Revista de Historia Económica – Journal of Iberian and Latin American Economic History DATINI

Revista de Historia Económica – Journal of Iberian and Latin American Economic History

Cambridge, Instituto Figuerola de Historia y Ciencias Sociales, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
già (fino al 2008?): Madrid, Instituto Figuerola de Historia y Ciencias Sociales, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
già (fino al 2005): Madrid, Fundación Empresa Pública, Centro de Estudio Constitucionales

ISSN: 0212-6109
Conservata in: Prato, Fondazione Istituto Internazionale di Storia Economica « F. Datini », Coll: Riv. 49
Consistenza: a. XVI, 1998, 1 – a. XXXVII, 2019, 1
Lacune: a. XXVIII, 2010, 1, 2, 3;

Conservata in: Università degli Studi di Firenze, Biblioteca di Scienze Sociali
Punto di servizio: Economia; Riv. str. 0608
Consistenza: a. VII, 1989-

[ 2030-2021 ] [ 2020-2011 ] [ 2010-2001 ] [ 2000-1989 ]

copertina della rivista

a. XLI, 2023, 2

Luciano Campos, Short- and Long-Run Effects of Devaluations: Evidence from Argentina, p. 213
Carmen Sarasúa, Pilar Erdozáin, Ricardo Hernández, Nursing Babies to Fight Poverty: Wages of Wet Nurses of Spanish Foundling Hospitals in the 18th and 19th Centuries, p. 243
Stefan Houpt, Juan Carlos Rojo Cagigal, Sustenance and Strife. Standards of Living and Family Vulnerability During Spain’s Industrialisation. The Bilbao Estuary, 1914–1935, p. 273
María Del Mar López Pérez, Ángel Tejada Ponce, María Pilar Sánchez González, Desigualdad regional en Castilla en el siglo XVIII, p. 305
Jane E. Knodell, Catalina M. Vizcarra, Resource Endowments, Agency Problems, and Monetary Outcomes in Two Colonial American Mints, 1600–1700, p. 343

a. XLI, 2023, 1

Editorial Note, p. 1
Diego Castañeda Garza, Alice Krozer, Life on the Edge: Elites, Wealth and Inequality in Sonora 1871–1910 p. 7
Cecilia T. Lanata-Briones, Reconstructing Official Statistics: A New Estimate of the Argentine Cost of Living Index, 1912–1943 p. 39
David S. Reher, Patterns of Literacy in Historic Spain: An Interpretation p. 83
Angelo Alves Carrara, Maximiliano Mac Menz, Felipe Souza Melo, Rodrigo da Costa Dominguez, The Brazilian Economy During the Old Regime Crisis (1750–1807) p. 119
Pablo Delgado, Vicente Pinilla, Gema Aparicio, A Different Product? The Formation and Expansion of the International Meat and Live Cattle Market (1850–1939) p. 147
Claudio Robles-Ortiz, Ignacio González-Correa, Nora Reyes, Campos and Uziel González Aliaga Agricultural Workers’ Standard of Living During Central Chile’s Agrarian Expansion, 1870–1930 p. 183

a. XL, 2022, 3

Francisco J. Beltrán Tapia, Alfonso Díez-Minguela, Julio Martinez-Galarraga, Daniel A. Tirado-Fabregat, Two Stories, One Fate: Age-Heaping and Literacy in Spain, 1877-1930, p.405
Joaquín Ladeuix, Pablo Schiaffino, El gigante con pies de barro: ¿Fue la Argentina realmente rica? El capital humano durante la primera globalización en una perspectiva comparada, p. 439
Raúl Vázquez-López, Trayectorias de modernización industrial y cambio estructural en América Latina, 1970-2017, p. 475
Andreu Seguí Beltrán, Capitanas y patronas. Mujeres en la actividad corsaria de Mallorca en el siglo XVII, p. 509
Eduardo Martín Cuesta, Las trabajadoras industriales de Buenos Aires y la desigualdad salarial de género (1903-1942). Nuevos datos y una agenda de investigación, p. 539

