Explorations in Economic History DATINI

Explorations in Economic History

New York, Kent State University
ISSN: 0014-4983

Conservata in: Università degli Studi di Firenze, Biblioteca di Scienze Sociali

– Punto di servizio: Economia – Coll: Riv. Str. 0572
Consistenza: v. 25, 1988, 1-v. 38, 2001, 4

– Punto di servizio: Scienze Politiche – Coll: Riv. Str. 0517
Consistenza: v. 17, 1980, 1-

[ 2030-2021 ] [ 2020-2011 ] [ 2010-2001 ] [ 2000-1991] [ 1990-1980 ]

copertina della rivista

v. 37, 2000, 4

Tarik M. Yousef, The Political Economy of Interwar Egyptian Cotton Policy, p. 301
Chris Minns, Income, Cohort Effects, and Occupational Mobility: A New Look at Immigration to the United States at the Turn of the 20th Century, p. 326
Jörg Baten, John E. Murray, Heights of Men and Women in 19th-Century Bavaria: Economic, Nutritional, and Disease Influences, p. 351
Barbara Alexander, Gary D. Libecap, The Effect of Cost Heterogeneity in the Success and Failure of the New Deal’s Agricultural and Industrial Programs, p. 370

v. 37, 2000, 3

Ian Keay, Scapegoats or Responsive Entrepreneurs: Canadian Manufacturers, 1907-1990, p. 217
Daniel A. Ackerberg, Maristella Botticini, The Choice of Agrarian Contracts in Early Renaissance Tuscany: Risk Sharing, Moral Hazard, or Capital Market Imperfections?, p. 241
Thomas R. Walker, Economic Opportunity on the Urban Frontier: Wealth and Nativity in Early San Francisco, p. 258
Douglas A. Irwin, Could the United States Iron Industry Have Survived Free Trade after the Civil War?, p. 278

v. 37, 2000, 2

R. Alton Gilbert, The Advent of the Federal Reserve and the Efficiency of the Payments System: The Collection of Checks, 1915-1930, p. 121
Mette Ejrnæs, Karl Gunnar Persson, Market Integration and Transport Costs in France 1825-1903: A Threshold Error Correction Approach to the Law of One Price, p. 149
Ian Gazeley, Andrew Newell, Rowntree Revisited: Poverty in Britain, 1900, p. 174
Byron Lew, The Diffusion of Tractors on the Canadian Praires: The Threshold Model and the Problem of Uncertainty, p. 189

v. 37, 2000, 1

Leandro Prados de la Escosura, International Comparisons of Real Product, 1820-1990: An Alternative Data Set, p. 1
Farley Grubb, The Statutory Regulation of Colonial Servitude: An Incomplete-Contract Approach, p. 42
Marc D. Weidenmier, The Market for Confederate Cotton Bonds, p. 76
David Greasley, Les Oxley, British Industrialization, 1815-1860: A Disaggregate Time-Series Perspective, p. 98

v. 36, 1999, 4

Caroline Fohlin, Universal Banking in Pre-World War I Germany: Model or Myth?, p. 305
Gary Bryan Magee, Technological Development and Foreign Patenting: Evidence from 19th-Century Australia, p. 344
Sukkoo Kim, The Rise of Multiunit Firms in U.S. Manufacturing, p. 360
Chulhee Lee, Farm Value and Retirement of Farm Owners in Early-Twentieth-Century America, p. 387
Brian C. Gendreau, Risk Structure of Postbellum U.S. Deposit Rates, p. 409
Mae Baker, Michael Collins, Financial Crises and Structural Change in English Commercial Bank Assets, 1860-1913, p. 426

v. 36, 1999, 3

Adam Klug, Gregor W. Smith, Suez and Sterling, 1956, p. 181
Michael Huberman, Denise Young, Cross-Border Unions: Internationals in Canada, 1901-1914, p. 204
Richard Engelbrecht-Wiggans, Tomas Nonnenmacher, A Theoretical Basis for 19th-Century Changes to the Port of New York Imported Goods Auction, p. 232
William J. Collins, Labor Mobility, Market Integration, and Wage Convergence in Late 19th Century India, p. 246
Howard Bodenhorn, An Engine of Growth: Real Bills and Schumpeterian Banking in Antebellum New York, p. 278
Announcement, p. 303

