Labour History Review DATINI

Labour History Review

Liverpool, Society for the Study of Labor History
ISSN (print): 0961-5652
ISSN (online): 1745-8188
Conservata in: Prato, Fondazione Istituto Internazionale di Storia Economica “F. Datini”, Coll: Riv. dig.

[ 2030-2021 ] [ 2020-2011 ] [ 2010-2001 ] [ 2000-1991 ] [ 1990-1981 ] [ 1980-1971 ] [ 1970-1960 ]

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v. 75, 2010, n. 3

John Foster, The Aristocracy of Labour and Working-Class Consciousness Revisited, p. 245-262
Richard Price, Histories of Labour and Labour History, p. 263-270

Yasmin Adeeb, Fathi Boud, Annual Bibliography: 2009, p. 271-292
Yasmin Adeeb, Fathi Boud, Theses and Dissertations: 2009, p. 293-310

Review article, p. 311
Book Reviews, p. 322

v. 75, 2010, n. 2

Joan Sangster, Gendering Labour History Across Borders, p. 143-161
Neville Kirk, Challenge, Crisis, and Renewal? Themes in the Labour History of Britain, 1960-2010, p. 162-180
Sam Davies, ‘A whirling vortex of women’: The Strikes of Scots Herring Women in East Anglia in the 1930s and 1940s, p. 181-207
Hazel Kent, ‘A paper not so much for the armchair but for the factory and the street’: Fenner Brockway and the Independent Labour Party’s New Leader, 1926-1946, p. 208-226

Review article, p. 227
Book Reviews, p. 235

v. 75, 2010, n. 1


John McIlroy, Fifty Years of Labour History The Road From Malet Street: The Society for the Study of Labour History, From 1960 to the New Millennium , p. 1-7

Melanie Nolan, Donald MacRaild, Neville Kirk, Transnational Labour in the Age of Globalization , p. 8-19

John Belchem, Hub and Diaspora: Liverpool and Transnational Labour , p. 20-29
Natasha Vall, Bringing Art to ‘the Man in the Back Street’: Regional and Historical Perspectives of Labour and the Evolution of Cultural Policy in Europe 1945-1975 , p. 30-43
Sissel Bjerrum Fossat, ‘We have a lot to learn!’ American Influences on Danish Social Democracy and Organized Labour in the Early 1950s: Transnational Perspectives , p. 44-59
Idesbald Goddeeris, The Transnational Scope of Western Labour’s Solidarity with Solidarnosc , p. 60-75
Thomas Fetzer, The Late Birth of Transnational Labour Cooperation: Cross-Border Trade Union Networks at Ford and General Motors (1953-2001) , p. 76-97
Melanie Nolan, Classic Third Way or Before its Time? The New Zealand Labour Party in Local and Transnational Context , p. 98-113

John Saville (1916-2009): Appreciations and Memories, p. 114-127

Reviews, p. 128

v. 74, 2009, n. 3


Neville Kirk, Donald MacRaild, Melanie Nolan, Introduction: Transnational Ideas, Activities, and Organizations in Labour History 1860s to 1920s, p. 221-232

Shelton Stromquist, ‘Thinking globally; acting locally’: Municipal Labour and Socialist Activism in Comparative Perspective, 1890-1920, p. 233-256
Daniel Laqua, ‘Laïque, démocratique et sociale’? Socialism and the Freethinkers’ International, p. 257-273
Constance Bantman, The Militant Go-between: Émile Pouget’s Transnational Propaganda (1880-1914), p. 274-287
Angèle David-Guillou, Early Musicians’ Unions in Britain, France, and the United States: On the Possibilities and Impossibilities of Transnational Militant Transfers in an International Industry, p. 288-304
Christian Koller, Local Strikes as Transnational Events: Migration, Donations, and Organizational Cooperation in the Context of Strikes in Switzerland (1860-1914), p. 305-318
Yann Béliard, Imperial Internationalism? Hull Labour’s Support for South African Trade-Unionism on the Eve of the Great War, p. 319-329

