Canadian Journal of History / Annales Canadiennes d’Histoire DATINI

Canadian Journal of History / Annales Canadiennes d’Histoire

Saskatoon. Department of History, University of Saskatchewan
Semestrale; dal 1970 quadrimestrale
ISSN: 1010-3643
Conservata in: Prato, Fondazione Istituto Internazionale di Storia Economica « F. Datini », Coll: Riv. 65
Consistenza: a. I, 1966, 1-a. L, 2015, 3
Lacune: a. XLIII, 2008, 1; a. XLVIII, 2013, 3;
[ 2020-2011 ] [ 2010-2001 ] [ 2000-1991 ] [ 1990-1981 ] [ 1980-1971 ] [ 1970-1966 ]

copertina della rivista

a. XXXV, 2000, 3

Edmund H. Dickerman, Anita M Walker, Missions Impossible: Pomponne de Bellièvre and the Policies of Henry III, p. 421
Peter Denton, « Puffs of Smoke, Puffs of Praise »: Reconsidering John Evelyn’s « Fumifugium » (1661), p. 441
Martin S. Staum, Paris Ethnology and the Perfectibility of « Races », p. 453

Ian K. Steele, Introduction – Narrative as Master: A Forum on Fred Anderson’s « Crucible of War », p. 473
John Shy, Review – Crucible of Revolution: Fred Anderson’s Seven Years’ War, p. 479
Gregory Evans Dowd, Review – North American Baroque: Fred Anderson’s « Crucible of War », p. 483
Jay Cassel, Review – A Canadian Perspective on Anderson’s « Crucible of War », p. 487
Jonathan R. Dull, Review – The French and Indian War Whithout the French: Fred Anderson’s « Crucible of War », p. 491
P.J. Marshall, Review – Fred Anderson’s War in imperial perspective, p. 495
Fred Anderson, Response – The Seven Years’ War: A Provincial’s View, p. 501

Andrew A. Chibi, Aspects of the Reformation, p. 507
Craig Keating, Theoretical Encounters, p. 515

Reviews/comptes rendus, p. 519
Erratum, 626
Books Received, p. 627
Notes, p. 637
Subscription Form, p. 639

a. XXXV, 2000, 2

Keith Bradley, « Romanitas » and the Roman Family: The Evidence of Apuleius’s « Apology », p. 215
James S. Bothwell, ‘Escheat with Heir’: Guardianship, Upward Mobility, and Political Reconciliation in the Reign of Edward III, p. 241
Margaret C. Jacob, Commerce, Industry, and the Laws of Newtonian Science: Weber Revisited and Revised, p. 275

Lawrin Armstrong, Enemies of God, Pity, and Mercy, p. 293

Reviews/comptes rendus, p. 297
Advertisement, p. 417
Subscription Form, p. 419

a. XXXV, 2000, 1

William J. Ashworth, England and the Machinery of Reason 1780 to 1830, p. 1
Jill Newton Ainsley, « Some mysterious agency »: Women, Violent Crime, and the Insanity Acquittal in the Victorian Courtroom, p. 37
Brock Millman, The Battle of Cory Hall, November 1916: Patriots Meet Dissenters in Wartime Cardiff, p. 57

Philip C Brown, Escaping Traps: Malthusian and Intellectual, p. 85
John Money, Country Matters: the Fall and Rise of Sylvanus Urban in 18th Century England, p. 93
Tony Nuspl, The Civil War Need Not Have Happened: ‘the King’s Word’, p. 99

Reviews/comptes rendus, p. 111
Notes, p. 211
Advertisement, p. 212
Subscription Form, p. 213

a. XXXIV, 1999, 3

Krista Kesselring, Abjuration and its Demise: The Changing Face of Royal Justice in the Tudor Period, p. 345
David Gentilcore, Figurations and State Authority in Early Modern Italy: The Case of the Sienese Protomedicato, p. 359

Christopher Kent, Historiography and PostModernism, p. 385
Leendert P. Mos, Behaviorism: An Ideology of Science Without Vision, p. 417
Marc Epprecht, Contemporary Struggles for the Pre-colonial Past in Southern Africa, p. 423

Reviews/comptes rendus, p. 427
Books Received, p. 521
Notes, p. 531
Advertisement, p. 533

a. XXXIV, 1999, 2

R. Andrew McDonald, « Treachery in the Remotest Territories of Scotland »: Northern Resistance to the Canmore Dynasty, 1130-1230, p. 161
Christine G. Varga-Harris, Green is the Colour of Hope?: The Crumbling Facade of Postwar « Byt » Through the Public Eyes of « Vecherniaia Moskva », p. 193
Alaric Searle, Veterans’ Associations and Political Radicalism in West Germany, 1951-54: A Case Study of the Traditionsgemeinschaft Groißdeutschland, p. 221

