Rural History. Economy, Society, Culture DATINI

Rural History.
Economy, Society, Culture

Cambridge, Cambridge University Press
ISSN: 0956-7933 (Print), 1474-0656 (Online)

Conservata in: Prato, Fondazione Istituto Internazionale di Storia Economica “F. Datini” – Coll: Riv. Digitale
Consistenza: v. 13, 2002, f. 1-
Lacune: –

[ 2030-2021 ] [ 2020-2011 ] [ 2010-2002 ]

copertina della rivista

n. 21, 2010, f. 2

Jeremy Burchardt, Editorial: Rurality, Modernity and National Identity between the Wars, p. 143-150

Catherine Lynch, The Country, the City, and Visions of Modernity in 1930s China, p. 151-163
Edouard Lynch, Interwar France and the Rural Exodus: The National Myth in Peril, p. 165-176
Wil Griffith, Saving the Soul of the Nation: Essentialist Nationalism and Interwar Rural Wales, p. 177-194
Anna Manchin, Interwar Hungarian Entertainment Films and the Reinvention of Rural Modernity, p. 195-212
Carin Martiin, Swedish Milk, a Swedish Duty: Dairy Marketing in the 1920s and 1930s, p. 213-232
David Jeremiah, Motoring and the British Countryside, p. 233-250

n. 21, 2010, f. 1

Steve King, Love, Religion and Power in the Making of Marriages in Early Nineteenth-Century Rural Industrial Lancashire, p. 1-26
John Pickard, Wire Fences in Colonial Australia: Technology Transfer and Adaptation, 1842-1900, p. 27-58
John Sheail, The Access to Mountains Act 1939: An Essay in Compromise, p. 59-74
Pyrs Gruffudd, The Battle of Butlin’s: Vulgarity and Virtue on the North Wales Coast, 1939-49, p. 75-95
David Matless, Charles Watkins, Paul Merchant, Nature Trails: The Production of Instructive Landscapes in Britain, 1960-72, p. 97-131

Reviews, p. 133

n. 20, 2009, f. 2

Briony A. K. Mcdonagh, Women, Enclosure and Estate Improvement in Eighteenth-Century Northamptonshire, p. 143-162
Carole King, The Rise and Decline of Village Reading Rooms, p. 163-186
Alex Otto-Morris, “Only united can we escape certain ruin”: Rural Protest at the Close of the Weimar Republic, p. 187-208
John Martin, The Commercialisation of British Turkey Production, p. 209-228
Matt Lobley, Michael Winter, ‘Born out of crisis’: Assessing the Legacy of the Exmoor Moorland Management Agreements, p. 229-247

Reviews, p. 249

n. 20, 2009, f. 1

Stephen J. Miller, The Economy of France in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries: Market Opportunity and Labour Productivity in Languedoc, p. 1-30
Peter D. Jones, ‘I cannot keep my place without being deascent’: Pauper Letters, Parish Clothing and Pragmatism in the South of England, 1750-18301, p. 31-49
Eric L. Jones, The Environmental Effects of Blood Sports in Lowland England since 1750, p. 51-66
Samantha A. Shave, The Dependent Poor? (Re)constructing The Lives of Individuals ‘On the Parish’ in Rural Dorset, 1800-18321, p. 67-97
Harm Kaal, Jelle Van Lottum, Immigrants in the Polder. Rural-Rural Long Distance Migration in North-Western Europe: The Case of Watergraafsmeer, p. 99-117
Kate Murphy, ‘The modern idea is to bring the country into the city’: Australian Urban Reformers and the Ideal of Rurality, 1900-1918, p. 119-136

Reviews, p. 137

n. 19, 2008, f. 2

Anne Winter, Caught between Law and Practice: Migrants and Settlement Legislation in the Southern Low Countries in a Comparative Perspective, c. 1700-1900, p. 137-162
Steve Poole, ‘A lasting and salutary warning’: Incendiarism, Rural Order and England’s Last Scene of Crime Execution, p. 163-177
Annie Tindley, ‘The Sword of Avenging Justice’: Politics in Sutherland after the Third Reform Act1, p. 179-199
Hilary Crowe, Keeping the Wheels of the Farm in Motion: Labour Shortages in the Uplands during the Great War, p. 201-216
Philip Conford, ‘Somewhere Quite Different’: The Seventies Generation of Organic Activists and their Context, p. 217-234

Reviews, p. 235

n. 19, 2008, f. 1

Andrew Gritt, Making Good Land from Bad: The Drainage of West Lancashire, c. 1650-1850, p. 1-27
Carl J. Griffin, ‘Cut down by some cowardly miscreants’: Plant Maiming, or the Malicious Cutting of Flora, as an Act of Protest in Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century Rural England, p. 29-54
John Pickard, Shepherding in Colonial Australia, p. 55-80
Elizabeth T. Hurren, A Radical Historian’s Pursuit of Rural History: The Political Career and Contribution of Reverend Dr. John Charles Cox, c. 1844 to 1919, p. 81-103
Angela Davis, Uncovering the Lives of Women in Post-War Oxfordshire: An Oral History Approach, p. 105-121