John McIlroy, John Saville, 1916-2009, p. 330-338

Yasmin Adeeb, Fathi Boud, Annual Bibliography: 2008, p. 339-371
Yasmin Adeeb, Fathi Boud, Theses and Dissertations: 2008, p. 372-386
Book Reviews, p. 387

v. 74, 2009, n. 2

John Flanagan, ‘A gigantic scheme of co-operation’: The Miners’ and Seamen’s United Association in the North-East, 1851-1854, p. 143-159
Pamela Graves, A Blessing or a Curse? Working-Class Attitudes to State Welfare Programmes in Britain 1919-1939, p. 160-184
Margaret Williamson, Gender, Leisure and Marriage in a Working-Class Community, 1939-1960, p. 185-198

Richard Croucher, Post-War British Trade Unionism: Telling it Like it was, p. 199-206
Michael Foot John Shepherd pp.207-212

Book Reviews, p. 213

v. 74, 2009, n. 1

Special Issue on: CHARTISM

Joan Allen, Owen Ashton, Editorial: New Directions in Chartist Studies, p. 1-5

Robert Poole, French Revolution or Peasants’ , Revolt? Petitioners and Rebels in England from the Blanketeers to the Chartists, p. 6-26
Robert Hall, Hearts and Minds: The Politics of Everyday Life and Chartism, 1832-1840, p. 27-43
Kate Bowan, Paul Pickering, ‘Songs for the Millions’: Chartist Music and Popular Aural Tradition, p. 44-63
Malcolm Chase, ‘Labour’s Candidates’: Chartist Challenges at the Parliamentary Polls, 1839-1860, p. 64-89
Peter Gurney, Exclusive Dealing in the Chartist Movement, p. 90-110
Robert Fyson, Late Chartism in the Potteries, 1848-1858, p. 111-129

Archive Report, p. 130-136

Book Reviews, p. 137

v. 73, 2008, n. 3

Jane McDermid, The Making of a ‘Domestic’ Life: Memories of a Working Woman, p. 253-268
Kevin Manton, The Labour Party and Retail Distribution, 1919-1951, p. 269-286

Yasmin Adeeb, Fathi Boud, Annual bibliography: 2007, p. 287-321
Yasmin Adeeb, Fathi Boud, Theses and Dissertations: 2007, p. 322-335

Stephen Hopkins, The Soviet Politics of the Self in the 1930s, p. 336-347

Book Reviews, p. 348

v. 73, 2008, n. 2

James Owen, Dissident Missionaries? Re-Narrating the Political Strategy of the Social-Democratic Federation, 1884-1887, p. 187-207
Rohan Price, ‘No Safe or Reliable Substitute’: The Hostility of British Unions to State Regulation of Wages, 1920-1935, p. 208-227
Jim Tomlinson, A ‘Failed Experiment’? Public Ownership and the Narratives of Post-War Britain, p. 228-243

Book Reviews, p. 244

v. 73, 2008, n. 1


Richard Croucher, The History of Unemployed Movements, p. 1-17

Chris Ealham, ‘The Struggle for the Streets’: Unemployed Hawkers, Protest Culture and Repression in the Barcelona area (c. 1918-1936), p. 19-38
Matt Perry, The Calais riot of 5 January 1934 and the Dynamics of Unemployed Contention, p. 39-59
Alan Campbell and John McIlroy, The National Unemployed Workers’ Movement and the Communist Party of Great Britain Revisited, p. 61-88
Matthias Reiss, Circulars, Surveys and Support: Trades Councils and the Marches of 1936, p. 89-112
Stephanie Ward, The Means Test and the Unemployed in south Wales and the north-east of England, 1931-1939, p. 113-132
John Tanner, ‘The Only Fighting Element of the Working Class’? Unemployed Activism and Protest in Sheffield, 1919-24, p. 133-144
Vincent O’Malley, A United Front against Capitalism? Unemployed Workers’ Organisations in Christchurch, New Zealand, during the Depression, p. 145-166

Donald MacRaild, John Mcilroy, Steven Thompson, David Martin, Review Forum: The Jarrow Crusade, p. 167-180

Book Reviews, p. 181

v. 72, 2007, n. 3

Krista Cowman, Editorial, p. 201-201

John Benson, One Man and his Women: Domestic Service in Edwardian England, p. 203-214
Jim Phillips, Industrial Relations, Historical Contingencies and Political Economy: Britain in the 1960s and 1970s, p. 215-233