Larwin Armstrong, Weavers, Preachers, and Professors, p. 249
Tony Nuspl, Liquefaction and Lictors, p. 253
E. R. Zimmerman, Ineluctable Contradictions in the Disintegration of the Communist World, p. 259

Reviews/comptes rendus, p. 265
Notes, p. 339

a. XXXIV, 1999, 1

Ronald S. Love, A Game of Cat and Mouse: Henri de Navarre and the Huguenot Campaigns of 1584-89, p. 1
Robert Iliffe, Foreign Bodies: Travel, Empire and the Early Royal Society of London. Part II. The Land of Experimental Knowledge, p. 23
Diana Snigurowicz, Sex, Simiams, and Spectacle in Nineteenth-Century France; Or, How to Tell a « Man » from a Monkey, p. 51

Reviews/comptes rendus, p. 83
Notes, p. 155

a. XXXIII, 1998, 3

Robert Illiffe, Foreign Bodies: Travel, Empire and the Early Royal Society of London. Part I. Englishmen on tour, p. 357
Stephen David Snobelen, A Further Irony Apolcalyptic Reading of Edward Gibbon’s « Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire », p. 387
Damel M Klang, Announcements of Capitalism and Their Reception in Eighteenth-Century Europe: The Dispute Between Diderot and Morellet in 1770-71, p. 417

Reviews/comptes rendus, p. 437
Notes, p. 515

a. XXXIII, 1998, 2

Annette F. Timm, The Legacy of « Bevölkerungspolitik »: Venereal Disease Control and Marriage Counselling in Post-WW II Berlin, p. 173
Béatrice Craig, Salaires, niveaux de vie et travail féminin, dans l’arrondissement de Lille au XIXe siècle, p. 215
Elizabeth K. Menon, The Utopian Mayeux: Henri de Saint-Simon meets the « bossu à la mode », p. 249

Reviews/comptes rendus, p. 279
Notes, p. 353

a. XXXIII, 1998, 1

Anne Clendinning, Gas and Water Feminism: Maud Adeline Brereton and Edwardian Domestic Technology, p. 1
Thomas A. Fudge, « Neither Mine nor Thine »: Communist Experiments in Hussite Bohemia, p. 25
Joseph Behar, Control and Citizenship: The Case of St. Helenian Agricultural Workers in the U.K., 1949-51, p. 49

Frank T. Melton, Recent Books on the Age of the Glorious Revolution, p. 75
John F. Hutchinson, The Scrimping of Russian Generosity, p. 79

Reviews/comptes rendus, p. 85
Notes, p. 169

a. XXXII, 1997, 3

Introduction, p. 313

James A. Leith, The Terror: Adding the Cultural Dimension, p. 315
William Doyle, Abolishing the Sale of Offices: Ambitions, Ambiguities, and Myths, p. 339
Raymond Jonas, Sacred Mysteries and Holy Memories: Counter-Revolutionary France and the Sacré-Coeur, p. 347
Annie Jourdan, L’eclipse d’un soleil: Louis XVI et les projets monumentaux de la Révolution, p. 361
Emmet Kennedy, Taste and Revolution, p. 375
Sherri Klassen, The Domestic Virtues of Old Age: Gendered Rites in the Fête de la vieillesse, p. 393
Jolanta Pekacz, Gender as a Political Orientation: Parisian Salonnieres and the Querelle des bouffons, p. 405
Warren Roberts, The Visual Rhetoric of Jean-Louis Prieur, p. 415
Gao Yi, French Revolutionary Studies in today’s China, p. 437

Reviews/comptes rendus, p. 447
Notes, p. 511

a. XXXII, 1997, 2

Hannah Gay, East End, West End: Science Education, Culture and Class in Mid-Victorian London, p. 153
R.J.Q. Adams, Andrew Bonar Law and the Fall of the Asquith Coalition: The December 1916 Cabinet Crisis, p. 185
John McDermott, Trading With the Enemy: British Business and the Law During the First World War, p. 201
Gilles Vandal, Le système notarial de la Louisiane au XIXe siècle: profil et fonction des notaires, p. 221

