Explorations in Economic History DATINI

Explorations in Economic History

New York, Kent State University
ISSN: 0014-4983

Conservata in: Università degli Studi di Firenze, Biblioteca di Scienze Sociali

– Punto di servizio: Economia – Coll: Riv. Str. 0572
Consistenza: v. 25, 1988, 1-v. 38, 2001, 4

– Punto di servizio: Scienze Politiche – Coll: Riv. Str. 0517
Consistenza: v. 17, 1980, 1-

[ 2030-2021 ] [ 2020-2011 ] [ 2010-2001 ] [ 2000-1991] [ 1990-1980 ]

copertina della rivista

v. 78, 2020, 4

Eric B. Schneider, Collider bias in economic history research

Felipe Aldunate, Felipe González, Mounu Prem, Francisco Urzúa, Privatization and business groups: Evidence from the Chicago Boys in Chile
Guillaume Blanc, Romain Wacziarg, Change and persistence in the Age of Modernization: Saint-Germain-d’Anxure, 1730-1895
Cédric Chambru, Weather shocks, poverty and crime in 18th-century Savoy

Peter H. Bent, Recovery from financial crises in peripheral economies, 1870-1913
D. Mark Anderson, Daniel I. Rees, Tianyi Wang, The phenomenon of summer diarrhea and its waning, 1910-1930

v. 77, 2020, 3

Taylor Jaworski, Specification and structure in economic history

Sebastian T. Braun, Nadja Dwenger, Settlement location shapes the integration of forced migrants: Evidence from post-war Germany
Isabela Mares, Didac Queralt, Fiscal innovation in nondemocratic regimes: Elites and the adoption of the prussian income taxes of the 1890s
Johannes Norling, Education and employment following apartheid protests
Gregori Galofré Vilà, Quantifying the impact of aid to dependent children: An epidemiological framework

Philipp Ager, Katherine Eriksson, Casper Worm Hansen, Lars Lønstrup, How the 1906 San Francisco earthquake shaped economic activity in the American West

v. 76, 2020, 2

Editorial Board

Timothy W. Guinnane, Jakob Schneebacher, Enterprise form: Theory and history

Daniel Aaronson, Jonathan Davis, Karl Schulze, Internal immigrant mobility in the early 20th century: evidence from Galveston, Texas
Eltjo Buringh, Bruce M.S. Campbell, Auke Rijpma, Jan Luiten van Zanden, Church building and the economy during Europe’s ‘Age of the Cathedrals’, 700-1500 CE
James Siodla, Debt and taxes: Fiscal strain and US city budgets during the Great Depression
Jordan Adamson, Political institutions, resources, and war: Theory and evidence from ancient Rome

Gregory Clark, Andrew Leigh, Mike Pottenger, Frontiers of mobility: Was Australia 1870-2017 a more socially mobile society than England?

v. 75, 2020, 1

Editorial Board

Taco Terpstra, Roman technological progress in comparative context: The Roman Empire, Medieval Europe and Imperial China

Yi Lu, Mengna Luan, Tuan-Hwee Sng, Did the communists contribute to China’s rural growth?
Volker Daniel, Lucas ter Steege, Inflation expectations and the recovery from the Great Depression in Germany
Stefania Marcassa, Jérôme Pouyet, Thomas Trégouët, Marriage strategy among the European nobility
Hui Ren Tan, Did military service during World War I affect the economic status of American veterans?

Martin Saavedra, Tate Twinam, A machine learning approach to improving occupational income scores

v. 74, 2019, 4

Editorial Board, p. II

Rui Esteves, Gabriel Geisler Mesevage, Social Networks in Economic History: Opportunities and Challenges

Thor Berger, Railroads and Rural Industrialization: evidence from a Historical Policy Experiment
Tai-kuang Ho, Kuo-chun Yeh, Were capital flows the culprit in the Weimar economic crisis?
William J. Collins, Ariell Zimran, The economic assimilation of Irish Famine migrants to the United States

Rowena Gray, Gaia Narciso, Gaspare Tortorici, Globalization, agricultural markets and mass migration: Italy, 1881-1912
Sarada Sarada, Michael J. Andrews, Nicolas L. Ziebarth, Changes in the demographics of American inventors, 1870-1940

v. 73, 2019, 3

Editorial Board, p. II

Mateo Uribe-Castro, Expropriation of church wealth and political conflict in 19th century Colombia
Prashant Bharadwaj, Rinchan Ali Mirza, Displacement and development: Long term impacts of population transfer in India
Sara Horrell, Jane Humphries, Children’s work and wages in Britain, 1280-1860
José-Antonio Espín-Sánchez, Salvador Gil-Guirado, W. Daniel Giraldo-Paez, Chris Vickers, Labor income inequality in pre-industrial Mediterranean Spain: The city of Murcia in the 18th century
Tomas Cvrcek, Miroslav Zajicek, The making of a liberal education: Political economy of the Austrian school reform, 1865 – 1880
Erik Hornung, Diasporas, diversity, and economic activity: Evidence from 18th-century Berlin

