Past & present : a journal of historical studies DATINI

Past & Present: a journal of historical studies

ISSN: 0031-2746
Conservata in: Università degli Studi di Firenze, Biblioteca di Scienze Sociali

– Punto di servizio: Economia; Riv. str. 0293
Consistenza: n. 19, 1961-
Lacune: n. 183, 2004

– Punto di servizio: Giurisprudenza; Riv. str. 0249
Consistenza: 1968-2001
Lacune: 1968

– Punto di servizio: Scienze Politiche; Riv. str. 0307
Consistenza: 1971-2000
[ 2030-2021 ] [ 2020-2011 ] [ 2010-2001 ] [ 2000-1996 ] [ 1995-1991 ] [ 1990-1986 ] [ 1985-1981 ] [ 1980-1976 ] [ 1975-1971 ] [ 1970-1966 ] [ 1965-1961 ] [ 1960-1956 ] [ 1955-1952 ]

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n. 69, Nov. 1975

R. Browning, Enlightment and Repression in Byzantium in the Eleventh and Twelfth Centuries, p. 3
Ch.R. Friedrichs, Capitalism, Mobility and Class Formation in the Early Modern German City, p. 24
O. Anderson, The Incidence of Civil Marriage in Victorian England and Wales, p. 50
D. Gill, G. Dallas, Mutiny at Etaples Base in 1917, p. 88

R.A. Cage, The Making of the Old Scottish Poor Law, p. 113
R. Mitchison, A Rejoinder, p. 119

J.R. Green, American Radical Historians on their Heritage, p. 122
A.S. Kraditor, A Rejoinder, p. 131

Notes and Comments, p. 132

n. 68, Aug. 1975

P.R. Coss, Sir Geoffrey de Langley and the Crisis of the Knightly Class in Thirteenth-Century England, p. 3
R.L. Kagan, Law Students and Legal Careers in Eighteenth-Century France, p. 38
J.M. Wiener, Planter-Merchant Conflict in Reconstruction Alabama, p. 73
R. McKibbin, The Economic Policy of the Second Labour Government, p. 95

R.S. Schofield, Quantitative Analysis of the Long Parliament, p. 124
S.D. Antler, A Rejoinder, p. 130

n. 67, May 1975

R.A. Dodgshon, The Landholding Foundations of the Open-field System, p. 3
G. Strauss, Success and Failure in the German Reformation, p. 30
J.H. Plumb, The New World of Children in Eighteenth-Century England, p. 64
J.R. Gillis, The Evolution of Juvenile Delinquency in England 1890-1914, p. 96

J. Estebe, The Rites of Violence: Religious Tiot in Sixteenth-Cenbtury France. A Comment, p. 127
N. Zemon Davis, A Rejoinder, p. 131

n. 66, Feb. 1975

D. Owen Hughes, Urban Growth and Family Structure in Medieval Genoa, p. 3
R.W. Scribner, Civic Unity and the Reformation in Erfurt, p. 29
Ph. Lomgworth, The Pretender Phenomenon in Eighteenth-century Russia, p. 61
E.J. Evans, Some Reasons for the Growth of English Rural Anti-Clericalism c. 1750-c. 1830, p. 84
R.N. Price, The Other Face of Respectability: Violence in the Manchester Brickmaking Trade 1859-1870, p. 110

B. Shapiro, Science, Politics and Religion, p. 133
L. Mulligan, A rejoinder, p. 139

n. 65, Nov. 1974

R.R. Davies, Colonial Wales, p. 3
D.R. Kelley, History, English Law and the Renaissance, p. 24
A. Soboul, Some Problems of the Revolutionary State 1789-1796, p. 52
W.H. Sewell Jr., Social Change and the Rise of Working-Class Politics in Nineteenth-Century Marseille, p. 75

E. King, Politics and Property in Early Modern England. The Tenurial Crisis of the Early Twelfth Century, p. 110
S.D. White, Succession to Fiefs in Early Medieval England, p. 118
J.C. Holt, A Rejoinder, p. 127

n. 64, Aug. 1974

A.L. Beier, Vagrants and the Social Order in Elizabethan England, p. 3
C. Dewey, Celtic Agrarian Legislation and the Celtic Revival: Historicist Implications of Gladstone’s Irish and Scottish Land Acts 1870-1886, p. 30
R. Arnold, The « Revolt of the Field » in Kent 1872-1879, p. 71

