TLC – The Low Countries DATINI

TLC – The Low Countries

Rekkem, Foundation Stichting Ons Erfdeel
Conservata in: Prato, Fondazione Istituto Internazionale di Storia Economica “F. Datini”, Coll: Riv. 47
Consistenza: n. 1, 1993-n. 8, 2000-2001

[ 2001 ] [ 2000-1996 ] [ 1995-1993 ]

copertina della rivista

n. 7, 1999-2000

Pieter Leroy, Landscape and Space in the Low Countries. Reflecting the Differences between North and South, p. 13
Reindert Falkenburg, Nature Teaching Art. Painted Landscapes in the Low Countries, p. 25
Luc Devoldere, No Paradise without a Surveyor. Landscape in Literature. Poetry and Prose, by H. Marsman, Martinus Nijhoff, M. Vasalis, Hugo Claus, Anton van Wilderode, Peter Ghyssaert, Ad Zuiderent, Rutger Kopland, Nescio and Martin Reints, p. 35
Frans Vera, Giving the Land Back to Nature. Nature Development in the Netherlands, p. 42
Ton Lemaire, Lost Landscape?, p. 53
Stephan Vanfleteren, Stills of Landscape, p. 60
Filip Rogiers, Turning Tides in Belgium. An Account of a Ten-Year Political Quest, p. 65
Ton Gloudemans, Three Faces of Dutch Animation, p. 72
Marc Ruyters, A Fascinating Malaise. The Paintings of Luc Tuymans, p. 78
Erik Slagter, ‘I turn violence into art’. The Work of Armando. Extract from ‘The Street and the Shrubbery’ by Armando, p. 83
G.F.H. Raat, From Writer at his Own Expense to Public Phenomenon. On the Work of J.J. Voskuil. Extracts from ‘The Office’ by J.J. Voskuil, p. 92
Jozef Deleu, Guido Gezelle, a Limpid Singer. Nine Poems by Guido Gezelle, p. 100
Eugenie Boer, Saintly and Generous. Saint Nicholas and the Low Countries, p. 108
Jan van Hove, The Painter of Silence. Dirk Bouts Revisited, p. 116
Amy Golahny, Rembrandt’s Practical Approach to Italian Art. Three Variations, p. 123
Isabel Tanaka-Van Daalen, The Struggle between Pallas and Mercury 400. Years of Relations between Japan and the Netherlands, p. 132
Marijke de Groot, ‘Japonaiserie forever’. Vincent van Gogh and Japan, p. 143
Christiaan J.A. Jörg, Brittle Wares. Interaction between Oriental Porcelain and Delft Faience, p. 152
Nöel Golvers, The Jesuit Connection. Relations between Flanders and China, p. 160
Eep Francken, ‘Only in my poems can I dwell’. The Work of J. Slauerhoff. Two Poems and a Story by J. Slauerhoff, p. 166
Hans Vandevoorde, ‘A short name on a small stone’. The Poetry of Christine D’haen. Six Poems by Christine D’haen, p. 175
Frans Boenders, The Invisible Made Visible. Godfried Vervisch and his Anti-Classical Self-Portraits, p. 184
Saskia Bak, Robert Zandvliet’s Vision, p. 192
Truusje Vrooland-Löb, Dick Bruna, the Friendliest Maker of Picture Books in the Netherlands, p. 198
Ton Hoenselaars, Recycling Shakespeare in the Low Countries, p. 203
Wim Rutgers, ‘We’ve got to start loving this country more’. Frank Martinus Arion and Dutch-Caribbean – Literature. Extract from ‘Double Play’ by Frank Martinus Arion, p. 212
James Kennedy, The Myth of Dutch Progressiveness. The Netherlands as ‘Guide Land’, p. 220
Joris van Parys, A Piece of Wood, a Knife and a Man’s Genius. The Woodcut Albums of Frans Masereel, p. 225
Jef Lambrecht, A Big Kid. The Work of Edgar Tytgat, p. 232
Christophe Verbiest, Island-Hopping in the Musical Archipelago. The Work of Peter Vernieersch, p. 240
Ingeborg Walinga, A Queen of Refined Manipulation. The Work of Inez van Lamsweerde, p. 244
Joris Reynaert, Writing for Love’s Sake. The Work of Hadewijch. A Letter, a Vision and a Poem by Hadewijch, p. 248
Arthur Eyffinger, Hugo de Groot, a Passionate Thinker, p. 255

