Journal of Population Economics DATINI

Journal of Population Economics

ISSN: 0933-1433
Conservata in: Università degli Studi di Firenze, Biblioteca di Scienze Sociali
Punto di servizio: Economia; Riv. str. 0599
Consistenza: n. 1, 1988 –

[ 2030-2021 ] [ 2020-2011 ] [ 2010-2001 ] [ 2000-1998 ]

copertina della rivista

v. 23, 2010, 4

Miki Kohara, The response of Japanese wives’ labor supply to husbands’ job loss, p. 1133
Alison Aughinbaugh, The effects of remarriage on women’s labor supply, p. 1151
David Bishai, Shoshana Grossbard, Far above rubies: Bride prive and extramartial sexual relations in Uganda, p. 1177
Alexander Hijzen, Peter W. Wright, Migration, trade and wages, p. 1189
Govert E. Bijwaard, Immigrant migration dynamics model for The Netherlands, p. 1213
Anna Maria Mayda, International mirgration: a panel data analysis of the determinants of bilateral flows, p. 1249
Ted N. Aranki, Yousef Daoud, Competition, substitution, or discretion: an analysis of Palestinian and foreign guest workers in the Israeli labor market, p. 1275
J. Ulyses Balderas, Michael J. Greenwood, From Europe to the Americas: a comparative panel-data analysis of migration to Argentina, Brazil and the United States, 1870-1910, p. 1301
Steven Tenn, The relative importance of the husband’s and wife’s characteristics in family migration, 1960-2000, p. 1319
Leonid V. Azarnert, Après nous le Déluge: fertility and the intensity of struggle against immigration, p. 1339
Ulla Lehmijoki, Tapio Palokangas, Trade, population growth, and the environment in developing countries, p. 1351
Rafael González-Val, Marcos Sanso-Navarro, Gibrat’s law for countries, p. 1371

v. 23, 2010, 3

Ali M. Ahmed, Mats Hammarstedt, Sexual orientation and earnings: a register data-based approach to identify homosexuals, p. 835
Anja Heinze, Elke Wolf, The intra-firm gender wage gap: a new view on wage differentials based on linked employer-employee data, p. 851
Romain Aeberhardt, Denis Fougère, Julien Pouget, Roland Rathelot, Wages and employment of French workers with African origin, p. 881v Sara Connolly, Mary Gregory, Dual tracks: part-time work in life-cycle employment of British women, p. 907
Rafael Lalive, Alois Stutzer, Approval of equal rights and gender differences in well-being, p. 933
Partha Deb, Cagla Okten, Una Okonkwo Osili Giving to family versus giving to the community within and across generations, p. 963
Nathalie Picard, François-Charles Wolff, Measuring educational inequalities: a method and an application to Albania, p. 989
Christian Schluter, Jackline Wahba, Are parents altruistic? Evidence from Mexico, p. 1025
Sascha O. Becker, Samuel Bentolila, Ana Fernandes, Andres Ichino, Youth emancipation and perceived job insecurity of partens and children, p. 1047
Marco Francesconi, Stephen P. Jenkins, Thomas Siedler, Childhood family structure and schooling outcomes: evidence for Germany, p. 1073
Silke Anger, Guido Heineck, Do smart parents raise smart children? The intergenerational transmission of cognitive abilities, p. 1105

v. 23, 2010, 2

Xin Meng, Jim Ryan, Does a food for education program affect school outcomes? The Bangladesh case, p. 415
Leonid Azarnert, Free education, fertility and human capital accumulation, p. 449
Charlene Marie Kalenkoski, Sabrina Wulff, Pablionia Parental transfers, student achievement, and the labor supply of college students, p. 469
Hendrik Jürges, Kerstin Schneider, Central exit examinations increase performance… but take the fun out of mathematics, p. 497
Ashraf El-Araby Aly, James F. Ragan Jr., Arab immigrants in the United States: how and why do returns to education vary by county of origin?, p. 519
Pedro S. Martins, Jim Y. Jin, Firm-level social returns to education, p. 539
Makato Hirazawa, Koji Kitaura, Akira Yakita, Aging, fertility, social security and the political equilibrium, p. 559
Ken-ichi Hashimoto, Ken Tabata, Population aging, health care and growth, p. 571
John S. Heywood, Uwe Jirjahn, Georgi Tsertsvardze, Hiring older workers and emloying older workers: German evidence, p. 595
France Portrait, Rob Alessie, Dorly Deeg, Do early life and contemporaneous macroconditions explain health at older ages?, p. 617
Maria Concetta Chiuri, Tullio Jappelli, Do the elderly reduce housing equity? An international comparison, p. 643
Hiroyuki Ito, Ken Tabata, The spillover effects of population aging, international capital flows, and welfare, p. 665
Alexander Ludwig, Edgar Vogel, Mortality, fertility, education and capital accumulation in a simple OLG economy, p. 703
Tetsuo Ono, Growth and unemployment in an OLG economy with public pensions, p. 737
Walter H. Fisher, Christian Keuschnigg, Pension reform and labor market incentives, p. 769
Robert Fenge, Jakob von Weizäcker, Mixing Bismarck and child pension systems: an optimal taxation approach, p. 805
Christophe Hachon, Do Beveridgian pension systems increase growth?, p. 825