v. 72, 2019, 2

Editorial Board, p. II

Jean-Pascal Bassino, Stephen Broadberry, Kyoji Fukao, Bishnupriya Gupta, Masanori Takashima, Japan and the great divergence, 730-1874, p. 1
Robert C. Allen, Ekaterina Khaustova, Russian real wages before and after 1917, p. 23
Marcela Sabaté, Carmen Fillat, Regina Escario, Budget deficits and money creation: Exploring their relation before Bretton Woods, p. 38
Daniel Gallardo-Albarrán, Missed opportunities? Human welfare in Western Europe and the United States, 1913-1950, p. 57
Bryan P. Cutsinger, Joshua S. Ingber, Seigniorage in the Civil War South, p. 74
Richard B. Baker, Finding the fat: The relative impact of budget fluctuations on African-American schools, p. 93

Kris Inwood, Chris Minns, Fraser Summerfield, Occupational income scores and immigrant assimilation. Evidence from the Canadian census, p. 114

v. 71, 2019, 1

Editorial Board, p. II

Dan Bogart, Michael Lefors, A.E.M. Satchell, Canal carriers and creative destruction in English transport, p. 1
Xing Liu, Price Fishback, Effects of New Deal Spending and the downturns of the 1930s on private labor markets in 1939/1940, p. 25
Trevor Burnard, Laura Panza, Jeffrey Williamson, Living costs, real incomes and inequality in colonial Jamaica, p. 55
Marco Casari, Maurizio Lisciandra, Claudio Tagliapietra, Property Rights, Marriage, and Fertility in the Italian Alps, 1790-1820, p. 72
Martin Dribe, Björn Eriksson, Francesco Scalone, Migration, marriage and social mobility: Women in Sweden 1880-1900, p. 93
Zhuo Li, Laura Panza, Yong Song, The evolution of ottoman-European market linkages, 1469-1914: Evidence from dynamic factor models, p. 112

v. 70, 2018, 4

Editorial Board, p. II

Julia Cagé, Lucie Gadenne, Tax revenues and the fiscal cost of trade liberalization, 1792-2006, p. 1
Nicolas J. Duquette, Inequality and philanthropy: High-income giving in the United States 1917-2012, p. 25
Lauren Hoehn-Velasco, Explaining declines in US rural mortality, 1910-1933: The role of county health departments, p. 42
Claudia Olivetti, M. Daniele Paserman, Laura Salisbury, Three-generation mobility in the United States, 1850-1940: The role of maternal and paternal grandparents, p. 73
Mattia Fochesato, Origins of Europe’s north-south divide: Population changes, real wages and the ‘little divergence’ in early modern Europe, p. 91
William M. Boal, Work intensity and worker safety in early twentieth-century coal mining, p. 132
Thilo Nils Hendrik Albers, The prelude and global impact of the Great Depression: Evidence from a new macroeconomic dataset, p. 150

v. 69, 2018, 3

Editorial Board, p. II

Robert J. Gordon, Declining American economic growth despite ongoing innovation, p. 1
Joel Mokyr, The past and the future of innovation: Some lessons from economic history, p. 13

Matthew Jaremski, Gabriel Mathy, How was the quantitative easing program of the 1930s Unwound?, p. 27
Trevon D. Logan, Jonathan B. Pritchett, On the marital status of U. S. slaves: Evidence from Touro Infirmary, New Orleans, Louisiana, p. 50
Eric B. Schneider, Kota Ogasawara, Disease and child growth in industrialising Japan: Critical windows and the growth pattern, 1917-39, p. 64
Francisco J. Beltrán Tapia, Julio Martinez-Galarraga, Inequality and education in pre-industrial economies: Evidence from Spain, p. 81
Andrew J. Seltzer, Daniel S. Hamermesh, Co-authorship in economic history and economics: Are we any different?, p. 102

v. 68, 2018, 2

Editorial Board, p. II

Patrick D. Alexander, Ian Keay, A general equilibrium analysis of Canada’s national policy, p. 1
Jason Lennard, Did monetary policy matter? Narrative evidence from the classical gold standard, p. 16
Christopher A. Hartwell, The “Hierarchy of Institutions” reconsidered: Monetary policy and its effect on the rule of law in interwar Poland, p. 37
Gary Richardson, Patrick Van Horn, In the eye of a Storm: Manhattan’s money center banks during the international financial crisis of 1931, p. 71
Brantly Callaway, William J. Collins, Unions, workers, and wages at the peak of the American labor movement, p. 95
Brandon Dupont, Joshua L. Rosenbloom, The economic origins of the postwar southern elite, p. 119

Nicolas Frémeaux, Marion Leturcq, Prenuptial agreements and matrimonial property regimes in France, 1855-2010, p. 132

v. 67, 2018, 1

Editorial Board, p. II

Alan L. Olmstead, Paul W. Rhode, Cotton, slavery, and the new history of capitalism, p. 1