Architecture, p. 263
Cultural Policy, 264
Film and Theatre, p. 267
History, p. 270
Language, p. 277
Literature, p. 278
Music, p. 288
Science, p. 289
Society, p. 291
Visual Arts, p. 295

n. 6, 1998-99

Christopher Brown, A Naturally Gifted Painter. The Work of.Anthony van Dyck, p. 12
Tineke Reijnders, As Mysterious as Running Water. The Work of Martike van Warmerdam, p. 24
Frank Vandenbroucke, Belgian Welfare Reform, p. 30
Jan Berkouwer, Myth and Reality of the Polder Model, p. 35
Hans Ibelings, The Rembrandt of Dutch Architecture. The Work of Hendrik Petrus Berlage, p. 45
Lori van Biervliet, ‘Dear Old Bruges’. The English Colony in Bruges in the Nineteenth Century, p. 52
Anne Powell, ‘A whole sweet countryside amuck with murder’. War Poetry and the Flemish Frontline. Six War Poems by Hugo Claus, John McCrae, Thomas Ernest Hulme, Julian Grenfell, Herbert Read and Edmund Blunden, p. 60
Emmanuel Gerard, From Hereditary Authority to Individual Charisma. The Monarchy in Belgium, p. 73
Harry van Wijnen, All Quiet on the Royal Front. 150 Years of Continuous Monarchy in the Netherlands, p. 84
Marie Christine van der Sman, The Hague, a Royal City, p. 91
Paul Vincent, A Forgotten Classic. The Work of Louis Couperus in English. ‘The Binoculars’ by Louis Couperus, p. 103
Paul van Velthoven, The Hague. a Divided City, p. 112
Juleke van Lindert, ‘Nature itself on the canvas’. The Painters of the Hague School, p. 117
Frits Niessen, Nine City Poems, by Hanny Michaelis, Georgine Sanders, Hugo Claus, Richard Minne, J.A. Deelder, Anton Korteweg, Adriaan de Roover, Hans van de Waarsenburg and Willem M. Roggeman, p. 126
Jan Fontijn, The American Adventure of Frederik van Eeden. Extract from ‘Happy Humanity’ by Frederik van Eeden, p. 130
Hilde Eynikel, Rebel with a Cause. Father Damien on Molokai, p. 141
Jan Papy, Learned, Wise and Good. Justus Lipsius: Portrait of a Humanist Scholar, p. 149
Paul Depondt, The Pain Catcher. Thierry de Cordier, Thinker, Artist and Humble Earthworm, p. 155
Wout Jac. van Bekkum, The Jews in the Netherlands, p. 161
Daan Cartens, A Traveller through Time. The Work of Marcel Möring. Extract from ‘In Babylon’ by Marcel Möring, p. 170
Anne Marie Musschoot, The Courage of the Critical Intellect. The Work of Stefan Hertmans. ‘A Bigger Head’ and Two Poems by Stefan Hertmans, p. 178
Cyrille Offermans, The Heart that Skips a Beat. Charlotte Mutsaers’ Poetic Prose. Extract from ‘Rachel’ s Skirt’ by Charlotte Mutsaers, p. 187
Ken Gladdish, Dutch Intellectual Hospitality, p. 195
Luc Huyse, Chronicle of a Crisis Foretold. The Judicial System in Belgium, p. 200
Pierre H. Dubois, Elisabeth Eybers, a Monumental Poet. Five Poems by Elisabeth Eybers, p. 207
Michael Palmer, Léon Spilliaert, a Troubled and Troubling Painter, p. 212
Dirk van Dalen, A Mystic and Mathematical Revolutionary. L.E.J. Brouwer’s Role in topology and Intuitionism, p. 220
Ludo Bekkers, The Sculptor as Craftsman. The Work of Rik Poot, p. 226
Jane Fenoulhet, Against the Status Quo Louis Paul Boon in a Wider Literary Context. Extract from ‘Chapel Road’ by Louis Paul Boon, p. 232
Manfred Wolf, The Extraordinary Uses of the Ordinary. The Poetry of Judith Herzberg. Six Poems by Judith Herzberg, p. 238
Marita de Sterck, Flemish Giants. The Steep Climb of Juvenile Literature in Flanders, p. 245
Gerdin Linthorst, The Tradition of the Lonely Wandering Eye. The Films of Johan van der Keuken, p. 255
Jan Rubinstein, ‘Simply a question of notes’. Jan van Vlijmen: From Director/ Composer to Composer, p. 264