OBITUARY John McIlroy, Monty Johnstone (1928-2007), p. 235-237

Yasmin Adeeb, Fathi Boud, British Labour History Publications 2006, p. 239-273
Yasmin Adeeb, Fathi Boud, Theses and Dissertations: 2006, p. 275-289

Book Reviews, p. 291 /p>

v. 72, 2007, n. 2

Krista Cowman, Editorial, p. 111-111

Melanie Nolan, ‘The Reality and Myth of New Zealand Egalitarianism: Explaining the Pattern of a Labour Historiography at the Edge Of Empires’, p. 113-134
Simon Phillips, Christine Hallett, Michele Abendstern, ‘If We Depart from These Conditions…’: Trade Union Reactions to European Immigrant Workers in the Textile Industry C. 1946-1952, p. 135-154
Heather Hughes, ‘The Coolies Will Elbow us out of the Country’: African Reactions to Indian Immigration in the Colony of Natal, South Africa, p. 155-168
Ivan Gibbons, The Irish Policy of the First Labour Government, p. 169-184

Book Reviews, p. 185

v. 72, 2007, n. 1

Krista Cowman, Editorial, p. 3-3

Sue Bowden, David Higgins, Price Higgins, Avoiding Conscription to the Inter-war ‘Army’ of the Unemployed: Short-Time Working in the Iron and Steel Industry, p. 5-25
Gary Moses, The Cultural Contradictions of Rural Capitalism: Anglicanism and Agrarian Labour in Mid-Victorian England, p. 27-47
Andy Croll, Mabon’s Day: The Rise and Fall of a Lib-Lab Holiday in the South Wales Coalfield, 1888-1898, p. 49-68
John McIlroy, Two Tales about Crisis and Corruption at the Central Labour College, p. 69-93

Book Reviews, p. 95

v. 71, 2006, n. 3

Steven Fielding, Duncan Tanner, The ‘Rise of the Left’ Revisited: Labour Party Culture in Post-war Manchester and Salford, p. 211-233
Richard Temple, ‘A Union for Busmen!’ The National Busworkers’ Association, 1950-1955, p. 235-252

John Shepherd, Professor Philip Bagwell (1914-2006), p. 253-254

Yasmin Adeeb, Fathi Boud, Theses and Dissertations: 2005, p. 255-268
Yasmin Adeeb, Fathi Boud, British Labour History Publications: 2005, p. 269-288
Colin Griffin, ‘Instead of Manufacturing Goods, We Are Manufacturing Heritage’: The National Coalmining Museum for England, p. 289-302
Amy Warner, Major Accessions to Repositories in 2005 Relating to the Labour Movement, p. 303-310

Book Reviews, p. 311

v. 71, 2006, n. 2

June Hannam, Editorial, p. 98-98

Sheila Blackburn, Between the Devil of Cheap Labour Competition and the Deep Sea of Family Poverty?’ Sweated Labour in Time and Place, 1840-1914, p. 99-121
David Stead, Delegated Risk in English Agriculture, 1750-1850: the Labour Market, p. 123-144
Peter Barberis, The Labour Party and Mr Keynes in the 1930s: a Partial Keynesian Revolution Without Keynes, p. 145-166
Sam Davies, Bob Morley, Electoral Turnout in County Borough Elections, 1919-1938, p. 167-186
Melanie Reynolds, ‘A Man Who Won’t Back a Woman is No Man at All’. The 1875 Heavy Woollen Dispute and the Narrative of Women’s Trade Unionism, p. 187-198

Book Reviews, p. 199

v. 71, 2006, n. 1


John Halstead, Andrew Prescott, Breaking The Barriers: Masonry, Fraternity And Labour, p. 3-8

John Hamill, Andrew Prescott, ‘The Masons’ Candidate’: New Welcome Lodge No. 5139 and the Parliamentary Labour Party, p. 9-41
James Smith Allen, Rebelles Without a Cause? Images of Masonic Women in France, p. 43-56
Roger Burt, Industrial Relations in the British Non-ferrous Mining Industry in the Nineteenth Century, p. 57-79

