, Technical Change, Non-Tariff Barriers, and the Development of the Italian Locomotive Industry, 1850-1913, p. 860

Note, p. 889
Reviews and Reflections, p. 901
Reviews of Books, p. 919

a. LXXV, 2015, 2

Philip T. Hoffman, What Do States Do? Politics and Economic History, p. 303
Tom Nicholas, The Organization of Enterprise in Japan, p. 333
Serguey Braguinsky, David A. Hounshell, Spinning Tales about Japanese Cotton Spinning: Saxonhouse (1974) and Lessons from New Data, p. 364
Jane Humphries, Jacob Weisdorf, The Wages of Women in England, 1260-1850, p. 405
Shari Eli, Income Effects on Health: Evidence from Union Army Pensions, p. 448
Kris James Mitchener, Marc D. Weidenmier, Was the Classical Gold Standard Credible on the Periphery? Evidence from Currency Risk, p. 479
Ian Gazeley, Andrew Newell, Mintewab Bezabih, The Transformation of Hunger Revisited: Estimating Available Calories from the Budgets of Late Nineteenth-Century British Households, p. 512
Trevon D. Logan, The Transformation of Hunger Revisited: Reply, p. 526

Reviews of Books, p. 584

a. LXXV, 2015, 1

Aditya Dasgupta, Daniel Ziblatt, How Did Britain Democratize? Views from the Sovereign Bond Market, p. 1
John Parman, Childhood Health and Human Capital: New Evidence from Genetic Brothers in Arms, p. 30
Mohamed Saleh, The Reluctant Transformation: State Industrialization, Religion, and Human Capital in Nineteenth-Century Egypt, p. 65
Kris Inwood, Ian Keay, Transport Costs and Trade Volumes: Evidence from the Trans-Atlantic Iron Trade, 1870-1913, p. 95
Price Fishback, Valentina Kachanovskaya, The Multiplier for Federal Spending in the States During the Great Depression, p. 125
Matthew J. Hill, Love in the Time of the Depression: The Effect of Economic Conditions on Marriage in the Great Depression, p. 163
Gary W. Cox, Marketing Sovereign Promises: The English Model, p. 190
Jason M. Beddow, Philip G. Pardey, Moving Matters: The Effect of Location on Crop Production, p. 219

Review Essay, p. 259

a. LXXIV, 2014, 4

Jeremy Atack, Matthew Jaremski, Peter L. Rousseau, American Banking and the Transportation Revolution before the Civil War, p. 943
Ricard Gil, Ryan Lampe, The Adoption of New Technologies: Understanding Hollywood’s (Slow and Uneven) Conversion to Color, p. 987
Edward Kosack, Zachary Ward, Who Crossed the Border? Self-Selection of Mexican Migrants in the Early Twentieth Century, p. 1015
Marianne H. Wanamaker, Fertility and the Price of Children: Evidence from Slavery and Slave Emancipation, p. 1045
Kim Oosterlinck, Loredana Ureche-Rangau and Jacques-Marie Vaslin, Baring, Wellington and the Resurrection of French Public Finances Following Waterloo, p. 1072
Nicholas Crafts, Nikolaus Wolf, The Location of the UK Cotton Textiles Industry in 1838: A Quantitative Analysis, p. 1103
Sibylle Lehmann-Hasemeyer, Philipp Hauber, Alexander Opitz, The Political Stock Market in the German Kaiserreich – Do Markets Punish the Extension of the Suffrage to the Benefit of the Working Class? Evidence from Saxony, p. 1140
Wolfgang Keller, Carol H. Shiue, Endogenous Formation of Free Trade Agreements: Evidence from the Zollverein’s Impact on Market Integration, p. 1168
Paolo Squatriti, Of Seeds, Seasons, and Seas: Andrew Watson’s Medieval Agrarian Revolution Forty Years Later, p. 1205

Editors’ Notes, p. 1221
Reviews of Books, p. 1255

a. LXXIV, 2014, 3

Tracy Dennison, Sheilagh Ogilvie, Does the European Marriage Pattern Explain Economic Growth?, p. 651
Denis Cogneau, Alexander Moradi, Borders That Divide: Education and Religion in Ghana and Togo Since Colonial Times, p. 694
Aldo Musacchio, André Martínez Fritscher, Martina Viarengo, Colonial Institutions, Trade Shocks, and the Diffusion of Elementary Education in Brazil, 1889-1930, p. 730
Peter H. Lindert, Steven Nafziger, Russian Inequality on the Eve of Revolution, p. 767
Vincent Bignon and Marc Flandreau, The Price of Media Capture and the Debasement of the French Newspaper Industry During the Interwar, p. 799
Chris Vickers, Nicolas L. Ziebarth, Did the National Industrial Recovery Act Foster Collusion? Evidence from the Macaroni Industry, p. 831
John P. Tang, Railroad Expansion and Industrialization: Evidence from Meiji Japan, p. 863
David Chilosi, Risky Institutions: Political Regimes and the Cost of Public Borrowing in Early Modern Italy, p. 887

