Agricultural History Review ELETTRONICHE DATINI

Agricultural History Review

Londra, British Agricultural History Society
ISSN: 0002-1490
Rivista digitale online all’indirizzo web:

consistenza fascicoli digitali: v. 1, 1953-v. 64, 2016, II
(vedi le Open Access Policy della rivista)
Conservata in: Prato, Fondazione Istituto Internazionale di Storia Economica « F. Datini », Coll: Riv. 48
Consistenza: v. 4, 1956, 2 – v. 51, 2003, 2
Lacune: v. 5, 1957, 1, 2; v. 8, 1960, 1, 2; v. 10, 1962, 1 – v. 13, 1965, 1; v. 14, 1966, 1; v. 30, 1982, 1; v. 34, 1986, 1;

Conservata in:Università degli Studi di Firenze, Biblioteca di Scienze Sociali
Punto di servizio: Scienze Politiche, Str. 0653
Consistenza: a. 19, 1971-

[ 2030-2021 ] [ 2020-2011 ] [ 2010-2001 ] [ 2000-1991 ] [ 1990-1981 ] [ 1980-1971 ] [ 1970-1961 ] [ 1960-1953 ]

copertina della rivista

Notes on Contributors, p. IV
Forthcoming Conferences, p. V
The Agricultural History Review at Sixty, p. VI

Mark Bailey, Beyond the Midland field system. The determinants of common rights over the arable in medieval England, p. 153
Carsten Porskrog Rasmussen, Innovative Feudalism. The development of dairy farming and Koppelwirtschaft on manors in Schleswig-Holstein in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, p. 172
E. J. T. Collins, The latter-day history of the draught ox in England, 1770-1964, p. 191
Stephen Matthews, Underwriting disasten risk and the management of agricultural crisis in mid-nineteenth century Cheshire, p. 217
John Sheail, The White Paper, Agricultural Policy, of 1926: ite context and significance, p. 236
John Martin, The wild rabbit plague, polices and pestilence in England and Wales, 1931-1955, p. 255

Book Reviews, p. 277

Notes on Contributors, p. IV
Forthcoming Conferences, p. VI

Philip Slavin, Goose management and rearing in late medieval eastern England, c.1250-1400, p. 1
Angus J. L., Winche Ster, Eleanor A. Straughton, Stints and sustainability: managing stock levels on common land in England, c.1600-2006, p. 30
Jane Bevan, Agricultural change and the development of foxhunting in the eighteenth century, p. 49
Paul Shar, ‘1846 and All That’: the rise and fall of British wheat protection in the nineteenth century, p. p 76
Bonnie White, Feeding the war effort: agricultural experiences in First World War Devon, 1914-17, p. 95

Annual list of publications on Agrarian History, 2008, p. 113
Book Reviews, p. 128

Notes on Contributors, p. IV
Forthcoming Conferences, p. VI
Rural History 2010, p. VII

Timothy P. Newfield, A cattle panzootic in early fourteenth-century Europe, p. 155
Briony A. K. Mcdonagh, Subverting the ground: private property and public protest in the sixteenth-century Yorkshire Wolds, p. 191
Dana G. Dalrymple, The Smithsonian Bequest, Congress, and nineteenth-century efforts to increase and diffuse agricultural knowledge in the United States, p. 207
Yves Segers, Roeland Hermans, Between ideology and science: higher agricultural education in Belgium and the development of a Catholic agricultural network, 1850-1914, p. 236
Alun Howkins, Nicola Verdon, The state and the farm worker: the evolution of the minimum wage in agriculture in England and Wales, 1909-24, p. 257

Book Reviews, p. 275

Notes on Contributors, p. IV
Rural History 2010, p. V
Forthcoming Conferences, p. VI

Mark Gardiner, Dales, long lands, and the medieval division of land in eastern England, p. 1
Mark Bailey, The form, function and evolution of irregular field systems in Suffolk, C.1300 to C.1550, p. 15
Muir Johnstone, Farm rents and improvement: East Lothian and Lanarkshire, 1670-1830, p. 37
Joseph Bettey, George Boswell of Puddletown (1735-1815): progressive farmer and author, p. 58
Nicholas Woodward, Horse-stealing in Wales, 1730-1830, p. 70
Peter Mcshane, Annual list of publications on Agrarian History, 2007, p. 109
Jan Luiten, Van Zanden, Review Article: Simply a better class of people? The Clark thesis assessed, p. 124

