European review of economic history DATINI

European Review of Economic History

Cambridge, Cambridge University press in association with Kobenhavns universitet. Okonomiske Institut European, University of Groningen, European Historical Economics Society
ISSN: 1361-4916
Conservata in: Prato, Fondazione Istituto Internazionale di Storia Economica “F. Datini”, Coll: Riv. 53
Consistenza: v. 5, 2001, 1-v. 9, 2005, 3

Conservata in: Università degli Studi di Firenze, Biblioteca di Scienze Sociali
Punto di servizio: Economia – Coll: Riv. Str. 0734
Consistenza: v. 1, 1997, 1-
Lacune: v. 11, 2007, 2;
[ 2030-2021 ] [ 2020-2011 ] [ 2010-1997 ]

copertina della rivista

v. 15, 2011, 1

Leonor Freire Costa, Maria Manuela Rocha, Tanya Araújo, Social capital and economic performance: trust and distrust in eighteenth-century gold shipments from Brazil, p. 1
Sibylle Lehmann, Oliver Volckart, The political economy of agricultural protection: Sweden 1887, p. 29
Michael D. Bordo, Christopher M. Meissner, Foreign capital, financial crises and incomes in the first era of globalization, p. 61
Giovanni Federico, When did European markets integrate?, p. 93
Ian Gazeley, Andrew Newell And Peter Scott, Why was urban overcrowding much more severe in Scotland than in the rest of the British Isles? Evidence from the first (1904) official household expenditure survey, p. 127
Nicholas Crafts, Explaining the first Industrial Revolution: two views, p. 153

v. 14, 2010, 3

Jaco Zuijderduijn, The emergence of provincial debt in the county of Holland (thirteenth-sixteenth centuries), p. 335
Mette Ejrnæs, Karl Gunnar Persson, The gains from improved market efficiency: trade before and after the transatlantic telegraph, p. 361
Vincent Bignon, Antonio Miscio, Media bias in financial newspapers: evidence from early twentieth-century France, p. 383
Jonas Scherner, Nazi Germany’s preparation for war: evidence from revised industrial investment series, p. 433
Willem H. Boshoff, Johan Fourie, The significance of the Cape trade route to economic activity in the Cape Colony: a medium-term business cycle analysis, p. 469

v. 14, 2010, 2

Bruno Blondé, Jord Hanus, Beyond building craftsmen. Economic growth and living standards in the sixteenth-century Low Countries: the case of ‘s-Hertogenbosch (1500-1560), p. 179
Michael Kopsidis, Heinrich Hockmann, Technical change in Westphalian peasant agriculture and the rise of the Ruhr, circa 1830-1880, p. 209
Vicente Pinilla, María-Isabel Ayuda, Taking advantage of globalization? Spain and the building of the international market in Mediterranean horticultural products, 1850-1935, p. 239
Mats Olsson, Patrick Svensson, Agricultural growth and institutions: Sweden, 1700-1860, p. 275
George Selgin, The institutional roots of Great Britain’s ‘big problem of small change’, p. 305

v. 14, 2010, 1

Jan Bohlin, The income distributional consequences of agrarian tariffs in Sweden on the eve of World War I, p. 1
Olivier Accominotti, Marc Flandreau, Riad Rezzik, Frédéric Zumer, Black man’s burden, white man’s welfare: control, devolution and development in the British Empire, 1880-1914, p. 47
Michela Coppola, The biological standard of living in Germany before the Kaiserreich, 1815-1840: insights from English army data, p. 71
Antonio Tena-Junguito, Bairoch revisited: tariff structure and growth in the late nineteenth century, p. 111
Esteban A. Nicolini, Fernando Ramos, A new method for estimating the money demand in pre-industrial economies: probate inventories and Spain in the eighteenth century, p. 145

v. 13, 2009, 3

Special Issue

Barry Eichengreen, Marc Flandreau, Guest Editors’ Introduction, p. 285
Clemens Jobst, Market leader: the Austro-Hungarian Bank and the making of foreign exchange intervention, 1896-1913, p. 287
Mariko Hatase, Mari Ohnuki, Did the structure of trade and foreign debt affect reserve currency composition? Evidence from interwar Japan, p. 319
Olivier Accominotti, The sterling trap: foreign reserves management at the Bank of France, 1928-1936, p. 349
Barry Eichengreen And Marc Flandreau, The rise and fall of the dollar (or when did the dollar replace sterling as the leading reserve currency?), p. 377
Pierre L. Siklos, Not quite as advertised: Canada’s managed float in the 1950s and Bank of Canada intervention, p. 413
Michael D. Bordo, Ronald Macdonald, Michael J. Oliver, Sterling in crisis, 1964-1967, p. 437

