Enterprise & Society DATINI

Enterprise & Society
The International Journal of Business History

Oxford, Business History Conference
ISSN: 1467-2227
Conservata in: Prato, Istituto Internazionale di Storia Economica “F. Datini”, Coll: Riv. 57
Consistenza: v. 1, 2000, 1 – v. 15, 2014, 4
Lacune: v. 4, 2003, 3-4; v. 5, 2004, 4; v. 13, 2012-v. 14, 2013;
[ 2014-2011 ] [ 2010-2000 ]

copertina della rivista

v. 11, 2010, 4

Philip Scranton, Editor’s Preface, p. I

Felipe Tamega Fernandes, Institutions, Geography, and Market Power: The Political Economy of Rubber in the Brazilian Amazon, c. 1870-1910, p. 675
Josh Lauer, The Good Consumer: Credit Reporting and the Invention of Financial Identity in the United States, 1840-1940, p. 686
Terri Lonier, Alchemy in Eden: Entrepreneurialism, Branding, and Food Marketing in the United States, 1880-1920, p. 695
Joseph M. Adelman, “A Constitutional Conveyance of Intelligence, Public and Private”: The Post Office, the Business of Printing, and the American Revolution, p. 709
Free Albert Schrauwers, “Regenten” (Gentlemanly) Capitalism: Saint-Simonian Technocracy and the Emergence of the “Industrialist Great Club” in the Mid-nineteenth Century Netherlands, p. 753
Malia McAndrew, A Twentieth-Century Triangle Trade: Selling Black Beauty at Home and Abroad, 1945-1965, p. 784
Oskar Broberg, Labeling the Good: Alternative Visions and Organic Branding in Sweden in the Late Twentieth Century, p. 811

Reviews, p. 389

v. 11, 2010, 3

Editorial Board, p. I
TOC Contents, p. II
Subscriptions, p. IV

Andrew Popp, Michael French, “Practically the Uniform of the Tribe”: Dress Codes Among Commercial Travelers, p. 437
Rob Schorman, “This Astounding Car for $1,500”: The Year Automobile Advertising Came of Age, p. 468
Ivan Paris, Fashion as a System: Changes in Demand as the Basis for the Establishment of the Italian Fashion System (1960-1970), p. 524
Maki Umemura, Reconsidering Japan’s Underperformance in Pharmaceuticals: Evidence from Japan’s Anticancer Drug Sector, p. 560
Emanuele Felice, State Ownership and International Competitiveness: The Italian Finmeccanica from Alfa Romeo to Aerospace and Defense (1947-2007), p. 594

Reviews, p. 636

v. 11, 2010, 2

Editorial Board, p. I
TOC Contents, p. II
Subscrptions, p. III

David M. Higgins, Dev Gangjee, “Trick or Treat?” The Misrepresentation of American Beef Exports in Britain during the Late Nineteenth Century, p. 203
Javier Fernández Roca, Monks and Businessmen in Catalonia: The Benedictines of Montserrat (1900-1936), p. 242
Thomas B Heinrich, Jack of All Trades: Cramp Shipbuilding, Mixed Production, and the Limits of Flexible Specialization in American Warship Construction, 1940-1945, p. 275
Pál Germuska, Military Industry versus Military-Related Firms in Socialist Hungary: Disintegration and Integration of Military Production during the 1950s and Early 1960s, p. 316
Marcelo Bucheli, Multinational Corporations, Business Groups, and Economic Nationalism: Standard Oil (New Jersey), Royal Dutch-Shell, and Energy Politics in Chile 1913-2005, p. 350

Reviews, p. 400

v. 11, 2010, 1

Editorial Board, p. I
TOC Contents, p. II
Subscriptions, p. IV

John Haggerty, Sheryllynne Haggerty, Visual Analytics of an Eighteenth-Century Business Network, p. 1
Alessandro Stanziani, Economic Information on International Markets: French Strategies in the Italian Mirror (Nineteenth-Early Twentieth Centuries), p. 26
Mae Baker, Michael Collins, English Commercial Banks and Organizational Inertia: The Financing of SMEs, 1944-1960, p. 65
Tito Menzani, Vera Zamagni, Cooperative Networks in the Italian Economy, p. 98
Ross Thomson, The Continuity of Innovation: The Civil War Experience, p. 128

Reviews, p. 166

v. 10, 2009, 4

Editorial Board, p. I
TOC Contents, p. II
Subscriptions, p. V
BHCS Business History Conference Society, p. VI

Philip Scranton, Introduction, p. 609

Mark H. Rose, United States Bank Rescue Politics, 2008-2009: A Business Historian’s View, p. 612