Architecture, p. 268
Cultural Policy, 270
Film and Theatre, p. 271
History, p. 276
Language, p. 287
Literature, p. 288
Music, p. 293
Philosophy and Science, p. 296
Society, p. 302
Visual Arts, p. 304

n. 5, 1997-98

Ludo Abicht, Antwerp, World Port and Provincial City, p. 12
Louise S. Milne, Money and Excrement. The Psychology of Capital and the Marketplace in Pieter Bruegel the Elder’s ‘Dulle Griet’, p. 21
E.H. Kossmann, Toleration and tolerance in the Netherlands, p. 31
Jos Bouveroux, Pandora’s Box Political Culture in Belgium, p. 38
Peter Hoefnagels, Three Countries in One Kingdom. The Netherlands Antilles and the Paradox of Independence, p. 46
Rudi Wester, The Low Countries on the Road. Travel Writing in Flanders and the Netherlands, p. 55
Fred G.H. Bachrach, The Low Countries through British Eyes in Ages Past, p. 61
Eduard van Ermen, Maps for Eternity, Sixteenth and Seventeenth-Century Cartography in the Low Countries, p. 73
Marc Reynebeau, The King is Dead, Long Live the King. The Uses of Reality in the Prose of Walter van den Broeck. Extract from ‘Letter to Baudouin’ by Walter van den Broeck, p. 84
Anne Marie Musschoot, In Search of Self. New Prose Writing in Dutch after 1985. Extracts by Connie Palmen, Arnon Grunberg, Eric de Kuyper, Stefan Hertntans and Adriaan van Dis, p. 90
Anton Korteweg, Frits Niessen, Fresh Food. Ten Young Poets from Flanders and the Netherlands Poems by Henk van der Waal, Marc Reugebrink, Peter van Lier, René Huigen, Peter Verhelst, Bernard Dewulf Rogi Wieg, Peter Ghyssaert, Jo Govaerts and Mustafa Stitou, p. 103
Ella B. Schaap, A Brief History of Dutch Tiles, p. 108
Bianca Stigter, Exploring the Limits of the Familiar. The Art of Guido Geelen, p. 118
Marc Ruyters, The DNA of Art. The Ceramic Work of Tjok Dessauvage, p. 124
Wim de Poorter, From ‘Y Mañana?’ to ‘Manneken Pis’. Thirty Years of Flemish Filmmaking?, p. 130
Frans Oudejans, Are the Programmes Really Doing It? Television in the Low Countries, p. 142
Veerle Windels, David v. Goliath. Fashion from Flanders, p. 150
Max Bruinsma, Official Anarchy. Dutch Graphic Design, p. 155
Christopher Wright, The ‘Vanitas’ Piece in Dutch and Flemish Seventeenth-Century Painting, p. 164
Anneke Wertheim, A Museum of Museums. The Story of the Teyler Museum, p. 172
M.A. Schenkeveld-van der Dussen, Bridging Two Cultures. The Story of the Huygens Family. ‘On the Frontispiece of “Cornflowers” by Constantine Huygens, p. 178
Micky Piller, Reality and Art in the Work of Jan Dibbets and Johannes Vermeer, p. 187
Willy van den Bussche, A Master of Everyday Life. The Work of Constant Permeke, p. 194
Jan Wauters, A Race Apart… The Flandriens and the Golden Age of Flemish Cycling, p. 207
Hugo Brems, ‘Ah, the comfort of a comparison’. The Poetry of Herman de Coninck Five Poems by Herman de Coninck, p. 212
Anneke Reitsma, ‘An order, within which there’s room for chaos’. The Poetry of M. Vasalis. Seven Poems by M. Vasalis, p. 220
Ingeborg Walinga, Paintings with an Inner Dislocation. Magic Realism in the Netherlands, p. 228
Paul Depondt, The Poetry of a Futuristic City. Object-Maker and Artist Jeroen Hennenzan, p. 242
Pascal Lefèvre, Flemish Comic Strips today, p. 247
Geert Bekaert, Architecture without Qualities. The Designs of Stéphane Beel, p. 253
Marita Mathijsen, From Dutch Student to London Schoolmaster. The Literary Work of Gerrit van de Linde. Three Poems by The Schoolmaster, p. 258