v. 23, 2010, 1

Richard W. Evans, Yingyao Hu, Zhong Zhao, The fertility effect of catastrophe: U.S. hurricane births, p. 1
Hung-Ju Chen, Life expectancy, fertility, and educational investment, p. 37
Akiko Maruyama, Kazuhiro Yamamoto, Variety expansion and fertility rates, p. 57
Tamaro Fioroni, Child mortality and fertility: public vs private education, p. 73
Luis Angeles, Demographic transitions: analyzing the effects of mortality on fertility, p. 99
Amy Farmer, Andrew W. Horowitz, Mobility, information and bequest: The “other side” of the equal division puzzle, p. 121
Paul Gregg, Rosanna Scutella, Jonathan Wadsworth, Reconciling workless measures at the individual and household level. Theory and evidence from the United States, Britain, Germany, Spain and Australia, p. 139
Lorenzo Guracello, Fabrizia Mealli, Furio Camillo Rosati, Household vulnerability and child labor: the effect of shocks, credit rationing, and insurance, p. 169
Ana C. Dammert, Siblings, child labor, and schooling in Nicaragua and Guatemala, p. 199
Almudena Sevilla-Sanz, Household division of labor and cross-country differences in household formation rates, p. 225
Wiji Arulampalam, Alison L. Booth, Mark L. Bryan, Are there asymmetries in the effects of training on the conditional male wage distribution?, p. 251
Giorgio Brunello, The effects of cohort size on European earnings, p. 273
Anne C. Gielen, Marcel J. M. Kerkhofs, Jan C. van Ours, How performance related pay affects productivity and employment, p. 291
Shao-Hsun Keng, Wallace E. Huffman, Binge drinking and labor market success: a longitudinal study on young people, p. 303
Olivier Bargain, Marco Caliendo, Peter Haan, Kristian Orsini, “Making work pay” in a rationed labor market, p. 323
Barry R. Chiswick and Paul W. Miller, Occupational language requirements and the value of English in the US labor market, p. 353
Luis Ayala and Magdalena Rodríguez, Explaining welfare recidivism: what role do unemployment and initial spells have?, p. 373

v. 22, 2009, 4

Alicia M. Robb, Robert W. Fairlie, Determinants of business success: an examination of Asian-owned businesses in the USA, p. 827
Carmel U. Chiswick, The economic determinants of ethnic assimilation, p. 859
Kræn Blume, Mette Ejrnæs, Helena Skyt Nielsen, Allan Würtz Labor market transitions of immigrants with emphasis on marginalization and self-employment, p. 881
Leif Husted, Eskil Heinesen, Signe Hald Andersen, Labour market integration of immigrants: estimating local authority effects, p. 909-939 Jorgen Hansen, Magnus Lofstrom, The dynamics of immigrant welfare and labor market behavior, p. 941
Olof Åslund, Oskar Nordström Skans, How to measure segregation conditional on the distribution of covariates, p. 971
Sarit Cohen-Goldner, Chemi Gotlibovski, Nava Kahana, The role of marriage in immigrants’ human capital investment under liquidity constraints, p. 983
Benoit Dostie, Pierre Thomas Léger, Self-selection in migration and returns to unobservables, p. 1005
Kristin Dale Household skills and low wages, p. 1025
Udo Ebert, Patrick Moyes, Household decisions and equivalence scales, p. 1039
Adrian Bruhin, Rainer Winkelmann, Happiness functions with preference interdependence and heterogeneity: the case of altruism within the family, p. 1063
Yang-Ming Chang, Strategic altruistic transfers and rent seeking within the family, p. 1081

v. 22, 2009, 3

Jeremy Arkes, Jacob Klerman, Understanding the link between the economy and teenage sexual behavior and fertility outcomes, p. 517
Reagan Baughman, Stacy Dickert-Conlin, The earned income tax credit and fertility, p. 537
Makoto Hirazawa, Akira Yakita, Fertility, child care outside the home, and pay-as-you-go social security, p. 565
Tatsuya Omori, Effects of public education and social security on fertility, p. 585
Yuhua Shi, Jie Zhang, On high fertility rates in developing countries: birth limits, birth taxes, or education subsidies?, p. 603
Urvi Neelakantan, The impact of changes in child support policy, p. 641
Georgia Verropoulou, Heather Joshi, Does mother’s employment conflict with child development? Multilevel analysis of British mothers born in 1958, p. 665
Maria Hanratty, Eileen Trzcinsk, Who benefits from paid family leave? Impact of expansions in Canadian paid family leave on maternal employment and transfer income, p. 693
Heather Antecol, Deborah Cobb-Clark, Racial harassment, job satisfaction, and intentions to remain in the military, p. 713
Scott Alan Carson, African-American and white inequality in the nineteenth century American South: a biological comparison, p. 739
Leif Danziger, The elasticity of labor demand and the minimum wage, p. 757
Etienne Wasmer, Links between labor supply and unemployment: theory and empirics, p. 773
Pal Schone, New technologies, new work practices and the age structure of the workers, p. 803

v. 22, 2009, 2

Konstantinos Tatsiramos, Geographic labour mobility and unemployment insurance in Europe, p. 267
Michele Boldrin, Ana Montes, Assessing the efficiency of public education and pensions, p. 285
Kamhon Kan, Yen-Ling Lin, The labor market effects of national health insurance: evidence from Taiwan, p. 311
Andrew Leigh, Does child gender affect marital status? Evidence from Australia, p. 351
Alison L. Booth, Hiau Joo Kee, Birth order matters: the effect of family size and birth order on educational attainment, p. 367
Charlene M. Kalenkoski, David C. Ribar, Leslie S. Stratton, The influence of wages on parents’ allocations of time to child care and market work in the United Kingdom, p. 399
Michael A. Shields, Stephen Wheatley Price, Mark Wooden, Life satisfaction and the economic and social characteristics of neighbourhoods, p. 421
Nick Carroll, Paul Frijters, Michael A. Shields, Quantifying the costs of drought: new evidence from life satisfaction data, p. 445
Tracy L. Regan, Ronald L. Oaxac, a Work experience as a source of specification error in earnings models: implications for gender wage decompositions, p. 463
Marina Della Giusta, Maria Laura Di Tommaso, Steinar Strom, Who is watching? The market for prostitution services, p. 501

