Scandinavian Journal of History DATINI

Scandinavian Journal of History

Oslo, Historical Associations of Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden
5 fascicoli l’anno, già trimestrale
ISSN: 0346-8755 (Print)
ISSN: 1502-7716 (Online)
Conservata in: Prato, Fondazione Istituto Internazionale di Storia Economica « F. Datini », Coll: Riv. 107
Consistenza: v. 31, 2006, 1-Vol. 41, 2016, 4-5

Conservata in: Università degli Studi di Firenze
Risorsa online
Consistenza: 1976-

[ 2030-2021 ] [ 2020-2011 ] [ 2010-2006 ] [ 2000-1991 ] [ 1990-1981 ] [ 1980-1976 ]

copertina della rivista

v. 48, 2023, 5

Johan Heinsen, Vilhelm Vilhelmsson, Hanne Østhus, Labour and Coercion in the Nordic Region in the Early Modern Period: Connections, Ambiguities, Practices, p. 551-571
Vilhelm Vilhelmsson, Contested Households: Lodgers, Labour, and the Law in Rural Iceland in the Early 19th Century, p. 572-592
Carolina Uppenberg, Contracted Coercion: Land, Labour and Gender in the Swedish Crofter Institution, p. 593-614
Peeter Tammisto, Runaway Serfs in 17th-Century Estland and Livland, p. 615-634
Hanne Østhus, The Case of Adam Jacobsen. Enslavement in 18th-Century Norway, p. 635-655
Johan Heinsen, Carceral Chains: Pathways through a Convict Labour Institution, 1690–1830, p. 656-678
Emilie Luther Valentin, How to Be(come) the Perfect Inmate? Working the System in the Prison Workhouse at Christianshavn, 1769–1789, p. 679-698

v. 48, 2023, 4

Jonas Monié Nordin, Sven Olofsson, Voices of the forests. Eviction, control, and the birth of the ?Parish Lapp? system in early modern Sweden, p. 401-426
Max Skjönsberg, A Theory of the Enlightenment in Late Eighteenth-Century Sweden: Nils von Rosenstein and Scotland?s Science of Man and Politics, p. 427-456
Jens Carlesson Magalhães, Boundaries of the nation: ?the Jew? in the Swedish press, ca. 1810–1840, p. 457-479
Mathias Mølbak Ingholt, The last hunger years? The 1826–1832 mortality crisis in Denmark, p. 480-502
Emil Marklund, Teaching and family: either or both? Work and family among women primary school teachers in northern Sweden, c. 1860–1937, p. 503-529
Julian Lamberty, Jeppe Nevers, The Voice of Business in Denmark?s Neoliberal Turn, p. 530-549

v. 48, 2023, 3

Kimmo Katajala, Inventing the Grand Duchy of Finland in the 1580s: early modern state formation or medieval patterns of expressing the power, p. 273-298
Harald Gustafsson, Banal placemaking: spatial conceptions in an Icelandic provincial newspaper in the 1880s, p. 299-318
Kristina Krake, From revolutionary paroles to democratic rhetoric: replacement of the political vocabulary within the Norwegian Labour Party in the interwar period, p. 319-340
Maria Bjorkman, The cost of normalization: the thalidomide affected and the welfare state, p. 341-358
Jesper Vestermark Køber, Henning Fonsmark and the reformulation of Danish democracy in the 1990s, p. 359-378
Johan Jarlbrink, Fredrik Norén, The rise and fall of ‘propaganda? as a positive concept: a digital reading of Swedish parliamentary records, 1867–2019, p. 379-399

v. 48, 2023, 2

Ian Peter Grohse, Stefan Magnussen, The Earldom of Orkney, the Duchy of Schleswig and the Kalmar Union in 1434, p. 137-156
Juha Siltala, Cumulative Frustrations and the Erosion of Social Trust before the Finnish Civil War, p. 157-178
Lauren Alex O?Hagan, ?Alcohol is Humanity?s enemy!? Propaganda Posters and the 1922 Swedish Prohibition Referendum, p. 179-205
Troels Solgaard Andersen, In Defence of Danish Writers. The Daily Workings of the Press Bureau; or the Struggle for Sovereignty, 1940–1943, p. 206-227
Kjetil Braut Simonsen, Threats and Euphemisms: the Antisemitic Propaganda of Nasjonal Samling during the Summer and Autumn of 1942, p. 228-248
Byron Rom-Jensen, Andreas Mørkved Hellenes, Mary Hilson, Carl Marklund, Modelizing the Nordics: Transdiscursive Migrations of Nordic Models, c. 1965-2020, p. 249-271

