The Historical Journal DATINI

The Historical Journal
Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
Trimestrale, già semestrale
ISSN: 0018-246X
già : The Cambridge historical journal (1923-1957);
Conservata in: Prato, Fondazione Istituto Internazionale di Storia Economica “F. Datini” – Coll: Riv. Digitale
Consistenza: n. 40, 1997, f. 1-
Lacune: –

Conservata in: Università di Firenze, Biblioteca Umanistica
Punto di Servizio: Deposito San Gallo – Scienza della formazione – Collocazione: 7 R00 00033/ 45
Consistenza: 14 (1971) –
[2030-2021 ] [2020-2011 ] [ 2010-1997 ] [1996-1993 ] [1992-1983 ] [1982-1973 ] [1972-1958 ]

copertina della rivista

n. 63, 2020, f. 5

Saul Dubow, Global Science, National Horizons: South Africa in Deep Time and Space, p. 1079-1106
Avital Lahav, Quantitative Reasoning and Commercial Logic in Rebuilding Plans After the Great Fire of London, 1666, p. 1107-1131
Edwin D. Rose, Publishing Nature in the Age of Revolutions: Joseph Banks, Georg Forster, and the Plants of the Pacific, p. 1132-1159
Julie Kalman, Competitive Imperialism in the Early Nineteenth-Century Mediterranean, p. 1160-1180
Melchisedek Chétima, Slavery and Its Aftermath in the Mandara Mountains, p. 1181-1203
Laura Newman, Felix Driver, Kew Gardens and the Emergence of the School Museum in Britain, 1880-1930, p. 1204-1230
Tom Quick, The Making of a New Race in the Early Twentieth Century Imperial Imaginary, p. 1231-1256
Seán Donnelly, Republicanism and Civic Virtue in Treatyite Political Thought, 1921-3, p. 1257-1280
Vivian Kong, Exclusivity and Cosmopolitanism: Multi-Ethnic Civil Society in Interwar Hong Kong, p. 1281-1302
Emily Robinson, The Authority of Feeling in Mid-Twentieth-Century English Conservatism, p. 1303-1324
Ismay Milford, Federation, Partnership, and the Chronologies of Space in 1950s East and Central Africa, p. 1325-1348
Martin Johnes, Matthew Taylor, Boxing, Race, and British Identity, 1945-1962, p. 1349-1377
Aoife O’Leary Mcneice, Towards a History of Global Humanitarianism, p. 1378-1389

n. 63, 2020, f. 4

Angela Sutton, Charlton W. Yingling, Projections of Desire and Design in Early Modern Caribbean Maps, p. 789-810
Jack David Sargeant, Parliament and the Crown Jewels in the English Revolution, 1641-1644, p. 811-835
Frances Nolan, The Representation of Female Claimants Before the Trustees for the Irish Forfeitures, 1700-1703, p. 836-861
Edward Taylor, John Tutchin’s Observator, Comment Serials, and the ‘Rage of Party’ in Britain, 1678-c. 1730, p. 862-884
Anna Plassart, Edmund Burke, Poland, and the Commonwealth of Europe, p. 885-910
Jonathan Conlin, Gladstone, Development, and the Discipline of History, 1840-1896, p. 911-934
Helen Sunderland, Politics in Schoolgirl Debating Cultures in England, 1886-1914, p. 935-957
Gavin Murray-Miller, Empire and Trans-Imperial Subjects in the Nineteenth-Century Muslim Mediterranean, p. 958-979
Jim Tomlinson, Churchill’s Defeat in Dundee, 1922, and the Decline of Liberal Political Economy, p. 980-1006
Paul Lawrence, Policing, ‘Science’, and the Curious Case of Photo-Fit, p. 1007-1031
Hannah Charnock, Teenage Girls, Female Friendship and the Making of the Sexual Revolution in England, 1950-1980, p. 1032-1053

Historiographical Reviews. p. 1054
Corrigendum, p. 1078

n. 63, 2020, f. 3

Eleanor Barnett, Reforming Food and Eating in Protestant England, c. 1560-c. 1640, p. 507-527
Hannah Dawson, The Normativity of Nature in Pufendorf and Locke, p. 528-558
Mark Goldie, Charles-Édouard Levillain, François-Paul De Lisola and English Opposition to Louis XIV, p. 559-580
Hannah Young, Negotiating Female Property and Slave-Ownership in the Aristocratic World, p. 581-602
Jade Shepherd, Life for the Families of the Victorian Criminally Insane, p. 603-632
Joshua Bennett, August Neander and the Religion of History in the Nineteenth-Century ‘Priesthood of Letters’, p. 633-659
Jerome Greenfield, The Mexican Expedition of 1862-1867 and the End of the French Second Empire, p. 660-685 Matthew P. Fitzpatrick, Indigenous Australians and German Anthropology in the Era of ‘Decolonization’, p. 686-709
Melanie Tebbutt, Questioning the Rhetoric of British Borstal Reform in the 1930s, p. 710-731 Alison Twells, Sex, Gender, and Romantic Intimacy in Servicemen’s Letters During the Second World War, p. 732-753
Phil Child, Blacktown, Mass-Observation, and the Dynamics of Voluntary Action in Mid-Twentieth-Century England, p. 754-776

Review Article, p. 777

n. 63, 2020, f. 2

James Poskett, Science in History. Part of: Retrospect: Science in History, p. 209-242

Zoe Farrell, The Materiality of Marriage in the Artisan Community of Renaissance Verona, p. 243-266
Liudmyla Sharipova, Kinship, Property Relations, and the Survival of Double Monasteries in the Eastern Church, p. 267-289
Thomas Cogswell, The Canterbury Election of 1626 and Parliamentary Selection Revisited, p. 291-315
David Kearns, Ryan Walter, office, Political Theory, and the Political Theorist, p. 317-337
Laura Sangha, The Social, Personal, and Spiritual Dynamics of Ghost Stories in Early Modern England, p. 339-359
Sarah Lloyd, The Religious and Social Significance of Methodist Tickets, and Associated Practices of Collecting and Recollecting, 1741-2017, p. 361-388
Christian K. Melby, Empire and Nation in British Future-War and Invasion-Scare Fiction, 1871-1914, p. 389-410
Rohan Deb Roy, White Ants, Empire, and Entomo-Politics in South Asia, p. 411-436
Joel Morley, The Memory of the Great War and Morale During Britain’s Phoney War, p. 437-467
Holly Ashford, Population Control, Development, and Ghana’s National Family Planning Programme, 1960-1972, p. 469-493

Review Article, p. 495

n. 63, 2020, f. 1


Alison Bashford, Duncan Kelly, Shailaja Fennell, Malthusian Moments: Introduction, p. 1-13