W. George Lovell, M.E. Davis, The Devil’s Dream, and, M.E. Davis, Tierra Madre, p. 237

Reviews/comptes rendus, p. 241
Notes, p. 309

a. XXXII, 1997, 1

Martin Greig, Gilbert Burnet and the Problem of Nonconformity in Restoration Scotland and England, p. 1
James Retallack, « Why Can’t a Saxon be More Like a Prussian? » Regional Identities and the Birth of Modern Political Culture in Germany, 1866-67, p. 26
Carolyn Kay, The Petersen Portrait: The Failure of Modern Art as Monument in Fin-de-Siècle Hamburg, p. 56

Reviews/comptes rendus, p. 77
Notes, p. 151

a. XXXI, 1996, 3

S. Annette Finley-Croswhite, Confederates and Rivals: Picard Urban Alliances during the Catholic League,1588-1594, p. 359
David and Eileen Spring, Debt and the English Aristocracy, p. 377
Janice Matsumura, Internal Security in Wartime Japan (1937-45) and the Creation of Internal Insecurity, p. 395

Review Articles/notes critiques, p. 413
Reviews/comptes rendus, p. 425
Notes, p. 511

a. XXXI, 1996, 2

Ronald S. Love, Rituals of Majesty: France, Siam, and Court Spectacle in Royal Image-Building at Versailles in 1685 and 1686, p. 171
Earlene Craver, The Third Generation: The Young Socialists in Italy, 1907-1915, p. 199
K.M. Wilson, The Making and Putative Implementation of a British Foreign Policy of Gesture, December 1905 to August 1914: The Anglo-French Entente Revisited, p. 227
Benjamin Carter Hett, « Goak Here »: A.J.P. Taylor and « The Origins of the Second World War », p. 257

Reviews/comptes rendus, p. 281
Notes, p. 349
Advertisements, p. 355

a. XXXI, 1996, 1

Special Issue/Edition spéciale

R.H. Britnell, Price-Setting in English Borough Markets, 1349-1500, p. 1
Christopher Dyer, Market towns and the Countryside in Late Medieval England, p. 17
John Langdon, The Mobilization of Labour in the Milling Industry of Thirteenth- and Early Fourteenth-century England, p. 37
Mavis Mate, The Rise and Fall of Markets in Southeast England, p. 59
A Bibliography of the Publications of David L. Farmer, p. 87

Reviews/Comptes rendus, p. 91
Notes, p. 165

a. XXX, 1995, 3

David S. Parker, Peruvian Politics and the Eight-Hour Day: Rethinking the 1919 General Strike, p. 417
Yahia H. Zoubir, U.S. and Soviet Policies towards France’s Struggle with Anticolonial Nationalism in North Africa, p. 439
Brock Millman, Henry Wilson’s Mischief: Field Marshall Sir Henry Wilson’s Rise to Power, 1917-18, p. 467

Reviews/comptes rendus, p. 487
Notes, p. 623

a. XXX, 1995, 2

Anita M. Walker, Edmund H. Dickerman, Mind of an Assassin: Ravaillac and the Murder of Henry IV of France, p. 201
Galen Roger Perras, « Our Position in the Far East would be Stronger without this Unsatisfactory Commitment »: Britain and the Reinforcement of Hong Kong, 1941, p. 231
Matthew Hendley, « Help us to secure a strong, healthy, prosperous and peaceful Britain »: The Social Arguments of the Campaign for Compulsory Military Service in Britain, 1899-1914, p. 261

Michael Jabara Carley, Generals, Statesmen, and International Politics in Europe, 1898-1945, p. 289
Marc Epprecht, Democratizing the Southern African Past, p. 323

Reviews/comptes rendus, p. 329
Notes, p. 413
Advertisement, p. 415

a. XXX, 1995, 1

Jean-Guy Daigle, Femmes en trop, femmes sur le carreau: Reading et le Berkshire au milieu du XIXe siècle, p. 1
Catherine Baird, Religious Communism? Nicolai Berdyaev’s Contribution to « Esprit’s » Interpretation of Communism, p. 29

Aubrey Neal, The Promise and Practice of Deconstruction, p. 49

Faith Wallis, The Ambiguities of Medieval « Memoria », p. 77
Thomas J. Saunders, Art, Ideology, and Entertainment in Soviet Cinema, p. 85
Reginald C. Stuart, Encyclopedia of the North American Colonies, p. 93

