Past & present : a journal of historical studies DATINI

Past & Present: a journal of historical studies

ISSN: 0031-2746
Conservata in: Università degli Studi di Firenze, Biblioteca di Scienze Sociali

– Punto di servizio: Economia; Riv. str. 0293
Consistenza: n. 19, 1961-
Lacune: n. 183, 2004

– Punto di servizio: Giurisprudenza; Riv. str. 0249
Consistenza: 1968-2001
Lacune: 1968

– Punto di servizio: Scienze Politiche; Riv. str. 0307
Consistenza: 1971-2000
[ 2030-2021 ] [ 2020-2011 ] [ 2010-2001 ] [ 2000-1996 ] [ 1995-1991 ] [ 1990-1986 ] [ 1985-1981 ] [ 1980-1976 ] [ 1975-1971 ] [ 1970-1966 ] [ 1965-1961 ] [ 1960-1956 ] [ 1955-1952 ]

copertina della rivista

n. 249, 2020

Julio Cesar Magalhães de Oliveira, Late antiquity: the age of crowds?, p. 3
Christina Welsch, Military mobility, authority and negotiation in earlycolonial India, p. 53
Alan S. Ross, The animal body as medium: taxidermy and european expansion, 1775-1865, p. 85
Jan Stöckmann, The First World War and the democratic control of foreign policy, p. 121
Antoine Acker, A different story in the anthropocene: Brazil’s post-colonial quest for oil (1930-1975), p. 167
Vanessa Ogle, ‘Funk money’: the end of empires, the expansion of Tax Havens, and decolonization as an economic and Financial Event, p. 213
Julian Gewirtz, ‘Loving capitalism disease’: aids and ideology in the people’s republic of China, 1984-2000, p. 251

Sujit Sivasundaram, The human, the animal and the prehistory of COVID-19, p. 295

Andrew David Edwards, Peter Hill, Juan Neves-Sarriegui, Capitalism in global history, p. e1

n. 248, 2020

Astrid Van Oyen, Innovation and investment in the roman rural economy through the lens of Marzuolo (Tuscany, Italy), p. 3
Matthew Laube, ‘The harmony of one choir’? music and social unity in reformation heidelberg, p. 41 Mark Hailwood, Time and work in rural England, 1500-1700, p. 87
Richard Huzzey, Henry Miller, Petitions, parliament and political culture: petitioning the House of Commons, 1780-1918, p. 123
Avner Wishnitzer, Kerosene nights: light and enlightenment in late Ottoman Jerusalem, p. 165
Cherry Leonardi, Patchwork states: the localization of state territoriality on the south Sudan-Uganda border, 1914-2014, p. 209
Mehmet Döemeci, The kinetics of our discontent, p. 253

n. 247, 2020

John M. Collins, The Long Parliament and the Law of Necessity in Seventeenth-Century England, p. 3
Daniel Maudlin, Inns and Elite Mobility in Late Georgian Britain, p. 37
David Sim, Following the Money: Fenian Bonds, Diasporic Nationalism, and Distant Revolutions in the Mid-Nineteenth-Century United States, p. 77
Thomas Waters, Irish Cursing and the Art of Magic, 1750-2018, p. 113
Zoë Thomas, Between Art and Commerce: Women, Business Ownership, and the Arts and Crafts Movement, p. 151
Samuel Dolbee, The Desert at the End of Empire: an Environmental History of the Armenian Genocide, p. 197
Sheldon Garon, On the Transnational Destruction of Cities: What Japan and the United States Learned From the Bombing of Britain and Germany in the Second World War, p. 235
Lucie Ryzova, The Battle of Muhammad Mahmoud Street in Cairo: the Politics and Poetics of Urban Violence in Revolutionary Time, p. 273

Corrigendum, p. 319

n. 246, 2020

G. Geltner, The Path to Pistoia: Urban Hygiene Before the Black Death, p. 3
Sonia Tycko, The Legality of Prisoner of War Labour in England, 1648-1655, p. 35
Tyler D. Parry, Charlton W. Yingling, Slave Hounds and Abolition in the Americas, p. 69
Ben Griffin, Paternal Rights, Child Welfare and the Law in Nineteenth-Century Britain and Ireland, p. 109
Arun Kumar, Letters of the Labouring Poor: the Art of Letter Writing in Colonial India, p. 149
Susan K. Morrissey, Terrorism and Ressentiment in Revolutionary Russia, p. 191
Jennifer Lambe, The Medium Is the Message: the Screen Life of the Cuban Revolution, 1959-1962, p. 227
Stefan Link, Noam Maggor, Viewpoint: the United States As A Developing Nation: Revisiting the Peculiarities of American History, p. 269
Charles S. Maier, Viewpoint: ‘Bliss Was It in That Dawn’ . . . Or Was It, p. 307

