Journal of Social History DATINI

The Journal of Social History

Pittsburgh, Carnegie-Mellon University
ISSN: 0022-4529

Conservata in: Università degli Studi di Firenze, Biblioteca di Scienze Sociali
Punto di servizio: Economia, Riv. Str. 0537
Consistenza: v. 14, 1980/81-

[ 2030-2021 ] [ 2020-2011 ] [ 2010-2001 ] [ 2000-1991] [ 1990-1980 ]

copertina della rivista

v. 24, 1990, 2

Kenneth D. Brown, Modelling for War? toy Soldiers in Late Victorian and Edwardian Britain, p. 237
Beverly Lemire, The Theft of Clothes and Popular Consumerism in Early Modern England, p. 255
Alida C. Metcalf, Women and Means: Women and Family Property in Colonial Brazil, p. 277
Joyce E. Chaplin, Slavery and the Principle of Humanity: A Modern Idea in the Early Lower South, p. 299
Theodore R. Mitchell, Robert Lowe, To Sow Contentment: Philanthropy, Scientific Agriculture and the Making of the New South: 1906-1920, p. 317

Leonard J. Moore, Historical Interpretations of the 1920’s Klan: The Traditional View and the Populist Revision, p. 341
Arthur Mitzman, Privacy No More: Historians in Search of Nineteenth Century Intimacy, p. 359
Thomas O. Holt, Explaining Abolition, p. 371

Reviews, p. 379

Peter Stearns, Encountering Postmodernism, p. 449

Article Abstracts, p. 453

v. 24, 1990, 1

Gregory Nobles, The Rise of Merchants in Rural Market towns: A Case Study of Eighteenth-Century Northampton, Massachusetts, p. 5
Theodore L. Steinberg, Dam-Breaking in the 19th-Century Merrimack Valley: Water, Social Conflict, and the Waltham-Lowell Mills, p. 25
Steven Seidman, The Power of Desire and the Danger of Pleasure: Victorian Sexuality Reconsidered, p. 47
Susan Zeiger, Finding a Cure for War: Women’s Politics and the Peace Movement in the 1920s, p. 69
William Olejniczak, Working the Body of the Poor: The “Ateliers de Charité” in Late Eighteenth-Century France, p. 87
Haia Shpayer-Makov, The Making of a Police Labour Force, p. 109

W. Andrew Achenbaum, W(h) ither Social Welfare History, p. 135
Roy Lubove, Landscape, Landscape Architecture and Community Development in American Life, p. 143

Reviews, p. 153

v. 23, 1990, 4

Adele Lindenmeyr, The Ethos of Charity in Imperial Russia, p. 679
Barbara Alpern Engel, Peasant Morality and Pre-Marital Relations in Late 19th Century Russia, p. 695
Peter Petschauer, The Outside and the Inside: Stability and Change of Mentalität in a Small Village, p. 715
Cynthia v. Bouton, Gendered Behavior in Subsistence Riots: The French Flour War of 1775, p. 735
Helena Waddy Lepovitz, The Religious Context of Crisis Resolution in the Votive Paintings of Catholic Europe, p. 755
Michael I. Childs, Boy Labour in Late Victorian and Edwardian England and the Remaking of the Working Class, p. 783
Patrick J. Harrigan, The Schooling of Boys and Girls in Canada, p. 783

Joyce Salisbury, Sexuality, Freedom, and the Body Politic, p. 817

Reviews, p. 825

Lynne M. Adrian, An American Contribution to Social History, p. 875

Article Abstract, p. 887

v. 23, 1990, 3

Anne Walthall, The Family Ideology of the Rural Entrepreneurs in Nineteenth Century Japan, p. 463
Thomas Gallant, Peasant Ideology and Excommunication for Crime in a Colonial Context: The Ionian Islands (Greece), 1817-1864, p. 485
Mark David Steinberg, Culture and Class in a Russian Industry: The Printers of St. Petersburg, 1860-1905, p. 513
Christopher Waldrep, “So Much Sin”: The Decline of Religious Discipline and the “Tidal Wave of Crime”, p. 535
James v. Epstein, The Constitutional Idiom: Radical Reasoning, Rhetoric and Action in Early Nineteenth Century England, p. 553
Howard Harris, The Eagle to Watch and the Harp to Tune the Nation: Irish Immigrants, Politics and Early Industrialization in Paterson, New Jersey, 1824-1836, p. 575

Reviews, p. 599

v. 23, 1989, 2

John K. Walton, Fish and Chips and the British Working Class, 1870-1930, p. 243
Ron Rothbart, “Homes Are What Any Strike Is About”: Immigrant Labor and the Family Wage, p. 267
Melvin B. Adelman, Baseball, Business and the Work Place: Gelber’s Thesis Re-examined, p. 285
Elizabeth Fee, Daniel M. Fox, The Contemporary Historiography of AIDS, p. 303
Alan v. Block, European Drug Traffic and Traffickers Between the Wars: The Policy of Suppression and Its Consequences, p. 315
Dennis Romano, Gender and the Urban Geography of Renaissance Venice, p. 339
Nicholas Rogers, Carnal Knowledge: Illegitimacy in Eighteenth-Century Westminister, p. 355

