Agricultural History Review ELETTRONICHE DATINI

Agricultural History Review

Londra, British Agricultural History Society
ISSN: 0002-1490
Rivista digitale online all’indirizzo web:

consistenza fascicoli digitali: v. 1, 1953-v. 64, 2016, II
(vedi le Open Access Policy della rivista)
Conservata in: Prato, Fondazione Istituto Internazionale di Storia Economica “F. Datini”, Coll: Riv. 48
Consistenza: v. 4, 1956, 2 – v. 51, 2003, 2
Lacune: v. 5, 1957, 1, 2; v. 8, 1960, 1, 2; v. 10, 1962, 1 – v. 13, 1965, 1; v. 14, 1966, 1; v. 30, 1982, 1; v. 34, 1986, 1;

Conservata in:Università degli Studi di Firenze, Biblioteca di Scienze Sociali
Punto di servizio: Scienze Politiche, Str. 0653
Consistenza: a. 19, 1971-

[ 2030-2021 ] [ 2020-2011 ] [ 2010-2001 ] [ 2000-1991 ] [ 1990-1981 ] [ 1980-1971 ] [ 1970-1961 ] [ 1960-1953 ]

copertina della rivista

Notes on Contributors, p. IV
Forthcoming Conferences, 2000-1, p. V
Golden Jubilee pize essai competition, 2003, p. VI

Donald Woodward, Early modern servants in husbandry revisited, p. 141
John Broad, Housing the rural poor in southern England, 1650-1850, p. 151
H.R. French, Urban agriculture, commons and commoners in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries: the case of Sudbury, Suffolk, p. 171
Elizabeth T. Hurren, Agricultural trade unionism and a crusade against outdoor relief: poor law politics in the Brixworth Union, Northamptonshire, 1870-75, p. 200
Stephen Matthews, The administration of the livestock census of 1866, p. 223

Book Reviews, p. 229

Jane Whittle, Margaret Yates, ‘Pays réel ou pays légal’? Contrasting patterns of land tenure and social structure in eastern Norfolk and western Berkshire, 1450-1600, p. 1
Harvey Osborne, The seasonality of nineteenth-century poaching, p. 27
R. J. Moore-Colyer, Aspects of the trade in British pedigree draught horses with the United States and Canada, c.1850-1920, p. 42
Paul Brassley, Output and technical change in twentieth-century British agriculture, p. 60
Alun Howkins, Linda Merricks, ‘Dewy eyed veal calves’. Live animal exports and middle class opinion, 1980-1995, p. 85
Janet Collett, Annual list of articles on Agrarian History, 1998, p. 104

Book Reviews, p. 114

Jan Luiten van Zanden, The paradox of the Marks. The exploitation of commons in the eastern Netherlands, 1250-1850, p. 125
Deborah Youngs, Servants and labourers on a late medieval demesne: the case of Newton, Cheshire, 1498-1520, p. 145
Pamela Sharpe, The female labour market in English agriculture during the Industrial Revolution: expansion or contraction?, p. 161
David Brown, Reassessing the influence of the aristocratic improver: the example of the fifth Duke of Bedford (1765-1802), p. 182
V.J. Morris, List of books and pamphlets on agrarian history, 1998, p. 196
Janet Collett, Supplement to the bibliography of theses in British agrarian history, 1993-8, p. 200
Peter Dewey, Conference Report: Spring Conference 1999, p. 208

Book Reviews, p.

Robert Liddiard, The distribution of Ridge and Furrow in East Anglia: ploughing practice and subsequent land use, p. 1
Guy Dejongh, New estimates of land productivity in Belgium, 1750-1850, p. 7
John R. Walton, Varietal innovation and the competativeness of the British cereals sector, 1760-1930, p. 29
Dennis R. Mills, Trouble with farms at the Census Office: an evaluation of farm statistics from the Censuses of 1851-1881 in England and Wales, p. 58
Gary Moses, Proleterian labourers: East Riding farm servants, c.1850-75, p. 78
Janet Collett, Annual list of articles on Agrarian History 1997, p. 95

Book Reviews, p. 107

Susanna Wade Martins, Tom Williamson, The development of the lease and its role in agricultural improvement in East Anglia, 1660-1870, p. 127
Michael Turner, Counting sheep: waking up to new estimates of livestock numbers in England c 1800, p. 142
Alastair Pearson, Peter Collier, The integration and analysis of historical and environmental data using a Geographical Information System: landownership and agricultural productivity in Pembrokeshire c 1850, p. 162
R. J. Moore-Colyer, Farming in depression: Wales between the wars, 1919-39, p. 177
Philip Conford, A forum for organic husbandry: the New English Weekly and agricultural policy, 1939-49, p. 197
V. J. Morris, List of books and pamphlets on agrarian history, 1997, p. 211
Christine Hallas, Conference report, spring conference 1998, p. 215

