
Binghamton, Fernand Braudel Center for the Study of Economies, Historical Systems, and Civilizations
ISSN: 0147-9032
Conservata in: Prato, Fondazione Istituto Internazionale di Storia Economica “F. Datini”, Coll: Riv. 40
Consistenza: a. I/1 (1977) -a. XXVIII, 2005, 4
Lacune: a. XXIII, 2000, 1, 2, 3, 4; a. XXVII, 2004, 1, 2;

Conservata in: Università degli Studi di Firenze, Biblioteca di Scienze Sociali – RIV STR 304
Consistenza: XII, 1989, 1-a. XXXV, 2012, 3-4
[ 2020-2011 ] [ 2010-2001 ] [ 2000-1996 ] [ 1995-1991 ] [ 1990-1986 ] [ 1985-1981 ] [ 1980-1977 ]

copertina della rivista

a. XXXVIII, 2015, 1

Dale Tomich, Preface, p. 1
Christian Cwik, Michael Zeuske, Introduction: Manfred Kossok: Toward a Historical Social Science, p. 9
David Mayer, Coming to Terms with the Past, Getting a Grip on the Future: Manfred Kossok’s Interventions into Historiographical Debates about Latin America during the Radicalized 1960s, p. 15
Matthias Middell, Manfred Kossok: Writing World History in East Germany, p. 41
Sergio Guerra Vilaboy, Revolution in Latin America’s Historiography: Manfred Kossok’s Contributions, p. 71
Oscar Zanetti, History of Comparison: Manfred Kossok and a Comparative Study of Bourgeois Revolutions, p. 83
Michael Zeuske, The French Revolution in Spanish America: With Some Reflections on Manfred Kossok as Marxist Historian of “Bourgeois Revolutions”, p. 99
Ulrike Schmieder, Spain and Spanish America in the System of the Holy Alliance: The Importance of Interconnected Historical Events on the Congresses of the Holy Alliance, p. 147

a. XXXVII, 2014, 3-4

Jason W. Moore, Special Editor, p. I
Jason W. Moore, Introduction: World-Ecological Imaginations, p. 165
Sapana Doshi, Imperial Water, Urban Crisis: A Political Ecology of Colonial State Formation in Bombay, 1850-1890, p. 173
George Liodakis, Transformation and Crisis of World Capitalism: Long-run Trends and Prospects, p. 219
Jason W. Moore, The Value of Everything? Work, Capital, and Historical Nature in the Capitalist World-Ecology, p. 245
Robert M. Young, Is Nature a Labour Process?, p. 293

a. XXXVII, 2014, 2

Abikal Borah, A Region in a Mobile World: Integration of Southeastern Sub-Himalayan Region into the Global Capitalist Economy (1820-1900), p. 87
Geoffrey C. Gunn, The Ethnic “Phnong” Rebellion of Cambodia, the Original Khmer Thesis, and Revolutionary Sequels, p. 129

a. XXXVII, 2014, 1

Pedro Antonio Vieira, “Brazil” in the Capitalist World-Economy from 1550 to c. 1800: An Empirical Demonstration through the Sugar Commodity Chain, p. 1
Marjolein ‘t Hart, Ideas, Values, and the Institutionalization of Social History: An Introduction, p. 37
Huub Sanders, Finding an Anchorage. Change and Continuity in an Academic Institution: The International Institute of Social History in the Nineteen-seventies, p. 39
Richard E. Lee, Disciplines and the University, Today and Tomorrow, p. 61

a. XXXVI, 2013, 3-4

Klemens Kaps, Andrea Komlosy, Centers and Peripheries Revisited: Polycentric Connections or Entangled Hierarchies?, p. 237
Dariusz Adamczyk, The Political Economy of the Arab Silver Redistribution Networks in Viking Age Eastern and Central Europe: Polycentric Connections or Entangled Hierarchies?, p. 265
Manuela Boatcá, Coloniality of Labor in the Global Periphery: Latin America and Eastern Europe in the World-System, p. 287
Klemens Kaps, Internal Differentiation in a Rising European Semi-Periphery: Cameralist Division of Labor and Mercantile Polycentrism: Two Different Models of Political Economy in Eighteenth-Century Habsburg Central Europe, p. 315
Andrea Komlosy, China’s Move towards a Global Economic Core in the Twenty-first Century?: Prospects, Constraints, Consequences, p. 351

a. XXXVI, 2013, 2

Farshad Araghi, Philip McMichael, What Was Postmodernity? Capitalism and Historical Crises of Modernity in Global Context: A World-Historical Analysis, p. 119
Andrea Komlosy, Transitions in Global Labor History, 1250-2010: Entanglements, Synchronicities, and Combinations on a Local and a Global Scale, p. 155
Tâmis Patron, World Prices and National Politics: The Shaping of Slave Systems in the Americas, p. 191