Christopher Brooke, Robert Malthus, Rousseauist, p. 15-31
E. A. Wrigley, Richard Smith, Malthus and the Poor Law, p. 33-62
Alison Bashford, Malthus and China, p. 63-89
Gareth Stedman Jones, Malthus, Nineteenth-Century Socialism, and Marx, p. 91-106
Fredrik Albritton Jonsson, The Coal Question Before Jevons, p. 107-126
Duncan Kelly, Malthusian Moments in the Work of John Maynard Keynes, p. 127-158
Shailaja Fennell, Malthus, Statistics, and the State of Indian Agriculture, p. 159-185
Fabien Locher, Neo-Malthusian Environmentalism, World Fisheries Crisis, and the Global Commons, 1950s-1970s, p. 187-207

n. 62, 2019, f. 4

Misha Ewen, Women Investors and the Virginia Company in the Early Seventeenth Century, p. 853-874
Guido Van Meersbergen, The Diplomatic Repertoires of the East India Companies in Mughal South Asia, 1608-1717, p. 875-898
Andrew Kenneth Day, Hobbes’s Changing Ecclesiology, p. 899-919
Tim Somers, The ‘Impartiality’ of Narcissus Luttrell’s Reading Practices and Historical Writing, 1679-1710, p. 943-966
Henry French, Mark Rothery, Male Anxiety Among Younger Sons of the English Landed Gentry, 1700-1900, p. 967-995
Natalia Doan, The 1860 Japanese Embassy and the Antebellum African American Press, p. 997-1020
Laura C. Forster, The Paris Commune in London and the Spatial History of Ideas, 1871-1900, p. 1021-1044
Thomas Dolan, Maynooth, History, and the Intellectual Origins of John Hume’s Political Thinking, p. 1045-1068
Clara Maier, The Weimar Origins of the West German Rechtsstaat, 1919-1969, p. 1069-1091

Communication, p. 1093

n. 62, 2019, f. 3

Stefan Hanß, Material Encounters: Knotting Cultures in Early Modern Peru and Spain, p. 583-615
Gemma Allen, The Rise of the Ambassadress: English Ambassadorial Wives and Early Modern Diplomatic Culture, p. 617-638
William White, Sir John Eliot’s the Monarchie of Man and Early Stuart Political Thought, p. 639-662
Ashley Walsh, The Saxon Republic and Ancient Constitution in the Standing Army Controversy, 1697-1699, p. 663-684
Sara Caputo, Alien Seamen in the British Navy, British Law, and the British State, c. 1793-c. 1815, p. 685-707
Bronwen Douglas, Elena Govor, Eponymy, Encounters, and Local Knowledge in Russian Place Naming in the Pacific Islands, 1804-1830, p. 709-740
Andrew Sneddon, John Fulton, Witchcraft, the Press, and Crime in Ireland, 1822-1922, p. 741-764
William Tullett, Re-Odorization, Disease, and Emotion in Mid-Nineteenth-Century England, p. 765-788
Tom Crook, Model Institutions and the Geography of Social Reform in Early Victorian Britain, p. 789-812
Ian Brown, Rebels, the Death Penalty, and Legal Process in Late Colonial Burma, p. 813-832

Historiographical Reviews, p. 833

n. 62, 2019, f. 2

Rebekah Clements, Brush Talk As the ‘Lingua Franca’ of Diplomacy in Japanese-Korean Encounters, c. 1600-1868, p. 289-309
Sarah Mortimer, Counsels of Perfection and Reformation Political Thought, p. 311-330
Simon P. Kennedy, Richard Hooker As Political Naturalist, p. 331-348
Mark R. F. Williams, The Inner Lives of Early Modern Travel, p. 349-373
Joseph Harley, Pauper Inventories, Social Relations, and the Nature of Poor Relief Under the Old Poor Law, England, c. 1601-1834, p. 375-398
Ismini Pells, Reassessing Frontline Medical Practitioners of the British Civil Wars in the Context of the Seventeenth-Century, p. 399-425
Volkan S. Ediger, John V. Bowlus, A Farewell to King Coal: Geopolitics, Energy Security, and the Transition to Oil, 1898-1917, p. 427-449
Chris Wilson, Petitions and Pathways to the Asylum in British Mandate Palestine, 1930-1948, p. 451-471
Kit Kowol, The Conservative Movement and Dreams of Britain’s Post-War Future, p. 473-493
Gil S. Rubin, Vladimir Jabotinsky and Population Transfers Between Eastern Europe and Palestine, p. 495-517
Chris Vaughan, The Politics of Regionalism and Federation in East Africa, 1958-1964, p. 519-540

Communication, p. 541
Historiographical Reviews, p. 553

n. 62, 2019, f. 1

Introducing Retrospects, p. 1

16 October 2018 RETROSPECT
Mark Goldie, The Ancient Constitution and the Languages of Political Thought, p. 3-34

Daniel S. Allemann, Empire and the Right to Preach the Gospel in the School of Salamanca, 1535-1560, p. 35-55
M. J. M. Innes, Robert Persons, Popular Sovereignty, and the Late Elizabethan Succession Debate, p. 57-76
D. Alan Orr, Protestant Military Humanism in Early Stuart Ireland, p. 77-99
Emilie K. M. Murphy, Language and Power in An English Convent in Exile, c. 1621-c. 1631, p. 101-125
Christopher Haigh, Where Was the Church of England, 1646-1660?, p. 127-147
Kyle Gardner, Moving Watersheds, Borderless Maps, and Imperial Geography in India’s Northwestern Himalaya, p. 149-170 Ian Kumekawa, Meat and Economic Expertise in the British Imperial State During the First World War, p. 171-194
Andrew M. Fearnley, The Black Panther Party’s Publishing Strategies and the Financial Underpinnings of Activism, 1968-1975, p. 195-217
Gabriel Paquette, The ‘Parry Report’ (1965) and the Establishment of Latin American Studies in the United Kingdom, p. 219-240
Simon Ball, The State and the Assassination Threat in Britain, 1971-1984, p. 241-265

