Past & present : a journal of historical studies DATINI

Past & Present: a journal of historical studies

ISSN: 0031-2746
Conservata in: Università degli Studi di Firenze, Biblioteca di Scienze Sociali

– Punto di servizio: Economia; Riv. str. 0293
Consistenza: n. 19, 1961-
Lacune: n. 183, 2004

– Punto di servizio: Giurisprudenza; Riv. str. 0249
Consistenza: 1968-2001
Lacune: 1968

– Punto di servizio: Scienze Politiche; Riv. str. 0307
Consistenza: 1971-2000
[ 2030-2021 ] [ 2020-2011 ] [ 2010-2001 ] [ 2000-1996 ] [ 1995-1991 ] [ 1990-1986 ] [ 1985-1981 ] [ 1980-1976 ] [ 1975-1971 ] [ 1970-1966 ] [ 1965-1961 ] [ 1960-1956 ] [ 1955-1952 ]

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n. 209, 2010

S. A. Smith, R. E. F. Smith, p. 3
Judith M. Bennett, Compulsory Service in Late Medieval England, p. 7
Steven Gunn, Archery Practice in Early Tudor England, p. 53
Rafe Blaufarb, The Survival of the Pays d’états: The Example of Provence, p. 83
Linda Colley, Gendering the Globe: The Political and Imperial Thought of Philip Francis, p. 117
Carl J. Griffin, The Violent Captain Swing?, p. 149
Joseph Fracchia, Hora: Social Conflicts and Collective Memories in Piana Degli Albanesi, p. 181
Alan Knight, The Myth of the Mexican Revolution, p. 223

n. 208, 2010

Eric Hobsbawm, Victor Kiernan, p. 3
Esther Eidinow, Patterns of Persecution: ‘Witchcraft’ Trials in Classical Athens, p. 9
Justine Firnhaber-Baker, Seigneurial War and Royal Power in Later Medieval Southern France, p. 37
Alexandra Walsham, Invisible Helpers: Angelic Intervention in Post-Reformation England, p. 77
Benjamin Heller, The ‘Mene Peuple’ and the Polite Spectator: The Individual in the Crowd at Eighteenth-Century London Fairs, p. 131
Frederick F. Anscombe, Islam and the Age of Ottoman Reform, p. 159
Michael Goebel, Gauchos, Gringos and Gallegos: The Assimilation of Italian and Spanish Immigrants in the Making of Modern Uruguay, p. 191
1880-1930 Sunil S. Amrith, Indians Overseas? Governing Tamil Migration to Malaya 1870-1941, p. 231

n. 207, 2010

Jane Whittle, Lords and Tenants in Kett’s Rebellion 1549, p. 3
Ryan Dominic Crewe, Brave New Spain: An Irishman’s Independence Plot in Seventeenth-Century Mexico, p. 53
Faramerz Dabhoiwala, Lust and Liberty, p. 89
Christof Dejung, Andreas Zangger, British Wartime Protectionism and Swiss Trading Companies in Asia during the First World War, p. 181
Matt Houlbrook, ‘A Pin to See the Peepshow’: Culture, Fiction and Selfhood in Edith Thompson’s Letters, 1921-1922, p. 215

n. 206, 2010

Pamela Nightingale, The Rise and Decline of Medieval York: A Reassessment, p. 3
William J. Bulman, The Practice of Politics: The English Civil War and the ‘Resolution’ of Henrietta Maria and Charles I, p. 43
William H. Sewell, Jr, The Empire of Fashion and the Rise of Capitalism in Eighteenth-Century France, p. 81
John Shovlin, Selling American Empire on the Eve of the Seven Years War: The French Propaganda Campaign of 1755-1756, p. 121
Ryan Gingeras, Last Rites for a ‘Pure Bandit’: Clandestine Service, Historiography and the Origins of the Turkish ‘Deep State’, p. 151
Paul Gillingham, Maximino’s Bulls: Popular Protest after the Mexican Revolution 1940-1952, p. 175
Patrick Joyce, What is the Social in Social History?, p. 213

n. 206, 2009, suppl. 5

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Alexandra Walsham, Introduction: Relics and Remains, p. 9

