Explorations in Economic History DATINI

Explorations in Economic History

New York, Kent State University
ISSN: 0014-4983

Conservata in: Università degli Studi di Firenze, Biblioteca di Scienze Sociali

– Punto di servizio: Economia – Coll: Riv. Str. 0572
Consistenza: v. 25, 1988, 1-v. 38, 2001, 4

– Punto di servizio: Scienze Politiche – Coll: Riv. Str. 0517
Consistenza: v. 17, 1980, 1-

[ 2030-2021 ] [ 2020-2011 ] [ 2010-2001 ] [ 2000-1991] [ 1990-1980 ]

copertina della rivista

v. 47, 2010, 4

Karine van der Beek, The effects of political fragmentation on investments: A case study of watermill construction in medieval Ponthieu, France, p. 369
Steven Nafziger, Peasant communes and factor markets in late nineteenth-century Russia, p. 381
Juan Pedro Sánchez-Ballesta, Mercedes Bernal Lloréns, Monitoring, reputation and accountability in issuing banks in mid-nineteenth-century Spain, p. 403
Mark Koyama, Evading the ‘Taint of Usury’: The usury prohibition as a barrier to entry, p. 420
David Greasley, Les Oxley, Knowledge, natural resource abundance and economic development: Lessons from New Zealand 1861-1939, p. 443
Bruno Chiarini, Was Malthus right? The relationship between population and real wages in Italian history, 1320 to 1870, p. 460
Hannu Tervo, Cities, hinterlands and agglomeration shadows: Spatial developments in Finland during 1880-2004, p. 476
Federico Ciliberto, Were British cotton entrepreneurs technologically backward? Firm-level evidence on the adoption of ring spinning, p. 487
Timothy J. Hatton, Richard M. Martin, Fertility decline and the heights of children in Britain, 1886-1938, p. 505
Leandro Prados de la Escosura, J.R. Rosés, Human capital and economic growth in Spain, 1850-2000, p. 520
Jan Bohlin, Anna-Maria Eurenius, Why they moved-Emigration from the Swedish countryside to the United States, 1881-1910, p. 533

v. 47, 2010, 3

Richard H. Steckel, Tim Leunig, Preface, p. 259
Stephen Broadberry, Pierre van der Eng, Historical perspectives on Asian economic growth and development, p. 260
Stephen Broadberry, Bishnupriya Gupta, The historical roots of India’s service-led development: A sectoral analysis of Anglo-Indian productivity differences, 1870-2000, p. 264
Latika Chaudhary, Taxation and educational development: Evidence from British India, p. 279
Pierre van der Eng, The sources of long-term economic growth in Indonesia, 1880-2008, p. 294
Daan Marks, Unity or diversity? On the integration and efficiency of rice markets in Indonesia, c. 1920-2006, p. 310
Tangjun Yuan, Kyoji Fukao, Harry X. Wu, Comparative output and labor productivity in manufacturing between China, Japan, Korea and the United States for ca. 1935 – A production-side PPP approach, p. 325
Joerg Baten, Debin Ma, Stephen Morgan, Qing Wang, Evolution of living standards and human capital in China in the 18-20th centuries: Evidences from real wages, age-heaping, and anthropometrics, p. 347
Susan Wolcott, Explorations’ contribution to the ‘Asian Century’, p. 360

v. 47, 2010, 2

David S. Jacks, Christopher M. Meissner, Dennis Novy, Trade costs in the first wave of globalization, p. 127
Adrian Bell, Charles Sutcliffe, Valuing medieval annuities: Were corrodies underpriced?, p. 142
Dan Bogart, A global perspective on railway inefficiency and the rise of state ownership, 1880-1912, p. 158
Lee J. Alston, Andrés A. Gallo, Electoral fraud, the rise of Peron and demise of checks and balances in Argentina, p. 179
Steven Devaney, Trends in office rents in the City of London: 1867-1959, p. 198
Jared Rubin, Bills of exchange, interest bans, and impersonal exchange in Islam and Christianity, p. 213
Giovanni Federico, Michelangelo Vasta, Was industrialization an escape from the commodity lottery? Evidence from Italy, 1861-1939, p. 228
Joan Ramón Rosés, Julio Martínez-Galarraga, Daniel A. Tirado, The upswing of regional income inequality in Spain (1860-1930), p. 244