Historiographical Review, p. 267

n. 61, 2018, f. 4

Noah Moxham, Aileen Fyfe, The Royal Society and the Prehistory of Peer Review, 1665-1965, p. 863-889
SSaúl Martínez Bermejo, Voice, Orality, and the Performance of Political Counsel in Early Modern Spain, p. 891-911
Louise Stewart, Social Status and Classicism in the Visual and Material Culture of the Sweet Banquet in Early Modern England, p. 913-942
Philip Loft, Litigation, the Anglo-Scottish Union, and the House of Lords As the High Court, 1660-1875, p. 943-967
Alan Crawford, Imagining the Russian Concession in Hankou, p. 969-989
Jonathan Kwan, Transylvanian Saxon Politics and Imperial Germany, 1871-1876, p. 991-1015
Joshua Teitelbaum, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and the Longue Durée Struggle for Islam’s Holiest Places, p. 1017-1039
Laure Humbert, The French in Exile and Post-War International Relief, c. 1941-1945, p. 1041-1064
Marco Wyss, The United States, Britain, and Military Assistance to Nigeria, p. 1065-1087
Mark Mclay, The Republican Party and the Long, Hot Summer of 1967 in the United States, p. 1089-1111
Justin Willis, Gabrielle Lynch, Nic Cheeseman, Voting, Nationhood, and Citizenship in Late-Colonial Africa, p. 1113-1135

Review Articles, p. 1137

n. 61, 2018, f. 3

Freyja Cox Jensen, The Popularity of Ancient Historians, 1450-1600, p. 561-595
Timothy Stanton, John Locke and the Fable of Liberalism, p. 597-622
James E. Shaw, The Informal Economy of Credit in Early Modern Venice, p. 623-642
Colin Jones, Simon Macdonald, Robespierre, the Duke of York, and Pisistratus During the French Revolutionary Terror, p. 643-672
Alexander Jordan, Thomas Carlyle on Epicureanism in the French and German Enlightenments, p. 673-694
Mark Condos, Gavin Rand, Coercion and Conciliation At the Edge of Empire: State-Building and Its Limits in Waziristan, 1849-1914, p. 695-718
Nadine Willems, Transnational Anarchism, Japanese Revolutionary Connections, and the Personal Politics of Exile, p. 719-741
Conor Morrissey , ‘Rotten Protestants’: Protestant Home Rulers and the Ulster Liberal Association, 1906-1918, p. 743-765
Colin Storer, Censoring An ‘English Renegade’ in Germany: the Case of Morgan Philips Price, p. 767-786
Emilio Gin, Mussolini and the Fall of Fascism, 25 July 1943: A Reappraisal, p. 787-806
Frank Trentmann, Anna Carlsson-Hyslop, The Evolution of Energy Demand in Britain: Politics, Daily Life, and Public Housing, 1920s-1970s, p. 807-839

Historiographical Reviews, p. 841

n. 61, 2018, f. 2

Caroline Dodds Pennock, Women of Discord: Female Power in Aztec Thought, p. 275-299
Paul Slack, William Petty, the Multiplication of Mankind, and Demographic Discourse in Seventeenth-Century England, p. 301-325
Aaron Graham, Jamaican Legislation and the Transatlantic Constitution, 1664-1839, p. 327-355
Shiru Lim, Frederick the Great and Jean Le Rond D’alembert on Philosophy, Truth, and Politics, p. 357-378
Andrew Mckenzie-Mcharg, How to Sabotage A Secret Society: the Demise of Carl Friedrich Bahrdt’s German Union in 1789, p. 379-402
Julian Hoppit, Sir Joseph Banks’s Provincial Turn, p. 403-429
Perry Willson, Group Portrait: the Ispettrici Nazionali of the Italian Fascist Party, 1937-1943, p. 431-451
Asa Mckercher, Timothy Andrews Sayle, Skyhawk, Skyshield, and the Soviets: Revisiting Canada’s Cold War, p. 453-475
Aled Davies, James Freeman, Hugh Pemberton, ‘Everyman A Capitalist’ Or ‘Free to Choose’? Exploring the Tensions Within Thatcherite Individualism, p. 477-501
Susanne Schmidt, The Feminist Origins of the Midlife Crisis, p. 503-523

Review Article, p. 525
Historiographical Review, p. 541

n. 61, 2018, f. 1

Peter Lake, Michael Questier, Thomas Digges, Robert Parsons, Sir Francis Hastings, and the Politics of Regime Change in Elizabethan England, p. 1-27
Lauren Working, Locating Colonization At the Jacobean Inns of Court, p. 29-51
Amy Calladine, Public Ritual and the Proclamation of Richard Cromwell As Lord Protector in English Towns, September 1658, p. 53-76
Nuala Zahedieh, Defying Mercantilism: Illicit Trade, Trust, and the Jamaican Sephardim, 1660-1730, p. 77-102
Shinjini Das, An Imperial Apostle? St Paul, Protestant Conversion, and South Asian Christianity, p. 103-130
Gavin Daly, British Soldiers and the Legend of Napoleon, p. 131-153
Matthew P. Dziennik, The Miskitu, Military Labour, and the San Juan Expedition of 1780, p. 155-179
Benjamin Weinstein, Liberalism, Local Government Reform, and Political Education in Great Britain and British India, 1880-1886, p. 181-203
Nathaniël Kunkeler, Narratives of Decline in the Dutch National Socialist Movement, 1931-1945, p. 205-225
Simon Gunn, Ring Road: Birmingham and the Collapse of the Motor City Ideal in 1970s Britain, p. 227-248

Historiographical Reviews, p. 249
Corrigendum, p. 273

n. 60, 2017, f. 4

Anna Becker, Gender in the History of Early Modern Political Thought, p. 843-863
Jasmine Kilburn-Toppin, Gifting Cultures and Artisanal Guilds in Sixteenth – and Early Seventeenth-Century London, p. 5-887
Jonathan Fitzgibbons, Rethinking the English Revolution of 1649, p. 889-914
Arash Abizadeh, Hobbes’s Conventionalist Theology, the Trinity, and God As An Artificial Person by Fiction, p. 915-941
Callie Wilkinson, The East India College Debate and the Fashioning of Imperial officials, 1806-1858, p. 943-969
Jay R. Roszman, ‘Ireland As A Weapon of Warfare’: Whigs, Tories, and the Problem of Irish Outrages, 1835 to 1839, p. 971-995
Takahiro Yamamoto, Japan’s Passport System and the Opening of Borders, 1866-1878, p. 997-1021
Bérénice Guyot-Réchard, Tour Diaries and Itinerant Governance in the Eastern Himalayas, 1909-1962, p. 1023-1046
Anthony D. Kauders, Negotiating Free Will: Hypnosis and Crime in Early Twentieth-Century Germany, p. 1047-1069
Piotr Puchalski, The Polish Mission to Liberia, 1934-1938: Constructing Poland’s Colonial Identity, p. 1071-1096
Gareth Curless, The Triumph of the State: Singapore’s Dockworkers and the Limits of Global History, c. 1920-1965, p. 1097-1123

