Archivum Historicum Societatis Iesu DATINI

Archivum Historicum Societatis Iesu

Romae, Gesuiti, Institutum Historicum Societatis Iesu
ISSN: 0037-8887
Conservata in: Prato, Archivio Storico Diocesano (Fondo Società Pratese di Storia Patria) – Coll.: R. 200
Consistenza: a. I, 1932, 1-
[ 2030-2021 ] [ 2020-2011 ] [ 2010-2001 ] [ 2000-1991 ] [ 1990-1981 ] [ 1980-1971 ] [ 1970-1961 ] [ 1960-1951 ] [ 1950-1941 ] [ 1940-1932 ]

Copertina della rivista

158, a. LXXIX, 2010, 2

Sibjlle Appuhn-Radtke, Ordensapologetik als Movens positivistischer Erkenntnis. Joseph Braun S.J. und Barockforschung, p. 299
Matthieu Bernhardt, Construction et enjeux du savoir ethnographique sur la Chine dans l’oeuvre de Matteo Ricci S.J., p. 321
Heinz Sproil, Die Begriindung historischer Bildung aus dem Geist des Christlichen Humanismus der Societàs Iesu, p. 345
Cristiana Bigari, Andrea Pozzo S.J. e la sua eredità artistica. Antonio Colli da discepolo a collaboratore, p. 381
Lydia Salviucci, Richard Bösel, Mostra su Andrea Pozzo S.J., pittore e architetto, p. 407
Elisabetta Corsi, “Ai crinali della storia”. Matteo Ricci S.J. fra Roma e Pechino, p. 414
Emanuele Colombo, Jesuits, Jews and Moslems, p. 419

Paul Begheyn S.j, Bibliography, p. 427
Book Reviews, p. 549
Jesuit Historiographical Notes, p. 591
Scientific activity of the members of IH5I, p. 603
Index, p. 606

157, a. LXXIX, 2010,1

Augustin Udias, S.J., Profesores de matemáticas en los colegios de la Compañia de España, 1620-1767, p. 3
Michael J. Sweet, An Unpublished Letter in Portuguese of Father Ippolito Desideri, S.J., p. 29
Francesco Asti, La scienza sperimentale in Jean Joseph Surin, S.J., p. 45
Fabian Fechner, Heilkunde und Mission – Zum Quellenwert der Heilpflanzenkompendien aus der Jesuitenprovinz Paraguay, p. 89
Rosa Groen, Un documento inédito de los jesuitas españoles en amberes (1586): presentación, transcripción y comentario, p. 115
William P. O’Brien, S.J., Une “manière” de prêcher. Rhétorique et sainteté chez Claude la Colombière, p. 127

Reviews, p. 173
Jesuit Historiographical Notes, p. 261
Books Received, p. 293
Index, p. 607

156, a. LXXVIII, 2009

Robert A. Maryks, The Jesuit Order as a “Synagogue of Jews”: Discrimination against Jesuits of jewish Ancestry in the Early Society of Jesus, p. 339
Julius Oswald, S.J., Leben und Werk des Wùrzburger Mathematikers Kaspar Schott S.J.., p. 417
Hans-Joachim Vollrath, Kaspar Schotts Arithmetìca Practica, p. 443
Paul Begheyn, S.J., Biblioraphy of the History of the Society of Jesus 2009, p. 473

Reviews, p. 571
Jesuit Historiographical Notes, p. 595
Books Received, p. 603

155, a. LXXVIII, 2009

Chistina Jetter, ?Glorreicher Welt-verachter” und ?Wunderthàtiger Uberwinder der Tùrcken”: Die Jesuitenheiligen Aloysius von Gonzaga und Stanislaus Kostka a als Patrone der studierenden Jugend, p. 3
Gabór Tüskés, Éva Knapp, Die ungarische Geschichte im lateinischen Jesuitendrama des deutsch-sprachigen Kulturraums, p. 57
Robert Bireley, S.J., The Image of Emperor Ferdinand II (1619-1637) in William Lamormaini, S.J.,’s Ferdinandi II Imperatoris Romanorum Virtutes (1638), p. 121
Mirella Saulini, Tra Erasmo e Cicerone. L’eclettismo oratorio di Stefano Tuccio S.J. (1540-1597), p. 141
Ignacio Vila Despujol, S.J., Francisco de Estrada (1519-1584): elmejor predicador de la naciente Compañía de Jesús, p. 223