Francesco Cinnirella, Ruth Schueler, Nation building: The role of central spending in education, p. 18
Christophe Lévêque, Mohamed Saleh, Does industrialization affect segregation? Evidence from nineteenth-century Cairo, p. 40
Jürgen Modalsli, The regional dispersion of income inequality in nineteenth-century Norway, p. 62
Warren C. Whatley, The gun-slave hypothesis and the 18th century British slave trade, p. 80
Begoña Álvarez, Fernando Ramos Palencia, Human capital and earnings in eighteenth-century Castile, p. 105
Riccardo De Bonis, Giuseppe Marinelli, Francesco Vercelli, Playing yo-yo with bank competition: New evidence from 1890 to 2014, p. 134

Peter Anderson, ‘Tall and lithe’-The wage-height premium in the Victorian and Edwardian British railway industry, p. 152

v. 66, 2017, 4

Daniel Fetter, Local government and old-age support in the New Deal, p. 1
Matthew Jaremski, David C. Wheelock, Banker preferences, interbank connections, and the enduring structure of the Federal Reserve System, p. 21
Tina Van Rossem, Patrick Deboosere, Isabelle Devos, Death at work? Mortality and industrial employment in Belgian cities at the turn of the twentieth century, p. 44
Yasushi Nakamura, The relationship between the real and financial economies in the Soviet Union: An analysis of government debts using newly available, p. 65
Lee A. Craig, Matthew T. Holt, The impact of mechanical refrigeration on market integration: The U.S. egg market, 1890-1911, p. 85
Cornelius Christian, Lynchings, labour, and cotton in the US south: A reappraisal of Tolnay and Beck, p. 106

Francisco J. Beltrán Tapia, Domingo Gallego-Martínez, Where are the missing girls? Gender discrimination in 19th-century Spain, p. 117

v. 65, 2017, 3

James Siodla, Clean slate: Land-use changes in San Francisco after the 1906 disaster, p. 1
Tetsuji Okazaki, Michiru Sawada, Measuring the extent and implications of corporate political connections in prewar Japan, p. 17
Latika Chaudhary , Anand V. Swamy, Protecting the borrower: An experiment in colonial India, p. 36
John Charles Bradbury, Monopsony and competition: The impact of rival leagues on player salaries during the early days of baseball, p. 55
Luis Felipe Zegarra, Usury laws and private credit in Lima, Peru. Evidence from notarized records, p. 68

Philipp Ager, Markus Brueckner, Benedikt Herz, The boll weevil plague and its effect on the southern agricultural sector, 1889 – 1929*, p. 94
Mario Daniele Amore, Social capital and family control, p. 106

v. 64, 2017, 2

Noel D. JohnsonStates and economic growth: Capacity and constraints, p. 1

M. Diane Burton, Tom Nicholas, Prizes, patents and the search for longitude, p. 21 Zachary Ward, Birds of passage: Return migration, self-selection and immigration quotas, p. 37
Carl T. Kitchens, Taylor Jaworski, Ownership and the price of residential electricity: Evidence from the United States, 1935-1940, p. 53
Martin Saavedra, Early-life disease exposure and occupational status: The impact of yellow fever during the 19th century, p. 62
Jordi Domenech, Francisco Herreros, Land reform and peasant revolution. Evidence from 1930s Spain, p. 82

Celeste K. Carruthers, Marianne H. Wanamaker, Returns to school resources in the Jim Crow South, p. 104
Nicholas J. Meinzer, Social mobility in the early middle ages, p. 111

v. 63, 2017, 1

Kris James Mitchener, Debin Ma, Introduction to the Special Issue: A new economic history of China, p. 1
Zhiwu Chen, Kaixiang Peng , Lijun Zhu, Social-economic change and its impact on violence: Homicide history of Qing China, p. 8
Wolfgang Keller, Javier Andres Santiago, Carol H. Shiue, China ‘ s domestic trade during the Treaty-Port Era, p. 26
Yu Hao, Melanie Meng Xue, Friends from afar: The Taiping Rebellion, cultural proximity and primary schooling in the Lower Yangzi, 1850 – 1949, p. 44
Noam Yuchtman, Teaching to the tests: An economic analysis of traditional and modern education in late imperial and republican China, p. 70
Dan Li, Nan Li, Moving to the right place at the right time: Economic effects on migrants of the Manchuria Plague of 1910 – 11, p. 91

v. 62, 2016, 4

Sascha O. Becker, Steven Pfaff, Jared Rubin, Causes and consequences of the Protestant Reformation, p. 1

Andrew J. Jalil, Gisela Rua, Inflation expectations and recovery in spring 1933, p. 26
James J. Feigenbaum, Christopher Muller, Lead exposure and violent crime in the early twentieth century, p. 51
Guillaume Bazot, Michael D. Bordo, Eric Monnet, International shocks and the balance sheet of the Bank of France under the classical gold standard, p. 87
Marc Deloof, Veronique Vermoesen, The value of corporate boards during the Great Depression in Belgium, p. 108