Robert Morkot, Divine of Body: The Remains of Egyptian Kings-Preservation, Reverence, and Memory in a World without Relics, p. 37
Robin Osborne, Relics and Remains in an Ancient Greek World full of Anthropomorphic Gods, p. 56
Julia M. H. Smith, Rulers and Relics c.750-c.950: Treasure on Earth, Treasure in Heaven, p. 73
Josef W. Meri, Relics of Piety and Power in Medieval Islam, p. 97
Alexandra Walsham, Skeletons in the Cupboard: Relics after the English Reformation, p. 121
Ulinka Rublack, Grapho-Relics: Lutheranism and the Materialization of the Word, p. 144
Howard Louthan, Tongues, Toes, and Bones: Remembering Saints in Early Modern Bohemia, p. 167
John S. Strong, ‘The Devil was in that Little Bone’: The Portuguese Capture and Destruction of the Buddha’s Tooth-Relic, Goa, 1561, p. 184
Paul Gillingham, The Strange Business of Memory: Relic Forgery in Latin America, p. 199
Alan Knight, The Several Legs of Santa Anna: A Saga of Secular Relics, p. 227
Adam Yuet Chau, Mao’s Travelling Mangoes: Food as Relic in Revolutionary China, p. 256
James Mark, What Remains? Anti-Communism, Forensic Archaeology, and the Retelling of the National Past in Lithuania and Romania, p. 276
Daniel Branch, The Search for the Remains of Dedan Kimathi: The Politics of Death and Memorialization in Post-Colonial Kenya, p. 301
Zoë Waxman, Testimonies as Sacred Texts: The Sanctification of Holocaust Writing, p. 321

Index, p. 343

n. 205, 2009

Jeffrey Fynn-Paul, Empire, Monotheism and Slavery in the Greater Mediterranean Region from Antiquity to the Early Modern Era, p. 3
Bas van Bavel, Oscar Gelderblom, The Economic Origins of Cleanliness in the Dutch Golden Age, p. 41
Helen Rogers, The Way to Jerusalem: Reading, Writing and Reform in an Early Victorian Gaol, p. 71
Mary Dewhurst Lewis, Necropoles and Nationality: Land Rights, Burial Rites and the Development of Tunisian National Consciousness in the 1930s, p. 105
Josie McLellan, Visual Dangers and Delights: Nude Photography in East Germany, p. 143

Debate, p. 175

n. 204, 2009

Janine Larmon Peterson, Holy Heretics in Later Medieval Italy, p. 3
Giora Sternberg, Epistolary Ceremonial: Corresponding Status at the Time of Louis XIV, p. 33
James Grehan, The Legend of the Samarmar: Parades and Communal Identity in Syrian Towns c.1500-1800, p. 89
Matthew Kelly, Irish Nationalist Opinion and the British Empire in the 1850s and 1860s, p. 127
S. A. Smith, Bones of Contention: Bolsheviks and the Struggle against Relics 1918-1930, p. 155
Peter Mandler, Margaret Mead Amongst the Natives of Great Britain, p. 195

Review Article, p. 235

n. 203, 2009

Alan Strathern, The Vijaya Origin Myth of Sri Lanka and the Strangeness of Kingship, p. 3
John Walter, ‘The Pooremans Joy and the Gentlemans Plague’: A Lincolnshire Libel and the Politics of Sedition in Early Modern England, p. 29
Aya Elyada, Protestant Scholars and Yiddish Studies in Early Modern Europe, p. 69
Peter J. Gurney, ‘Rejoicing in Potatoes’: The Politics of Consumption in England During the ‘Hungry Forties’, p. 99
Michael A. Reynolds, Buffers, not Brethren: Young Turk Military Policy in the First World War and the Myth of Panturanism, p. 137
Selina Todd, Domestic Service and Class Relations in Britain 1900-1950, p. 181

Review Article, p. 205

n. 203, 2009, suppl. 4

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Michael J. Braddick, Introduction: The Politics of Gesture, p. 9

Leslie Brubaker, Gesture in Byzantium, p. 36
Philippe Depreux, Gestures and Comportment at the Carolingian Court: Between Practice and Perception, p. 57
Miri Rubin, Gestures of Pain, Implications of Guilt: Mary and the Jews, p. 80
John Walter, Gesturing at Authority: Deciphering the Gestural Code of Early Modern England, p. 96
James H. Sweet, Mutual Misunderstandings: Gesture, Gender and Healing in the African Portuguese World, p. 128
Colin Jones, Meeting, Greeting and Other ‘Little Customs of the Day’ on the Streets of Late Eighteenth-Century Paris, p. 144
Karin Sennefelt, The Politics of Hanging Around and Tagging Along: Everyday Practices of Politics in Eighteenth-Century Stockholm, p. 172
David Arnold, Salutation and Subversion: Gestural Politics in Nineteenth-Century India, p. 191
James L. Hevia, ‘The Ultimate Gesture of Deference and Debasement’: Kowtowing in China, p. 212
Mary Vincent, Expiation as Performative Rhetoric in National-Catholicism: The Politics of Gesture in Post-Civil War Spain, p. 235
Mary Fulbrook, Embodying the Self: Gestures and Dictatorship in Twentieth-Century Germany, p. 257
Richard Handler, Erving Goffman and the Gestural Dynamics of Modern Selfhood, p. 280