v. 47, 2010, 1

Adrian Stoian, Price Fishback, Welfare spending and mortality rates for the elderly before the Social Security era, p. 1
Ahmed S. Rahman, Fighting the forces of gravity – Seapower and maritime trade between the 18th and 20th centuries, p. 28
Christopher Hanes, The rise and fall of the sliding scale, or why wages are no longer indexed to product prices, p. 49
J.C. Herbert Emery, “Un-American” or unnecessary? America’s rejection of compulsory government health insurance in the Progressive Era, p. 68
Dorothee Crayen, Joerg Baten, Global trends in numeracy 1820-1949 and its implications for long-term growth, p. 82
Carsten Burhop, Thorsten Lübbers, Incentives and innovation? R&D management in Germany’s chemical and electrical engineering industries around 1900, p. 100
Andrew Seltzer, Did firms cut nominal wages in a deflationary environment?: Micro-level evidence from the late 19th and early 20th century banking industry, p. 112

v. 46, 2009, 4

Jan Luiten van Zanden, Milja van Tielhof, Roots of growth and productivity change in Dutch shipping industry, 1500-1800, p. 389 Facundo Alvaredo, Top incomes and earnings in Portugal 1936-2005, p. 404 Robert C. Alien, Engels’ pause: Technical change, capital accumulation, and inequality in the british industrial Revolution, p. 418 Tomas Cvrcek, Inequality and living standards under early communism: Anthropometric evidence from Czechoslovakia, 1946-1966, p. 436 Louis Cain, Sok Chul Hong, Survival in 19th century cities: The larger the city, the smaller your chances, p. 450 Christian Bayer, Carsten Burhop, Corporate governance and incentive contracts: Historical evidence from a legal reform, p. 464

v. 46, 2009, 3

Howard Bodenhorn, Criminal sentencing in 19th-century Pennsylvania, p. 287
Douglas W. Allen, A theory of the pre-modern British aristocracy, p. 299
Richard S. Grossman, Masami Imiai, Japan’s return to gold: Turning points in the vaine of the yen during the 1920s, p. 314
Rui Pedro Esteves, Jaime Reis, Fabiano Ferramosca, Market Integration in the Golden Periphery. The Lisbon/London Exchange, 1854-1891, p. 324
Jhon S. Landon-Lane, Peter E. Robertson, Long-run growth iti the OECD: A test of the paratisi growth paths hypothesis, p. 346
Leslie McGranahan, The widow’s offering: Inheritance, family structure, and the charitable gifts of women, p. 356
Samad Sarferaz, Martin Uebele, Tracking down the business cyele: A dynamie factor model for Germany 1820-1913, p. 368

v. 46, 2009, 2

Trevon D. Logan, Health, human capital, and African-American migration before 1910, p. 169
Benjamin N. Dennis, Talan B. ??can, Engel versus Baumol: Accounting for structural change using two centuries of U.S. data, p. 186
Peter L. Rousseau, Share liquidity, participation, and growth of the Boston market for industrial equities, 1854-1897, p. 203
lauricio Drelichman, License to tilt: The privileges of the Spanish Mesta as a case of second-best institutions, p. 220
Jonathan Pritcheit, Myeong-Su Yun, The in-hospital mortality rates of slaves and freemen: Evidence from Touro Infirmary, New Orleans, Louisiana, 1855-1860, p. 241
Wrouter Vari Overfelt, Jan Annaert, Marc De Ceuster, Marc Deloof, Do universal banks create value? Universal bank affiliation and company performance in Belgium, 1905-1909, p. 253
Jan Tore Klovland, New evidence on the fluctuations in ocean freight rates in the 1850s, p. 266
Howard H. Chang, Marina Danilevsky, David S. Evans, Daniel D. Garcia-Swartz, Errata to “The economics of market coordination for the pre-Fed check-clearing system: A peek iato the Bloomington (IL) node” [Explor. Econ. Hist. 45 (2008) 445-461], p. 285

v. 46, 2009, 1

Special Issue on Heights and Human Welfare
Richard H. Steckel, Heights and human welfare: Recent developments and new directions, p. 1
Stephen G. Wheateroft, The first 35 years of Soviet living standards: Secular growth and conjunctural crises in a time of famines, p. 24
Stephen L. Morgan, Stature and economic development in South China, 1810-1880, p. 53
Ricardo D. Salvatore, Stature growth in industrializing Argentina: The Buenos Aires industrial belt 1916-1950, p. 70
Sara Horrell, David Meredith, Deborah Oxley, Measuring misery: Body mass, ageing and gender inequality in Victorian London, p. 93
Jane Humphries, Timothy Leunig, Was Dick Whittington taller than those he left behind? Anthroponietric measures, migration and the quality of life in early nineteenth century London?, p. 120
Mojgan Stegl, Joerg Baten, Tall and shrinking Muslims, short and growing Europeans: The long-run welfare development of the Middle East, 1850-1980, p. 132
Scott Alan Carson, Geography, insolation, and vitamin D in nineteenth century US African-American and white statures, p. 149
Jeremy Atack, Peter Coclanis, George Grantham, Creating Abundance: Biological Innovation and American Agricultural Development – An appreciation and research agenda, p. 160

