Scandinavian Journal of History DATINI

Scandinavian Journal of History

Oslo, Historical Associations of Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden
5 fascicoli l’anno, già trimestrale
ISSN: 0346-8755 (Print)
ISSN: 1502-7716 (Online)
Conservata in: Prato, Fondazione Istituto Internazionale di Storia Economica « F. Datini », Coll: Riv. 107
Consistenza: v. 31, 2006, 1-Vol. 41, 2016, 4-5

Conservata in: Università degli Studi di Firenze
Risorsa online
Consistenza: 1976-

[ 2030-2021 ] [ 2020-2011 ] [ 2010-2006 ] [ 2000-1991 ] [ 1990-1981 ] [ 1980-1976 ]

copertina della rivista

Vol. 15, 1990, 3-4

Ole Feldbæk, Introduction, p. 257

Ole Feldbæk, Denmark and the treaty of Kiel 1814, p. 259
Colin Lucas, Great Britain and the Union of Norway and Sweden, p. 269
Vadim Roghinsky, Russia and the peace treaty of Kiel 1814, p. 279
Jörgen Weibull, The Treaty of Kiel and its political and military background, p. 291

Vol. 15, 1990, 1-2

Vagn Skovgaard-Petersen, Literacy in the Nordic countries 1550-1900: A comparative study. Introduction: Literacy research, p. 1

Loftur Guttormsson, The development of popular religious literacy in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth centuries, p. 7
Ingrid Markussen, The development of writing ability in the Nordic countries in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth centuries, p. 37
Elsa Sjöholm, Sweden’s medieval laws. European legal tradition – political change, p. 65
Björn Asker, Aristocracy and autocracy in Seventeenth-century Sweden: The decline of the aristocracy within the civil administration before 1680, p. 89
Martin Åberg, The Swedish East India company 1731-66. Business strategy and foreign influence in a perspective of change, p. 97
Vadis O. Lumans, The Nordic destiny: The Peculiar role of the German minority in North Schleswig in Hitler’s plans and policies for Denmark, p. 109
Gerard Aalders, The failure of the Scandinavian defence union, 1948-1949, p. 125
Henrik Horstbøll, Uffe Østergård, Reform and revolution. The French revolution and the case of Denmark, p. 155
Aura Korppi-Tommola, Fighting together for freedom. Nationalism, socialism, feminism, and women’s suffrage in Finland 1906, p. 181
Henrik Dethlefsen, Denmark and the German occupation: Cooperation, negotiation or collaboration?, p. 193
Edgeir Benum, The city of the bureaucracies: Oslo’s expanding role as a capital in the postwar period, p. 207

Book Reviews, p. 237
Miscellany, p. 245

Vol. 14, 1989, 4

Thorkild Kjærgaard, The rise of press and public opinion in eighteenth-century Denmark—Norway, p. 215
Henning Søby Andersen, Denmark between the Wars with Britain, 1801-7, p. 231
Terje I. Leiren, Propaganda as entertainment: Marcus Thrane and the Chicago fire, p. 239
Magnus Mörner, « The Swedish model »: Historical perspectives, p. 245

Marianne Tallberg, Nursing and medical care in Finland from the eighteenth to the late nineteenth century. The background for the introduction of nurses’ training in Finland in 1889, with some comparisons with developments in Sweden, p. 269

Marja Engman, From the revolution to the counter-revolution: Alma Söderhjelm, a Finnish student of the French revolution, p. 285
Merja-Liisa Hinkkanen, A survey of the mentality of Finnish merchant sailors at the turn of the century, p. 299
Sven G. Holtsmark, Atlantic orientation or regional groupings. Elements of Norwegian foreign policy discussions during the Second World War, p. 311

Miscellany, p. 325
Book Reviews, p. 327

Vol. 14, 1989, 3

Sverre Bagge, Theodoricus Monachus — clerical historiography in Twelfth-century Norway, p. 113
Heléne Lööw, Swedish policy towards suspected war criminals, 1945-87, p. 135
Poul Villaume, Neither appeasement nor servility: Denmark and the Atlantic alliance, 1949-55, p. 155
Kari Melby, The housewife ideology in Norway between the two World Wars, p. 181