Reviews/comptes rendus, p. 99
Notes, p. 189
Advertisements, p. 195

a. XXIX, 1994, 3

C.J. Neville, Common Knowledge of the Common Law in Later Medieval England, p. 461
Gillis J. Harp, Patrician Partisans: New York in the House of Representatives, 1789-1803, p. 479
David Sheinin, Defying Infection: Argentine Foot-and-Mouth Disease Policy, 1900-1930, p. 501

John Bingham, Defining French Fascism, Finding Fascists in France, p. 525

Wayne Thorpe, Verdicts of History: The Left in the Spanish Civil War, p. 545
Wesley T. Wooley, Cold-War Afterthoughts: Morality, the Arms Race, and the Imperial Presidency, p. 555

Reviews/comptes rendus, p. 561
Notes, p. 635
Advertisement, p. 637

a. XXIX, 1994, 2

Michel De Waele, Pour la sauvegarde da roi et da royaume. L’expulsion des Jésuites de France à la fin des guerres de religion, p. 267
James Stone, Bismarck and the Containment of France, 1873-1877, p. 281
C. Rod Day, The Careers of Graduates of the « Écoles d’Artes et Metiers » in the French Automobile Industry, 1880-1940, p. 305
Michael L. Roi, « A Completely Immoral and Cowardly Attitude »: The British Foreign Office, American Neutrality and the Hoare-Laval Plan, p. 333

Francis M. Caroll, The Cambridge History of American Foreign Relations, Where We Are Now, p. 353
Hubert C. Johnson, Military Technology: Some Recent Interpretations, p. 365

Reviews/comptes rendus, p. 373
Notes, p. 457

a. XXIX; 1994, 1

Sara Beam, Apparitions and the Public Sphere in Seventeenth-Century France, p. 1
Mark Olsen, Enlightened Nationalism in the Early Revolution: The Nation in the Language of the « Société de 1789 », p. 23
Ian Germani, Representations of the Republic at War: Lille and toulon, 1792-1793, p. 51
Ronald N. Harpelle, Ethnicity, Religion and Repression: The Denial of African Heritage in Costa Rica, p. 95

T.R. Ravindranathan, The Legacy of Stalin and Stalinism: A Historiographical Survey of the Literature, 1930-1990, p. 113

Michael Jabara Carley, Down a Blind-Alley Anglo-Franco-Soviet Relations, 1920-39, p. 147

Reviews/comptes rendus, p. 173
Notes, p. 261
Advertisements, p. 263

a. XXVIII, 1993, 3

Robert C.-H. Shell, From Rites to Rebellion: Islamic Conversion, Urbanization, and Ethnic Identities at the Cape of Good Hope, 1797 to 1904, p. 409
Jennifer W Jay, Another Side of Chinese Eunuch History: Castration, Marriage, Adoption, and Burial, p. 459
Philippa Levine, Women and Prostitution: Metaphor, Reality, History, p. 479
Arieh I. Kochavi, Britain, the United States, and the Question of Asylum for War Criminals in the Neutral Countries during World War II, p. 495

John Money, From Leviathan’s Air Pump to Britannia’s Voltaic Pile: Science, Public Life and the Forging of Britain, 1660-1820, p. 521
T.R. Ravindranathan, The Stalinist Enigma: A Review Article, p. 545

Reviews/comptes rendus, p. 561
Notes, p. 655
Advertisement, p. 661

a. XXVIII, 1993, 2

Special Issue/Edition spéciale

David French, « Perfidious Albion » Faces the Powers, p. 177
Keith Neilson, « Pursued by a Bear »: British Estimates of Soviet Military Strength and Anglo-Soviet Relations, 1922-1939, p. 189
John Ferris, Worthy of Some Better Enemy?: The British Estimate of the Imperial Japanese Army, 1919-41, and the Fall of Singapore, p. 223
B. J. C. McKercher, No Eternal Friends or Enemies: British Defence Policy and the Problem of the United States, 1919-1939, p. 257

Robin Swales, Perspectives on Restoration Politics and the Revolution, 1670-1689, p. 295
Bruce L. Kinzer, Liberalism, Popular and Otherwise, p. 307

Reviews/comptes rendus, p. 317
Notes, p. 395
Advertisements, p. 401

a. XXVIII, 1993, 1

Gilles Vandal, Santé publique et développement urbain: les conditions sanitaires à la Nouvelle-Orléans, 1850-1885, p. 1
Brian P. Farrell, Symbol of Paradox: The Casablanca Conference, 1943, p. 21
Warren Wilson, Les journées populaires et la violence collective dans le Vaucluse rural après thermidor, p. 41
Shannon Hunter Hurtado, The Promotion of the Visual Arts in Britain, 1835-1860, p. 59

