Journal of Social History DATINI

The Journal of Social History

Pittsburgh, Carnegie-Mellon University
ISSN: 0022-4529
Conservata in: Università degli Studi di Firenze, Biblioteca di Scienze Sociali
Punto di servizio: Economia, Riv. Str. 0537
Consistenza: v. 14, 1980/81-

[ 2030-2021 ] [ 2020-2011 ] [ 2010-2001 ] [ 2000-1991 ] [ 1990-1981]

copertina della rivista

v. 57, 2023, 1

G. Geltner, Mine Air Makes Free? Rural Liberty, Materiality, and Agency in Europe’s Long Thirteenth Century, p. 1-23
Amanda L. Scott, Hot on the Trail: Pilgrimage and Crime in Early Modern Spain, p. 24-48
Ángela Pérez-Villa, Enslaved Litigants, Emotions, and a Shifting Legal Landscape in Cauca, Colombia (1825–1831), p. 49-77
Susan K. Morrissey, The War at Home: Photography, Political Violence, and Spectacle in the Russian Revolution of 1905, p. 78-106
Sara Farhan, Pelle Valentin Olsen, Inventing Young Offenders: The Legal and Medical Categorization of Juvenile Delinquency in Hashemite Iraq, 1921–1958, p. 107-127
Niels Boender, “The Dregs of the Mau Mau Barrel”: Permanent Exile and the Remaking of Late Colonial Kenya, 1954–61, p. 128-155
Denis Kozlov, On Choice and Freedom in Transnational Migrations: The Soviet Jewish Migrants in Europe Who Were Left Behind, p. 156-186

v. 56, 2023, 4

Spencer J. Weinreich, Why Early Modern Mass Incarceration Matters: The Bamberg Malefizhaus, 1627–31, p. 719-752
Stanley Fonseca, Coin Diving, Tourism, and Colonialism in the Caribbean, 1890–1940, p. 753-781
Paulo Drinot, Necrophilia, Psychiatry, and Sexology: The Making of Sexual Science in Mid-Twentieth Century Peru, p. 782-804
Anna WylegaLa, Beyond the Victimhood Narrative: A Case Study of Unexpectedly Successful Collectivization in Communist Poland, p. 805-827
Rachel Grace Newman, The Right to a Favor: International Scholarships, Clientelism, and the Class Politics of Merit in Post-Revolutionary Mexico, p. 828-855
Anna Ivanova, Rich Hairdressers and Fancy Car Repairmen: The Rise of a Service Worker Elite in the USSR and the Evolution of Soviet Society in the 1970s, p. 856-881

v. 56, 2023, 3

Sam Lebovic, Introduction: Social Histories of the Security State, p. 521-531
Amanda Lanzillo, Building Peshawar: Labor, Security, and Infrastructure at the Edge of Empire, p. 532-558
Samuel Clowes Huneke, The Surveillance of Subcultures: Gay Spies, Everyday Life, and Cold War Intelligence in Divided Berlin, p. 559-582
Ebony Nilsson, Real and Imagined Encounters in the Social History of Surveillance: Soviet Migrants and the Petrov Affair, p. 583-606
Terrence G. Peterson, Networking the Counterrevolution: The École Supérieure de Guerre, Transnational Military Collaboration, and Cold War Counterinsurgency, 1955–1975, p. 607-636
Ryan A. Archibald, The Rise of the Airport Metal Detector: Colorblind Racism, Police Discretion, and Surveillance Across Borders, p. 637-671

v. 56, 2022, 2

María Ángeles Martín Romera, Popolo and Sindacato in the City of Siena: Rethinking Popular Agency in Medieval Italy, p. 265-293
David Max Findley, Of Two-Tailed Lizards: Spells, Folk-Knowledge, and Navigating Manila, 1620–1650, p. 294-325
Charlie Taverner, Feeding the Community: London’s Immigrants and Their Food, 1650–1800, p. 326-351
Patrick Anthony, Terrestrial Enlightenment: Ruin and Revolution in an Eighteenth-Century Climate Crisis, p. 352-385
Andrew Wender Cohen, Carol Faulkner, Enforcing Gender at the Polls: Transing Voters and Women’s Suffrage before the American Civil War, p. 386-410
Maarten Manse, Two Sides of the Same Coin: Direct Taxation and Negotiated Governance in Colonial Indonesia, p. 411-438
Orel Beilinson, Social Stratification and Career Choice Anxieties in Nineteenth-Century Central Europe, p. 439-462
Greta de Jong, Making Desegregation Work: Citizen Participation and Bureaucratic Resistance in the Boston Public Schools, 1974–85, p. 463-489