n. 245, 2019

John H. Arnold, Voicing Dissent: Heresy Trials in Later Medieval England, p. 3
Robert Michael Morrissey, Climate, Ecology and History in North America’s Tallgrass Prairie Borderlands, p. 39
Deborah Cohen, Love and Money in the Informal Empire: the British in Argentina, 1830-1930, p. 79
Victoria Bates, Forensic Medicine and Female Victimhood in Victorian and Edwardian England, p. 117
Mustafa Tuna, Kazan Tatar Teacher School: the Global Entanglement of a Local Imperial Institution in the Late Russian Empire, p. 153
Gajendra Singh, Jodh Singh, the Ghadar Movement and the Anti-Colonial Deviant in the Anglo-American Imagination, p. 187
Simon Stevens, The Turn to Sabotage by the Congress Movement in South Africa, p. 221

n. 244, 2019

Lee Mordechai, Merle Eisenberg, Rejecting Catastrophe: the Case of the Justinianic Plague, p. 3
David Coast, Speaking For the People in Early Modern England, p. 51
Ian McBride, The Politics of a Modest Proposal: Swift and the Irish Crisis of the Late 1720s, p. 89
Erik Bengtsson, The Swedish Sonderweg in Question: Democratization and Inequality in Comparative Perspective, C.1750-1920, p. 123
Alison K. Smith, A Microhistory of the Global Empire of Cotton: Ivanovo, the ‘Russian Manchester’, p. 163
Claire Morelon, Sounds of Loss: Church Bells, Place, and Time in the Habsburg Empire During the First World War, p. 195
Peter Mandler, Good Reading For the Million: the ‘Paperback Revolution’ and the Co-Production of Academic Knowledge in Mid Twentieth-Century Britain and America, p. 235

Paul Betts, 1989 at Thirty: a Recast Legacy, p. 271

n. 243, 2019

Ananya Chakravarti, Mapping ‘Gabriel’: Space, Identity and Slavery in the Late Sixteenth-Century Indian Ocean, p. 5
Jane Whittle, A Critique of Approaches to ‘Domestic Work’: Women, Work and the Pre-Industrial Economy, p. 35
Ian B. Stewart, The Mother Tongue: Historical Study of the Celts and their Language(S) in Eighteenth-Century Britain and Ireland, p. 71
Jean-Luc Chappey, Julien Vincent, A Republican Ecology? Citizenship, Nature and the French Revolution (1795-1799), p. 109
Arash Khazeni, Indo-Persian Travelwriting at the Ends of the Mughal World, p. 141
Guy Miron, The Home Experience of German Jews Under the Nazi Regime, p. 175
Erik R. Scott, The Hijacking of Aeroflot Flight 244: States and Statelessness in the Late Cold War, p. 213

Matthew S. Champion, The History of Temporalities: an Introduction, p. 247
Matthew S. Champion, A Fuller History of Temporalities, p. 255
Stefan Hanß, The Fetish of Accuracy: Perspectives on Early Modern Time(s), p. 267
A. R. P. Fryxell, Time and the Modern: Current Trends in the History of Modern Temporalities, p. 285
David Gange, Time, Space and Islands: Why Geographers Drive the Temporal Agenda, p. 299
Vanessa Ogle, Time, Temporality and the History of Capitalism, p. 312

n. 242, 2019

Martha Howell, Credit Networks and Political Actors in Thirteenthcentury Ypres, p. 3
Wouter Ryckbosch, From Spice to Tea: on Consumer Choice and the Justification of Value in the Early Modern Low Countries, p. 37
Rebecca Earle, The Political Economy of Nutrition in the Eighteenth Century, p. 79
Pratik Chakrabarti, Gondwana and the Politics of Deep Past, p. 119
John Horne, End of a Paradigm? the Cultural History of the Great War, p. 155
Seth Bernstein, Ambiguous Homecoming: Retribution, Exploitation and Social Tensions During Repatriation to the Ussr, 1944-1946, p. 193
Lydia Walker, Decolonization in the 1960s: on Legitimate and Illegitimate Nationalist Claims-Making, p. 227

Aglaia Kasdagli, Medieval History and Marxism in England, 1950-1956, p. e1

n. 241, 2018

Kimberley Czajkowski, Benedikt Eckhardt, Law, Status and Agency in the Roman Provinces, p. 3
Alessio Fiore, Refiguring Local Power and Legitimacy in the Kingdom of Italy, C.900-C.1150, p. 33
Richard Calis, Frederic Clark, Christian Flow, Anthony Grafton, Madeline McMahon, Passing the Book: Cultures of Reading in the Winthrop Family, 1580-1730, p. 69
Tim Soens, Resilient Societies, Vulnerable People: Coping with North Sea Floods Before 1800, p. 143
Jake Christopher Richards, Anti-Slave-Trade Law, ‘Liberated Africans’ and the State in the South Atlantic World, C.1839-1852, p. 179
Hilary Buxton, Imperial Amnesia: Race, Trauma and Indian Troops in the First World War, p. 221
Sheila Fitzpatrick, The Tramp’s Tale: Travels Within the Soviet Union and Across its Borders, 1925-1950, p. 259

