European history quarterly DATINI

European history quarterly

ISSN: 0265-6914
Conservata in: Università degli Studi di Firenze, Biblioteca di Scienze Sociali
Punto di servizio: Economia, Riv. Str. 0614
Consistenza: v. 19, 1989, 1-
Lacune: v. 28, 1998, 2; v. 34, 2004, 1; v. 36, 2006, 4

[ 2030-2021 ] [ 2020-2011 ] [ 2010-2001 ] [ 2000-1989 ]

copertina della rivista

v. 41, 2011, 1

Maud Anne Bracke, From Politics to Nostalgia: The Transformation of War Memories in France during the 1960s-1970s, p. 5
Gearóid Barry, Marc Sangnier and ‘the Other Germany’: The Freiburg International Democratic Peace Congress and the Ruhr invasion, 1923, p. 25
Nico Randeraad, The International Statistical Congress (1853-1876): Knowledge Transfers and their Limits, p. 50
Pablo La Porte, ‘Rien à ajouter’: The League of Nations and the Rif War (1921-1926), p. 66

Review, p. 88

v. 40, 2010, 4

Edited by: Laurence Cole, Philipp Ther, Lucy Riall

Philipp Ther, Introduction: Current Challenges of Writing European History, p. 581
Richard J. Evans, What is European History? Reflections of a Cosmopolitan Islander, p. 593
Jeroen Duindam, Early Modern Europe: Beyond the Strictures of Modernization and National Historiography, p. 606
Patricia Clavin, Time, Manner, Place: Writing Modern European History in Global, Transnational and International Contexts, p. 624
Giulia Calvi, Global Trends: Gender Studies in Europe and the US, p. 641
Jan Rüger, OXO: Or, the Challenges of Transnational History, p. 656
Xosé-Manoel Núñez, Nations and Territorial Identities in Europe: Transnational Reflections, p. 669
Jitka Malecková, Gender, History and ‘Small Europe’, p. 685
Philipp Nielsen, What, Where and Why is Europe? Some Answers from Recent Historiography, p. 701

Review, p. 714

v. 40, 2010, 3

Hester Vaizey, Husbands and Wives: An Evaluation of the Emotional Impact of World War Two in Germany, p. 389
Daniel Unowsky, Peasant Political Mobilization and the 1898 anti-Jewish Riots in Western Galicia, p. 412
R.J.B. Bosworth, L’Anno Santo (Holy Year) in Fascist Italy 1933-34, p. 436
Miguel Ángel del Arco Blanco, Hunger and the Consolidation of the Francoist Regime (1939-1951), p. 458

Review, p. 484

v. 40, 2010, 2

Joseph Pearson, Dubrovnik’s Artistic Patrimony, and its Role in War Reporting (1991), p. 197
Hugo García, Potemkin in Spain? British Unofficial Missions of Investigation to Spain during the Civil War, p. 217
Robert Justin Goldstein, Political Theater Censorship in Nineteenth-Century France in Comparative European Perspective, p. 240
Maria Panayiotou, The Role of Cyprus in the Arabi Revolt and the Resulting Egyptian Campaign of 1882, p. 266

Reviews, p. 288

v. 40, 2010, 1

Serdar öztürk, Efforts to Modernize Chapbooks during the Initial Years of the Turkish Republic, p. 7
Ulrike Ehret, Catholicism and Judaism in the Catholic Defence against Alfred Rosenberg, 1934-1938: Anti-Jewish Images in an Age of Race Science, p. 35
Alison Carrol, Socialism and National Identity in Alsace from Reichsland to République, 1890-1921, p. 57
Christopher Guthrie, Socialism in Microcosm: The Municipal Administration of Dr Ernest Ferroul in Narbonne, 1896-1921, p. 79
Robert Aldrich, The French Overseas Empire and its Contemporary Legacy, p. 97