Book Reviews, p. 195
Miscellany, p. 205

Vol. 14, 1989, 1-2

Ove Moberg, The battle of Helgeå, p. 1
Christian Krötzl, Parent-child relations in medieval Scandinavia according to Scandinavian miracle collections, p. 21
Trond Nordby, « Roll-call analysis » within historical theory — with examples from Norwegian party history, p. 39
Leon Dalgas Jensen, Denmark and the Marshall plan, 1947-48: The decision to participate, p. 57

General information
Harri Siiskonen, Review of a research project: Cultural and Social Change in Ovamboland, 1870-1915, p. 85
Book Reviews, 101

Vol. 13, 1988, 4

Torkel Jansson, The age of associations: Principles and forms of organization between corporations and mass organizations. A comparative Nordic survey from a Swedish viewpoint, p. 321
Henrik Stenius, The adoption of the principle of association in Finland, p. 345
Niels Clemmensen, The development and structure of associations in Denmark, c. 1750-1880, p. 355
Hrefna Róbertsdóttir, Icelandic societies in the nineteenth century. The founding of societies before the advent of mass movements, p. 371
Hans Try, Dualism in the early history of Norwegian associations, p. 385
Ingrid Åberg, Revivalism, philanthropy and emancipation. Women’s liberation and organization in the early nineteenth century, p. 399
Ilkka Liikanen, Light to our people: Educational organization and the mobilization of fennomania in the 1870s, p. 421

Vol. 13, 1988, 2-3

Inge Skovgaard-Petersen, Saxo’s history of the Danes: An interpretation, p. 87
Signild Vallgårda, Hospitals and the Poor in Denmark, 1750-1880, p. 95
Pentti Virrankoski, Anders Chydenius and the government of Gustavus III of Sweden in the 1770s, p. 107
Kåre Tønnesson, Popular protest and organization: The Thrane movement in pre-industrial Norway, 1849-55, p. 121
Porleifur Friðriksson, Economic assistance from the Nordic social democratic parties to Icelandic social democracy, 1918-1939: Internationalism or manipulation?, p. 141
Ole Jørgen Benedictow, Breast-feeding and sexual abstinence in early medieval Europe and the importance of protein-calorie malnutrition (kwashiorkor and Marasmus), p. 167
Ole Tuxen, Principles and priorities. The Danish view of neutrality during the colonial war of 1755-63, p. 207
Ole Markussen, Danish industry, 1920-39: Technology, rationalization and modernization, p. 233
Bengt Nilson, Butter, bacon and coal: Anglo-Danish commercial relations, 1947-51, p. 257
Jukka Nevakivi, American reactions to the Finnish-soviet friendship treaty of 1948, p. 279

General information
Ake Holmberg, Exotic horizons: Information in Swedish during two centuries, p. 293

Book Reviews, p. 301
Miscellany, p. 311

Vol. 13, 1988, 1

Editorial, p. 1

Solveig Halvorsen, Scandinavian trade unions in the eighteen-nineties, with special reference to the Scandinavian stonemasons’ union, p. 3
Esa Lahtinen, Finnish participation in co-operation within the Nordic labour movement, 1880-1918, p. 23
Maria Lähteenmäki, The foreign contacts of the Finnish working women’s movement (c. 1900-18), p. 29
Juhani Piilonen, Women’s contribution to « Red Finland » 1918, p. 39
Klaus Misgeld, As the Iron curtain descended: The co-ordinating committee of the Nordic labour movement and the socialist international between Potsdam and Geneva (1945-55), p. 49

Book Reviews, p. 65
Miscellany, 79

Vol. 12, 1987, 4

Svein Dahl, The attitude of the Norwegian Conservative Party towards state intervention in economic life during the interwar period, p. 297
Knud J. V. Jespersen, Absolute monarchy in Denmark: Change and continuity, p. 307
Olav Riste, Norway in exile 1940-45: The formation of an alliance relationship, p. 317
Anne-Lise Seip, Who cares? Child, family and social policy in twentieth-century Norway, p. 331
Olli Vehviläinen, German armed forces and the Finnish civilian population 1941-44, p. 345