Matthew Hilton, Emily Baughan, Eleanor Davey, Bronwen Everill, Kevin O’Sullivan, History and Humanitarianism: a Conversation, p. e1

n. 238, 2018 – Issue suppl_13

List of Contributors , p. IX
List of Participating Network Members, p. X
Maps, p. XII

Catherine Holmes, Naomi Standen, Introduction: Towards a Global Middle Ages, p. 1

Mark Whittow, Sources of Knowledge, Cultures of Recording, p. 45
Caroline Dodds Pennock, Amanda Power, Globalizing Cosmologies, p. 88
Jonathan Shepard, Networks, p. 116
Naomi Standen, Monica White, Structural Mobilities in the Global Middle Ages, p. 158
Ian Forrest, Anne Haour, Trust in Long-Distance Relationships, 1000-1600 ce, p. 190
Simon Yarrow, Economic Imaginaries of the Global Middle Ages, p. 214
Conrad Leyser, Naomi Standen, Stephanie Wynne-Jones, Settlement, Landscape and Narrative: What Really Happened in History, p. 232
Hilde De Weerdt, Catherine Holmes, John Watts, Politics, c.1000-1500: Mediation and Communication, p. 261
Glen Dudbridge, ?, Reworking the World System Paradigm, p. 297
Alan Strathern, Global Early Modernity and the Problem of What Came Before, p. 317-344, Bibliography , p. 345

n. 240, 2018

Shane Bobrycki, The Flailing Women of Dijon: Crowds in Ninth-Century Europe, p. 3
Paul Warde, Trees, Trade and Textiles: Potash Imports and Ecological Dependency in British Industry, c.1550-1770, p. 47
Jane Ohlmeyer, Eastward Enterprises: Colonial Ireland, Colonial India, p. 83
Darrin M McMahon, Illuminating the Enlightenment: Public Lighting Practices in the Siècle Des Lumières, p. 119
Moritz Föllmer, The Unscripted Revolution: Male Subjectivities in Germany, 1918-1919, p. 161
Harald Fischer-Tiné, The Ymca and Low-Modernist Rural Development in South Asia, c.1922-1957, p. 193
Gavin Schaffer, The Limits of the ‘Liberal Imagination’: Britain, Broadcasting and Apartheid South Africa, 1948-1994, p. 235

Max M Edling, Peace Pact and Nation: an International Interpretation of the Constitution of the United States, p. 267

n. 239, 2018

Claire GilbertGrammar of Conquest: the Spanish and Arabic Reorganization of Granada After 1492, p. 3
Chris Evans and Göran Rydén‘Voyage Iron’: an Atlantic Slave Trade Currency, Its European Origins, and West African Impact, p. 41
Emma GriffinDiets, Hunger and Living Standards During the British Industrial Revolution, p. 71
Song-Chuan ChenThe Power of Ancestors: Tombs and Death Practices in Late Qing China’s Foreign Relations, 1845-1914, p. 113
Aashish VelkarRethinking Metrology, Nationalism and Development in India, 1833-1956, p. 143
Emily BaughanInternational Adoption and Anglo-American Internationalism, C.1918-1925, p. 181
Michele AlacevichPlanning Peace: the European Roots of the Post-War Global Development Challenge, p. 219
Christopher Markiewicz, Review Article: Europeanist Trends and Islamicate Trajectories in Early Modern Ottoman History, p. 265

Corrigenda, p. 283

n. 238, 2018

M. W. McHaffie, Law and Violence in Eleventh-Century France, p. 3
Karen Harvey, Rabbits, Whigs and Hunters: Women and Protest in Mary Toft’s Monstrous Births of 1726, p. 43
Jonathan Connolly, Indentured Labour Migration and the Meaning of Emancipation: Free Trade, Race, and Labour in British Public Debate, 1838-1860, p. 85
David Hopkin, Cinderella of the Breton Polders: Suffering and Escape in the Notebooks of a Young, Female Farm-Servant in the 1880s, p. 121
Will Jackson, An Unmistakable Trace of Colour: Racializing Children in Segregation-Era Cape Town, 1908-1933, p. 165
Eve Colpus, Women, Service and Self-Actualization in Inter-War Britain, p. 197
Rosie Bsheer, A Counter-Revolutionary State: Popular Movements and the Making of Saudi Arabia, p. 233

n. 237, 2017

Faisal Devji, C. A. Bayly, p. 3

Tom Johnson, The Tree and the Rod: Jurisdiction in Late Medieval England, p. 13
Barbara B. Diefendorf, Religious Conflict and Civic Identity: Battles Over the Sacred Landscape of Montpellier, p. 53
Renate Dürr, Mapping the Miracle: Empirical Approaches in the Exodus Debate of the Eighteenth Century, p. 93
Peter Hill, Ottoman Despotism and Islamic Constitutionalism in Mehmed Ali’s Egypt, p. 135
Ramazan Hakki Öztan, Tools of Revolution: Global Military Surplus, Arms Dealers and Smugglers in the Late Ottoman Balkans, 1878-1908, p. 167
Michelle Tusan, Genocide, Famine and Refugees on Film: Humanitarianism and the First World War, p. 197
Julia Laite, Traffickers and Pimps in the Era of White Slavery, p. 237