v. 13, 2009, 2

Jacob Weisdorf, Why did the first farmers toil? Human metabolism and the origins of agriculture, p. 157
Marcel Boldorf, Socio-economic institutions and transaction cost: merchant guilds and rural trade in eighteenth century Lower Silesia, p. 173
Kim Abilgren, Monetary regimes and the endogeneity of labour market struetures: empirical evidence from Denmark, 1875-2007, p. 199
Antonio Cubel, M. Teresa Sanchis, Investment and growth in Europe during the Golden Age, p. 219
Tobias Straumann, Ulrich Woitek, A pioneer of a new monetary policy? Sweden’s price-level targeting ofdie 1930s revisited, p. 251

v. 13, 2009, 1

Dan Bogart, Gary Richardson, Making property productive: reorganizing rights to real and equitable estates in Britain, 1660-1830, p. 3
Mark Dincecco, Political regimes and sovereign credit risk in Europe, 1750-1913, p. 31
Martin Dribe, Demand and supply factors. In the fertilifty transition: a country-level analysis of age-specif marital fertility in Sweden, 1880-1930, p. 65
Klas RönnbÄck, Integration of global commodity market in the early modern era, p. 95
Jan Luiten Van Zanden, The skill premium and the ‘Great Divergence’, p. 121

v. 12, 2008, 3

Yadira González De Lara, The secret of Venetian success: a public-order, reputation-based institution, p. 247
Leandro Prados De La Escosura, Inequality, poverty and the Kuznets curve in Spain, 1850-2000, p. 287
Francesco Cinnirella, Optimists or pessimists? A reconsideration of nutritional status in Britain, 1740-1865, p. 325
Jeffrey G. Williamson, Globalization and the Great Divergence: terms of trade booms, volatility and the poor periphery, 1782-1913, p. 355
Sumru Altug, Alpay Filiztekin, Evket Pamuk, Sources of long-term economie growth for Turkey, 1880-2005, p. 393

v. 12, 2008, 2

Symposium on Gregory Clark’s A Farewell to Alms

Editors’ introductory note, p. 137

Research Articles
Deirdre N. Mccloskey, ‘You know, Ernest, the rich are different from you and me’: a comment on Clark’s A Farewell to Alms, p. 138
Hans-Joachim Voth, Clark’s intellectual Sudoku, p. 149
George Grantham, Explaining the industrial transition: a non-Malthusian perspective, p. 155
Karl Gunnar Persson, The Malthus delusion, p. 165
Gregory Clark, In defense of the Malthusian interpretation of history, p. 175
Carsten Burhop, The level of labour productivity in German mining, crafts and industry in 1913: evidence from output data, p. 201
Tamás Vonyó, Post-war reconstruction and the Golden Age of economic growth, p. 221

v. 12, 2008, 1

Charles R. Hickson, John D. Turner, Pre- and post-famine indices of Irish equity prices, p. 3
Sergey Gelman, Carsten Burhop, Taxation, regulation and the information efficiency of the Berlin stock exchange, 1892-1913, p. 39
Leonid Borodkin, Brigitte Granville, Carol Scott Leonard, The rural/urban wage gap in the industrialisation of Russia, 1884-1910, p. 67
Maarten Bosker, Steven Brakman, Harry Garretsen, Herman De Jong, Marc Schramm, Ports, plagues and politics: explaining Italian city growth 1300-1861, p. 97

v. 11, 2007, 3

?evket Pamuk, The Black Death and the origins of the ‘Great Divergence’ across Europe, 1300-1600, p. 289
Carlos Álvarez-Nogal, Leandro Prados De La Escosura, The decline of Spain (1500-1850): conjectural estimates, p. 319
Pilar Nogués Marco, Camila Vam Malle-Sabouret, East India bonds, 1718-1763: early exotic derivatives and London market efficiency, p. 367
Kevin H. O’Rourke, Property rights, politics and innovation: creamery diffusion in pre-1914 Ireland, p. 395