List of Contributors, p. 301
Index, p. 303

n. 202, 2009

Andrew Cambers, Demonic Possession, Literacy and ‘Superstition’ in Early Modern England, p. 3
Martin J. Wein, ‘Chosen Peoples, Holy Tongues’: Religion, Language, Nationalism and Politics in Bohemia and Moravia in the Seventeenth to Twentieth Centuries, p. 37
Renaud Morieux, Diplomacy from Below and Belonging: Fishermen and Cross-Channel Relations in the Eighteenth Century, p. 83
Simon Devereaux, Recasting the Theatre of Execution: The Abolition of the Tyburn Ritual, p. 127
Yael A. Sternhell, Communicating War: The Culture of Information in Richmond during the American Civil War, p. 175
Kevin Morgan, Militarism and Anti-Militarism: Socialists, Communists and Conscription in France and Britain 1900-1940, p. 207

n. 201, 2008

Sara Forsdyke, Street Theatre and Popular Justice in Ancient Greece: Shaming, Stoning and Starving Offenders inside and outside the Courts, p. 3
Alexandra Shepard, Poverty, Labour and the Language of Social Description in Early Modern England, p. 51
James Van Horn Melton, From Alpine Miner to Low-Country Yeoman: The Transatlantic Worlds of a Georgia Salzburger 1693-1761, p. 97
Gordon Pentland, ‘Betrayed by Infamous Spies’? The Commemoration of Scotland’s ‘Radical War’ of 1820, p. 141
David M. Pomfret, ‘Child Slavery’ in British and French Far-Eastern Colonies 1880-1945, p. 175
Paul Betts, Property, Peace and Honour: Neighbourhood Justice in Communist Berlin, p. 215

n. 200, 2008

Lyndal Roper, Chris Wickham, Past and Present ‘s Two Hundredth Issue, p. 3
Kim Siebenhüner, Conversion, Mobility and the Roman Inquisition in Italy Around 1600, p. 5
Alastair Bellany, The Murder of John Lambe: Crowd Violence, Court Scandal and Popular Politics in Early Seventeenth-Century England, p. 37
Dale K. Van Kley, Civic Humanism in Clerical Garb: Gallican Memories of the Early Church and the Project of Primitivist Reform 1719-1791, p. 77
Philip Williamson, State Prayers, Fasts and Thanksgivings: Public Worship in Britain 1830-1897, p. 121
Robert Gerwarth, The Central European Counter-Revolution: Paramilitary Violence in Germany, Austria and Hungary after the Great War, p. 175
A. G. Hopkins, Rethinking Decolonization, p. 210

n. 199, 2008

Leslie Dossey, Wife Beating and Manliness in Late Antiquity, p. 3
Felicity Heal, Food Gifts, the Household and the Politics of Exchange in Early Modern England, p. 41
Evelyn Welch, Lotteries in Early Modern Italy, p. 71
Daniel Roche, Equestrian Culture in France from the Sixteenth to the Nineteenth Century, p. 113
Amanda Vickery, An Englishman’s Home Is His Castle? Thresholds, Boundaries and Privacies in the Eighteenth-Century London House, p. 147
Abigail Green, The British Empire and the Jews: An Imperialism of Human Rights?, p. 175
James Hinton, ‘The « Class » Complex: Mass-Observation and Cultural Distinction in Pre-War Britain, p. 207

n. 199, 2008, suppl. 3

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S. A. Smith, Introduction, p. 7

Superstition in a Non-Christian Context
Hugh Bowden, Before Superstition and After: Theophrastus and Plutarch on Deisidaimonia, p. 56
Richard Gordon, Superstitio, Superstition and Religious Repression in the Late Roman Republic and Principate (100 bce-300 ce), p. 72
T. H. Barrett, Superstition and its Others in Han China, p. 95

Superstition in Christendom
Michael D. Bailey, Concern over Superstition in Late Medieval Europe, p. 115
Stephen Bowd, ‘Honeyed Flies’ and ‘Sugared Rats’: Witchcraft, Heresy, and Superstition in the Bresciano, 1454-1535, p. 134
Alison Rowlands, ‘Superstition’, Magic, and Clerical Polemic in Seventeenth-Century Germany, p. 157
Alexandra Walsham, Recording Superstition in Early Modern Britain: The Origins of Folklore, p.
Simon Dixon, Superstition in Imperial Russia, p. 207

Superstition in the Modern World
Alan Knight, Superstition in Mexico: From Colonial Church to Secular State, p. 229
Basile Ndjio, Mokoagne moni: Sorcery and New Forms of Wealth in Cameroon, p. 271
Lauren Derby, Imperial Secrets: Vampires and Nationhood in Puerto Rico, p. 290
Peter Geschiere, Witchcraft and the State: Cameroon and South Africa: Ambiguities of ‘Reality’ and ‘Superstition’, p. 313