v. 36, 1999, 2

Moshe Justman, Mark Gradstein, The Industrial Revolution, Political Transition, and the Subsequent Decline in Inequality in 19th-Century Britain, p. 109
Robert A. Margo, Regional Wage Gaps and the Settlement of the Midwest, p. 128
Jeremy Atack, Peter L. Rousseau, Business Activity and the Boston Stock Market, 1835-1869, p. 144

v. 36, 1999, 1

William James Adams, The Political Economy of Agriculture in France’s Fifth Republic, p. 1
Simone A. Wegge, To Part or Not to Part: Emigration and Inheritance Institutions in Nineteenth-Century Hesse-Cassel, p. 30
Alan G. Green, Gordon R. Sparks, Population Growth and the Dynamics of Canadian Development: A Multivariate Time Series Approach, p. 56
Carolyn M. Moehling, State Child Labor Laws and the Decline of Child Labor, p. 72
Erratum, p. 107

v. 35, 1998, 4

Aidan Hollis, Arthur Sweetman, Microcredit in Prefamine Ireland, p. 347
Ellis Tallman, Jon Moen, Gold Shocks, Liquidity, and the United States Economy during the National Banking Era, p. 381
Barry K. Goodwin, Thomas J. Grennes, Tsarist Russia and the World Wheat Market, p. 405
C. R. Winegarden, John E. Murray, The Contributions of Early Health-Insurance Programs to Mortality Declines in Pre-World War I Europe: Evidence from Fixed-Effects Models, p. 431

v. 35, 1998, 3

Jeffrey G. Williamson, Growth, Distribution, and Demography: Some Lessons from History, p. 241
Thomas N. Maloney, Racial Segregation, Working Conditions, and Workers’ Health: Evidence from the A. M. Byers Company, 1916-1930, p. 272
Livio Di Matteo, Wealth Accumulation and the Life-Cycle in Economic History: Implications of Alternative Approaches to Data, p. 296
Carlos Newland, Barry Poulson, Purely Animal: Pastoral Production and Early Argentine Economic Growth 1825-1865, p. 325
Announcement, p. 346

v. 35, 1998, 2

Price a. Fishback, Shawn Everett Kantor, The Political Economy of Workers’ Compensation Benefit Levels, 1910-1930, p. 109
John Joseph Wallis, The Political Economy of New Deal Spending Revisited, Again: With and without Nevada, p. 140
David Greasley, Les Oxley, Comparing British and American Economic and Industrial Performance 1860-1993: A Time Series Perspective, p. 171
John Sedgwick, Michael Pokorny, The Risk Environment of Film Making: Warner Bros in the Inter-War Years, p. 196
Catherine R. Schenk, The Origins of the Eurodollar Market in London: 1955-1963, p. 221
Announcements, p. 239

v. 35, 1998, 1

Thràinn Eggertsson, Sources of Risk, Institutions for Survival, and a Game against Nature in Premodern Iceland, p. 1
Trish Kelly, Ability and Willingness to Pay in the Age of Pax Britannica, 1890-1914, p. 31
Gregory Clark, Land Hunger: Land as a Commodity and as a Status Good, England, 1500-1910, p. 59
Caroline Fohlin, “Fiduciari” and Firm Liquidity Constraints: The Italian Experience with German-Style Universal Banking, p. 83

v. 34, 1997, 4

Robert C. Allen, Agricultural Marketing and the Possibilities for Industrialization in the Soviet Union in the 1930s, p. 387
Stephen Quinn, Goldsmith-Banking Mutual Acceptance and Interbanker Clearing in Restoration London, p. 411
John Komlos, Peter Coclanis, On the Puzzling Cycle in the Biological Standard of Living: The Case of Antebellum Georgia, p. 433
Dwayne Benjamin, Loren Brandt, Land, Factor Markets, and Inequality in Rural China: Historical Evidence, p. 460
Karen Clay, Trade, Institutions, and Credit, p. 495
Announcements, p. 522