Michael Easterly, Your Job Is Your Credit: Creating a Market for Loans to Salaried Employees in New York City, 1885-1920, p. 651
Andrew L. Russell, “Industrial Legislatures”: Consensus Standardization in the Second and Third Industrial Revolutions, p. 661
Dominique A. Tobbell, Pharmaceutical Networks: The Political Economy of Drug Development in the United States, 1945-1980, p. 675

Richard Harris, The Birth of the North American Home Improvement Store, 1905-1929, p. 687
Paula Petrik, Parading as Millionaires: Montana Bankers and the Panic of 1893, p. 729
Espen Storli, David Brégaint, The Ups and Downs of Family Life: Det Norske Nitridaktieselskap, 1912-1976, p. 763

Eric Godelier, History, a Useful “Science” for Management? From Polemics to Controversies, p. 791
Christopher Kobrak, The Use and Abuse of History as a Management tool: Comments on Eric Godelier’s View of the French Connection, p. 808
Paul Tiffany, Does History Matter in Business?, p. 816
Andrew Popp, History, a Useful “Science” for Management? A Response, p. 831

Eric Godelier, Comments on Comments, or the Richness of Dialogue, p. 837

Reviews, p. 847

v. 10, 2009, 3

Editorial Board, p. I
TOC Contents, p. II
Subscriptions, p. IV
BHCS Business History Conference Society, p. V

Simon Ville, “Making Connections”: Insights into Relationship Marketing from the Australasian Stock and Station Agent Industry, p. 423
Free Jim Cohen, Divergent Paths, United States and France: Capital Markets, the State, and Differentiation in Transportation Systems, 1840-1940, p. 449
Robert Lewis, The Workplace and Economic Crisis: Canadian Textile Firms, 1929-1935, p. 498
Andrew Alexander, Dawn Nell, Adrian R. Bailey, Gareth Shaw, The Co-Creation of a Retail Innovation: Shoppers and the Early Supermarket in Britain, p. 529
Kjetil Fallan, The Realpolitik of the Artificial: Strategic Design at Figgjo Fajanse Facing International Free Trade in the 1960s, p. 559

Reviews, p. 590

v. 10, 2009, 2

Peter von Staden, How Reciprocal was the Business-Government Relationship? The Wedge of Competition in Early Industrializing Japan, p. 237
Erik Nijhof, Pensions and Providence: Dutch Employers and the Creation of Funded Pension Schemes, p. 265
Claire Lemercier, Looking for “Industrial Confraternity” Small-Scale Industries and Institutions in Nineteenth-Century Paris, p. 304
Pier Angelo Toninelli, Between Agnelli and Mussolini: Ford’s Unsuccessful Attempt to Penetrate the Italian Automobile Market in the Interwar, p. 335
Period Eric John Morser, Hinterland Dreams and Midwestern Rails: Public Power and Railroading in Nineteenth-Century La Crosse, Wisconsin, p. 376

Reviews, p. 411

v. 10, 2009, 1

EDITOR’S INTRODUCTION Philip Scranton, Editor’s Introduction, p. 1

Paul Duguid, French Connections: The International Propagation of Trademarks in the Nineteenth Century, p. 3
Christopher Kobrak, Family Finance: Value Creation and the Democratization of Cross-Border Governance, p. 38

Mark Rose, The Political Economy of American Transportation, p. 90
Albert J. Churella, Delivery to the Customer’s Door: Efficiency, Regulatory Policy, and Integrated Rail-Truck Operations, 1900-1938, p. 98
Shane Hamilton, The Populist Appeal of Deregulation: Independent Truckers and the Politics of Free Enterprise, 1935-1980, p. 137
Marc Levinson, Two Cheers for Discrimination: Deregulation and Efficiency in the Reform of U.S. Freight Transportation, 1976-1998, p. 178

Review, p. 216

v. 9, 2008, 4

Pamela Walker Laird, Looking toward the Future: Expanding Connections for Business Historians, p. 575

Christopher Beauchamp, The Telephone Patents: Intellectual Property, Business, and the Law in the United States and Britain, 1876-1900, p. 591
Stephanie Decker, Building Up Goodwill: British Business, Development and Economic Nationalism in Ghana and Nigeria, 1945-1977, p. 602
Louis Hyman, Debtor Nation: How Consumer Credit Built Postwar America, p. 614
Julia Cathleen Ott, When Wall Street Met Main Street: The Quest for an Investors’ Democracy and the Emergence of the Retail Investor in the United States, 1890-1930, p. 619