v. 45, 2008, 4

Thomas M. Geraghty, Thomas Wiseman, Wage strikes in 1880s America: A test of the war of attrition Model, p. 303
Charles W. Caiomiris, Joseph R. Mason, Resolving the puzzle of the underissuance of national bank notes, p. 327
Michael J. Greenwood, Family and sex-specific U.S. immigration from Europe, 1870-1910; A panel data study of rates and composition, p. 356
Nikolaus Wolf, Scylla and Charybdis. Explaining Europe’s exit from gold, January 1928-December 1936, p. 383
Jeff Biddle, Explaining the spread of residential air conditionmg, 1955-1980, p. 402
Eric Tilt, The negative trade-off between risk and incentives: Evidence from the american whaling Industry, p. 424
Howard H. Chang, Marina Danilevsky, David S. Evans, Daniel D. Garcia-Swaitz, The economics of market coordination for the pre-Fed check-clearing system: A peek into the Bloommgton (IL) node, p. 445
Thrsten Lübbers, Shareholder value mining: Wealth effects of takeovers in German coal mining, 1896-1913, p. 462
Ta-Chen Wang, Paying back to borrow more: Reputation and bank credit access in early America, p. 477

v. 45, 2008, 3

David Clingingsmith, Jeffrey G. Williamson, Deindustrialization in 18th and 19th century India: Mughal decline, climate shocks and British industrial ascent, p. 209
Graeme G. Acheson, John D. Turner, The death blow to unlimited liability in Victorian Britain: The City of Glasgow failure, p. 235
Joseph H. Davis, Douglas A. Irwin, The antebellum U.S. iron industry; Domestic production and foreign competition, p. 254
Jukka Jalava, Matti Pohjoia, The roles of electricity and ICT in economic growth: Case Finland, p. 270
Claude Diebolt, Antoine Parent, Bimetallism: The “rules of the game”, p. 288

v. 45, 2008, 2

Daniel Waldenström, Bruno S, Frey, Did nordic countries recognize the gathering storm of World War II? Evidence from the bond markets, p. 107
Nikola Koepke, Joerg Baten, Agricoltural specialization and height in ancient and medieval Europe, p. 127
Luis Angeles, GDP per capita or real wage? Making sense of conflicting views on pre-industrial Europe, p. 147
Pierre L. Silos, The Fed’s reaction to the stock market during the great, depression: Fact or artefact?, p. 164
Jeremy Atack, Fred Bateman, Robert A, Margo, Steam power, establishment size and labor productivity growth in nineteenth century American manufacturing, p. 185
Erick D. Craft, James Monks, The post bellum demand for cotton revisited, p. 199

v. 45, 2008, 1

Joseph P. Ferrie, Werner Troesken, Water and Chicago’s mortality transition, 1850-1925, p. 1
Richard S. Grossman, Masami Imai, The evolution of a national banking market in pre-war Japan, p. 17
Lee A. Craig, Matthew T. Holt, Mechanical refrigeration, seasonality, and the hog-corn cycle in the United States: 1870-1940, p. 30
Neil Canaday, The accumulation of property by southern blacks and whites: Individual-level evidence from a South Carolina cotton county, 1910-1919, p. 51
Melissa A. Thomasson, Jaret Treber, From home to hospital: The evolution of childbirth in the United States, 1928-1940, p. 76
Ellis W. Tallman, Jon R. Moen, Errata to “Gold shocks, liquidity, and the United States Economy during the National Banking Era” [Explor. Econ. Hist. 35 (1998) 381-404], p. 100

v. 44, 2007, 4

Frank D. Lewis, Compensation and the abandoned property of the 1948 Palestinian refugees: Assessment and implications, p. 523
Michael Huberman, Chris Minns, The times they are not changin’: Days and hours of work in Old and New Worlds, 1870-2000, p. 538
John E. Murray, Lars Nilsson, Accident risk compensation in late imperial Austria: Wage differentials and social insurance, p. 568
Gary Richardson, Categories and causes of bank distress during the great depression, 1929-1933: The illiquidity versus insolvency debate revisited, p. 588
Nicholas Crafts, Terence C. Mills, Abay Mulatu, Total factor productivity growth on Britain’s railways, 1852-1912: A reappraisal of the evidence, p. 608
Ian W. McLean, Why was Australia so rich?, p. 635
Tetsuji Okazaki, Micro-aspects of monetary policy: Lender of Last Resort and selection of banks in pre-war Japan, p. 657
Chulhee Lee, Military positions and post-service occupational mobility of union army veterans, 1861-1880, p. 680