Carlos Newland, A War Without Inflation: The Case of Argentina 1865-1870, p. 567

a. XL, 2022, 2

Oriol Sabaté, Sergio Espuelas, Alfonso Herranz-Loncán, Military Wages and Coups D’État In Spain (1850-1915): The Use of Public Spending as a Coup-Proofing Strategy, p. 205
Ricardo Ferraz, The Financial Costs of the Portuguese Colonial War, 1961-1974: Analysis and Applied Study, p. 243
Magdalena Gild, Jorge Atria Fiscal, Aftershocks: Taxes and Catastrophes in Chilean History, p. 273
J. Bohorquez, Neither Absolutism Nor Negotiation: Spanish Empire Building and Political Economy in the 18th Century Caribbean, p. 313
Isabel Cepeda, Pedro Fraile Balbín, Fiscal Pessimism in Historical Perspective: Tocqueville’s Cross Revisited, p. 349
Martín L. E. Wasserman, Deuda, papeles y compromisos en la construcción del crédito público. La Caja Nacional de Fondos de Sud América (Buenos Aires, 1818-1821), p. 371

a. XL, 2022, 1

Editorial Note, p. 1-3

Juan Pablo Couyoumdjian, Cristián Larroulet, Diego A. Díaz, Another Case of the Middle-Income Trap: Chile, 1900-1939, p. 5-33
José Luis Peña-Mir, How Well Were Creditors’ Rights Protected in Early Modern Spain? The Case of the Public Mortgage Registry in Malaga, p. 35-65
Enrique Jorge-Sotelo, The Impact of the First World War on the Spanish Money Market: New Evidence from Money Market and Bank Lending Interest Rates, 1900-1935, p. 67-98
Miguel Martín-Retortillo, Vicente Pinilla, Jackeline Velazco, Henry Willebald, Is There a Latin American Agricultural Growth Pattern? Factor Endowments and Productivity in the Second Half of the 20th Century, p. 99-134
Concha Betrán, Maria A. Pons, Capital Flow Bonanzas as a Fundamental Ingredient in Spain’s Financial Crises, 1850-2015, p. 135-169
Andrés Regalsky, Agustina Vence Conti, Estado, Banca Pública y Financiamiento de las Exportaciones: el Gran Préstamo Argentino a los Aliados de 1918-19, p. 171-204

a. XXXIX, 2021, 3

Jordi Domènech, Pablo Martinelli, Spontaneous or Programmatic? Land Occupations during Spain’s Second Republic (1931-1936), p. 391
Herbert S. Klein, Francisco Vidal Luna, The Growth of the Soybean Frontier in South America: The Case of Brazil and Argentina, p. 427
James V. Torres-Moreno, José L. Henao-Giraldo, Connecting the Northern Andes and the Atlantic. The Role of Inland Ports in New Granada’s Interregional Trade (1770-1809), p. 469
Renato Leite Marcondes, Mortgages, Institutional Reforms and the Banco Do Brasil in the Second Half of the 19th Century, p. 509
Patricia Olguín, Beatriz Bragoni, Salarios reales y subsistencia de los trabajadores de Mendoza durante la Gran Expansión (Argentina, 1890-1914), p. 537

a. XXXIX, 2021, 2

Thomas H. Kang, Luís Henrique Z. Paese, Nilson F. A. Felix, Late and Unequal: Measuring Enrolments and Retention in Brazilian Education, 1933-2010, p. 191
Carlos Santiago-Caballero, Intergenerational Occupational Mobility in 19th-Century Spain (Valencia), 1841-1870, p. 219
Zacarias Moutoukias, Marjolein ‘T Hart, Fiscal Crises, Forced Loans and Unintended Institutional Consequences in Wartime Buenos Aires, 1800-1820, p. 265
Juan José Martínez Barraza, Comercio de mercancías locales en Santiago de Chile, 1773-1778, p. 297
Oscar Bajo-Rubio, Vicente Esteve, The Current Account of the Spanish Economy, 1850-2016: Was it Optimal?, p. 329
Andrew Thomas Primmer, Railway Nationalism and « Railway Imperialism » in Colombia and the Economic Decline Of Santander, 1907-1918, p. 355

a. XXXIX, 2021, 1

Editorial note, p. 1
John Devereux, The Absolution of History: Cuban Living Standards After 60 Years of Revolutionary Rule, p. 5
María Gómez León, The Kuznets Curve in Brazil, 1850-2010, p. 37
Álvaro La Parra-Pérez, ItWas Personal: Politics and Military Promotions in the Second Spanish Republic (1931-1936), p. 63
Celia Cussen, Juan José Martínez B., The Economics of Urban Slaveholding in Santiago, Chile, 1773-1810, p. 99
Francisco J. Marco-Gracia, Fertility Control Due to Short-Term Economic Stress in Rural Aragón (Spain), 1801-1909, p. 129
Carlos Gabriel Guimarães, Robert Greenhill, Trading in an Emerging Market: E. Johnston & Co and the Brazilian Coffee Trade 1840-1880, p. 157