Andriana Bellou, Emanuela Cardia, Occupations after XXII: The legacy of Rosie the Riveter, p. 124
Guido Alfani, Wouter Ryckbosch, Growing apart in early modern Europe? A comparison of inequality trends in Italy and the Low Countries, 1500-1800, p. 143

v. 61, 2016, 3

Carola Conces Binder, Estimation of historical inflation expectations, p. 1

Chris Vickers, Socioeconomic status and judicial disparities in England and Wales, 1870-1910, p. 32
Jason E. Taylor, Todd C. Neumann, Recovery Spring, Faltering Fall: March to November 1933, p. 54
Benito Arruñada, How Rome enabled impersonal markets, p. 68
Jari Ojala, Jaakko Pehkonen, Jari Eloranta, Deskilling and decline in skill premium during the age of sail: Swedish and Finnish seamen, 1751-1913, p. 85
Geoffrey Poitras, Manuela Geranio, Trading of shares in the Societàtes Publicanorum?, p. 95

Shorter Article
Melinda Miller, Selection and historical height data: Evidence from the 1892 Boas sample of the Cherokee Nation, p. 119

v. 60, 2016, 2

Paul Erdkamp, Economic growth in the Roman Mediterranean world: An early good-bye to Malthus?, p. 1

Catherine G. Massey, Immigration quotas and immigrant selection, p. 21
Mauro Rota, Military spending, fiscal capacity and the democracy puzzle, p. 41
Asuka Imaizumi, Kaori Ito, Tetsuji Okazaki, Impact of natural disasters on industrial agglomeration: The case of the Great Kanto-Earthquake in 1923, p. 52
Vellore Arthi, James Fenske, Intra-household labor allocation in colonial Nigeria, p. 69
Nicholas Z. Muller, On the divergence between fuel and service prices: The importance of technological change and diffusion in an American frontier economy, p. 93

v. 59, 2016, 1

David Stasavage, What we can learn from the early history of sovereign debt, p. 1

Adam Izdebski, Grzegorz Koloch, Tymon S?oczy?ski, Marta Tycner, On the use of palynological data in economic history: New methods and an application to agricultural output in Central Europe, 0-2000 AD, p. 17
Giovanni B. Pittaluga, Elena Seghezza, How Japan remained on the Gold Standard despite unsustainable external debt, p. 4
Howard Bodenhorn, Prison crowding, recidivism, and early release in early Rhode Island, p. 55
Richard S. Grossman, Masami Imai, Taking the lord’s name in vain: The impact of connected directors on 19th century British banks, p. 75
Naomi E. Feldman, Karine van der Beek, Skill choice and skill complementarity in eighteenth century England, p. 94
Shorter Article
Lisa D. Cook, Trevon D. Logan, John M. Parman, The mortality consequences of distinctively black names, p. 114

v. 58, 2015, 4

Remi Jedwab,Dietrich Vollrath, Urbanization without growth in historical perspective, p. 1

John Parman, Childhood health and sibling outcomes: Nurture Reinforcing nature during the 1918 infl uenza pandemic, p. 22
Yuyu Chen,Suresh Naidu,Tinghua Yu,Noam Yuchtman, Intergenerational mobility and institutional change in 20th century China, p. 44
Liam Brunt,Edmund Cannon, Variations in the price and quality of English grain, 1750-1914: Quantitative evidence and empirical implications, p. 74
Adrian R. Fleissig,Gerald A. Whitney, Belgium relief fund, post war food shortages and the “True” cost of living, p. 93
Eric Chaney, Measuring the military decline of the Western Islamic World: Evidence from Barbary ransoms, p. 107

Wayne Geerling, Gary B. Magee,Robert Brooks, Cooperation, defection and resistance in Nazi Germany, p. 125

v. 57, 2015, 3

David Chilosi,Giovanni Federico, Early globalizations: The integration of Asia in the world economy, 1800-1938, p. 1
Stefano Fenoaltea, The measurement of production movements: Lessons from the general engineering industry in Italy, 1861-1913, p. 19
Joost Veenstra, Output growth in German manufacturing, 1907-1936. A reinterpretation of time-series evidence, p. 38
Liam Brunt, weather shocks and English wheat yields, 1690-1871, p. 50
Martin Saavedra, School quality and educational attainment: Japanese American internment as a natural experiment, p. 59
Christophe Spaenjers,William N. Goetzmann,Elena Mamonova, The economics of aesthetics and record prices for art since 1701, p. 79