Richard T Vann, A World History of Family, p. 377

Reviews, p. 387

Ewa Morawska, Sociology and “Historical Matters”, p. 439

v. 23, 1989, 1

E. Anthony Rotundo, Romantic Friendship: Male Intimacy and Middle Class Youth in the Northern United States, 1800-1900, p. 1
Robert M. Ireland, The Libertine Must Die: Sexual Dishonor and the Unwritten Law in the Nineteenth-Century United States, p. 27
Elliott Horowitz, The Eve of the Circumcision: A Chapter in the History of Jewish Nightlife, p. 45
Thomas Brennan, Towards the Cultural History of Alcohol in France, p. 71
Patricia I. Tracy, Re-Considering Migration Within Colonial New England, p. 93
Anne B. Webb, Minnesota Women Homesteaders: 1863-1889, p. 115
William B. Thomas, Kevin J. Moran, Centralization and Ethnic Coalition Formation in Buffalo, New York, 1918-1922, p. 137

Timothy I. Kelly, American Catholics, p. 155
Andrew Lees, Social Reform, Social Policy and Social Welfare in Modern Germany, p. 167

Reviews, p. 177

David B. Grusky, Ivan K. Fukumoto, A Social Approach to Historical Mobility, p. 221

v. 22, 1989, 4

Vincent Vinikas, Lustrum of the Cleanliness Institute, 1927-1932, p. 613
Peggy Pascoe, Gender Systems in Conflict: The Marriages of Mission-Educated Chinese American Women, 1874-1939, p. 631
Susan K. Besse, Crimes of Passion: The Campaign Against Wife Killing in Brazil, 1910-1940, p. 653
Edith B. Gelles, Gossip: An Eighteenth-Century Case, p. 667
G.S. Rowe, Black Offenders, Criminal Courts, and Philadelphia Society in the Late Eighteenth-Century, p. 685
Susan P Conner, Politics, Prostitution, and the Pox in Revolutionary Paris, 1789-1799, p. 713
Kathryn Sather, Sixteenth and Seventeenth Century Child-Rearing: A Matter of Discipline, p. 735

Allen Isaacman, Peasants, Social Protest and Africanists, p. 745

Reviews, p. 767

v. 22, 1989, 3

Robert G. Moeller, Protecting Mother’s Work: From Production to Reproduction in Postwar West Germany, p. 413
Christopher P. Hosgood, The ‘Pigmies of Commerce’ and the Working-Class Community: Small Shopkeepers in England, 1870-1914, p. 439
Ronald C. Sawyer, ‘Strangely Handled In All Her Lyms’: Witchcraft and Healing in Jacobean England, p. 461
Maureen Molloy, Kinship, Authority and Transitions to Adulthood: The Highland Scots at Waipu, New Zealand, 1854-1914, p. 487
Steven Robert Wilf, Anatomy and Punishment in Late Eighteenth-Century New York, p. 507

David F. Crew, “Why Can’t A Peasant Be More Like A Worker?”: Social Historians and German Peasants, p. 531
David Levine, King Coal’s Kingdom, p. 541

Reviews, p. 549

v. 22, 1988, 2

Lenard R. Berlanstein, Managers and Engineers in French Big Business of the Nineteenth Century, p. 211
Tyler Stovall, “Friends, Neighbors, and Communists”: Community Formation in Suburban Paris during the early Twentieth Century, p. 237
Molly Ladd-Taylor, “Grannies” and “Spinsters”: Midwife Education Under the Sheppard-towner Act, p. 255
William Muraskin, The Social, Ethical and Medical Problems Surrounding the Fight Against Hepatitis B, p. 277
Dolores L. Augustine-Perez, Very Wealthy Businessmen in Imperial Germany, p. 299
Peter Lundgreen, Educational Opportunity and Status Attainment: Two Different Cities in 19th-Century Germany, p. 323
William E. Van Vugt, Prosperity and Industrial Emigration from Britain During the Early 1850s, p. 339

Reviews, p. 355

v. 22, 1988, 1

Jan Lewis, Kenneth v. Lockridge, ‘Sally Has Been Sick’: Pregnancy and Family Limitation Among Virginia Gentry Women, 1780-1830, p. 5
Regina O. Kunzel, The Professionalization of Benevolence: Evangelicals and Social Workers in the Florence Crittenton Homes, 1915 to 1945, p. 21
Charles Rearick, Song and Society in Turn-Of The-Century France, p. 45
Daniel v. Cohen, A Fellowship of Thieves: Property Criminals in Eighteenth-Massachusetts, p. 65
Christopher Morris, An Event in Community Organization: The Mississippi Slave Insurrection Scare of 1835, p. 93
Robert v. Trennert, Victorian Morality and the Supervision of Indian Women Working in Phoenix, 1906-1930, p. 113
Jeffrey R. Watt, Marriage Contract Disputes in Early Modern Neuchâtel, 1547-1806, p. 129
Ellen Somekawa, Elizabeth Smith, Theorizing the Writing of History or “I Can’t Think Why It Should Be So Dull, For A Great Deal Of It Must Be Invention”, p. 149