Miscellany, p. 359
Book Reviews, p. 365

Vol. 12, 1987, 3

Pertti Haapala, How was the working class formed? The case of Finland, 1850-1920, p. 179
Matti Lackman, The Finnish secret police and political intelligence: Their methods and collaborators in the 1920s and 30s, p. 199
Gunner Lind, Military and absolutism: The army officers of Denmark-Norway as a social Group and political factor, 1660-1848, p. 221
Joseph Zitomersky, Assimilation or Particularity? Approaches to the study of the Jews as an historical minority in Sweden, p. 245

Book Reviews, p. 273
Miscellany, p. 283

Vol. 12, 1987, 1-2

Marjatta Hietala, Preface, p. 1

Päivi Setälä, New aspects of the history of the family in antiquity, p. 3
Ida Blom, Women’s politics and women in politics in Norway since the end of the nineteenth century, p. 17
Gunhild Kyle, The marginalized majority, p. 35
Bente Rosenbeck, The Boundaries of Femininity. The Danish Experience, 1880-1980, p. 47
Marie-Louise Rodén, The burial of queen Christina of Sweden in St Peter’s church, p. 63

Carl-Axel Gemzell, Review of a research project, p. 71

T. C. Smout, Landowners in Scotland, Ireland and Denmark in the age of improvement, p. 79
Lewis R. Fischer, Helge W. Nordvik, Myth and reality in Baltic shipping: The wood trade to Britain, 1863-1908, p. 99
Joseph Zitomersky, Ecology, class or culture? Explaining family residence and support of the elderly in the Swedish agrarian past, p. 117

Miscellany, p. 161
Book Reviews, p. 163

Vol. 11, 1986, 4

Vagn Wåhlin, Ole Feldbæk, Religious revival in the Nordic countries after 1800: Recent research trends, p. 297

Anders Gustavsson, New trends in recent Swedish research into revivalism, p. 301
Gerhard Hansen, Revivalist movements on the Faroes, p. 309
Nils G. Holm, Recent research into revivalist movements in Finland, p. 317
Pétur Pétursson, Revivalism and lay religions movements on Iceland: A survey and an account of the current state of research, p. 335
Bjørn Slettan, Religious movements in Norway. Attitudes and trends in recent research, p. 345
Vagn Wåhlin, Popular revivalism in denmark recent research trends and results, p. 363

Reviews, p. 389
Miscellany, p. 413

Vol. 11, 1986, 3

Jens Christian Beyer, King in exile: Christian II and the Netherlands 1523-1531, p. 205
Anne-Lise Seip, Eilert Sundt. A founding father of the social sciences in Norway, p. 229
Palle Roslyng-Jensen, The Military and Danish Democracy. Civil-military Relations in Denmark during the German Occupation, 1940-45, p. 243
Reviews, p. 265 Book Reviews, p. 283

Vol. 11, 1986, 2

Lars Gahrn, The Geatas of Beowulf. Who were the Geatas? If the Geatas were Gautar, p. 95
John H. Lind, Sources and Pseudo-sources on the foundation of the Valamo Monastery, p. 115
Sven-Erik Åström, The role of Finland in the Swedish national and war economies during Sweden’s period as a great power, p. 135
Tom Hetland, The soviet view of the Nordic countries and NATO, 1948-1952, p. 149

Book Reviews, p. 183
Miscellany, p. 191

Vol. 11, 1986, 1

Magnus Mörner, Research on the history of the third world in Scandinavia.A summary of a number of reports on the current state of research presented at the Congress of Nordic Historians at Odense in 1984, p. 3

Benedicte Hjejle, Rural society in South India: Economic and social stratification in historical perspective, p. 17
Leif Littrup, Chinese history and Scandinavia – developments and problems, p. 41
Juhani Koponen, Written ethnographie sources and some problems connected with their use in African historiography, p. 55
Gudmund Stang, The shaping of a market for technical know-how in Latin America 1870-1930, p. 71

Book Reviews, p. 89

Vol. 10, 1985, 4

Leon Jespersen, The Machtstaat in seventeenth-century Denmark, p. 271
Jan Lindegren, The Swedish ‘military state’, 1560-1720, p. 305
Øystein Rian, State and society in seventeenth-century Norway, p. 337

Ole Benedictow, Debate and commentary. Oppression of women. Contribution to a conceptual clarification, p. 365