v. 56, 2015, 2

Alan Fernihough, Cormac Ó Gráda, Brendan M. Walsh, Intermarriage in a divided society: Ireland a century ago, p. 1
Richard Harris, Ian Keay, Frank Lewis, Protecting infant industries: Canadian manufacturing and the national policy, 1870-1913, p. 15
Nick Deschacht, Anne Winter, Rural crisis and rural exodus? Local migration dynamics during the crisis of the 1840s in Flanders (Belgium), p. 32
Alberto Baffigi, Maria Elena Bontempi, Emanuele Felice, Roberto Golinelli, The changing relationship between inflation and the economic cycle in Italy: 1861-2012, p. 53
Matthew J. Hill, Easterlin revisited: Relative income and the baby boom, p. 71

v. 55, 2015, 1

Editors’ Letter
Joachim Voth, Kris Mitchener, What’s new at Explorations?, p. 1

Gregory Clark, Neil Cummins, Yu Hao, Dan Diaz Vidal, Surnames: A new source for the history of social mobility, p. 3

Claire Giordano, Ferdinando Giugliano, A tale of two Fascisms: Labour productivity growth and competition policy in Italy, 1911-1951, p. 25
Philip T. Hoffman, Gilles Postel-Vinay, Jean-Laurent Rosenthal, Entry, information, and fi nancial development: A century of competition between French banks and notaries, p. 39
Stephen Broadberry, Johann Custodis, Bishnupriya Gupta, India and the great divergence: An Anglo-Indian comparison of GDP per capita, 1600-1871, p. 58
Michael J. Greenwood, Zachary Ward, Immigration quotas, World War I, and emigrant fl ows from the United States in the early 20th century, p. 76
Christopher L. Colvin, Abe de Jong, Philip T. Fliers, Predicting the past: Understanding the causes of bank distress in the Netherlands in the 1920s, p. 97

v. 54, 2014, 4

Ying Bai, James Kai-sing Kung, The shaping of an institutional choice: Weather shocks, the Great Leap Famine, and agricultural decollectivization in China, p. 1
Mauricio Drelichman, David González Agudo, Housing and the cost of living in early modern Toledo, p. 27
Sean Bottomley, Patenting in England, Scotland and Ireland during the Industrial Revolution, 1700-1852, p. 48
Melissa A. Thomasson, Price V. Fishback, Hard times in the land of plenty: The effect on income and disability later in life for people born during the great depression, p. 64
Pablo Martinelli, Latifundia revisited: Market power, land inequality and agricultural efficiency. Evidence from interwar Italian agriculture, p. 79
Tuan-Hwee Sng, Size and dynastic decline: The principal-agent problem in late imperial China, 1700-1850, p. 107

v. 53, 2014, 3

Masahiko Shibamoto, Masato Shizume, Exchange rate adjustment, monetary policy and fiscal stimulus in Japan’s escape from the Great Depression, p. 1
David S. Jacks, Defying gravity: The Imperial Economic Conference and the reorientation of Canadian trade, p. 19
Laura Salisbury, Selective migration, wages, and occupational mobility in nineteenth century America, p. 40
Lisa D. Cook, Trevon D. Logan, John M. Parm
an, Distinctively black names in the American past, p. 64 Jelle van Lottum, Jan Luiten van Zanden, Labour productivity and human capital in the European maritime sector of the eighteenth century, p. 83
Luis Felipe Zegarra, Bank laws, economic growth and early banking in Latin America: 1840-1920, p. 101

v. 52, 2014, 2

David Chambers, Rui Esteves, The first global emerging markets investor: Foreign & Colonial Investment Trust 1880-1913, p. 1
Jan Annaert, Lord Mensah, Cross-sectional predictability of stock returns, evidence from the 19th century Brussels Stock Exchange (1873-1914), p. 22
Guillaume Bazot, Local liquidity constraints: What place for central bank regional policy? The French experience during the Belle Époque (1880-1913), p. 44
Sonja Fagernäs, Papers, please! The effect of birth registration on child labor and education in early 20th century USA, p. 63
Kerstin Enflo, Christer Lundh, Svante Prado, The role of migration in regional wage convergence: Evidence from Sweden 1860-1940, p. 93
Liam Brunt, Edmund Cannon, Measuring integration in the English wheat market, 1770-1820: New methods, new answers, p. 111

v. 51, 2014, 1

Noel D. Johnson, Mark Koyama, Tax farming and the origins of state capacity in England and France, p. 1
Thomas Piketty, Gilles Postel-Vinay, Jean-Laurent Rosenthal, Inherited vs self-made wealth: Theory & evidence from a rentier society (Paris 1872-1927), p. 2
1 Joshua L. Rosenbloom, Thomas Weiss, Economic growth in the Mid-Atlantic region: Conjectural estimates for 1720 to 1800, p. 41
Carsten Burhop, David Chambers, Brian Cheffi ns, Regulating IPOs: Evidence from going public in London, 1900-1913, p. 60
Raphaël Franck, Noel D. Johnson, John V.C. Nye, From internal taxes to national regulation: Evidence from a French wine tax reform at the turn of the twentieth century, p. 77
Ian Gazeley, Nicola Verdon, The first poverty line? Davies’ and Eden’s investigation of rural poverty in the late 18th-century England, p. 94

