Canadian Journal of History / Annales Canadiennes d’Histoire DATINI

Canadian Journal of History / Annales Canadiennes d’Histoire

Semestrale; dal 1970 quadrimestrale
ISSN: 1010-3643
Conservata in: Prato, Fondazione Istituto Internazionale di Storia Economica « F. Datini », Coll: Riv. 65
Consistenza: a. I, 1966, 1-a. L, 2015, 3
Lacune: a. XLIII, 2008, 1; a. XLVIII, 2013, 3;
[ 2020-2011 ] [ 2010-2001 ] [ 2000-1991 ] [ 1990-1981 ] [ 1980-1971 ] [ 1970-1966 ]

copertina della rivista

a. XV, 1980, 3

Mark Cummings, The Social Impact of the « Paulette »: The Case of the « Parlement » of Paris, p. 329
Charles L. Hamilton, The Earl of Bridgewater and the English Civil War, p. 357
Helen Liebel, The Election of Joseph II and the Challenge to Imperial Unity in Germany, 1763-64, p. 371
Trevor Lloyd, Ramsay MacDonaid: Socialist or Gentleman?, p. 399

J. Michael Hayden, New History: New Bottles and Old Wine, p. 409
Ian Gentles, Politics, Religion and the New Model Army, p. 411
John Money, The Friends of Liberty: The English Democratic movement in the Age of the French Revolution, p. 416

a. XV, 1980, 2

Paul W. Schroeder, Gladstone as Bismarck, p. 163
Holger H. Herwig, « Allens nur noch Seelenadel! » The Prussian Nobility and the Imperial German Navy 1888-1918, p. 197
Keith Neilson, Kitchener: A Reputation Refurbished?, p. 207
Gerald R. Kleinfeld, Nazis and Germans in China, 1933-37: The Consulate and the German Community in Tsingtao, p. 229

James P. Huzel, The Family, Work and Capitalism, p. 249
Brian Jenkins, Diplomatic History: A prosaic sub-discipline, United States Foreign Relations 1820-1860, p. 252
Alan Cassels, Fascism as Radicalism, p. 259

a. XV, 1980, 1

Alauddin Samarrai, Medieval Commerce and Diplomacy: Islam and Europe, AD. 850-1300, p. 1
F. D. Blackley, Isabella of France, Queen of England 1308-1358 and the Late Medieval Cult of the Dead, p. 23
F. L. McLynn, The Montonero Risings in Argentina of the Eighteen-Sixties, p. 49
David Lukowitz, George Lansbury’s Peace Missions to Hitler and Mussolini in 1937, p. 67

Richard Boyer, New Views of Colonial Mexico, p. 83

a. XIV, 1979, 3

Helen Liebel, Free Trade and Protectionism under Maria Theresa and Joseph II, p. 355
R. H. Cameron, Parties and Policies in Early Victorian Britain: A Suggestion for Revision, p. 375
John R. Broadus, Church Conflict in Palestine: The Opening 01 the Holy Places Question during the Period Preceding the Crimean War, p. 395
Maurice Williams, Delusions of Grandeur: The Austrian National Socialists, p. 417

Juergen Doerr, Democracy and Liberalism in Nineteenth Century Germany, p. 437
Patrick J. Harrigan, Education and Society in Modern France, p. 442
David Beatty, Germany Divided, p. 448

a. XIV, 1979, 2

Richard Reid, Civil Liberties in the Confederacy: The Case of North Carolina, p. 173
Wayne Westergard-Thorpe, Syndicalist Internationalism and Moscow, 1919-1922: The Breach, p. 199
Francis R. J. Nicosia, National Socialism and the Demise of the German-Christian Communities in Palestine during the Nineteen Thirties, p. 235