Review, p. 109

v. 39, 2009, 4

Eric Storm, Painting Regional Identities: Nationalism in the Arts, France, Germany and Spain, 1890-1914, p. 557
Inbal Ofer, A ‘New’ Woman for a ‘New’ Spain: The Sección Femenina de la Falange and the Image of the National Syndicalist Woman, p. 583
Marc Buggeln, Building to Death: Prisoner Forced Labour in the German War Economy – The Neuengamme Subcamps, 1942-1945, p. 606
Danilo Raponi, An ‘anti-Catholicism of free trade?’ Religion and the Anglo-Italian negotiations of 1863, p. 633

Review articles
Anna Saunders, Constructing and Maintaining Socialism in the German Democratic Republic, p. 653
James Crossland, Beyond the Wire: Allied POWs in the Second World War, the POW ‘Myth’ and Future Realitie, p. 662

Reviews, p. 670

v. 39, 2009, 3

Robert Gerwarth, Introduction, p. 381
Robert Gerwarth, Lucy Riall, Fathers of the Nation? Bismarck, Garibaldi and the Cult of Memory in Germany and Italy, p. 388
Roy Foster, Alvin Jackson, Men for AH Seasons? Carson, Parnell, and the Limits of Heroism in Modera Ireland, p. 414
Anna von der Goltz and Robert Gildea, Flawed Saviours: the Myths of Hindenburg and Pétain, p. 439
Lisa A. Kirschenbaum, Nancy M. Wingfield, Gender and the Construction of Wartime Heroism in Czechoslovakia and the Soviet Union, p. 465
Stefan Berger, On the Role of Myths and History in the Construction of National Identity in Modera Europe, p. 490

Reviews, p. 503

v. 39, 2009, 2

Joseph Harrison, Early Francoism and Economie Paralysis in Catalonia, 1939-1951, p. 197
Carl-Gustaf Scott, The Swedish Left’s Memory of the International Brigades and the Creation of an Anti-Fascist Postwar Identity, p. 217
Geoffrey Swain, Latvia’s Democratic Resistance: a Forgotten Episode from the Second World War, p. 241
Miguel Cabo, Fernando Molina, The Long and Winding Road of Nationalization: Eugen Weber’s Peasants info Frenchmen in Modern European History (1976-2006), p. 264
Donald Reid, Stili Preoccupied After AH These Years: Recent Works on the Occupation of France in World War Two, p. 287
Andreas Umland, Refining the Concept of Generic Fascism, p. 298

Reviews, p. 310

v. 39, 2009, 1

Peter Anderson, Singling Out Victims: Denunciation and Collusion in the Post-Civil War Francoist Repression in Spain, 1939-1945, p. 7
Tim Grady, ‘They died for Germany’: Jewish Soldiers, the German Army and Conservative Debates about the Nazi Past in the 1960s, p. 27
Peter Staudenmaier, Occultism, Race and Politics in German-speaking Europe, 1880-1940: A Survey of the Historical Literature, p. 47
Stephen C. Bruner, Leopoldo Franchetti and Italian Settlement in Eritrea: Emigration, Welfare Colonialism and the Southern Question, p. 71
Noelle Plack, Making and Ending the French Revolution: Nobility, Bourgeoisie and “the People”, p. 95
Sabrina P. Ramet, Albania – Then and Now, p. 106

Book reviews, p. 117

v. 38, 2008, 4

Doron Avraham, The Social and Religious Meaning of Nationalism: The Case of Prussian Conservatism 1815-1871, p. 525
M.A. Chisholm, The Religions politik of Emperor Ferdinand I (1521-1564): Tyrol and the Holy Roman Empire, p. 551
Vincent Viaene, International History, Religious History, Catholic History: Perspectives for Cross-Fertilization (1830-1914), p. 578
Christian J. Emden, Theorizing the Political in Germany, 1890-1945: Max Weber, Cari Schmitt, Franz Neumannl, p. 608
Frank Lorenz Müller, Man, Myth and Monuments: The Legacy of Otto von Bismarck (1866-1998), p. 626