v. 50, 2013, 4


William J. Collins, Editorial Preface to “New Views of Roosevelt’s New Deal”, p. 463
Briggs Depew, Price V. Fishback, Paul W. Rhode, New Deal or no deal in the Cotton South: The effect of the AAA on the agricultural labor structure, p. 466
Mark Chicu, Chris Vickers, Nicolas L. Ziebarth, Cementing the case for collusion under the National Recovery Administration, p. 487
Kris James Mitchener, Gary Richardson, Does “skin in the game” reduce risk taking? Leverage, liability and the long-run consequences of New Deal banking reforms, p. 508
Charles W. Calomiris, Joseph R. Mason, Marc Weidenmier, Katherine Bobroff, The effects of Reconstruction Finance Corporation assistance on Michigan’s banks’ survival in the 1930s., p. 526
Jonathan D. Rose, Kenneth A. Snowden, The New Deal and the origins of the modern American real estate loan contract, p. 548
Carl Kitchens, The effects of the Works Progress Administration’s anti-malaria programs in Georgia 1932-1947, p. 567
Jason E. Taylor, Todd C. Neumann, The effect of institutional regime change within the New Deal on industrial output and labor markets, p. 582
Robert K. Fleck, Why did the electorate swing between parties during the Great Depression?., p. 599
Shawn Kantor, Price V. Fishback, John Joseph Wallis, Did the New Deal solidify the 1932 Democratic realignment?, p. 620

v. 50, 2013, 3

Chris Minns and Patrick Wallis, The price of human capital in a pre-industrial economy: Premiums and apprenticeship contracts in 18th century England, p. 335
Rowena Gray, Taking technology to task: The skill content of technological change in early twentieth century United States, p. 351
Daniel Raff, Susan Wachter and Se Yan, Real estate prices in Beijing, 1644 to 1840, p. 368
Florian Ploeckl, The internal impact of a customs union; Baden and the Zollverein, p. 387
Sebastian Braun and Michael Kvasnicka, Men, women, and the ballot: Gender imbalances and suffrage extensions in the United States, p. 405
Slim Bridji, The French Great Depression: A business cycle accounting analysis, p. 427
Tai-kuang Ho and Cheng-chung Lai, Silver fetters? The rise and fall of the Chinese price level 1928-34, p. 446

v. 50, 2013, 2

Kris James Mitchener, David C. Wheelock, Does the structure of banking markets affect economic growth? Evidence from U.S. state banking markets, p. 161
Leandro Prados de la Escosura, Human development in Africa: A long-run perspective, p. 179
Matthias Morys, Discount rate policy under the Classical Gold Standard: Core versus periphery (1870s-1914), p. 205
Dácil-Tania Juif, Joerg Baten, On the human capital of Inca Indios before and after the Spanish Conquest. Was there a “Pre-Colonial Legacy”?, p. 227
Timo Boppart, Josef Falkinger, Volker Grossmann, Ulrich Woitek, Gabriela Wüthrich, Under which conditions does religion affect educational outcomes?, p. 242
Dietrich Vollrath, Inequality and school funding in the rural United States, 1890, p. 267
Livio Di Matteo, Women, wealth and economic change: An assessment of the impact of women’s property law in Wentworth County, Ontario, 1872-1927, p. 285
Adrian R. Fleissig, Gerald Whitney, Virtual prices and the impact of house rationing in Belgium on consumer choices, p. 308
James Fenske, “Rubber will not keep in this country”: Failed development in Benin, 1897-1921, p. 316

v. 50, 2013, 1

Tim Leunig, Understanding the English economy 1381-1869: Editor’s introduction, p. 1
Gregory Clark, 1381 and the Malthus delusion, p. 4
Stephen Broadberry, Bruce M.S. Campbell, Bas van Leeuwen, When did Britain industrialise? The sectoral distribution of the labour force and labour productivity in Britain, 1381-1851, p. 16
Mark Casson, The determinants of local population growth: A study of Oxfordshire in the nineteenth century, p. 28
David Chilosi, Tommy E. Murphy , Roman Studer, A. Co?kun Tunçer, Europe’s many integrations: Geography and grain markets, 1620-1913, p. 46
Danielle van den Heuvel, Sheilagh Ogilvie, Retail development in the consumer revolution: The Netherlands, c. 1670-c. 1815, p. 69
Paul Sharp, Jacob Weisdorf, Globalization revisited: Market integration and the wheat trade between North America and Britain from the eighteenth century, p. 88
Eric B. Schneider, Real wages and the family: Adjusting real wages to changing demography in pre-modern England, p. 99
Wendy Carlin, Mark Schaffer , Paul Seabright, Soviet power plus electrifi cation: What is the long-run legacy of communism?, p. 116
Tiffany L. Green , Tod G. Hamilton, Beyond black and white: Color and mortality in post-reconstruction era North Carolina, p. 148