Review Articles, p. 1125

n. 60, 2017, f. 3

Christian D. Liddy, ‘Sir Ye Be Not Kyng’: Citizenship and Speech in Late Medieval and Early Modern England, p. 571-596
Elly Robson, Improvement and Epistemologies of Landscape in Seventeenth-Century English Forest Enclosure, p. 597-632
Alasdair Raffe, Archibald Pitcairne and Scottish Heterodoxy, c. 1688-1713, p. 633-657
Hannah Weiss Muller, From Requete to Petition: Petitioning the Monarch Between Empires, p. 659-686
Rosemary Sweet, The Preservation of Crosby Hall, c. 1830-1850, p. 687-719
Lucinda Matthews-Jones, Oxford House Heads and Their Performance of Religious Faith in East London, 1884-1900, p. 721-744
Eliza Riedi, Assisting Mrs Tommy Atkins: Gender, Class, Philanthropy, and the Domestic Impact of the South African War, 1899-1902, p. 745-769
Jeremy Krikler, Rural Masters and Urban Militants in Early Twentieth-Century South Africa, p. 771-793
Francisco J. Romero Salvadó, Between the Catalan Quagmire and the Red Spectre, Spain, November 1918-April 1919, p. 795-815
Sarah Miller-Davenport, A ‘Montage of Minorities’: Hawai’i Tourism and the Commodification of Racial Tolerance, 1959-1978, p. 817-842

n. 60, 2017, f. 2

Alison Bashford, Terraqueous Histories, p. 253-272
Edward Cavanagh, Prescription and Empire From Justinian to Grotius, p. 273-299
Frederick E. Smith, The Origins of Recusancy in Elizabethan England Reconsidered, p. 301-332
Harriet Lyon, The Fisherton Monster: Science, Providence, and Politics in Early Restoration England, p. 333-362
Kris Grint, The Freedom of the Press in James Mill’s Political Thought, p. 363-383
Ambrogio A. Caiani, Collaborators, Collaboration, and the Problems of Empire in Napoleonic Italy, the Oppizzoni Affair, 1805-1807, p. 385-407
James Poskett, Phrenology, Correspondence, and the Global Politics of Reform, 1815-1848, p. 409-442
Hatice Yildiz, Parallels And Contrasts in Gendered Histories of Industrial Labour in Bursa and Bombay 1850-1910, p. 363-383
Doron Avraham, Reconstructing A Collective: Zionism And Race Between National Socialism And Jewish Renewal, p. 471-492
Terence Renaud, Human Rights As Radical Anthropology: Protestant Theology And Ecumenism In The Transwar Era, p. 493-518
Sam Brewitt-Taylor, Christianity And The Invention of The Sexual Revolution In Britain, 1963-1967, p. 519-546

Historiographical Review, p. 547
Corrigendum, p. 569

n. 60, 2017, f. 1

Gabriel Guarino, Taming Transgression and Violence in the Carnivals of Early Modern Naples, p. 1-20
Carys Brown, Militant Catholicism, Interconfessional Relations, and the Rookwood Family of Stanningfield, Suffolk, C. 1689—1737, p. 21-45
James Wilson, Reappropriation, Resistance, and British Autocracy in Sri Lanka, 1820-1850, p. 47-69
Tom Smith, Islanders, Protestant Missionaries, and Traditions Regarding the Past in Nineteenth-Century Polynesia, p. 71-94
Chika Tonooka, Reverse Emulation and the Cult of Japanese Efficiency in Edwardian Britain, p. 95-119
Malcolm R. Petrie , ‘Contests of Vital Importance’: By-Elections, the Labour Party, and the Reshaping of British Radicalism, 1924-1929, p. 121-148
Christian Goeschel, Staging Friendship: Mussolini and Hitler in Germany in 1937, p. 149-172
Dennis C. Grube, Civil Servants, Political History, and the Interpretation of Traditions, p. 173-196
David Reynolds, Britain, the Two World Wars, and the Problem of Narrative, p. 197-231

Historiographical Review, p. 233

n. 59, 2016, f. 4

Taka Oshikiri, The Shogun’s Tea Jar: Ritual, Material Culture, and Political Authority in Early Modern Japan, p. 927-945
Max Skjà¶nsberg, Lord Bolingbroke’s Theory of Party and Opposition, p. 947-973
Edward Vallance, Women, Politics, and the 1723 Oaths of Allegiance to George I, p. 975-999
Karim M. Tiro, A Sorry Tale: Natives, Settlers, and the Salmon of Lake Ontario, 1780-1900, p. 1001-1025
Philip Harling, Assisted Emigration and the Moral Dilemmas of the Midvictorian Imperial State, p. 1027-1049
Julia Nicholls, Empire and Internationalism in French Revolutionary Socialist Thought, 1871-1885, p. 1051-1074
Brian Hughes, Loyalists and Loyalism in a Southern Irish Community, 1921-1922, p. 1075-1105
Ruth Harris, Schweitzer and Africa, p. 1107-1132
Nick Witham, Popular History, Post-War Liberalism, and the Role of the Public Intellectual in Richard Hofstadter’s “The American Political Tradition” (1948), p. 1133-1155
Alice Bennington, (Re)Writing Empire? The Reception of Post-Colonial Studies in France, p. 1157-1186

Historiographical Review , p. 1187

n. 59, 2016, f. 3

Anastasia Stouraiti, Printing Empire: Visual Culture and the Imperial Archive in Seventeenth-Century Venice, p. 635-668
Michael B. Young, Charles I, Clement Coke, and Sedition, p. 669-693
Margaret Pelling, Far Too Many Women? John Graunt, the Sex Ratio, and the Cultural Determination of Number in Seventeenth-Century England, p. 695-719
Richard J. Butler, Rethinking the Origins of the British Prisons Act of 1835: Ireland and the Development of Central-Government Prison Inspection, 1820-1835, p. 721-746
Douglas Kanter, The Galway Packet-Boat Contract and the Politics of Public Expenditure in Mid-Victorian Ireland, p. 747-774
Vikram Visana, Vernacular Liberalism, Capitalism, and Anti-Imperialism in the Political Thought of Dadabhai Naoroji, p. 775-797
Sonakshi Goyle, Tracing a Cultural Memory: Commemoration of 1857 in the Delhi Durbars, 1877, 1903, and 1911, p. 799-815
Alister Chapman, Civil Religions in Derby, 1930-2000, p. 817-843
Chris Renwick, Eugenics, Population Research, and Social Mobility Studies in Early and Mid-Twentieth-Century Britain, p. 845-867
Frank L. Jones, Engaging the World: Anthony Lake and American Grand Strategy, 1993-1997, p. 869-901