List of Contributors, p. 336
Index, p. 337

n. 198, 2008

David Randall, Epistolary Rhetoric, the Newspaper, and the Public Sphere, p. 3
Malcolm Gaskill, Witchcraft and Evidence in Early Modern England, p. 33
Troy Bickham, Eating the Empire: Intersections of Food, Cookery and Imperialism in Eighteenth-Century Britain, p. 71
Tomas Balkelis, Social Banditry and Nation-Making: the Myth of a Lithuanian Robber, p. 111
Sonja Levsen, Constructing Elite Identities: University Students, Military Masculinity and the Consequences of the Great War in Britain and Germany, p. 147
Nancy Rose Hunt, Rewriting the Soul in a Flemish Congo, p. 185

n. 197, 2007

Kate Cooper, Closely Watched Household: visibility, exposure and private power in the Roman Domus, p. 3
Marina Rustow, Karaites real and imagined: three cases of Jewish heresy, p. 35
William Beik The Violence of the French Crowd from Charivari to Revolution, p. 75
Sujit Sivasundaram, Buddhist Kingship, British Archaeology and Historical Narratives in Sri Lanka c.1750-1850, p. 111
Leonard Schwarz, Custom, Wages and Workload in England during Industrialization, p. 143
James Thompson, « Pictorial Lies »? Posters and Politics in Britain c 1880-1914, p. 177
Priya Satia, Developing Iraq: Britain, India and the Redemption of Empire and Technology in the First World War, p. 211

n. 196, 2007

Samuel K. Cohn Jr., The Black Death and the Burning of Jews, p. 3
David R. Como, Secret Printing, the Crisis of 1640, and the Origins of Civil War Radicalism, p. 37
Robert Travers, Death and the Nabob: Imperialism and Commemoration in Eighteenth-Century India, p. 83
Allan Blackstock, Tommy Downshire’s Boys: Popular Protest, Social Change and Political Manipulation in Mid-Ulster 1829-1847, p. 125
Marwa Elshakry, The Gospel of Science and American Evangelism in Late Ottoman Beirut, p. 173
Balázs A. Szelényi, From minority to Übermensch: The social Roots of Ethnic Conflict in the German Diaspora of Hungary, Romania and Slovakia, p. 215
Debate: The Roasting of the Rump: Scatology and the Body Politic in Restoration England, p. 253

n. 195, 2007

Peter Fibiger Bang, Trade and Empire – In Search of Organizing Concepts for the Roman Economy, p. 3
Micheál Ó Siochrú, Atrocity, Codes of Conduct and the Irish in the British Civil Wars 1641-1653, p. 55
Julian Swann, Disgrace without Dishonour: the internal extile of French Magistrates in teh Eighteenth Century, p. 87
Paul A. Custer, Refiguring Jemima: Gender, Work and Politics in Lancashire 1770-1820, p. 127
James Loughilin, Creating « A Social and Geographical Fact »: Regional Identity and the Ulster Question 1880s-1920s, p. 159
Edward Wright-Rios, Envisioning Mexico’s Catholic Resurgence: The Virgin of Solitude and the Talking Christ of Tlacoxcalco 1908-1924, p. 197
Review Article, p. 241
Conference Note, « The Politics of Gesture », p. 269

n. 194, 2007

David Malkiel, Jews and Apostates in Medieval Europe – Boundaries real and Imagined, p. 3
Karl Gunther, Ethan H. Shagan, Protestant Radicalism and Political Thoughe in the Reign of Henry VIII, p. 35
Maria Ågren, A Domestic Secret: Marriage, Religion and Legal Change in late Seventeenth-Century Sweden, p. 75
Scott Ashley, How Navigators Think: The Death of Captain Cook Revisited, p. 107
Paul A. Towned, Between two Worlds: Irish Nationalists and Imperial Crisis 1878-1880, p. 139
Ruth Harris, The Assumptionists and the Dreyfus Affair, p. 175
Desmond King, Stephen Tuck, De-Centring the South: America’s Nationwide white supremacist order after Reconstruction, p. 213

Supplement 1, 2006

Cris Wickham, Lyndal Roper, Acknowledgements, Introduction, p. I

Amanda Vickery, His and Hers: Gender, Consumption and Household Accounting in Eighteenth-Century England, p. 12
Jane Lewis, Gender and Welfare in Modern Europe, p. 39

Silvia Evangelisti, Rooms to Share: Convent Cells and Social Relations in Early Modern Italy, p. 55
Simone Laqua, Concubinage and the Church in Early Modern Münster, p. 72