n. 236, 2017

Jamie Kreiner, Pigs in the Flesh and Fisc: an Early Medieval Ecology, p. 3
Naomi Tadmor, The Settlement of the Poor and the Rise of the Form in England, C.1662-1780, p. 43
Anne L. Murphy, Clock-Watching: Work and Working Time at the Late Eighteenth-Century Bank of England, p. 99
David M. Gordon, Precursors to Red Rubber: Violence in the Congo Free State, 1885-1895, p. 133
Mark R. Frost, Humanitarianism and the Overseas Aid Craze in Britain’s Colonial Straits Settlements, 1870-1920, p. 169
Jakub S. Bene?, The Green Cadres and the Collapse of Austria-Hungary in 1918, p. 207
David Holland, The Social Networks of South Asian Migrants in the Sheffield Area During the Early Twentieth Century, p. 243

n. 235, 2017

Jelle Stoop, Between City and Empire: Awarding Statues to Romans in Greek Cities, p. 3
Carol Symes, Popular Literacies and the First Historians of the First Crusade, p. 37
Emily Michelson, Conversionary Preaching and the Jews in Early Modern Rome, p. 68
Matthew Kadane, Original Sin and the Path to the Enlightenment, p. 105
Benjamin Thomas White, Refugees and the Definition of Syria, 1920-1939, p. 141
John Gurney, Gerrard Winstanley and the Left, p. 179
Rosario Forlenza, The Enemy Within: Catholic Anti-Communism in Cold War Italy, p. 207
Natalie Zemon Davis, E.P. Thompson, Alexandra Walsham, Rough Music and Charivari: Letters Between Natalie Zemon Davis and Edward Thompson, 1970-1972, p. 243

n. 234, 2017

Stephen Mileson, Openness and Closure in the Later Medieval Village, p. 3
Carla Roth, Obscene Humour, Gender, and Sociability in Sixteenth-Century St Gallen, p. 39
Robert B. Shoemaker, Worrying About Crime: Experience, Moral Panics and Public Opinion in London, 1660-1800, p. 71
Matthew P. Fitzpatrick, Embodying Empire: European Tattooing and German Colonial Power, p. 101
Chris Pearson, Stray Dogs and the Making of Modern Paris, p. 137
Courtney J. Campbell, Four Fishermen, Orson Welles, and the Making of the Brazilian Northeast, p. 173

Alexandra Walsham, Introduction: Past and … Presentism, p. 213
Robin Osborne, Classical Presentism, p. 217
Peter Coss, Presentism and the ‘Myth’ of Magna Carta, p. 227
Miri Rubin, Presentism’s Useful Anachronisms, p. 236
Evelyn Welch, Presentism and the Renaissance and Early Modern Historian, p. 245
Catherine Hall, Thinking Reflexively: Opening ‘Blind Eyes’, p. 254
Rana Mitter, Presentism and China’s Changing Wartime Past, p. 263
S. A. Smith, China, Revolution and Presentism, p. 274

n. 233, 2016

Alexandra Walsham, John Bossy, p. 3
Neil Murphy, Violence, Colonization and Henry Viii’s Conquest of France, 1544-1546, p. 13
Christopher Marsh, Best-Selling Ballads and their Pictures in Seventeenth-Century England, p. 53
Stuart Carroll, Revenge and Reconciliation in Early Modern Italy, p. 101
Kathryn Gleadle, The Juvenile Enlightenment: British Children and Youth During the French Revolution, p. 143
Kim A. Wagner, ‘Calculated to Strike Terror’: the Amritsar Massacre and the Spectacle of Colonial Violence, p. 185
Matthew Hilton, Charity, Decolonization and Development: the Case of the Starehe Boys School, Nairobi, p. 227
Helen McCarthy, Social Science and Married Women’s Employment in Post-War Britain, p. 269

Samuel Moyn, The End of Human Rights History, p. 307
Lynn Hunt, The Long and the Short of the History of Human Rights, p. 323

n. 232, 2016

Sara Lipton, Isaac and Antichrist in the Archives, p. 3
Alison Rowlands, Gender, Ungodly Parents and a Witch Family in Seventeenth-Century Germany, p. 45
Stephanie J. Mawson, Convicts Or Conquistadores? Spanish Soldiers in the Seventeenth-Century Pacific, p. 87
Joy Palacios, Actors, Christian Burial, and Space in Early Modern Paris, p. 127
Janet Polasky, Revolutionaries Between Nations, 1776-1789, p. 165
John Dickie, Mafia and Prostitution in Calabria, c.1880 – c.1940, p. 203
Robert Hornsby, The Enemy Within? the Komsomol and Foreign Youth Inside the Post-Stalin Soviet Union, 1957-1985, p. 237