v. 56, 2022, 1

Troy Bickham, Ian Abbey, “The Greatest Encouragement to Seamen”: Pay, Families, and the State in Britain during the French Wars, 1793-1815, p. 1-31
Amin Ghadimi, Arai Shogo and His Global Civil War, circa 1885, p. 32-57
L K Bertram, The Other Little House: The Brothel as a Colonial Institution on the Canadian Prairies, 1880-93, p. 58-88
Sarah Balakrishnan, Building the Ancestral Public: Cemeteries and the Necropolitics of Property in Colonial Ghana, p. 89-113
Alissa Klots, Just Like Any Other Worker? Class and Gender in the Regulation of Domestic Service in the Early Soviet Period, p. 114-143
Melanie Tebbutt, Crying for Flicka: Boys, Young Men, and Emotion at the Cinema in Britain in the 1930s and 1940s, p. 144-167
Tiia Sahrakorpi, Cherish Watton, Coming of Age in Postwar Germany: Young Women’s Search for New Emotional Subjectivities, 1946-50, p. 168-194
Ashley Parcells, “The Empire that Shaka Zulu was Unable to Bring About”: Ethnicizing Sovereignty in Apartheid South Africa, 1959-1970, p. 195-225

v. 55, 2022, 4

Neil Murphy, Plague Hospitals, Poverty and the Provision of Medical Care in France, c.1450-c.1650, p. 825-853
Peter Lamont, Modern Magic, the Illusion of Transformation, and How It Was Done, p. 854-874
Kate Smith, Lost Things and the Making of Material Cultures in Eighteenth-Century London, p. 875-898
Cassandra Good, Defining the Family of Washington: Meaning, Blood, and Power in the New American Nation, p. 899-924
Peter Jones, Looking through a Different Lens: Microhistory and the Workhouse Experience in Late Nineteenth-Century London, p. 925-947
Daniel A Rodríguez, “What Does that Flag Mean to Them?” Rural Relief, Children’s Suffering, and American Philanthropy in Cuba, p. 948-972
Ulices Piña, Rebellion at the Fringe: Conspiracy, Surveillance, and State-Making in 1920s Mexico, p. 973-1000
Nancy C Carnevale, White Ethnicity in the Urban Crisis: Newark’s Italian Americans, p. 1001-1030
Charles F Walker, Inocencia: Shining Path and the Recruitment of Minors, Ayacucho in the 1980s, p. 1031-1053
Anne Giblin Gedacht, “Just Enough Mystery”: Multivocal Afterlives of a Tokugawa Refugee in Japan and the United States, 1868-2018, p. 1054-1077

v. 55, 2022, 3

Raphael Murillo, How to See Corruption: Networks and the Construction of Corruption in Spanish Italy, p. 565-585
Timothy David Fritz, “To Abjure Popish Heresys”: Crafting a Borderlands Gospel during Queen Anne’s War at St. James Parish, South Carolina, 1701-20, p. 586-614
Catherine Gibson, Experiencing Enumeration: Local Reactions and Resistance to Censuses in Imperial Russia, 1863-81, p. 615-646
Peter C. Baldwin, Dangers that Lurk in a Kiss: Quarantining the American Mouth, 1890-1920, p. 647-667
Samira Saramo, Capitalism as Death: Loss of Life and the Finnish Migrant Left in the Early Twentieth Century, p. 668-694
Dominic Janes, The Varsity Drag: Gender, Sexuality, and Cross-Dressing at the University of Cambridge, 1850-1950, p. 695-723
Faizah Zakaria, Birth, Life, and Afterlife of An Indonesian Graveyard: Environmental Rule and Its Discontents, p. 724-743
Nico Slate, Beauty and Power: Beauticians, the Highlander Folk School, and Women’s Professional Networks in the Civil Rights Movement, p. 744-768
Timothy Verhoeven, “I am not a religious crackpot”: School Prayer, the Becker Amendment, and Grassroots Mobilization in 1960s America, p. 769-791

v. 55, 2021, 2

Philip Grace, Making Masters Moral: Household Subordinates and Upward Social Discipline in Late Medieval Basel, p. 289-314
Sophie Rose, Elisabeth Heijmans, From Impropriety to Betrayal: Policing Non-Marital Sex in the Early Modern Dutch Empire, p. 315-344
Juanita De Barros, The Death of Molly Schultz: Race, Magic, and the Law in the Post-slavery Caribbean, p. 345-373
William E. French, “And our Mother from in Heaven”: Death and Love in a Mexican Courtship Diary, Guadalajara, 1864-69, p. 374-399
Avner Wishnitzer, Yawn: Boredom and Powerlessness in the Late Ottoman Empire, p. 400-425
Kieran Fitzpatrick, The Imperial Makings of Medical Work: Peter Johnstone Freyer and the Practice of Genitourinary Medicine in Britain and the Raj, c. 1875-1921, p. 426-452
Deirdre M. O’connell, Searching for Vance Lowry: “Banjo King” and “A Kind of Parisian Figure”, p. 453-483
Chelsea D. Chamberlain, Challenging Custodialism: Families and Eugenic Institutionalization at the Pennsylvania Training School for Feeble-Minded Children at Elwyn, p. 484-509
Bridget María Chesterton, The Kimbalitos: The Plan Kimball, Cold War, and Medicine in Paraguay, 1956-64, p. 510-532