Book Reviews, p. 130

Notes on Contributors, p. V
Forthcoming Conferences, p. VI
Rural History 2010, p. VII

Ben Dodds, Demesne and tithe: peasant agriculture in the late middie ages, p. 123
Harry Kitsikopoulos, Manorial estates as business firms: the relevance of economic rent in determining crop choices in London’s hinterland, C. 1300, p. 142
Carin Martiin, Milk as means of payment for farm labour: the dairy economy of a Swedish estate, 1874-1913, p. 167
Brian Short, Death of a farmer: fortunes of war and the strange case of Ray Waiden, p. 189

Book Reviews, p. 214

Notes on Contributors, p. IV
Forthcoming Conferences, p. VI
Rural History 2010, p. VI

Chris Briggs, The availability of credit in the English countryside, 1400-1480, p. 1
Nicholas Woodward, Seasonality and sheep-stealing: Wales, 1730-1830, p. 25
Erland MÅrald, A catalyst for modern agriculture? The importance of peatland cultivation in the adoption of inorganic fertilizers in Sweden, 1880-1920, p. 48
Raymond Ryan, The protectionist campaign by the Irish Barley growers, 1919-34, p. 66
Peter Mcshane, Annual list of publications on Agrarian History, 2006, p. 79

Book Reviews, p. 94

Notes on contributors, p. IV
Forthcoming Conferences, p. VI

Susan Oosthuizen, The Anglo-Saxon kingdom of Mercia and the origins and distribution of common fields, p. 153
Roger Wells, The Poor Law Commission and publicly-owned housing in the English countryside, 1834-47, p. 181
Hilary Crowe, Profitable ploughing of the uplands? The food production campaign in the First World War, p. 205
John Martin, George Odlum, The Ministry of Agriculture and ‘Farmer Hudson’, p. 229

Papers read at the eightieth birthday conference for E M. L. Thompson
with a rejoinder by Michael Thompson)

Mark Rothery, The wealth of the English landed gentry, 1870-1935, p. 251
John Beckett, Michael Turner, End of the Old Order? E M. L. Thompson, the Land Question, and the burden of ownership in England, c.1880-0925, p. 269
Michael Thompson, The land market, 1880-1925: A reappraisal reappraised, p. 289
Nicola Verdon, Work in Progress on agrarian and rural history, 2007, p. 301

Book Reviews, p. 310

Notes on contributors, p. IV
The frontline of freedom: British farming in the Second World War, p. VI
Call for Papers: Land, landscape and environment, 1500-1750, p. VII
Forthcoming Conferences, p. VIII

Christopher Dyer, A Suffolk farmer in the fifteenth century, p. 1
Margaret Albright Knittl, The design for the initial drainage of the Great Level of the Fens: an historical whodunit in three parts, p. 23
Mary Young, Scottish crop yields in the second half of the seventeenth century: evidence from the Mains of Castle Lyon in the Carse of Gowrie, p. 51
Joyce Burnette, Married with children: the family status of female day-labourers at two south-western farms, p. 75
Marggaret Lyle, Regional agricultural wage variations in early nineteenth-century England, p. 95
Peter McHane, Annual list of publications on agrarian history, 2005, p. 107
R. W. Hoyle, Review Article: A rare thing: the memoirs of a Breton peasant, p. 123

Book Reviews, p. 126

Notes on contributors, p. IV
Forthcoming Conferences: PROGRESSORE, p. VI

John Hare, The Bishop and the Prior: demesne agriculture in medieval Hampshire, p. 187
Alasdair Ross, Scottish environmental history and the (mis) use of Soums, p. 213
John Gooddridge, The case of John Dyer’s fat-tailed sheep and their tail-trolleys: a thing to some scarce credible’, p. 229
Ian Whyte, Parliamentary enclosure and changes in landownership in an upland environment: Westmorland, c.1770-1860, p. 240
Fernando Collantes, Farewell to the peasant republic: marginal rural communities and European industrialisation, 1815-1990, p. 257
Nigel Goose, Farm service, seasonal unemployment and casual labour in mid nineteenth-century England, p. 274
Susanna Wade Martins, Smallholdmgs in Norfolk, 1890-1950: a social and farming experiment, p. 304
R. J. Moore-Colyer, Children’s labour in the countryside during World War II: a further note, p. 331

