Past & present : a journal of historical studies DATINI

Past & Present: a journal of historical studies

ISSN: 0031-2746
Conservata in: Università degli Studi di Firenze, Biblioteca di Scienze Sociali

– Punto di servizio: Economia; Riv. str. 0293
Consistenza: n. 19, 1961-
Lacune: n. 183, 2004

– Punto di servizio: Giurisprudenza; Riv. str. 0249
Consistenza: 1968-2001
Lacune: 1968

– Punto di servizio: Scienze Politiche; Riv. str. 0307
Consistenza: 1971-2000
[ 2030-2021 ] [ 2020-2011 ] [ 2010-2001 ] [ 2000-1996 ] [ 1995-1991 ] [ 1990-1986 ] [ 1985-1981 ] [ 1980-1976 ] [ 1975-1971 ] [ 1970-1966 ] [ 1965-1961 ] [ 1960-1956 ] [ 1955-1952 ]

copertina della rivista

n. 169, Nov. 2000

Judith Herrin, The imperial feminine in Byzantium, p. 3
Pamela Nightingale, Knights and Merchants: Trade, politics and the gentry in late medieval England, p. 36
Christine Peters, Gender, sacrament and ritual: the making and meaning of marriage in late medieval and early modern England, p. 63
Robert B. Shoemaker, The decline of public insult in London 1660-1800, p. 97
Marybeth Hamilton, Sexuality, authenticity and the making of the blues tradition, p. 132
Kate Fisher, ‘She was quite satisfied with the arrangements i made’: gender and birth control in Britain 1920-1950, p. 161

Ioan Matthews, Comment, p. 194
Matthew Cragoe, Reply, p. 205
Notes, p. 214

n. 168, Aug. 2000

Eric Hobsbawm, Francis Haskell, p. 3
P. S. Barnwell, Emperors, jurists and Kings: law and custom in the late roman and early medieval west, p. 6
D. A. Carpenter, The second century of English feudalism, p. 30
Alexandra Walsham, ‘Domme Preachers’? Post-Reformation English catholicism and the culture of print, p. 72
John Styles, Product innovation in early modern London, p. 124
Linda Colley, Going native, telling tales: captivity, collaborations and empire, p. 170
Oliver Zimmer, Competing memories of the nation: liberal historians and the reconstruction of the Swiss past 1870-1900, p. 194
Stephen Howe, Viewpoint: the politics of historical ‘revisionism’: comparing Ireland and Israel/Palestine, p. 227
Christopher Dyer, Review article: alternative approaches to the history of agriculture, p. 254

n. 167, May 2000

Patricia Crone, Ninth-century Muslim anarchists, p. 3
Alain Boureau, How law came to the monks: the use of law in English society at the beginning of the thirteenth century, p. 29
Alexandra Shepard, Manhood, credit and patriarchy in early modern England C. 1580-1640, p. 75
Lyndal Roper, ‘Evil imaginings and fantasies’: child-witches and the end of the witch craze, p. 107
Stuart Semmel, British radicals and ‘legitimacy’: Napoleon in the mirror of history, p. 140
David Rock, Fernando Lopez-Alves, State-building and political systems in nineteenth-century Argentina and Uruguay, p. 176
Joann Mcgregor, Terence Ranger, Displacement and disease: epidemics and ideas about malaria in Matabeleland, Zimbabwe, 1945-1996, p. 203
Martin Daunton, Review article: Virtual representation: the history of parliament on cd-rom, p. 238

n. 166, Feb. 2000

Jean-Pierre Devroey, Men and women in early medieval serfdom: the ninth-century north frankish evidence, p. 3
Simon Walker, Rumour, Sedition and popular protest in the reign of Henry IV, p. 31
H. R. French, Social status, localism and the ‘middle sort of people’ in England 1620-1750, p. 66
Colin Jones, Pulling teeth in eighteenth-century Paris, p. 100
Miles Taylor, The 1848 revolutions and the British empire, p. 146
Henrietta Harrison, Newspapers and nationalism in rural China 1890-1929, p. 181
Laura Lee Downs, Municipal communism and the politics of childhood: Ivry-Sur-Seine 1925-1960, p. 205
John Bossy, Review article: thinking with clark, p. 242

n. 165, Nov. 1999

Sandy Bardsley, Women’s work reconsidered: gender and wage differentiation in late medieval England, p. 3
Joseph Bergin, The counter-reformation Church and its Bishops, p. 30
Sara Birtles, Common Land, poor relief and enclosure: the use of manorial resources in fulfilling parish obligations 1601-1834, p. 74
Randall Mcgowen, Pillory to gallows: the punishment of forgery in the age of the financial revolution, p. 107
Sheldon Watts, British development policies and malaria in India 1897-C. 1929, p. 141
Michael Thad Allen, Flexible production in Ravensbrück concentration camp, p. 182
Alain Boureau, Review Article: Richard Southern: a landscape for a portrait, p. 218
Notes, p. 230