Reviews, p. 637
Abstracts, p. 671

v. 38, 2008, 3

Silvia Evangelisti, Margareth Lanzinger, Raffaella Sarti, Introduction, p. 365
Sandra Cavallo, Bachelorhood and Masculinity in Renaissance and Early Modern Italy, p. 375
Silvia Evangelisti, To Find God in Work? Female Social Stratification in Early Modern Italian Convents, p. 398
Raffaella Sarti, “AH masters discourage the marrying of their male servants, and admit not by any means the marriage of the female’: Domestic Service and Celibacy in Western Europe from the Sixteenth to the Nineteenth Century, p. 417
Ann E. Moyer, Taking the Measure of Renaissance Historical Scholarship, p. 450

Reviews, p. 459
Abstracts, p. 519

v. 38, 2008, 2

Jeffrey Merrick, Louis XV’s Deathbed Apology, p. 205
Frans Ciappara, Non Gode l’Immunità Ecclesiastica: Sanctuary in Malta, c.1740-1828, p. 227
Jonathan Dunnage, Surveillance and Denunciation in Fascist Siena, 1927-1943, p. 244
William Mulligan, Weimar and the Wars of Liberation: German and French Officers and the Politics of History, p. 266
Donald Bloxham, Modernity and Genocide, p. 294

Reviews, p. 312
Abstracts, p. 358

v. 38, 2008, 1

Matthew Rendle, The Problems of “Becoming Soviet’: Former Nobles in Soviet Society, 1917-41, p. 7
Derek K. Hastings, Fears of a Feminized Church: Catholicism, Clerical Celibacy, and the Crisis of Masculinity in Wilhelmine Germany, p. 34
James I. Lewis, The Tragic Career of Marius Moutet, p. 66
Martha Hanna, The Tidal Wave of War, p. 93
Andrew H. Beattie, Beyond “Restoration”? Assessing and Accounting for West German Liberalization and Democratization, 1945-1965, p. 101

Abstracts, p. 199

v. 37, 2007, 4

Karen Hagemann, Katherine Aaslestad, Judith A. Miller, Preface, p. 499
Katherine Aaslestad, Karen Hagemann, Judith A. Miller, Introduction: Gender, War and the Nation in the Period of the Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars – European Perspectives, p. 501
Karen Hagemann, “Heroic Virgins” and “Bellicose Amazons”: Armed Women, the Gender Order and the German Public during and after the Anti-Napoleonic Wars, p. 507
David Hopkin, Sieges, Seduction and Sacrifice in Revolutionary War: The Virgins of Verdun’, 1792, p. 528
John Lawrence Tone, A Dangerous Amazon: Agustina Zaragoza and the Spanish Revolutionary War, 1808-1814, p. 548
Kathleen Wilson, Nelson’s Women: Female Masculinity and Body Politics in the French and Napoleonic Wars, p. 562
Katherine Aaslestad, Republican Traditions: Patriotism, Gender, and War in Hamburg, 1770-1815, p. 582
Alexander M. Martin, Lost Arcadia: The 1812 War and Russian Images of Aristocratic Womanhood, p. 603

Reviews, p. 622
Abstracts, p. 644

v. 37, 2007, 3

Christian Haase, In Search of a European Settlement: Chatham House and British-German Relations, 1920-55, p. 371
O.J. Wright, Sea and Sardinia: Pax Britannica versus Vendetta in the New Italy (1870), p. 398
Javier Moreno -Luzón, Political Clientelism, Elites, and Caciquismo in Restoration Spain (1875-1923), p. 417

Review Articles
Larry Ray, Reflections on the Demise of Communism in Europe, p. 442

Reviews, p. 457
Abstracts, p. 494

v. 37, 2007, 2

Pietro Di Paola, The Spies Who Carne in from the Heat: The International Surveillance of the Anarchists in London, p. 189
Edmund H. Dickerman and Anita M. Walker, Les règles du jeu: The Decline and Fall of Sully, 1610-17, p. 216
Robert L. Fuller, Catholic Women and the Unmaking of French Nationalism After the Dreyfus Affair, p. 242
Daniel Schònpflug, Histoires croisées: Francois Furet, Ernst Nolte and a Comparative History of totalitarian Movements, p. 265
Stefan B erger, National Myths in Europe, p. 291
T. O. Smith, Europe, Americanization and Globalization, p. 301