Communication, p. 903

n. 59, 2016, f. 2

Mark Stoyle, The Cannibal Cavalier: Sir Thomas Lunsford and the Fashioning of the Royalist Archetype, p. 293-317
David Garrioch, 1666 and London’s Fire History: a Re-Evaluation, p. 319-338
William J. Bulman, Hobbes’s Publisher and the Political Business of Enlightenment, p. 339-364
Gabriel Glickman, Protestantism, Colonization, and the New England Company in Restoration Politics, p. 365-391
Tirthankar Roy, The Mutiny and the Merchants, p. 393-416
Luke Blaxill, Taym Saleh, The Electoral Dynamics of Conservatism, 1885-1910: ‘Negative Unionism’ Reconsidered, p. 417-445
Sabina Donati, Italy’s Informal Imperialism in Tianjin During the Liberal Epoch, 1902-1922, p. 447-468
Chris Jeppesen, ‘Sanders of the River, Still the Best Job for a British Boy’; Recruitment to the Colonial Administrative Service at the End of Empire, p. 469-508
Elisabeth Leake, At the Nation-State’s Edge: Centre-Periphery Relations in Post-1947 South Asia, p. 509-539
L. M. Ratnapalan, Britain and the Politics of Ceylon, 1948-1961, p. 541-565
Jon Lawrence, Inventing the ‘Traditional Working Class’: a Re-Analysis of Interview Notes From Young and Willmott’s “Family and Kinship in East London”, p. 567-593

Communication, p. 595
Review Article, p. 623

n. 59, 2016, f. 1

Peter Marshall, John Morgan, Clerical Conformity and the Elizabethan Settlement Revisited, p. 1-22
Amy Blakeway, The Privy Council of James V of Scotland, 1528-1542, p. 23-44
David Cressy, Trouble with Gypsies in Early Modern England, p. 45-70
Soile Ylivuori, Rethinking Female Chastity and Gentlewomen’s Honour in Eighteenth-Century England, p. 71-97
James Boyd, The Rhine Exodus of 1816/1817 Within the Developing German Atlantic World, p. 99-123
Simon Goldhill, What Has Alexandria to Do with Jerusalem? Writing the History of the Jews in the Nineteenth Century, p. 125-151
Jocelyn Paul Betts, John Stuart Mill, Victorian Liberalism, and the Failure of Co-Operative Production, p. 153-174
Zak Leonard, Colonial Ethnography on India’s North-West Frontier, 1850-1910, p. 175-196
Pepijn Corduwener, Democracy as a Contested Concept in Post-War Western Europe: a Comparative Study of Political Debates in France, West Germany, and Italy, p. 197-220
Christoph Laucht, Scientists, the Public, the State, and the Debate Over the Environmental and Human Health Effects of Nuclear Testing in Britain, 1950-1958, p. 221-251
Barnaby Crowcroft, Egypt’s Other Nationalists and the Suez Crisis of 1956, p. 253-285

Review Article, p. 287

n. 58, 2015, f. 4

David Maxwell, The Missionary Movement in African and World History: Mission Sources and Religious Encounter, p. 901-930
Richard Ansell, Educational Travel in Protestant Families from Post-Restoration Ireland, p. 931-958
Jetze Touber, Applying the Right Measure: Architecture and Philology in Biblical Scholarship in the Dutch Early Enlightenment, p. 959-985
David Kennerley, Debating Female Musical Professionalism and Artistry in the British Press, c. 1820-1850, p. 987-1008
P. E. Caquet, Notions of Addiction in the Time of the First Opium War, p. 1009-1029
Masha Halevi, Contested Heritage: Multi-Layered Politics and the Formation of the Sacred Space – The Church of Gethsemane as a Case-Study, p. 1031-1058
Eleanor Gordon, Irregular Marriage and Cohabitation in Scotland, 1855-1939: official Policy and Popular Practice, p. 1059-1079
Martin Thomas, Richard Toye, Arguing About Intervention: a Comparison of British and French Rhetoric Surrounding the 1882 and 1956 Invasions of Egypt, p. 1081-1113
Emily Jones, Conservatism, Edmund Burke, and the Invention of a Political Tradition, c. 1885-1914, p. 1115-1139
Akhila Yechury, Imagining India, Decolonizing “L’inde Française”, c. 1947-1954, p. 1141-1165
Neil Roos, Alcohol Panic, Social Engineering, and Some Reflections on the Management of Whites in Early Apartheid Society, 1948-1960, p. 1167-1189

Review Article, p. 1191

n. 58, 2015, f. 3

Christopher Pihl, Gender, Labour, and State Formation in Sixteenth-Century Sweden, p. 685-710
Stephen Conway, British Governments, Colonial Consumers, and Continental European Goods in the British Atlantic Empire, 1763-1775, p. 711-732
Jennine Hurl-Eamon, Habits of Seduction: Accounts of Portuguese Nuns in British officers’ Peninsular War Memoirs, p. 733-756
Philip Handler, James Mackintosh and Early Nineteenth-Century Criminal Law, p. 757-779
Luke S. K. Kwong, What’s in a Name: Zhongguo (Or ‘Middle Kingdom’) Reconsidered, p. 781-804
Doug Munro, Michael Turnbull, G. R. Elton, and the Making of “The Practice of History”, p. 805-825
Elena Bacchin, Brothers of Liberty: Garibaldi’s British Legion, p. 827-853
Eoin Drea, The Impact of Henry Parker-Willis and the Federal Reserve on the Institutional Design of the Irish Currency Act 1927, p. 855-875
J. D. Taylor, The Party’s Over? The Angry Brigade, the Counterculture, and the British New Left, 1967-1972, p. 877-900

n. 58, 2015, f. 2

Neil Younger, Drama, Politics, and News in the Earl of Sussex’s Entertainment of Elizabeth I at New Hall, 1579, p. 343-366
Danielle Van Den Heuvel, Policing Peddlers: the Prosecution of Illegal Street Trade in Eighteenth-Century Dutch Towns, p. 367-392
Gareth Atkins, Christian Heroes, Providence, and Patriotism in Wartime Britain, 1793-1815, p. 393-414
Hiroki Shin, Paper Money, the Nation, and the Suspension of Cash Payments in 1797, p. 415-442
Carl J. Griffin, The Culture of Combination: Solidarities and Collective Action Before Tolpuddle, p. 443-480
Gabriel Paquette, Romantic Liberalism in Spain and Portugal, c. 1825-1850, p. 481-511
Thomas Simpson, Bordering and Frontier-Making in Nineteenth-Century British India, p. 513-542
J. M. R. Bennett, The British Luther Commemoration of 1883-1884 in European Context, p. 543-564
James Perkins, The Congo of Europe: the Balkans and Empire in Early Twentieth-Century British Political Culture, p. 565-587
Brian Wallace, Nana Sahib in British Culture and Memory, p. 589-613
Marc Mulholland, ‘Marxists of Strict Observance’? The Second International, National Defence, and the Question of War, p. 615-640
Tobias Harper, Voluntary Service and State Honours in Twentieth-Century Britain, p. 641-661