Book Reviews, p. 81

v. 70, 2005, n. 3

June Hannam, Editorial, p. 251-251

Stephen Meredith, Labour Party Revisionism and Public Expenditure: Divisions of Social Democratic Political Economy in the 1970s, p. 253-273
David O’Brien, Interpreting Welfare Reform: Continuity and Change within the Social Democratic Tradition, p. 275-295

Theses and Dissertations: 2004, p. 297-319
Major Accessions to Repositories in 2004 Relating to the Labour Movement, p. 321-324
Annual Bibliography: 2004, p. 325
Review article, p. 346
Book Reviews, p. 351

v. 70, 2005, n. 2

June Hannam, Editorial, p. 251-251

Stephen Meredith, Labour Party Revisionism and Public Expenditure: Divisions of Social Democratic Political Economy in the 1970s, p. 253-273
David O’Brien, Interpreting Welfare Reform: Continuity and Change within the Social Democratic Tradition, p. 275-295

Theses and Dissertations: 2004, p. 297
Major Accessions to Repositories in 2004 Relating to the Labour Movement, p. 321
Annual Bibliography: 2004, p. 325
Review article, p. 346
Book Reviews, p. 351

v. 70, 2005, n. 1

June Hannam, Editorial, p. 3

Boyd Black, A Triumph of Voluntarism? Industrial Relations and Strikes in Northern Ireland in World War Two, p. 5-25
Andrzej Olechnowicz, Unemployed Workers, ‘Enforced Leisure’ and Education for ‘The Right Use of Leisure’ in Britain in the 1930s, p. 27-52
Catherine Mills, A Hazardous Bargain: Occupational Risk in Cornish Mining 1875-1914, p. 53-71
Matthew Worley, Building the Party: Labour Party Activism in Five British Counties Between the Wars, p. 73-95
Alan Campbell, John McIlroy, The Last Word on Communism, p. 97-101

Review article, p. 103
Book Reviews, p. 113

v. 69, 2004, n. 3

John Heitmann, The Ilo and the Regulation of White Lead in Britain During the Interwar Years: An Examination of International and National Campaigns in Occupational Health, p. 267-284
Beris Penrose, Medical Monitoring and Silicosis in Metal Miners: 1910-1940, p. 285-303
Yasmin Adeeb, Fathi Boud, Theses and Dissertations: 2003, p. 305-322
Melinda Haunton, Major Accessions to Repositories in 2003 Relating to the Labour Movement, p. 323-327
Yasmin Adeeb, Fathi Boud, Annual Bibliography: 2003, p. 329-347
James Eaden, David Renton, Comment: The Inner-Party Critics, p. 349-354
Nina Fishman, A First Revisionist Replies to Her Revisionists, p. 355-361
Andrew Thorpe, Communist Party History: A Reply to Campbell and Mcilroy, p. 363-365
Matthew Worley, Echoes from the Dustbin of History: A Reply to Alan Campbell and John Mcilroy, p. 367-372
Alan Campbell, John McIlroy, A Reply to Critics, p. 372-380
Nina Fishman, CPGB History at the Centre of Contemporary History: A Rejoinder to Alan Campbell and John Mcilroy, p. 381-383
Andrew Thorpe, CPGB History at the Centre of Contemporary History 2002: A Rejoinder, p. 385-387

Review Essay, p. 389
Book Reviews, p. 397

v. 69, 2004, n. 2

Eileen Yeo, Editorial, p. 129-133

Ronnie Johnstonn, Arthur McIvor, Dangerous Work, Hard Men and Broken Bodies: Masculinity in the Clydeside Heavy Industries, c. 1930-1970s, p. 135-151
Pat Ayers, Work, Culture and Gender: The Making of Masculinities in Post-War Liverpool, p. 153-167
Annmarie Hughes, Representations and Counter-Representations of Domestic Violence on Clydeside Between the Two World Wars, p. 169-184
Eileen Yeo, ‘The Boy is the Father of the Man’:1 Moral Panic Over Working-Class Youth, 1850 to The Present, p. 185-199
Karen Hunt, ‘Strong Minds, Great Hearts, True Faith and Ready Hands’? Exploring Socialist Masculinities Before the First World War, p. 201-217
Momin Rahman, David Beckham as a Historical Moment in the Representation of Masculinity, p. 219-233