Author Index for Volume 44, p. 699

v. 44, 2007, 3

William J. Collins, Fred H. Smith, A neighborhood-level view of riots, property values, and population loss: Cleveland 1950-1980, p. 365
Andrew Coleman, The pitfalls of estimating transactions costs from price data: Evidence from trans-Atlantic gold-point arbitrage, 1886-1905, p. 387
Brandon Dupont, Bank runs, information and contagion in the panie of 1893, p. 411
Carlo Ciccarelli, Stefano Fenoaltea, Business fluctuations in Italy, 1861-1913: The new evidence, p. 432
Alfonso Herranz-Loncán, Infrastructure investment and Spanish economic growth, 1850-1935, p. 452
Jordi Domenech, Working hours in the European periphery: The length of the working day in Spain, 1885-1920, p. 469
John Landon-Lane, Hugh Rockoff, The origin and diffusion of shocks to regional interest rates in the United States, 1880-2002, p. 487
Barry Eichengreen, Mariko Hatase, Can a rapidly growing export-oriented economy exit smoothly from a currency peg? Lessons from Japan’s high-growth era, p. 501

v. 44, 2007, 2

Howard Bodenhorn, Usury ceilings and bank lending behavior: Evidence from nineteenth century New York, p. 179
Jochen Streb, Jacek Wallusch, Shuxi Yin, Knowledge spill-over from new to old industries: The case of German synthetic dyes and textiles (1878-1913), p. 203
Solomos Solomou, Masao Shimazaki, Japanese episodic long swings in economic growth, p. 224
William H. Phillips, Profitability and factory-based cotton gin production in the antebellum south, p. 242
Michael J. Greenwood, Modeling the age and age composition of late 19th century U.S. immigrants from Europe, p. 255
Daniel Gottlieb, Asymmetric information in late 19th century cooperative insurance societies, p. 270
Giovanni Federico, Market integration and market efficiency: The case of 19th century Italy, p. 293
Daniel K. Benjamin, Christopher Thornberg, Organization and incentives in the age of sail, p. 317
David S. Jacks, Populists versus theorists: Futures markets and the volatility of prices, p. 342

Alexander J. Field, Erratum to “The equipment hypothesis and US economie growth” [Explor. Econ. Hist. 44 (2007) 43-58], p. 363

v. 44, 2007, 1

Anne E.C. McCants, Inequality among the poor of eighteenth century Amsterdam, p. 1
Nikolaus Wolf, Endowments vs. market potential: What explains the relocation of industry after the Polish reunification in 1918?, p. 22
Alexander J. Field, The equipment hypothesis and US economie growth, p. 43
Richard S. Grossman, Fear and greed: The evolution of double liability in American banking, 1865-1930, p. 59
Gary M. Pecquet, Clifford F. Thies, Texas treasury notes and market manipulation, 1837-1842, p. 81
Philip Epstein, Peter Howlett, Max-Stephan Schulze, Trade, convergence, and globalisation: The dynamics of the international income distribution, 1950-1998, p. 100
Robert A. Hart, Women doing men’s work and women doing women’s work: Female work and pay in British wartime engineering, p. 114
E. Woodrow Eckard, Retail price concentration, transaction costs, and price flexibility circa 1900, p. 131
Javier Cuenca-Esteban, India’s contribution to the British balance of payments, 1757-1812, p. 154

Announcement, p. 177

v. 43, 2006, 4

James I. Stewart, Migration to the agricultural frontier and wealth accumulation, 1860-1870, p. 547
Aravinda Meera Guntupalli, Joerg Baten, The development and inequality of heights in North. West, and East India 1915-1944, p. 578
Jay C. Shambaugh, An experiment with multiple currencies: the American monetary system from 1838-60, p. 609
Richard C.K. Burdekin, Bondholder gains from the annexation of Texas and implications of the US bailout, p. 646
Gerhard Kling, The long-term impact of mergers and the emergence of a merger wave in pre-World-War I Germany, p. 667
William K. Hutchinson, Robert A. Margo, The impact of the Civil War on capital intensity and labor productivity in southern manufacturing, p. 689

