The Journal of Transport History DATINI

The Journal of Transport History

Leicester. University College of Leicester
ISSN: 0022-5266
Conservata in: Università degli Studi di Firenze, Biblioteca di Scienze Sociali
Punto di servizio: Economia; Riv. str. 0299
Consistenza: v. 1, 1953, 1-
Lacune: III ser., v . 21; III ser., 1980, 2;
[ 2030-2021 ] [ 2020-2011 ] [ 2010-2001 ] [ 2000-1991 ] [ 1990-1981 ] [ 1980-1971 ] [ 1970-1961 ] [ 1960-1953 ]

copertina della rivista

v. IV, 1960, 4

Sir John Elliot, Early days of the Southern railway, p. 197
G. C. Dickinson, The development of suburban road passenger transport in Leeds, 1840-95, p. 214
H. S. Irvine, Some Aspects of passenger traffic between Britain and Ireland, 1820-50, p. 225
J.T. Ward, West riding landowners and the railways, p. 242

Reviews, p. 252
Notes on contributors, p. 241

v. IV, 1960, 3

A.Birkhead, The financial failure of British air transport companies, p. 133
Harold W. Hart, Some notes on coach travel, 1750-1848, p. 146
H. J. Dyos, Transport history in university theses, p. 161
S. J. Fockema Andreae, The canal communications of central Holland, p. 174
Michael Robbins, The North midland railway and its enginemen, 1842-3, p. 180

Transport bibliography, p. 187
Reviews, p. 189
Notes on contributors, p. 186

v. IV, 1959, 2

J. Graeme Bruce, The contribution of cross-channel and coastal vessels to developments in marine practice, p. 65
Robert Abbott, The building of the great central railway, p. 81
Harold Pollins, The last main railway line to London, p. 85
Charles Hadfield, The grand junction canal, p. 96
Robin D. S. Higham, British airways Ltd, 1935-40, p. 113

Reviews, p. 124
Notes on contributors, p. 95

v. IV, 1959, 1

G. C. Dickinson, Stage-coach service in the West riding of Yorkshire between 1830 and 1840, p. 1
Jack Simmons, South Western v. great western : railway competition in Devon and Cornwall, p. 13
Maurice Bond, Materials for transport history amongst the record of parliament, p. 37
Michael Robbins, A note on early wheeled vehicles in Europe, p. 53

Transport bibliography, p. 56
Reviews, p. 58
Notes on contributors, p. 64

v. III, 1958, 4

V. T. H. Delany, The development of the river Shannon navigation, p. 185
E. Birkhead, The Daimler airway : april 1922- march 1924, p. 195
J. M. Campbell, Some new Brunel letters, p. 201
J. H. Price, London’s first electric tramway, p. 205
Rupert C. Jarvis, Sources for the history of ships and shipping, p. 212
Michael Robbins, Lord Kelvin on electric railways, p. 235

Reviews, p. 239
Notes on contributors, p. 248

v. III, 1958, 3

Editorial, p. 129
P. A. Keen, The channel tunnel project, p. 132
The railways of Victoria in their first half-century, p. 145
David Cole, Mocatta’s stations for the Brighton railway, p. 149
Jack Simmons, The Scottish records of the British transport commission, p. 158

Transport Bibliography, p. 168
Reviews, p. 170
Notes on contributors, p. 184

v. III, 1957, 2

Michael Robbins, What kind of railway history do we want ?, p. 65
Rupert C. Jarvis, Sources for the history of ports, p. 76
Philip S. Bagwell, Early attempts national organization of the railwaymen, 1865-1867, p. 94
Harold Pollins, Railway contractors and the finance of railway development in Britain – II, p. 103
Patricia Carson, The building of the first bridge at Westminster, 1736-1750, p. 111