Reviews, p. 277
Jesuit Historiographical Notes, p. 313
Books Received, p. 335

154, a. LXXVII, 2008

Alida C. Metcalf, Disillusioned Go-betweens: The Politics of Mediation and the Transformation of the Jesuit Missionary Enterprise in Sixteent-Century Brazil, p. 283
Manuel Ruiz Jurado, S.J., Escritura de Polanco o de S. Ignacio?, p. 321
Paul Begheyn, S. J., Bibliography on the History of the Society of Jesus, p. 347

Reviews, p. 497
Jesuit Historiographical Notes, p. 537
Books Received, p. 557
Index, p. 565

153, a. LXXVII, 2008

Markus Friedrich, Circulating and Compiling the Litterae Annuae. Towards a History of the Jesuit System of Communication, p. 3
Jörg Zech, Die “Litterae Annuae” der Jesuiten: Berichterstattung une Geschichtsschreibung in der alten Gesellschaft Jesu, p. 41
Eduardo Javier Alonso Romo, Gaspar Barzeo: el hombre y sus escritos, p. 63
Robert Danieluk, S. J., La missione segreta dei Gesuiti tra gli Uniati di Podlachia (1878-1904), p. 93
Ginevra Crosignani, Richard Smith versus Robert Persons, S.J. A double denunciation of “The Iudgement of a Catholicke English-Man” at the Holy Office, p. 115
Ignacio Telesca, Esclavos y Jesuitas: el Colegio de Asunción del Paraguay, p. 191
Paul Begheyn, S. J., Bibliograpy on the History of the Society of Jesus: Additions to the 2007 Edition, p. 213

Reviews, p. 221
Jesuit Historiographical Notes, p. 253
Books Received, p. 275

152, a. LXXVI, 2007

Mirella Saulini, “Il gran piacere che io sento in ragionare con gli’amici.” Lettere di Bernardino Stefano S.J. (1560-1620) a Valentino Mangioni S.J., p. 243
Paul Begheyn, S.J., Bibliography on the History of the Society of Jesus, p. 361

Reviews, p. 485
Jesuit Historiographical Notes, p. 527
Books Received, p. 553
Index, p. 557

151, a. LXXVI, 2007

Bernardo Rodríguez Caparrini, Alumnos Españoles en el internado Jesuita de Beaumont (Old Windsor, Inglaterra), 1861-1868 de Jésus, p. 3
Carlos Alberto de M. R. Zeron, Les aldeamentos Jésuites au Brésil et l’idée moderne d’institution de la société, p. 39
Paul Nelles, Libros de Papel, libri Bianchi, Libri Papyracei. Note-taking Techniques and the Role of Student Notebooks in the Early Jesuit Colleges, p. 75
Juliàn Solana Pujalte, El fondo del siglo xvi de la biblioteca del antiguo colegio de Santa Catalina de la Compañía de Jesús de Córdoba, p. 113
Joseph A. Munitiz S.J., St Aloysius Gonzaga: Autograph Letter in Manresa House Novitiate, p. 139

Reviews, p. 151
Jesuit Historiographical Notes, p. 219
Books Received, p. 237

Copertina della rivista

150, a. LXXV, 2006

Robert Danieluk, S.J.., La réprise d’une mémoire brisée: l’historiographie de la “nouvelle” Compagnie de Jésus, p. 269
Geoffrey Holt, S.J., Letters from Edward Fenwick O.P., Bishop of Cincinnati, to Some Jesuits in England, 1821-1832, p. 309
José Martínez de Toda, S.J., María Villarreal de Loyola, ¿ Presunta Hija de Iñigo de Loyola? (los Loyola de la Rioja del S. XVI), p. 325
Patrizio Foresta, Die “Dioskuren “Des Jesuitischen Apostolats: Eine Rezeptionsgeschichtliche Fallstudie zu Franz Xaver und Petrus Canisius, p. 361
Paul Begheyn, S.J., Bibliography on the History of the Society of Jesus, p. 385

Reviews, p. 529
Jesuit Historiographical Notes, p. 571
Books Received, p. 591
Index, p. 597

149, a. LXXV, 2006

Lance Gabriel Lazar, Jesuit Missions in Italy, Confraternities, and the Jubilee of 1575: Centers and Peripheries, p. 3
Robert Danieluk, S.J., “Ob communem fructum et consolationem”: La genèse et les enjeux de l’historiographie de la Compagnie de Jésus, p. 29
Dietmar Spengler, Primitiae martyrum Societatis Iesu in Ecclesia Iaponica: Der Maler Bernard Fuckerad, S J. Ein Beitrag zur Arbeitsweise der Ordensmalerei, p. 63
Manuel Ruiz Jurado, Una carta inedita de San Francisco Javier, S.J., p. 79
Li am M. Brockey, O Alcazar do Ceo: The Professed House at Lisbon in 1588, p. 89
Paul Begheyn, S.J., An Unknown Illustrated Life of Ignatius of Loyola by Petrus Firens (about 1609), p. 137
Thomas M. McCoog, S.J., Remembering Henry Garnet, S J., p. 159