R. J. W. Swales, Plague, Population and Ecology in Early Modern England, p. 257
A. Lloyd Moote, The Emerging French Intendants and Political Change, p. 266

a. XIV, 1979, 1

Kenneth A. Bartlett, « The Misfortune That Is Wished for Him »: The Exile and Death of Edward Courtenay, Earl of Devon, p. 1
Ulrich Trumpener, « Junkers » and Others: The Rise of Commoners in the Prussian Army, 1871-1914, p. 29
James G. C. Greenlee, The A B C’s of Imperial Unity, p. 49
David Dutton, France and the Commercial Exploitation of Greece during the Great War, p. 65

a. XIII, 1978, 3

Sharon Kettering, The Kings Lieutenant General in Provence, p. 361
Karl Schweizer, The Non-Renewal of the Anglo-Prussian Subsidy Treaty, 1761-1762: A Historical Revision, p. 383
Bruce L. Kinzer, The Failure of « Pressure from Without »: Richard Cobden, the Ballot Society, and the Coming of the Ballot Act in England, p. 399
Evelyn Pugh, John Stuart Mill, Harriet Taylor and Women’s Rights in America, 1850-1873, p. 423

a. XIII, 1978, 2

D. N. Sprague, A Quantitative Assessment of the Quantification Revolution, p. 177
Stephen P. Pistono, The Diplomatic Mission of Jean de Hangest, Lord of Hugueville (October, 1400), p. 193
Roger Fletcher, An English Advocate in Germany: Eduard Bernstein’s Analysis of Anglo-German Relations, 1900-1914, p. 209

a. XIII, 1978, 1

John E. Morby, The Sobriquets of Medieval European Princes, p. 1
Miles W. Campbell, The Rise of an Anglo-Saxon « Kingmaker »: Earl Godwin of Wessex, p. 17
Robert H. Michel, English Attitudes towards Women 1640-1700, p. 35
Richard .J. Bazillion, Saxon Liberalism and the German Question in the Wake of the 1848 Revolution, p. 61

Ivo N. Lambi, Gold and Iran. Bismarck, Bleichroder and the Building of the German Empire, p. 85
D. J. Heasman, The Emergent Commonwealth. Australian Federation: Expectations and Fulfilment 1889-1910, p. 95
Reinhard Meyers, British Rearmament in the Thirties: Politics and Profits, p. 99

a. XII, 1977, 3

Karl H. Wegert, Restoration Radicals and « Organic Liberalism »: « Einheit-Freiheit » Reconsidered, p. 299
David Dutton, The Deposition of King Constantine of Greece, June 1917: An Episode in Anglo-French Diplomacy, p. 325
Christopher P. Youe, The Threat of Settler Rebellion and the Imperial Predicament: The Denial of Indian Rights in Kenya, 1923, p. 347
Thomas E. De Witt, The Struggle Against Hunger and Cold : Winter Relief in Nazi Germany, 1933-1939, p. 361

Robert Gellately, Problems of Modern Anti-Semitism in Germany, p. 383

a. XII, 1977, 2

Erik Hansen, The Origins and Consolidation of Dutch Social Democracy, 1894-1914, p. 145
Edward B. Parsons, Why the British Reduced the Flow of American Troops to Europe in August-October 1918, p. 173
Peter Raffo, The Founding of the League of Nations Union, p. 193
John P. Campbell, D-Day 1943: The Limits of Strategic Deception, p. 207

a. XII, 1977, 1

Henry Heller, The French Nobility and the State in the Late Middle Ages, p. 1
Louis Lavallée, « De Voltaire à Mandrou: Etudes et Controverses autour du Siècle de Louis XIV », p. 19
Franklin A. Walker, The Grenville-Fox « Junction » and the Problem of Peace, p. 51
Richard K. Debo, « Mésentente Glaciale »: Great Britain, France and the Question of Intervention in the Baltic, 1918, p. 65

a. XI, 1976, 3

Linda Frey, Marsha Frey, The Anglo-Prussian War of 1704, p. 283
William J. Jr. Orr, The Prussian Ultra Right and the Advent of Constitutionalism in Prussia, p. 295
I. D. C. Newbould, William IV and the Dismissal of the Whigs, 1834, p. 311
Gerald E. Silberstein, Germany, France and the Casablanca incident 1908-1 919: An Investigation of a Forgotten Crisis, p. 331

Ivo N. Lambi, The German Diplomatic Service 1871-1914, p. 355

a. XI, 1976, 2

Alan Tully, Constituent-Representative Relationships in Early America: The Case of Pre-Revolutionary Pennsylvania, p. 139
Reginald C. Stuart, Thomas Jefferson and the Function of War: Policy or Principle?, p. 155
D. J. Moss, Birmingham and the Campaigns against the Orders-in-Council and East India Company Charter, 1812-13, p. 173
John P. Rossi, « The Nestor of His Party » – Gladstone, Hartington and the Liberal Leadership Crisis; November 1879-January 1880, p. 189

a. XI, 1976, 1

David L. Jeffrey, Franciscan Spirituality and the Elevation of Popular Culture, p. 1
Edmund H. Dickerman, A Neglected Phase of the Spanish Armada: The Catholic League’s Picard Offensive of 1587, p. 19
Robert H. Keyserlingk, Bismarck and the Freedom of the Press in Germany 1866-1890, p. 25
William I. Gleberzon, « Intellectuals » and the American Socialist Party, 1901-1917, p. 43
Dennis E. Showalter, The Homesick Revolutionaries: Soldiers’ Councils and Newspaper Propaganda in German-occupied Eastern Europe, 1918-1919, p. 69