n. 164, Aug, 1999

J. H. Elliott, Lawrence Stone, p. 3
Jane Fair Bestor, Marriage transactions in renaissance Italy and mauss’s essay on the gift, p. 6
Samuel Dennis Glover, The putney debates: popular versus élitist republicanism, p. 47
Suzanne Desan, Reconstituting the social after the terror: family, property and the law in popular politics, p.
K. D. M. Snell, The Sunday-school movement in England and Wales: child labour, denominational control and working-class culture, p. 122
Arundhati Virmani, National symbols under colonial domination: the nationalization of the indian flag, march-august 1923, p. 169
A. G. Hopkins, Viewpoint: back to the future: from national history to imperial history, p. 198
Peter Jelavich, Review Article: national socialism, art and power in the 1930s, p. 244

n. 163, May 1999

Pauline Stafford, Queens, nunneries and reforming churchmen: gender, religious status and reform in tenth- and eleventh-century England, p. 3
Karin J. Machardy, Cultural capital, family strategies and noble identity in early modern Habsburg Austria 1579-1620, p. 36
Alan Cromartie, The constitutionalist revolution: the transformation of political culture in early Stuart England, p. 76
Brett L. Walker, The early modern Japanese state and Ainu vaccinations: redefining the body politic 1799-1868, p. 121
Olive Anderson, State, civil society and separation in victorian marriage, p. 161
Jeremy Krikler, The commandos: the army of white labour in South Africa, p. 202

n. 162, Feb. 1999

John Bedell, Memory and proof of age in England 1272-1327, p. 3
Jonathan Walker, Gambling and venetian noblemen C. 1500-1700, p. 28
Bernard Capp, The double standard revisited: plebeian women and male sexual reputation in early modern England, p. 70
Douglas Hay, The state and the market in 1800: Lord Kenyon and Mr Waddington, p. 101
David Stevenson, War by timetable? the railway race before 1914, p. 163
Joselyn Zivin, ‘Bent’: A colonial subversive and Indian broadcasting, p. 195

n. 161, Nov. 1998

S. Airlie, Private Bodies and the Body Politic in the Divorce Case of Lothar II, p. 3
A. Hunt, The Lord’s Supper in Early Modern England, p. 39
R. Sweet, Freemen and Independence in English Borough Politics c. 1770-1830, p. 84
M. Finn, Working-Class Women and the Contest for Consumer Control in Victorian County Courts, p. 116
R. Guha, Cricket and Politics in Colonial India, p. 155
N. Stargadt, Children’s Art of the Holocaust, p. 191
Past and Present Postdoctoral Fellowships, p. 236

n. 160, Aug. 1998

Ch. Wickham, Gossip and Resistance among the Medieval Peasantry, p. 3
J. Wittle, Individualism and the Family-Land Bond: A Reassessment of Land Transfer Patterns among the English Peasantry, p. 25
J. Hatcher, Labour, Leisure and Economic Thought before the Nineteenth Century, p. 64
P. King, The Rise of Juvenile Delinquency in England 1780-1840: Changing Patterns of Perception and Prosecutions, p. 116
S.A. Smith, The Social Meanings of Swearing: Workers and Bad Language in Late Imperial and Early Soviet Russia, p,. 167
I. Copland, The Further Shores of Partition: Ethnic Cleansing in Rajasthan 1947, p. 203

n. 159, May 1998

Ph.R. Schofield, Peasants and the Manor Cort: Gossip and Litigation in a Suffolk Village at the Close of the Thirteenth Century, p. 3
D. Woodward, Straw, Bracken and the Wicklow Whale: The Exploitation of Natural Resources in England since 1500, p. 43
D.M. McMahon, The Counter-Enlightenment and the Low-Life of Literature in Pre-Revolutionary France, p. 77
D. Wahrman, Percy’s Prologue: From Gender Play to Gender Panic in Eighteenth-Century England, p. 113
R. Bickers, Shanghailanders: The Formation and Identity of the British Settler Community in Shanghai 1843-1937, p. 161

n. 158, Feb. 1998

Matthew Innes, Memory, Orality and Literacy in an Early Medieval Society, p. 3
Steve Hindle, Persuasion and Protest in the Caddington Common Enclusure Dispute 1635-1639, p. 37
Prasannan Parthasarathi, Rethinking Wages and Competitiveness in the Eighteenth Century: Britain and Sound India, p. 79
Maiken Umbach, Visual Culture, Scientific Images and German Small-State Politics in the Late Enlightenment, p. 110
Donald Jordan, The Iris National League and the “Unwritten Law”: Rural Protest and Nation-Building in Ireland 1882-1890, p. 146
William Beinart, The Night of the Jackal: Sheep, Pastures and Predators in the Cape, p. 172
Patrick Joyce, The Return of History: Postmodernism and the Politics of Academic History in Britain, p. 207

n. 157, Nov. 1997

T. Dean, Marriage and Mutilation: Vendetta in Late Medieval Italy, p. 3
R. Grassby, The Decline of Falconry in Early Modern England, p. 37
I.R. McBride, “When Ulster Joined Ireland”: Anti-Popery, Presbyterian Radicalism and Irish Republicanism in the 1790s, p. 63
J. Livesey, Agrarian Ideology and Commercial Republicanism in the Rrench Revolution, p. 94
S. Hahn, “Extravagant Expectations” of Freedom: Rumour, Political Struggle, and the Christmas Insurrection Scare of 1865 in the American South, p. 122