J.r.Dinwiddy, The « Black Lamp » in Yorkshire 1801-1802, p. 113
J.L. Baxter, F.K. Donnelly, The Revolutionary « Underground » in the West Riding: Myth or Reality?, p. 124
J.R. Dinwiddy, A Rejoinder, p. 133

C.I. Hammer Jr., The Early German Aristocracy, p. 136

n. 63, May 1974

R.H. Hilton, T.H. Aston, Historians in Czechoslovakia, p. 3
B.H. Rosenwein, L.K. Little, Social Meaning in the Monastic and Mendicant Spiritualities, p. 4
J.I. Israel, Mexico and the « General Crisis » of the Seventeenth Century, p. 33
R. Mitchison, The Making of the Old Scottish Poor Law, p. 58
H. Mitchell, Resistance to the Revolution in Western France, p. 94
I. Prothero, William Benbow and the Concept of the « General Strike », p. 132

n. 62, Feb. 1974

S. Raban, Mortmain in Medieval England, p. 3
A. Sharp, Edward Waterhouse’s View pf Social Change in Seventeenth-Century England, p. 27
J.M. Beattie, The Pattern of Crime in England 1660-1800, p. 47
T.J.A. Le Goff, D.M.G. Sutherland, The Revolution and the Rural Community in Eighteenth-Century Brittany, p. 96
E.J. Hobsbawm, Peasant Land Occupations, p. 120

M.B. Becker, Heresy in Medieval and Renaissance Florence. A Comment, p. 153
J.N. Stephens, A Rejoinder, p. 162

n. 61, Nov. 1973

P.D.A. Harvey, The English Inflation of 1180-1220, p. 3
T.C. Barnard, Planters and Policies in Cromwellian Ireland, p. 31
N. Rogers, Aristocratic Clientage, Trade and Independency: Popular Politics in Pre-Radical Westminster, p. 70
B. Harrison, For Church, Queen and Family: The Girls’ Friendly Society 1874-1920, p. 107

G.E. Aylmer, St. Patrick’s Day 1628 in Witham, Essex, p. 139
S.R. Smith, The London Apprentices as Seventeenth-Century Adolescence, p. 149

n. 60, Aug. 1973

F. Oakley, Celestial Hierarchies Revisited; Walter Ullmann’s Vision of Medieval Politics, p. 3
M.E. James, The Concept of Order and the Northern Rising 1569, p. 49
C. Lucas, Nobles, Bourgeois and the Origins of the French Revolution, p. 84
Th.C. Smith, Pre-Modern Economic Growth: Japan and the West, p. 127
J.R. Green, The Brotherhood of Timber Workers 1910-1913: A Radical Response to Industrial Capitalism in the Southern U.S.A., p. 161

n. 59, May 1973

I. Kershaw, The Great Famine and Agrarian Crisis in England 1315-1322, p. 3
N. Zemon Davis, The Rites of Violence: Religious Riot in Sixteenth-Century France, p. 51
L. Mulligan, Civil War Politics, Religion and the Royal Society, p. 92
L. Rodríguez, The Spanish Riots of 1766, p. 117
A. Forrest, The Condition of the Poor in Revolutionary Bordeaux, p. 147

n. 58, Feb. 1973

D. Robey, P.P. Vergerio the Elder: Republicanism and Civic Values in the Work of an Early Humanist, p. 3
G. Parker, Mutiny and Discontent in the Spanish Army of Flanders 1527-1607, p. 38
R. Brenner, The Civil War Politics of London’s Merchant Community, p. 53
G. Lewis, The White Terror of 1815 in the Department of the Gard: Counter-Revolution, Continuity and the Individual, p. 108
E. Stoke, The First Century of British Colonial Rule in India: Social Revolution or Social Stagnation, p. 136

E. Fox Genovese, The Many Faces of Moral Economny: A Contribution to a Debate, p. 161

n. 57, Nov. 1972

J.C. Holt, Politics and Property in Early Medieval Englands, p. 3
A.C. Hess, The Battle of Lepanto and its Place in Mediterranean History, p. 53
T.H. Breen, English Origins and New World Development: The Case of the Covenanted Militia in Seventeenth-Century Massachussetts, p. 74
W. Doyle, Was There an Eristocratic Reaction in Pre-Revolutionary France?, p. 97
M. Perrie, The Russian Peasant Movement of 1905-1907: Its Social Composition and Revolutionary Significance, p. 123