Author Index for Volume 43, p. 705

v. 43, 2006, 3

Jacks David S., What drove 19th century commodity market integration?, p. 383
Mattesini F., Quintieri B., Does a reduction in the length of the working week reduce unemployment? Some evidence from the Italian economy during the Great Depression, p. 413
Vecchi Giovanni, Coppola Michela, Nutrion and growth in Italy, 1861-1911: What macroeconomic data hide, p. 438
Guinnane Timothy W., Moehling Carolyn M., Ó. Gráda, The fertility of the Irish in the United States in 1910, p. 465
Carlson Leonard A., Roberts Mark A., Indian lands, “Squatterism”, and slavery: Economic interests and the passage of the Indian removal act of 1830, p. 486
McAvoy Michael R., How were the Federal Reserve Bank locations selected?, p. 505
Logan Trevon D., Food, nutrition, and substitution in the late nineteenth century, p. 527

v. 43, 2006, 2

Fishback Price V., Horrace William C., Kantor Shawn, The impact of New Deal expenditures on mobility during the Great Depression, p. 179
Dye Alan, Sicotte Richard, How brinkmanship saved Chadbourne: Credibility and the International Sugar Agreement of 1931, p. 223
Broadberry Stephen N., Irwin Douglas A., Labor productivity in the United States and the United Kingdom during the nineteenth century, p. 257
Fukao Kyoji, Ma Debin, Yuan Tangjum, International comparison in historical perspective: Reconstructing the 1934-1936 Benchmark purchasing power parity for Japan, Korea, and Taiwan, p. 280
Sabaté Marcela, Gadea Maria Dolores, Escario Regina, Does fiscal policy influence monetary policy? The case of Spain, 184-1935, p. 309
Co?gel Metin M., Taxes, efficiency, and redistribution: Discriminatory taxation of villages in Ottoman Palestine, Southern Syria, and Transjordan in the sixteenth century, p. 332
Kanazawa Mark, Investment in private water development: Property rights and contractual opportunism during the California Gold Rush, p. 357

v. 43, 2006, 1

Rousseau Peter L., Sylla Richard, Financial revolutons and economic growth : Introducing this EEH symposium, p. 1
Van Nieuwerburgh Stjin, Buelens Frans, Cuyvers Ludo, Stock market development and economic growth in Belgium, p. 13
Burhop Carsten, Did banks cause the German industrialization ?, p. 39
Ögren Anders, Free or central banking ? Liquidity and financial deepening in Sweden, 1834-1913, p. 64
Miwa Yoshiro, Miwa, Ramseyer Mark J., Japanese industrial finance at the close of the 19th century: Trade credit and financial intermediation, p. 94

Regular articles
Bielenberg Andy, Geary Frank, Growth in manufacturing output in Ireland between the Union and the Famine: Some evidence
Virts Nancy, Change in the plantation system

Announcement, p. 177

v. 42, 2005, 4

Editorial Board, p. CO2
Dan Bogart, Turnpike trusts and the transportation revolution in 18th century England, p. 479
Christopher M. Meissner, Voting rules and the success of connected lending in 19th century New England banks, p. 509
John Dinan and Jac C. Heckelman, The anti-tobacco movement in the Progressive Era: A case study of direct democracy in Oregon, p. 529
Davin Chor, Institutions, wages, and inequality: The case of Europe and its periphery (1500-1899), p. l 547 Christopher Hoag, Deposit drains on “in terest-paying” banks before financial crises, p. 567
Sukkoo Kim, Industrialization and urbanization: Did the steam engine contribute to the growth of cities in the United States?, p. 586

Announcement, p. 599

v. 42, 2005, 3

Peter Temin, Hans-Joachim Voth, Credit rationing and crowding out during the industrial revolution: evidence from Hoare’s Bank, 1702-1862, p. 325
Mauricio Drelichman, The curse of Moctezuma: American silver and the Dutch disease, p. 349
David S. Jacks, Intra- and international commodity market integration in the Atlantic economy, 1800-1913, p. 381
Nikolaus Wolf, Path dependent border effects: the case of Poland’s reunification (1918-1939), p. 414
Isabel Sanz-Villarroya, The convergence process of Argentina with Australia and Canada: 1875-2000, p. 439
Charles R. Hickson, John D. Turner, Claire McCann, Much ado about nothing: the limitation of liability and the market for 19th century Irish bank stock, p. 459