Stefan-Ludwig Hoffmann, Human Rights and History, p. 279

n. 231, 2016

Colin P. Elliott, The Antonine Plague, Climate Change and Local Violence in Roman Egypt, p. 3
Cristian Berco, Perception and the Mulatto Body in Inquisitorial Spain: a Neurohistory, p. 33
Daniel Hershenzon, The Political Economy of Ransom in the Early Modern Mediterranean, p. 61
Kate Peters, The Quakers and the Politics of the Army in the Crisis of 1659, p. 97
Christopher Bischof, Chinese Labourers, Free Blacks, and Social Engineering in the Post-Emancipation British West Indies, p. 129
Vanessa Heggie, Bodies, Sport and Science in the Nineteenth Century, p. 169
Fredrik Meiton, Electrifying Jaffa: Boundary-Work and the Origins of the Arab-Israeli Conflict, p. 201

n. 230, 2016

Myles Lavan, The Spread of Roman Citizenship, 14-212 CE: Quantification in the Face of High Uncertainty, p. 3
R. A. Houston, People, Space, and Law in Late Medieval and Early Modern Britain and Ireland, p. 47
Toby Green, Beyond an Imperial Atlantic: Trajectories of Africans from Upper Guinea and West-Central Africa in the Early Atlantic World, p. 91
Holger Hoock, Mangled Bodies: Atrocity in the American Revolutionary War, p. 123
Andrew B. Liu, Incense and Industry: Labour and Capital in the Tea Districts of Huizhou, China, p. 161
Derek R. Peterson, The Politics of Transcendence in Colonial Uganda, p. 197
Stuart Ward, The European Provenance of Decolonization, p. 227

n. 229, 2015

C. Fischer-Bovet, Social unrest and ethnic coexistence in Ptolemaic Egypt and the seleucid empire, p. 3
Una McIlvenna, The power of music: the significance of contrafactum in execution ballads, p. 47
David Zylberberg, Fuel prices, regional diets and cooking habits in the english industrial revolution (1750-1830), p. 91
Maartje Janse, ‘Holland as a little England’? British anti-slavery Missionaries and continental abolitionist Movements in the mid nineteenth centuryv, p. 123
Andrew MacDonald, The thieves of the cross: assyrian charity Collectors and world history, 1860s-1940S, p. 161
Todd H. Weir, The christian front against godlessness: antisecularism and the demise of the Weimar republic, 1928-1933, p. 201
Richard Reid, States of anxiety: history and nation in modern Africa, p. 239

Review Article, p. 271

n. 228, 2015

Megan Vaughan, Luise White, Terence Ranger, p. 3
Romney David Smith, Calamity and Transition: Re-Imagining Italian Trade in the Eleventh-Century Mediterranean, p. 15
Mary Harvey Doyno, The Creation of a Franciscan Lay Saint: Margaret of Cortona and her Legenda, p. 57
Maarten Prak, Citizens, Soldiers and Civic Militias in Late Medieval and Early Modern Europe, p. 93
Lloyd Bowen, Information, Language and Political Culture in Early Modern Wales, p. 125
Peter King, Richard Ward, Rethinking the Bloody Code in Eighteenth-Century Britain: Capital Punishment at the Centre and on the Periphery, p. 159
Ilaria Favretto, Rough Music and Factory Protest in Post-1945 Italy, p. 207
Paul Betts, Humanity’s New Heritage: Unesco and the Rewriting of World History, p. 249

Review Article, p. 287

n. 227, 2015

Ellen Muehlberger, The Legend of Arius’ Death: Imagination, Space and Filth in Late Ancient Historiography, p. 3
b Frederik Buylaert, Lordship, Urbanization and Social Change in Late Medieval Flanders, p. 31
Jennifer Wells, English Law, Irish Trials and Cromwellian State Building in the 1650s, p. 77
Elliott Young, Chinese Coolies, Universal Rights and the Limits of Liberalism in an Age of Empire, p. 121
Stephen V. Bittner, American Roots, French Varietals, Russian Science: a Transnational History of the Great Wine Blight in Late-Tsarist Bessarabia, p. 151
Monika Baár, Disability and Civil Courage under State Socialism: the Scandal over the Hungarian Guide-Dog School, p. 179
Natasha Wheatley, Mandatory Interpretation: Legal Hermeneutics and the New International Order in Arab and Jewish Petitions to the League of Nations, p. 205