Reviews, p. 123

n. 18, 2007, f. 2

John Pickard, The Transition from Shepherding to Fencing in Colonial Australia, p. 143-162
Ian Farr, Farmers’ Cooperatives in Bavaria, 1880-1914: ‘State-Help’ and ‘Self-Help’ in Imperial Germany, p. 163-182
Samuel Garrido, Why Did Most Cooperatives Fail? Spanish Agricultural Cooperation in the Early Twentieth Century, p. 183-200
Richard Olney, Squire and Community: T.G. Dixon at Holton-le-Moor, 1906-1937, p. 201-216
Brian Short, War in the Fields and Villages: The County War Agricultural Committees in England, 1939-45, p. 217-244
Peter Fearon, Regulation and Response: Kansas Wheat Farmers and the New Deal1, p. 245-264

Reviews, p. 256

n. 18, 2007, f. 1

Nicholas Blomley, Making Private Property: Enclosure, Common Right and the Work of Hedges, p. 1-21
Sabrina Joseph, The Legal Status of Tenants and Sharecroppers in Seventeenth- and Eighteenth-Century France and Ottoman Syria, p. 23-46
Sarah Webster, Estate Improvement and the Professionalisation of Land Agents on the Egremont Estates in Sussex and Yorkshire, 1770-1835, p. 47-69
Niels Grüne, Commerce and Community in the Countryside: The Social Ambiguity of Market-Oriented Farming in Pre-Industrial Northern South-West Germany (c.1770-1860), p. 71-93
Susanne Seymour, Rupert Calvocoressi, Landscape Parks and the Memorialisation of Empire: The ‘Pierreponts’ ‘Naval Seascape’ in Thoresby Park, Nottinghamshire during the French Wars, 1793-1815, p. 95-118
Celia Cordle, The Guano Voyages, p. 119-133

Harold Fox, Maurice Beresford 1920-2005, p. 135-136

Reviews, p. 137

n. 17, 2006, f. 2

Aleksandar N. Brzic, Some Observations on the Role of Ducats in the Balkans in Late Medieval and Modern Times, p. 117-147
Salvador Calatayud, Jesús Millán, M. Cruz Romeo, Leaseholders in Capitalist Arcadia: Bourgeois Hegemony and Peasant Opportunities in the Valencian Countryside during the Nineteenth Century, p. 149-166
Gwyneth Nair, David Poyner, The Flight from the Land? Rural Migration in South-East Shropshire in the Late Nineteenth Century, p. 167-186
Harvey Osborne, Michael Winstanley, Rural and Urban Poaching in Victorian England, p. 187-212
Michael Tichelar, ‘Putting Animals into Politics’: The Labour Party and Hunting in the First Half of the Twentieth Century, p. 213-234

Reviews, p. 235

n. 17, 2006, f. 1

Dennis Mills, Canwick (Lincolnshire) and Melbourn (Cambridgeshire) in Comparative Perspective within the Open-Closed Village Model, p. 1-22
S. A. Caunce, Mechanisation and Society in English Agriculture: The Experience of the North-East, 1850-1914, p. 23-45
K. J. James, Handicraft, Mass Manufacture and Rural Female Labour: Industrial Work in North-West Ireland, 1890-1914, p. 47-63
Albion M. Urdank, The Rationalisation of Rural Sport: British Sheepdog Trials, 1873-1946, p. 65-82
R. J. Moore-Colyer, The Call to the Land: British and European Adult Voluntary Farm Labour; 1939-49, p. 83-101

Reviews, p. 103

n. 16, 2005, f. 2

Rhiannon Thompson, A Breed Apart? Class and Community in a Somerset Coal-Mining Parish, c.1750-1850, p. 137-159
Steve King, ‘It is impossible for our Vestry to judge his case into perfection from here’: Managing the Distance Dimensions of Poor Relief, 1800-40, p. 161-189
Edwin Jaggard, Farmers and English County Politics 1832-80, p. 191-207
Albert Doja, Dreaming of Fecundity in Rural Society, p. 209-233
Paul Brassley, The Professionalisation of English Agriculture?, p. 235-251

Reviews, p. 253

n. 16, 2005, f. 1

Hamish Graham, Greedy or Needy? Forest Administration and Landowners’ Attitudes in South-Western France during the Eighteenth Century, p. 1-20
Samantha Williams, Earnings, Poor Relief and the Economy of Makeshifts: Bedfordshire in the Early Years of the New Poor Law, p. 21-52
Alasdair Crockett, Rural-Urban Churchgoing in Victorian England, p. 53-82
Eric L. Jones, The Land that Richard Jefferies Inherited, p. 83-93
Duncan Kottler, Charles Watkins, Chris Lavers, The Transformation of Sherwood Forest in the Twentieth Century: The Role of Private Estate Forestry, p. 95-110
Peter Parkes, A Pasture in Common: A Twentieth-Century Environmental History of Ewyas Harold Common (Herefordshire), p. 111-132