Obituaries, p. 335
Book Reviews, p. 344
Apology, p. 361
Conference Report: The Society’s Spring Conference, April 2006, p. 362

Grainge Christine, Assarting and the dynamics of Thineland economies in the ninth century: Scarae at Werden, Weissenburg and Pr?m Abbeys, p. 1
Yates Margaret, Between fact and fiction: Henry Brinklow’s Complaynt against rapacious landlords, p. 24
Holmes Heather, The circulation of Scottish agricultural books during the eighteenth century, p. 45
Ulyatt Donna J., Female agricultural labour on the Dixon Estate, Linclnshire, 1801-17, p. 79
Sheppard June A., Agricultural workers in mid nineteenth-century Brighton, p. 93
Meredith Anne, From ideals to reality: The wonen’s smallholding colony at Lingfield, 1920-39, p. 105
Pinilla Vicente, The development of irrigated agriculture in twentieth-century Spain: a case tudy of the Ebro basin, p. 122
McShane Peter, Annual list of publications on Agrarian History, 2004, p. 142

Book Reviews, p. 158

Forthcoming conferences, p. IV
Notes on Contributors, p. V
Society notices, p. VI

Ben Dodds, Managing tithes in the late middle ages, p. 125
Margaret A. Lyle, Regionality in the late Old Poor Law: the treatment of chargeable bastards from Rural Queries, p. 141
Leigh Shaw-Taylor, Family farms and capitalist farms in mid nineteenth-century England, p. 158
Stephen Matthews, Cattle clubs, insurance and plague in the mid-nineteenth century, p. 192
Richard Perren, Farmers and consumers under strain: allied meat supplies in the First World War, p. 212
Jan Bieleman, Technological innovation in Dutch cattle breeding and dairy farming, 1850-2000, p. 229

Book Reviews, p. 251

Notes on contributors, p. III
Forthcoming Conferences, p. IV

A. J. Gritt, The operation of lifeleasehold in south-west Lancashire, 1649-97, p. 1
Desmond Norton, On landlord-assisted emigration from some Irish estates in the 1840s, p. 24
Jo Draper, ‘Never-to-be-forgotten acts of oppression… by professing Christians in the year 1874′. Joseph Arch’s Agricultural Labourers’ Union in Dorset, 1872-74, p. 41
Philip Conford, Organic society: agriculture and radical politics in the career of Gerard Wallop, ninth Earl of Portsmouth (1898-1984), p. 78
Peter McShane, Annual list of articles on Agrarian History, 2003, p. 97

Book Reviews, p. 107

Notes on contributors, p. IV
Forthcoming conferences, 2004-2005, p. V
People, landscapes and alternative agriculture: essays for Joan Thirsk, p. VI

Stephen G. Upex, The uses and functins of ponds within early landscapes in the east Midlands, p. 125
Jon Stobart, The economic and social workds of rural craftsman-retailers in eighteenth-century Cheshire, p. 141
P. J. Atkins, The Glasgow case: meat, disease and regulation, 1889-1924, p. 161
R. J. Moore-Colyer, Kids in the Corn: School Harvest Camps and farm labour supply in England, 1940-50, p. 183

Book Reviews, p. 207

Notes on contributors, p. III
Society Notices, p. IV

R. Douglas Hurt, Reflections on American agricultural history, p. 1
Richard Britnell, Fields, farms and sun-division in a moorland region, 1100-1400, p. 20
David L. Wykes, Robert Bakewell (1725-1795) of Dishley: farmer and livestock improver, p. 38
Samantha Williams, Malthus, marriage and poor law allowances revisited: a Bedfordshire case study, 1770-1834, p. 56
Selina Todd, Young women, work and family in inter-war rural England, p. 83
Janet Collett, Annual list of articles on Agrarian History, 2002, p. 99

Book Reviews, p. 109

Notes on contributors, p. IV
Forthcoming conferences, 2003-4, p. VI
Mark Page, The technology of medieval sheep farming: some evidence from Crawley, Hampshire, 1208-1349, p. 137
Hadrian Cook, Kathy Stearne, Tom Williamson, The origins of water meadows in England, p. 155
Joseph Bettey, The development of water meadows on the Salisbury Avon, 1665-1690, p. 163
David R. Stead, The mobility of English tenant farmers, c. 1700-1850, p. 173
Hugh Clout, The Pays de Bray: a vale of dairies in northern France, p. 190
Michael Tichelar, The Labour Party, agricultural policy and the retreat from rural land nationalisation during the Second World War, p. 209