v. 11, 2007, 2

Léonard Caruana, Hugh Rockoff, An elephant in the garden: The Allies, Spain, and oil in World War II, p. 159
Max-Stephan Schulze, Origins of catch-up failure: Comparative productivity growth in the Habsburg Empire, 1870-1910, p. 189
Ben Gales, Astrid Kander, Paolo Malanima, Mar Rubio, North versus South: Energy transition and energy intensity in Europe over 200 years, p. 219
Jari Eloranta, From the great illusion to the Great War: Military spending behaviour of the Great Powers, 1870-1913, p. 255

v. 11, 2007, 1

Michael D. Bordo, Pierre-Cyrille Hautcoeur, Why didn’t France follow the British stabilisation after World War I?, p. 3
Gregory Clark, David Jacks, Coal and the Industrial Revolution, 1700-1869, p. 39
James Foreman-Peck, Andrew Hughes Hallett, Yue Ma Trade wars and the Slump, p. 73
Esteban A. Nicolini, Was Malthus right? A VAR analysis of economic and demographic interactions in pre-industrial England, p. 99
David Stasavage, Partisan politics and public debt: The importance of the ‘Whig Supremacy’ for Britain’s financial revolution, p. 123

v. 10, 2006, 3

Marc Flandreau, Edi Hochreiter, Guest Editors’ Introduction, p. 253

Michele Fratianni, Franco Spinelli, Italian city-states and financial evolution, p. 257
Larry Neal, Lance Davis, The evolution of the structure and performance of the London Stock Exchange in the first global financial market, 1812-1914, p. 279
Markus Baltzer, Cross-listed stocks as an information vehicle of speculation: Evidence from European cross-listings in the early 1870s, p. 301
Ignacio Briones, André Villela, European bank penetration during the first wave of globalisation: Lessons from Brazil and Chile, 1878-1913, p. 329
Stefano Battilossi, The determinants of multinational banking during the first globalisation, 1880-1914, p. 361
Jerome Sgard, Do legal origins matter? The case of bankruptcy laws in Europe, 1808-1914, p. 389
Michael D. Bordo, Peter L. Rousseau, Legal-political factors and the historical evolution of the finance-growth link, p. 421

v. 10, 2006, 2

van Zanden Jan Luiten, Prak Maartens, towards an economic interpretation of citizenship: The Dutch Republic between medieval communes and modern nation-states, p. 111
Lew Byron, Cater Bruce, The telegraph, co-ordination of tramp shipping, and growth in world trade, 1870-1910, p. 147
Gazeley Ian, The leveling of pay in Britain during the Second World War, p. 175
Jacks David S., New results on the tariff growth paradoux, p. 205
Redish Angela, Recent contributions to the history of monetary and international financial systems: A review essay, p. 231

v. 9, 2005, 3

Stefano Fenoaltea, The growth of the Italian economy, 1861-1913: Preliminary second-generation estimates, p. 273
Mauricio Drelichman, All that glitters: Precious metals, rent seeking and the decline of Spain, p. 313
Thomas Bittner, An event study of the Rhenish-Westphalian Coal Syndicate, p. 337
Ingrid Henriksen, Morten Hviid, Diffusion of new technology and complementary best practice: A case study, p. 365

v. 9, 2005, 2

Editors’ Introduction, p. 127
Carol H. Shiue, From political fragmentation towards a customs union: Border effects of the German Zollverein, 1815 to 1855, p. 129
Jan Tore Klovland, Commodity market integration 1850-1913: Evidence from Britain and Germany, p. 163
Carsten Trenkler, Nikolaus Wolf, Economic integration across borders: The Polish interwar economy, 1921-1937, p. 199
Javier Silvestre, Internal migrations in Spain, 1877-1930, p. 233

Noticeboard, p. 267

v. 9, 2005, 1

Charles R. Hickson, John D. Turner, The rise and decline of the Irish stock market, 1865-1913, p. 3
Timothy J. Hatton, George R. Boyer, Unemployment and the UK labour market before, during and after the Golden Age, p. 35
Nikola Koepke, Joerg Baten, The biological standard of living in Europe during the last two millennia, p. 61
Paolo Malanima, Urbanisation and the Italian economy during the last millennium, p. 97

Noticeboard, p. 123

v. 8, 2004, 3

Stephen Broadberry, Expalining Anglo-German productivity differecens in services since 1870, p. 229
Jakob B. Madsen, Price and wage stickiness during the Great Depression, p. 263
Astrid Kander, Magnus Lindmark, Energy consumption, pollutant emissions and growth in the long run: Sweden through 200 years, p. 297
Jean-Pierre Dormois, Episodes in catching-up: Anglo-French industrial productivity differentials in 1930, p. 337

v. 8, 2004, 2

Karl Gunnar Persson, Mind the gap! Transport costs and price convergence in the nineteenth century Atlantic economy, p. 125
Timothy J. Hatton, Emigration from the UK, 1870-1913 and 1950-1998, p. 149
Christian Stögbauer, John Komlos, Averting the Nazi seizure of power: A counterfactual thought experiment, p. 173
Albrecht Ritschl, Spurious growth in German output data 1913-1938, p. 201