Reviews, p. 163

v. 21, 1988, 4

Mariana Valverde, “Giving the Female a Domestic Turn”: The Social, Legal and Moral Regulation of Women’s Work in British Cotton Mills, 1820-1850, p. 619
Tom Taylor, The Transition to Adulthood in Comparative Perspective: Professional Males in Germany and the United States at the Turn of the Century, p. 635
David G. Hackett, The Social Origins of Nationalism: Albany, New York 1754-1835, p. 659
José Cuello, The Persistence of Indian Slavery and Encomienda in the Northeast of Colonial Mexico, 1577-1723, p. 683
Herman W. Roodenburh, The Maternal Imagination: The Fears of Pregnant Women in Seventeenth-Century Holland, p. 701
James v. Jaffe, The State, Capital, and Workers’ Control During the Industrial Revolution: The Rise and Fail of the North-East Pitmen’s Union, 1831-2, p. 717
Linda E. Cool, Continuity and Crisis: Inheritance and Family Structure on Corsica, p. 735
William L. Marr, Nineteenth Century Tenancy Rates in Ontario’s Counties, 1881 and 1891, p. 753
John Spurlock, The Free Love Network in America, 1850 to 1860, p. 765

Michael Richards, Michael Share, The Making and Remaking of the Russian Working Class, 1890-1917, p. 781

Reviews, p. 793

v. 21, 1988, 3

Alex Lichtenstein, That Disposition to Theft, With Which They Have Been Branded: Moral Economy, Slave Management, and the Law, p. 413
Daniel James, October 17th and 18th, 1945: Mass Protest, Peronism and the Argentine Working Class, p. 441
Paul R. Hanson, The “Vie Chere” Riots of 1911: Traditional Protests in Modern Garb, p. 463
Leah Leneman, Rosalind Mitchison, Girls in Trouble: The Social and Geographical Setting of Illegitimacy in Early Modern Scotland, p. 483
Gail L. Savage, Divorce and the Law in England and France Prior to the First World War, p. 499
Glenn O. Altschuler, Jan M. Saltzgaber, The Limits of Responsibility: Social Welfare and Local Government in Seneca County, New York 1860-1875, p. 515

Reviews, p. 539

v. 21, 1987, 2

Philip I. Ethington, Vigilantes and the Police: The Creation of a Professional Police Bureaucracy in San Francisco. 1847-1900, p. 197
James M. Donovan, Justice and Sexuality in Victorian Marseille. 1825-1885, p. 229
Carole Haber, Brian Gratton, Old Age, Public Welfare and Race: The Case of Charleston, South Carolina 1800-1949, p. 263
Christine D. Worobec, Horse Thieves and Peasant Justice in Post-Emancipation Imperial Russia, p. 281
Jack R. Censer, The Coming of a New Interpretation of the French Revolution?, p. 295

George Reid Andrews, Latin American Workers, p. 311
Warren Leon, So, You Want to Be a Public Historian?, p. 327

Reviews, p. 337

v. 21, 1987, 1

Claude S. Fischer, The Revolution in Rural Telephony, 1900-1920, p. 5
Eleanor Gordon, Women, Work and Collective Action Dundee Jute Workers 1870-1906, p. 27
Jihang Park, Women Of Their Time: The Growing Recognition of the Second Sex in Victorian and Edwardian England, p. 49
Edward Shorter, The First Great Increase in Anorexia Nervosa, p. 69
Steven Hughes, Fear And Loathing in Bologna and Rome: The Papal Police in Perspective, p. 97
Clyde Wilcox, Popular Backing for the Old Christian Right: Explaining Support for the Christian Anti-Communism Crusade, p. 117

Review Essay, p.?
Reviews, p. 133

v. 20, 1987, 4

Arthur Mitzman, The Civilizing Offensive: Mentalities, High Culture and Individual Psyches, p. 663
Brian Gratton, The Labor Force Participation of Older Men: 1890-1950, p. 689
Beth L. Bailey, Scientific Truth.. .And Love: The Marriage Education Movement in the United States, p. 711
Thomas H. Holloway, The Brazilian “Judicial Police” in Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, 1841-1871, p. 733
Donna Bohanan, The Education of Nobles in Seventeenth-Century Aix-en-Provence, p. 757

Richard T Vann, Interest and Emotion: Essays on the Study of Family and Kinship, p. 765

Reviews, p. 771

v. 20, 1987, 3

Pieter Spierenburg, From Amsterdam to Auburn: An Explanation for the Rise of the Prison in Seventeenth-Century Holland and Nineteenth-Century America, p. 439
Barbara K. Kopytoff, Religious Change Among the Jamaican Maroons: The Ascendance of the Christian God within a Traditional Cosmology, p. 463
Anand v. Yang, A Conversation of Rumors: The Language of Popular “Mentalités” in Late Nineteenth Century Colonial India, p. 485
Scott B. Cook, The Irish Raj: Social Origins and Careers of Irishmen in the Indian Civil Service, 1855-1914, p. 506
Charles Steffen, Gentry and Bourgeois: Patterns of Merchant Investment in Baltimore County, Maryland, 1658 to 1776, p. 531
Nancy Schrom Dye, Modern Obstetrics and Working-Class Women: The New York Midwifery Dispensary, 1890-1920, p. 549