v. 22, 2009, 1

C.-T. Chin, C.-C. Lai, Physical capital taxation and labor income taxation in an endogenous growth model with new generations, p. 1
K. Jaeger, W. Kuhle, The optimum growth rate for population reconsidered, p. 23
U. Lehmijoki, T. Palokangas, Population growth overshooting and trade in developing countries, p. 43
M.B. Schmidt, The nonlinear behavior of competition: the impact of talent compression on competition, p. 57
H. Liu, J. Zeng, Genetic ability and intergenerational earnings mobility, p. 75
T. Ekhaugen, Extracting the causal component from the intergenerational correlation in unemployment, p. 97-114 D. Kawaguchi, J. Miyazaki, Working mothers and sons’ preference regarding female labor supply: direct evidence from stated preferences, p. 115
T. Palivos, Welfare effects of illegal immigration, p. 131
A.P. Damm, Determinants of recent immigrants’ location choices: quasi-experimental evidence, p. 145
K. Clark, J. Lindley, Immigrant assimilation pre and post labour market entry: evidence from the UK Labour Force Survey, p. 175
A. Islam, The substitutability of labor between immigrants and natives in the Canadian labor market: circa 1995, p. 199
J. Hartog, A. Zorlu, How important is homeland education for refugees’ economic position in The Netherlands?, p. 219

v. 21, 2008, 4

Raquel Bernal, Anna Fruttero, Parental leave policies, intra-household time allocations and children’s human capital, p. 779
John Ermisch, Child support and non-resident fathers’ contact with their children, p. 827
Jungmin Lee, Sibling size and investment in children’s education: an asian instrument, p. 855
Gerald Makepeace, Sarmistha Pal, Understanding the effects of siblings on child mortality: evidence from India, p. 877
Benoît Rapoport, Céline Le Bourdais, Parental time and working schedules, p. 903
Yvonne Adema, Lex Meijdam, Harrie A. A. Verbon, Beggar thy thrifty neighbour. The international spillover effects of pensions under population ageing, p. 933
Helmuth Cremer, Firouz Gahvari, Pierre Pestieau, Pensions with heterogenous individuals and endogenous fertility, p. 961
Midori Wakabayashi, The retirement consumption puzzle in Japan, p. 983
Lisa A. Cameron, Deborah Cobb-Clark, Do coresidency and financial transfers from the children reduce the need for elderly parents to works in developing countries?, p. 1007

v. 21, 2008, 3

Solveig Erlandsen, Ragnar Nymoen, Consumption and population age structure, p. 505
Thomas Lindh, Bo Malmberg, Demography and housing demand – what can we learn from residential construction data?, p. 521
Bernhard Babel, Eckart Bomsdorf, Rafael Schmidt, Forecasting German mortality using panel data procedures, p. 541
Sebnem Kalemli-Ozcan, The uncertain lifetime and the timing of human capital investment, p. 557
Bas van Groezen, Lex Meijdam, Growing old and staying young: population policy in an ageing closed economy, p. 573
Rafael Gomez, Pablo Hernandez de Cos, The importance of being mature: the effect of demographic maturation on global per capita GDP, p. 589
Dirk Willenbockel, Social time preference revisited, p. 609
Giancarlo Marini, Pasquale Scaramozzino, Social time preference: a rejoinder, p. 623
Raquel Carrasco, Juan F. Jimeno, A. Carolina Ortega, The effect of immigration on the labor market performance of native-born workers: some evidence for Spain, p. 627
Futoshi Yamauchi, Sakiko Tanabe, Nonmarket networks among migrants: evidence from metropolitan Bangkok, Thailand, p. 649

v. 21, 2008, 2

Samuel Bentolila, Andrea Ichino, Unemployment and consumption near and far away from the Mediterranean, p. 255
Miriam Beblo, Julio R. Robledo, The wage gap and the leisure gap for double-earner couples, p. 281
Helmut Rainer Gender, discrimination and efficiency in marriage: the bargaining family under scrutiny, p. 305
Amihai Glazer, Social security and conflict within the family, p. 331
Olivier Bargain, Normative evaluation of tax policies: from households to individuals, p. 339
Aydogan Ulker, Household structure and consumption insurance of the elderly, p. 373
Michael Svarer, Mette Verner, Do children stabilize relationships in Denmark?, p. 395
Sigve Tjøtta, Kjell Vaage, Public transfers and marital dissolution, p. 419
Espen Bratberg, Sigve Tjøtta, Income effects of divorce in families with dependent children, p. 439

v. 21, 2008, 1

Stephen Machin, The new economics of education: methods, evidence and policy, p. 1
Thomas Lemieux, The changing nature of wage inequality, p. 21
Frederic Tournemaine, Social aspirations and choice of fertility: why can status motive reduce per-capita growth?, p. 49
Alfonso Miranda, Planned fertility and family background: a quantile regression for counts analysis, p. 67
Maria Gutiérrez-Domènech, The impact of the labour market on the timing of marriage and births in Spain, p. 83
Joseph J. Sabia Black, s and the family cap: pregnancy, abortion, and spillovers, p. 111
Yasuhiro Sato, Ken Tabata, Kazuhiro Yamamoto, Technological progress, income inequality, and fertility, p. 135
Yishay D. Maoz, “Backslanted X” fertility dynamics and macroeconomics, p. 159
C. Y. Cyrus Chu, Biodiversity decline and population externalities, p. 173
Rim Chatti, AbdelRahman, El Lahga On the contribution of sectoral natural population growth to the aggregate poverty change, p. 183

v. 20, 2007, 4

David Blau, Erdal Tekin, The determinants and consequences of child care subsidies for single mothers in the USA, p. 719
Naci Mocan, Can consumers detect lemons? An empirical analysis of information asymmetry in the market for child care, p. 743
Tom Kornstad, Thor O. Thoresen, A discrete choice model for labor supply and childcare, p. 781
Daniela Del Boca, Daniela Vuri, The mismatch between employment and child care in Italy: the impact of rationing, p. 805
Guiseppe Bertola, Francine D. Blau, Lawrence M. Kahn Labor, market institutions and demographic employment patterns, p. 833
Denis Beninger, Francois Laisney, Miriam Beblo, Welfare analysis of a tax reform for Germany: a comparison of the unitary and collective models of household labour supply, p. 869
Sjef Ederveen, Richard Nahuis, Ashok Parikh, Labour mobility and regional disparities: the role of female labour participation, p. 895