v. 49, 2012, 4

Alan I. Barreca , Price V. Fishback, Shawn Kantor, Agricultural policy, migration, and malaria in the United States in the 1930s, p. 381
Gani Aldashev and Catherine Guirkinger, Deadly anchor: Gender bias under Russian colonization of Kazakhstan, p. 399
Matthew T. Gregg and David M. Wishart, The price of Cherokee removal, p. 423
Emanuele Felice and Albert Carreras, When did modernization begin? Italy’s industrial growth reconsidered in light of new value-added series, 1911-1951, p. 443
Gareth Campbell , John D. Turner and Clive B. Walker, The role of the media in a bubble, p. 461
James Kai-sing Kung , Xiaogang Wu and Yuxiao Wu, Inequality of land tenure and revolutionary outcome: An economic analysis of China’s land reform of 1946-1952, p. 482
Benoit Dostie and Ruth Dupré, “The people’s will”: Canadians and the 1898 referendum on alcohol prohibition, p. 498
C. Knick Harley, Was technological change in the early Industrial Revolution Schumpeterian? Evidence of cotton textile profitability, p. 516
James I. Stewart, Migration to U.S. frontier cities and job opportunity, 1860-1880, p. 528
James Mitchell, Solomos Solomou, Martin Weale, Monthly GDP estimates for inter-war Britain, p. 543

v. 49, 2012, 3

Ann M. Carlos, Frank D. Lewis, Smallpox and Native American mortality: The 1780s epidemic in the Hudson Bay region, p. 277
Neil Canaday, Matthew Jaremski, Legacy, location, and labor: Accounting for racial differences in postbellum cotton production, p. 291
Rodney Edvinsson, The international political economy of early modern copper mercantilism: Rent seeking and copper money in Sweden 1624-1776, p. 303
John Parman, Good schools make good neighbors: Human capital spillovers in early 20th century agriculture, p. 316
Tomas Cvrcek, America’s settling down: How better jobs and falling immigration led to a rise in marriage, 1880-1930, p. 335
Mandar Oak, Anand V. Swamy, Myopia or strategic behavior? Indian regimes and the East India Company in late eighteenth century India, p. 352
Chulhee Lee, Military service and economic mobility: Evidence from the American civil war, p. 367

v. 49, 2012, 2

Jan Luiten van Zanden, Bas van Leeuwen, Persistent but not consistent: The growth of national income in Holland 1347-1807, p. 119
Jeremy Edwards, Sheilagh Ogilvie, What Lessons for Economic Development Can We Draw from the Champagne Fairs?, p. 131
Leticia Arroyo Abad, Elwyn Davies, Jan Luiten van Zanden, Between conquest and independence: Real wages and demographic change in Spanish America, 1530-1820, p. 149
Petra Moser, Taste-based discrimination evidence from a shift in ethnic preferences after WWI, p. 167
Jan Annaert, Frans Buelens, Marc J.K. De Ceuster, New Belgian Stock Market Returns: 1832-1914, p. 189
Yvonne Stolz, Joerg Baten, Brain drain in the age of mass migration: Does relative inequality explain migrant selectivity?, p. 205
Latika Chaudhary, Aldo Musacchio, Steven Nafziger, Se Yan, Big BRICs, weak foundations: The beginning of public elementary education in Brazil, Russia, India, and China, p. 221
Barbara Pistoresi, Alberto Rinaldi, Exports, imports and growth New evidence on Italy: 1863-2004, p. 241
Julio Martinez-Galarraga, The determinants of industrial location in Spain, 1856-1929, p. 255

v. 49, 2012, 1

Robert C. Allen, Technology and the great divergence: Global economic development since 1820, p. 1
Nicholas Crafts, British relative economic decline revisited: The role of competition, p. 17 Mary MacKinnon, Daniel Parent, Resisting the melting pot: The long term impact of maintaining identity for Franco-Americans in New England, p. 30v Myung Soo Cha, Nak Nyeon Kim, Korea’s first industrial revolution, 1911-1940, p. 60
Gareth Campbell, Myopic rationality in a Mania, p. 75
Gianfranco Di Vaio, Daniel Waldenström, Jacob Weisdorf, Citation success: Evidence from economic history journal publications, p. 92
Oscar Bajo-Rubio, The balance-of-payments constraint on economic growth in a long-term perspective: Spain, 1850-2000, p. 105