Ruth Manning, A Confessor and His Spiritual Child: François de Sales Jeanne de Chantalm and the Foundation of the order of the Visitation, p. 101
Ruth Harris, Letters to Lucie: Spirituality, Friendshipm and Politics During the Dreyfus Affair, p. 118

Lyndal Roper, Witchcraft, Nostalgia and the Rural Idyll in Eighteenth-Century Germany, p. 139
Alex Owen, The « Religious Sense » in a Post-War Secular Age, p. 159

Colin Jones, Olwen Hufton’s « Poor », Richard Cobb’s « People », and the Notions of the longue durée in French Revolutionary Historiograpy, p. 178

n. 193, 2006

Cris Wickham, Andrew Sherratt, p. 3
Alice Rio, Freedom and Unfreedom in Early Medieval Francia: The Evidence of the Legal Formulae, p. 7
Andy Wood, Subordination, Solidarity and the Limits of Popular Agency in a Yorkshire Valley c. 1596-1615, p. 41
Lucia Dacome, Resurrecting by Numbers in Eighteenth-Century, p. 73
Frank O’Gorman, The Paine Burnings of 1792-1793, p. 111
Corey Ross, Mass Culture and Divided Audiences: Cinema and Social Change in Inter-War Germany, p. 157
Mattew Connelly, Seeing beyond the State: the Population Control movement and the Problem of Sovereignty, p. 197

n. 192, 2006

Cris Wickham, Lyndal Roper, Editorial, p. 1
Peter Biller, Goodbye to Waldensianism, p. 3
Jonathan Sheehan, Sacred and Profane: Idolatry, Antiquarianism and the Polemics of Distinction in he Seventeenth Century, p. 35
Emma Rothschild, A Horrible Tragedy in the French Atlantic, p. 67
Robert Poole, The March to Peterloo: Politics and Festivity in Late Georgian England, p. 109
Vinayak Chaturvedi, The making of a Peasant King in Colonial Western India: The case of Ranchod Vira, p. 155
John McIlroy, The Establishment of Intellectual Orthodoxy and the Stalinization of British Communism 1928-1933, p. 187

n. 191, 2006

Christine R. Johnson, Renaissance German Cosmographers and the Naming of America, p. 3
Alec Ryrie, Congregations, Conventicles and the Nature of Early Scottish Protestantism, p. 44
Angus Gowland, The Problem of Early Modern Melancholy, p. 77
Patrice Higonnet, Terror, Trauma and the ‘Young Marx’ Explanation of Jacobin Politics, p. 121
Robert Lee, Class, Industrialization and the Church of England: The Case of the Durham Diocese in the Nineteenth Century, p. 165
Michael B. Miller, Pilgrims’ Progress: The Business of the Hajj, p. 189

n. 190, 2006

Elizabeth Fentress, Romanizing the Berbers, p. 3
John Langdon and James Masschaele, Commercial Activity and Population Growth in Medieval England, p. 35
Judith Pollmann, Countering the Reformation in France and the Netherlands: Clerical Leadership and Catholic Violence 1560 -1585, p. 83
H. G. Cocks, Safeguarding Civility: Sodomy, Class and Moral Reform in Early Nineteenth-Century England, p. 121
Mark Gamsa, The Epidemic of Pneumonic Plague in Manchuria 1910-1911, p. 147
Jon Lawrence, The Transformation of British Public Politics After the First World War, p. 185

n. 189, 2005

Christopher Fletcher, Manhood and Politics in the Reign of Richard II, p. 3
Mark Kishlansky, Charles I: A Case of Mistaken Identity, p. 41
Jon E. Wilson, ‘A Thousand Countries To Go To’: Peasants and Rulers in Late Eighteenth-Century Bengal, p. 81
James Taylor, Business in Pictures: Representations of Railway Enterprise in the Satirical Press in Britain 1845-1870, p. 111
Stephen Brooke, The Body and Socialism: Dora Russell in the 1920s, p. 147
Talbot Imlay, Mind the Gap: The Perception and Reality of Communist Sabotage of French War Production during the Phoney War 1939-1940, p. 179

n. 188, 2005

Bruce M. S. Campbell, The Agrarian Problem in the Early Fourteenth Century, p. 3
John Miller, ‘A Suffering People’: English Quakers and their Neighbours c. 1650-c. 1700, p. 71
James McConnel, ‘Jobbing with Tory and Liberal’: Irish Nationalists and the Politics of Patronage 1880-1914, p. 105
James Mark, Remembering Rape: Divided Social Memory and the Red Army in Hungary 1944-1945, p. 133
Anne Mager, ‘One Beer, One Goal, One Nation, One Soul’: South African Breweries, Heritage, Masculinity and Nationalism 1960-1999, p. 163