Review Article, p. 916
Reviews of Books, p. 934

a. LXXIV, 2014, 2

Robert C. Allen, American Exceptionalism as a Problem in Global History, p. 309
Martha J. Bailey, Nicolas J. Duquette, How Johnson Fought the War on Poverty: The Economics and Politics of Funding at the Office of Economic Opportunity, p. 351
Carl Kitchens, The Role of Publicly Provided Electricity in Economic Development: The Experience of the Tennessee Valley Authority, 1929-1955, p. 389
Mary Tone Rodgers, James E. Payne, How the Bank of France Changed U.S. Equity Expectations and Ended the Panic of 1907, p. 420
Massimiliano Gaetano Onorato, Kenneth Scheve, David Stasavage, Technology and the Era of the Mass Army, p. 449
Joanna N. Lahey, Birthing a Nation: The Effect of Fertility Control Access on the Nineteenth-Century Demographic Transition, p. 482
James Kai-sing Kung, Chicheng Ma, Autarky and the Rise and Fall of Piracy in Ming China, p. 509
Nicolas J. Duquette, Revealing the Relationship Between Ship Crowding and Slave Mortality, p. 535

Research Articles, p. 553
Abstracts, p. 591
Editors’ Notes, p. 620
Reviews of Books, p. 627

a. LXXIV, 2014, 1

Elise Huillery, The Black Man’s Burden: The Cost of Colonization of French West Africa, p. 1
James Fenske, Imachi Nkwu: Trade and the Commons, p. 39
Sebastian Braun, Toman Omar Mahmoud, The Employment Effects of Immigration: Evidence from the Mass Arrival of German Expellees in Postwar Germany, p. 69
Matthew Jaremski, National Banking’s Role in U.S. Industrialization, 1850-1900, p. 109
Bishnupriya Gupta, Discrimination or Social Networks? Industrial Investment in Colonial India, p. 141
Taylor Jaworski, « You’re in the Army Now »: The Impact of World War II on Women’s Education, Work, and Family, p. 169
Sevket Pamuk, Maya Shatzmiller, Plagues, Wages, and Economic Change in the Islamic Middle East, 700-1500, p. 196
Dario Debowicz, Paul Segal, Structural Change in Argentina, 1935-1960: The Role of Import Substitution and Factor Endowments, p. 230

Andrew J. Jalil, Monetary Intervention Really Did Mitigate Banking Panics During the Great Depression: Evidence Along the Atlanta Federal Reserve District Border, p. 259

Editors’ Notes, p. 274
Review Article, p. 282
Reviews of Books, p. 287

a. LXXIII, 2013, 4

Alan Dye, Sumner La Croix, The Political Economy of Land Privatization in Argentina and Australia, 1810-1850: A Puzzle, p. 901
Gregg Huff, Shinobu Majima, Financing Japan’s World War II Occupation of Southeast Asia, p. 937
Katharine L. Shester, The Local Economic Effects of Public Housing in the United States, 1940-1970, p. 978
Mark Harrison, Accounting for Secrets, p. 1017
Oscar Gelderblom, Abe de Jong, Joost Jonker, The Formative Years of the Modern Corporation: The Dutch East India Company VOC, 1602-1623, p. 1050
Nicholas Crafts, Terence C. Mills, Rearmament to the Rescue? New Estimates of the Impact of « Keynesian » Policies in 1930s’ Britain, p. 1077
Dror Goldberg, Igal Milchtaich, Property Rights Under Administrator-Dictators: The Rise and Fall of America’s First Bank, p. 1105 Morgan Kelly, Cormac Ó Gráda, Numerare Est Errare: Agricultural Output and Food Supply in England Before and During the Industrial Revolution, p. 1132