v. 48, 2023, 1

Ben Allport, Eastward and northward: a geographical conception of ‘Norðmannaland? in Ohthere?s Voyage and its analogues in old Norse/Icelandic literature, p. 1-25
Madeleine Hurd, Steffen Werther, The Scandinavian ‘Gypsy friend?, p. 26-47
Kim Frederichsen, Ville Soimetsä, Danish friends of the Soviet Union: the history of interwar Danish–Soviet organizations, p. 48-70
Martina Koegeler-Abdi, Parents and the NSU: Secrecy in National Socialist Youth Work in Denmark, 1932-1945, p. 71-92
Melina Antonia Buns, Making a model: the 1974 Nordic Environmental Protection Convention and Nordic attempts to form international environmental law, p. 93-115
Sissel Bjerrum Fossat, Nordic satellite television as cultural defence in Denmark 1967–1988, p. 116-135

v. 47, 2022, 5


Svein Ivar Angell, Eirinn Larsen, Introduction: Reimagining the Nordic pasts, p. 589

Ida Lunde Jørgensen, Mads Mordhorst, Producing history, (re)branding the nation: the case of an exhibition on the Danish Golden Age, p. 600
Eirinn Larsen, Ulla Manns, Ann-Catrin Östman, Gender-equality pioneering, or how three Nordic states celebrated 100 years of women’ssuffrage , p. 648
Svein Ivar Angell, Imaging Norway by using the past, p. 668

v. 47, 2022, 4

Mikkel Runge Olesen, The beginnings of Danish foreign policy activism: Supporting Baltic independence 1990-1991, p. 370
Stefan Eklöf Amirell, The end of methodological nationalism: the internationalization of historical research in Sweden since 2000, p. 391
Ben Raffield, Bound in captivity: intersections of viking raiding, slaving, and settlement in Western Europe during the ninth century CE, p. 414
Lennart Andersson Palm, Food availability and population growth in 17th century Sweden, p. 438
Nanna Eva Nissen, Sovereign dealings with blasphemy: the prosecution of written pacts with the Devil within the absolute monarchy of Denmark-Norway, p. 464
A. Nilsson Hammar, Svante Norrhem, Servants as creditors: navigating the moral economy of an early modern aristocratic household, p. 490
Mette M. Ahlefeldt-Laurvig, A woman’s rite: rediscovering the ritual of churching in Denmark, c. 1750-1965, p. 517
Roddy Nilsson, The policing of alcoholics: Power and resistance in early welfare-state Sweden, p. 545
Søren Rud, Governing sexual citizens: decolonization and venereal disease in Greenland, p. 567

v. 47, 2022, 3

Mart Kuldkepp, Kaarel Piirimäe, Juhana Aunesluoma, Baltic crisis: Nordic and Baltic countries during the end stage of the Cold War, p. 271
Juha-Matti Ritvanen, The change in Finnish Baltic policy as a turning point in Finnish-Soviet relations. Finland, Baltic independence and the end of the Soviet Union 1988-1991, p. 280
Kaarel Piirimäe, Gorbachev’s new thinking and how its interaction with perestroika in the republics catalysed the Soviet collapse, p. 300
Mart Kuldkepp, Baltic liberation first-hand: Sweden’s pro-Baltic foreign policy shift and Swedish diplomatic reporting in 1989-1991, p. 325
Thomas Lundén, Turning towards the inland sea? Swedish ‘soft diplomacy’ towards the Baltic Soviet republics before independence, p. 347

v. 47, 2022, 2

Marie-Theres Fojuth, Northwards: How Norway became a destination for German car tourism, 1920s-1960s, p. 129-155
Ida Al Fakir, ‘Rise up and walk!’ The Church of Sweden and the ‘problem of vagrancy’ in the early twentieth century, p. 156-177
Helena Franzén, ‘The precious material’: obtaining human fetal bodies for an embryological collection at Uppsala University, ca 1890-1930, p. 178-202
Niklas Olsen, Jacob Jensen, Jørn Henrik Petersen and the origins of the third way: the market turn in the Danish welfare state since the 1970s, p. 203-224
Sanna Strand, The birth of the enterprising soldier: governing military recruitment and retention in post-Cold War Sweden, p. 225-247
Anders Ahlbäck, Changing views on gender and security: Finland’s belated opening of military service to women in the 1990s, p. 248-269

v. 47, 2022, 1

Reetta Eiranen, Mari Hatavara, Ville Kivimäki, Maria Mäkelä, Raisa Maria Toivo, Narrative and experience: interdisciplinary methodologies between history and narratology, p. 1-15
Sari Katajala-Peltomaa, Maria Mäkelä, Conversion as an exemplary experience in the 14th century and today: narrative-comparative approaches to the Exemplum, p. 16-38
Raisa Maria Toivo, Liv Helene Willumsen, A narratological approach to witchcraft trial records: creating experience, p. 39-61
Greger Andersson, Jimmy Engren, Narration, life and meaning in history and fiction, p. 62-82
Ville Kivimäki, Matti Hyvärinen, Forging a master narrative for a nation: Finnish history as a script during the Second World War, p. 83-105
Mari Hatavara, Jussi Kurunmäki, Mykola Andrushchenko, Telling and retelling a historical event: the collapse of the Soviet Union in Finnish parliamentary talk, p. 106-127