Book Reviews, p. 226

Notes on contributors, p. III
Forthcoming conferences, 2003, p. IV
Society Notices, p. V
Agricoltural History Review: the second half century, p. VI

The British Agricultural History Society Golden Jubilee Prize Essay Competitionwinners:
David Stone, The productivity and management of sheep in late medieval England, p. 1
Nicola Verdon, ‘… subjects deserving of the higest praise’: farmers’ wives and the farm economy in England, c. 1700-1850 (proxime accessit), p. 23

H. R. French, Urban common rights, enclosure and the market: Clitheroe town Moors, 1764-1802, p. 40
Stephen Hipkin, The structure of landownership and land occupation in the Romney Marsh region, 1646-1834, p. 69
N. Flavell, Urban allotment gardens in the eighteenth century: the case of Sheffield, p. 95
Janet Collett, Annual list of articles on Agrarian History, 2001, p. 107

Book Reviews, p. 119

Notes on Contributors, p. IV
Forthcoming Conferences, 2002-3, p. V
Society notice: Support for publishing projects, p. VI

Joan Thirsk, The British Agricultural History Society and The Agrarian History of England and Wales: new projects in the 1950s, p. 155
Edward I. Newman, Medieval sheep-corn farming: how much grain yield could cach sheep support?, p. 164
Malcolm Bangor-Jones, Sheep farming in Sutherland in the eighteenth century, p. 181
Byung Khun Song, Parish typology and the operation of the Poor Laws in early nineteenth-century Oxfordshire, p. 203
E. H. Hunt, S. J. Pam, Responding to agricultural depression, 1873-96: managerial success, entreprenurial failure?, p. 225
John Sheail, Arterial drainage in inter-war England: the legislative perspective, p. 253

Book Reviews, p. 271

Notes on contributors, p. IV
Forthcoming conferences, 2002, p. V
Golden Jubilee prize essay competition, 2002, p. VI

Jonathan Theobald, Agricultural productivity in Woodland High Suffolk, 1600-1850, p. 1
A. J. Gritt, The ‘survival’ of service in the English agricultural labour force: lessons from Lancashire, c. 1650-1851, p. 25
Jeremy D. Hayhoe, Litigation and the policing of communal farming in northern Burgundy, 1750-1790, p. 51
Joan E. Grundy, The Hereford bull: his contribution to New World and domestic beef supplies, p. 69
Philip Conford, The myth of neglect: responses to the early organic movement, 1930-1950, p. 89
Janet Collett, Annual list of articles on Agrarian History, 2000, p. 107

Book Reviews, p. 121

Notes on contributors, p. III
Announcements, p. IV

Jan Rush, The impact of commercialization in early fourteenth-century England: some evidence from the manors of Glastonbury Abbey, p. 123
Beatrice Craig, Judith Rygiel, Elizabeth Turcotte, Survival or adaption? Domestic rural textile production in eastern Canada in the later nineteenth century, p. 140
Mark Freeman, The agricultural labourer and the ‘Hodge’ stereotype, c. 1850-1914, p. 172
R. J. Moore-Colyer, Rolf Gardiner, English patriot and the Council for the Church and Countryside, p. 187
Cormac Ó Grada, Review article: Farming high and low, p. 210

Book Reviews, p. 219

Notes on Contributors, p. IV
Forthcoming Conferences 2001-2, p. V
Golden Jubilee prize essay competition, 2003, p. V

Phillipp R. Schofield, Extranei and the market for customary land on a Westminster Abbey manor in the fifteenth century, p. 1
Douglas G. Lockhart, Lotted lands and planned villages in north-east Scotland, p. 17
Nicola Verdon, The employment of women and children in agriculture: a reassessment of agricultural gangs in nineteenth-century Norfolk, p. 41
John Godfrey, Brian Short, The ownership, occupation and use of land on the South Downs, 1840-1940: A methodological analysis of record linkage over time, p. 56
Janet Collett, Annual list of articles on Agrarian History, 1999, p. 79
Bethanie Afton, Work in progress on Agrarian and Rural History, 2000, p. 89

Book Reviews, p. 96