Obituary, p. 235
Review Essay, p. 241
Book Reviews, p. 247

v. 69, 2004, n. 1

Brad Beaven, John Griffiths, Urban Elites, Socialists and Notions of Citizenship in an Industrial Boomtown: Coventry, c.1870-1914, p. 3-18
John Callaghan, Mark Phythian, State Surveillance of the CPGB Leadership: 1920s-1950s, p. 19-33
Glen O’Hara, ‘Planned Growth of Incomes’ or ‘Emergency Gimmick’? The Labour Party, The Social Partners and Incomes Policy, 1964-70, p. 59-81
Richard Toye, ‘The Smallest Party in History’? New Labour in Historical Perspective, p. 83-103

Review Essay, p. 105 Book Reviews, p. 115

v. 68, 2003, n. 3

Editorial, p. 291-292

Selina Todd, ‘Boisterous Workers’: Young Women, Industrial Rationalization and Workplace Militancy in Interwar England, p. 293-310
David Renton, ‘Unsung Heroes Behind Them’: The Labour History of Sidney Pollard, p. 311-327

Theses and Dissertations: 2002, p. 329-348
Archive Depositsp. 349-353
Annual Bibliography: 2002, p. 355-384
Alan Campbell, John McIlroy, Is CPGB History Important? A Reply to Harriet Jones, p. 385-390
Public History Review Essay, p. 391-410 Book Reviews, p. 411

v. 68, 2003, n. 2

Jacqueline Dickenson, Chasing the Rat: The Language of Betrayal in Britain and Australia, p. 163-179
John Benson, Coalminers, Coalowners and Collaboration: The Miners’ Permanent Relief Fund Movement in England, 1860-1895, p. 181-194
Leighton James, War and Industry: A Study of the Industrial Relations in the Mining Regions of South Wales and the Ruhr During the Great War, 1914-1918, p. 195-215
Sue Bruley, A New Perspective on Women Workers in the Second World War: The Industrial Diary of Kathleen Church-Bliss and Elsie Whiteman, p. 217-234
Jeremy Nuttall, ‘Psychological Socialist’; ‘Militant Moderate’: Evan Durbin and the Politics of Synthesis, p. 235-252

Public History Review Essay, p. 253
Book Reviews, p. 261
Index of Articles and Book Reviews, p. 283
Notes for Contributors, p. 287

v. 68, 2003, n. 1

John McIlroy, Alan Campbell, Editorial, p. 3-5
John Halstead, Obituary, p. 7-10
Richard Croucher, Shifting Sands: Changing Interpretations of the History of German Communism, p. 11-31
John McIlroy, Alan Campbell, Histories of the British Communist Party: A User’s Guide, p. 33-59
John Haynes, Harvey Klehr, The Historiography of American Communism: An Unsettled Field, p. 61-78
Reiner Tosstorff, Moscow Versus Amsterdam: Reflections on the History of the Profintern, p. 79-97
John McIlroy, Alan Campbell, Barry McLoughlin, John Halstead, Forging the Faithful: The British at the International Lenin School, p. 99-128

Review Essay, p. 129
Book Reviews, p. 139
Notes for Contributors, p. 155

v. 67, 2002, n. 3

Yasmin Adeeb, John Naylor, Obituary, p. 259-259
John Saville, Obituary, p. 261-262

Simon Cordery, Mutualism, Friendly Societies, and the Genesis of Railway Trade Unions, p. 263-279
Carolyn Malone, Campaigning Journalism: The Clarion, The Daily Citizen, and the Protection of Women Workers, 1898-1912, p. 281-297

Yasmin Adeeb, John Bennett, Theses and Dissertations: 2001, p. 299-316
Kate Hughes, Major Accessions to Repositories in 2001: Relating to the Labour Movement, p. 317-322 Annual Bibliography: 2001, p. 323-345
Harriet Jones, Is CPGB History Important?, p. 347-353
Anne-Marie Greene, The Lock Museum, Willenhall, p. 355-364