Review articles, p. 217
Book Reviews, p. 223

Susan Scott, S. R. Duncan, C. J. Duncan, The origins, interactions and causes of the cycles in grain prices in England, 1450-1812, p. 1
Elizabeth Griffiths, Sir Henry Hobart: a new hero of Norfolk agriculture?, p. 15
P. S. Barnwell, An extra dimension? Lincolnshire farm buildings as historical evidence, p. 35
David Smith, The Agricultural Research Association, the Development Fund, and the origins of the Rowett Research Institute, p. 47
John Bowers, Inter-war land drainage and policy in England and Wales, p. 64
Gillian Bristow, Measuring regional variation in farm support: Wales and the UK, 1947-72, p. 81
Janet Collett, Annual list of articles on agrarian history, p. 99
John R. Walton, Conference report: ‘Crime in the countryside’, winter conference 1997, p. 110

Book Reviews, p. 112

E.I. Newman, p. D.A .Harvey, Did Soil Fertility Decline in Medieval English Farms? Evidence from Cuxham, Oxfordshire, 1320-1340, p. 119
Michael Freeman, Whichwood Forest, Oxfordshire: An Episode in its Recent Environmental History, p. 137
Richard Moore-Colyer, Land and People in Northamptonshire: Great Oakley, C 1750-1850, p. 149
Jeremy Burchardt, Rural Social Relations, 1830-50: Opposition to Allotments for Labourers, p. 165
Edmund C Penning-Rowsell, Who ‘Betrayed’ Whom? Power and Politics in the 1920/21 Agricultural Crisis, p. 176
V.J. Morris, List of Books and Pamphlets on Agrarian History, 1996, p. 195
Richard Perren, Conference Report: Spring Conference 1997, p. 199

Book Reviews, p. 201

Phillipp R Schofield, Dearth, Debt and the Local Land Market in a Late Thirteenth-Century Village Community, p. 1
Andrew Watkins, Landowners and their Estates in the Forest of Arden in the Fifteenth Century, p. 18
Roger Wells, Mr William Cobbett, Captain Swing, and King William IV, p. 34
Stephen Caunce, Farm Servants and the Development of Capitalism in English Agriculture, p. 49
Stephen Hussey, ‘The Last Survivor of an Ancient Race’: The Changing Face of Essex Gleaning, p. 61
Nessy Allen, The Contribution to Agricultural Research of an Australian Woman Scientist, p. 73
Janet Collett, Annual List of Articles on Agrarian History, 1995, p. 86
Peter Dewey, Conference Report: ‘Farming in Adversity: Patterns of Response’ Winter Conference 1996, p. 96

Book Reviews, p. 98

Bruce M.S. Campbell, Kenneth C. Bartley, John P. Power, The Demesne-Farming Systems of Post-Black Death, England: A Classification, p. 131
Nicholas Goddard, A Contrast in Style: An Appreciation of Two Victorian Agricultural Journalists, p. 181
Bethanie Afton, The Great Agricultural Depression on the English Chalklands: The Hampshire Experience, p. 191
Dale R Lightfoot, The Nature, History and Distribution of Lithic Mulch Agriculture: An Ancient Technique of Dryland Agriculture, p. 206
V.J. Morris, List of Books and Pamphlets on Agrarian History, 1995, p. 223
John Chapman, Conference Report: Spring Conference 1996, p. 228

Book Reviews, p. 230

Mark Overton, Re-establishing the English Agricultural Revolution, p. 1
M.E. Turner, J.V. Beckett, B. Afton, Taking Stock: Farmers, Farm Records, and Agricultural Output in England, 1700-1850, p. 21
David Eastwood, Communities, Protest and Police in early Nineteenth-Century Oxfordshire: The Enclosure of Otmoor Reconsidered, p. 35
Alan R.H. Baker, Farm Schools in Nineteenth-Century France and the Case of La Charmoise, 1847-1865, p. 47
Paul Brassley, Silage in Britain, 18 80-1990: The Delayed Adoption of an Innovation, p. 63
Raine Morgan, Annual List of Articles on Agrarian History, 1994, p. 88
Paul Brassley, Conference Report: ‘Farming and the Farm Environment’ Winter Conference 1995, p. 102