Rebecca Scott, Comparing Emancipations, p. 565
George Reid Andrews, Comparing the Comparers: White Supremacy in the United States and South Africa, p. 585

Reviews, p. 601

v. 20, 1986, 2

Allen Steinberg, “The Spirit of Litigation”: Private Prosecution and Criminal Justice in Nineteenth Century Philadelphia, p. 231
F.G. Gosling, Joyce M. Ray, The Right to Be Sick: American Physicians and Nervous Patients, 1885-1910, p. 251
Faye E. Dudden, Experts and Servants: The National Council on Household Employment and the Decline of Domestic Service in the Twentieth Century, p. 269
Samuel Cameron, Strike Activity in British Building in the Inter-War Period, p. 291
Teresa Meade, “Civilizing Rio de Janeiro”: The Public Health Campaign and the Riot of 1904, p. 301
Brendan Dooley, Crisis and Survival in Eighteenth Century Italy: The Venetian Patriciate Strikes Back, p. 323
Christopher Klessmann, Comparative Immigrant History: Polish Workers in the Ruhr Area and the North of France, p. 335

Frederic L. Cheyette, Chivalry. By Maurice Keen, p. 355

Reviews, p. 365

v. 20, 1986, 1

Constance M. Mc-Govern, The Myths of Social Control and Custodial Oppression: Patterns of Psychiatric Medicine in Late Nineteenth-Century Institutions, p. 3
Mary Ann Jimenez, Madness in Early American History; Insanity in Massachusetts from 1700 to 1820, p. 25
Marilyn J. Boxer, Protective Legislation and Home Industry: The Marginalization of Women Workers in Late Nineteenth-Early Twentieth Century France, p. 45
Donald Reid, Putting Social Reform into Practice: Labor Inspectors in France, 1892-1914, p. 67
Miles Fairburn, Stephen Haslett, Violent Crime in Old and New Societies: A case study based on New Zealand 1853-1940, p. 89
Robert L. Griswold, The Evolution of the Doctrine of Mental Cruelty in Victorian American Divorce, 1790-1900, p. 127
Cathy L. McHugh, Schooling in the Post-Bellum Southern Cotton Mill Villages, p. 149
Jane Lewis, The Prevention of Diphtheria in Canada and Britain 1914-1945, p. 163

James R. Cronin, Language, Politics arid the Critique of Social History: Languages of Class. Studies in English Working Class History, p. 177

Reviews, p. 185

v. 19, 1986, 4

Edward Shorter, Paralysis: The Rise and Fall of a “Hysterical” Symptom, p. 549
Alison K. Lingo, Empirics and Charlatans in Early Modern France: The Genesis of the Classification of the “Other” in Medical Practice, p. 583
Diane Koenker, William G. Rosenberg, Skilled Workers and the Strike Movement in Revolutionary Russia, p. 605
Steven Laurence Kaplan, The Character and Implications of Strife Among the Masters Inside the Guilds of Eighteenth-Century Paris, p. 631
Jacqueline S. Wilkie, Submerged Sensuality: Technology and Perceptions of Bathing, p. 649
Neil Larry Shumsky, Tacit Acceptance: Respectable Americans and Segregated Prostitution, 1870-1910, p. 665
Jon Gjerde, Conflict and Community: A Case Study of the Immigrant Church in the United States, p. 681

Harold Perkin, The Inductive Imagination: Big Structures, Large Processes, Huge Comparisons. By Charles Tilly, p. 699
Melvin Drimmer, Black Reconstruction in Georgiv. A study by Edmund L. Drago, p. 703

Reviews, p. 709

v. 19, 1986, 3

Peter Meiksins, Professionalism and Conflict: The Case of the American Association of Engineers, p. 403
John Gillingham, The “Deproletarianization” of German Society: Vocational Training in the Third Reich, p. 423
Ann Taylor Allen, Gardens of Children, Gardens of God: Kindergartens and Day-Care Centers in Nineteenth-Century Germany, p. 433
Laura L. Frader, Socialists, Syndicalists and the Peasant Question in the Aude, p. 451
Donald Quataert, Machine Breaking and the Changing Carpet Industry of Western Anatolia, 1860-1908, p. 473
Michael J. Neufeld, German Artisans and Political Repression: The Fall of the Journeymen’s Associations in Nuremberg, 1806-1868, p. 491
Donna Bonhanan, Matrimonial Strategies Among Nobles of Seventeenth-Century Aix-en-Provence, p. 503
Lisa M. Fine, Between Two Worlds: Business Women in a Chicago Boarding House 1900-1930, p. 511

Reviews, p. 521

v. 19, 1985, 2

George Chauncey Jr., Christian Brotherhood or Sexual Perversion? Homosexual Identities and the Construction of Sexual Boundaries in the World War One Era, p. 189
David R. Roediger, “Not Only the Ruling Classes to Overcome, But Also the So-Called Mob”: Class, Skill and Community in the St. Louis General Strike of 1877, p. 213
Christopher H. Johnson, Union-Busting at Graissessac: De-Industrialization, Employer Strategies, and the Strike of 1894 in the Hérault Coal Basin, p. 241
Margaret H. Darrow, Popular Concepts of Marital Choice in Eighteenth Century France, p. 261
Timothy J. Meager, “Irish Ali The Time”: Ethnic Consciousness Among the Irish in Worcester, Massachusetts, 1880-1905, p. 273
Elaine G. Spencer, Police-Military Relations in Russia, 1848 -1914, p. 305
Peter N. Stearns, Social History and History: A Progress Report, p. 319
Michael Adas, Social History and the Revolution in African and Asian Historiography, p. 335
Konrad H. Jarausch, German Social History – American Style, p. 349