v. 34, 1997, 3

Kenneth L. Sokoloff, Viken Tchakerian, Manufacturing Where Agriculture Predominates: Evidence from the South and Midwest in 1860, p. 243
Fabrizio Mattesini, Beniamino Quintieri, Italy and the Great Depression: An Analysis of the Italian Economy, 1929-1936, p. 265
Joseph P. Ferrie, The Entry into the U.S. Labor Market of Antebellum European Immigrants, 1840-1860, p. 295
Akira Motomura, New Data on Minting, Seigniorage, and the Money Supply in Spain (Castile), 1597-1643, p. 331
Paul Huck, Shifts in the Seasonality of Infant Deaths in Nine English towns during the 19th Century: A Case for Reduced Breast Feeding?, p. 368

v. 34, 1997, 2

Robert C. Allen, Agriculture and the Origins of the State in Ancient Egypt, p. 135
Bishnupriya Gupta, Collusion in the Indian Tea Industry in the Great Depression: An Analysis of Panel Data, p. 155
C. Paul Hallwood, Ronald MacDonald, Ian W. Marsh, Crash! Expectational Aspects of the Departures of the United Kingdom and the United States from the Inter-War Gold Standard, p. 174
Anthony Patrick O’Brien, The Importance of Adjusting Production to Sales in the Early Automobile Industry, p. 195
Chibuike Ugochukwu Uche, Bank of England vs the IBRD: Did the Nigerian Colony Deserve a Central Bank?, p. 220
Announcement, p. 242

v. 34, 1997, 1

Thierry Magnac, Gilles Postel-Vinay, Wage Competition between Agriculture and Industry in Mid-Nineteenth Century France, p. 1
Chulhee Lee, Socioeconomic Background, Disease, and Mortality among Union Army Recruits: Implications for Economic and Demographic History, p. 27
George R. Boyer, Poor Relief, Informal Assistance, and Short Time during the Lancashire Cotton Famine, p. 56
Jac C. Heckeiman, John Joseph Wallis, Railroads and Property Taxes, p. 77
Alan M. Taylor, Peopling the Pampa: On the Impact of Mass Migration to the River Plate, 1870-1914, p. 100
Announcement, p. 133

v. 33, 1996, 4

Marc Flandreau, Adjusting to the Gold Rush: Endogenous Bullion Points and the French Balance of Payments 1846-1870, p. 417
Lea a. Carty, Regional Interest Rate Premia in the American Railroad Bond Market from 1876 to 1890, p. 440
Walter Bauernfeind, Ulrich Woitek, Agrarian Cycles in Germany 1339-1670: A Spectral Analysis of Grain Prices and Output in Nuremberg, p. 459
Ernst Juerg Weber, “Imaginary” or “Real” Moneys of Account in Medieval Europe? An Econometric Analysis of the Basle Pound, 1365-1429, p. 479
Gillian Hamilton, The Market for Montreal Apprentices: Contract Length and Information, p. 496
Mary Eschelbach Gregson, Wealth Accumulation and Distribution in the Midwest in the Late Nineteenth Century, p. 524
Announcements, p. 541

v. 33, 1996, 3

Terence C. Mills, N. F. R. Crafts, Trend Growth in British Industrial Output, 1700-1913: A Reappraisal, p. 277
Ian Gazeley, Patricia Rice, Wages and Employment in Britain between the Wars: Quarterly Evidence from the Shipbuilding Industry, p. 296
Joyce Burnette, Testing for Occupational Crowding in Eighteenth-Century British Agriculture, p. 319
Barton Hamilton, Mary MacKinnon, Quits and Layoffs in Early Twentieth Century Labor Markets, p. 346
Roger Koppl, Leland B. Yeager, Big Players and Herding in Asset Markets: The Case of the Russian Ruble, p. 367
Curtis J. Simon, Clark Nardinelli, The Talk of the town: Human Capital, Information, and the Growth of English Cities, 1861 to 1961, p. 384
Announcements, p. 414