v. 46, 2021, 5

Sverrir Jakobsson, All the King’s men. The incorporation of Iceland into the Norwegian Realm, p. 571
Ina Lindblom, Making sense of romantic jealousy in late 18th-century Sweden – the experiences of Pehr Stenberg, p. 593
Evgenii Egorov, Danish visions of the Scandinavian union (1809-1810): a genealogy of the rhetoric and pragmatics of justification, p. 619
Trond O. Tøllefsen, James M. White, Navigating an Orthodox conversion: community, environment, and religion on the Island of Ruhnu, 1866-7, p. 642
Heli Huhtamaa, Fredrik Charpentier Ljungqvist, Climate in Nordic historical research – a research review and future perspectives, p. 665
Marjo Uutela, Looking for Nordic allies. The interest of the Kohl government in enlarging the European Community to the north 1985-1992, p. 696

v. 46, 2021, 4

Thomas K. Heebøll-Holm, Piratical slave-raiding – the demise of a Viking practice in high medieval Denmark, p. 431
Ilmar Tammisto, Money and grain for law and order: interaction between the nobility and state authorities in Livland in the 17th century, p. 455
Rasmus Christensen, ‘Against the Law of God, of nature and the secular world’: conceptions of sovereignty in early colonial St. Thomas, 1672-1680, p. 476
Guðný Hallgrímsdóttir, Independent women in 18th-century Iceland analysis of the economic status of poor peasant women, p. 493
Kristine Dyrmann, Political sociability at the Brahetrolleborg estate in Denmark, 1789-90, p. 510
Nevra Biltekin, Migrating women and transnational relations: Swedish-American connections since the 1920s, p. 531
Fredrik Bertilsson, The Swedish Defence Research Establishment (FOA) and the influence of historical knowledge on Swedish civil resistance policy, p. 550

v. 46, 2021, 3

Alban Gautier, Remembering And Forgetting Pagan Kings Of The Danes In The Eleventh Century. Diverging Choices Within an Early Christian Dynasty, p. 285
Sarah Croix, Nelleke Ijssennagger, Van Der Pluijm, Cultures Without Borders? Approaching the cultural continuum in the Danish-Frisian coastal areas in the early Viking Age, p. 304
Kai Peter Østberg, The power of reputation: Navigating conflicting notions of honour within the elite of Denmark-Norway, c. 1784-1814, p. 328
Pål Brunnström, Peter Gladoic Håkansson, Carolina Uppenberg, Migration and housing regimes in Sweden 1739-1982, p. 353
Essi Jouhki, ‘Then we were ready to be radicals!’: school student activism in Finnish upper secondary schools in 1960-1967, p. 383
Ada Nissen, A greener shade of black? Statoil, the Norwegian government and climate change,1990-2005, p. 408

v. 46, 2021, 2

Jyrki Nissi, Communal Acts in the Process of Death: A Comparison Between Nordic and South European 15th-century Hagiographic Material, p. 149
Biörn Tjällén, ‘King Bottomless Empty Purse’: Taxes, Avarice and Pastoral Care in the Swedish Reign of Christian I (1457-64), p. 172
Jukka Kortti, Towards the European transnational public sphere: Finnish liberal intellectuals and their periodicals between nationalism and internationalism under russification, p. 196
Vesa Yrjö Vares, From allies to opponents. Conservatives facing fascism in Finland in the 1930s, p. 224
Christian Egander Skov, A true People’s Party?—The rise and fall of one nation conservatism in Denmark in the 1940s, p. 248
Naman Karl-Thomas Habtom, The Swedish Role in the Disarmament of Iraq, 1991-2003, p. 269

v. 46, 2021, 1

David Brégaint, Kings and aristocratic elites: communicating power and status in medieval Norway, p. 1
Samu Sarviaho, The elusive Finn: ethnic identities, source criticism and the early history of Northern Sweden in seventeenth-century Swedish historiography, p. 21
Erik Bodensten, A societal history of potato knowledge in Sweden c. 1650-1800, p. 42
Martin Dackling, Traditional or modern peasants? odelsrett and bördsrätt in parliamentary debates, 1810 – 1860. Traditional or modern peasants?, p. 63
Ø. Hetland, N. Karcher, K. B. Simonsen, Navigating troubled waters: collaboration and resistance in state institutions in Nazi-occupied Norway, p. 84
Baard Herman Borge, Lars-Erik Vaale, Stretching the rule of law: how the norwegian resistance movement influenced the provisional treason decrees of the exile government, 1944-1945, p. 105
Martin Ericsson, What happened to ‘race’ in race biology? The Swedish State Institute for Race Biology, 1936-1960, p. 125