Review Article, p. 249

n. 226, 2015

Charles West, Lordship in Ninth-Century Francia: the Case of Bishop Hincmar of Laon and his Followers, p. 3
Christian D. Liddy, Urban Enclosure Riots: Risings of the Commons in English Towns, 1480-1525, p. 41
Kat Hill, Anabaptism and the World of Printing in Sixteenth-Century Germany, p. 79
Penelope Ismay, Between Providence and Risk: Odd Fellows, Benevolence and the Social Limits of Actuarial Science, 1820s-1880s, p. 115
A. Roger Ekirch, The Modernization of Western Sleep: Or, Does Insomnia have a History?, p. 149
Nile Green, The Hajj as its Own Undoing: Infrastructure and Integration on the Muslim Journey to Mecca, p. 193
Sarah Abrevaya Stein, Citizens of a Fictional Nation: Ottoman-born Jews in France during the First World War, p. 227

n. 225, 2014

Patrick Lantschner, Revolts and the political order of cities in the late middle ages, p. 3
Nicholas Scott Baker, Discursive republicanism in renaissance Florence: deliberation and representation in the early sixteenth century, p. 47
E. A. Wrigley, Urban growth in early modern England: food, fuel and transport, p. 79
Padraic Xavier Scanlan, The rewards of their exertions: prize money and British abolitionism in Sierra Leone, 1808-1823, p. 113
Rudi Batzell, Free labour, capitalism and the anti-slavery origins of chinese exclusion in California in the 1870s, p. 143
Laura Lee Downs, ‘And so we transform a people’: women’s social action and the reconfiguration of politics on the right in france, 1934-1947, p. 187
Benjamin T. Smith, Who governed? Grassroots politics in Mexico under the partido revolucionario institucional, 1958-1970, p. 227

Review Article, p. 273

n. 224, 2014

Jean Birrell, Manorial custumals reconsidered, p. 3
Bert De Munck, Artisans, products and gifts: rethinking the history of material culture in early modern europe, p. 39
Bernard Capp, ‘Jesus wept’ but did the englishman? Masculinity and emotion in early modern england, p. 75
Dale K. Van Kley, From the catholic enlightenment to the risorgimento: the exchange between Nicola Spedalieri and Pietro Tamburini, 1791-1797, p. 109
Tolga U. Esmer, Economies of violence, banditry and governance in the Ottoman empire around 1800, p. 163
Edmund Ramsden, Duncan Wilson, The suicidal animal: science and the nature of self-destruction, p. 201
James L. Watson, Saltwater margin: a common-fields system in south China, p. 243

Review Article, p. 283

n. 223, 2014

Rory Naismith, The Social Significance of Monetization in the Early Middle Ages, p. 3
P. Renée Baernstein, John Christopoulos, Interpreting the Body in Early Modern Italy: Pregnancy, Abortion and Adulthood, p. 41
Noah Millstone, Seeing Like a Statesman in Early Stuart England, p. 77
Noah C. Shusterman, All of His Power Lies in the Distaff: Robespierre, Women and the French Revolution, p. 129
Tara Zahra, Travel Agents on Trial: Policing Mobility in East Central Europe, 1889-1989, p. 161
Pablo Piccato, Murders of Nota Roja: Truth and Justice in Mexican Crime News, p. 195
Edward D. Melillo, Global Entomologies: Insects, Empires, and the ‘Synthetic Age’ in World History, p. 233

Review Article, p. 271

n. 222, 2014

Paul Slack, Joan Thirsk, p. 3

Philip Slavin, Market Failure during the Great Famine in England and Wales (1315-1317), p. 9
John-Paul A. Ghobrial, The Secret Life of Elias of Babylon and the Uses of Global Microhistory, p. 51
Andrea Caracausi, Beaten Children and Women’s Work in Early Modern Italy, p. 95
D. M. G. Sutherland, Justice and Murder: Massacres in the Provinces, Versailles, Meaux and Reims in 1792, p. 129
David Meredith, Deborah Oxley, Food and Fodder: Feeding England, 1700-1900, p. 163
Corrie R. Decker, Biology, Islam and the Science of Sex Education in Colonial Zanzibar, p. 215
Emily Greble, Illusions of Justice: Fascist, Customary and Islamic Law in the Independent State of Croatia, p. 249

n. 221, 2013

Ian Forrest, The Transformation of Visitation in Thirteenthcentury England, p. 3
Hussein Fancy, Theologies of Violence: the Recruitment of Muslim Soldiers By the Crown of Aragon, p. 39
Alexander Bevilacqua, Helen Pfeifer, Turquerie: Culture in Motion, 1650-1750, p. 75
Katherine Paugh, The Politics of Childbearing in the British Caribbean and the Atlantic World During the Age of Abolition, 1776-1838, p. 119
Daniela L. Caglioti, Waging War on Civilians: the Expulsion of Aliens in the Franco-Prussian War, p. 161
Margaret Chowning, The Catholic Church and the Ladies of the Vela Perpetua: Gender and Devotional Change in Nineteenth-Century Mexico, p. 197
Perry Willson, The Nation in Uniform? Fascist Italy, 1919-43, p. 239