Book Reviews, p. 375
Miscellany, p. 379

Vol. 10, 1985, 3

Helge Pharo, The gold war in Norwegian and international historical research), p. 163
Nikolaj Petersen, The gold war and Denmark, p. 191
Jukka Nevakivi, Finland and the cold war, p. 211
Elfar Loftsson, The Disguised threat. Iceland during the gold war, p. 225
Wilhelm Agrell, Sweden and the cold war. The structure of a neglected field of research, p. 239

Book Reviews, p. 255
Miscellany, p. 261

Vol. 10, 1985, 2

Thorkild Kjærgaard, The farmer interpretation of Danish history, p. 97
Panu Pulma, The Riksdag, the state bureaucracy and the administration of hospitals in eighteenth-century Sweden, p. 119
Gro Hagemann, Feminism and the sexual division of labour. Female labour in the Norwegian telegraph service around the turn of the century, p. 143

Book Reviews, p. 155

Vol. 10, 1985, 1

Carsten Due-Nielsen, Denmark and the first world war, p. 1
Ole Jørgen Benedictow, The milky way in history: Breast feeding, antagonism between the sexes and infant mortality in medieval Norway, p. 19
Timo Vihavainen, Internationalists’ ordeal. The peculiar story of the Red Finns in Soviet Russia, p. 55

Book Reviews, p. 75
Miscellany, p. 85

Vol. 9, 1984, 4

ORIGINAL ARTICLES Birgit Løgstrup, The landowner as public administrator: The Danish model, p. 283
Tom Ericsson, The mittelstand in Swedish class society 1870-1914, p. 313
Anne-Lise Seip, Motive forces behind the new social policy after 1870. Norway on the European scene, p. 329

Book Reviews, p. 343
Bibliography, p. 348

Vol. 9, 1984, 2-3

Nanna Damsholt, Editorial, p. 73

Nanna Damsholt, The Role of Icelandic Women in the Sagas and in the Production of Homespun Cloth, p. 75
Grethe Jacobsen, Pregnancy and childbirth in the medieval north: A topology of sources and a preliminary study, p. 91
Sølvi Sogner, « … A prudent wife is from the lord. » The married peasant woman of the eighteenth century in a demographic perspective, p. 113
Kekke Stadin, Women in the Swedish taxation records, p. 135
Merja Manninen, The opportunities of independent life for women in an eighteenth-century Finnish provincial town, p. 149

Åke Holmberg, On the practicability of Scandinavianism: Mid-nineteenth-century debate and aspirations, p. 171

Knud Larsen, Scandinavian grass roots: From peace movement to Nordic council, p. 183
Leena Kaukiainen, From Reluctancy to activity. Finland’s way to the Nordic family during 1920’s and 1930’s, p. 201
Bernt Schiller, At gun point: A critical perspective on the attempts of the Nordic governments to achieve unity after the second world war, p. 221

Jarle Simensen, Sten Heiland, The Nordic historians’ conferences on historical method, 1965-1983, p. 239

Book Reviews, p. 255
Bibliography, p. 259

Vol. 9, 1984, 1

Sverre Bagge, Nordic students at foreign universities until 1660, p. 1
Aira Kemiläinen, The Idea of nationalism, p. 31
Herman Schück, Sweden as an aristocratic republic, p. 65

Vol. 8, 1983, 1-4

Ole Feldbæk, Eighteenth-century Danish neutrality: Its diplomacy, economics and law, p. 3
Marjatta Hietala, The diffusion of innovations. Some examples of finnish civil servant’s professional tours in Europe, p. 23
Anders Monrad Møller, Economic relations and economic cooperation between the Nordic countries in the Nineteenth century, p. 37
Håkon Stang, Russians and Norwegians — Two self-appellations, one origin, p. 63
Bernt Schiller, Technology — History — Social Change. A methodological comment and an outline of a Nordic account, p. 71

Svante Lindqvist, Natural resources and technology. The debate about energy technology in Eighteenth-century Sweden, p. 83