Noticeboard, p. 225

v. 8, 2004, 1

Robert Millward, European governments and the infrastructure industries, c. 1840-1914, p. 3
Concha Betrán, Maria A. Pons, Skilled and unskilled wage differentials and economic integration, 1870-1930, p. 29
Ola H. Grytten, A Norwegian consumer price index 1819-1913 in a Scandinavian perspective, p. 61
Dennis O. Flynn, Arturo Giráldez, Path dependence, time lags and the birth of globalisation: A critique of O’Rourke and Williamson, p. 81
Kevin H. O’Rourke, Jeffrey G. Williamson, Once more: When did globalisation begin?, p. 109

Noticeboard, p. 119

v. 7, 2003, 3

Martin Dribe, Dealing with economic stress through migration: Lesson from nineteenth century rural Sweden, p. 271
Joerg Baten, Creating firms for a new century: Determinants of firm creation around 1900, p. 301
Michelle Alexopoulos, Jon Cohen, Centralised wage bargaining and structural change in Sweden, p. 331
Mae Baker, Michael Collins, English commercial banks and business client distress, 1946-63, p. 365

v. 7, 2003, 2

John Komlos, An anthropometric history of early-modern France, p. 159
Björn Gustafsson, Mats Johansson, Steps toward equality: How and why income inequality in urban Sweden changed during the period 1925-1958, p. 191
Ulrich Blum, Leonard Dudley, Standardised Latin and medieval economic growth, p. 213
Rui Pedro Esteves, Looking ahead from the past: The inter-temporal sustainability of Portuguese finances, 1854-1910, p. 239

v. 7, 2003, 1

Michael Huberman, Wayne Lewchuk, European economic integration and the labour compact, 1850-1913, p. 3
Pedro Lains, New wine in old bottles: Output and productivity trends in Portuguese agriculture, 1850-1950, p. 43
Jan Bohlin, Swedisch historical national accounts: the fifth generation, p. 73
Charles R. Hickson, John D. Turner, Shareholder liability regimes in nineteenth century English banking: The impact upon the market for shares, p. 99
Torberg Falch, Per Tovmo, Norwegian local public finance in the 1930s and beyond, p. 127

Noticeboard, p. 155

a. 6, 2002, 3

Gregory Clark, Land rental values and the agrarian economy: Engalnd and Wales, 1500-1914, p. 281
Oliver Volckart, Central Europe’s way to a market economy, 1000-1800, p. 309
Joel Mokyr, Cormac ó Gráda, What do people die of during famines? The Great Irish Famine in comparative perspective, p. 339
Simone A. Wegge, Occupational self-selection of European emigrants: Evidence from nineteenth century Hesse-Cassel, p. 365
Nicholas Crafts, The Human Development Index, 1870-1999: Some revised estimates, p. 395

a. 6, 2002, 2

Jan Luiten Van Zanden, Taking the measure of the early modern economy: Historical national accounts for Holland in 1510/14, p. 131
C. Knick Harley, Computational general equilibrium models in economic history and an analysis of British capitalist agriculture, p. 165
Stefan Houpt, Putting Spanish steel on the map: The location of Spanish integrated steel, 1880-1936, p. 193
Caroline Fohlin, Regulation, taxation and the development of the German universal banking system, 1884-1913, p. 221

Yadira Gonzalez De Lara, Institutions for contract enforcement and risk-sharing: From the sea loan to the commenda in late medieval Venice, p. 257
Liam Brunt, New technology and labour productivity in English and French agriculture, 1700-1850, p. 263
Regina Grafe, Northern Spain between the Iberian and the Atlantic worlds: Trade and regional specialisation, 1550-1650, p. 269

Noticeboard, p. 277

a. 6, 2002, 1

Peter Temin, The Golden Age of European growth reconsidered, p. 3
Kevin H. O’Rourke, Jeffrey G. Williamson, When did globalisation begin?, p. 23
Vicente Pinilla, Maria-Isabel Ayuda, The political economy of the wine trade: Spanish exports and the international market, 1890-1935, p. 51
Magnus Lindmark, Peter Vikstrom, The determinants of structural change: Transformation pressure and market structure in Swedish manufacturing industry, 1870-1993, p. 87
Giovanni Federico, The world economy 0-2000 AD: A review article, p. 111