Gerald Strauss, Liberal Or Illiberal Arts?, p. 361

Reviews, p. 369

v. 19, 1985, 1

David Grimsted, Ante-bellum Labor: Violence, Strike, and Communal Arbitration, p. 5
Joel Perlmann, Curriculum and Tracking in the Transformation of the American High School: Providence, R.I. 1880-1930, p. 29
Virginia Bernhard, Bermuda and Virginia in the Seventeenth Century: A Comparative View, p. 57
Richard Mowery Andrews, Social Structures, Political Elites and Ideology in Revolutionary Paris, 1792-94: A critical evaluation of Albert Soboul’s “Les sans-culottes parisiens en l’an II”, p. 71
Eugene R. Declerq, The Nature and Style of Practice of Immigrant Midwives in Early Twentieth Century Massachusetts, p. 113

Gregory H. Nobles, The New England town: The Past Fifteen Years, p. 131

Reviews, p. 139

v. 18, 1985, 4

Herman W. Roodenburg, The Autobiography of Isabella De Moerloose: Sex, Childrearing and Popular Belief in Seventeenth Century Holland, p. 517
Daniel Scott Smith, Child-Naming Practices, Kinship Ties, and Change in Family Attitudes in Hingham, Massachusetts, 1641 to 1880, p. 541
Edward H. Tebbenhoff, Tacit Rules and Hidden Structures: Naming Practices and Godparentage in Schenectady, New York, 1680-1800, p. 567
Dean v. Miller, Some Psycho-Social Perceptions of Slavery, p. 587
Peter v. Coclanis, The Sociology of Architecture in Colonial Charleston: Pattern and Process in an Eighteenth-Century Southern City, p. 607

Carol Z. Stearns, Peter N. Stearns, Victorian Sexuality: Can Historians Do It Better?, p. 625
Robert Wohl, The Culture of Time and Space, 1880-1918, p. 635

Reviews, p. 643

v. 18, 1985, 3

W Andrew Achenbaum, Editor’s Foreword, p. 343
Daniel M. Fox, History and Health Policy: An Autobiographical Note On The Decline of Historicism, p. 349
David Rosner, Gerald Markowitz, Research Or Advocacy: Federal Occupational Safety And Health Policies During The New Deal, p. 365
James Reed, Public Policy On Human Reproduction And The Historian, p. 383
J.M. Ray, FG. Gosling, American Physicians And Birth Control, 1936-1947, p. 399
Peter Buck, Why Not The Best? Some Reasons And Examples From Child Health And Rural Hospitals, p. 413
Peter Temin, Government Actions In Times Of Crisis: Lessons From The History Of Drug Regulation, p. 433
Helena Flam, Democracy In Debt: Credit And Politics In Paterson, N.J., 1890-1930, p. 439
Carl Gersuny, Seniority And The Moral Economy Of U.S. Automobile Workers, 1934-1946, p. 463
Gladis Kaufman, Clare V McKanna, Jr., Ethnics And San Quentin Prison Registers: A Comment On Methodology, p. 477

Reviews, p. 483

v. 18, 1984, 2

Paula Baker, The Culture of Politics in the Late Nineteenth Century: Community and Political Behavior in Rural New York, p. 167
Gary Cross, The Quest for Leisure: Reassessing the Eight-Hour Day in France, p. 195
Barry Crouch, A Spirit of Lawlessness: White Violence; Texas Blacks, 1865-1868, p. 217
Altina U. Waller, Community, Class and Race in the Memphis Riot of 1866, p. 233
Joan Brumberg, “Ruined” Girls: Changing Community Responses to Illegitimacy in Upstate New York, 1890-1920, p. 247
Kerry Wimshurst, Control and Resistance: Reformatory School Girls in the Late Nineteenth Century South Australia, p. 273

Roy Rosenzweig, The Parks and the People: Social History and Urban Parks, p. 289

Reviews, p. 297

v. 18, 1984, 1

Howard I. Kushner, Immigrant Suicide in the United States toward A Psycho-Social History, p. 3
Margo Horn, The Moral Message of Child Guidance, 1925-1945, p. 25
James R. Barrett, Unity and Fragmentation: Class, Race, and Ethnicity On Chicago’s South Side 1900-1922, p. 37
Joseph S. Tiedemann, Communities in the Midst of the American Revolution: Queens County, New York, 1774-1775, p. 57
Edward D. Berkowitz, History, Public Policy and Reality, p. 79

Richard Price, Theories of Labour Process Formation, p. 91
Jon Butler, Witchcraft, Healing, and Historians’ Crazes, p. 111