Announcement, p. 477

v. 42, 2005, 2

Karen Clay, Gavin Wright, Order without law? Property rights during the California gold rush, p. 155
Tetsuji Okazaki, The role of the merchant coalition in pre-modern Japanese economic development: an historical institutional analysis, p. 184
Sophia Lazaretou, The drachma, foreign creditors, and the international monetary system: tales of a currency during the 19th and the early 20th centuries, p. 202
Lyndon Moore, Jakub Kaluzny, Regime change and debt default: the case of Russia, Austro-Hungary, and the Ottoman empire following World War One, p. 237
Chris Minns, Marian Rizov, The spirit of capitalism? Ethnicity, religion, and self-employment in early 20th century Canada, p. 259
Gregory Clark, Erik Jamelske, The efficiency gains from site value taxes: the Tithe Commutation Act of 1836, p. 282
J. T. Toman, The gang system and comparative advantage, p. 310

Announcement, p. 324

v. 42, 2005, 1

Peter L. Rousseau, Richard Sylla, Emerging financial market and early US growth, p. 1
Adam Klug, John S. Landon-Lane, Eugene N. Withe, How could everyone have been so wrong? Forecasting the Great Depression with the railroads, p. 27
Mark Carlson, Causes of bank suspensions in the panic of 1893, p. 56
Domenico Delli Gatti, Marco Gallegati, Mauro Gallegati, On the nature and causes of business fluctuations in Italy, 1861-2000, p. 81
Lawrence H. Officer, The quantity theory in New England, 1703-1749: new data to analyze an old question, p. 101
E. Woodrow Eckard, Team promotion in early major league baseball and the origin of the closed sports league, p. 122

Riccardo D. Salvatore, Erratum to “Stature decline and recovery in a food-rich export economy: Argentina 1900-1934” [Explorations in Economic History 41 (2004) 233-255], p. 153

Announcement, p. 154

v. 41, 2004, 4

Melissa A. Thomasson, Early evidence of an adverse selection death spiral? The case of Blue Cross and Blue Shield, p. 313
Farley Grubb, The circulating medium of exchange in colonial Pennsylvania, 1729-1775: new estimates of monetary composition, performance, and economic growth, p. 329
John E. Murray, Kristen Keith, Male-female earnings differentials in early 20th century Manila, p. 361
Ian Keay, Angela Redish, The micro-economic effects of financial market structure: evidence from 20th century North American steel firms, p. 377
Joan R. Rosée, Blanca Sánchez-Alonso, Regional wage convergence in Spain 1850-1930, p. 404
Magnus Lindmark, Patterns of historical CO2 intensity transitions among high and low-income countries, p. 426

Announcement, p. 448

v. 41, 2004, 3

Pierre-Cyrille Hautcoeur, Efficiency, competition, and the development of life insurance in France (1870-1939) Or: should we trust pension funds?, p. 205
Ricardo D. Salvatore, Stature decline and recovery in a food-rich export economy: Argentina 1900-1934, p. 233
Ulrich Doraszelski, Measuring returns to scale in nineteenth-century French industry, p. 256
Oliver Volckart, The economics of feuding in late medieval Germany, p. 282
Gil Montant, The effectiveness of the Nord-Pas-de-Calais coal cartel during the inter-war period: a research note, p. 300

Call for papers, p. 308

v. 41, 2004, 2

Zeynep K. Hansen, Gary D. Libecap, The allocation of property rights to land: US land policy and farm failure in the northern great plains, p. 103
Esteban A. Nicolini, Mortality, interest rates, investment, and agricultural production in 18th century England, p. 130
Nicholas Crafts, Terence C. Mills, Was 19th century British growth steam-powered?: the climacteric revisited, p. 156
Saif I. Shah Mohammed, Jeffrey G. Williamson, Freight rates and productivity gains in British tramp shipping 1869-1950, p. 172

Announcement, p. 204

v. 41, 2004, 1

Gary Richardson, Guilds, laws, and markets for manufactured merchandise in latemedieval England, p. 1
David Greasley, Les Oxley, Globalization and real wages in New Zealand 1873-1913, p. 26
J. Lawrence Broz, Richard S. Grossman, Paying for privilege: the political economy of Bank of England charters, 1694-1844, p. 48
Carolyn M. Moehling, Family structure, school attendance, and child labor in the American South in 1900 and 1910, p. 73

