Scandinavian Economic History Review DATINI

Scandinavian Economic History Review

København, The Scandinavian Society for Economic and Social History
Semestrale; dal 1981 quadrimestrale
ISSN: 0358-5522
Conservata in: Prato, Fondazione Istituto Internazionale di Storia Economica “F. Datini”, Coll: Riv. 64
Consistenza: v. 49, 2001, 1-v. 56, 2008, 3

Conservata in: Università degli Studi di Firenze, Biblioteca di Scienze Sociali
Punto di servizio: Economia; Riv. str. 0273
Consistenza: v. 1, 1953, 1-

[ 2030-2021 ] [ 2020-2011 ] [ 2010-2001 ] [ 2000-1991 ] [ 1990-1981 ] [ 1980-1971 ] [ 1970-1961 ] [ 1960-1953 ]

copertina della rivista

v. 28, 1980, 2


Ove Hornby, Carl-Axel Nilsson, The Transition from Sail to Steam in the Danish Merchant Fleet, p. 109
Ole Gjølberg, The Substitution of Steam for Sail in Norwegian Ocean Shipping, p. 135
Martin Fritz, Shipping in Sweden, p. 147
Yrjö Kaukiainen, The Transition from Sail to Steam in Finnish Shipping, p. 161

Book Reviews, p. 185
Books and Publications Received, p. 205
Select Bibliography for 1979, p. 207
Economie History Congress, p. 218

v. 28, 1980, 1

Salim Rashid, Economists, Economic Historians and Mercantilism, p. 1
Mats Morell, On the Stratification of the Swedish Peasant Class, p. 15
Esa Santala, The Kirkenes Pulp Mill Project, p. 33
Helgi Skúli Kjartansson, Emigrant Fares and Emigration from Iceland to North America, p. 53

Cart-Johan Gadd, Rejoinder to Sture Martinius on Peasant Destinies, p. 72
Sture Martinius, A Rejoinder to a Rejoinder about Peasant Destinies, p. 73

Review Article, p. 75
Book Reviews, p. 80
Books and Publications Received, p. 100
Economic History Congresses, p. 103

v. 27, 1979, 2

Gunner Lind, Development and Location of Industry in Danish Provincial Towns 1855-1882, p. 101
Lee Soltow, Wealth Distribution in Denmark in 1789, p. 121
Thomas Lindbland, Swedish Shipping with the Netherlands in the Second Half of the Eighteenth Century, p. 139

Sture Martinius, Reply to Carl-Johan Gadd’s Review on Peasant Destinies, p. 166

Reviews, p. 169
Books and Publications Received, p. 194
Select Bibliography, p. 196

v. 27, 1979, 1

Oiva Turpeinen, Infant Mortality in Finland 1749-1865, p. 1
Erik Gøbel, The Danish Asiatic Company’s Voyages to China. 1732-1833, p. 22
Jorma Ahvenainen, The Paper Industry in Finland – and in Russia 1885-1913, p. 47

Kari Pitkänen, Finnish Mortality in the Eighteenth Cenuury: a Reply, p. 67

Review article, p. 68
Reviews, p. 77
Books and Publications Received, p. 99

v. 26, 1978, 2

Lars Magnusson, Eli Heckscher, Mercantillism, and the Favourable Balance of Trade, p. 103
Ole Feldback, Danish East India Trade 1772-1807. Statistics and Structure, p. 128
Tore Hanisch, The Economic Crisis in Norway in the 1930s: A Tentative Analysis of Its Causes, p. 145

Carl-Axel Nilsson, ‘Foreign Trade and the Breakthrough of the Engineering Industry in Sweden’; a comment, p. 156
Jan Kuuse, The Development of the Swedish Engineering Industry: a rejoinder, p. 164
Eino Jutikkala, Finnish Mortality in the Eighteenth Century: the Sources and the Reality, p. 168

Reviews, p. 170
Books and Publications Received, p. 197
Select Bibliography, p. 200

v. 26, 1978, 1

Karl Erik Gustafsson, The Circulation Spiral and the Principle of Household Coverage, p. 1
D. G. Kirby, Revolutionary Ferment in Finland and the Origins of the Civil War 1917-1918, p. 15
Christian Koninckx, The Maritime Routes of the Swedish East India Company during its First and Second Charter, p. 36
Erkki Markkanen, The Use of Probate Inventories as Indicators of Personal Wealth during the Period of Industrialization: the Financial Resources of the Finnish Rural Population 1850-1911, p. 66

Review Article, p. 84
Reviews, p. 88
Books Received, p. 100

v. 25, 1977, 2

Claus Bjørn, The Peasantry and Agrarian Reform in Denmark, p. 117
Kari Pitkänen, The Reliability of the Registration of Births and Deaths in Finland, p. 138
Sune Åkerman, An Evaluation of the Family Reconstitution Technique, p. 160

Reviews, p. 171
Bibliography, p. 199

v. 25, 1977, 1

Jan Kuuse, Foreign Trade and the Breaktrough of the Engineering Industry in Sweden 1890-1920, p. 1
Thomas Munck, The Economic and Social Position of Peasant Freeholders in Late Seventeenth-Century Denmark, p. 37
Anneli Mäkelä, Deserted Lands and Tenements in Hattula and Porvoo to 1607, p. 62

Reviews, p. 88

v. 24, 1976, 2

Jake Knoppers, A Comparison of the Sound Accounts and the Amsterdam Galjootsgeldregisters, p. 93
Sølvi Sogner, A Demographic Crisis Averted?, p. 114
Hans Chr. Johansen, The Position of the Old in the Rural Household in a Traditional Society, p. 129
James A. Dunlevy, Henry A. Gemery, Some Additional Evidence on Settlement Patterns of Scandinavian Migrants to the United States, p. 143