B. Capp, The Millennium and Eschatology in England, p. 156

n. 56, Aug. 1972

T.M. Charles-Edwards, Kinship, Status and the Origins of the Hide, p. 3
Ch. Wenster, The Autorship and Significance of Macaria, p. 34
J.S. Morrill, Mutiny and Discontent in English Provincial Armies 1645-1647, p. 49
M. Sanderson, Literacy and Social Mobility in the Industrial Revolution in England, p. 75
C.A. MacDonald, Economic Appeasement and the German « Moderates » 1937-1939. An Introductory Essay, p. 105
A.S. Kraditor, American Radical Historians on their Heritage, p. 136

S.D. Antler, Quantitative Analysis of the Long Parliament, p. 154

Notes and Comments, p. 157

n. 55, May 1972

E.J. Hobsbawm, The Social Function of the Past: Some Questions, p. 3
Ph. Abrams, The Sense of the Past and the Origins of Sociology, p. 18
A. MacKay, Popular Movements and Pogroms in Fifteenth-Century Castile, p. 33
W. Lamont, Richard Baxter, The Apolalypse and the Mad Major, p. 68
V. Martinez-Alier, Elopment and Seduction in Nineteenth-Century Cuba, p. 91
T. Lloyd, Africa and Honson’s Imperialism, p. 130

A.W. Lovett, Spain and the Revolt of the Netherlands 1559-1648. A Comment, p. 154
G. Parker, Spain and the Revolt of the Netherlands 1559-1648. A Rejoinder, p. 157

J. Simon, The Social Composition of Caius College, Cambridge 1580-1640, p. 160

n. 54, Feb. 1972

W.H.C. Frend, The Monks and the Survival of the East Roman Empire in the Fifth Century, p. 3
J.N. Stephens, Heresy in Medieval and Renaissance Florence, p. 25
U.R.Q. Henriques, The Rise and Decline of the Sefarate System of Prison Discipline, p. 61
R.B. Smith, The Development of Opposition to French Rule in Southern Vietnam 1880-1940, p. 94

A.W. Coats, Contrary Moralities: Plebs, Paternalists and Political Economists, p. 130
P.M. Kennedy, German Colonial Expansion. Has the « Manipulated Social Imperialism » Been Ante-Dated, p. 134

Notes and Comments, p. 141

n. 53, Nov. 1971

R.A.L.H. Gunawardana, Irrigation and Hydraulic Society in Medieval Ceylon, p. 3
A.B. Cobban, Medieval Student Power, p. 28
D. Parker, The Social Foundation of French Absolutism 1610-1630, p. 67
O. Hufton, Women in Revolution 1789-1796, p. 90
F. Haskell, The Manufacture of the Past in Nineteenth-Century Painting, p. 109
R. Anderson, Secondary Education in Mid Nineteenth-Century France: Some Social Aspects, p. 121

n. 52, Aug. 1971

R. Starn, Historians and « Crisis », p. 3
R. Clifford, The Popular Fear of Catholics During the English Revolution, p. 23
R.M. Andrews, The Justices of the Pease of Revolutionary Paris, Septembre 1792-November 1794 (Frimaire Year III), p. 56

B. Capp, Godly Rule and English Millenarianism, p. 106
Ph. Abrams, Sociology and History, p. 118
D.J. Rothman, Sociology and History, p. 126

Th. K. Rabb, The Advent of Printing and the Problem of the Renaissance: A Comment, p. 135
E.L. Eisenstein, A Reply, p. 140

n. 51, May 1971

J.R. Hale, Sixteenth-Century Explanations of War and Violence, p. 3
C.Z. Wiener, The Beleaguered Isle. A Study of Elizabethan and Early Jacobean Anti-Catholimism, p. 27
M.O. Gately, A. Lloyd Moote, J.E. Wills Jr., Seventeenth-Century Peasant « Furies »: Some Problems of Comparative History, p. 63
R. Darnton, The High Enlightenment and the Low-Life of Literature in Pre-Revolutionary France, p. 81
J.J. Sheehan, Liberalism and the City in Nineteenth-Century Germany, p. 116

n. 50, Feb. 1971

T.H. Aston, Past and Present Numbers 1-50, p. 3
Ph. Wolff, The 1391 Pogrom in Spain. Social Crisis or Not?, p. 4
J. Casey, Moriscos and the Depopulation of Valencia, p. 19
N. Zemon Davis, The Reasons of Misrule: Yoputh Groups and Charivaris in Sixteenth-Century France, p. 41
E.P. Thompson, The Moral Economy of the English Crowd in the Eighteenth Century, p. 76