Reviews, p. 81
Notes, p. 163
Advertisement, p. 171

a. XXVII, 1992, 3

David Dutton, On the Brink of Oblivion: The Post-War Crisis of British Liberalism, p. 425
Peter Konecny, Revolution and Rebellion: Students in Soviet Institutes of Higher Education, 1921-1928, p. 451
Keith Neilson, Tsars and Commissars: W. Somerset Maugham, « Ashenden » and Images of Russia in British Adventure Fiction, 1890-1930, p. 475
Robert L. Koepke, Educating Child Labourers in France: The Parliamentary Debates of 1840, p. 501

B.J.C. McKercher, The Richness and Diversity of Modern International History: The Revised Editions of the « Guides to Research and Research Materials », p. 521

Reviews, p. 533
Notes, p. 629

a. XXVII, 1992, 2

Special Issue/Edition spéciale

Barrie M. Ratcliffe, Perceptions and Realities of the Urban Margin: The Rag Pickers of Paris in the First Half of the Nineteenth Century, p. 197
Christine Piette, La misere à Paris dans la 1ère moitié du 19e siècle: contribution à la critique des statistiques officielles, p. 235
Claire Dolan, L’identité urbaine et les histoires locales publiées du XVIe au XVIIIe siècle en France, p. 277
Béatrice Craig, La structure de l’emploi feminin dans une ville en voie d’industrialisation: tourcoing au XIXe siècle, p. 299

Denise Angers, « Une histoire des femmes est-elle possible? » Àpropos de quelques ouvrages récents sur la femme et la famille au Moyen âge, p. 331
D.R. Woolf, The Mental World in Tudor and Early Stuart England, p. 341

Reviews, p. 353
Advertisements, p. 421

a. XXVII, 1992, 1

James A. Reilly, Damascus Merchants and Trade in the Transition to Capitalism, p. 1
William S. Cormack, The French Navy and the Struggle for Revolutionary Authority: The Mutiny of the Brest Fleet in 1793, p. 29
D.J. Moss, The Bank of England and the Establishment of a Branch System, 1826-1829, p. 47
Christian Roy, Aux sources de l’écologie politique: Le personnalisme « gascon » de Bernard Charbonneau et Jacques Ellul, p. 67

Reviews, p. 101
Notes, p. 185
Advertisements, p. 192

a. XXVI, 1991, 3

Martin S. Staum, « Analysis of Sensations and Idea? » in the French National Institute (1795-1803), p. 393
Alain Canuel, Le câble sous-marin et la TSF en Allemagne avant la première guerre mondiale, p. 415
Fred Matthews, Present Pasts: From « Progressive » to « Liberal » in Intellectuals’ Understanding of American History, 1925-1950, p. 429
Joe B. Moore, Purging toho Cinema of the « Two Reds »: A Case Study of the Reverse Course in the Japanese Labour Movement, 1947-1948, p. 453

Robert Gellately, Medicine and Collaboration under Hitler, p. 479

Reviews, p. 487
Notes, p. 581
Advertisements, p. 590

a. XXVI, 1991, 2

Gary K. Waite, The Longevity of Spiritualistic Anabaptism: The Literary Legacy of David Joris, p. 177
Shannon McSheffrey, Women and Lollardy: A Reassessment, p. 199
Maryse Guénette, Au carrefour de la misère: Les poursuites pour dettes à Brignoles et à Saint-Maximin au milieu du XIVe siècle, p. 225

Roy A. Prete, The Preparation of the French Army Prior to World War I: An Historiographical Reappraisal, p. 241

Christopher Kent, The Establishment of British Social History?, p. 267
Pazd Merkley, Religion and the Political Prosperity of America: An Historian’s Reflections on Recent Publications in Religious Studies, p. 277

Reviews, p. 293
Notes, p. 373
Advertisements, p. 383

a. XXVI, 1991, 1

Special Issue/Edition spéciale

Malcolm Greenshields, Communities, States, and Power, p. 1
T. Michael Hayden, Rural Resistance to Central Authority in Seventeenth-Century France, p. 7
Karl Weged, The Social Context of State Terror in Early Modern Germany, p. 21
Jim Handy, Anxiety and Dread: State and Community in Modern Guatemala, p. 43

Geoffrey S. Smith, Light at the End of the Tunnel? New Perspectives on the Vietnam War, p. 67

Reviews, p. 87
Notes, p. 161
Advertisements, p. 166