Reviews, p. 153
Bibliography, p. 174

v. 24, 1976, 1

Bo Gullberg, Birgitta Odén, AID Analysis and Migration History, p. 1
Sune Åkerman, Egil Johansson, Dichotomising Research, p. 28
Bo Gullberg, Birgitta Odén, Comment, p. 31
Veikko Anttila, The Modernisation of Finnish Peasant Farming in the late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries, p. 33
Sven-Olof Olsson, The documents of ‘Zentrale Planung’ as a basis for research on the German war economy, p. 45

Reviews, p. 60

v. 23, 1975, 2

Karl-Gustaf Hildebrand, Economic Policy in Scandinavia during the interwar period, p. 99
E. Ladewig Petersen, From Domain State to Tax State, p. 116
Sune Åkerman, Internal migration, Industrialisation and Urbanisation, p. 149
Eino Jutikkala, Large Scale Farming in Scandinavia in the 17th century, p. 159

Reviews, p. 167
Bibliography, p. 189

v. 23, 1975, 1

Sven-Erik Åström, Technology and timber exports from the Gulf of Finland, 1661-1740, p. 1
Martin Fritz, Swedish Ball-Bearings and The German War Economy, p. 15
Sivert Langholm, Short-Distance Migration, Circles and Flows: Movement to and from Ullensaker According to the Population Census Lists of 1865, p. 36

Reviews, p. 63

v. 22, 1974, 2

David Kirby, The Royal Navy’s quest for pitch and tar during the reign of Queen Anne, p. 97
Kåre Lunden, Some Causes of Change in a Peasant Economy, p. 117
Kent Olsson, Methods and Sources for the Study of Swedish Standards of Living, p. 136

Reviews, p. 152
Bibliography, p. 154

v. 22, 1974, 1

Jorma Ahvenainen, The competitive position of the Finnish paper industry in the inter-war years, p. 1
Jan Kuuse, The probate inventory as a source for economic and social history, p. 22
Sune Åkerman, Per G. Cassel, Egil Johansson, Background variables of population mobility: An attempt at automatic interaction detector analysis, p. 32
Ove Homby, Gunnar Viby Mogensen, The Study of Economic History in Denmark, Recent Trends and Problems, p. 61

Reviews, p. 89

v. 21, 1973, 2

Martin Fritz, Swedish Iron Ore and German Steel 1939-40, p. 133
Oiva Turpeinen, Regional Differentials in Finnish Mortality Rates 1816-1865, p. 145
Bengt Fagerberg, The Transfer of Peasant Forest to Sawmill Companies in Northern Sweden, p. 164

Reviews, p. 192
Bibliography, p. 213

v. 21, 1973, 1

Lars Furhoff, Some Reflections on Newspaper Concentration, p. 1
Erkki Markkanen, Wealth and Credit in the Finnish Countryside, 1850-1910, p. 28
Ole Feldbæk, Dutch Batavia Trade via Copenhagen 1795-1807. A Study of Colonial Trade and Neutrality, p. 43

Review articles, p. 76
Reviews, p. 85

v. 20, 1972, 2

Jean Maurice Bizière, The Baltic Wine Trade 1563-1657, p. 121
Tim Velschow, Voyages of the Danish Asiatic Company to India and China, p. 133

Comment and Reply
Francis Sejersted, The Industrial Revolution in Norway, p. 153
Lennart Jörberg, The Industrial Revolution in Norway, p. 165
Francis Sejersted, A Rejoinder, p. 171

Review article, p. 174
Reviews, p. 182
Bibliography, p. 206
Announcement, p. 214

v. 20, 1972, 1

Poul Thestrup, Methodological Problems of a Family Reconstitution Study in a Danish Rural Parish before 1800, p. 1
Ståle Dyrvik, Historical Demography in Norway 1660-1801: A Short Survey, p. 27
Ingrid Semmingsen, Emigration from Scandinavia, p. 45
Hans Chr. Johansen, Some Aspects of Danish Rural Population Structure in 1787, p. 61
Hans Chr. Johansen, Eino Jutikkala, Bj. Teitsson, Sture Martinius, Current Research in Economic History in Scandinavia: Historical Demography, p. 71

Stein Tveite, Population and Society in Norway, p. 78
Michael Drake, Apologia pro vita Scandinavica, p. 84

Review Articles, p. 89
Reviews, p. 102

v. 19, 1971, 2

Ole Lange, Denmark in China 1839-65: A Pawn in a British Game, p. 71
Yrjö Kaukiainen, Finland’s peasant seafarers and Stockholm, p. 118
K. K. Sircar, Emigration of Indian Indentured Labour to the Danish West Indian Island of St. Croix 1863-68, p. 133
Sv. E. Green-Pedersen, The Scope and Structure of the Danish Negro Slave Trade, p. 149

Reviews, p. 198
Bibliography, p. 226
Announcement, p. 232

v. 19, 1971, 1

Johan Jorgensen, The Economic Condition of Zealand Provincial Towns in the Eighteenth Century, p. 1
Kustaa Hautala, From the Black Sea to the, Atlantic: Finnish Merchant Shipping in the late nineteenth Century, p. 12
Jan Kuuse, Mechanisation, Commercialisation and the Protectionist Movement in Swedish Agriculture, p. 23
R. J. Morrison, The Duchies and the Kingdom: Nineteenth-Century Denmark and the Theory of Customs Unions, p. 45

Review Artiche, p. 51
Reviews, p. 60