v. 20, 2007, 3

Klaus F. Zimmermann, The economics of migrant ethnicity, p. 487
Alicia Adsera, Barry R. Chiswick, Are there gender and country of origin differences in immigrant labor market outcomes across European destinations?, p. 495
Sylke Viola Schnepf, Immigrants’ educational disadvantage: an examination across ten countries and three surveys, p. 527
Steve Bradley, Mirko Draca, Colin Green, Gareth Leeves, The magnitude of educational disadvantage of indigenous minority groups in Australia, p. 547
Sylvia Dixon, David C. Maré, Understanding changes in Mori incomes and income inequality 1997-2003, p. 571
Howard Bodenhorn, Christopher S. Ruebeck, Colourism and African-american wealth: evidence from the nineteenth-century south, p. 599
Shelly Lundberg, Richard Startz, Information and racial exclusion, p. 621
Harminder Battu, McDonald Mwale, Yves Zenou, Oppositional identities and the labor market, p. 643
Silvio Rendon, The Catalan premium: language and employment in Catalonia, p. 669

v. 20, 2007, 2

Changhui Kang, Cheolsung Park, Myoung-Jae Lee, Effects of ability mixing in high school on adulthood earnings: quasiexperimental evidence from South Korea, p. 269
Steve Bradley, Pam Lenton, Dropping out of post-compulsory education in the UK: an analysis of determinants and outcomes, p. 299
Hessel Oosterbeek, Randolph Sloof, Joep Sonnemans, Who should invest in specific training?, p. 329
Alberto Dalmazzo, Guido de Blasio, Production and consumption externalities of human capital: an empirical study for Italy, p. 359
Peter Glick, David E. Sahn, Changes in HIV/AIDS knowledge and testing behavior in Africa: how much and for whom?, p. 383
Audrey Laporte, Brian S. Ferguson, Investment in health when health is stochastic, p. 423
Sarah Brown, J. G. Sessions, Duncan Watson, The contribution of hour constraints to working poverty in Britain, p. 445
Lorenzo Cappellari, Earnings mobility among Italian low-paid workers, p. 445

v. 20, 2007, 1

Peter Kooreman, Time, money, peers, and parents; some data and theories on teenage behavior, p. 9
Shao-Hsun Keng, Wallace E. Huffma, n Binge drinking and labor market success: a longitudinal study on young people, p. 35
Heather Antecol, Kelly Bedard, Does single parenthood increase the probability of teenage promiscuity, substance use, and crime?, p. 55
Barbara Wolfe, Robert Haveman, Karen Pence, Jonathan A. Swabish, Do youth nonmarital childbearing choices reflect income and relationship expectations?, p. 73
Philipp Bauer, Regina T. Riphahn, Heterogeneity in the intergenerational transmission of educational attainment: evidence from Switzerland on natives and second-generation immigrants, p. 121
Alain-Désiré Nimubona, Désiré Vencatachellum, Intergenerational education mobility of black and white South Africans, p. 149

v. 19, 2006, 4

20th Anniversary of the European Society for Population Economics (ESPE): Researching the Major Social Challenge of Our Time, p. 643
Does illegal immigration empower rightist parties?, p. 649
Immigration, integration and fiscal sustainability, p. 671
Disagreement over the immigration of low-income earners in a welfare state, p. 691
The struggle over migration policy, p. 703
International migration and economic growth: a source country perspective, p. 725
The educational attainment of second-generation mainland Chinese immigrants in Taiwan, p. 749
Natives, the foreign-born and high school equivalents: new evidence on the returns to the GED, p. 769
Understanding sibling differences in child labor, p. 795
The influence of market wages and parental history on child labour and schooling in Egypt, p. 823
Parental transfers and the labor supply of children, p. 853

Acknowledgement to editorial collaborators, p. 879

v. 19, 2006, 3

David Neumark and Elizabeth T. Powers, Supplemental security income, labor supply, and migration, p. 447
Stéphane Rossignol and Emmanuelle Taugourdeau, Asymmetric social protection systems with migration, p. 481
Juan A. Lacomba and Francisco Lagos, Population aging and legal retirement age, p. 507
David Demery and Nigel W. Duck, Savings-age profiles in the UK, p. 521 Stefan Felder, The gender longevity gap: explaining the difference between singles and couples, p. 543
Kazutoshi Miyazawa, Growth and inequality: a demographic explanation, p. 559 Akira Yakita, Life expectancy, money, and growth, p. 579
Mário Jorge Cardoso de Mendonça, Adolfo Sachsida, Paulo R. A. Loureiro, Estimation of damage to human health due to forest burning in the Amazon, p. 593
Stephan Klasen and Thorsten Nestmann, Population, population density and technological change, p. 611
Barbara Annicchiarico and Alessandro Piergallini, Population dynamics and monetary policy, p. 627

v. 19, 2006, 2

Lena Nekby, The emigration of immigrants, return vs onward migration: evidence from Sweden, p. 197
Catalina Amuedo-Dorantes and Susan Pozo, Remittances as insurance: evidence from Mexican immigrants, p. 227
Gil S. Epstein, The political economy of population economics, p. 255
Alessandro Cigno, A constitutional theory of the family, p. 259
Leonid V. Azarnert, Child mortality, fertility, and human capital accumulation, p. 285
Alexander Kemnitz, Immigration as a commitment device, p. 299
Giora Dula, Nava Kahana and Tikva Lecker, How to partly bounce back the struggle against illegal immigration to the source countries, p. 315
Mark Gradstein and Maurice Schiff, The political economy of social exclusion, with implications for immigration policy, p. 327
Panu Poutvaara, On the political economy of social security and public education, p. 345
Jorge Soares, A dynamic general equilibrium analysis of the political economy of public education, p. 367
Stéphane Pallage and Christian Zimmermann, On voters’ attitudes towards unemployment insurance subsidies across regions: a Canadian simulation, p. 391
Giovanni Facchini, Oliver Lorz and Gerald Willmann, Asylum seekers in Europe: the warm glow of a hot potato, p. 411
Ulla Lehmijoki and Tapio Palokangas, Political instability, gender discrimination, and population growth in developing countries, p. 431