William Beik, The Absolutism of Louis XIV as Social Collaboration, p. 195

n. 187, 2005

James S. Amelang, Mourning Becomes Eclectic: Ritual Lament and the Problem of Continuity, p. 3
Pamela Nightingale, Some New Evidence of Crises and Trends of Mortality in Late Medieval England, p. 33
Sheilagh Ogilvie, Communities and the ‘Second Serfdom’ in Early Modern Bohemia, p. 69
Shruti Kapila, Masculinity and Madness: Princely Personhood and Colonial Sciences of the Mind in Western India 1871-1940, p. 121
Abigail Wills, Delinquency, Masculinity and Citizenship in England 1930-1970, p. 157

How Many Children Were ‘Unemployed’ in Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century England?
Peter Kirby, Comment, p. 187
Hugh Cunningham, Reply, p. 203

n. 186, 2005

Caroline Humphrey, Altanhuu Hürelbaatar, Regret as a Political Intervention: An Essay in the Historical Anthropology of the Early Mongols:, p. 3
Shannon McSheffrey, Heresy, Orthodoxy and English Vernacular Religion 1480-1525, p. 47
Randall McGowen, The Bank of England and the Policing of Forgery 1797-1821, p. 81
Susan K. Morrissey, Drinking to Death: Suicide, Vodka and Religious Burial in Russia, p. 117
Paul Readman, The Place of the Past in English Culture c. 1890-1914, p. 147
Daniel A. Gordon, The Back Door of the Nation State: Expulsions of Foreigners and Continuity in Twentieth-Century France, p. 201

Notes, p. 233

n. 185, 2004

Robin Osborne, Keith Hopkins, p. 3
Thomas Sizgorich, Narrative and Community in Islamic Late Antiquity, p. 9
Peter Lake, Michael Questier, Margaret Clitherow, Catholic Nonconformity, Martyrology and the Politics of Religious Change in Elizabethan England, p. 43
Hannah Smith, The Idea of a Protestant Monarchy in Britain 1714-1760, p. 91
James M. Brophy, The Common Reader in the Rhineland: The Calendar as Political Primer in the Early Nineteenth Century, p. 119
Jan Rüger, Nation, Empire and Navy: Identity Politics in the United Kingdom 1887-1914, p. 159
Harriet T. Zurndorfer, Not Bound to China: Étienne Balazs, Fernand Braudel and the Politics of the Study of Chinese History in Post-War France, p. 189

n. 184, 2004

Penny Roberts, Royal Authority and Justice during the French Religious Wars, p. 3
Paul Slack, Government and Information in Seventeenth-Century England, p. 33
Sarah Lloyd, Cottage Conversations: Poverty and Manly Independence in Eighteenth-Century England, p. 69
Maya Jasanoff, Collectors of Empire: Objects, Conquests and Imperial Self-Fashioning, p. 109
Joan-Lluís Marfany, ‘Minority’ Languages and Literary Revivals, p. 137
Iván Molina, Steven Palmer, Popular Literacy in a Tropical Democracy: Costa Rica 1850-1950, p. 169

Robin Fleming, Andrew Lowerre, MacDomesday Book, p. 209

n. 183, 2004

Leor Halevi, Wailing for the Dead: The Role of Women in Early Islamic Funerals, p. 3
Mark Jurdjevic, Prophets and Politicians: Marsilio Ficino, Savonarola and the Valori Family, p. 41
John Walter, ‘Abolishing Superstition with Sedition’? The Politics of Popular Iconoclasm in England 1640-1642, p. 79
Peter King, The Summary Courts and Social Relations in Eighteenth-Century England, p. 125
Caroline Ford, Nature, Culture and Conservation in France and her Colonies 1840-1940, p. 173
Erik-C. Landis, Waiting for Makhno: Legitimacy and Context in a Russian Peasant War, p. 199

n. 182, 2004

Martin Goodman, Trajan and the Origins of Roman Hostility to the Jews, p. 3
Sally McKee, Inherited Status and Slavery in Late Medieval Italy and Venetian Crete, p. 31
Bernard Capp, Life, Love and Litigation: Sileby in the 1630s, p. 55
Maxine Berg, In pursuit of Luxury: Global History and British Consumer Goods in the Eighteenth Century, p. 85
James Livesey, Material Culture, Economic Institutions and Peasant Revolution in Lower Languedoc 1770-1840, p. 143
Fergus Campbell, The social Dynamics of Nationalist Politics in the West of Ireland 1898-1918, p. 175
Clarisse Berthezène, Creating Conservative Fabians: The Conservative Party, Political Education and the Founding of Ashridge College, p. 211