v. 33, 1996, 2

Joel Mokyr, Cormac Ó Gráda, Height and Health in the United Kingdom 18 15-1860: Evidence from the East India Company Army, p. 141
Frank D. Lewis, Agricultural Property and the 1948 Palestinian Refugees: Assessing the Loss, p. 169
J. C. Herbert Emery, Risky Business? Nonactuarial Pricing Practices and the Financial Viability of Fraternal Sickness Insurers, p. 195
Mark T. Kanazawa, Possession is Nine Points of the Law: The Political Economy of Early Public Land Disposal, p. 227
Giovanni Federico, An Econometric Model of World Silk Production, 1870-1914, p. 250
Announcements, p. 275

v. 33, 1996, 1

Peter H. Lindert, What Limits Social Spending?, p. 1
Christopher Hanes, Immigrants’ Relative Rate of Wage Growth in the Late 19th Century, p. 35
L. Lynne Klesling, Institutional Choice Matters: The Poor Law and Implicit Labor Contracts in Victorian Lancashire, p. 65
John R. Hanson II, Human Capital and Direct Investment in Poor Countries, p. 86
Margaret C. Levenstein, Do Price Wars Facilitate Collusion? A Study of the Bromine Cartel before World War I, p. 107
Announcements, p. 138

v. 32, 1995, 4

Michael D. Bordo, Finn E. Kydland, The Gold Standard As a Rule: An Essay in Exploration, p. 423
David Eltis, David Richardson, Productivity in the Transatlantic Slave Trade, p. 465
Sara Horrell, Jane Humphries, “The Exploitation of Little Children”: Child Labor and the Family Economy in the Industrial Revolution, p. 485
Jonathan B. Pritchett, Insan Tunali, Strangers’ Disease: Determinants of Yellow Fever Mortality during the New Orleans Epidemic of 1853, p. 517
Dora L. Costa, Agricultural Decline and the Secular Rise in Male Retirement Rates, p. 540
Erratum, p. 553

v. 32, 1995, 3

Ann M. Carlos, Frank D. Lewis, The Creative Financing of an Unprofitable Enterprise: The Grand Trunk Railway of Canada, 1853-1881, p. 273
Olivier Jeanne, Monetary Policy in England 1893-19 14: A Structural VAR Analysis, p. 302
S. N. Broadberry, A. Ritschl, Real Wages, Productivity and Unemployment in Britain and Germany during the 1920s, p. 327
Anne Booth, Real Domestic Income of Indonesia, 1880-1989: A Comment and an Estimate, p. 350
Clemens J. M. Kool, War Finance and Interest Rate Targeting: Regime Changes in 1914-1918, p. 365
Raymond L. Cohn, Occupational Evidence on the Causes of Immigration to the United States, 1836-1853, p. 383
Forrest H. Capie, Terence C. Mills, British Bank Conservatism in the Late 19th Century, p. 409
Announcement, p. 421

v. 32, 1995, 2

Jeffrey G. Williamson, The Evolution of Global Labor Markets since 1830: Background Evidence and Hypotheses, p. 141
James L. Butkiewicz, The Impact of a Lender of Last Resort during the Great Depression: The Case of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation, p. 197
John E. Murray, Human Capital in Religious Communes: Literacy and Selection of Nineteenth Century Shakers, p. 217
Lewis T. Evans, Neil C. Quigley, What Can Univariate Models Tell Us about Canadian Economic Growth 1870-1985?, p. 236
Kris Inwood, Thanasis Stengos, Rejoinder: Segmented Trend Models of Canadian Economic Growth, p. 253
David Greasley, Les Oxley, Balanced versus Compromise Estimates of UK GDP 1870-1913, p. 262

v. 32, 1995, 1

G. N. Von Tunzelmann, Time-saving Technical Change: The Cotton Industry in the English Industrial Revolution, p. 1
Sophia Lazaretou, Government Spending, Monetary Policies, and Exchange Rate Regime Switches: The Drachma in the Gold Standard Period, p. 28
Mahinda Siriwardana, The Causes of the Depression in Australia in the 1930s: A General Equilibrium Evaluation, p. 51
Shawn Everett Kantor, The Political Economy of Coalition Formation: The Case of Livestock Enclosure in the Postbellum South, p. 82
Werner Troesken, Antitrust Regulation before the Sherman Act: The Break-Up of the Chicago Gas Trust Company, p. 109
Announcements, p. 137