Noticeboard, p. 121

a. 5, 2001, 3

Yves Segers, Oysters and rye bread: Polarising living standards in Flanders, 1800-1860, p. 301
Eugene N. White, Making the French pay: The costs and consequences of the Napoleonic reparations, p. 337
Forrest Capie, Mark Billings, Profitability in English banking in the twentieth century, p. 367
Gregory Clark, Debt, deficits and crowding out: England, 1727-1840, p. 403

a. 5, 2001, 2

Edited by John Komlos, Scott Eddie, Stephen Broadberry

Editors’ Foreword, p. 149
Richard Tilly, German economic history and Cliometrics: A selective survey of recent tendencies, p. 151
John C. Brown, Gerhard Neumeier, Job tenure and labour market dynamics during high industrialisation: The case of Germany before World War I, p. 189
Adam Klug, Why Chamberlain failed and Bismarck succeeded: The political economy of trade tariffs in British and German elections, p. 219
Christian Stogbauer, The radicalisation of the German electorate: Swinging to the Right and the Left in the twilight of the Weimar Republic, p. 251
Walter Bauernfeind, Michael Reijtter, Ulrich Woitek, Rational investment behaviour and seasonality in early modern grain Prices, p. 281

a. 5, 2001, 1

Yriö Kaukiainen, Shrinking the world: Improvements in the speed of information transmission, p. 1
Francesco Galassi, Measuring social capital: Culture as an explanation of Italy’s economic dualism, p. 29
Olga Christodoulaki, Industrial growth in Greece between the wars: A new perspective, p. 61
Edward Anderson, Globalisation and wage inequalities, 1870-1970, p. 91
Carsten Hefeker, The agony of central power: Fiscal federalism in the German Reich, p. 119

Noticeboard, p. 143

a. 4, 2000, 3

Avner Greif, The fundamental problem of exchange: A research agenda in historical Institutional analysis, p. 251
Wolfgang Krause, Douglas J. Puffert, Chemicals, strategy and tariffs: Tariff policy and the soda industry in Imperial Germany, p. 285
Max-Stephan Schulze, Patterns of growth and stagnation in the late nineteenth century Habsburg economy, p. 311
Klas Fregert, The Great Depression in Sweden as a wage coordination failure, p. 341
Solomos Solomou, Luis Catao, Effective exchange rates 1879-1913, p. 361

Index of Volumes 1-4, Compiled by Malene Malmberg Forup, p. 383
Noticeboard, p. 395

a. 4, 2000, 2

Special Issue on
Edited by Herman de Jong and Stephen Broadberry

Stephen Broadberry, Herman De Jong, Technology and productivity in historical perspective: Introduction, p. 115
G.N. Von Tunzelmann, Technology generation, technology use and economic growth, p. 121
John Cantwell, Technological lock-in of large firms since the interwar period, p. 147
Lennart Schon, Electricity, technological change and productivity in Swedish industry, 1890-1990, p. 175
Rainer Fremdling, Transfer patterns of British technology to the Continent: The case of the iron industry, p. 195
J.P. Smits, The determinants of productivity growth in Dutch manufacturing, 1815-1913, p. 223

Noticeboard, p. 247

a. 4, 2000, 1

Robert C. Allen, Economic structure and agricultural productivity in Europe. 1300-1800, p. 1
Sara Horrell, Deborah Oxley, Work and prudence: Household responses to income variation in nineteenth-century Britain, p. 27
Christian Morrisson, Wayne Snyder, The income inequality of France in historical perspective, p. 59
Christiano Andrea Ristuccia, The 1935 sanctions against Italy: Would coal and oil have made a difference?, p. 85

Noticeboard, p. 111

a. 3, 1999, 3

Richard A. Easterlin, How beneficent is the market? A look at the modern history of mortalità, p. 257
Miguel Costa-Gomes, Jose Tavares, Democracy and business cycles: Evidence from Portuguese economic history, p. 295
Richard S. Grossman, Rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic: English banking concentration and efficiency, 1870-1914, p. 323
Solomos Solomou, Weike Wu, Weather effects on European agricultural output 1850-1913, p. 351