Book Reviews, p. 104

J. A. Chartres, Market integration and agricultural output in seventeenth-, eighteenth-, and early nineteenth-century England, p. 117
Norma Landau, Who was subjected to the laws of settlement? Procedure under the settlement laws in eighteenth-century England, p. 139
E. H. Hunt, S. J. Pam, Essex agriculture in the ‘Golden Age’, 1850-73, p. 160
John Sheail, Elements of sustainable agriculture: the UK experience, 1840-1940, p. 178
Linda Crust, William Paddison: marsh farmer and survivor of the agricultural depression, 1873-96, p. 193
V. J. Morris, D. J. Orton, List of books and pamphlets on agrarian history, 1994, p. 205
J. A. Chartres, Conference report: spring conference 1995, p. 210

Book Reviews, p. 212

Barry Harrison, Field systems and demesne farming on the Wiltshire estates of Saint Swithun’s Priory, Winchester, 1248-1340, p. 1
Vivienne Pollock, Contract and consumption: labour agreements and the use of money in eighteenth-century rural Ulster, p. 19
John Chapman, Sylvia Seeliger, Formal agreements and the enclosure process: the evidence from Hampshire, p. 35
Richard Moore-Colyer, Aspects of horse breeding and the supply of horses in Victorian Britain, p. 47
Richard Anthony, Farm servant vs agricultural labourer, 1870-1914: a commentary on Howkins, p. 61
Alun Howkins, Farm servant vs agricultural labourer, 1870-1914: a reply to Richard Anthony, p. 65
John Langdon, Review article: city and countryside in medieval England, p. 67
Raine Morgan, Annual list and brief review of articles on agrarian history, 1993, p. 73
John R Walton, Conference report: ‘Social relationships in the countryside’, winter conference 1994, p. 90

Book Reviews, p. 91

Jan Titow, Lost rents, vacant holdings and the contraction of peasant cultivation after the Black Death, p. 97
M. J. Huggins, Thorough bred breeding in the North and East Ridings of Yorkshire in the nineteenth century, p. 115
John Stewart, The political economy of agrarian education: England in the late nineteenth century, p. 126
H. D. Clout, Rural revival in Marne, 1914-1930, p. 140
Malcolm Thick, Comment: Sir Hugh Plat and the chemistry of marling, p. 156
Michael Turner, Review article: common property and property in common, p. 158
V. J. Morris, D J Orton, List of books and pamphlets on agrarian history 1993, p. 163
Raine Morgan, Supplement to the bibliography of theses on British agrarian history: 1987-92, p. 168
John Broad, Conference report: spring conference 1994, p. 186

Book Reviews, p. 188

M. A. Atkin, Land use and management in the upland demesne of the De Lacy estate of Blackburnshire c 1300, p. 1
Susanna Wade Martins, Tom Williamson, Floated water-meadows in Norfolk: a misplaced innovation, p. 20
Charles W. J. Withers, On Georgics and geology: James Hutton’s ‘Elements of Agriculture’ and agricultural science in eighteenth-century Scotland, p. 38
Alun Howkins, Peasants, servants and labourers: the marginal workforce in British agriculture, c 1870-1914, p. 49
Raine Morgan, Annual list and brief review of articles on agrarian history, 1992, p. 63
Peter Edwards, Work in progress, p. 74
John R Walton, Conference report: ‘Agriculture and the landscape’, winter conference 1993, p. 81
Richard Perren, Obituary: Lord Murray of Newhaven, KCB (1903-1993), p. 82

Book Reviews, p. 83

W. M. Mathew, Marling in British agriculture: a case of partial identity, p. 97
Michael Toch, Hauling away in late medieval Bavaria: the economics of inland transport in an agrarian market, p. 111
Susan Neave, Rural settlement contraction in the East Riding of Yorkshire between the mid-seventeenth and mid-eighteenth centuries, p. 124
Graham Rogers, Custom and common right: waste land enclosure and social change in west Lancashire, p. 137
Simon Moore, The real ‘Great Betrayal’: Britain and the Canadian cattle crisis of 1922, p. 155
Jennifer R. Baker, Tithe rent-charge and the measurement of agricultural production in mid-nineteenth-century England and Wales, p. 169
I. Ward, The humble response of the hired lackey – a reply to Hoyle, p. 176
R. W. Hoyle, Further comments on Dr Ward and the ‘Rental policy of the English peerage, 1649-60‘, p. 179
V. J. Morris, D. J. Orton, List of books and pamphlets on agrarian history 1992, p. 181
Dan Byford, Conference report, spring conference 1993, p. 186