Philippe Aries, The Rituals of Marriage, p. 89

a. X, 1975, 3

Lois Spear, Pierre Joseph Proudhon and the Myth of Universal Suftrage, p. 295
Richard Blackett, In Search of International Support for African Colonization: Martin R. Detany’s Visit to Engkland, 1860, p. 307
John F. Laffey, The Lyon Chamber of Commerce and Indochina during the Third Republic, p. 325
Charles L. Bertrand, Italian Revolutionary Syndicalism and the Crisis of Intervention: August – December, 1914, p. 349
H. Weinroth, Peace by Negotiation and the British Anti-War Movement, 1914-1918, p. 369

Reviews, p. 393

a. X, 1975, 2

Antonio Santosuosso, The Italian Crisis at Mid-Sixteenth Century: A Matter of Shift and Decadence, p. 147
Harold E. Bergquist, The Russian Ukase of September 16, 1821: The Noncolonization Principle, and the Russo-American Convention of 1824, p. 165
Ellen L. Evans, Joseph O. Baylen, History as Propaganda: The German Foreign 185 Office and the « Enlightenment » of American Historians on the War Guilt Question, 1930-1933, p. 185
Aaron Goldman, Stephen King-Hall and the German Newsletter Controversy of 1939, p. 209
David Stafford, Britain Looks at Europe, 1940; Some Origins of S.O.E., p. 231

Reviews, p. 249

a. X, 1975, 1

Stephen F. Gradish, The Establishment of British Seapower in the Mediterranean, 1689-1713, p. 1
Charles R. Middleton, The Formation of Canning’s Ministry and the Evolution of the British Cabinet, February to August, 1827, p. 17
Stanley Z. Pech, The Press of the Habsburg Slavs in 1848: Contribution to a Political Profile, p. 35
Juergen Doerr, Germany, Russia and the Kulturkampf, 1870-1875, p. 51
L.L. Farrar, Jr., Opening to the West: German Efforts to ConO ciude a Separate Peace with England, July 1917-March 1918, p. 73

Reviews, p. 91

a. IX, 1974, 3

William H. Beik, Two Intendants Face a Popular Revolt: Social Unrest and the Structure of Absolutism in 1645, p. 243
William E. Echard, Louis Napoleon and the French Decision to Intervene at Rome in 1849: A New Approach, p. 263
J. F. Hiliker, Charles Edward Trevelyan as an Educational Reformer in India 1827-1838, p. 275
Keith A. P. Sandlford, British Historians and the Schleswig-Holstein Crisis, p. 293
R. Dan Richardson, The International Brigades as a Comintern Propaganda Instrument, p. 311

Reviews, p. 331

a. IX, 1974, 2

Joseph B. Gavin, S.J., Politics in the Elizabethan Church: The Appointment of Bishop Matthew, 1582-1595, p. 121
Martin E. Schmidt, Le Parlement and the Definition of the Liberal Third Republic, 1879-1883, p. 143
John McDermott, The Revolution in British Military Thinking from the Boer War to the Moroccan Crisis, p. 159
Stephen J. Randall, The International Corporation and American Foreign Policy: The United States and Columbian Petroleum, 1920-1940, p. 179

Reviews, p. 197

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a. VIII, 1973, 3

Paul Sonnino, Jean Racine and the Eloge historique de Louis XI, p. 185
Ronald Martin, The Authorship of « Racine’s » Relation de ce quis’estpassé au siège de Namur, p. 195
Michael G. Finlayson, Puritanism and Puritans: Labels or Libels?, p. 201
Martin R. Waldman, The Repression of the Communards, p. 225
Neil Kunze, Lord Salisbury’s Ideas on Housing Reform, 1883-1885, p. 247