Review Article, p. 663

n. 58, 2015, f. 1

Lucy M. Kaufman, Ecclesiastical Improvements, Lay Impropriations, and the Building of a Post-Reformation Church in England, 1560-1600, p. 1-23
Delphine Soulard, The Christ’s Copy of John Locke’s “Two Treatises of Government”, p. 25-49
George Bernard Owers, Common Law Jurisprudence and Ancient Constitutionalism in the Radical Thought of John Cartwright, Granville Sharp, and Capel Lofft, p. 51-73
Vijaya Ramadas Mandala, The Raj and the Paradoxes of Wildlife Conservation: British Attitudes and Expediencies, p. 75-110
Charles Read, The ‘Repeal Year’ in Ireland: An Economic Reassessment, p. 111-135
Jamie Stoops, Class and Gender Dynamics of the Pornography Trade in Late Nineteenth-Century Britain, p. 137-156
Moshik Temkin, Culture Vs. “Kultur”, or a Clash of Civilizations: Public Intellectuals in the United States and the Great War, 1917-1918, p. 157-182
Alex D’erizans, Securing the Garden and Longings for “Heimat” in Post-War Hanover, 1945-1948, p. 183-215
Otto Saumarez Smith, Central Government and Town-Centre Redevelopment in Britain, 1959-1966, p. 217-244
David Allen, The Peace Corps in Us Foreign Relations and Church-State Politics, p. 245-273

Historiographical Reviews, p. 275
Review Article, p. 331

n. 57, 2014, f. 4

Robert Harkins, Elizabethan Puritanism and the Politics of Memory in Post-Marian England, p. 899-919
Kate Davison, Occasional Politeness and Gentlemen’s Laughter in 18 Th C England, p. 921-945
Rhys Jones, Beethoven and the Sound of Revolution in Vienna, 1792-1814, p. 947-971
Michael Taylor, Conservative Political Economy and the Problem of Colonial Slavery, 1823-1833, p. 973-995
Andrekos Varnava, French and British Post-War Imperial Agendas and Forging An Armenian Homeland After the Genocide: the Formation of the Légion D’orient in October 1916, p. 997-1025
Gary Love, The Periodical Press and the Intellectual Culture of Conservatism in Interwar Britain, p. 1027-1056
Dan Tamir, From a Fascist’s Notebook to the Principles of Rebirth: the Desire for Social Integration in Hebrew Fascism, 1928-1942, p. 1057-1084
Emma L. Jones, Neil Pemberton, Ten Rillington Place and the Changing Politics of Abortion in Modern Britain, p. 1085-1109
Patrick Andelic, Daniel Patrick Moynihan, the 1976 New York Senate Race, and the Struggle to Define American Liberalism, p. 1111-1133

Historiographical Reviews, p. 1135

n. 57, 2014, f. 3

Greg Koabel, Youth, Manhood, Political Authority, and the Impeachment of the Duke of Buckingham, p. 595-615
William A. Pettigrew, George W. Van Cleve, Parting Companies: the Glorious Revolution, Company Power, and Imperial Mercantilism, p. 617-638
Jonathan Allen Green, Friedrich Gentz’s Translation of Burke’s “Reflections”, p. 639-659
Malcolm Crook, John Dunne, The First European Elections? Voting and Imperial State-Building Under Napoleon, 1802-1813, p. 661-697
Tobias Becker, Entertaining the Empire: Theatrical Touring Companies and Amateur Dramatics in Colonial India, p. 699-725
Volker Prott, Tying Up the Loose Ends of National Self-Determination: British, French, and American Experts in Peace Planning, 1917-1919, p. 727-750
Donald Winch, Keynes and the British Academy, p. 751-771
Katrina Forrester, Citizenship, War, and the Origins of International Ethics in American Political Philosophy, 1960-1975, p. 773-801
R. Kim Cragin, A Recent History of Al-Qa’ida, p. 803-824

Historiographical Reviews, p. 825
Review Article, p. 869

n. 57, 2014, f. 2

Alan S. Ross, Pupils’ Choices and Social Mobility After the Thirty Years War: a Quantitative Study, p. 311-341
Jordan S. Downs, The Curse of Meroz and the English Civil War, p. 343-368
Gaby Mahlberg, “Les Juges Jugez, Se Justifiants” (1663) and Edmund Ludlow’s Protestant Network in Seventeenth-Century Switzerland, p. 369-396
Matthew Neufeld, Parliament and Some Roots of Whistle Blowing During the Nine Years War, p. 397-420
Daniel Ritchie, Abolitionism and Evangelicalism: Isaac Nelson, the Evangelical Alliance, and the Transatlantic Debate Over Christian Fellowship with Slaveholders, p. 421-446
Mark Hewitson, On War and Peace: German Conceptions of Conflict, 1792-1815, p. 447-483
Martha Vandrei, A Victorian Invention? Thomas Thornycroft’s ‘Boadicea Group’ and the Idea of Historical Culture in Britain, p. 485-508
Tomás Irish, Fractured Families: Educated Elites in Britain and France and the Challenge of the Great War, p. 509-530

Historiographical Review, p. 531
Review Article, p. 571

n. 57, 2014, f. 1

Richard Rex, The Religion of Henry VIII, p. 1-32
Carolyn Polizzotto, What Really Happened at the Whitehall Debates? a New Source, p. 33-51
Anders Ingram, The Ottoman Siege of Vienna, English Ballads, and the Exclusion Crisis, p. 53-80
Brent S. Sirota, The Occasional Conformity Controversy, Moderation, and the Anglican Critique of Modernity, 1700-1714, p. 81-105
Anna Plassart, Scottish Perspectives on War and Patriotism in the 1790s, p. 107-129
James A. Jaffe, Custom, Identity, and the Jury in India, 1800-1832, p. 131-155
Tom Scriven, Humour, Satire, and Sexuality in the Culture of Early Chartism, p. 157-178
Marc-William Palen, Adam Smith as Advocate of Empire, c. 1870-1932, p. 179-198
Daniel Laqua, Pacifism in Fin-De-Siecle Austria: the Politics and Limits of Peace Activism, p. 199-224
Jim Tomlinson, The Political Economy of Globalization: the Genesis of Dundee’s Two ‘United Fronts’ in the 1930s, p. 225-245
Christopher Hilliard, Popular Reading and Social Investigation in Britain, 1850s-1940s, p. 247-271

