Past & present : a journal of historical studies DATINI

Past & Present: a journal of historical studies

ISSN: 0031-2746
Conservata in: Università degli Studi di Firenze, Biblioteca di Scienze Sociali

– Punto di servizio: Economia; Riv. str. 0293
Consistenza: n. 19, 1961-
Lacune: n. 183, 2004

– Punto di servizio: Giurisprudenza; Riv. str. 0249
Consistenza: 1968-2001
Lacune: 1968

– Punto di servizio: Scienze Politiche; Riv. str. 0307
Consistenza: 1971-2000
[ 2030-2021 ] [ 2020-2011 ] [ 2010-2001 ] [ 2000-1996 ] [ 1995-1991 ] [ 1990-1986 ] [ 1985-1981 ] [ 1980-1976 ] [ 1975-1971 ] [ 1970-1966 ] [ 1965-1961 ] [ 1960-1956 ] [ 1955-1952 ]

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n. 149, Nov. 1995

S. Mosher Stuart, Ancillary Evidence for the Decline of Medieval Slavery, p. 3
M. Flynn, Blasphemy and the Play of Anger in Sixteenth-Century Spain, p. 29
R. Cust, Honour and Politics in Early Stuart England: The Case of Beaumont, p. 57
R. Poole, « Give Us Our Eleven Days! »: Calendar Reform in Eighteenth-Century England, p. 95
M. Cragoe, Coscience or Coercion? Clerical Influence at the General Election of 1898 in Wales, p. 140
G.T. Stewart, Tenzing’s Two Wrist-Watches: The Conquest of Everest and Late Imperial Culture in Britain 1921-1953, p. 170

n. 148, Aug. 1995

S. Schwartz, Language, Power and Identity in Ancient Palestine, p. 3
N. Orme, The Culture of Children in Medieval England, p. 48
R. Hutton, The English Reformation and the Evidence of Folklore, p. 89
D. gentilcore, Contesting Illness in Early Modern Naples: Miracolati, Physicians and the Congregation of Rites, p. 117
Sh. White, G. White, Slave Clothing and African-American Culture in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries, p. 149
S. Berger, Viewpoint: Historians and Nation-Building in Germany after Reunification, p. 187

n. 147, May 1995

N. Purcell, Literate Games: Roman Urban Society and the Game of Alea, p. 3
P.R. Coss, The Formation of the English Gentry, p. 38
B. Donagan, Halcyon Days and the Literature of War: England’s Military Education before 1642, p. 65
S. Guha, An Indian Penal Régime: Maharashtra in the Eighteenth Century, p. 101
Ph. Harling, Rethinking « Old Corruption », p. 127
Ch. Clark, The Limits of the Confessional State: Conversions to Judaismn in Prussia 1814-1843, p. 159

D. Cannadine, The Empire Strikes Back, p. 180

n. 146, Feb. 1995

J.M.H. Smith, The Problem of Female Sanctity in Carolingian Europe, p. 3
J.P. Berkeley, Tradition, Innovation and the Social Construction of Knowledge in the Medieval Islamic Near East, p. 38
J.D. Harden, Liberty Caps and Liberty Trees, p. 66
J. Belchem, Nationalism, Republicanism and Exile: Irish Emigrants and the Revolutions of 1848, p. 103
P. Burke, Viewpoint: The Invention of Leisure in Early Modern Europe, p. 136

R.W. Hoyle, Comment, p. 151
G. Sreenivasan, Reply, p. 174

Notes, p. 188

n. 145, Nov. 1994

J. Langdon, Lordship and Pesant Consumerism in the Milling Industry of Early Fourteenth-Century England, p. 3
A. Fox, Ballads, Libels and Popular Ridicule in Jacobean England, p. 47
K. Mills, The Limits of Religious Coercion in Mid-Colonial Peru, p. 84
S. Nenadic, Middle-Rank Consumers and Domestic Culture in Edinburgh and Glasgow 1720-1840, p. 122
M. Gailus, Food Riots in Germany in the Late 1840s, p. 157

J. Barry, The Making of the Middle Class?; p. 194

n. 144, Aug. 1994

J. Harcher, England in the Aftermath of the Black Death, p. 3
A. Walsham, « The Fatal Vesper »: Providentialism and Anti-Popery in Late Jacobean London, p. 36
A. Atkison, The Free-Born Englishman Transported: Convict Rights as a Measure of Eighteenth-Century Empire, p. 88
N.J. Brown, Who Abolished Corvee Labour in Egypt and Why?, p. 116
P. Bailey, Conspiracies of Meaning: Music-Hall and the Knowingness of Popular Culture, p. 138
A. Thompson, Honours Uneven: Decorations, the State and Bourgeois Society in Imperial Germany, p. 171