Andrew Godley, Relli Shechter, Editors’ Introduction: Business History and the Middle East: Local Contexts, Multinational Responses-A Special Section of Enterprise & Society, p. 631
Steen Andersen, Building for the Shah: Market Entry, Political Reality and Risks on the Iranian Market, 1933-1939, p. 637
Regina Lee Blaszczyk, Synthetics for the Shah: DuPont and the Challenges to Multinationals in 1970s Iran, p. 670
Yavuz Koese, Nestlé in the Ottoman Empire: Global Marketing with Local Flavor 1870-1927, p. 724
Relli Shechter, Glocal Mediators: Marketing in Egypt during the Open-Door Era (infitah), p. 762

David Steigerwald, Did the Protestant Ethic Disappear? The Virtue of Thrift on the Cusp of Postwar Affluence, p. 788
David G. Surdam, The New York Yankees Cope with the Great Depression, p. 816

Reviews, p. 841

v. 9, 2008, 3

Philip Scranton, Editor’s Introduction, p. 403

Mark H. Rose, Alfred DuPont Chandler, Jr., 1918-2007: An Introduction, p. 405
Mira Wilkins, Chandler: A Retrospect, p. 411
Louis Galambos, Reflections on Alfred D. Chandler, Jr., p. 415
Geoffrey Jones, Alfred Chandler and the Importance of Organization, p. 419
Christopher D. Mckenna, In Memoriam: Alfred Chandler and the Soul of Business History, p. 422
Philip Scranton, Beyond Chandler?, p. 426
Kenneth J. Lipartito, The Future of Alfred Chandler, p. 430

Aaron W. Marrs, Railroads and Time Consciousness in the Antebellum South, p. 433
Vicki Howard, “The Biggest Small-town Store in America”: Independent Retailers and the Rise of Consumer Culture, p. 457

Richard R. John, Bringing Political Economy Back in, p. 487
Robin L. Einhorn, Slavery, p. 491
Richard R. John, Telecommunications, p. 507
Jason Scott Smith, The New Deal Order, p. 521

Reviews, p. 535

v. 9, 2008, 2

Giorgio Riello, Strategies and Boundaries: Subcontracting and the London Trades in the Long Eighteenth Century, p. 243
Aashish Velkar, Caveat Emptor: Abolishing Public Measurements, Standardizing Quantities, and Enhancing Market Transparency in the London Coal Trade c1830, p. 281
Bert Spector, “Business Responsibilities in a Divided World”: The Cold War Roots of the Corporate Social Responsibility Movement, p. 314
Chris Forde, “You know we are not an Employment Agency”: Manpower, Government, and the Development of the Temporary Help Industry in Britain, p. 337

Reviews, p. 366

v. 9, 2008, 1

Editor’s Introduction, p. 1

Niv Horesh, “Many a Long Day”: HSBC and Its Note Issue in Republican China, 1912-1935, p. 6
Qing Lu, Government Control, Transaction Costs, and Commitment Between the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation (HSBC) and the Chinese Government, p. 44
Einar Lie, Market Power and Market Failure The Decline of the European Fertilizer Industry and the Expansion of Norsk Hydro, p. 70
Stephen B. Adams, Paul J. Miranti, Global Knowledge Transfer and Telecommunications: The Bell System in Japan, 1945-1952, p. 96
Howard R. Stanger, The Larkin Clubs of Ten: Consumer Buying Clubs and Mail-Order Commerce, 1890 – 1940, p. 125
Dick Van Lente, Ferry De Goey, Trajectories of Internationalization: Knowledge and National Business Styles in the Making of Two Dutch Publishing Multinationals, 1950-1990, p. 165

Reviews, p. 203

v. 8, 2007, 4

Kenneth Lipartito, Editor’s Introduction, p. 763

William J. Hausman, The Accidental Business Historian, p. 765

Bethany Moreton, The Soul of the Service Economy: Wal-Mart and the Making of Christian Free Enterprise, 1929-1994, p. 777
Aaron W. Marrs, The Iron Horse Turns South: A History of Antebellum Southern Railroads, p. 784
4Barbara Hahn, Making Tobacco Bright: Institutions, Information, and Industrialization in the Creation of an Agricultural Commodity, 1617-1937, p. 790
Christopher P. Magra, The New England Cod Fishing Industry and Maritime Dimensions of the American Revolution, p. 799

Kenneth Bertrams, Converting Academic Expertize into Industrial Innovation: University-based Research at Solvay and Gevaert, 1900-1970, p. 807
Aldo Musacchio, Ian Read, Bankers, Industrialists, and their Cliques: Elite Networks in Mexico and Brazil during Early Industrialization, p. 842
Peter Scott, Lucy Newton, Jealous Monopolists? British Banks and Responses to the Macmillan Gap during the 1930s, p. 881
Per H. Hansen, Organizational Culture and Organizational Change: The Transformation of Savings Banks in Denmark, 1965-1990, p. 920