Book Review, p. 310

v. 37, 2007, 1

Angel Smith, The Catalan Counter-revolutionary Coalition and the Primo de Rivera Coup, 1917-23, p. 7
Christopher Storrs, Provincial Governors and the Absolute State: Piedmont 1713-48, p. 35
Lucian N. Leustean, The Political Control of Orthodoxy in the Construction of the Romanian State, 1859-1918, p. 61
Simon Kitson, Police and Politics in Marseille, 1936-8, p. 81
John H. Arnold, Responses to the Postmodern Challenge; or, what Might History Become?, p. 109
Book Review, p. 133

v. 36, 2006, 4

Isabella Maurizio, Exile and Nationalism: The Case of the Risorgimento, p. 493
Tingle Elizabeth, Stability in the Urban Community in a Time of War: Police, Protestantism and Poor Relief in Nantes during the French Wars of Religion, 1562-89, p. 521
Varley Karine, Contesting Concepts of the Nation in Arms: French Memories of the War of 1870-1 in Dijon, p. 548

Review Articles
Shorten Richard, The Ambiguities of Antecedents and Legacies: Political Ideas and Political Extremes in the Twentieth Century, p. 574
Thatcher Ian D., Communism and Religion in Early Bolshevik Russia: A Discussion of Work Published Since 1989, p. 586

Reviews, p. 599

v. 36, 2006, 3

Djoki? Dejan, Introduction, p. 347
McStea Ullin Jodah, Slowing Sovietization: The Labour Party, the Hungarian Social Democrats and the Elections of 1947, p. 350
Djoki? Dejan, Britain and Dissent in Tito’s Yugoslavia: The Djilas Affair, ca. 1956, p. 371
Berger Stefan, La Porte Norman, Ostpolitik before Ostpolitik: The British Labour Party and the German Democratic Republica (GDR), 1955-64, p. 396
Favretto Ilaria, The Wilson Governments and the Italian center-Left Coalitions: Between ‘Socialist’ Diplomacy and Realpolitik, 1964-70, p. 421

Review Article, p. 445

Reviews, p. 463

v. 36, 2006, 2
Connor Ian, German Refugees ad the SPD in Schleswig-Holstein, 1945-50, p. 173
Reid Donald, French Singularity, the Resistance and the Vichy Syndrome: Lucie Aubrac to the Rescue, p. 200
Wouters Nico, Municipal Government during the Occupation (1940-5): A Comparative Model of Belgium, the Netherlands and France, p. 221
Wachsmann Nikolaus, Looking into the Abyss: Historians and the Nazi Concentration Camps, p. 247

Review Article

Niven Bill, Remembering the Holocaust: Representation, Neglect and Instrumentalization, p. 279

Review, p. 292

v. 36, 2006, 1

Dainotto Roberto M., The Discreet Charm of the Arabist Theory: Juan Andrés, Historicism, and the De-Centering of Montesquieu’s Europe, p. 7
Hamnett Brian, Fictitious Histories: The Dilemma of Fact and Imagination in the Nineteenth-Century Historical Novel, p. 31
Drace-Francis Alez, A Provincial Imperialist and a Curious Account of Wallachia: Ignaz von Born, p. 61

Review Articles
Aston Nigel, Decline or Evolution? Religion in Modern Europe, p. 91
Timms Edward, Between Berlin and Vienna: Approaches to Austro-German Intellectual History, p. 101

Review; p.109

Abstracts, p. 167

v. 35, 2005, 4

Gareth Pritchard, Schwarzenberg 1945: Antifascists and the ‘Third Way’ in German Politics, p. 499
Evanthis Hatzivassiliou, Cyprus at the Crossroads, 1959-63, p. 523
Christopher Psilos, From Cooperation to Alienation: An Insight into Relations between the Serres Group and the Young Turks during the Years 1906-9, p. 541

Tom Gallagher, Romanian Tyranny Seen from Above and Below, p. 559
Peter Neville, The Origins of the Second World War Revisited, p. 569