n. 143, May 1994

M. Aston, Corpus Christi and Corpus Regni: Heresy and the Peasants’ Revolt, p. 3
M. Bodian, « Men of the Nation »: The Shaping of Converso Identity in Early Modern Europe, p. 48
R.W. Patch, Imperial Politics and Local Economy in Colonial Central America 1670-1770, p. 77
R. Schetcher, Translating the « Marseillaise »: Biblical Republicanism and the Emancipation of Jews in Revolutionary France, p. 108
S. Drescher, Whose Abolition? Popular Pressure and the Ending of the British Slave Trade, p. 136
J. Bourke, Housewifery in Working-Class England 1860-1914, p. 167

n. 142, Feb. 1994

P. Slack, J. Innes, E.P. Thompson, p. 3
T.N. Bisson, The « Feudal Revolution », p. 6
J. Loach, The Function of Ceremonial in the Reign of Henry VIII, p. 43
D.L. Howell, Ainu Ethnicity and the Boudaries of the Early Modern Japanese State, p. 69
E.P. Thompson, Hunting the Jacobin Fox, p. 94
N. Ferguson, Public Finance and National Security: The Domestic Origins of the First World War Revisited, p. 141

B. English, Comment, p. 169
R. Mukherjee, Reply, p. 178

n. 141, Nov. 1993

R. Fleming, Rural Elites and Urban Communities in Late-Saxon England, p. 3
B.M.S. Campbell, M. Overton, A New Perspective on Medieval and Early Modern Agriculture: Six Centuries of Norfolk Farming c. 1250-c.1850, p. 38
D. Cressy, Purification, Thanksgiving and the Churching of Women in Post-Reformation England, p. 106
P. Johnson, Class Law in Victorian Angland, p. 147
R. Harris, The « Child of the Barbarian »: Rape, Race and Nationalism in France during the First World War, p. 170

W. Beik, Comment, p. 207
G. Strauss, Reply, p. 215

n. 140, Aug. 1993

Z. Razi, The Myth of the Immutable English Family, p. 3
C. Holmes, Women: Witnesses and Withes, p. 45
J.-P. Gross, Progressive Taxation and Social Justice in Eighteenth-Century France, p. 79
J. Willis, The Nature of a Mission Community: The Universities Mission to Central Africa in Bonde, p. 127

J.F. McGregor, Comment 1, p. 155
B. Capp, Comment 2, p. 164
N. Smith, Comment 3, p. 171
B.J.Gibbons, Comment 4, p. 178
J.C. Davis, Reply, p. 194

n. 139, May 1993

B.D. Shaw, The Passion of Perpetua, p. 3
M.E. Mate, The East Sussex Land Market and Agrarian Class Structure in the Late Middle Ages, p. 46
R.B. Bottigheimer, Bible Reading, « Bibles » and the Bible for Children in early Modern Germany, p. 66
H.L. Malchow, Frankenstein’s Monster and Images of Race in Nineteenth-Century Britain, p. 90
S.A. Smith, Workers and Supervisors: St Petersburg 1906-1917 and Shangai 1895-1927, p. 131
J. Singleton, Britain’s Military Use of Horses 1914-1918, p. 178

n. 138, Feb. 1993

K. Hopkins, Novel Evidence for Roman Slavery, p. 3
G. Harriss, Political Society and the Growth of Government in Late Medieval England, p. 28
M.P. Holt, Wine, Community and Reformation in Sixteenth-Century Burgundy, p. 58
M. Knights, Petitioning and the Political Theorists: John Locke, Algernon Sidney and London’s « Monster » Petition of 1680, p. 94
P. Phoofolo, Epidemics and Revolutions: The Rinderpest Epidemic in Late Nineteenth-Century Southern Africa, p. 112
U. Herbert, Labour and Extermination: Economic Interest and the Primacy of Weltanschauung in National Socialism, p. 144

n. 137, Nov. 1992

P. Slack, J,. Innes, Foreword, p. 3
K. Randsborg, Barbarians, Classical Antiquity and the Rise of Western Europe: An Archaeological Essay, p. 8
K. Leyser, Concepts of Europe in the Early and High Middle Ages, p. 25
J.H. Elliott, A Europe of Composite Monarchies, p. 48
S. Woolf, The Construction of a European World-View in the Revolutionary-Napoleonic Years, p. 72
R. Okey, Central Europe / Eastern Europe: Behind the Definitions, p. 102
M.E. Yapp, Europe in the Turkish Mirror, p. 135
T. Raychaudhuri, Europe in India’s Xenology: The Nineteenth-Century Record, p. 156