v. 31, 1994, 4

Lee J. Alston, Wayne A. Grove, David C. Wheelock, Why Do Banks Fail? Evidence from the 1920s, p. 409
Ian W. McLean, Saving in Settler Economies: Australian and North American Comparisons, p. 432
Pierre Sicsic, Establishment Size and Economies of Scale in 19th-Century France, p. 453
Daniel Barbezat, Structural Rigidity and the Severity of the German Depression: The AVI and the German Steel Cartels 1925-1932, p. 479
Craig Heinicke, African-American Migration and Mechanized Cotton Harvesting, 1950-1960, p. 501
S. N. Broadberry, Comparative Productivity in British and American Manufacturing during the Nineteenth Century, p. 521
Announcements, p. 549

v. 31, 1994, 3

Robert Higgs, The Cold War Economy: Opportunity Costs, Ideology, and the Polities of Crisis, p. 283

Ann M. Carlos, Bonding and the Agency Problem: Evidence from the Royal African Company, 1672-1691, p. 313
James R. Irwin, Explaining the Decline in Southern per Capita Output after Emancipation, p. 336
David C. Wheelock, Subal C. Kumbhakar, “The Slack Banker Dances”: Deposit Insurance and Risk-Taking in the Banking Collapse of the 1920s, p. 357
Farley Grubb, Tony Stitt, The Liverpool Emigrant Servant Trade and the Transition to Slave Labor in the Chesapeake, 1697-1707: Market Adjustments to War, p. 376
Announcements, p. 406

v. 31, 1994, 2

Alan Dye, Cane Contracting and Renegotiation: A Fixed Effects Analysis of the Adoption of New Technologies in the Cuban Sugar Industry, 1899-1929, p. 141
N. F. R. Crafts, Terence C. Mills, Trends in Real Wages in Britain, 1750-1913, p. 176
Ian Gazeley, Prices in Interwar Britain, p. 195
Richard F. Muth, Real Land Rentals in Early Roman, p. 210
Lance Brennan, John McDonald, Ralph Shlomowitz, Trends in the Economic Well-Being of South Indians under British Rule: The Anthropometric Evidence, p. 225
Nancy W. Clegg, Clyde G. Reed, The Economic Decline of the Church in Medieval England, p. 261
Announcement, p. 281

v. 31, 1994, 1

Peter H. Lindert, The Rise of Social Spending, 1880-1930, p. 1
Timothy W. Guinnane, A Failed Institutional Transplant: Raiffeisen’s Credit Cooperatives in Ireland, 1894-1914, p. 38
Carl Hampus Lyttkens, A Predatory Democracy? An Essay on Taxation in Classical Athens, p. 62
Ronald N. Johnson, Gary D. Libecap, Patronage to Merit and Control of the Federal Government Labor Force, p. 91
Kevin O’Rourke, The Repeal of the Corn Laws and Irish Emigration, p. 120
Announcement, p. 139

v. 30, 1993, 4

William A. Sundstrom, Joshua L. Rosenbloom, Occupational Differences in the Dispersion of Wages and Working Hours: Labor Market Integration in the United States, 1890-1903, p. 379
Robert A. Margo, The Labor Force Participation of Older Americans in 1900: Further Results, p. 409
Dora L. Costa, Height, Weight, Wartime Stress, and Older Age Mortality: Evidence from the Union Army Records, p. 424
Robin Pearson, Capital Formation during the Industrial Revolution Revisited: Insurance Valuations and Some New Sectoral Estimates, p. 450
David A. Latzko, The Concept of “Military Economies of Scale”, p. 470
Philip M. Holleran, Child Labor and Exploitation in Turn-of-the Century Cotton Mills, p. 485
Announcement, p. 501