Reviews, p. 583
Abstracts, p. 618

v. 35, 2005, 3

Cathie Carmichael, The Violent Destruction of Community during the ‘Century of Genocide’, p. 395
T. David Curp, ‘Roman Dmowski Understood’: Ethnic Cleasing as Permanent Revolution, p. 405
Benjamin Madley, From Africa to Auschwitz: How German South West Africa Incubated Ideas and Methods Adopted and Developed by the Nazis in Eastern Europe, p. 429
Dorde Stefanovic, Seeing the Albanians through Serbian Eyes: The Inventors of the Tradition of Intolerance and Their Critics, 1804-1939, p. 465

Abstracts, p. 493

v. 35, 2005, 2

Davide Rodogno, Italiani brava gente? Fascist Italy’s Policy toward the Jews in the Balkans, April 1941-July 1943, p. 213
Joshua Goode, Corrupting a Good Mix: Race and Crime in Late Nineteenth- and Early Twentieth-century Spain, p. 241
Matthew Stanard, ‘Bilan du monde pour un monde plus déhumanisé’: The 1958 Brussels World’s Fair and Belgian Perceptions of the Congo, p. 267
Daniel Vyleta, Jewish Crimes and Misdemeanours: In Search of Jewish Criminality (Germany and Austria, 1890-1914), p. 299

Gert Hekma, New Histories of Masculinity, p. 327

Book Reviews, p. 337
Abstracts, p. 389

v. 35, 2005, 1

Derek Offord, Denis Fonvizin and the Concept of Nobility: An Eighteenth-century Russian Echo of a Western Debate, p. 9
Noelle L. Plack, Agrarian Individualism, Collective Practices and the French Revolution: The Law of 10 June 1793 and the Partition of Common Land in the Department of the Gard, p. 39
William D. Godsey Jr., ‘La société était au fond légitimiste’: Émigrés, Aristocracy, and the Court at Vienna, 1789-1848, p. 63

Trevor Johnson, ‘Fantastically Strange’: Religion, Magic and Witchcraft in the Reformation Era, p. 97
Gabriel B. Paquette, Empire, Enlightenment and Regalism: New Directions in Eighteenth-century Spanish History, p. 107

Review Essay, p. 119
Book Reviews, p. 127
Abstracts, p. 203

v. 34, 2004, 4

Stephen Miller, Revolutionary Politics in France, 1788-91: the Case of Languedoc, p. 443
Richard Bosworth, War, totalitarianism and ‘Deep Belief’ in Fascist Italy, 1935-43, p. 475
Lisa Abend, Specters of the Secular: Spiritism in Nineteenth-century Spain, p. 507

Nancy M. Wingfield, The Problem with ‘Backwarness’: Ivan T. Berend’s Central and Eastern Europe in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, p. 535

Book Reviews, p. 553
Abstracts, p. 589

v. 34, 2004, 3

Thomas Munck, Literacy, Educational Reform and the Use of Print in Eighteenth-century Denmark, p. 275
Donald Bloxham, The Genocidal Past in Western Germany and the Experience of Occupation, 1945-6, p. 305
Matt Perry, ‘Sans Distinction de Nationalité’? The French Communist Party, Immigrants and Unemployment in the 1930s, p. 337
Sylvia Neely, Lafayette’s Mémoires and the Changing Legacy of Two Revolutions, p. 371

Book Reviews, p. 403
Abstracts, p. 433

v. 34, 2004, 2

Sandra Souto Kustrín, Taking the Street: Workers’ Youth Organizations and Political Conflict in the Spanish Second Republic, p. 131
Martin Simpson, Republicanizing the City: Radical Republicans in Toulouse, 1880-90, p. 157
Christopher Schmidt-Nowara, ‘La España Ultramarina’: Colonialism and Nation-building in Nineteenth-century Spain, p. 191
Graham Ford, Positive Integration in Wilhelmine Germany: the Case of Nuremberg’s Building Workers, 1899-1914, p. 215