Reviews, p. 954

v. 8, 2007, 3

Gary Herrigel, A New Wave in the History of Corporate Governance, p. 475

Mary O’sullivan, The Expansion of the U.S. Stock Market, 1885-1930: Historical Facts and Theoretical Fashions, p. 489
Randall Morck, Masao Nakamura, Business Groups and the Big Push: Meiji Japan’s Mass Privatization and Subsequent Growth, p. 543
Caroline Fohlin, Does Civil Law Tradition and Universal Banking Crowd out Securities Markets? Pre-World War I Germany as Counter-Example, p. 602
Enterprise Soc (2007) 8(3): 602-641 doi:10.1093/es/khm068 Leslie Hannah, Pioneering Modern Corporate Governance: A View from London in 1900, p. 642
Timothy Guinnane, Ron Harris, Naomi R. Lamoreaux, Jean-Laurent Rosenthal, Putting the Corporation in its Place, p. 687

Reviews, p. 730

v. 8, 2007, 2

Christine Meisner Rosen, Special Issue: Business and Nature: Doing Business History in the Age of Global Climate Change, p. 221
Tyler Priest, Special Issue: Business and Nature: Extraction Not Creation: The History of Offshore Petroleum in the Gulf of Mexico, p. 227
Geoffrey Tweedale, Laurie Flynn, Special Issue: Business and Nature: Piercing the Corporate Veil: Cape Industries and Multinational Corporate Liability for a toxic Hazard, 1950-2004, p. 268
Christine Meisner Rosen, Special Issue: Business and Nature: The Role of Pollution Regulation and Litigation in the Development of the U.S. Meatpacking Industry, 1865-1880, p. 297
Pierre Desrochers, Special Issue: Business and Nature: How did the Invisible Hand Handle Industrial Waste? By-product Development before the Modern Environmental Era, p. 348
Alessandro Stanziani, Special Issue: Business and Nature: Negotiating Innovation in a Market Economy: Foodstuffs and Beverages Adulteration in Nineteenth-Century France, p. 375

Review Essay, p. 413
Reviews, p. 421

v. 8, 2007, 1

David Hart, Red, White, and “Big Blue”: IBM and the Business-Government Interface in the United States, 1956-2000, p. 1
Gail D. Triner, Property Rights, Family, and Business Partnership in Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Brazil: The Case of the St. John d’el Rey Mining Company, 1834-1960, p. 35
Aurora Gómez-Galvarriato, Gabriela Recio, The Indispensable Service of Banks: Commercial Transactions, Industry, and Banking in Revolutionary Mexico, p. 68
Duol Kim, The Next Best Thing to Getting Married: Partnerships among the Jewelry Manufacturers in the Providence/Attleboro Area during the Nineteenth Century, p. 106
Shakila Yacob, Model of Welfare Capitalism? The United States Rubber Company in Southeast Asia, 1910-1942, p. 136

Reviews, p. 175

v. 7, 2006, 4

Kenneth Lipartito, Editor’s Introduction, p. 651

Richard Sylla, Political Economy of Financial Development: Canada and the United States in the Mirror of the Other, 1790-1840, p. 653

Shane Hamilton, Trucking Country: Food Politics and the Transformation of Rural Life in Postwar America, p. 666
Dan Breznitz, Innovation and the State-Development Strategies for High Technology Industries in a World of Fragmented Production: Israel, Ireland, and Taiwan, p. 675
Kim Phillips-Fein, Top-Down Revolution: Businessmen, Intellectuals, and Politicians Against the New Deal, 1945-1964, p. 686
Daniel Levinson Wilk, Tales from the Elevator and Other Stories of Modern Service in New York City, p. 695

Richard Blundel, Angela Tregear, From Artisans to “Factories”: The Interpenetration of Craft and Industry in English Cheese-Making, 1650-1950, p. 705
Peter Miskell, “Selling America to the World”? The Rise and Fall of an International Film Distributor in its Largest Foreign Market: United Artists in Britain, 1927-1947, p. 740
Philip Ollerenshaw, Innovation and Corporate Failure: Cyril Lord in U.K. Textiles, 1945-1968, p. 777

Reviews, p. 812

v. 7, 2006, 3

Kenneth Lipartito, Editor’s Introduction, p. 421

Joanne Yates, How Business Enterprises Use Technology: Extending the Demand-Side Turn, p. 422
Margaret B. W. Graham, Comment: Exploring the Context of Use, p. 456
Naomi R. Lamoreaux, Comment: Extending the Demand-Side Turn Productively, p. 462
David Kirsch, Comment: Relevance and Representativeness, p. 469
Steven W. Usselman, Comment: Mediating Innovation: Reflections on the Complex Relationships of User and Supplier, p. 477