v. 30, 1993, 3

Loren Brandt, Interwar Japanese Agriculture: Revisionist Views on the Impact of the Colonial Rice Policy and the Labor-Surplus Hypothesis, p. 259
Richard S. Grossman, The Macroeconomic Consequences of Bank Failures under the National Banking System, p. 294
Steven Herscovici, The Distribution of Wealth in Nineteenth Century Boston: Inequality among Natives and Immigrants, 1860, p. 321
Kyle D. Kauffman, Why Was the Mule Used in Southern Agriculture? Empirical Evidence of Principal-Agent Solutions, p. 336
Richard C. K. Burdekin, Farrokh K. Langdana, War Finance in the Southern Confederacy, 1861-1865, p. 352
Announcements, p. 377

v. 30, 1993, 2

Jean-Laurent Rosenthal, Credit Markets and Economic Change Southeastern France 1630-1788, p. 129
J. S. Dogson, British Railway Cost Functions and Productivity 1900-1912, p. 158
Paul R. Gregory, Manouchehr Mokhtari, State Grain Purchases, Relative Prices, and the Soviet Grain Procurement Crisis, p. 182
Jan Tore Klovland, Zooming in on Sauerbeck: Monthly Wholesale Prices in Britain 1845-1890, p. 195
T. J. Hatton, R. E. Bailey, Household Labor Supply and Women’s Work in Interwar Britain, p. 229
Announcements, p. 257

v. 30, 1993, 1

Ronald Lee, Accidental and Systematic Change in Population History: Homeostasis in a Stochastic Setting, p. 1
Alan G. Green, David A. Green, Balanced Growth and the Geographical Distribution of European Immigrant Arrivals to Canada, 1900-1912, p. 31
Lee A. Craig, Elizabeth B. Field-Hendrey, Industrialization and the Earnings Gap: Regional and Sectoral Tests of the Goldin-Sokoloff Hypothesis, p. 60
C. A. Mandemakers, J. L. Van Zanden, The Height of Conscripts and National Income: Apparent Relations and Misconceptions, p. 81
Lawrence H. Officer, Gold-Point Arbitrage and Uncovered Interest Arbitrage under the 1925-1931 Dollar-Sterling Gold Standard, p. 98
Announcement, p. 128

v. 29, 1992, 4

C. Knick Harley, The Antebellum American Tariff: Food Exports and Manufacturing, p. 375
Susan B. Carter, Elizabeth Savoca, The “Teaching Procession”? Another Look at Teacher Tenure, 1845-1925, p. 401
Donald F. Swanson, Andrew P. Trout, Alexander Hamilton, Conversion, and Debt Reduction, p. 417
William A. Sundstrom, Rigid Wages or Small Equilibrium Adjustments? Evidence from the Contraction of 1893, p. 430
Timothy W. Guinnane, Intergenerational Transfers, Emigration, and the Rural Irish Household System, p. 456
Pat McGregor, The Labor Market and the Distribution of Landholdings in Pre-famine Ireland, p. 477494

v. 29, 1992, 3

Forrest H. Capie, Terence C. Mills, Money and Business Cycles in the United States, 1870 to 1913: A Reexamination of Friedman and Schwartz, p. 251
Barry R. Chiswick, Jewish Immigrant Wages in America in 1909: An Analysis of the Dillingham Commission Data, p. 274
Scott Sumner, The Role of the International Gold Standard in Commodity Price Deflation: Evidence from the 1929 Stock Market Crash, p. 290
Raymond L. Cohn, Fiscal Policy in Germany during the Great Depression, p. 318
Pierre Van Der Eng, The Real Domestic Product of Indonesia, 1880-1989, p. 343
Announcement, p. 374

v. 29, 1992, 2

Riccardo Faini, Gianni Toniolo, Reconsidering Japanese Deflation during the 1920s, p. 121
Lee A. Craig, Douglas Fisher, Integration of the European Business Cycle: 1871-1910, p. 144
Theofanis C. Tsoulouhas, A New Look at Demographic and Technological Changes: Eng!and, 1550 to 1839, p. 169
Sumner J. La Croix, Property Rights and Institutional Change during Australia’s Gold Rush, p. 204
James A. Dunlevy, Richard P. Saba, The Role of Nationality Specific Characteristics on the Settlement Patterns of Late Nineteenth Century Immigrants, p. 228
Announcement, p. 250

v. 29, 1992, 1

Stanley L. Engerman, Coerced and Free Labor: Property Rights and the Development of the Labor Force, p. 1