Noticeboard, p. 375

a. 3, 1999, 2

David F. Good, Tongshu Ma, The economic growth of Central and Eastern Europe in comparative perspective, 1870-1989, p. 103
Caroline Fohlin, Capital mobilisation and utilisation in latecomer economies: Germany and Italy compared, p. 139
Jan L. Van Zanden, Wages and the standard of living in Europe, 1500-1800, p. 175
George Grantham, Contra Ricardo: On the macroeconomics of pre-industrial economies, p. 199
Peter Groote,Jan Jacobs, Jan-Egbert Sturm, Infrastructure and economic development in the Netherlands, 1853-1913, p. 233

Noticeboard, p. 253

a. 3, 1999, 1

Mae Baker, Michael Collins, English industrial distress before 1914 and the response of the banks, p. 1
Pierre-Cyrille Hautcouer, Pierre Sicsic, Threat of a capital levy, expected devaluation and interest rates in France during the interwar period, p. 25
Ingrid Henriksen, Avoiding lock-in: Cooperative creameries in Denmark, 1882-1903, p. 57
Anders Nilsson, Lars Pettersson, Patrick Svensson, Agrarian transition and literacy: The case of nineteenth-century Sweden, p. 79

Noticeboard, p. 97
List of referees to articles, p. 99

a. 2, 1998, 3

Tames Foreman-Peck, Elisa Boccaletti, Tom Nicholas, Entrepreneurs and business performance in nineteenth century France, p. 235
Robert Millivard, Frances N. Bell, Economic factors in the decline of mortality in late nineteenth century Britain, p. 263
Manfred Neldner, Lessons from the free banking era in Switzerland: The law of adverse clearings and the role of the non-issuing credit banks, p. 289
Jan T. Klovland, Monetary policy and business cycles in the interwar years: The Scandinavian experience, p. 309
Marina Storaci, Giuseppe Tattara, The external financing of Italian electric companies in the interwar years, p. 345

a. 2, 1998, 2

Peter H. Lindert, Poor relief before the Welfare State: Britain versus the Continent. 1780-1880, p. 101
Michael Pammer, Austrian private investments in Hungary, 1850-1913, p. 141
Mark Harrison, Trends in Soviet labour productivity, 1928-85: War, postwar recovery, and slowdown, p. 171
José M. Martínez Carrión, Juan J. Perez Castejón, Height and standards of living during the industrialisation of Spain: The case of Elche, p. 201

Noticeboard, p. 231

a. 2, 1998, 1

Robert C. Allen, Capital accumulation, the soft budget constraint and Soviet Iindustrialisation, p. 1
Joan R. Roses, Measuring the contribution of human capital to the development of the Catalan factory system (1830-61), p. 25
Albrecht Ritschl, Reparation transfers, the Borchardt hypothesis and the Great Depression in Germany, 1929-32: A guided tour for hard-headed Keynesians, p. 49
Giovanni Federico, Antonio Tena, Was Italy a protectionist country?, p. 73

Noticeboard, p. 99

a. 1, 1997, 3

Mark Spoerer, Weimar’s investment and growth record in intertemporal and international perspective, p. 271
N.F.R. Crafts, The Human Development Index and changes in standards of living: Some historical comparisons, p. 299
Jari Ojalá, Approaching Europe: The merchant networks between Finland and Europe during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, p. 323

George Grantham, The French cliometric revolution: A survey of cliometric contributions to French economic history, p. 353

a. 1, 1997, 2

Kevin H. O ‘Rourke, Jeffrey G. Williamson, Around the European periphery 1870-1913: Globalization, schooling and growth, p. 153
George R. Boyer, Labour migration in southern and eastern England, 1861-1901, p. 191
Ludger Lindlar, Carl-Ludwig Holtfrerich, Geography, exchange rates and trade structures: Germany’s export performance since the 1950s, p. 217
S.N. Broadberry, Anglo-German productivity differences 1870-1990: A sectoral Analysis, p. 247

Noticeboard, p. 269

a. 1, 1997, 1

Editorial statement, p. 1

Cormac O Grada, Kevin H. O’ Rourke, Migration as disaster relief: Lessons from the Great Irish Famine, p. 3
Alan M. Taylor, Jeffrey G. Williamson, Convergence in the age of mass migration, p. 27
James Simpson, Did tariffs stifle Spanish agriculture before 1936?, p. 65
Antoni Estevadeordal, Measuring protection in the early twentieth century, p. 89

Peter Temin, The Golden Age of European growth: A review essay, p. 127

Noticeboard, p. 151