Book Reviews, p. 245
Abstracts, p. 265

v. 34, 2004, 1

Editorial, p. 5

Aristotle A. Kallis, Studying Inter-war Fascism in Epochal and Diachronic Terms: Ideological Production, Political Experience and the Quest for ‘Consensus’, p. 9
Robert Walinski-Kiehl, Reformation History and Political Mythology in the German Democratic Republic 1949-89, p. 43
Anja Johansen, Policing and Repression: Military Involvement in the Policing of French and German Industrial Areas, 1889-1914, p. 69

Review Article, p. 99
Book Reviews, p. 107

v. 33, 2003, 4

Ezequiel Adamovsky, Russia as a Space of Hope: Nineteenth-century French Challenges to the Liberal Image of Russia, p. 411
Panikos Panayi, Victims, Perpetrators and Bystanders in a German town: The Jews of Osnabrück Before, During and After the Third Reich, p. 451
Ben Shepherd, Wehrmacht Security Regiments in the Soviet Partisan War, 1943, p. 493

Jeremy Black, War in Europe, 1500-Present, p. 531

Book Reviews, p. 549
Abstracts, p. 565

v. 33, 2003, 3

Francisco Romero Salvadò, ‘Fatal Neutrality’: Pragmatism or Capitulation? Spain’s Foreign Policy during the Great War, p. 291
Patrick Finney, Raising Frankenstein: Great Britain, ‘Balkanism’ and the Search for a Balkan Locarno in the 1920s, p. 317
Samuel Kalman, Faisceau Visions of Physical and Moral Transformation and the Cult of Youth in Inter-war France, p. 343
Lisa Pine, Creating Conformity: The Training of Girls in the Bund Deutscher Mädel, p. 367

Book Reviews, p. 387
Abstracts, p. 405

v. 33, 2003, 2

Hamish Graham, Policing the Forests of Pre-industrial France: Round up the Usual Suspects, p. 157
Antonio Sonnessa, Working Class Defence Organization, Anti-Fascist Resistance and the Arditi del Popolo in Turin, 1919-22, p. 183
Aristotle A. Kallis, ‘Para-fascism’ and ‘Fascistization’: On the Similarities of Three Conceptual Categories, p. 219

Eric Storm, Regionalism in History, 1890-1945: The Cultural Approach, p. 251

Book Reviews, p. 267
Abstracts, p. 279

v. 33, 2003, 1

Timothy J. McHugh, Hospitals and Huguenots: Confessional Coexistence in Nîmes, 1629-85, p. 5
Roger Bartlett, Serfdom and State Power in Imperial Russia, p. 29
Mervyn O Driscoll, ‘to Bring Light Unto the Germans’: Irish Recognition-seeking, the Weimar Republic and the British Commonwealth, 1930-2, p. 65

P. Dwyer, New Avenues for Research in Napoleonic Europe, p. 101

Book Reviews, p. 125
Abstracts, p. 149

v. 32, 2002, 4

Casey Harison, ‘La Question du Marchandage’: The Political and Legal Struggle Against Exploitative Subcontracting in Paris, 1881-1911, p. 451
Maria Kyriakidou, Labour Law and Women Workers: A Case Study of Protective Legislation in Inter-war Greece, p. 489
R. J. B. Bosworth, Imitating Mussolini with Advantages: The Case of Edgardo Sulis, p. 515
John McIlroy, Alan Campbell, ‘For a Revolutionary Workers’ Government’: Moscow, British Communism and Revisionist Interpretations of the Third Period, 1927-34, p. 535

Michael Broers, The Permanent Revolution: An Anglo-Saxon Revival of the French Revolution, 1789-1815, p. 571
Aviel Roshwald, Accounting for Complicity: Recent Works on the Holocaust, p. 581

Reviews, p. 595
Abstracts, p. 623

v. 32, 2002, 3

María Jesús González, ‘Neither God Nor Monster’: Antonio Maura and the Failure of Conservative Reformism in Restoration Spain (1893-1923), p. 307
Ander Delgado Cendagortagalarza, The Transformation of Political Behaviour in the Basque Country: Nationalism and Politics in Bermeo, 1898-1936, p. 335
Brian Shelmerdine, The Experiences of British Holidaymakers and Expatriate Residents in Pre-Civil War Spain, p. 367
Antonio Cazorla Sánchez, Surviving Franco’s Peace: Spanish Popular Opinion during the Second World War, p. 391