Timo Myllyntaus, Hydro-and thermal power in finnish industry in the Nineteenth and Twentieth centuries, p. 109
Olav Wicken, Industrial change in Norway during the Second World War. Electrification and Electrical Engineering, p. 119
Kjell Haarstad, A historiographical survey of Det store hamskiftet in Norwegian agriculture, p. 151
Gunner Lind, The making of the neutrality convention of 1756. France and her Scandinavian allies, p. 171
Lars Tangeraas, Castlereagh, Bernadotte and Norway, p. 193
Rolf Tamnes, Norwegian attitudes to a Nordic nuclear-free zone 1958-1982, p. 225
Hannu Heikkilä, The United States and the question of export licences to Finland 1947-1948, p. 247
Bo Stråth, Workers’ radicalism in theory and practice. A study of the Shipyard Workers and Industrial Development in Gothenburg, Malmö and Bremen, p. 261
Karl-Erik Frandsen, Danish field systems in the Seventeenth century, p. 293

Vol. 7, 1982, 1-4

Niels Thomsen, Why Study Press History? A reexamination of its purpose and of Danish contributions, p. 1
Svennik Høyer, Recent research on the press in Norway. A survey of theories and historical studies, p. 15
Elisabeth Sandlund Gäfvert, Jarl Torbacke, Hundred years of Swedish press history. From general surveys to problem-oriented research, p. 31
Raimo Salokangas, Päiviö Tommila, Press history studies in Finland: Past and present, p. 49
Helge Salvesen, The strength of tradition: A historiographical analysis of research into Norwegian agrarian history during the late middle ages and the early modern period, p. 75
Knut Einar Eriksen, Great Britain and the problem of bases in the Nordic area, 1945-1947, p. 135

Kåre Lunden, Views and nonviews on medieval Norway, p. 165

Birgitta Ericsson, Central power and local community. Joint Nordic research on the granting of ‘privilegia’ to industrial enterprises in scandinavia during the eighteenth century, p. 173

Inger Dübeck, European law concerning ‘privilegia’ and a Danish industrial joint-stock company, p. 177
Gísli Ágúst Gunnlaugsson, The granting of privileges to industry in eighteenth-century Iceland, p. 195
Anne-Hilde Nagel, The decision-making process and the granting of privileges to Froland works, p. 205
Markku Kuisma, When country dwellers became staple town burghers. The establishment of the first export sawmill in eastern Finnish hinterland and the granting of privileges to the export sawmill industry of Savo in the 1760’s and 1770’s, p. 233
Heikki Kirkinen, Finland in Russian sources up to the year 1323, p. 25
E. Ladewig Petersen, Defence, war and finance: Christian iv and the council of the realm 1596-1629, p. 277
Magnus Mörner, The colonization of Norrland by settlers during the nineteenth century in a broader perspective, p. 315
Eino Jutikkala, Tenancy, freehold and enclosure in Finland from the seventeenth to the nineteenth century, p. 339

Vol. 6, 1981, 1-4

Rolf Torstendahl, Education policy and social change, p. 1

Martti T. Kuikka, Society and the development of an elementary school system in Finland, 1866-1968, p. 7
Gunnar Richardson, Education as a national resource. Strategies in Swedish education and economic policy during the nineteen forties, p. 29
Vagn Skovgaard-Petersen, Towards an education policy in Denmark. Danish education planning in the nineteen forties, p. 55
Rolf Torstendahl, The social relevance of education. Swedish secondary schools during the period of industrialization, p. 77
Ulf Sjödell, The structure of a historian’s reasoning. Historical explanations in practice, p. 91
Rolf Torstendahl, Minimum demands and optimum norms in Swedish historical research 1920-1960. The « Weibull school » in Swedish historiography, p. 117
Päiviö Tommila, Studies in the history of society in Finland before World War Two, p. 143
Knut Helle, Norway in the high Middle Ages. Recent views on the structure of society, p. 161
Kåre Tønnesson, Tenancy, freehold and enclosure in Scandinavia from the seventeenth to the nineteenth century, p. 191
Henrik Stevnsborg, Aims and methods of the official campaign against prostitution in Copenhagen 1769-1780, p. 207
Reino Kero, The role of Finnish settlers from North America in the nationality question in Soviet Karelia in the 1930s, p. 229
Knud J. V. Jespersen, Henry VIII of England, Lübeck and the count’s war, 1533-1535, p. 243
Erkki Lehtinen, Notions of a Finnish national identity during the period of Swedish rule, p. 277
Ulla-Britt Lithell, Infant mortality rate and standards of living in the past, p. 297