Reviews, p. 119

v. 17, 1984, 4

Barrington Moore, Historical Notes on the Doctors’ Work Ethic, p. 547
Glenn C Altschuler, Jan M. Saltzgaber, Clearinghouse for Paupers: The Poorfarm of Seneca County, New York, 1830-1860, p. 573
Leeann Whites, The Charitable and the Poor: The Emergence of Domestic Politics in Augusta, Georgia, 1860, p. 601
Stanley Nash, Prostitution and Charity: The Magdalen Hospital, A Case Study, p. 617
Lawrence McDonnel, “You Are too Sentimental”: Problems and Suggestions For A New Labor History, p. 629
Robert G. Moelter, The Kaiserreich Recast? Continuity and Change in Modern German Historiography, p. 655
Peter Stearns, The Idea of Post-industrial Society: Some Problems, p. 685

Anthony Esler, Social Generations and Political Power, p. 695
E. William Monter, The New Social History and the Spanish Inquisition, p. 705

Reviews, p. 715

v. 17, 1984, 3

Ewa Morawska, ‘For Bread With Butter’: Life-Worlds of Peasant Immigrants from East Centra! Europe, 1880-1914, p. 387
Hartmut Kaelble, Foreward by the guest editor, p. 405
Jürgen Kocka, Family and Class Formation: Intergenerational Mobility and Marriage Patterns in Nineteenth-Century Westphalian towns, p. 411
Henk Van Dijk, Regional Differences in Social Mobility Patterns in the Netherlands Between 1830 and 1940, p. 435
William H. Hubbard, Social Mobility and Social Structure in Graz, 1857-1910, p. 453
Johann Handl, Educational Chances and Occupational Opportunities of Women: A Sociohistorical Analysis, p. 463
Hartmut Kaelble, Eras of Social Mobility in 19th and 20th Century Europe, p. 489

Reviews, p. 505

v. 17, 1983, 2

Jesse F. Battan, The “New Narcissism” in 20th-Century America: The Shadow and Substance of Social Change, p. 199
Mary H. Blewett, Work, Gender and the Artisan Tradition in New England Shoemaking, 1780-1860, p. 221
Penelope Summerfield, Women, Work and Welfare: A Study of Child Care and Shopping in Britain in the Second World War, p. 249
Leland Estes, The Medical Origins of the European Witch Case: A Hypothesis, p. 271
Stephen Hardy, Alan G. Ingham, Games, Structures, and Agency: Historians on the American Play Movement, p. 285
Keith v. P. Sandiford, Cricket and the Victorian Society, p. 303

Matthew Ramsey, History of a Profession, “Annales” Style: The Work of Jacques Leonard, p. 319
Tamara K. Hareven, Origins of the “Modern Family” in the United States, by Carl N. Degler, “At Odds”, p. 339

Reviews, p. 345

v. 17, 1983, 1

Robert Scally, Liverpool Ships and Irish Emigrants in the Age of Sail, p. 5
Peter Karsten, Irish Soldiers in the British Army, 1792: Suborned or Subordinate?, p. 31
Patricia O’Brien, The Kleptomania Diagnosis: Bourgeois Women and Theft in Late Nineteenth-Century France, p. 65
Kathleen W. Jones, Sentiment and Science: The Late Nineteenth Century Pediatrician As Mother’s Advisor, p. 79
Judith Schneid Lewis, Maternal Health in the English Aristocracy: Myths and Realities, 1790-1840, p. 97
James Winter, Widowed Mothers and Mutual Aid in Early Victorian Britain, p. 115
Patricia v. Cooper, The ‘Traveling Fraternity’: Union Cigar Makers and Geographic Mobility, 1900-1919, p. 127

John Modell, The Inner American. A Self Portrait from 1957 to 1976. By Joseph Verhoff, Elizabeth Douvan & Richard v. Kulka, p. 139
Ann D. Rassweiler, Soviet Labor History of the 1920s and the 1930s, p. 147

Reviews, p. 159
Letters to the Editor, p. 193

v. 16, 1983, 4

Steven M. Gelber, Working At Playing: the Culture of Workplace and the Rise of Baseball, p. 3
E. Anthony Rotundo, Body and Soul: Changing Ideals of American Middle-Class Manhood, 1770-1920, p. 23
Janice L. Reiff, Michael R. Dahlin, Daniel Scott Smith, Rural Push and Urban Pull: Work and Family Experiences of Older Black Women in Southern Cities, 1880-1900, p. 39
Mark J. Stern, Differential Fertility in Rural Erie County, New York 1855, p. 49
Steven Ruggles, Fallen Women: The Inmates of the Magdalen Society Asylum of Philadelphia, 1836-1908, p. 65
Margo v. Conk, Labor Statistics in the American and English Census: Making Some Individious Comparisons, p. 83
Gail L. Savage, The Operation of the 1857 Divorce Act, 1860-1910: A Research Note, p. 103

Thomas J. Schlereth, Material Culture Studies and Social History Research, p. 111