v. 48, 2011, 4

Joseph Ferrie, Karen Rolf, Socioeconomic status in childhood and health after age 70: A new longitudinal analysis for the U.S., 1895-2005, p. 445
Andrew J. Seltzer, Female salaries and careers in British banking, 1915-41, p. 461
Angelo Riva, Eugene N. White, Danger on the exchange: How counterparty risk was managed on the Paris exchange in the nineteenth century, p. 478
Branko Milanovic, A short history of global inequality: The past two centuries, p. 494
Lisa D. Cook, Inventing social capital: Evidence from African American inventors, 1843-1930, p. 507
Thomas M. Geraghty, Thomas Wiseman, Conflict and compromise: Changes in U.S. strike outcomes, 1880 to 1945, p. 519
Martin Henning, Kerstin Enflo, Fredrik N.G. Andersson, Trends and cycles in regional economic growth: How spatial differences shaped the Swedish growth experience from 1860-2009, p. 538
Matthias Blum, Government decisions before and during the First World War and the living standards in Germany during a drastic natural experiment, p. 556
James Kai-sing Kung, Nan Liv, Commercialization as exogenous shocks: The effect of the soybean trade and migration in Manchurian villages, 1895-1934, p. 568
Duol Kim, Heejin Park, Measuring living standards from the lowest: Height of the male Hangryu deceased in colonial Korea, p. 590
Peter L. Rousseau, Caleb Stroup, Monetization and growth in colonial New England, 1703-1749, p. 600

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Special Issue on Socioeconomic Inequalities in Death
Guest Editors: Tommy Bengtsson, Frans van Poppel

Tommy Bengtsson, Frans van Poppel, Socioeconomic inequalities in death from past to present: An introduction, p. 343
Reto Schumacher, Michel Oris, Long-term changes in social mortality differentials, Geneva, 1625-2004, p. 357
M. Breschi, A. Fornasin, M. Manfredini, S. Mazzoni, L. Pozzi, Socioeconomic conditions, health and mortality from birth to adulthood, Alghero 1866-1925, p. 366
Sören Edvinsson, Marie Lindkvist, Wealth and health in 19th Century Sweden. A study of social differences in adult mortality in the Sundsvall region, p. 376
Tommy Bengtsson, Martin Dribe, The late emergence of socioeconomic mortality differentials: A micro-level study of adult mortality in southern Sweden 1815-1968, p. 389
Niels Schenk, Frans van Poppel, Social class, social mobility and mortality in the Netherlands, 1850-2004, p. 401
Michael R. Haines, Inequality and infant and childhood mortality in the United States in the twentieth century, p. 418
Alain Gagnon, Marc Tremblay, Hélène Vézina, Jamie A. Seabrookv, Once were farmers: Occupation, social mobility, and mortality during industrialization in Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean, Quebec 1840-1971, p. 429
Michael R. Haines, Joseph P. Ferrie, Socioeconomic inequalities in death from past to present: A postscript, p. 441

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Jorge Álvarez, Ennio Bilancini, Simone D’Alessandro, Gabriel Porcile, Agricultural institutions, industrialization and growth: The case of New Zealand and Uruguay in 1870-1940, p. 151
Concha Betrán, Maria A. Pons, Labour market response to globalisation: Spain, 1880-1913, p. 169
John Haggerty, Sheryllyne Haggerty, The life cycle of a metropolitan business network: Liverpool 1750-1810, p. 189
Lionel Kesztenbaum, Jean-Laurent Rosenthal, The health cost of living in a city: The case of France at the end of the 19th century, p. 207
Martin Uebele, National and international market integration in the 19th century: Evidence from comovement, p. 226
Pierre-Philippe Combes, Miren Lafourcade, Jacques-François Thisse, Jean-Claude toutain. The rise and fall of spatial inequalities in France: Along-run perspective, p. 243
Tom Nicholas, The origins of Japanese technological modernization, p. 272
James Foreman-Peck, The Western European marriage pattern and economic development, p. 292
Bruce W. Hetherington, Peter J. Kower, Technological diffusion and the Union blockade, p. 310
Javier A. Birchenall, Airborne diseases: Tuberculosis in the Union Army, p. 325

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Mauricio Drelichman, Hans-Joachim Voth, Serial defaults, serial profits: Returns to sovereign lending in Habsburg Spain, 1566-1600, p. 1
Gregg Huff, Luis Angeles, Globalization, industrialization and urbanization in Pre-World War II Southeast Asia, p. 20
Stephen Broadberry, Alexander Klein. When and why did eastern European economies begin to fail? Lessons from a Czechoslovak/UK productivity comparison, 1921-1991, p. 37
Lars Boerner, Oliver Volckart, The utility of a common coinage: Currency unions and the integration of money markets in late Medieval Central Europe, p. 53
Samuel Garrido, Fixed-rent contracts and investment incentives.Acomparative analysis ofEnglish tenant right, p. 66
Carlos Santiago-Caballero, Income inequality in central Spain, 1690-1800, p. 83
Alessandro Nuvolari, Valentina Tartari, Bennet Woodcroft and the value of English patents, 1617-1841, p. 97
Claudia Rei, The organization of Eastern merchant empires, p. 116
Ewout Frankema, Richard M. Martin, Colonial taxation and government spending in British Africa, 18801940: Maximizing revenue or minimizing effort?, p. 136