v. 19, 2006, 1

Anders Björklund, Editorial Notes, p. 1

Anders Björklund, Does family policy affect fertility? – Lessons from Sweden, p. 3
Stephan Klasen and Andrey Launov, Analysis of the determinants of fertility decline in the Czech Republic, p. 25
Alfonso Miranda, Are young cohorts of women delaying first birth in Mexico?, p. 55
Rodrigo R. Soares, The effect of longevity on schooling and fertility: evidence from the Brazilian Demographic and Health Survey, p. 71
Frederic Vermeulen, A collective model for female labour supply with non-participation and taxation, p. 99
Helge Sanner, Imperfect goods and labor markets, and the union wage gap, p. 119
Marco Manacorda and Barbara Petrongolo, Regional mismatch and unemployment: theory and evidence from Italy, 1977-1998
, p. 137
Emmanuel Skoufias and Susan W. Parker, Job loss and family adjustments in work and schooling during the Mexican peso crisis, p. 163

Nineteenth ESPE Conference and General Assembly in Paris 2005, p. 183

v. 18, 2005, 4

Prize in Labor Economics for Dale T. Mortensen and Christopher Pissarides, p. 583
Dávila A., Mora Mt, Changes in the earnings of Arab men in the US between 2000 and 2002, p. 587
Aslund O., Rooth D-O, Shifts in attitudes and labor market discrmination: Swedish experiences after 9-11, p. 603
Chiswick Br., Lee Yl., Miller Pw., Family matters: the role of the family in immigrants’ destination language acquisition, p. 631
Bauer T., Epstein Gs., Gang In., Enclaves, language, and the location choice of migrants, p. 649

Cobb-Clark D., Connolly Md., Worswick C., Post-migrations investments in education and job search: a family perspective, p. 663
Galloway Ta., Aaberge R., Assimilation effects on poverty among immigrants in Norway, p. 691
Hatton Tj., Explaining trends in UK immigrations, p. 719
van Dalen HP., Groenewold G., Schoorl JJ., Out of Africa: what drives the pressure to emigrate?, p. 741
de Coulon A., Piracha M., Self-selection and the performance of return migrants: the source country perspective, p. 779

Acknowledgement to editorial collaborators, p. 809

v. 18, 2005, 3

Susan L. Averett, Lisa A. Gennetian and H. Elizabeth Peters, Paternal child care and children’s development, p. 391
Lisa A. Gennetian, One or two parents? Half or step siblings? The effect of family structure on young children’s achievement, p. 415
Owen O’Donnell, Furio C. Rosati and Eddy van Doorslaer, Health effects of child work: Evidence from rural Vietnam, p. 437
John Ermisch and David J. Pevalin, Early motherhood and later partnerships, p. 469
Robert A. Nakosteen, Olle Westerlund and Michael A. Zimm, Health-related disabilities and matching of spouses: Analysis of Swedish population data, p. 491
Rodrigo A. Cerda, On social security financial crisis, p. 509
Ulf-G. Gerdtham, Douglas Lundin and Maria Sáez-Martí, The ageing of society, health services provision and taxes, p. 519
Nicolas Beaulieu, Jean-Yves Duclos, Bernard Fortin and Manon Rouleau, Intergenerational reliance on social assistance: Evidence from Canada, p. 539
Luis Ayala and César Pérez, Macroeconomic conditions, institutional factors and demographic structure: What causes welfare caseloads?, p. 563

v. 18, 2005, 2

IZA Prize in Labor Economics for Edward Lazer, p. 199

F.T. Denton, C.H. Feaver, B.G. Spencer, Time series analysis and stochastic forecasting: An econometric study of mortality and life expectancy, p. 203
D.J. McKenzie, Measuring inequality with asset indicators, p. 229
N. Kahana, On the surge of altruism, p. 261
E. Katz, H. Rapoport, On human capital formation with exit options, p. 267

A.C. Kelley, R.M. Schmidt, Evolution of recent economic-demographic modelling: A synthesis, p. 275
M. Iyigun, Geography, demography, and early development, p. 301
W.-J. Tsay, C.Y.C. Chu, The pattern of birth spacing during Taiwan’s demographic transition, p. 323

M. Doepke, Child mortality and fertility decline: Does the Barro-Becker model fit the facts?, p. 337
G. Angeles, D.K. Guilkey, T.A. Mroz, The determinants of fertility in rural Peru: Program effects in the early years of the national family planning program, p. 367

v. 18, 2005, 1

Y. Jeon, M.P. Shields, The Easterlin hypothesis in the recent experience of higher-income OECD countries: A panel-data approach, p. 1
B. Waldorf, p. Byun, Meta-analysis of the impact of age structure on fertility, p. 15
J. Kim, Sex selection and fertility in a dynamic model of conception and abortion, p. 41

R. Kaestner, N. Kaushal, Immigrant and native responses to welfare reform, p. 69
A. Heitmueller, Unemployment benefits, risk aversion, and migration incentives, p. 93
A. Zorlu, J. Hartog, The effect of immigration on wages in three European countries, p. 113
D. Lien, Y. Wang, Brain drain or brain gain: A revisit, p. 153

J. Gardeazabal, A. Ugidos, Gender wage discrimination at quantiles, p. 165
W.C. Horrace, On the ranking uncertainty of labor market wage gaps, p. 181

Eighteenth ESPE Conference and General Assembly in Bergen 2004, p. 189

v. 17, 2004, 4

D. M. Bishai, Does time preference change with age?, p. 583
C. Okten, U. Okonkwo Osili, Contributions in heterogeneous communities: Evidence from Indonesia, p. 603
A. Farmer, A. W. Horowitz, The engagement game, p. 627