Book Reviews, p. 188

T. L. Richardson, The agricultural labourers’ standard of living in Lincolnshire, 1790-1840: social protest and public order, p. 1
Susanna Wade Martins, From ‘black-face’ to ‘white-face’ – an aspect of the ‘agricultural revolution’ in Norfolk, p. 20
John Sheail, The agricultural pollution of watercourses: the precedents set by the beet-sugar and milk industries, p. 31
Kosmas Tsokhas, British economic warfare in the Far East and the Australian wool industry, p. 44
Bruce M. S. Campbell, A fair field once full of folk: agrarian change in an era of population decline, 1348-1500, p. 60
Raine Morgan, Annual list and brief review of articles on agrarian history, 1991, p. 71
R. W. Hoyle, Recent work in East Anglian agrarian history, autumn conference 1992, p. 82
E. J. T. Collins, Rural trade and industry, winter conference 1992, p. 84

Book Reviews, p. 86

David L. Farmer, Millstones for medieval manors, p. 97
Jean Birrell, Deer and deer farming in medieval England, p. 112
June A. Sheppard, Small farms in a Sussex Weald parish, 1800-60, p. 127
C. J. D. Duder, Beadoc – the British East African Disabled Officers’ Colony and the white frontier in Kenya, p. 142
R. W. Hoyle, Some reservations on Dr Ward on the ‘Rental policy of the English peerage, 1649-60, p. 156
Alun Howkins, Social history and agricultural history, p. 160
Maurice Beresford, Professor W G Hoskins – a memoir, p. 164
V. J. Morris, D. J. Orton, List of books and pamphlets on agrarian history 1991, p. 168
John R. Walton, Conference report: spring conference 1992, p. 173

Book Reviews, p. 176

Bruce M. S. Campbell, James A. Galloway, Margaret Murphy, Rural land-use in the Metropolitan hinterland, 1270-1339: the evidence of inquisitiones post mortem, p. 1
Ian Ward, Rental policy on the estates of the English peerage, 1649-60, p. 23
Michael Turner, Output and prices in UK agriculture, 1867-1914, and the Great Agricultural Depression reconsidered, p. 38
Stuart Thompstone, ‘Bab’ye Khozyaystvo’: poultry keeping and its contribution to peasant income in pre-1914 Russia, p. 52
Maurice Beresford, The spade might soon determine it’: the representation of deserted medieval villages on Ordnance Survey plans, 1849-1910, p. 64
Raine Morgan, Annual list and brief review of articles on agrarian history, 1990, p. 71
Joan Thirsk, Conference report: ‘Rural society and the poor’, winter conference 1991, p. 81

Book Reviews, p. 83

Christopher K. Currie, The early history of the carp and its economic significance in England, p. 97
M. A. Barg, The social structure of manorial freeholders: an analysis of the hundred rolls of 1279, p. 108
John Chapman, The later parliamentary enclosures of South Wales, p. 116
R. J. Moore-Colyer, Horses and equine improvement in the economy of modern Wales, p. 126
Stephen Caunce, Twentieth-century farm servants: the horselads of the East Riding of Yorkshire, p. 143
John Chapman, The bootstrap and Dr Walton’s red herrings, p. 167
Edith H. Whetham, Supply responsiveness in dairy farming: a note, p. 169
V. J. Morris, D. J. Orton, List of books and pamphlets on agrarian history 1990, p. 171
Christine Hallas, Conference report: spring conference 1991, p. 176

Book Reviews, p. 178

Christine Hallas, Supply responsiveness in dairy farming: some regional considerations, p. 1
Michael Wintle, Modest growth and capital drain in an advanced economy: the case of Dutch agriculture in the nineteenth century, p. 17
Graham Cox, Philip Lowe, Michael Winter, The origins and early development of the National Farmers’ Union, p. 30
John Chapman, Confidence limits and enclosure estimates: some comments, p. 48
John R. Walton, Parliamentary enclosure, the bootstrap, and a red herring or two, p. 52
Raine Morgan, Annual list and brief review of articles on agrarian history, 1989 p. 55
Michael Wintle, Agrarian history in the Netherlands in the modern period: a review and bibliography, p. 65
Richard Perren, Conference report: ‘Farmers and landowners’, winter conference 1990, p. 74

Book Reviews, p. 76