Announcement, p. 101

v. 40, 2003, 4

Clyde G. Reed, Cliff T. Bekar, Religious prohibitions against usury, p. 347
Pedro Lains, Catching up to the European core: Portuguese economic growth, 1910-1990, p. 369
Oliver Grant, Globalisation versus de-coupling: German emigration and the evolution of the Atlantic labour market 1870-1913, p. 387
Shirley Chenny, Pascal St-Amour, Désiré Vencatachellum, Slave prices from succession and bankruptcy sales in Mauritius, 1825-1827, p. 419
Gianni Toniolo, Leandro Conte, Giovanni Vecchi, Monetary Union, institutions and financial market integration: Italy, 1862-1905, p. 443

v. 40, 2003, 3

John Joseph Wallis, The property tax as a coordinating device: Financing Indiana’s Mammoth Internal Improvement System, 1835-1842, p. 223
Fred Bateman, Jason E. Taylor, The New Deal at war: alphabet agencies’ expenditure patterns, 1940-1945, p. 251
Price V. Fishback, Shawn Kantor, John Joseph Wallis, Can the New Deal’s three Rs be rehabilitated? A program-by-program, county-by-county analysis, p. 278
Cliff T. Bekar, Clyde G. Reed, Open fields, risk, and land divisibility, p. 308
Kim Oosterlinck, The bond market and the legitimacy of Vichy France, p. 326

Announcement, p. 345

v. 40, 2003, 2

Joseph R. Mason, The political economy of Reconstruction Finance Corporation assistance during the Great Depression, p. 101
Giuseppe Tattara, Paper money but a gold debt: Italy on the gold standard, p. 122
Michael D. Bordo, Michael J. Dueker, David C. Wheelock, Aggregate price shocks and financial stability: the United Kingdom 1796-1999, p. 143
Jeremy Atack, Fred Bateman, Robert A. Margo, Productivity in manufacturing and the length of the working day: evidence from the 1880 census of manufactures, p. 170
Daniel K. Benjamin, Christopher F. Thornberg, Comment: Rules, monitoring, and incentives in the age of sail, p. 195
Douglas W. Allen, Rules and rewards in the age of sail: a reply, p. 212

Announcement, p. 221

v. 40, 2003, 1

Jan Luiten van Zanden, Rich and poor before the Industrial Revolution: a comparison between Java and the Netherlands at the beginning of the 19th century, p. 1
William J. Collins, The political economy of state-level fair employment laws, 1940-1964, p. 24
Pol Antràs, Hans-Joachim Voth, Factor prices and productivity growth during the British industrial revolution, p. 52
Philip Epstein, Peter Howlett, Max-Stephan Schulze, Distribution dynamics: stratification, polarization, and convergence among OECD economies, 1870-1992, p. 78

Announcement: 5th European Historical Economics Society Conference, p. 98
Announcement, p. 99

v. 39, 2002, 4

Gerardo della Paolera, Alan M. Taylor, Internal versus external convertibility and emerging-market crises: lessons from Argentine history, p. 357
Peter C. Mancall, Joshua L. Rosenbloom, Thomas Weiss, Agricoltural labor productivity in the Lower South, 1720-1800, p. 390
Lee J. Alston, Ruth Dupré, Tomas Nonnenmacher, Social reformers and regulation: the prohibition of cigarettes in the United States and Canada, p. 425
Livio Di Matteo, J. C. Herbert Emery, Wealth and the demand for life insurance: evidence from Ontario, 1892, p. 446
Elaine S. Tan, ‘The bull is half the herd’: property rights and enclosures in England, 1750-1850, p. 470

Announcement, p. 490

v. 39, 2002, 3

Melissa A. Thomasson, From Sickness to Health: The Twentieth-Century Development of U.S. Health Insurance, p. 233
Masao Suzuki, Selective Immigration and Ethnic Economic Achievement: Japanese Americans before World War II, p. 254
Douglas J. Puffert, Path Dependence in Spatial Networks: The Standardization of Railway Track Gauge, p. 282
Michael Huberman, Denise Young, Hope against Hope: Strike Activity in Canada, 1920-1939, p. 315

Announcement, p. 355

v. 39, 2002, 2

Lawrence H. Officer, The U.S. Specie Standard, 1792-1932: Some Monetarist Arithmetic, p. 113
Barry K. Goodwin, Thomas J. Grennes, Lee A. Craig, Mechanical Refrigeration and the Integration of Perishable Commodity Markets, p. 154
Robert A. Margo, T. Aldrich Finegan, The Great Compression of the 1940s: The Public versus the Private Sector, p. 183
Douglas W. Allen, The British Navy Rules: Monitoring and Incompatible Incentives in the Age of Fighting Sail, p. 204