Obituary, p. 1164
Editorial, p. 1168
Reviews of Books, p. 1171

a. LXXIII, 2013, 3

Peter M. Solar, Opening to the East: Shipping Between Europe and Asia, 1770-1830, p. 625
Luz Marina Arias, Building Fiscal Capacity in Colonial Mexico: From Fragmentation to Centralization, p. 662
Carl Kitchens, A Dam Problem: TVA’s Fight Against Malaria, 1926-1951, p. 694
Peter H. Lindert, Jeffrey G. Williamson, American Incomes Before and After the Revolution, p. 725v Kathryn Graddy, Taste Endures! The Rankings of Roger de Piles (?1709) and Three Centuries of Art Prices, p. 766
Richard H. Steckel, Nicolas Ziebarth, A Troublesome Statistic: Traders and Coastal Shipments in the Westward Movement of Slaves, p. 792
Christopher Coyle, John D. Turner, Law, Politics, and Financial Development: The Great Reversal of the U.K. Corporate Debt Market, p. 810
Laura Panza, Globalization and the Near East: A Study of Cotton Market Integration in Egypt and Western Anatolia, p. 847

Reviews of Books, p. 873

a. LXXIII, 2013, 2

Jeremy Atack, On the Use of Geographic Information Systems in Economic History: The American Transportation Revolution Revisited, p. 313
Dan Bogart, Latika Chaudhary, Engines of Growth: The Productivity Advance of Indian Railways, 1874-1912, p. 339
Alan de Bromhead, Barry Eichengreen, Kevin H. O’Rourke, Political Extremism in the 1920s and 1930s: Do German Lessons Generalize?, p. 371
Jac C. Heckelman, Keith L. Dougherty, A Spatial Analysis of Delegate Voting at the Constitutional Convention, p. 407
Pilar Nogues-Marco, Competing Bimetallic Ratios: Amsterdam, London, and Bullion Arbitrage in Mid-Eighteenth Century, p. 445
Jonathan Pritchett, Mallorie Smith, Sequential Sales as a Test of Adverse Selection in the Market for Slaves, p. 477
Cécile Edlinger, Maxime Merli, Antoine Parent, An Optimal World Portfolio on the Eve of World War I: Was There a Bias to Investing in the New World Rather Than in Europe?, p. 498
Carsten Burhop, New Stock Issues in Germany, 1882-1892: A Comment to Professor Fohlin, p. 531

Summaries of Doctoral Dissertations, p. 537
Abstracts of Papers Presented at the Annual Meeting, p. 571
Abstracts of Posters Presented at the Annual Meeting, p. 588
Editors’ Notes, p. 596

a. LXXIII, 2013, 1

Tomas Cvrcek, Wages, Prices, and Living Standards in the Habsburg Empire, 1827-1910, p. 1
Leticia Arroyo Abad, Persistent Inequality? Trade, Factor Endowments, and Inequality in Republican Latin America, p. 38
Giuseppe Dari-Mattiacci, Slavery and Information, p. 79
Peter Zeitz, Do Local Institutions Affect All Foreign Investors in the Same Way? Evidence from the Interwar Chinese Textile Industry, p. 117
Fabio Braggion, Lyndon Moore, The Economic Benefits of Political Connections in Late Victorian Britain, p. 142
Xavier Duran, The First U.S. Transcontinental Railroad: Expected Profits and Government Intervention, p. 177
Christopher Hanes, Paul W. Rhode, Harvests and Financial Crises in Gold Standard America, p. 201
Christiaan van Bochove, Configuring Financial Markets in Preindustrial Europe, p. 247

Editors’ Notes, p. 279

a. LXXII, 2012, 4

Robert C. Allen, Tommy E. Murphy, Eric B. Schneider, The Colonial Origins of the Divergence in the Americas: A Labor Market Approach, p. 863
Ewout Frankema, Marlous Van Waijenburg, Structural Impediments to African Growth? New Evidence from Real Wages in British Africa, 1880-1965, p. 895
Alexander Elu-Terán, Has Social Security Policy Converged? Cross-Country Evolution of Old Age Benefits, 1890-2000, p. 927
Bozhong Li, Jan Luiten van Zanden, Before the Great Divergence? Comparing the Yangzi Delta and the Netherlands at the Beginning of the Nineteenth Century, p. 956
Michael Adams, Lars Fredrik Andersson, Magnus Lindmark, Elena Veprauskaite, Competing Models of Organizational Form: Risk Management Strategies and Underwriting Profitability in the Swedish Fire Insurance Market Between 1903 and 1939, p. 990
Morgan Kelly, Cormac Ó Gráda, The Preventive Check in Medieval and Preindustrial England, p. 1015
Gerben Bakker, How Motion Pictures Industrialized Entertainment, p. 1036
Esther Redmount, Arthur Snow, Ronald S. Warren, The Effect of Wage Payment Reform on Workers’ Labor Supply, Wages, and Welfare, p. 1064