Marc Hayford, Carl A. Pasurka, Jr., The Political Economy of the Fordney-McCumber and Smoot-Hawiey Tariff Acts, p. 30
Michael B. Percy, Rick Szostak, The Political Economy of the Abolition of Seigneurial Tenure in Canada East, p. 51
Pierre Sicsic, Was the Franc Poincaré Deliberately Undervalued?, p. 69
Barry Eichengreen, Comment: More Speculation on Destabilizing Speculation, p. 93
J. L. Anderson, T. Lewit, A Contract with the Barbarians? Economics and the Fail of Rome, p. 99
Gerald Gunderson, Rejoinder: The Theory of Rome, p. 116
Announcements, p. 118

v. 28, 1991, 4

Timothy J. Hatton, Jeffrey G. Williamson, Wage Gaps between Farm and City: Michigan in the 1890s, p. 381
Kevin O’Rourke, Rural Depopulation in a Small Open Economy: Ireland 1856-1876, p. 409
Nancy E. Bertaux, The Roots of today’s “Women’s Jobs” and “Men’s Jobs”: Using the Index of Dissimilarity to Measure Occupational Segregation by Gender, p. 433
John Vincent Nye, Changing French Trade Conditions, National Welfare, and the 1860 Anglo-French Treaty of Commerce, p. 460

Robert C. Allen, Labor Productivity and Farm Size in English Agriculture before Mechanization: Reply to Clark, p. 478

v. 28, 1991, 3

Giovanni Federico, Antonio Tena, On the Accuracy of Foreign Trade Statistics (1909-1935): Morgenstern Revisited, p. 259
Kris Inwood, Thanasis Stengos, Discontinuities in Canadian Economic Growth, 1870-1985, p. 274
Michael Beenstock, Peter Warburton, The Market for Labor in Interwar Britain, p. 287
Jim Gerber, Public School Expenditures in the Plantation States, 1910, p. 309
Susan B. Carter, Elizabeth Savoca, Gender Differences in Learning and Earning in Nineteenth-Century America: The Role of Expected Job and Career Attachment, p. 323
Wayne Lewchuk, Industrialization and Occupational Mortality in France prior to 1914, p. 344
John R. Hanson II, Third World Incomes before World War I: Further Evidence, p. 367
Announcement, p. 380

v. 28, 1991, 2

Charles R. Hickson, Earl A. Thompson, A New Theory of Guilds and European Economic Development, p. 127

James C. Riley, Working Health Time: A Comparison of Preindustrial, Industrial, and Postindustrial Experience in Life and Health, p. 169
John McDonald, Ralph Shlomowitz, Passenger Fares on Sailing Vessels to Australia in the Nineteenth Century, p. 192
Trevor J. O. Dick, John E. Floyd, Balance of Payments Adjustment under the International Gold Standard: Canada, 1871-1913, p. 209

Patricia Cloud, David W. Galenson, Chinese Immigration: Reply to Charles McClain, p. 239

Gregory Clark, Labor Productivity and Farm Size in English Agriculture before Mechanization: A Note, p. 248

v. 28, 1991, 1

Alexander James Field, Do Legal Systems Matter?, p. 1

Michael L. Boyd, The Evolution of Agrarian Institutions: The Case of Medieval and Ottoman Serbia, p. 36
Solomos Solomou, Martin Weale, Balanced Estimates of UK GDP 1870-1913, p. 54
Barry R. Chiswick, Jewish Immigrant Skill and Occupational Attainment at the Turn of the Century, p. 64
Michael Huberman, How Did Labor Markets Work in Lancashire? More Evidence on Prices and Quantities in Cotton Spinning, 1822-1852, p. 87

Douglas A. Irwin, Was Britain Immiserized during the Industrial Revolution?, p. 121

Announcement, p. 125