Reviews, p. 189
Jesuit Historiographical Notes, p. 239
Books Received, p. 259

148, a. LXXIV, 2005

Paul Shon, Jesuitae fabri : The Society Constructs a Presence in a Transylvanian City, 1693-1773, p. 299
Antonio Illibato, La Civiltà Cattolica e P. Carlo Maria Curci in alcuni documenti napoletani, p. 329
Agustín Udías, S.J., Los libros y manuscritos de los profesores de matemáticas del colegio imperial de Madrid, 1627-1767, p. 369
Paul Begheyn, S.J., Jesuit Porcelain. A Problematic Art-historical Term, p. 449
Reviews, p. 455
Jesuit Historiographical Notes, p. 521
Books Received, p. 543
Index, p. 551

147, a. LXXIV, 2005

Diego Ramada Curto, The Jesuits and Cultural Intermediacy in the Early Modern World, p. 3
Federico Palomo, La doctrine mise en scène: catéchèse et missions intérieures dans la péninsule ibérique à l’époque moderne, p. 23
Paolo Broggio, I gesuiti corne mediatori nella guerra d’arauco: il padre Luis de Valdivia e il sistema dei Parlamentos de Indios (XVII secolo), p. 57
André Ferrand de Almeida, The Organisation of the Jesuit Mission of Maranhào in the Seventeenth Century: Antonio Vieira and the Shaping of a Missionary Project, p. 91
Liam Matthew Brockej, Between the Middle Kingdom and the Lord of Heaven: The Jesuits and Confession in Seventeenth-Century China, p. 119
Maria Cristina Ossivald, Goa and Jesuit Cult and Iconography before 1622, p. 155
Gauvin Alexander Bailey, The Calera De Tango of Chile (1741-67): The Last Great Mission Art Studio of the Society of Jesus, p. 175
Antonella Romano, Les jésuites entre apostolat missionnaire et activité scientifique (XVIe-XVIIe siècles), p. 213
Joan-Pau Rubies, The Concept of Cultural Dialogue and the Jesuit Method of Accommodation: Between Idolatry and Civilization, p. 237
Jesuit Historiographical Notes, p. 281
Books Received, p. 297

146, a. LXXIII, 2004

Patrizio Foresta, “Sicut Ezechiel propheta … et alter Bonifatius”: San Pietro Canisio ed “il totalitarismo cattolico” di Pio XI, p. 277
Joseph A. Munitiz, S. J., Francisco Suárez and the Exclusion of Men of Jewish or Moorish Descent from the Society of Jesus, p. 327
Ralph Dobler, Italienischer Struck in Passau: Giovanni Battista Carlone und die Jesuitenkirche St. Michael, p. 341
Giovanni Tarantino, Jacques de la Cloche: A Stuart Pretender in the Seventeenth Century, p. 425

Book Reviews, p. 443
Jesuit Historiographical Notes, p. 473
Books Received, p. 491

145, a. LXXIII, 2004

Daniel Stolzenberg, Oedipus Censored: Censurae of Athanasius Kircher’s Works in the Archivum Romanum Societatis Iesu, p. 3
Andrea Mutolo, Pascual Díaz S. J. e “La Liga Nacional Defensora de la Libertad Religiosa”, p. 53
Fernando García Gutiérrez, S. J., Los grabadores flamencos de los siglos XVI y XVII y la Compañía de Jesús, p. 89
Christoph Nebgen, Christoph Gottlieb von Murr: Ein Protestant erhebt die Stimme gegen die Aufhebung der Gesellschaft Jesu, p. 121
Thomas M. McCoog, S. J., Harmony Disrupted: Robert Parsons, S. J., William Crichton, S. J., and the Question of Queen Elizabeth’s Successor, 1581-1603, p. 149
Manuel Ruiz Jurado, S. J., Donde estan enterrados los Generales de la Compañia de Jesus?, p. 221

Book Reviews, p. 229
Jesuit Historiographical Notes, p. 255
Books Received, p. 271