Communication, p. 273
Historiographical Review, p. 289

n. 56, 2013, f. 4

P. R. Cavill, Heresy and Forfeiture in Marian England, p. 879-907
Randolph C. Head, Documents, Archives, and Proof Around 1700, p. 909-930
Oliver J. W. Cox, Frederick, Prince of Wales, and the First Performance of ‘Rule, Britannia!’, p. 931-954
Giuliana Chamedes, The Vatican and the Reshaping of the European International Order After the First World War, p. 955-976
Seán William Gannon, The Formation, Composition, and Conduct of the British Section of the Palestine Gendarmerie, 1922-1926, p. 977-1006
David Motadel, The ‘Muslim Question’ in Hitler’s Balkans, p. 1007-1039
Rosie Germain, Reading “The Second Sex” in 1950s America, p. 1041-1062
Cezar Stanciu, The End of Liberalization in Communist Romania, p. 1063-1085

Communication, p. 1087
Historiographical Review, p. 1107

n. 56, 2013, f. 3

Mark Kishlansky, A Whipper Whipped: the Sedition of William Prynne, p. 603-627
Patrick A. Walsh, The Fiscal State in Ireland, 1691-1769, p. 629-656
Patrick J. Doyle, Understanding the Desertion of South Carolinian Soldiers During the Final Years of the Confederacy, p. 657-679
Brenda Assael, Gastro-Cosmopolitanism and the Restaurant in Late Victorian and Edwardian London, p. 681-706
Daniel-Joseph Macarthur-Seal, Intelligence and Lloyd George’s Secret Diplomacy in the Near East, 1920-1922, p. 707-728
Jeremy Nuttall, Pluralism, the People, and Time in Labour Party History, 1931-1964, p. 729-756
Joel Isaac, Donald Davidson and the Analytic Revolution in American Philosophy, 1940-1970, p. 757-779
John Lunan, Probation officers, Social Enquiry Reports, and Importuning in the 1960s, p. 781-800
Nicholas Owen, Men and the 1970s British Women’s Liberation Movement, p. 801-826
Martyn Frampton, Ehud Rosen, Reading the Runes? the United States and the Muslim Brotherhood as Seen Through the Wikileaks Cables, p. 827-856

Historiographical Review, p. 857

n. 56, 2013, f. 2

Lloyd Bowen, Royalism, Print, and the Clergy in Britain, 1639-1640 and 1642, p. 297-319
Philip Loft, Political Arithmetic and the English Land Tax in the Reign of William III, p. 321-343
Jennifer Powell Mcnutt, Richard Whatmore, The Attempts to Transfer the Genevan Academy to Ireland and to America, 1782-1795, p. 345-368
Amanda Goodrich, Understanding a Language of ‘Aristocracy’, 1700-1850, p. 369-398
Samantha A. Shave, The Impact of Sturges Bourne’s Poor Law Reforms in Rural England, p. 399-429
Robert Bickers, Infrastructural Globalization: Lighting the China Coast, 1860s-1930s, p. 431-458
Daniel Scroop, William Jennings Bryan’s 1905-1906 World Tour, p. 459-486
Steven Fielding, British Politics and Cinema’s Historical Dramas, 1929-1938, p. 487-511
Robert Mason, Citizens for Eisenhower and the Republican Party, 1951-1965, p. 513-536

Historiographical Reviews, p. 537
Review Articles, p. 583

n. 56, 2013, f. 1

John Robertson, Sacred History and Political Thought: Neapolitan Responses to the Problem of Sociability After Hobbes, p. 1-29
Mark S. Dawson, Astrology and Human Variation in Early Modern England, p. 31-53
Renaud Morieux, French Prisoners of War, Conflicts of Honour, and Social Inversions in England, 1744-1783, p. 55-88
Mark Curran, Beyond the Forbidden Best-Sellers of Pre-Revolutionary France, p. 89-112
David Gilks, Attitudes to the Displacement of Cultural Property in the Wars of the French Revolution and Napoleon, p. 113-143
J. P. Parry, Steam Power and British Influence in Baghdad, 1820-1860, p. 145-173
T. G. Otte, Détente 1914: Sir William Tyrrell’s Secret Mission to Germany, p. 175-204
Keith Shear, At War with the Pass Laws? Reform and the Policing of White Supremacy in 1940s South Africa, p. 205-229
Simon Ball, The Assassination Culture of Imperial Britain, 1909-1979, p. 231-256
Emma Hunter, Dutiful Subjects, Patriotic Citizens, and the Concept of ‘Good Citizenship’ in Twentieth-Century Tanzania, p. 257-277

Review Article, p. 279

n. 55, 2012, f. 4

Alexandra Walsham, History, Memory, and the English Reformation, p. 899-938
Liise Lehtsalu, Changing Perceptions of Women’s Religious Institutions in Eighteenth-Century Bologna, p. 939-959
B. W. Young, John Jortin, Ecclesiastical History, and the Christian Republic of Letters, p. 961-981
A. B. Leonard, Underwriting British Trade to India and China, 1780-1835, p. 983-1006
Julie-Marie Strange, Fatherhood, Providing, and Attachment in Late Victorian and Edwardian Working-Class Families, p. 1007-1027
Patricia M. Mcgoldrick, New Perspectives on Pius XII and Vatican Financial Transactions During the Second World War, p. 1029-1048
Joya Chatterji, South Asian Histories of Citizenship, 1946-1970, p. 1049-1071
G. C. Peden, Suez and Britain’s Decline as a World Power, p. 1073-1096
Mário Machaqueiro, The Islamic Policy of Portuguese Colonial Mozambique, 1960-1973, p. 1097-1116

Historiographical Review, p. 1117
Review Article, p. 1161

n. 55, 2012, f. 3

Emanuel Buttigieg, Knights, Jesuits, Carnival, and the Inquisition in Seventeenth-Century Malta, p. 571-596
Stana Nenadic, Architect-Builders in London and Edinburgh, c. 1750-1800, and the Market for Expertise, p. 597-617
Richard Bourke, Party, Parliament, and Conquest in Newly Ascribed Burke Manuscripts, p. 619-652
Lawrence E. Klein, Sociability, Politeness, and Aristocratic Self-Formation in the Life and Career of the Second Earl of Shelburne, p. 653-677
Robert Tombs, How Bloody Was La Semaine Sanglante of 1871? a Revision, p. 679-704
Caoimhe Nic Dháibhéid, The Irish National Aid Association and the Radicalization of Public Opinion in Ireland, 1916-1918, p. 705-729
Joe Merton, Rethinking the Politics of White Ethnicity in 1970s America, p. 731-756
Clare Munro, The Fiscal Politics of Savings and Share Ownership in Britain, 1970-1980, p. 757-778