n. 181, 2003

Elizabeth Horodowich, Civic Identity and the Control of Blasphemy in Sixteenth-Century Venice, p. 3
David Cressy, Revolutionary England 1640-1642, p. 35
Rosa Congost, Property Rights and Historical Analysis: What Rights? What History?, p. 73
Hannah Gay, Clock Synchrony, Time Distribution and Electrical Timekeeping in Britain 1880-1925, p. 107
Donald Bloxham, The Armenian Genocide of 1915-1916: Cumulative Radicalization and the Development of a Destruction Policy, p. 141
Senia Paseta, Censorship and its Critics in the Irish Free State 1922-1932, p. 193
Patricia Skinner, Viewpoint: Confronting the ‘Medieval’ in Medieval History: The Jewish Example, p. 219

n. 180, 2003

Paul Slack, Christopher Hill, p. 3
John Ma, Peer Polity Interaction in the Hellenistic Age, p. 9
Len E. Scales, Germen Militiae: War and German Identity in the Later Middle Ages, p. 41
John Hatcher, Understading the Population History of England 1450-1750, p. 83
Fraser Easton, Gender’s Two Bodies: Women Warriors, Female Husbands and Plebeian Life, p. 131
Craig Gibson, The British Army, French Farmers and the War on the Western Front 1914-1918, p. 175
Richard D. Waller, Witchcraft and Colonial Law in Kenya, p. 241

Alexandra Walsham, The Dangers of Ritual, p. 277

n. 179, 2003

Marc Van De Mieroop, Revenge, Assyrian Style, p. 3
Jeremy Catto, Written English: The Making of the Language 1370-1400, p. 24
David Parker, Absolutism, Feudalism and Property Rights in the France of Louis XIV, p. 60
K. D. M. Snell, Gravestones, Belonging and Local Attachment in England 1700-2000, p. 97
Virginia Crossman, The New Ross Workhouse Riot of 1887: Nationalism, Class and the Irish Poor Laws, p. 135
Vijay Pinch, Bhakti and the British Empire, p. 159
Timothy Snyder, The Causes of Ukrainian-Polish Ethnic Cleasing 1943, p. 197

Notes, p. 235

n. 178, 2003

Simon MacLean, Queenship, Nunneries and Royal Widowhood in Carolingian Europe, p. 3
Peter Marshall, Forgery and Miracles in the Reign of Henry VIII, p. 39
Stuart Carroll, The peace in the Feud in Sixteenth- and Seventeenth- Century France, p.
Neeraj Hatekar, Farmers and Markets in the Pre-Colonial Deccan: The Plausibility of Economic Growth in Traditional Society, p. 116
Julie-Marie Strange, Only a Pauper Whom Nobody Owns: reassessing the Pauper Grave c. 1880-1914, p. 148
Frank M. Snowden, Mosquitoes, Quinine and the Socialism of Italian Women 1900-1914, p. 176
Roger Smith, Biology and Values in Interwar Britain: C. S. Sherrington, Julian Huxley and the Vision of Progress, p. 210

Notes, p. 243

n. 177, 2002

E. J. Hobsbawm, A Life in History, p. 3
Michael McCormick, New Light on the ‘Dark Ages’: How the Slave Trade Fuelled the Carolingian Economy, p. 17
Howard Kaminsky, The Nobel feud in the Later Middle Ages, p. 55
Mark S. R. Jenner, The Roasting of the Rump: Scatology and the Body Politic in Restoration England, p. 84
Sarah A. Curtis, Charitable Ladies: Gender, Class and Religion in mid Nineteenth-Century Paris, p. 121
Todd A. Diacon, Candido Mariano da Silva Rondon and the Politics of Indian Protection in Brazil, p. 157
Peter Scott, The Twilight World of Interwar British Hire Purchase, p. 195

Notes, p. 226

n. 176, 2002

Lyndal Roper, Chris Wickham, Past and present after fifty years, p. 3
Peter Coss, R. H. Hilton, p. 7
Paolo Squatriti, Digging ditches in early medieval europe, p. 11
Miriam Bodian, In the cross-currents, of the reformation: crypto-jewish martyrs of the inquisition 1570-1670, p. 66
Carolyn Steedman, Lord mansfield’s women, p. 105
Peter N. Miller, Nazis and neo-stoics: Otto Brunner and Gerhard Oest-Reich before and after the second world war, p. 144
Indivar Kamtekar, A different war dance: state and class in India 1939-1945, p. 187
Matthew Hilton, The fable of the sheep, or, private virtues, public vices: the consumer revolution of the twentieth century, p. 222
R. F. W. Evans, A czech historian in troubled times: J. V. Poli?enský, p. 257

Prasannan Parthasarathi, The great divergence, p. 275

Lyndal Roper, Chris Wickham, ‘Rewriting the past’: 71st anglo-american conference of Historians 3-5 July 2002, p. 294