A. Cigno, A. Luporini, A. Pettini, Hidden information problems in the design of family allowances, p. 645
S. Pal, Child schooling in Peru: Evidence from a sequential analysis of school progression, p. 657
L. M. Lopoo, The effect of maternal employment on teenage childbearing, p. 681

P. Schøne, Labour supply effects of a cash for care subsidy, p. 703
R. Alessie, H. Bloemen, Premium differentiation in the Unemployment Insurance system and the demand for labor, p. 729
R. Aaberge, U. Colombino, S. Strøm, Do more equal slices shrink the cake? An empirical investigation of tax-transfer reform proposals in Italy, p. 767

Acknowledgement to editorial collaborators, p. 787
Call for papers, A5-A7

v. 17, 2004, 3

Olympia Bover, Manuel Arellano, Kuznets Prize, p. 385

E. Bratberg, Th. Holmas, O. Thogersen, Assessing the effects of an early retirement program, p. 387
M. Melkersson, J. Saarela, Welfare participation and welfare dependence among the unemployed, p. 409

H. Strulik, Economic growth and stagnation with endogenous health and fertility, p. 433
J. L. Weisdorf, From stagnation to growth: Revisiting three historical regimes, p. 455
J. Zhang, J. Zhang, How does social secirity affect economic growth? Evidence from cross-country data, p. 473

L. M. Kahn, Immigration, skills and the labor market: International evidence, p. 501
D. Geide-Stevenson, M. S. Do, International labor migration and social security: Analysis of the transition path, p. 535
F. Büchel, J. R. Frick, Immigrants in the UK and in West Germany – Relative income position, income portfolio, and redistribution effects, p. 553

v. 17, 2004, 2

T. J. Dohmen, B. Kriechel, G. A. Pfann, Monkey bars and ladders: The importance of lateral and vertical job mobility in internal labor market careers, p. 193
C. Devillanova, Interregional migration and labor market imbalances, p. 229
J. Hunt, Convergence and determinants of non-employment durations in Eastern and Western Germany, p. 249
C. J. Gerry, B.-Y. Kim, C. A. Li, The gender wage gap and wage arrears in Russia: Evidence from the RLMS, p. 267
A. Guariglia, B-Y. Kim, Earnings uncertainty, precautionary saving, and moonlighting in Russia, p. 289

R. A. Pollak, An intergenerational model of domestic violence, p. 311
L. M. Berger, J. Wadfogel, Maternity leave and the employment of new mothers in the United States, p. 331
D. Kawaguchi, Peer effects on substance use among American teenagers, p. 351
G. Naz, The impact of cash-benefit reform on parents’ labour force participation, p. 369

Call for papers, p. A5

v. 17, 2004, 1

Dolores Ferrero Martínez, Amaia Iza, Skill premium effects on fertility and female labor force supply, p. 1
Alícia Adserà Changing fertility rates in developed cuntries. The impact of labor market institutions, p. 17
T. Kögel, Did the association between fertility and female employment within OECD countries really change its sign?, p. 45

K. Roed, M. Nordberg, Have the relative employment prospects for the low-skilled deteriorated after all?, p. 67
B. Fitzenberger, R. Schnabel, G. Wunderlich, The gender gap in labor market participation and employment: A cohort analysis for West Germany, p. 83
E. Plug, p. Berkhout, Effects of sexual preferences on earnings in the Netherlands, p. 117

P.-A. Edin, p. Fredriksson, O. Åslund, Settlement policies and the economic success of immigrants, p. 133
S. Nivalainen, Determinants of family migration: Short moves vs. long moves, p. 157
T. Krieger, Fertility rates and skill distribution in Razin and Sadka’s migration-pension model: A note, p. 177

Seventeenth ESPE Conference and General Assembly in New York 2003, p. 183
Call for papers, p. A5
Call for papers, p. A6

v. 16, 2003, 4

IZA Prize in Labor Economics of Orley Ashenfelter, p. 627

A. Constant, D. S. Massey, Self-selection, earnings, and out-migration: A longitudinal study of immigrants to Germany, p. 631
D. A. Cobb-Clark, Public policy and the labor market adjustment of new immigrants to Australia, p. 655
J. Hartog, R. Winkelmann, Comparing migrants to non-migrants: The case of Dutch migration to New Zealand, p. 683

edited by David Card, Christoph M. Schmidt
D. Card, C. M. Schmidt, Editorial, p. 707
R. T. Riphahn, Cohort effects in the educational attainment of second generation immigrants in Germany: An analysis of census data, p. 711
J. C. van Ours, J. Veenman, The educational attainment of second-generation immigrants in The Netherlands, p. 739
H. S. Nielsen, M. Rosholm, N. Smith, L. Husted, The school-to-work transition of 2nd generation immigrants in Denmark, p. 755
D.-O. Rooth, J. Ekberg, Unemployment and earnings for second generation immigrants in Sweden. Ethnic background and parent composition, p. 787
C. Dustmann, Children and return migration, p. 815
S. Djalic, Assimilation of immigrants: Implications for human capital accumulation of the second generation, p. 831

Acknowlwdgement to editorial collaborators, p. 847
Call for papers, p. A5
Call for papers, p. A6

v. 16, 2003, 3

Daniela Del Bocca, 2000 President of the European Society for Population Economics, p. 397

D. Del Bocca, Mothers, fathers and children after divorce: The role of institutions, p. 399

F. Strobel, Marriage and the value of waiting, p. 423
H. Oosterbeek, J. Sonnemans, S. van Velzen, The need for marriage contracts: An experimental study, p. 431
S. Burgess, C. Propper, A. Aassve, The role of income in marriage and divorce transitions among young Americans, p. 455
M. L. Blackburn, The effects of the welfare system on marital dissolution, p. 477