Reviews, p. 133

n. 15, 2004, f. 2

Carl J. Griffin, ‘Policy on the Hoof’: Sir Robert Peel, Sir Edward Knatchbull and the Trial of the Elham Machine Breakers, 1830, p. 127-148
Fernando Collantes, Vicente Pinilla, Extreme Depopulation in the Spanish Rural Mountain Areas: A Case Study of Aragon in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, p. 149-166
Michael Tichelar, The Scott Report and the Labour Party: The Protection of the Countryside during the Second World War, p. 167-187
Richard Moore-Colyer, Philip Conford, A ‘Secret Society’? The Internal and External Relations of the Kinship in Husbandry, 1941-52, p. 189-206
John Sheail, The Mink Menace: The Politics of Vertebrate Pest Control, p. 207-222

Reviews, p. 223

n. 15, 2004, f. 1

Robert A. Dodgshon, Coping with Risk: Subsistence Crises in the Scottish Highlands and Islands, 1600-1800, p. 1-25
Jan Pitman, Tradition and Exclusion: Parochial Officeholding in Early Modern England, A Case Study from North Norfolk, 1580-1640, p. 27-45
Hugh Clout, The Contested Commonlands of the Pays de Bray, p. 47-67
John Stewart, Steve King, Death in Llantrisant: Henry Williams and the New Poor Law in Wales, p. 69-87
Chiaki Yamamoto, Two Labour Markets in Nineteenth-Century English Agriculture: The Trentham Home Farm, Staffordshire, p. 89-116

Reviews, p. 117

n. 14, 2003, f. 2

Joan Kent, Steve King, Changing Patterns of Poor Relief in Some English Rural Parishes Circa 1650-1750, p. 119-156
Sandrine Petit, Charles Watkins, Pollarding Trees: Changing Attitudes to a Traditional Land Management Practice in Britain 1600-1900, p. 157-176
David Fletcher, The Parish Boundary: A Social Phenomenon in Hanoverian England, p. 177-196
Robert Lee, Customs in Conflict: Some Causes of Anti-Clericalism in Rural Norfolk, 1815-1914, p. 197-218
Margaret Butler, ‘Paysan, paysage, patrie: French Films and Rural Life, 1940-1950’, p. 219-237

Reviews, p. 239

n. 14, 2003, f. 2

Miriam Müller, The Aims and Organisation of a Peasant Revolt in Early Fourteenth-Century Wiltshire, p. 1-20
Ian Whyte, ‘Wild, Barren and Frightful’ – Parliamentary Enclosure in an Upland County: Westmorland 1767-1890, p. 21-38
Delia Garratt, Primitive Methodist Circuits in the English-Welsh Borderland, p. 39-80
Mike Benbough-Jackson, ‘Landlord Careless’? Landowners, Tenants and Agriculture on Four Estates in West Wales, 1850-75, p. 81-98
Jessie Embry, Point Four, Utah State University Technicians, and Rural Development in Iran, 1950-64, p. 99-113

Reviews, p. 115

n. 13, 2002, f. 2

Mark Williams, ‘Our Poore People in Tumults Arose’: Living in Poverty in Earls Colne, Essex, 1560-1640, p. 123-143
Ben Cowell, The Commons Preservation Society and the Campaign for Berkhamsted Common, 1866-70, p. 145-161
Marjatta Rahikainen, Compulsory Child Labour: Parish Paupers as Indentured Servants in Finland, c. 1810-1920, p. 163-178
Janice Helland, Rural Women and Urban Extravagance in Late Nineteenth-Century Britain, p. 179-197
R. J. Moore-Colyer, A Voice Clamouring in the Wilderness: H. J. Massingham (1888-1952) and Rural England, p. 199-224
Philip Conford, Finance versus Farming: Rural Reconstruction and Economic Reform, 1894-1955, p. 225-241

David R. Stead, The Victorian Countryside a Hundred Years On, p. 243-251

Reviews, p. 253

n. 13, 2002, f. 1

Tim Shakesheff, Wood and Crop Theft in Rural Herefordshire, 1800-60, p. 1-17
Iñaki Iriarte-Goñi, Common Lands in Spain, 1800-1995: Persistence, Change and Adaptation, p. 19-37
Kathleen Watt, ‘Making drain tiles a “home manufacture”‘: Agricultural Consumers and the Social Construction of Clayworking Technology in the 1840s, p. 39-60
Gary Moses, Reshaping Rural Culture? The Church of England and Hiring Fairs in the East Riding of Yorkshire c. 1850-80, p. 61-84
Michael Tichelar, The Labour Party and Land Reform in the Inter-War Period, p. 85-101

Reviews, p. 103