Architecture, p. 268
Cultural Policy, 270
Film and Theatre, p. 272
History, p. 277
Language, p. 282
Literature, p. 285
Music, p. 292
Philosophy, 295
Society, p. 296
Visual Arts, p. 299

n. 4, 1996-97

HubertSavenije, Water and the Netherlands. Friends or Foes?, p. 12
Anton Korteweg, Frits Niessen, Ten Water Poems. Poems by Anna Enquist, Jda Gerhardt, Jan van Nijlen, Paul Snoek, M. Vasalis, Herman de Coninck, Ad Zuiderent, Ed Leeflang, Michaél Zeeman and Maria van Daalen, p. 19
Filip Matthijs, The Terminus of the Continent, The Life and Times of Ostend, p. 25
Marc Dubois, Art Nouveau in Flanders, p. 39
Lutgard Mutsaers, Wim Swinnen, The Sounds of the Low Countries, p. 46
Yves Knockaert, New Music in Flanders, p. 52
Henk Krol, Gay behind the Dikes. Homosexual Emancipation and Marriage in the Netherlands, p. 59
Magda Michielsens, A World of Difference. Women in the Netherlands and Flanders, p. 65
Erna Metdepenninghen, ‘A Tribute to Fine Schooling’. The Royal Flanders Ballet, p. 74
Hans van den Bergh, A Champion with a Cause? Conflicting Views on Multatuli. Extract from ‘Max Havelaar’ by Multatuli, p. 80
Jan Bank, An Awkward Anniversary Indonesia and the Netherlands: Decoionisation Fifty Years On, p. 91
Jaap Goedegebuure, The Quest for his Dreamland. Jeroen Brouwers’ East Indies Triptych, Extract from ‘The Flood’ by Jeroen Brouwers, p. 97
Jane Fenoulhet, Hella S. Haasse and the Historical Novel or: The Triumph of Fact over Fiction. Extract from ‘Gentlemen of Tea’ by Hella S. Haasse, p. 110
Thomas Elsaesser, ‘One Train May Be Hiding Another’. History, Memory and Identity in Film and Television, p. 121
Ludo Bekkers, Looking for the Ultimate Painting. Thoughts on the Work of Raoul de Keyser, p. 130
Marc Ruyters, Truth Kills. The Art of Jan Vercruysse, p. 136
Cyrille Offermans, Arranger of Voices. The Literary Work of Leo Pleysier. Extracts from ‘White Always Looks Good’ and ‘The Yellow River Is Frozen’ by Leo Pleysier, p. 141
James Tanis, The Tale of a Cow, p. 152
J.M. van der Horst, A Brief History of the Dutch Language, p. 163
Manu Ruys, Flemish Nationalism, a Rainbow Phenomenon, p. 173
Patricia Carson, James van Artevelde, Myth or Reality?, p. 182
Heidrun Ludwig, ‘The Life of Man Is like unto a Flower’. The Life and Work of Maria Sybilia Merian, p. 191
Heidi van de Veire, In Search of the Unknown South-Land. Abel Tasman and New Zealand, p. 198
Ed Wingen, The Mystery of the Milky Way. The Painter Eugène Brands’ Fascination, p. 206
Wiljan van den Akker, Martinus Nijhoff, a Dutch Master of Modernism. Five Poems and One Fragment by Martinus Nijhoff, p. 213
Erik Slagter, As a Poet a Visionary, as a Painter an Eye-Witness.Four Poems by Lucebert, p. 220
Anne Marie Musschoot, ‘A Living Idea in Time’. The Work of Maurice Gilliams. Four Poems and an Extract from ‘Elias, or The Struggle with the Nightingales’ by Maurice Gilliams, p. 230
Nico I. Brederoo, A Boxful of Styles. The Work of Jan toorop, p. 239
Hans Ibelings, Relativity and Architecture. The Work of Aldo van Eyck, p. 249
Herman-Emiel Mertens, Edward Schillebeeckx and Christian Humanism, p. 255
James McConica, A Dutchman for All Seasons. The Life and Works of Erasmus of Rotterdam, p. 260