P.H. Hansen, Comment, p. 159
G.T. Stewart, Reply, p. 178

Notes, p. 191

n. 156, Aug. 1997

J. Herrin, Robert Browning, p. 3
J.R. Maddicott, Plague in Seventh-Century England, p. 7
R.C. Davis, Venetian Shipbuilders and the Fountain of Wine, p. 55
L. Gowing, Secret Births and Infanticide in Seventeenth-Century England, p. 87
Th. Manley Luckett, Hunting for Spies and Whores: A Parisian Riot on the Eve of the French Revolution, p. 116
E. Akyeampong, Sexuality and Prostitution among the Akan of the Gold Coast c. 1650-1950, p. 144

J.-L. Narfany, Comment, p. 174
P. Burke, Reply, p. 192

n. 155, May 1997

R. Osborne, Law, the Democratic Citizen and the representation of Women in Classical Athens, p. 3
D. Armitage, Making the Empire British: Scotland in the Atlantic World 1542-1717, p. 34
G. Hanlon, The Decline of a Provincial Military Aristocracy: Siena 1560-1740, p. 64
A. Skaria, Women, Witchcraft and Gratuitous Violence in Colonial Western India, p. 109
P. Hart, The Geography of Revolution in Ireland 1917-1923, p. 142

T. Reuter, Comment 3, p. 177
Ch. Wickham, Comment 4, p. 196
T.N. Bissom, Reply, p,. 208

n. 154, Feb. 1997

G. Rosser, Crafts, Guilds and the Negotiation of Work in the Medieval Town, p. 3
J.R. Wordie, Deflationary Factors in the Tudor Price Rise, p. 32
D.M. Luebke, “Naive Monarchism” and Marian Veneration in Early Modern Germany, p. 71
E.H. Gould, American Independence and Britain’s Counter-Revolution, p. 107
S. O’Brien, French Nuns in Nineteenth-Century England, p. 142
P. Lagrou, Victims of Genocide and National Memory: Belgium, France and the Netherlands 1945-1965, p. 181

M. Moisà, Comment, p. 223
J.M. Bennett, Reply, p. 235

n. 153, Nov. 1996

H.A. Drake, Lambs into Lions: Explaining Early Christian Intolerance, p. 3
H. Zmora, Princely State-Making and the “Crisis of the Aristocracy” in Late Medieval Germany, p. 37
P. Lake, M. Questier, Agency, Appropriation and Rhetoric under the Gallows: Puritans, Romanists and the State in Early Modern England, p. 64
J. Carney, Rice Milling, Gender and Slave Labour in Colonial South Carolina, p. 108
D.A. Reid, Widdings, Weekdays, Work and Leisure in Urban England 1791-1911: The Decline of Saint Monday Revisited, p. 135
D. Sayer, The Language of Nationality and the Nationality of Language: Prague 1780-1920, p. 164

n. 152, Aug. 1996

N. Caciola, Wraiths, Revenants and Ritual in Medieval Culture, p. 3
Ph. Benedict, Faith, Fortune and Social Structure in Seventeenth-Century Montpellier, p. 46
R. Suggett, Festivals and Social Structure in Early Modern Wales, p. 79
D.Hardiman, Debt, Dearth and Famine in Western India, p. 113
M. Winstanley, Industrialization and the Small Farm: Family and Household Economy in Nineteenth-Century Lansashire, p. 157

D. Barthélemy, Comment 1, p. 196
S.D. White, Comment 2, p. 205

n. 151, May 1996

I.M. Lapidus, State and Religion in Islamic Societies, p. 3
D. Lord Smail, Common Violence: Vengeance and Inquisition if Fourteenth-Century Marseille, p. 28
F. Oakley, “Anxieties of Influence”: Skinner, Figgis, Conciliarism and Early Modern Constitutionalism, p. 60
N. Tadmor, The Concept of the Household-Family in Eighteenth-Century England, p. 111
S. Gerson, Parisian Litterateurs, Provincial Journeys and the Construction of the National Unity in Post-Revolutionary France, p. 141
R. English, “The Inborn Hate of Things English”: Ernie O’Malley and the Irish Revolution 1916-1923, p. 174

n. 150, Feb. 1996

M.C.Howell, Fixing Movables: Gifts by testament in Late Medieval Douai, p. 3
A.H. Williamson, Scots, Indians and Empire: The Scottish Politics of Civilization 1519-1609, p. 46
U. Rublack, Pregnancy, Childbirth and the Female Body in Early Modern Germany, p. 84
B. Harris, “American Idols”: Empire, War and the Middling Ranks in Mid-Eighteenth-Century Britain, p. 111
M.M. Smith, Time, Slavery and Plantation Capitalism in the Ante-Bellum American South, p. 142
M.J. Daunton, Payment and Participation: Welfare and State-Formation in Britain 1900-1951, p. 169