Andrew M. Shanken, Better Living: toward a Cultural History of a Business Slogan, p. 485
Eric J. Morgan, The World Is Watching: Polaroid and South Africa, p. 520
Karel Davids, The Transformation of an Old Industrial District: Firms, Family, and Mutuality in the Zaanstreek between 1840 and 1920, p. 550

Review Essays, p. 581
Reviews, p. 596

v. 7, 2006, 2

Pierre-Antoine Dessaux, Jean-Philippe Mazaud, Hybridizing the Emerging European Corporation: Danone, Hachette, and the Divisionalization Process in France during the 1970s, p. 227
Andrew Godley, Selling the Sewing Machine Around the World: Singer’s International Marketing Strategies, 1850-1920, p. 266
Andrew Popp, Governance at Points of Corporate Transition: Networks and the Formation of the United Alkali Company, 1890-1895, p. 315
Alistair Mutch, Allied Breweries and the Development of the Area Manager in British Brewing, 1950-1984, p. 353

Reviews, p. 380

copertina della rivista

v. 7, 2006, 1

Kathryn Ibata-Arens, Julian Dierkes, Dirk Zorn, Theoretical Introduction to the Special Issue on the Embedded Enterprise, p. 1

Dario Gaggio, Pyramids of Trust: Social Embeddedness and Political Culture in Two Italian Gold Jewelry Districts, p. 19
Kun-Chin Lin, Disembedding Socialist Firms as a Statist Project: Restructuring the Chinese Oil Industry, 1997-2002, p. 59
Huei-Ying Kuo, Rescuing Businesses through Transnationalism: Embedded Chinese Enterprise and Nationalist Activities in Singapore in the 1930s Great Depression, p. 98
Kathryn Ibata-Arens, Hiromichi Obayashi, Escaping the Japanese Pyramid: The Association of Small and Medium Sized Enterprise Entrepreneurs (SME Doyukai), 1947-1999, p. 128

Reviews, p. 164

v. 6, 2005, 4

Kenneth Lipartito, Editor’s introduction, p. 559

Dalit Baranoff, Shaped by Risk: The American Fire Insurance Industry: 1790-1920, p. 561
Anna Spadavecchia, State Subsidies and the Sources of Company Finance in Italian Industrial Districts, 1951-1991, p. 571
Robert Macdougall, The People’s Telephone: The Politics of Telephony in the United States and Canada, 1876-1926, p. 581
Christopher James Tassava, Launching Thousand Ships: Entrepreneurs, War Workers, and the State in American Shipbuilding, 1940-1945, p. 588

Ronald R. Kline, Thomas C. Lassman, Competing Research Traditions in American Industry: Uncertain Alliances between Engineering and Science at Westinghouse ELectric, 1886-1935, p. 601
Drew Vande Creek, Solomon Huebner and the Development of Life Insurance Sales Professionalism, 1905-1927, p. 646
Mike Parsons, Mary B. Rose, The Neglected Legacy of Lancashire Cotton: Industrial Clusters and the U.K. Outdoor Trade, 1960-1990, p. 682

Reviews, p. 710

v. 6, 2005, 3

Special Issue: Business History in Modern China

Guest Editor’s Introduction
Madeleine Zelin, Guest Editor’s Introduction, p. 357

Daniel J. Meissner, The Business of Survival: Competition and Cooperation in the Shanghai Flour Milling Industry, p. 364
Kwan Man Bun, Managing Market, Hierarchy, and Network: The Jiuda Salt Industries, Ltd., 1917-1937, p. 395
Ning Jennifer Chang, Vertical Integration, Business Diversification, and Firm Architecture: The Case of the China Egg Produce Company in Shanghai, 1923-1950, p. 419
Brett Sheehan, Myth and Reality in Chinese Financial Cliques in 1936, p. 452


v. 6, 2005, 2

David M. Hart, From “Ward of the State” to “Revolutionary Without a Movement”: The Political Development of William C. Norris and Control Data Corporation, 1957-1986, p. 197
Makoto Kasuya, Continuity and Change in the Employment and Promotion of Japanese White-Collar Employees: The Case of the House of Mitsui, p. 224
Robert E. Weems, Jr., Lewis A. Randolph, “The Right Man”: James A. Jackson and the Origins of U.S. Government Interest in Black Business, p. 254
Simon Phillips, Andrew Alexander, An Efficient Pursuit? Independent Shopkeeping in 1930s Britain, p. 278


v. 6, 2005, 1

Jeffrey A. Engel, The Surly Bonds: American Cold War Constraints on British Aviation, p. 1
David L. Stebenne, Thomas J. Watson and the Business-Government Relationship, 1933-1956, p. 45
Henri Delanghe, Postwar Japanese Cotton Textile Investment in Brazil, 1955-1980, p. 76
Tony Webster, An Early Global Business in a Colonial Context: The strategies, Management, and Failure of John Palmer and Company of Calcutta, 1780-1830, p. 98