J. Robertson, Franco Venturi’s Enlightenment, p. 183

n. 136, Aug. 1992

D.A. Carpenter, English Peasants in Politics 1258-1267, p. 3
G. Parker, Success and Failure during the First Century of the Reformation, p. 43
D. Wahrman, Virtual Representation: Parliamentary Reporting and Languages of Class in the 1790s, p. 83
J. Sperber, Festivals of National Unity in the German Revolution of 1848-1849, p. 114
H. Sabato, Citizenship, Political Participation and the Formation of the Public Sphere in Buenos Aires 1850-s-1880s, p. 139
A. Jakson, Unionist Myths 1912-1985, p. 164

A. Murray, Missionaries and Magic in Dark-Age Europe, p. 186s

n. 135, May 1992

J. Elsner, Pausanias: A Geek Pilgrim in the Roman World, p. 3
J.A. Mendelsohn, Alchemy and Politics in England 1649-1655, p. 30
F. O’Gorman, Campaign Rituals and Ceremonies: The Social Meaning of Elections in England 1780-1860, p. 79
J. Harris, Political Throught and the Welfare State 870-1940: An Intellectual Framework for British Sopcial Policy, p. 116

R. Balzaretti, Comment 1, p. 142
J.L. Nelson, Comment 2, p. 151
J.R. Maddicott, Reply, p. 164

L. Stone, p. 189
G.M. Spegel, p. 194

n. 134, Feb. 1992

A. Al-Azmeh, Barbarians in Arab Eyes, p. 3
J.M. Bennett, Conviviality and Charity in Medieval and Early Modern England, p. 19
A. Torre, Politics Cloaked in Worship: State, Church and Local Power in Piedmont 1570-1770, p. 42
M. Taylor, John Bull and the Iconography of Public Opinion in England c. 1712-1919, p. 93
M. Mazower, Military Violence and National Socialist Values: The Wehrmacht in Greece 1941-1944, p. 129

A. Knight, Revisionism and Revolution: Mexico Compared to England and France, p. 159

R. Woods, Comment, p. 200
W. Seccombe, Reply, p. 207

n. 133, Nov. 1991

I. Alfonso, Cistercians and Feudalism, p. 3
A. Gregory, Witchcraft, Politics and « Good Neighbourhood » in Early Seventeenth-Century Rye, p. 31
W. Prest, Judicial Corruption in Early Modern England, p. 67
P.M. Jones, The « Agrarian Law »: Schemes for Land Redistribution during the French Revolution, p. 96
F. Driver, Henry Morton Stanley and his Critics: Geography, Exploration and Empire, p. 134

C. Hindley, Comment, p. 167
D. Cohen, Reply, p. 184

A. Verhulst, The Decline of Slavery and the Economic Expansion of the Early Middle Ages, p. 195

P. Joyce, p. 204
C. Kelly, p. 209

n. 132, Aug. 1991

J.M. Riddle, Oral Contraceptives and Early-Term Abortisfacients during Classical Antiquiry and the Middle Ages, p. 3
D. Hirst, The Failure of Godly Rule in the English Republic, p. 33
F.M. Snowden, Cholera in Barletta 1910, p. 67
A.C. Milner, Inventing Politics: The Case of Malaysia, p. 104

G. Strauss, The Dilemma of Popular History, p. 130

W.D. Rubinstein, Comment, p. 150
M.J. Daunton, Reply, p. 170

Ch. Wickham, Syntactis Structures: Social Theory for Historians, p. 188

n. 131, May 1991

G. Sreenivasan, The Land-Family Bond at Earl Colne (Essex) 1550-1650, p. 3
R. Briggs, The Academic Royale des Sciences and the Pursuit of Utility, p. 38
B. Reay, The Context and Meaning of Popular Literacy: Some Evidence from Nineteenth-Century Rural England, p. 89
D. Sayer, British Reaction to the Amritsar Massacre 1919-1920, p. 130

D. Crouch, Comment 1, p. 165
D.A. Carpenter, Comment 2, p. 177
P.R. Coss, Reply, p. 190

D. Birmingham, Joseph Miller’s Way of Death, p. 203

Notes, p. 217

n. 130, Feb. 1991

S.R. Epstein, Cities, Regions and the Late Medieval Crisis: Sicily and Tuscany Compared, p. 3
F. Cervantes, The Devils of Queretaro: Scepticism and Credulity in Late Seventeenth-Century Mexico, p. 51
J.S. Cockburn, Patterns of Violence in English Society: Homicide in Kent 1560-1985, p. 70
D.A. Bell, Lawyers into Demagogues: Chancellor Maupeou and the Transformation of Legal Practice in France 1771-1789, p. 107
D. Valenze, The Art of Women and the Business of Men: Women’s Work and the Dairy Industry c. 1740-1840, p. 142
D.H. Johnson, Criminal Secrecy: The Case of the Zande « Secret Societies », p. 170

N. Rogers, Paul Langford’s « Age of Improvement », p. 201

Editorial note, p. 210