n. 220, 2013

Richard Payne, Cosmology and the Expansion of the Iranian Empire, 502-628 CE, p. 3
Melissa Calaresu, Making and Eating Ice Cream in Naples: Rethinking Consumption and Sociability in the Eighteenth Century, p. 35
Derin Terzio?lu, Where ??lm-i H?l Meets Catechism: Islamic Manuals of Religious Instruction in the Ottoman Empire in the Age of Confessionalization, p. 79
Garthine Walker, Rape, Acquittal and Culpability in Popular Crime Reports in England, c.1670-c.1750, p. 115
Nicholas Owen, The Soft Heart of the British Empire: Indian Radicals in Edwardian London, p. 143
Robert S.G. Fletcher, Running the Corridor: Nomadic Societies and Imperial Rule in the Inter-War Syrian Desert, p. 185
Jun Uchida, The Public Sphere in Colonial Life: Residents’ Movements in Korea Under Japanese Rule, p. 217

n. 219, 2013

N. J. Mayhew, Prices in England, 1170-1750, p. 3
Ulinka Rublack, Matter in the Material Renaissance, p. 41
Rosalind O’Hanlon, Performance in a World of Paper: Puranic Histories and Social Communication in Early Modern India, p. 87
Loïc Charles, Paul Cheney, The Colonial Machine Dismantled: Knowledge and Empire in the French Atlantic, p. 127
Ronald W. Schatz, The Barons of Middletown and the Decline of the North-Eastern Anglo-Protestant Elite, p. 165
Richard Overy, Pacifism and the Blitz, 1940-1941, p. 201
William Gould, Taylor C. Sherman, Sarah Ansari, The Flux of the Matter: Loyalty, Corruption and the ‘Everyday State’ in the Post-Partition Government Services of India and Pakistan, p. 237

Announcement, p. 281

n. 218, 2013

Roy Foster, Eric Hobsbawm, p. 3
Alexander Skinner, Political Mobility in the later Roman Empire, p. 17
Adam G. Beaver, From Jerusalem to Toledo: Replica, Landscape and the Nation in Renaissance Iberia, p. 55
Anne Winter, Thijs Lambrecht, Migration, Poor Relief and Local Autonomy: Settlement Policies in England and the Southern Low Countries in the Eighteenth Century, p. 91
Stephen Lovell, Glasnost’ in Practice: Public Speaking in the Era of Alexander II, p. 127
Kim A. Wagner, ‘Treading Upon Fires’: the ‘Mutiny’-Motif and Colonial Anxieties in British India, p. 159
Andy Bielenberg, Exodus: the Emigration of Southern Irish Protestants During the Irish War of Independence and the Civil War, p. 199
Ya-pei Kuo, ‘Christian Civilization’ and the Confucian Church: the Origin of Secularist Politics in Modern China, p. 235

Announcement, p. 281

n. 217, 2012

Robin Fleming, Recycling in Britain after the Fall of Rome’s Metal Economy, p. 3
Eric R. Dursteler, Speaking in Tongues: Language and Communication in the Early Modern Mediterranean*, p. 47
Richard J. Ross, Distinguishing Eternal from Transient Law: Natural Law and the Judicial Laws of Moses*, p. 79
Matthew P. Dziennik, Whig Tartan: Material Culture and its Use in the Scottish Highlands, 1746-1815*, p. 117
Jeff Horn, ‘A Beautiful Madness’: Privilege, the Machine Question and Industrial Development in Normandy in 1789*, p. 149
Jonathan Saha, A Mockery of Justice? Colonial Law, the Everyday State and Village Politics in the Burma Delta, c.1890-1910*, p. 187
S. A. Caunce, The Hiring Fairs of Northern England, 1890-1930: a Regional Analysis of Commercial and Social Networking in Agriculture, p. 213

Review Article, p. 247

n. 216, 2012

Jessica L. Goldberg, Choosing and Enforcing Business Relationships in the Eleventh-Century Mediterranean: Reassessing the ‘Maghribi Traders’*, p. 3
Christopher Dyer, Poverty and its Relief in Late Medieval England, p. 41
Mark Smith, The Hanoverian Parish: Towards a New Agenda, p. 79
Peter M. Jones, The Challenge of Land Reform in Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century France*, p. 107
Mark Pittaway, National Socialism and the Production of German-Hungarian Borderland Space on the Eve of the Second World War*, p. 143
Sebastian Conrad, ‘The Colonial Ties are Liquidated’: Modernization Theory, Post-War Japan and the Global Cold War*, p. 181
Matthew B. Karush, Blackness in Argentina: Jazz, Tango and Race Before Perón*, p. 215

Michael Sonenscher, The Empire of Fashion and the Rise of Capitalism in Eighteenth-Century France, p. 247