R. McNown, S. Rajbhandary, Time series analysis of fertility and female labor market behavior, p. 501
M. Bratti, Labour force participation and marital fertility of Italian women: The role of education, p. 525
C. Scotese Lehr, Fertility and education premiums, p. 555
R. S. Chase, Household fertility responses following communism: Transition in the Czech Republic and Slovakia, p. 579
K. Li, D. J. Poirier, Bayesian analysis of an econometric model of birth inputs and outputs, p. 597

v. 16, 2003, 2

D. Hallberg, A. Klevmarken, Time for children: A study of parents’ time allocation, p. 205
B. Álvarez, D. Miles, Gender effect on housework allocation: Evidence from Spanish two-earner couples, p. 227
C. Park, Are children repaying parental loans? Evidence from Malaysia using matched child-parent pairs, p. 243

G. C. Giannelli, Ch. Monfardini, Joint decisions on household membership and human capital accumulation of youths. The role of expected earnings and local markets, p. 265
A. N. Nguyen, J. Taylor, Post-high school choices: New evidence from a multinomial logit model, p. 287
L. Modesto, Should I stay or should I go? Educational choices and earnings: An empirical study for Portugal, p. 307
A. Chevalier, T. K. Viitanen, The long-run labour market consequences of teenage motherhood in Britain, p. 323

H. Fehr, W. I. Sterkeby, O. Thogersen, Social security reforms and early retirement, p. 345
T. Ono, Social security policy with public debt in an aging economy, p. 363
P. Senesi, Population dynamics and life-cycle consumption, p. 389
K. Miyazawa, Private versus public financing of education and endogenous growth: A comment on Brauninger and Vidal, p. 395

v. 16, 2003, 1

T. M. Andersen, European integration and the welfare state, p. 1
R. Rees, J. Komlos, N. V. Long, U. Woitek, Optimal food allocation in a slave economy, p. 21
H. Cremer, A. Dellis, p. Pestieau, Family size and optimal income taxation, p. 37
I. Garfinkel, C.-C. Huang, S. S. McLanahan, D. S. Gaylin, The roles of child support enforcement and welfare in non-marital childbearing, p. 55

D. Anderberg, Voluntary income sharing and the design of unemployment insurance, p. 71
S. Lin, X. Tian, Population growth and social security financing, p. 91
A. Wagener, Pensions as a portfolio problem: fixed contribution rates vs. fixed replacement rates reconsidered, p. 111
A. Bommier, R. D. Lee, Overlapping generations models with realistic demography, p. 135

M. D. Dos Santos, F. Postel-Vinay, Migration as a source of growth: The perspective of a developing country, p. 161
P. Longva, O. Raaum, Earnings assimilation of immigrants in Norway – A reappraisal, p. 177

Sixteenth ESPE Conference and General Assembly in Bilbao 2002, p. 195
Call for papers, p. A5
Call for papers, p. A6

v. 15, 2002, 4

IZA Prize in Labor Economics for Jacob Mincer, p. 599

D. S. Hamermesh, Timing, togetherness and time windfalls, p. 601
L. Adair, D. Guilkey, E. Bisgrove, S. Gultiano, Effect of childbearing on Filipino women’s work hours and earnings, p. 625
G. J. Van Den Berg, A. Holm, J. C. Ours, Do stepping-stone jobs exist? Early career paths in the medical profession, p. 647
N. Ahn, p. Mira, A note on the changing relationship between fertility and female employment rates in developed countries, p. 667

R. Davies, E. Heinesen, A. Holm, The relative risk aversion hypothesis of educational choice, p. 683
E. Feinerman, E. J. Seiler, Private transfers with incomplete information: A contribution to the “altruism-exchange motivation for transfers” debate, p. 715
B. Crettez, p. Le Maitre, Optimal age of retirement and population growth, p. 737
A. Björklund, T. Eriksson, M. Jäntti, O. Raaum, E. Österbacka, Brother correlations in earnings in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden compared to the United States, p. 757

J. R. Walker, A Comment on Ali Tasiran’s ‘Wage and income effects on the timing and spacing of birghs in Sweden and in the United States’, p. 773
A. C. Tasiran, A reply to Walker’s note: A comment on Tasiran’s ‘Wage and income effects on the timing and spacing of births in Sweden and in the United States’, p. 783

Acknowledgement to editorial collaborators, p. 797
Call for papers, p. A5

v. 15, 2002, 3

M.J. Brien, G.E. Loya, J.V. Pepper, Teenage childbearing and cognitive development, p. 391
I. Garfinkel, D. Glei, S.S. McLanahan, Assortative mating among unmarried parents: Implications for ability to pay child support, p. 417
M. Eswaran, The empowerment of women, fertility and child mortality: towards a theoretical analysis, p. 433
M. Lundholm, H. Ohlsson, Who takes care of the children? The quantity-quality model revisited, p. 455

Edited by John F. Ermisch
J.F. Ermisch, Editorial, p. 463
C. Michalopoulos, p. K. Robins, Employment and child-care choices of single-parent families in Canada and the United States, p. 465
J.M. Joesch, B.G. Hiedemann, The demand for nonrelative child care among families with infants and toddlers: A double-hurdle approach, p. 495
J. Waldfogel, Child care, women’s employment and child outcomes, p. 527
D. Del Boca, The effect of child care and part time opportunities on participation and fertility decisions, p. 549
G.H. Cleveland, D.E. Hyatt, Child care workers’ wages: New evidence on returns to education, experience, job tenure and auspice, p. 575

v. 15, 2002, 2

R. Lee, M. Anderson, Malthus in state space: Macro economic-demographic relations in English history 1540 to 1870, p. 195
G. Hondroyinnis., E. Papapetrou, Demographic transition and economic growth. Empirical evidence from Greece, p. 221
H.-C. Lu, M. Chen, C. Y. Cyrus Chu, Bequest division and population growth. Lineal extinction probably approach, p. 243

