The Journal of Transport History DATINI

The Journal of Transport History

Leicester. University College of Leicester
ISSN: 0022-5266
Conservata in: Università degli Studi di Firenze, Biblioteca di Scienze Sociali
Punto di servizio: Economia; Riv. str. 0299
Consistenza: v. 1, 1953, 1-
Lacune: III ser., v . 21; III ser., 1980, 2;
[ 2030-2021 ] [ 2020-2011 ] [ 2010-2001 ] [ 2000-1991 ] [ 1990-1981 ] [ 1980-1971 ] [ 1970-1961 ] [ 1960-1953 ]

copertina della rivista

v. VII, 1996, 4 (published 1970)

William R. Stanley, Review of Turkish asiatic railways to 1918 : some political-military considerations, p. 189
Roger T. Trindell, Transportation development and hinterland piracy : an example from colonial North America, p. 205
Michael Nash, Barge traffic on ghe Wey Navigation in the Second Half of the seventeenth century, p. 218
Thomas J. Donaghy, The Liverpool & Manchester railway as an investment, p. 225
Jack Simmons, The pattern of tube railways in London, p. 234

Notes on contributors, p. 240
Reviews, p. 241

v. VII, 1966, 3

Humphrey Household, The Thames & Severn Canal, p. 129
A.H. Fowkes, The records of the railway clearing house, p. 141
Michael Robbins, From R. B. Dockray’s Diary, III, p. 149
Victor A. Hatley, Northampton Hoodwinked? How a main line railway missed the town a second time, p. 160
Peter F. Neary, The Panama Canal Tolls Dispute, 1912-14, p. 173
Alan Birch, Economists and railways in colonial Australia : a note, p. 180

Transport bibliography, p. 183
Reviews, p. 186

v. VII, 1965, 2

Philip S. Bagwell, The railway interest : its organisation and Influence 1839-1914, p. 65
Baron F. Duckham, Selby and the Aire & Calder Navigation 1744-1826, p. 87
J.K. Edwards, Communications and the Economic development of Norwich 1750-1850, p. 96
Michael Robbins, From R. B. Dockray’s Diary– II, p. 109
H. C. F. Lansberry, James McAdam and the St. Albans Turnpike trust, p. 120

Publications received, p. 128

v. VII, 1965, 1

Michael Robbins, From R. B. Dockray’s diary, I, p. 1
Derek H. Aldcroft, The depression in British shipping, 1901-1911, p. 14
John Krenkel, The development of the port of Los Angeles, p. 24
A. Jardillier, Pascal’s « Carrosses à Cinq Solz », p. 34
G. H. Martin, Street-Lamps for Kendal, p. 37
M. J. Minett, The railway stations of George Townsend Andrews, p. 44
H. J. Dyos, Transport history in University Theses, 1959-63, p. 54

Notes on contributors, p. 56
Transport bibliography, p. 57
Reviews, p. 60

v. VI, 1964, 4

Editorial Notes, p. 197
Mervyn Hughes, Telfordm Parnell and the great Irish road, p. 199
L. J. Pieters, A hundred years of sea-communication between England and the Netherlands, p. 210
John R. Kellett, Urban and transport history from legal records : an example from Glasgow solicitors’ papers, p. 222
H. C. Hughes, India office railway records, p. 241
Harold W. Hart, Ralph Dodd and the Gravesend and Tilbury Tunnel scheme of 1798, p. 249

Reviews, p. 258

v. VI, 1964, 3

G. F. Chadwick, The army works corps in the Crimea, p. 129
Jack Simmons, The Swiss museum of transport, p. 142
Jean Lindsay, The Aberdemshire canal, 1805-54, p. 150
T. C. Barker, Passenger transport in nineteenth-century London, p. 166
John H. White, The Janus : a locomotive’s history revised, p. 175
Baron F. Duckham, The navigation of the Yorkshire Ouse during the nineteenth century, p. 182

Transport Bibliography, p. 189
Reviews, p. 192
Notes on contributors, p. 165

v. VI, 1963, 2

Craufurd D. Goodwin, Economics and railways in colonial Australia, p. 65
John Copeland, An essex turnpike gate, p. 87
David Brooke, The opposition to Sunday rail services in North-Eastern England, 1834-1914, p. 95
P. T. Wheeler, The development of shipping services to the East coast of Sutherland, p. 110

Notes on contributors, p. 117
Reviews, p. 118
Publications received, p. 127

v. VI, 1963, 1

Philip Hanson, Soviet inland waterways, p. 3
Henry Parris, Pasley’s Diary : a neglected source of railway history, p. 14
Derek H. Aldcroft, The eclipse of British coastal shipping, 1913-21, p. 24
D. J. Hodgkins, The origins and indipendent years of the Cromford & High Peak railway, p. 39

Transport bibliography, p. 56
Notes on contributors, p. 2
Reviews, p. 58

v. V, 1962, 4

T. S. Willan, The justices of the peace and the rates of land carriage, 1692-1827, p. 197
Harold W. Hart, The sedan chair ad a means of public conveyance, p. 205
H. C. Hughes, The scinde railway, p. 219
C. Hamilton Ellis, Lewin papers concerning Sir George Gibb, p. 226
Richard Pankhurst, Transport and communications in Ethiopia, 1835-1935 (III), p. 233

Reviews, p. 255
Notes on contributors, p. 204

v. V, 1962, 3

R. Bell, I. Sixteen years, 1923-38, p. 133
E. W. Arkle, II The L.N.E.R. and British railways, p. 139
Joyce H. M. Bankes, J. R. Harris, The first Lancashire Locomotive, p. 146
J. H. Price, London’s last horse tramway, p. 149
L. C. Johnson, British transport commission archives : work since 1953, p. 159
Richard Pankhurst, Transport and communications in Ethiopia, 1835-1935 (II), p. 166
J. A. Patmore, A navvy gang of 1851, p. 182

Transport bibliography, p. 190
Reviews, p. 192
Notes on contributors, p. 181

v. V, 1961, 2

Richard Pankhurst, Transport and communications in Ethiopia, 1835-1935 (I), p. 69
Derek H. Aldcroft, The decontrol of British shipping and railways after the first world war, p. 89
C. W. Chalklin, Navigation schemes on the upper medway, 1600-1665, p. 105
G. R. Mahon, Railways and bogs in Ireland, p. 116

Reviews, p. 127
Notes on contributors, p. 104

v. V, 1961, 1

F. D. C. Wijesinghe, The bus in Ceylon, 1907-1957, p. 1
H.E. Cox, The Philadelphia monorail, p. 8
Harold W. Hart, Sherman and the Bull and mouth, p. 12
John H. Scholes, Transport treasures, p. 22
Charles E. Landon, The recent development of freight traffic on the Mississippi river, p. 33

Transport bibliography, p. 54
Reviews, p. 56
Notes on contributors, p. 68