Editors’ Notes, p. 1088

a. LXXII, 2012, 3

Gary W. Cox, Was the Glorious Revolution a Constitutional Watershed?, p. 567
Philip T. Hoffman, Why Was It Europeans Who Conquered the World?, p. 601
Michael Kopsidis, Nikolaus Wolf, Agricultural Productivity Across Prussia During the Industrial Revolution: A Thünen Perspective, p. 634
Rafael Dobado-González, Alfredo García-Hiernaux, David E. Guerrero, The Integration of Grain Markets in the Eighteenth Century: Early Rise of Globalization in the West, p. 671
Antonio Tena-Junguito, Markus Lampe, Felipe Tâmega Fernandes, How Much Trade Liberalization Was There in the World Before and After Cobden-Chevalier?, p. 708
Lee J. Alston, Edwyna Harris, Bernardo Mueller, The Development of Property Rights on Frontiers: Endowments, Norms, and Politics, p. 741
Marta Curto-Grau, Alfonso Herranz-Loncán, Albert Solé-Ollé, Pork-Barrel Politics in Semi-Democracies: The Spanish « Parliamentary Roads, » 1880-1914, p. 771
Peter M. Scott, James Walker, Working-Class Household Consumption Smoothing in Interwar Britain, p. 797

Reviews of books, p. 826

a. LXXII, 2012, 2

Barry Eichengreen, Economic History and Economic Policy, p. 289
Metin M. Cosgel, Bogaç A. Ergene, Inequality of Wealth in the Ottoman Empire: War, Weather, and Long-Term Trends in Eighteenth-Century Kastamonu, p. 308
Eric Hilt, Jacqueline Valentine, Democratic Dividends: Stockholding, Wealth, and Politics in New York, 1791-1826, p. 332
Gregory Clark, Joseph Cummins, Brock Smith, Malthus, Wages, and Preindustrial Growth, p. 364
Joana Naritomi, Rodrigo R. Soares, Juliano J. Assunção, Institutional Development and Colonial Heritage within Brazil, p. 393
Federico Etro, Laura Pagani, The Market for Paintings in Italy During the Seventeenth Century, p. 423
Mary Eschelbach Hansen, Bradley A. Hansen, Crisis and Bankruptcy: The Mediating Role of State Law, 1920-1932, p. 448

Summaries of Doctoral Dissertations, p. 469
Abstracts of Papers Presented at the Annual Meeting, p. 506
Abstracts of Posters Presented at the Annual Meeting, p. 524
Editors’ Notes, p. 532
Reviews of books, p. 538

a. LXXII, 2012, 1

Olivier Accominotti, London Merchant Banks, the Central European Panic, and the Sterling Crisis of 1931, p. 1
James Bessen, More Machines, Better Machines…or Better Workers?, p. 44
Carolyn M. Moehling, Melissa A. Thomasson, The Political Economy of Saving Mothers and Babies: The Politics of State Participation in the Sheppard-towner Program, p. 75
Marianne Ward, John Devereux, The Road Not Taken: Pre-Revolutionary Cuban Living Standards in Comparative Perspective, p. 104
Sheilagh Ogilvie, Markus Küpker, Janine Maegraith, Household Debt in Early Modern Germany: Evidence from Personal Inventories, p. 134
Marianne H. Wanamaker, Industrialization and Fertility in the Nineteenth Century: Evidence from South Carolina, p. 168
Ingrid Henriksen, Morten Hviid, Paul Sharp, Law and Peace: Contracts and the Success of the Danish Dairy Cooperatives, p. 197
Carola Frydman, Raven Molloy, Pay Cuts for the Boss: Executive Compensation in the 1940s, p. 225

Editors’ Notes, p. 252
Reviews of books, p. 261

a. LXXI, 2011, 4

Robert Inklaar, Herman De Jong, Reitze Gouma, Did Technology Shocks Drive the Great Depression? Explaining Cyclical Productivity Movements in U.S. Manufacturing, 1919-1939, p. 827
Bruce M.S. Campbell, Cormac Ó Gráda, Harvest Shortfalls, Grain Prices, and Famines in Preindustrial England, p. 859
Mark Dincecco, Giovanni Federico, Andrea Vindigni, Warfare, Taxation, and Political Change: Evidence from the Italian Risorgimento, p. 887
Nikolaus Wolf, Max-Stephan Schulze, Hans-Christian Heinemeyer, On the Economic Consequences of the Peace: Trade and Borders After Versailles, p. 915
Matthew Jaremski, Bank-Specific Default Risk in the Pricing of Bank Note Discounts, p. 950
Peter L. Rousseau, The Market for Bank Stocks and the Rise of Deposit Banking in New York City, 1866-1897, p. 976
Ralf Richter, Jochen Streb, Catching-Up and Falling Behind: Knowledge Spillover from American to German Machine toolmakers, p. 1006
Tom Nicholas, Did R&D Firms Used to Patent? Evidence from the First Innovation Surveys, p. 1032
Jason Barr, Troy Tassier, Rossen Trendafilov, Depth to Bedrock and the Formation of the Manhattan Skyline, 1890-1915, p. 1060
Jeff E. Biddle, Making Consumers Comfortable: The Early Decades of Air Conditioning in the United States, p. 1078