P. Rao Sahib P., Gu X., “Living in sin” and marriage: A matching model, p. 261
A. McCulloch, H.E. Joshi, Child development and family resources: Evidence from the second generation of the 1958 British birth cohort, p. 283
M. Martinez-Granado, J. Ruiz-Castillo, The decisions of Spanish youth: A cross-section study, p. 305

P. Kuhn, A. Sweetman, Aboriginals as unwilling immigrants. Contact, assimilation and labour market outcomes, p. 331
O. Bover, M. Arellano, Learning about migration decision from the migrants: Using complementary datasets to model intra-regional migrations in Spain, p. 357
U. Kohli, Migration and foreign trade: Further results, p. 381

v. 15, 2002, 1

edited byAlan Barrett and Klaus F. Zimmermann

A. Barrett, KF Zimmermann, Editorial, p. 1
K. Clark, S. Drinkwater, Enclaves, neighbourhood effects and employment outcomes: Ethnic minorities in England and Wales, p. 5
BR Chiswick, PW Miller, Immigrant eamings: Language skills, linguistic concentrations and the business cycle, p. 31
TJ Hatton, RE Bailey, Natives and migrants in the London labour market, 1929-1931, p. 59
M Lofstrom, Labor market assimilation and the self-employment decision of immigrant entrepreneurs, p. 83
RT Riphahn, Residential location and youth unemployment: The economic geography of school-to-work transitions, p. 115
MA Shields, S Wheathley Price, The English language fluency and occupational success of ethnic minority immigrant men living in English metropolitan areas, p. 137
JP Smith, D Thomas, E Frankenberg, K Beegle, G Teruel, Wages, employment and economic snocks: Evidence from Indonesia, p. 161

v. 14, 2001, 4

T. Aronsson, S.-O. Daunfeldt, M. Wikström, Estimating intrahousehold allocation in a collective model with household production, p. 569
S. Lecocq, The allocation of time and goods in household activities: A test of separability, p. 585
A. Sousa-Poza, H. Schmid, R. Widmer, The allocation and value of time assigned to housework and child-care: An analysis for Switzerland, p. 599
A. Guariglia, Saving behaviour and earnings uncertainty: Evidence from the British Household Panel Survey, p. 619

A. Yakita, Uncertain lifetime, fertility and social security, p. 635
C. Lee, The expected length of male retirement in the United States, 1850-1990, p. 641
B. Decreuse, can skill-biased technological change compress unemployment rate differentials across education groups?, p. 651

D. Gaumont, A. Mesnard, Inheritance, land, and capital mobility linked to labour mobility, p. 669
B. Gustafsson, T. Österbeg, Immigrants and the public sector budget – accounting exercises for Sweden, p. 689

Acknowledgement to editorial collaborators, p. 709
Fifteenth ESPE Conference and General Assembly in Athens, 2001, p. 711
Call for papers, p. A5

v. 14, 2001, 3

F. Breyer, K. Stolte, Demographic change, endogenous labor supply and the political feasibility
of pension reform, p. 409
A. Rillaers, Education and income inequality; The role of a social protection system, p. 425
G. Gyárfás, M. Marquardt, Pareto improving transition from a pay-as-you-go to a fully funded pension system in a model of endogenous growth, p. 445

P. Bevelander, H. Skyt Nielsen, Declining employment success of immigrant males in Sweden:
Observed or unobserved characteristics?, p. 455
K. Bævre, C. Riis, T. Thonstad, Norwegian cohort emigration, p. 473
H. Papapanagos, p. Sanfey, Intention to emigrate in transition countries: the case of Albania, p. 491

N. Ahn, p. Mira, Job bust, baby bust: Evidence from Spain, p. 505
J. S. Pischke, Continuous training in Germany, p. 523
L. Grogan, G. J. van den Berg, The duration of unemployment in Russia, p. 549

v. 14, 2001, 2

Siv Gustafsson, 1999 President of the European Society for Population Economics, p. 223

S. Gustafsson, Optimal age at motherhood. Theoretical and empirical considerations on
postponement of maternity in Europe, p. 225

J.F. Ermisch, M. Francesconi, Family structure and children’s achievements, p. 249
M. S. Hill, W.-J.J. Yeung, G.J. Duncan, Childhood family structure and young adult behaviors, p. 271
S. Vagstad, On private incentives to acquire household production skills, p. 301
D. K. Ginther, M. Zavodny, Is the male marriage premium due to selection? The effect of shotgun weddings on the return to marriage, p. 313
S. Garasky, R. J. Haurin, D. R. Haurin, Group Living-decisions as youths transition to adulthood, p. 329
Kingston-J. A. Riechers, The association between the frequency of wife assault and marital dissolution in Canada, p. 351

M.A. Zaidi, K. de Vos, Trends in consumption-based poverty and inequaliy in the European Union during the 1980s, p. 367
E. Thibault, Labor immigration and long-run in a growth model with heterogenous agents and endogenous labor supply, p. 391

v. 14, 2001, 1

Nobel Price Winner James J. Heckman, Comparing the Comparable, p. 1

C.Y. Cyrus Chu, C. Tat, Ecosystem resilience, specialized adaptation and population decline:
A modern Malthusian theory, p. 7
H. P. Kohler, E. A. Hammel, On the role of families and kinship networks in pre-industrial agricultural societies: An analysis of the 1698 Slavonian census, p. 21
A. Ahituv, Be fruitful of multiply: On the interplay between fertility and economic development, p. 51
J. Poot, J. J. Siegers, The macroeconomics of fertility in small open economies: A test of the
Becker-Barro model for The Netherlands and New Zealand, p. 73
C. S., Fan, A model of endogenous divorce and endogenous fertility, p. 101
C. C. Pörtner, Children as insurance, p. 119

P. Fronstin, D. H. Greenberg, p. K. Robins, Parental disruption arid the labour market performance of children when they reach adulthood, p. 137
M. Rosholm, Cyclical variations in unemployment duration, p. 173
S. Wheatley Price, The employment adjustment of male immigrants in England, p. 193
Call for Papers, p. 221