Communication, p. 779
Historiographical Reviews, p. 785
Review Article, p. 883

n. 55, 2012, f. 2

Brodie Waddell, Governing England Through the Manor Courts, 1550-1850, p. 279-315
Surekha Davies, Depictions of Brazilians on French Maps, 1542-1555, p. 317-348
Lucy Underwood, Youth, Religious Identity, and Autobiography At the English Colleges in Rome and Valladolid, 1592-1685, p. 349-374
Koji Yamamoto, Reformation and the Distrust of the Projector in the Hartlib Circle, p. 375-397
Michael Hunter, The Decline of Magic: Challenge and Response in Early Enlightenment England, p. 399-425
Trevor Burnard and Richard Follett, Caribbean Slavery, British Anti-Slavery, and the Cultural Politics of Venereal Disease, p. 427-451
Michael Bentley, Henry Hallam Revisited, p. 453-473
Hera Cook, Emotion, Bodies, Sexuality, and Sex Education in Edwardian England, p. 475-495
Florence Sutcliffe-Braithwaite, Neo-Liberalism and Morality in the Making of Thatcherite Social Policy, p. 497-520

Communication, p. 521
Historiographical Review, p. 533
Review Articles, p. 553

n. 55, 2012, f. 1

Alan James, A French Armada? the Azores Campaigns, 1580-1583, p. 1-20
Iain Mcdaniel, Jean-Louis Delolme and the Political Science of the English Empire, p. 21-44
Roberto Romani, Reluctant Revolutionaries: Moderate Liberalism in the Kingdom of Sardinia, 1849-1859, p. 45-73
Patrick Cosgrove, The Controversy and Consequences of John Redmond’s Estate Sale Under the Wyndham Land Act, 1903, p. 75-96
Mika Suonpää, Financial Speculation, Political Risks, and Legal Complications: British Commercial Diplomacy in the Balkans, c. 1906-1914, p. 97-117
Charlotte Wildman, Urban Transformation in Liverpool and Manchester, 1918-1939, p. 119-143

Communication, p. 145
Historiographical Reviews, p. 161
Review Articles, p. 239
Other Review, p. 277

n. 54, 2011, f. 4

Jason Peacey, Sir Edward Dering, Popularity, and the Public, 1640-1644, p. 955-983
Tristan Stein, Tangier in the Restoration Empire, p. 985-1011
Arthur Burns, Christopher Stray, The Greek-Play Bishop: Polemic, Prosopography, and Nineteenth-Century Prelates, p. 1013-1038
Eloise Moss, Burglary Insurance and the Culture of Fear in Britain, c. 1889-1939, p. 1039-1064
James Campbell, African Americans and Parole in Depression-Era New York, p. 1065-1086
Saul Dubow, ‘Macmillan, Verwoerd, and the 1960 ‘Wind of Change’ Speech, p. 1087-1114

Communication, p. 1115
Historiographical Reviews, p. 1125
Review Articles, p. 1169
Other Review, p. 1211

n. 54, 2011, f. 3

Matthew Clark, The Gentry, the Commons, and the Politics of Common Right in Enfield, c. 1558 – c. 1603, p. 609-629
Phil Withington, Intoxicants and Society in Early Modern England, p. 631-657
Early Modern Research Group, Commonwealth: the Social, Cultural, and Conceptual Contexts of an Early Modern Keyword, p. 659-687
Michael P. Winship, Defining Puritanism in Restoration England: Richard Baxter and Others Respond to “A Friendly Debate”, p. 689-715
Dmitri Levitin, Matthew Tindal’s “Rights of the Christian Church” (1706) and the Church-State Relationship, p. 717-740
Anthony Page, Rational Dissent, Enlightenment, and Abolition of the British Slave Trade, p. 741-772
Clare Midgley, Transoceanic Commemoration and Connections Between Bengali Brahmos and British and American Unitarians, p. 773-796
Matthew Jones, Great Britain, the United States, and Consultation Over Use of the Atomic Bomb, 1950-1954, p. 797-828

Historiographical Reviews, p. 829
Review Articles, p. 881

n. 54, 2011, f. 2

Tracey A. Sowerby, Richard Pate, the Royal Supremacy, and Reformation Diplomacy, p. 265-285
Alan R. Macdonald, Consultation and Consent Under James VI, p. 287-306
Diarmaid Macculloch, Foxes, Firebrands, and Forgery: Robert Ware’s Pollution of Reformation History, p. 307-346
Gabriel Glickman, Gothic History and Catholic Enlightenment in the Works of Charles Dodd (1672-1743), p. 347-369
Florian Schui, Taxpayer Opposition and Fiscal Reform in Prussia, c. 1766-1787, p. 371-399
T. W. Roberts, Republicanism, Railway Imperialism, and the French Empire in Africa, 1879-1889, p. 401-420
Michael Roper, Nostalgia as an Emotional Experience in the Great War, p. 421-451
Alvin Jackson, ‘Tame Tory Hacks’? 1 The Ulster Party At Westminster, 1922-1972, p. 453-475
Guy Ortolano, Planning the Urban Future in 1960s Britain, p. 477-507
Alex Mold, Making the Patient-Consumer in Margaret Thatcher’s Britain, p. 509-528
Andrew Edwards, Duncan Tanner, Patrick Carlin, The Conservative Governments and the Development of Welsh Language Policy in the 1980s and 1990s, p. 529-551

Historiographical Review, p. 553
Review Articles, p. 585
Other Review, p. 607

n. 54, 2011, f. 1

Androniki Dialeti, Defending Women, Negotiating Masculinity in Early Modern Italy, p. 1-23
J. F. Merritt, Contested Legitimacy and the Ambiguous Rise of Vestries in Early Modern London, p. 25-45
Jacqueline Rose, Kingship and Counsel in Early Modern England, p. 47-71
Nicole Greenspan, Charles Li, Exile, and the Problem of Allegiance, p. 73-103
Bob Harris, Cultural Change in Provincial Scottish Towns, c. 1700-1820, p. 105-141
Sadiah Qureshi, Robert Gordon Latham, Displayed Peoples, and the Natural History of Race, 1854-1866, p. 143-166
David Stack, The Death of John Stuart Mill, p. 167-190
David Thackeray, Rethinking the Edwardian Crisis of Conservatism, p. 191-213
Hilary Sapire, African Loyalism and Its Discontents: the Royal Tour of South Africa, 1947, p. 215-240

Historiographical Review, p. 241