Reviews, p. 145

v. 16, 1983, 3

Peter N. Stearns, Social and Political History, p. 3
J. C. Wilsher, “Power Follows Property” – Social and Economic Interpretations in British Historical Writing in the Eighteenth and Early Nineteenth Centuries, p. 7
Richard Jensen, How Democracy Works: The Linkage Between Micro and Macro Political History, p. 27
David Waterhouse, The Estimation of Voting Behavior from Aggregated Data: A Test, p. 37
Allan J. Lichtman, Political Realignment and ‘Ethnocultural’ Voting in Late Nineteenth Century America, p. 55
Robert H. Bremner, Other People’s Children, p. 83
John Garrard, Social History, Political History And Political Science: The Study of Power, p. 105
James E. Cronin, Politics, Class Structure and the Enduring Weakness of British Social Democracy, p. 123
Peter E. Russell, The Development of Judicial Expertise in Eighteenth-Century Massachusetts and a Hypothesis Concerning Social Change, p. 143

Reviews, p. 155

v. 16, 1982, 2

David I. MacLeod, Act Your Age: Boyhood, Adolescence and the Rise of the Boy Scouts of America, p. 3
Robert M. Taylor, Jr., Summoning The Wandering Tribes: Genealogy and Family Reunions in American History, p. 21
Ellen M. Holtzman, The Pursuit of Married Love: Women’s Attitudes toward Sexuality and Marriage In Great Britain, 1918-1939, p. 39
Donna R. Gabaccia, Sicilians In Space: Environmental Change and Family Geography, p. 53
Lee Shai Weissbach, Artisanal Responses to Artistic Decline: The Cabinetmakers of Paris in the Era of Industrialization, p. 67
Jeffrey Mirel, From Student Control to Institutional Control of High School Athletics: Three Michigan Cities, 1883-1905, p. 83
Ellery Schalk, Ennoblement in France from 1350 to 1660, p. 101
David L. Ransel, Problems in Measuring Illegitimacy in Prerevolutionary Russia, p. 111

Reviews, p. 129

v. 16, 1982, 1

John J. Weiss, The Lost Baton: The Politics of Intraprofessional Conflict in Nineteenth-Century French Engineering, p. 3
Donald E. Davis, The Price of Conspicuous Production: The Detroit Elite and the Automobile Industry, 1900-1933, p. 21
Edward J. Davies II, Regional Networks and Social Change: The Evolution of Urban Leadership in the Northern Anthracite Coal Region, 1840-1880, p. 47
Ewa Morawska, The Internal Status Hierarchy in the East European Communities in Johnstown, PA 1890-1930’s, p. 75
Guido Ruggiero, Excusable Murder: Insanity and Reason in Early Renaissance Venice, p. 109
Sarah Rubin Blanshei, Crime and Law Enforcement in Medieval Bologna, p. 121

Reviews, p. 139

v. 15, 1982, 4

Erich. Monkkonen, From Cop to Social History: The Significance of the Police in American History, p. 575
David R. Johnson, The Origins and Structure of Intercity Criminal Activity 1840-1920: An Interpretation, p. 593
Virginia G. Drachman, Female Solidarity and Professional Success: The Dilemma of Women Doctors in Late Nineteenth-Century America, p. 607
J. Robert Wegs, Working Class Respectability: The Viennese Experience, p. 621
John Gillingham, Ruhr Coal Miners and Hitler’s War, p. 637
David v. Gerber, Modernity in The Service of Tradition: Catholic Lay Trustees at Buffalo’s St. Louis Church and The Transformation of European Communal Traditions, 1829-1855, p. 655
Linda L. Clark, The Socialization of Girls in the Primary Schools of the Third Republic, p. 685
Walter J. King, Untapped Resources for Social Historians: Court Leet Records, p. 699

Roger Lane, American Law Enforcement: A History, by David R. Johnson, p. 707
Roger Lane, Police in Urban America, 1860-1920, by Eric H. Monkkonen, p. 707

Reviews, p. 713

v. 15, 1982, 3

Peter N. Stearns, Foreword: Social History with Love, p. 337
Theodore Zeldin, Personal History and the History of the Emotions, p. 339
Herman R. Lantz, Romantic Love in the Pre-Modern Period: A Social Commentary, p. 349
Barbara J. Harris, Marriage Sixteenth-Century Style: Elizabeth Stafford and the Third Duke of Norfolk, p. 371
Edmund Leites, The Duty to Desire: Love, Friendship, and Sexuality in Some Puritan Theories of Marriage, p. 383
Ellen K. Rothman, Sex and Self-Control: Middle-Class Courtship in America, 1770-1870, p. 409
Inga Clendinnen, Yucatec Maya Women and the Spanish Conquest: Role and Ritual in Historical Reconstruction, p. 427
Miriam Cohen, Changing Education Strategies Among Immigrant Generations: New York Italians in Comparative Perspective, p. 443
Wendy Mitchinson, Gynecological Operations on Insane Women: London, Ontario, 1895-1901, p. 467

Reginald E. Zelnik, Passivity and Protest in Germany and Russia: Barrington Moore’s Conception of Working-Class Responses to Injustice, p. 485
Robert Aldrich, A la recherche du village perdu, p. 513
Donald Reid, The French Working Class, p. 521