Editors’ Notes, p. 1095
Review article, p. 1099 Reviews of books, p. 1107

a. LXXI, 2011, 3

Christophe Chamley, Interest Reductions in the Politico-Financial Nexus of Eighteenth-Century England, p. 555
Noel Maurer, The Empire Struck Back: Sanctions and Compensation in the Mexican Oil Expropriation of 1938, p. 590
Vincent Bignon, Marc Flandreau, The Economics of Badmouthing: Libel Law and the Underworld of the Financial Press in France Before World War I, p. 616
Sok Chul Hong, Malaria and Economic Productivity: A Longitudinal Analysis of the American Case, p. 654
Andrei Markevich, Mark Harrison, Great War, Civil War, and Recovery: Russia’s National Income, 1913 to 1928, p. 672
Darrell J. Glaser, Ahmed S. Rahman, Human Capital and Technological Transition: Insights from the U.S. Navy, p. 704
Henning Hillmann, Christina Gathmann, Overseas Trade and the Decline of Privateering, p. 730
David Chilosi, Oliver Volckart, Money, States, and Empire: Financial Integration and Institutional Change in Central Europe, 1400-1520, p. 762

Editors’ Notes, p. 792
Reviews of books, p. 393

a. LXXI, 2011, 2

Naomi R. Lamoreaux, The Mystery of Property Rights: A U.S. Perspective, p. 275
Charles Courtemanche, Kenneth Snowden, Repairing a Mortgage Crisis: HOLC Lending and Its Impact on Local Housing Markets, p. 307
John A. James, David F. Weiman, The National Banking Acts and the Transformation of New York City Banking During the Civil War Era, p. 338
Petra Moser, Do Patents Weaken the Localization of Innovations? Evidence from World’s Fairs, p. 363
Jérôme Bourdieu, Lionel Kesztenbaum, Gilles Postel-Vinay, Thrifty Pensioners: Pensions and Savings in France at the Turn of the Twentieth Century, p. 383
Tim Leunig, Chris Minns and Patrick Wallis, Networks in the Premodern Economy: The Market for London Apprenticeships, 1600-1749, p. 413
Jason E. Taylor, Bharati Basu, Steven McLean, Net Exports and the Avoidance of High Unemployment During Reconversion, 1945-1947, p. 444
Ugo Gragnolati, Daniele Moschella, Emanuele Pugliese, The Spinning Jenny and the Industrial Revolution: A Reappraisal, p. 455
Robert C. Allen, The Spinning Jenny: A Fresh Look, p. 461

Summaries of Doctoral Dissertations, p. 465
Abstracts of Papers Presented at the Annual Meeting, p. 4985
Abstracts of Posters Presented at the Annual Meeting, p. 5165
Editors’ Notes, p. 523

a. LXXI, 2011, 1

Oscar Gelderblom, Joost Jonker, Public Finance and Economic Growth: The Case of Holland in the Seventeenth Century, p. 1
Peter M. Scott, James Walker, Sales and Advertising Expenditure for Interwar America, p. 40
Timothy W. Guinnane, Jochen Streb, Moral Hazard in a Mutual Health Insurance System: German Knappschaften, 1867-1914, p. 70
John Parman, American Mobility and the Expansion of Public Education, p. 105
Gary W. Cox, War, Moral Hazard, and Ministerial Responsibility: England After the Glorious Revolution, p. 133
Christopher Kingston, Marine Insurance in Philadelphia During the Quasi-War with France, 1795-1801, p. 162
Maarten Van Dijck, Tom Truyts, Ideas, Interests, and Politics in the Case of Belgian Corn Law Repeal, 1834-1873, p. 185
Dror Goldberg, Why was America’s First Bank Aborted?, p. 211

Editors’ Notes, p. 223
American Mobility and the Expansion of Public Education, p. 274 , p.