144, a. LXXII, 2003

Volker R. Remmert, Die Einheit von Theologie und Astronomie: zur visuellen Auseinandersetzung mit dem kopernikanischen System bei jesuitischen Autoren in der ersten Hälfte des 17. Jahrhunderts, p. 247
Kathleen M. Comerford, Teaching Priests to be Pastors: a Comparison between Jesuit Schools and Diocesan Seminaries in 17th Century Italy, p. 297
Robert A. Maryks, De vita aulica dialogus. L’inedito testo teatrale gesuitico del codice di Uppsala R 380, p. 323
Eric Nelson, Interpreting the Edict of Rouen: Royal Patronage and the Expansion of the Jesuit Mission in France, p. 405

Book Reviews, p. 427
Jesuit Historiographical Notes, p. 459
Books Received, p. 475

143, a. LXXII, 2003

Marcus Hellyer, The Construction of the Ordinatio Pro Studiis Superioribus of 1651, p. 3
Jean-François Gauvin, La Physique du Globe tous Azimuts: La Carrière Scientifique d’Ernesto Gherzi, S. J., 1910-1973, p. 45
Urbano Valero, S. J., La revisión del derecho proprio de la Compañía de Jesús en la Congregación General 34, p. 81
Geoffrey Holt, S. J., A Bicentary: 1803-2003, p. 105
Stefano Maria Capilupi, La Missione di François Marie Gaillard S.J. nella Russia Ortodossa del primo ventennio del XX secolo, p. 127

Book Reviews, p. 195
Jesuit Historiographical Notes, p. 227
Books Received, p. 243

142, a. LXXI, 2002

Thomas M. McCoog, S. J., Preface, p. 219
Rita Haub, Francis Xavier: An Introductory Life, p. 221
Julius Oswald, S. J., Ignatius Loyola and Francis Xavier, p. 231
Jesus Lopez-Gay, S. J., La vida y mision de Francisco Javier a la luz de la espiritualidad Ignaciana, p. 249
Maria Cristina Osswald, The Iconography and Cult of Francis Xavier, 1552-1640, p. 259
Fernando Garcia Gutiérrez, S. J., Iconografía de San Francisco Javier en Oriente, p. 279
Paul Begheyn, S. J., The Cult of St. Francis Xavier in the Dutch Republic, p. 303
Anita Mancia, Saverio e André de Carvalho (1529-1563) fra profezia e storia, p. 321
Marek Inglot, S. J., Gabriel Gruber, S. J. (1740-1805): Nel bicentenario della sua elezione a Generale della Compagnia di Gesù, p. 353

Victor Houliston, Robert Persons Scholarship, p. 369

Book Reviews, p. 379
Jesuit Historiographical Notes, p. 409
Books Received, p. 437

141, a. LXXI, 2002

Ulrich L. Lehner, Lorenz Grassl (1753-1793): Vom Bayerischen Ex jesuiten zum Amerikanischen Bischof, p. 3
Urbano Valero, S. J., La Nueva Expresion de la Pobreza Religiosade de la Compañía de Jesús: Génesis, Valoracion y Perspectivas, p. 41
Anita Mancia, Cattura e Prigionia di Cinque Gesuiti Portoghesi presso i Mori a Meknés dal 1732 al 1735, p. 83
Geoffrey Holt, S. J., Letters from Rome of John Thorpe, S. J.: 1756-1767, p. 123
Enrique Garcia Hernan, Nueva Documentacion sobre Francisco de Borja (1510-1572), p. 141
Ginevra Crosignani, Thomas Wright and Occasional Confromity, p. 149

Book Reviews, p. 157
Jesuit Historiographical Notes, p. 205
Books Received, p. 217

140, a. LXX, 2001

Gauvin Alexander Bailey, “Just like the Gesù”: Sebastiano Serlio, Giacomo Vignola, and Jesuit Architecture in South America, p. 233
? László Polgár, S. J., Nicoletta Basilotta, Bibliography on the History of the Society of Jesus, p. 265

Book Reviews, p. 581
Jesuit Historiographical Notes, p. 595
Books Received, p. 619

139, a. LXX, 2001

Paul Murphy, “God’s Porters”: The Jesuit Vocation According to Francisco Suárez, p. 3
Jean-François Genotte, “Missio Tepehuanica “1609: Pedro Flores et les Tepehuanes, p. 29
Christopher Carlsmith, The Jesuits in Bergamo, 1571-1729, p. 71
Wenceslao Soto Artuñedo, S. J., Fundación del Colegio Jesuítico de Sebastián, en Málaga (España), p. 95
Rita Haub, “Ich bin eines Armen Bäckers Sohn! ” Matthäus Rader S.J. (1561-1634), p. 173

Book Reviews, p. 181
Jesuit Historiographical Notes, p. 207
Books Received, p. 229