Reviews, p. 527

v. 15, 1981, 2

Lenard R. Berlanstein, The Formation of a Factory Labor Force: Rubber and Cable Workers in Bezons, France (1860-1914), p. 163
Victor v. Walsh, “A Fanatic Heart”: The Cause of Irish-American Nationalism in Pittsburgh during the Gilded Age, p. 187
Brooke Baldwin, The Cakewalk: A Study in Stereotype and Reality, p. 205
Thomas Beck, The French Revolution and the Nobility: A Reconsideration, p. 219
Jed Dannenbaum, The Origins of Temperance Activism and Militancy Among American Women, p. 235
Jonathan Sperber, The Transformation of Catholic Associations in the Northern Rhineland and Westphalia 1830-1870, p. 253
Mark West, A Spectrum of Spectators: Circus Audiences in Nineteenth Century America, p. 265
Keith Sandiford, The Victorians at Play: Problems in Historiographical Methodology, p. 271

Reviews, p. 289

v. 15, 1981, 1

Seymour Drescher, Cart Whip and Billy Roller: Or Antislavery and Reform Symbolism in Industrializing Britain, p. 3
James S. Roberts, Drink and Industrial Work Discipline in 19th Century Germany, p. 25
Donald Sutton, Pilot Surveys of Chinese Shamans, 1875-1945: A Spatial Approach to Social History, p. 39
Eric Cochrane, The Profession of the Historian in Italian Renaissance, p. 51
Alan Creutz, Social Access to the Professions: Late Nineteenth-Century Academics at the University of Michigan as a Case Study, p. 73
James M. Donovan, Justice Unblind: The Juries and the Criminal Classes in France, 1825-1914, p. 89

Ben Eklof, Russian Educational History, p. 109

Reviews, p. 117

v. 14, 1981, 4 (Special Issue on Applied History)

Peter N. Stearns, Applied History and Social History, p. 533
Daniel P. Resnick, Educational Policy And The Applied Historian: Testing, Competency And Standards, p. 539
Joel v. Tarr, Changing Fuel Use Behavior and Energy Transitions: The Pittsburgh Smoke Control Movement, 1940-1950 – A Case Study in Historical Analogy, p. 561
Gail Buchwalter King, Peter N. Stearns, The Retirement Experience as a Policy Factor: An Applied History Approach, p. 589
Vivek Bammi, Nutrition, The Historian, And Public Policy: A Case Study of U.S. National Nutrition Policy in the 20th Century, p. 627
Eugene J. Watts, Police Priorities in Twentieth Century St. Louis, p. 649
Susan Boslego Carter, Academic Women Revisited: An Empirical Study of Changing Patterns in Women’s Employment as College and University Faculty, 1890-1963, p. 675
Paul Davis Chapman, Schools as Sorters: Testing and Tracking in California, 1910-1925, p. 701
Samuel P. Hays, The Structure of Environmental Politics Since World War II, p. 719

Tom L. Smith, Social Indicators, p. 739

Reviews, p. 749

v. 14, 1981, 3

Ben Eklof, Peasant Sloth Reconsidered: Strategies of Education and Learning in Rural Russia Before the Revolution, p. 355
Stephen Constantine, Amateur Gardening and Popular Recreation in 19th and 20th Centuries, p. 387
Janice Weiss, Educating for Clerical Work: The Nineteenth-Century Private Commerical School, p. 407
W.J. Rorabaugh, Prohibition as Progress: New York State’s License Elections, 1846, p. 425
Hannah S. Decker, Freud and Dora: Constraints on Medical Progress, p. 445
Roland Sarti, Folk Drama and Secularization of Rural Culture in Italian Appennines, p. 465

Paul v. Carter, Temperance, Intemperance, and the American Character: Or, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, p. 481
Thomas L. Haskell, Are Professors Professionals: The Organization of Knowledge in Modern America, 1860-1920, p. 485

Reviews, p. 495

v. 14, 1980, 2

Raymond Grew, More on Modernization, p. 179
Peter N. Stearns, Modernization and Social History: Some Suggestions, And A Muted Cheer, p. 189
Samuel Cohn, Criminality and the State in Renaissance Florence, 1344-1466, p. 211
David Gerber, A Politics of Limited Options: Northern Black Politics and the Problem of Change and Continuity in Race Relations Historiography, p. 235
John v. Conley, Prisons, Production, and Profit: Reconsidering The Importance of Prison Industries, p. 257
Judith Silver, French Peasant Demands For Popular Leadership In The Vendômois (Loir-Et-Cher), 1852-1890, p. 277

Steven v. Riess, Sport and the American Dream, p. 295

Reviews, p. 305

v. 14, 1980, 1

Carole Shammas, The Domestic Environment in Early Modern England and America, p. 3
David Levine, Illiteracy and Family Life During the First Industrial Revolution, p. 25
John Bodnar, Immigration, Kinship, and the Rise of Working-Class Realism in Industrial America, p. 45
Stephen Meyer, Adapting the Immigrant to the Line: Americanization in the Ford Factory, 1914-1921, p. 67
Drew Gilpin Faust, Culture, Conflict and Community: The Meaning of Power on an Ante-Bellum Plantation, p. 83
John T. Cumbler, The Politics of Charity: Gender and Class in Late 19th Century Charity Policy, p. 99
Robert Swierenga, Local-Cosmopolitan Theory and Immigrant Religion: The Social Bases of the Antebellum Dutch Reformed Schism, p. 113

Reviews, p. 137