Communications, p. 134
Reviews, p. 144

v. 5, 2004, 3

Kenneth Lipartito, p. 353

Richard N. Langlois, Chandler in a Larger Frame: Markets, Transaction Costs, and Organizational Form in History, p. 355
Naomi R. Lamoreaux, Daniel M. G. Raff, Peter Temin, Against Whig History, p. 376
Charles F. Sabel, Jonathan Zeitlin, Neither Modularity nor Relational Constracting: Inter-Firm Collaboration in the New Economy, p. 388

Ernie Englander, Allen Kaufman, The End of Managerial Ideology: From Corporate Social Responsability to Corporate Social Indifference, p. 404
Simon Ball, The German Octopus: The British Metal Corporation and the Next War, 1914-1939, p. 451
Frans-Paul van der Putten, Corporate Governance and the Eclectic Paradism: The Investment Motives of Philips in Taiwan in the 1960s, p. 490

Reviews, p. 527

v. 5, 2004, 2

Tamás Szmrecsanyi, Steven Topik, Business History in Latin America, p. 179

Anne Hanley, Is It Who You Know? Entrepreneurs and Bankers in São Paulo, Brazil, at the Turn of the Twentieth Century, p. 187
M. Teresa Ribeiro de Oliveira, The Origins of the Pioneer Cotton Mills in Minas Gerais, Brazil, 1868-1879: A Reassessment, p. 226
Julio E. Moreno, J. Walter Thompson, the Good Neighbor Policy, and Lessons in Mexican Business Culture, 1920-1950, p. 254
Gabriela Recio, Lawyers’ Contribution to Business Development in Early Twentieth-Century Mexico, p. 281

Reviews, p. 307

v. 5, 2004, 1

Kenneth Lipartito, p. 1

Daniel Robinson, Marketing Gum, Making Meanings: Wrigley in North America, 1890-1930, p. 4
Gerben Bakker, Selling French Films on Foreign Markets: The International Strategy of a Medium-Sized Film Company, p. 45
Bruce W. Eelman, Entrepreneurs in the Southern Upcountry: The Case of Spartanburg, South Carolina, 1815-1880, p. 77
Caroline Piquet, The Suez Company’s Concession in Egypt, 1854-1956: Modern Infrastructure and Local Economic Development, p. 107

Reviews, p. 128

v. 4, 2003, 2

Patrick Hyder Patterson, Truth Half Told: Finding the Perfect Pitch for Advertising and Marketing in Socialist Yugoslavia, 1950-1991, p. 179
Eric Schatzberg, Symbolic Culture and Technological Change: The Cultural History of Aluminum as an Industrial Material, p. 226
Francesca Carnevali, Golden Opportunities: Jewelry Making in Birmingham between Mass Production and Specialty, p. 272
John Smail, The Culture of Credit in Eighteenth-Century Commerce: The English Textile Industry, p. 299
Ben Forster, Kris Inwood, The Diversity of Industrial Experience: Cabinet and Forniture Manufacture in Late Nineteenth-Century Ontario, p. 326

Reviews, p. 372

v. 4, 2003, 1

Christopher James Tassava, Multiples of Six Companies and West Coast Industrialization, 1930-1945, p. 1
Andrea Colli, Paloma Fernández Pérez, Mary B. Rose, National Determinants of Family Firm Development? Family Firms in Britain, Spain, and Italy in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, p. 28
Kees Boersma, Tensions within an Industrial Research Laboratory: The Philips Laboratory’s X-Ray Department between the Wars, p. 65
Carol Matheson Connell, Jardine Matheson & Company: The Role of External Organization in a Nineteenth-Century Trading Firm, p. 99

Reviews, p. 139

v. 3, 2002, 4

William J. Hausman, p. 579

Geoffrey Jones, Business Entreprises and Global Worlds, p. 581

Stephanie Dyer, Markets in the Meadows: Department Stores and Shopping Centers in the Decentralization of Philadelphia, 1920-1980, p. 606
Jeffrey M. Hornstein, A Nation of Realtors: The Professionalization of Real Estate Brokerage and the Construction of a New American Middle Class, p. 613
Benjamin W. Pinney, Projects, Management, and Protean Times: Engineering Entreprise in the United States, 1870-1960, p. 620
Andrew M. Schocket, Consolidating Power: Technology, Ideology, and Philadelphia’s Growth in the Early Republic, p. 627