William H. Sewell, Jr, Reply, p. 259

n. 215, 2012

Seth Richardson, Early Mesopotamia: the Presumptive State, p. 3
James E. Shaw, Writing to the Prince: Supplications, Equity and Absolutism in Sixteenth-Century Tuscany, p. 51
Scott Sowerby, Forgetting the Repealers: Religious Toleration and Historical Amnesia in Later Stuart England*, p. 85
Emma Griffin, A Conundrum Resolved? Rethinking Courtship, Marriage and Population Growth in Eighteenth-Century England, p. 125
Sam Haselby, Sovereignty and Salvation on the Frontier of the Early American Republic, p. 165
Erik Linstrum, The Politics of Psychology in the British Empire, 1898-1960, p. 195
Rhiannon Stephens, Birthing Wealth? Motherhood and Poverty in East-Central Uganda, c.700-1900*, p. 235
Edward Kissi, Paradoxes of American Development Diplomacy in the Early Cold War Period, p. 269

n. 214, 2012

T. B. Lambert, Theft, homicide and crime in late Anglo-Saxon law, p. 3 Jan Dumolyn , Jelle Haemers, ‘A bad chicken was brooding’: subversive speech in late medieval flanders, p. 45 Peter Marshall, The naming of protestant England, p. 87 Daniel Stolzenberg, John Spencer and the Perils of sacred philology, p. 129 Karen Harvey, Ritual encounters: punch parties and masculinity in the eighteenth century, p. 165 Tristan Platt, Container transport: from skin bags to iron flasks. Changing technologies of quicksilver packaging between Almadén and America, 1788-1848, p. 205 Alexander Morrison, Sufism, pan-islamism and information panic: Nil Sergeevich Lykoshin and the aftermath of the andijan uprising, p. 255 Thaddeus Sunseri, Exploiting the urwald: German post-colonial forestry in Poland and central Africa, 1900-1960, p. 305

n. 213, 2011

Natalia Nowakowska, From Strassburg to Trent: Bishops, Printing and Liturgical Reform in the Fifteenth Century, p. 3
Mark Knights, John Locke and Post-Revolutionary Politics: Electoral Reform and the Franchise, p. 41
Christopher Ebert, Early Modern Atlantic Trade and the Development of Maritime Insurance to 1630, p. 87
Tirthankar Roy, Where is Bengal? Situating an Indian Region in the Early Modern World Economy, p. 115
Fabrice Bensimon, British Workers in France, 1815-1848, p. 147
David Motadel, Qajar Shahs in Imperial Germany, p. 191
Pieter S. de Ganon, Down the Rabbit Hole: a Study in the Political Economy of Modern Japan, p. 237

Review Article, p. 291

n. 212, 2011

Peter Crooks, State of the Union: Perspectives on English Imperialism in the Late Middle Ages, p. 3
Ronald Hutton, Witch-Hunting in Celtic Societies, p. 43
David Cressy, Saltpetre, State Security and Vexationi in Early Modern England, p. 73 Gagan D. S. Sood, Circulation and Exchange in Islamicate Eurasia: a Regional Approach to the Early Modern World, p. 113
Andrew Sartori, A Liberal Discourse of Custom in Colonial Bengal, p. 163
Malcolm Crook, Tom Crook, Reforming Voting Practices in a Global Age: the Making and Remaking of the Modern Secret Ballot in Britain, France and the United States, c.1600-c.1950, p. 199
Kiran Klaus Patel, The Paradox of Planning: German Agricultural Policy in a European Perspective, 1920s to 1970s, p. 239

n. 211, 2011

David C. Mengel, A Plague on Bohemia? Mapping the Black Death, p. 3
Rab Houston, Custom in Context: Medieval and Early Modern Scotland and England, p. 35
Amy Nelson Burnett, The Social History of Communion and the Reformation of the Eucharist, p. 77
Linda A. Pollock, The Practice of Kindness in Early Modern Elite Society, p. 121
Javier Fernàndez Sebastián, Toleration and Freedom of Expression in the Hispanic World Between Enlightenment and Liberalism, p. 159
Vanessa Taylor, Frank Trentmann, Liquid Politics: Water and the Politics of Everyday Life in the Modern City, p. 199
Justin Willis, Tribal Gatherings: Colonial Spectacle, Native Administration and Local Government in Condominium Sudan, p. 243

n. 210, 2011

Richard Goddard, Small Boroughs and the Manorial Economy: Enterprise Zones or Urban Failures?, p. 3
Kristen Block, Jenny Shaw, Subjects Without an Empire: the Irish in the Early Modern Caribbean, p. 33
Marc Baer, Death in the Hippodrome: Sexual Politics and Legal Culture in the Reign of Mehmet IV, p.
Julian Hoppit, Compulsion, Compensation and Property Rights in Britain, 1688-1833, p. 61
Evdoxios Doxiadis, Legal Trickery: Men, Women, and Justice in Late Ottoman Greece, p. 129
David Todd, A French Imperial Meridian, 1814-1870, p. 155
Sean Hanretta, ‘Kaffir’ Renner’s Conversion: Being Muslim in Public in Colonial Ghana, p. 187