Chronicon. An Electronic History Journal

Chronicon. An Electronic History Journal

Department of History University College Cork Ireland
ISSN: 1393-5259
Rivista on line all’indirizzo web:

consistenza fascicoli digitali: v. I, 1997-v. IV, 2008
[ 2008-1997]

copertina della rivista

v. IV, 2008

Front page [file .pdf]

Ann Buckley, ‘Peregrini pro Christo’: the Irish Church in medieval Europe as reflected in liturgical sources for the veneration of its missionary saints [file .pdf]
Dermot Keogh, The Vatican and the Irish Civil War [file .pdf]
Adel Manai, ‘Urbs in rure’: rural society in industrial Lancashire [file .pdf]
Thomas Martin, Justus Lipsius and William Herbert: English humanism and the problem of Ireland [file .pdf]
Thomas Martin, Henry Sidney, Ireland and the limits of reform [file .pdf]

v. III, 1999-2007

Front page [file .pdf]

Ancient and medieval
Tamara Pasztor, Celtic warrior trappings [file .pdf] [versione .html]

Historians and history writing
Duncan Salkeld, Making sense of differences: postmodern history, philosophy and Shakespeare’s prostitutes [file .pdf] [versione .html]
Geoffrey Roberts, J. H. Hexter: narrative history and common sense [file .pdf] [versione .html]

Murat Metin Hakki, Surviving the pressure of the superpowers: an analysis of Turkish neutrality during the Second World War [file .pdf] [versione .html]
Olga Shishinka, Denmark between the wars: reasons for defenceless neutrality

Gary Peatling, STEPHEN HOWE, Ireland and empire: colonial legacies in Irish history and culture [versione .html]
Gary Peatling, JOSEPH JOHNSTON, Civil war in Ulster: its objects and probable results, ed. Roy Johnston [file .pdf] [versione .html]
Gary Peatling, WILLIAM H. KAUTT, The Anglo-Irish war, 1916-1921: a people’s war [file .pdf] [versione .html]

v. II, 1998

v. I, 1997