Barbara Curli, Women Entrepreneurs and Italian Industrialization: Conjectures and Avenues for Research, p. 634
Jon B. Thornberry, Competition and Cooperation: A Comparative Analysis of SEMATECH and the VLSI Research Project, p. 657

v. 3, 2002, 3

William J. Hausman, Editor’s Introduction, p. 395

Michael C. Schneider, Business Decision Making in National Socialist Germany: Machine tools, Business Machines, and Punch Cards at eh Wanderer-Werke AG, p. 396
Christopher Kobrakm Politics, Corporate governance, and the Dynamics of German Managerial Innovation: Schering AG between the Wars, p. 429
Nancy M. Gordon, Protecting the public interest: Land Agents vs. Loggers on the Eastern Frontier, 1820-1840, p. 462
David Koistinen, The Causes of Deindustrialization: the migration of the cotton textile Industry from New England to the South, p. 482

Marlene Shore, Robert D. Cuff, p. 521

Review essays, p. 523
Reviews, p. 541

v. 3, 2002, 2

Robyn Eversole, The Chocolates of Sucre: Stories of a Bolivian Industry, p. 209
Thomas Heinrich, Cold War Armory: Military Contracting in Silicon Valley, p. 247
Ann M. Carlos, Frank D. Lewis, Marketing in the Land of Hudson Bay: Indian Consumers and the Hudson’s Bay Company, 1670-1770, p. 285
Jeffrey M. Hornstein, “Rosie the Realtor” and the Re-Gendering of Real Estate Brokerage, 1930-1960, p. 318

Larry Neal, Rondo Cameron, p. 352

Reviews, p. 353

v. 3, 2002, 1

William J. Hausman, Editor’s introduction, p. 1

William Lazonick, Innovative Enterprise and Historical Transformation, p. 3
Julian I. Greaves, Competition, Collusion, and Confusion: The State and thecReorganization of the British Cotton Industry, 1931-1939, p. 48
Morris L. Bian, The Sino-Japanese War and the Formation of the State Enterprise System in China: A Case Study of the Dadukou Iron and Steel Works, 1938-1945, p. 80
Tim Rooth, Peter Scott, British Public Policy and Multinationals during the “Dollar Gap” Era, 1945-1960, p. 124

Reviews, p. 162

v. 3, 2001, 4

William J. Hausman, Editor’s Introduction, p. 631

Naomi R. Lamoreaux, Reframing the Past: Thoughts about Business Leadership and Decision Making under Uncertainty, p. 632

Jennifer Klein, Managing Security: The Business of American Social Policy, 1910-1960, p. 660
Christophe Lécuyer, Making Silicon Valley: Engineering Culture, Innovation, and Industrial Growth, 1930-1970, p. 666
Christopher D. McKenna, The World’s Newest Profession: Management Consulting in the Twentieth Century, p. 673
Andrew Robertson, Mobilizing for War, Engineering the Peace: The State, the Shop Floor, and the Engineer in Japan, 1935-1960, p. 680

Mary A. Yeager, Mavericks and Mavens of Business History: Miriam Beard and Henrietta Larson, p. 687


Reviews, p. 809

v. 2, 2001, 3

William J. Hausman, The Philosophy and Practice of Enterprise & Society, p. 421

Maury Klein, Coming Full Circle: The Study of Big Business since 1950, p. 425
Gerben Bakker, Stars and Stories: How Films Became Branded Products, p. 461
Roy Church, Christine Clark, Product Development of Branded, Packaged Household Goods in Britain, 1870-1914: Colman’s, Reckitt’s, and Lever Brothers, p. 503
Gordon Boyce, Multilateral Contracting in Australian Mining: The Development of Hamersley Iron, 1961- 1966, p. 543

Reviews, p. 576

v. 2, 2001, n. 2

William J. Hausman, Editor’s introduction, p. 197

Béatrice Craig, Petites Bourgeoises and Penny Capitalists: Women in Retail in the Lilie Area during the Nineteenth Century, p. 198
Lisa Jacobson, Manly Boys and Enterprising Dreamers: Business Ideology and the Construction of the Boy Consumer, 1910-1930, p. 225
Grietjie Verhoef, Informal Financial Service Institutions for Survival: African Women and Stokvels in Urban South Africa, 1930-1998, p. 259
Mark R. Wilson, The Extensive Side of Nineteenth-Century Military Economy: The Tent Industry in the Northern United States during the Civil War, p. 297
Hartmut Berghoff, Marketing Diversity: The Making of a Global Consumer Product-Hohner’s Harmonicas, 1857-1930, p. 338