Architecture, p. 266
Cultural Policy, 267
Film and Theatre, p. 272
History, p. 275
Language, p. 279
Literature, p. 282
Music, p. 291
Science and Philosophy, 294
Society, p. 297
Visual Arts, p. 300

n. 3, 1995-96

Joke Linders, The Richness of Imagination, Children ‘s Books in the Netherlands, p.10
Ludo Abieht, The Jerusalem of the West. Jews and Goyim in Antwerp, p. 21
Joop Th. J. van den Berg, From ‘Red and Black’ to ‘Red and Blue’. Twenty-Five Years of Dutch Politics, p. 27
Frans Bosman and Kurt van Es, Dutch Highest. Drugs and Drugs Policy in the Netherlands, p. 39
Pascal Lefèvre, Fifty Years of Bob and Bobette, p. 46
Wim de Poorter, In Motion. Animated Film in Flanders, p. 53
Jaap Goedegebuure, Marc Mulders, Heir to Tradition, p. 62
Anton Korteweg, Frits Niessen, Hardy Perennials of Dutch and Flemish Poetry. Poems by Karel van de Woestzjne, p. C. Boutens, J.H. Leopold, Richard Minne, Paul van Ostaijen, Willem Elsschot, H. Marsman, Martinus Nzjhoff P.N. van Eyck, J. C. Bloem, Jan van Nijlen, M. Vasalis, Leo Vroman, Jan Hanlo and Lucebert, p. 68
Jan Berkouwer, Jan Tinbergen, Economist and Visionary, p. 76
Kees Snoek, The Delicacy of a Rain Forest. About the Poetry of Leo Vroman. Seven Poems by Leo Vroman, p. 82
Leo Vroman, Resting on Doubt, p. 91
Eric Bracke, Domestic Bliss and Excruciating Pain, The Life and Art of Rik Wouters, p. 96
Erwin Jans, Geert Opsomer, Crossing the Borders. Contemporary Theatre in the Low Countries, p. 105
Paul Demets, A General of Beauty. The Work of Jan Fabre, p. 117
Ine Rietstap, Step by Step. The Story of the Nederlands Dans Theater, p. 126
Johan Kolsteeg, The Melody Makers. Contemporary Music in the Netherlands, p. 133
Jan Rubinstein, Forward into a New Era. The Story of the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra, p. 138
HugoBrems, ‘Good and Bad Have Been Reduced to the Same Thing’. The Poetry of Charles Ducal. Four Poems by Charles Ducal, p. 143
Geert Bekaert, Bob van Reeth and the Demands of Architecture, p. 148
C.L. Temminck Groll, Dutch Colonial Architecture and town Planning. History, Preservation and Present Use, p. 153
Eddy Stols, Flemish and Dutch Brazil. The Story of a Missed Opportunity, p. 163
S. Groenveld, The Seventeenth-.Century Anglo-Dutch Wars: Economic or Political Issues?, p. 172
Christopher White, Through Foreign Eyes. Painters from the Low Countries in Seventeenth Century England, p. 190
Fred G.H. Bachrach, Turner’s Holland. Reflections after a Pioneering Exhibition in London, p. 198
Jos Borré, Looking for the Other Self. The Work of Kristien Hemmerechts. Extract from ‘Back’ by Kristien Hemmerechts, p. 208
A.L. Sötemann, Margriet de Moor’ s Defeat of Loneliness,. Extract from ‘Chosen Landscape’ by Margriet de Moor, p. 217
Jan Kerkhofs, Between Christendom and Christianity. The Church in Flanders, p. 225
Herman Pleij, Reynard the Fox. The Triumph of the Individual in a Beast Epic. Extract from ‘Reynard the Fox’, p. 233
Maurits Smeyers, Flemish Miniatures for England, p. 240
Dan Roodt, The Poet in the Mixer. The Work of Breyten Breytenbach. Two Poems by Breyten Breytenbach, p. 251
Herwig Todts, Piecing the Scraps together. Roel D ‘Haese and his Sculptures, p. 258

Chronicle, Table of Contents, p. 264