Reviews, p. 123
Notes on contributors, p. 93

v. III, 1957, 1

W. B. Stephens, The Exeter lighter canal, 1566-1698, p. 1
Peter W. Brooks, A short history of London’s airports, p. 12
H. J. Dyos, Some social costs of railway building in London, p. 23
A. W. Currie, Sir Edward Watkin : a Canadian view, p. 31
Harold Pollins, Railway contractors and the finance of railway development in Britain – I, p. 41
B.A. Wilson, Proprietors of the Ellesmere and Chester canal company, 1822, p. 52

Transport bibliography, p. 55
Reviews, p. 57
Notes on contributors, p. 40

v. II, 1956, 4

Jane H. Wilde, The creation of the Marine Department of the board of trade, p. 193
Robert H. Spiro, Jr., John Loudon McAdam and the metropolis turnpike trust, p. 207
D. B. Wardle, Sources for the history of railways at the public record office, p. 214
H. W. Parris, Northallerton to Hawes : a study in Branch-line history, p. 235

Reviews, p. 249
Notes on contributors, p. 248

v. II, 1956, 3

Editorial, p. 129
Peter L. Payne, The Bermondsey, Rotherhithe, and Deptfort Turnpike trust, 1776-1810, p. 132
Jack Simmons, For and against the locomotive, p. 144
Charles E. Lee, Sources of bus history, p. 152
J. R. Harris, Liverpool canal controversies, 1769-1772, p. 158
J. R. Harris, Railways of the St Helens Coafield down to 1830 : a note, p. 175
G. H. Martin, Shipments of wool from Ipswich to Calais, 1399-1402, p. 177

Transport bibliography, p. 182
Reviews, p. 184
Notes on contributors, p. 181

v. II, 1955, 2

Philip S. Bagwell, The rivalry and working union of the South eastern and London, Chatham & Dover railways, p. 65
Charles Hadfield, Sources for the history of British canals, p. 80
H. J. Dyos, Railways and housing in Victorian London – II, p. 90
Rupert C. Jarvis, Army transport and the English constitution : with special reference to the Jacobine Rising, p. 101
Richard G. Wood, Exploration by Steamboat, p. 121

Reviews, p. 124
Notes on contributors, p. 123

v. II, 1955, 1

Reginald B. Fellows, Non-stop runs by trains in Great Britain, 1845-1928, p. 1
H. J. Dyos, Raiways and housing in Victorian London – I, p. 11
Theodore E. Nichols, Cartagena and the Dique : a problem in trasportation, p. 22
H. C. Brookfield, Three Sussex ports, 1850-1950, p. 35
Michael Robbins, The Balaklava railway : a footnote, p. 51

Transport Bibliography, p. 53
Reviews, p. 56
Notes on contributors, p. 10

v. I, 1954, 4

A. J. Quin-Harkin, Imperial airways, 1924-40, p. 197
P. A. Keen, Metropolitan railway road services, p. 216
P. E. Garbutt, The trans-siberian railway, p. 238
J. A. B. Hibbs, Road transport history in Notices & proceedings, p. 250

Reviews, p. 254
Notes on contributors, p. 237

v. I, 1954, 3

Editorial, p. 133
Harold Pollins, The Swansea canal, p. 135
Jack Simmons, Railway history in English local records, p. 155
D.L.G. Hunter, MacDermot’s History of the great western railway : Errata list, p. 185

Transport bibliography, p. 188
Reviews, p. 190
Notes on contributors, p. 196

v. I, 1953, 2

P. W. Kingsford, Labour relations on the railways, 1835-1875, p. 65
L. C. Johnson, Historical records of the British transport commission, p. 82
Charles E. Lee, The English street tramways of George Francis train – II, p. 97
S. Pollard, J. D. Marshall, The Furness railway and the growth of Barrow, p. 109

Reviews, p. 127
Notes on contributors, p. 248132

v. I, 1953, 1

Editorial, p. 1
H. J. Dyos, Workmen’s fares in South London, 1860-1914, p. 3
Charles E. Lee, The English street tramways of George Francis train – I, p. 20
Michael Robbins, The Balaklava railway, p. 28
Charles Hadfield, James Green as canal engineer, p. 44

Transport bibliography, p. 57
Reviews, p. 59
Notes on contributors, p. 19