Reviews, p. 373

v. 2, 2001, n. 1

a c. di Angel Kwolek-Folland, David B. Sicilia

Angel Kwolek-Folland, Gender and Business History, p. 1

Daryl M. Hafter, Women in the Underground Business of Eighteenth-Century Lyon, p. 11
Laura J. Owen, Gender Differences in Labor Turnover and the Development of Internal Labor Markets in the United States during the 1920s, p. 41
Karen Ward Mahar, True Womanhood in Hollywood: Gendered Business Strategies and the Rise and Fall of the Woman Filmmaker, 1896-1928, p. 72
Eric Guthey, Ted Turner’s Corporate Cross-Dressing and the Shifting Images of American Business Leadership, p. 111

Reviews, p. 143

v. 1, 2000, 4


William J. Hausman, Editor’s Introduction, p. 657

Larry Neal, The Money Pitt: Lord Londonderry and the South Sea Bubble; or, How to Manage Risk in an Emerging Market, p. 659

Sean Patrick Adams, Old Dominions and Industrial Commonwealths: The Political Economy of Coal in Virginia and Pennsylvania, 1810-1875, p. 675
Julio E. Moreno, Marketing in Mexico: Sears, Roebuck Company, J. Walter Thompson, and the Culture of North American Commerce in Mexico City during the 1940s, p. 683
Marina Moskowitz, Standard Bearers: Material Culture and Middle-Class Communities at the Turn of the Twentieth Century, p. 693
Johann Peter Murmann, Knowledge and Competitive Advantage in the Synthetic Dye Industry, 1850-1914: The Coevolution of Firms, Technology, and National Institutions in Great Britain, Germany, and the United States, p. 699
Urs von Burg, Plumbers of the Internet: The Creation and Evolution of the LAN Industry, p. 705

Elspeth H. Brown, Rationalizing Consumption: Lejaren à Hilier and the Origins of American Advertising Photography, 1913-1924, p. 715

David Hochfelder, A Comparison of the Postal Telegraph Movement in Great Britain and the United States, 1866-1900, p. 739
Simon Partner, Brightening Country Lives: Selling Electrical Goods in the Japanese Countryside, 1950-1970, p. 762
John K. Smith, Turning Silk Purses into Sows’ Ears: Environmental History and the Chemical Industry, p. 785

Abstracts of Conference Papers, p. 813

Reviews, p. 841

v. 1, 2000, 3

Guest Editor: Kathy Peiss

William J. Hausman, Editor’s Introduction, p. 483

Kathy Peiss, On Beauty. . . and the History of Business, p. 485

Carole Turbin, Collars and Consumers: Changing Images of American Manliness and Business, p. 507
Susannah Walker, Black Is Profitable: The Commodification of the Afro, 1960-1975, p. 536
Kirsten E. Gardner, Hiding the Scars: A History of Post-Mastectomy Breast Prostheses, 1945-2000, p. 565
Vicki Howard, “At the Curve Exchange”: Postwar Beauty Culture and Working Women at Maidenform, p. 591

Reviews, p. 619

v. 1, 2000, 2

William J. Hausman, Editor’s Introduction, p. 239

Steven W. Tolliday, Introduction: Enterprise and State in the Italian “Economic Miracle”, p. 241
Francesca Carnevali, State Enterprise and Italy’s “Economic Miracle”: The Ente Nazionale Idrocarburi, 1945-1962, p. 249
Francesca Fauri, The “Economic Miracle” and Italy’s Chemical Industry, 1950-1965: A Missed Opportunity, p. 279
Timothy Wolters, “Carry Your Credit in Your Pocket”: The Early History of the Credit Card at Bank of America and Chase Manhattan, p. 315
Todd Alexander Postol, Masculine Guidance: Boys, Men, and Newspapers, 1930-1939, p. 355
Howell John Harris, The Rocky Road to Mass Production: Change and Continuity in the U.S. Foundry Industry, 1890-1940, p. 391

Reviews, p. 438

v. 1, 2000, 1

WiIliam J. Hausman, Editor’s Introduction, p. 1

Jonathan Zeitlin, Flexibility in the “Age of Fordism”: Technology and Production in the International Automobile Industry, p. 4

Jonathan Zeitlin, Reconciling Automation and Flexibility? Technology and Production in the Postwar British Motor Vehicle Industry, p. 9
Michael Schwartz, Markets, Networks, and the Rise of Chrysler in Old Detroit, 1920-1940, p. 63
David A. Hounshell, Automation, Transfer Machinery, and Mass Production in the U.S. Automobile Industry in the Post-World War II Era, p. 100
Eisuke Daito, Automation and the Organization of Production in the Japanese Automobile Industry: Nissan and toyota in the 1950s, p. 139

K. Austin Kerr, Revisiting Business Historians and the Internet, p. 179

David B. Sicilia, Remembering Robert Sobel, p. 182

Reviews, p. 188