Announcement, p. 232

v. 39, 2002, 1

Michael D. Bordo, Ehsan U. Choudhri, Anna J. Schwartz, Was Expansionary Monetary Policy Feasible during the Great Contraction? An Examination of the Gold Standard Constraint, p. 1
Daniel Waldenström, Taxing Emerging Stock Markets: A Beneficial Policy? Evidence from the Stockholm Stock Exchange, 1907-1939, p. 29
Peter Temin, Price Behavior in Ancient Babylon, p. 46
Ann M. Carlos, Nathalie Moyen, Jonathan Hill, Royal African Company Share Prices during the South Sea Bubble, p. 61
Siddharth Chandra, Race, Inequality, and Anti-Chinese Violence in the Netherlands Indies, p. 88

v. 38, 2001, 4

Robert C. Allen, The Great Divergence in European Wages and Prices from the Middle Ages to the First World War, p. 411
Robert C. Allen, Jan Keay, The First Great Whale Extinction: The End of the Bowhead Whale in the Eastern Arctic, p. 448
Robert A Hart, Hours and Wages in the Depression: British Engineering, 1926-1938, p. 478
Robin Haines, John McDonald, Ralph Shlomowitz, Mortality and Voyage Length in the Middle Passage Revisited, p. 503

Author Index for Volume 38, p. 534

v. 38, 2001, 3

Alan Green, Mary MacKinnon, The Slow Assimilation of British Immigrants in Canada: Evidence from Montreal and Toronto, 1901, p. 315
Sara Horrell, Jane Humphries, Hans-Joachim Voth, Destined for Deprivation: Human Capital Formation and Intergenerational Poverty in Nineteenth-Century England, p. 339
Peter Scott, Path Dependence and Britain’s “Coal Wagon Problem”, p. 366
Zadia M. Feliciano, The Skill and Economic Performance of Mexican Immigrants from 1910 to 1990, p. 386

v. 38, 2001, 2

Andrew J. Seltzer, Kenneth L. Simons, Salaries and Career Opportunities in the Banking Industry: Evidence from the Personnel Records of the Union Bank of Australia, p. 195
David Greasley, Jakob B. Madsen, Les Oxley, Income Uncertainty and Consumer Spending during the Great Depression, p. 225
Michele Fratianni, Franco Spinelli, Fiscal Dominance and Money Growth in Italy: The Long Record, p. 252
Metin M. Cosgel, Bradley B. Andrew, Membership in a Religious Commune: The Shakers, 1850-1870, p. 273

Robert K. Fleck, Population, Land, Economic Conditions, and the Allocation of New Deal Spending, p. 296

John Wallis, The Political Economy of New Deal Spending, Yet Again: A Reply to Fleck, p. 305

v. 38, 2001, 1

Special Issue

Anthony Patrick O’Brien, William G. Shade, One Kind of Freedom Revisited, p. 1

Roger L. Ransom, Richard Sutch, One Kind of Freedom: Reconsidered (and Turbo Charged), p. 6
Gavin Wright, Reflections on One Kind of Freedom and the Southern Economy, p. 40
Harold D. Woodman, One Kind of Freedom after 20 Years, p. 48
Peter A. Coclanis, 1KF in the Year of Y2K: Framing Ransom and Sutch, p. 58
Stanley Engerman, One Kind of Freedom: A Comparative Perspective, p. 64

William J. Collins, Robert A. Margo, Race and Home Ownership: A Century-Long View, p. 68
Price V. Fishback, Michael R. Haines, Shawn Kantor, The impact of the New Deal on Black and White Infant Mortality in the South, p. 93
William A. Sundstrom, Discouraging Times: The Labor Force Participation of Married Black Women. 1930-1940, p. 123

Thomas N. Maloney, Migration and Economic Opportunity in the 1910s: New Evidence on African-American Occupational Mobility in the North, p. 147
James R. Irwin, Anthony Patrick O’Brien, Economic Progress in the Postbellum South? African-American Incomes in the Mississippi Delta, 1880-1910, p. 166
Lee J. Alston, Kyle D. Kauffman, Competition and the Compensation of Sharecroppers by Race: a View from Plantations in the Early Twentieth Century, p. 181