Notes, p. 297

n. 175, 2002

C. S. Watkins, Sin, penance and purgatory in the anglo-norman realm: the evidence of visions and ghost stories, p. 3
Rolf Strom-Olsen, Dynastic ritual and politics in early modern burgundy: the baptism of Charles V, p. 34
Richard Whatmore, Adam Smith’s role in the french revolution, p. 65
Stephen Ellis, Witch-hunting in central Madagascar 1828-1861, p. 90
Cormac ó Gráda, ‘The greatest blessing of all’: The old age pension in Ireland, p. 124
Geoffrey Hosking, The second world war and Russian national consciousness, p. 162
Jim Tomlinson, The British ‘productivity problem’ in the 1960s, p. 188

n. 174, 2002

David Nirenberg, Mass conversion and genealogical mentalities: Jews and Christians in fifteenth-century Spain, p. 3
Molly Greene, Beyond the northern invasion: the mediterranean in the seventeenth century, p. 42
Marius Kwint, The legitimization of the circus in late georgian England, p. 72
Sven Beckert, Democracy and its discontents: contesting suffrage rights in gilded age New York, p. 116
Adam Kuper, Incest, cousin marriage, and the origin of the human sciences in nineteenth-century England, p. 158
Jama Mohamed, ‘The evils of locust bait’: popular nationalism during the 1945 anti-locust control rebellion in colonial somaliland, p. 184

Notes, p. 217

n. 173, 2001

Robert F. Berkhofer III, Marriage, lordship and the ‘greaterunfree’ in twelfth-century France, p. 3
Christopher Haigh, Success and failure in the english reformation, p. 28
Alison Rowlands, Witchcraft and old women in early modernGermany, p. 50
Margaret Sankey, Daniel Szechi, Elite culture and the declineof scottish jacobitism 1716-1745, p. 90
Laura Engelstein, Holy Russia in modern times: an essay onorthodoxy and cultural change, p. 129
Luke S. K. Kwong, The rise of the linear perspective on history and time in late Qing China c. 1860-1911, p. 157

Debate: Women’s work reconsidered: gender and wage differentiation in late Medieval England:
Comment: by John Hatcher, p. 191
Reply: by Sandy Bardsley, p. 199

Review Article: The hole in the doughnut: by James and Elizabeth Fentress, p. 203

Notes, p. 220

n. 172, 2001

Bas F. P. van Bavel, Land, Lease and Agriculture : the transition of the rural economy in the Dutch River Area from the Fourteenth to the Sixteenth century, p. 3
Steve Hindle, Dearth, Fasting and Alms, the Campaign for General Hospitality in Late Elizabethan England, p. 44
Robert C. Davis, Counting European Slaves on the Barbary Coast, p. 87
Rebecca Earle, Creole Patriotism and the Myth of the « Loyal Indian », p. 125
Payson O’Brien, The Titan Refreshed: Imperial Overstretch and the British Navy before the First World War, p. 146
Douglas E. Haynes, Artisan Cloth-Producers and the Emergence of Power-loom Manufacture in Western India 1920-1950, p. 170

Notes, p. 199

n. 171, 2001

Paul Latimer, The English Inflation of 1180-1220 Reconsidered, p. 3
Govind P. Sreenzvasan, The Social Origins of the Peasants War of 1525 in Upper Swabia, p. 30
Christopher Marsh, « Common Prayer » in England 1560-1640: the View from the Pew, p. 66
Leigh Shaw-Taylor, Labourers, Cows, Common Rights and Parliamentary Enclosure: The Evidence of Contemporary Comment. c.1760-1810, p. 95
Cecilia Méndez-Gasteiumendi, The Power of Naming, or the Construction of Ethnic and National Identities in Peru: Myth, History and the Iquichanos, p. 127
Susan Pedersen, The Maternalist Moment in British Colonial Policy: The Controversy over ‘Child Slavery’ in Hong Kong 1917-1941, p. 161
Terence Ranger, Review Article: Colonialism, Consciousness and the Camera, p. 203

n. 170, 2001

James Davidson, Dover, Foucault and Greek homosexuality: penetration and the truth of sex, p. 3
Richard Alrnond, A. J. Pollard, The Yeomanry of Robin Hood and social terminology in Fifteenth-Century England, p. 52
Craig Muldrew, ‘Hard food for Midas’: Cash and its social value in early modern england, p. 78
Phil Withington, Views from the bridge: revolution and restoration in Seventeenth-Century York, p. 121
Michael Broers, Cultural imperialism in a european context? Political culture and cultural politics in napoleonic Italy, p. 152
Rebecca J. Scott, Reclaiming Gregoria’s Mule: The meanings of freedom in the Arimao and Caunao Valleys, Cienfuegos, Cuba,1880-1899, p. 181

Notes, p. 21