Peter G. Bietenholz, Gastaldi, Storia dell’anabattismo dalle origine a Münster (1525-1535) ; Clasen, Anabaptism: A Social History, 1525-1618; Switzerland, Austria, Moravia, andSouth and Central Germany Stayer, Anabaptists and the Sword, p. 267

a. VIII, 1973, 2

Bruce C. Daniels, Family Dynasties in Connecticut’s Largest towns, 1700-1760, p. 99
Karl W. Schweizer, Lord Bute and Wiiliam Pitt’s Resignation in 1761, p. 111
John Rossi, The Liberal Leadership and the Afghan War, August-December 1878, p. 127
John L. Tobias, The Chancellorship of Bethman Hollweg and the Question of Leadership of the National Liberal Party, p. 145

Reviews, p. 167

a. VIII, 1973, 1

A. P. W. Robson, The Founding of the National Society For Women’s Suffrage 1866-1867, p. 1
Fred D. Schneider, Deadlock on the Rock: Constitutionalism and Counteraction in Heligoland 1864-1868, p. 23
Fred H. Matthews, Robert Park, Congo Reforrn and Tuskegee: The Molding af a Race Relations Expert, 1905-1913, p. 37

J. S. Conway, Schieder, Herman Rauschnings « Gespräche mit Hitler » als Geschichts quell; Rauschning, Men of Chaos; Jackel, Hitler’s Weltanschauung: A blueprint for power; Radkau, Die deutsche Emigration in den USA Ihr Einfluss auf die amerikanische Europa politik 1933-1945, p. 67

Reviews, p. 79

a. VII, 1972, 3

A. Lloyd Moote, The Preconditions of Revolution in Early Modern Europe: Did They Really Exist?, p. 207
Angus McLaren, George Jacob Holyoake and the Secular Society: British Popular Freethought, 1851-1858, p. 235
W. J. McDermott, The Immediate Origins of the Committee of Imperial Defence: A Reappraisal, p. 253

Reviews, p. 273

a. VII, 1972, 2

David Hudson, The Parlementary Crisis of 1763 in France and his Consequences, p. 97
Lawrence C. Jennings, The Parisian Press and French Foreign Affairs in 1848, p. 119
John A. Leopold, The Election of Alfred Hugenberg as Chairman of the German National People’s Party, p. 149

Reviews, p. 173

a. VII, 1972, 1

J. M. de Bujanda, La Censure Littéraire en Espagne au XVIe Siècle, p. 1
Marc L. Schwarz, Viscount Saye and Sele, Lord Brookeand Aristocratic Protest to the First Bishops’ War, p. 17
Nancy G. Cassels, The « Compact » and the Pilgrim Tax: The Genesis of East India Company Social Policy, p. 37
Attila Chanady, Erich Koch-Weser and the Weimar Republic, p. 51

Reviews, p. 65

a. VII, 1971, 3

Ronald K. Huch, The Anti-Corn Law League ‘and the Salisbury Election of November 1843, p. 247
Ernest A. Menze, Historismus, Economic Theory and Social Harmony: Lujo Brentano and the Methodenstreit in Historical Perspective, p. 257
H.W. McCready, Chief Whip and Party Funds: The Work of Herbert Gladstone in tihe Edwardian Liberal Party, 1899 to 1906, p. 285

Reviews, p. 305

a. VI, 1971, 2

Daniel Hickey, Politics and Commerce in Renaissance France: The Evolution of Trade along the Routes of Dauphiné, p. 133
Robert Stewart, Understanding English Conservatism with Apologies to Joyce Cary, p. 153
Ulrich Trumpener, The Escape of the Goeben and Breslau: A Reassessment, p. 171
Ian M. Drummond, More on British Colonial Aid Policy in the Nineteen-Thirties, p. 189

Reviews, p. 197

a. VI, 1971, 1

Kenneth McRobbie, The Concept of Advancement in the Fourteenth Century in the Chroniques of Jean Froissart, p. 1
Christopher Stocker, Office as Maintenance in Renaissance France, p. 21
Michael J. Kraus, Patronage and Reform in the France of the Prereforme: The Case of Clichtove, p. 45
Natalie Zemon Davis, New Monarchs and Prudent Priests, p. 69
David R. Woodward, David Lloyd George, a Negotiated Peace With Germany And The Kuhlmann Peace of September, 1917, p. 75

Reviews, p. 95