Review Essay, p. 365
Book Reviews, p. 375
Notes for Contributors, p. 383

v. 67, 2002, n. 2

Barbara Blaszak, Martha Jane Bury (1851-1913): A Case-Study of Class Identity, p. 131-148
Laura Ugolini, ‘We Must Stand by our Own Bairns’: Ilp Men and Suffrage Militancy, 1905-14, p. 149-169
Paul Ward, Preparing for the People’s War: Labour and Patriotism in the 1930s, p. 171-185
Richard Toye, ‘The Gentleman in Whitehall’ Reconsidered: The Evolution of Douglas Jay’s Views on Economic Planning and Consumer Choice, 1937-47, p. 187-204
Michael Tyldesley, Jack Bucknall (1888-1954): A Particular Kind of Socialist, p. 205-220

Public History Review Essay, p. 221
Industrial Relations History, p. 229

v. 67, 2002, n. 1

Editorial, p. 3-5

Mary Hilson, Consumers and Politics: The Co-Operative Movement in Plymouth, 1890-1920, p. 7-27
Markku Ruotsila, ‘The Great Charter for the Liberty of the Workingman’: Labour, Liberals and the Creation of the Ilo, p. 29-47
Ronald Mendel, Industrial Unionism in the American Automobile Industry During the Post-World War I Era, 1918-23, p. 49-63
Norman Laporte, ‘Social Fascism’, ‘Stalinisation’ and the Case of the Saxon Communist Party, 1928-9, p. 65-81
Laurence Brown, The Great Betrayal? European Socialists and Humanitarian Relief During the Spanish Civil War, p. 83-99
Michael Rowlinson, Public History Review Essay Cadbury World, p. 101-119

Cultural History, p. 120
Announcements, p. 127
Notes for Contributors, p. 128

v. 66, 2001, n. 3

Paul Carter, Enclosure, waged labour and the formation of class consciousness: rural Middlesex c. 1700-1835, p. 269-293
Tom Buchanan, Holding the line: the political strategy of the International Brigade Association, 1939-1977, p. 294-312

Theses and Dissertations, p. 313-329
Archive Deposits, p. 330-337
Annual Bibliography: 2000, p. 338-366
Review Essays, p. 367
Short Notices, p. 390
Books Received in 2000, p. 399
Conference Announcement, p. 403
Notes for Contributors, p. 404
Index of Articles and Book Reviews Volume 66 (2001), p. 406

v. 66, 2001, n. 2

Editorial, p. 143-144

Ken Lunn, Obituary: Robbie Gray, p. 145-

Marc Brodie, ‘Jaunty individualists’ or labour activists? Costermongers, trade unions, and the politics of the poor, p. 147-164
Valerie Hall, The anatomy of a changing consciousness: the miners of Northumberland, 1898-1914, p. 165-186
Michael Tichelar, Central-local tensions: the case of the Labour Party, regional government and land-use reform during the Second World War, p. 187-206 Rhiannon Vickers, Understanding the Anglo-American Council on Productivity: Labour and the politics of productivity, p. 207-222
John Rule, Time, affluence and private leisure: the British working class in the 1950s and 1960s, p. 223-242
John Benson, Public History Review Essay: The Black Country Living Museum, p. 243-251

Short Notices, p. 252-267
Notes for Contributors, p. 268-268

v. 66, 2001, n. 1

Editorial, p. 1-2

Michael Casey, Peter Ackers, The Enigma of the young Arthur Horner: From Churches of Christ preacher to Communist militant (1894-1920), p. 3-23
Malcolm Mansfield, Flying to the Moon: reconsidering the British labour exchange system in the early twentieth century, p. 24-40
Alistair Mutch, The construction of a ‘traditional’ occupation: welding, 1900-1960, p. 41-60
Pamela Horn, Experiment or Anachronism? The role of the National Institute of Houseworkers, p. 61-78
Fred Lindop, Racism and the working class: strikes in support of Enoch Powell in 1968, p. 79-100

Short Notices, p. 101
Conference Announcement, p. 140
Notes for Contributors, p. 141