Sharif Gemie, Susanna Schrafstetter, Reassesseing Anti-fascism, p. 413

Reviews, p. 421

v. 32, 2002, 2

Eric Storm, The Rise of the Intellectual Around 1900: Spain and France, p. 139
Edward Ross Dickinson, ‘Until the Stubborn Will is Broken’: Crisis and Reform in Prussian Reformatory Education, 1900-34, p. 161
Paul Mazgaj, Engagement and the French Nationalist Right: The Case of the Jeune Droite, p. 207

Robert Justin Goldstein, Political Mobilization in Nineteenth-Century Europe, p. 233
Jeremy Black, War and the State, p. 251

Reviews, p. 267
Abstracts, p. 299

v. 32, 2002, 1

Tom Buchanan, Martin Conway, The Politics of Democracy in Twentieth-Century Europe: Introduction, p. 7
Stefan Berger, Democracy and Social Democracy, p. 13
Tom Buchanan, Anti-fascism and Democracy in the 1930s, p. 39
Martin Conway, Democracy in Postwar Western Europe: The Triumph of a Political Model, p. 59
Siân Reynolds, Lateness, Amnesia and Unfinished Business: Gender and Democracy in Twentieth-Century Europe, p. 85
David Priestland, Soviet Democracy, 1917-91, p. 111

Abstracts, p. 131

v. 31, 2001, 4

Xosé-Manoel Núñez, The Region as Essence of the Fatherland: Regionalist Variants of Spanish Nationalism (1840-1936), p. 483
Peter Thaler, Fluid Identities in Central European Borderlands, p. 519
Norman H. LaPorte, ‘Stalinization’ and its Limits in the Saxon KPD, 1925-28, p. 549
Anita Prazmowska, Polish Military Plans for the Defeat of Germany and the Soviet Union, 1939-41, p. 591

Roger Griffin, The Reclamation of Fascist Culture, p. 609

Reviews, p. 621
Abstracts, p. 633

v. 31, 2001, 3

Sean T. Perrone, Clerical Opposition in Habsburg Castile, p. 323
Guy Thomson, Garibaldi and the Legacy of the Revolutions of 1848 in Southern Spain, p. 353
Dan Stone, Race in British Eugenics, p. 397
Jeffrey G. Giauque, Bilateral Summit Diplomacy in Western European and Transatlantic Relations, 1956-63, p. 427

Reviews, p. 447
Abstracts, p. 473

v. 31, 2001, 2

Jeremy J. Whiteman, Trade and the Regeneration of France, 1789-91: Liberalism, Protectionism and the Commercial Policy of the National Constituent Assembly, p. 171
Geoffrey Jensen, Toward the ‘Moral Conquest’ of Morocco: Hispano-Arabic Education in Early Twentieth-Century North Africa, p. 295
Caroline Brooke, Soviet Music in the International Arena, 1932-41, p. 231
Ian Jackson, ‘Rival Desirabilities’: Britain, East-West Trade and the Cold War, 1948-51, p. 265

Reviews, p. 289
Abstracts, p. 312

v. 31, 2001, 1

Paul Douglas Lockhart, Political Language and Wartime Propaganda in Denmark, 1625-1629, p. 5
Basil C. Gounaris, From Peasants into Urbanites, from Village into Nation: Ottoman Monastir in the Early Twentieth Century, p. 43
Rosanna M. Gatens, Prelude to Gleichschaltung: The University of Heidelberg and the E. J. Gumbel Controversies, 1924 and 1932, p. 65
William Lee Blackwood, German Hegemony and the Socialist International’s Place in Interwar European Diplomacy, p. 101

Tom Gallagher, A Balkan History Learning Curve, p. 141

Reviews, p. 157
Abstracts, p. 164