a. XXXVI, 2013, 1

Immanuel Wallerstein, The Congress of Vienna from 1763 to 1833: Europe and the Americas, p. 1
Cheryl Marie Cordeiro, Navigating the Dual Structure of World History: Sweden’s Trade Relations with China from the Eighteenth Century, p. 25
Kristin Plys, Eurocentrism and the Origins of Capitalism, p. 41
Ulrike Schmieder, Martinique and Cuba Grande: Commonalities and Differences during the Periods of Slavery, Abolition, and Post-Emancipation, p. 83

a. XXXV, 2012, 3-4

Boris Marañón-Pimental, Dania López-Córdova, Introduction, p. 185
Dania López-Córdova, Peonage and Slave Labor in Mexico during the Porfirian Age, p. 187
Boris Marañón-Pimental, Forced Labor and Coloniality of Power in Chiapas, Mexico, in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, p. 211
Vitale Joanoni Neto, Abolition and the Brazilian Abolitionist Movement, p. 239
Ricardo Rezende Figueira, Illegal Slavery and Human Trafficking in Brazil before and after the Abolition Law, p. 251
Maribel Arrelucea-Barrantes, Work, Family, and Honor: Understanding Colonial Slavery in Peru, p. 273
Carolina Ortiz Fernández, Adolfo Quiroz Enciso, The Case of Siliadin V. France: Modern Slavery, Nation and Supranational States, Gender and Power, p. 297

Notes on Authors, p. 311
Abstracts, p. 313
Index, p. 317

a. XXXV, 2012, 2

Dale Tomich, Preface, p. 93
Colin Palmer, “Capitalism and Slavery” and the Politics of History, p. 95
David Beck Ryden, Eric Williams’ Three Faces of West India Decline, p. 117
Anthony E. Kaye, Nationalism and Abolitionist Politics in Great Britain and the United States, p. 135
William A. Darity Jr., Disposal of an Old Orthodoxy: Reading Eric Williams’ Dissertation, p. 169

a. XXXV, 2012, 1

Jonas Van Vossole, Global Climate Governance: A Legitimation Crisis: Capitalism, Power, and Alienation from Marxist and Polanyian Perspectives, p. 1

Ryan Mead, Surveys, Illustrations and Paintings: Framing Manifest Destiny in the Early American Republic, p. 31
Richard Steven Street, Photographer-Historian (and Vice Versa): Migrant Madonna to Jesus Christ: Photographing Rainbows in Fungicidal Mists while Writing a Tome, p. 61

a. XXXIV, 2011, 4

Giralda Seyferth, The Slave Plantation and Foreign Colonization in Imperial Brazil, p. 339

Olivia Gomes da Cunha, Multiple Effects: On Themes, Relations, and Caribbean Compositions, p. 391
Sidney W. Mintz, Caribbean History, Caribbean Labor, p. 407

Reflections and Comments
Michael Zeuske, Sidney Mintz: Work, Creolization, Atlanticization, p. 423
José A. Piqueras, The Red Thread, p. 429
Jane Collins, Narratives of Skill and Meaning within “Menial” Work, p. 435
Christine Rufino Dabat, Work, between Pride and Exploitation, p. 439

a. XXXIV, 2011, 3

Special Editors: Denis O’Hearn, Thomas M. Wilson

Denis O’Hearn, Thomas M. Wilson, Introduction: “Globalization” and the Nation-State in the Modern World-System, p. 253
Richard Lachmann, Nationalism in a Post-Hegemonic Era, p. 259
Nitsan Chorev, Tatiana Andia Rey, David Ciplet, The State of States in International Organizations: From the WHO to the Global Fund, p. 285
David Nugent, On the Study of Social Optics: Foucault, Counter-Surveillance, and the Political Underground in Northern Peru, p. 311

Notes on Authors, p. 333
Abstracts, p. 335

a. XXXIV, 2011, 1-2

Special Editors: Dale Tomich, Flávio dos Santos Gomes, and Olivia Gomes da Cunha

Editors, Presentation, p. 1

Sidney W. Mintz, Plantations and the Rise of a World Food Economy: Some Preliminary Ideas, p. 3
Dale Tomich, Rethinking the Plantation: Concepts and Histories, p. 15
Rômulo Andrade, African and Creole Slaves: From the Diversified Agriculture of Southern Rio de Janeiro to the Coffee Cultivation of Minas Gerais, 1802-1885, p. 41
Olivia Gomes da Cunha, Somewhere Close to Nashville: Plantation Cartographies, p. 79
Christine Rufino Dabat, Sugar Cane “Plantations” in Pernambuco: From “Natural Vocation” to Ethanol Production, p. 115
Luis Nicolau Parés, Creolization and Creole Population in Plantations of the Bahian Recôncavo, p. 139
Maria Helena P. T. Machado, Slavery and Social Movements in Nineteenth-Century Brazil: Slave Strategies and Abolition in São Paulo, p. 163
Tania Andrade Lima, Keeping a Tight Lid: The Architecture and Landscape Design of Coffee Plantations in Nineteenth-Century Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, p. 193
Maria Dulce Gaspar, Material Culture, Daily Life, and Archaeological Possibilities in the Plantation Borders of the Guanabara Bay Region, p. 217

Notes on Authors, p. 245
Abstracts, p. 247