v. 55, 2021, 1

Guest Editors: Sarah Foss, Vanessa Freije, And Rachel Nolan

Vanessa Freije, Rachel Nolan, Interpretative Challenges in the Archive: An Introduction, p. 1
David Sartorius, Transitory Trust: Falsified Passports, Circulars, and Other Speculations in Nineteenth-Century Cuba, p. 7
José Ragas, Internal Passports, Counterfeiting, and Subversive Practices in Early Postcolonial Peru, p. 27
Colby Ristow, Sex, Money, and Murder on the Isthmus: Rumor, Disinformation, and the Politics of Denunciation in Revolutionary Mexico, p. 46
Jonathan D. Ablard, Ernesto Bohoslavsky, Rumors, Pescado Podrido and Disinformation in Interwar Argentina, p. 65
Gema Kloppe-Santamaría, Deadly Rumors: Lynching, Hearsay, and Hierarchies of Credibility in Mexico, p. 85
Sarah Foss, Rumors of Insurgency and Assassination in the Ixcán, Guatemala, p. 105
Patrick J. Doyle, “It Will Take a Man Person with you to . . . Keep the Place Up”: Family, Gender, and Power in Confederate Common White Households, p. 127
Natalia Doan, Samurai and Southern Belles: Interracial Romance, Southern Morality, and the 1860 Japanese Embassy, p. 149
Catherine Ladds, Educating the China-Born: Colonial Cosmopolitanism in Shanghai’s Schools for Settler Children, 1870-1943, p. 180
Myles Osborne, Rites, Rights, Rastafari! Statehood and Statecraft in Jamaica, c. 1930-1961, p. 207
Karen Vallgårda, Katrine Rønsig Larsen, Emotional Echoes: Young People, Divorce, and the Public Media, 1960-2000, p. 226

v. 54, 2021, 4

Stephen Robertson, Lincoln Mullen, Arguing with Digital History: Patterns of Historical Interpretation, p. 1005
Rachel Midura, Itinerating Europe: Early Modern Spatial Networks in Printed Itineraries, 1545-1700, p. 1023
Leonardo Barleta, Spatial Genealogies: Mobility, Settlement, and Empire-Building in the Brazilian Backlands, 1650, p. 1064

Susannah Ottaway, “A Very Bad Presidente in the House”: Workhouse Masters, Care, and Discipline in the Eighteenth-Century Workhouse, p. 1091
Rebekah E. Pite, The Rural Woman Enters the Frame: A Visual History of Gender, Nation, and the Goodbye Mate in the Postcolonial Río de la Plata, p. 1120
Angela Pulley Hudson, The Indian Doctress in the Nineteenth-Century United States: Race, Medicine, and Labor, p. 1160
Tanfer Emin Tunc, Louise Spieker Rankin’s Global Souths: An American Cookbook for India and Culinary Imperialism, p. 1188
Jeffrey S. Adler, “Justice Is Something That Is Unheard of for the Average Negro”: Racial Disparities in New Orleans Criminal Justice, 1920-1945, p. 1213

v. 54, 2021, 3

Andrey V. Gornostaev, Trade in Runaway Peasants and “The Chichikov Phenomenon” in Eighteenth-Century Russia, p. 715
Paul Musselwhite, Naming Plantations: Toponyms and the Construction of the Plantation System in the English Atlantic, p. 741
Melanie A. Kiechle, “Health is Wealth”: Valuing Health in the Nineteenth-Century United State, p. 775
Patrick Doyle, Sarah Roddy, Money, Death, and Agency in Catholic Ireland, 1850-1921, p. 799
Will Jackson, The Kindness of Strangers: Single Mothers and the Politics of Friendship in Interwar Cape Town, p. 819
Christine Mathias, The First Peronists: Indigenous Leaders, Populism, and the Argentine Nation-State, p. 843
Diane P. Koenker, The Smile behind the Sales Counter: Soviet Shop Assistants on the Road to Full Communism, p. 872
Franca Iacovetta, Erica Toffoli, A Double-Edged Pluralism: Paradoxes of Diversity in the International Institute Movement, 1945-1965, p. 897
Dario Gaggio, Pioneers or Mere Labor Force? Post-World War II Italian Rural Migration to Brazil and the Legacies of Colonialism, p. 920
Marcelo Casals, The Insurrection of the Middle Class: Social Mobilization and Counterrevolution during the Popular Unity Government, Chile, 1970-1973, p. 944