Canadian Journal of History / Annales Canadiennes d’Histoire DATINI

Canadian Journal of History / Annales Canadiennes d’Histoire

Saskatoon. Department of History, University of Saskatchewan
Semestrale; dal 1970 quadrimestrale
ISSN: 1010-3643
Conservata in: Prato, Fondazione Istituto Internazionale di Storia Economica « F. Datini », Coll: Riv. 65
Consistenza: a. I, 1966, 1-a. L, 2015, 3
Lacune: a. XLIII, 2008, 1; a. XLVIII, 2013, 3;
[ 2020-2011 ] [ 2010-2001 ] [ 2000-1991 ] [ 1990-1981 ] [ 1980-1971 ] [ 1970-1966 ]

copertina della rivista

a. L, 2015, 3

George Colpitts, Peace, War, and Climate Change on the Northern Plains: Bison Hunting in the Neutral Hills during the Mild Winters of 1830-34, p. 420
Allan Downey, Susan Neylan, Raven Plays Ball: Situating « Indian Sports Days » within Indigenous and Colonial Spaces in Twentieth-Century Coastal British Columbia, p. 442
Allyson Stevenson, The Adoption of Frances T. Blood, Belonging, and Aboriginal Transracial Adoption in Twentieth-Century Canada, p. 469
Philip Goldring, Historians and Inuit: Learning from the Qikiqtani Truth Commission, 2007-2010, p. 492

Review Article | Note Critique, p. 524
Reviews | Comptes Rendus, p. 549

a. L, 2015, 2

Jessica Steinberg, She was « a comon night walker abusing him & being of ill behaviour »: Violence and Prostitution in Eighteenth-Century London, p. 239
John Stewart, William Beveridge in New Zealand: Social Security and World Security, p. 262
Graeme S. Mount, Costa Rica and the Cold War, 1948-1990, p. 290

Review Article | Note Critique, p. 326
Reviews | Comptes Rendus, p. 328

a. L, 2015, 1

Mark Meyers, Editor’s note / note du rédacteur en chef, p. 1

Jie Gao, Promoting « Low Culture »: The Origins of the Modern Chinese Folklore Movement, p. 3
Cheryl Thompson, Cultivating Narratives of Race, Faith, and Community: The Dawn of tomorrow, 1923 – 1971, p. 30

Jan Vermeiren, Problèmes et Perspectives d’une histoire de l’idée européenne de la Révolution française au Printemps des peuples (1789 – 1848/49), p. 68

Review articles / Notes critiques, p. 86
Feature review / Compte rendu de fond, p. 124
Reviews/ comptes rendus, p. 132
Books Receives but not Reviewed, p. 229
Announcement: Graduate Essay Competition, p. 233
Annonce: Concours puor les étudiants gradués, p. 234
Call for Papers: 83rd Annual Meeting of the Society for Military History, p. 235
Appel à communications : la 83° assemblée annuelle de la Society for Military History, p. 237

a. XLIX, 2014, 3

Erika Dyck, Katherine Zwicker (guest editors), Editors’ Note, p. 367

Jacalyn Durnn, The Queen’s Jews: Religion, Race, and Change in Twentieth-Century Canada, p. 369
Janet Weston, Sexual Crimes, Medical Cures: The Development of a Therapeutic Approach toward Sexual Offenders in English Prisons, c. 1900-1950, p. 395
Arua Oko Omaka, Humanitarian Action: The Joint Church Aid and Health Care Intervention in the Nigeria-Biafra War, 1967-1970, p. 423

History of Medicine Book Reviews/ Comptes rendus en histoire de la médecine, p. 449
Feature Reviews/Comptes rendus de fond, p. 467
Reviews/comptes rendus, p. 483
Announcement: Graduate Fellowship in History and Scholarly Publishing, p. 561
Annonce: Bourse en histoire et en édition savante (2ème et 3ème cycles), p. 563

a. XLIX, 2014, 2

Mike Wagner, Asleep by a Frozen Sea of a Financial Innovator? The Hudson’s Bay Company, 1714-63, p. 179
Victoria Vasilenko, The Polish-Czechoslovak Confederation Project in British Plicy, 1939-43: A Federalist Alternative to Postwar Settlement in East Central Europe, p. 203
Marcel Jesensky, Win Friends or Make enemies: Team Canada’s 1978 Diplomatic Mission to Czechoslovakia, p. 225

Feature Reviews/Comptes rendus de fond, p. 247
Reviews/comptes rendus, p. 259
Announcement: Graduate Fellowship in History and Scholarly Publishing, p. 363
Annonce: Bourse en histoire et en édition savante (2ème et 3ème cycles), p. 365

a. XLIX, 2014, 1

Fabien Conord, Paul-Henri Spaak, héraut ou soliste du socialisme belge?, p.
Yves Frenette, L’embrigadement du passé canadien : Les politiques mémorielles du gouvernement Harper, p. 31
Yves Frenette, Conscripting Canada’s Past: The Harper Government and the Politics of Memory, p. 49

Feature Reviews/Comptes rendus de fond, p. 67
Reviews/comptes rendus, p. 79
New Graduate Fellowship in History and Scholarly Publishing, p. 409
Nouvelle bourse en histoire et en édition savante (2ème et 3ème cycles), p. 411

a. XLVIII, 2013, 2

Daniel R. Curtis, The Emergence of Concentrated Settlernents in Medieval Western Europe: Explanatory Frameworks in the Historiography, p. 223
James I. Stone, Bismarck and Blowitz at the Congress of Berlin, p. 253
Amy Milne-Smith, Queensberry’s Misrule: Reputation, Celebrity, and the Idea of the Victorian Gentieman, p. 277

Feature Review/compte rendu de fond, p. 307
Reviews/comptes rendus, p. 313
Announcement, p. 177

a. XLVIII, 2013, 1

Anna Groundwater, The Obligations of Kinship and Alliance within Governance in the Scottish Borders, 1528-1625, p. 1
Shane McCorristine, « Involuntarily We Listen »: Hearing the Aurora Borealis in Nineteenth-Century Arctic Exploration and Science, p. 29
Alban Bargain-Villéger, The Quest for Acceptability: The Socialists’ May Days in Bavaria and Brittany, 1920-40, p. 63
Jayne Gifford, Extracting the Best Deal for Britain: The Assassination of Sir Lee Stack in November 1924 and the Revision of Britain’s Nile Valley Policy, p. 87

Reviews / comptes rendus, p. 115
Book received, p. 215

a. XLVII, 2012, 3

Sverrir Jakobsson, Vinland and wishful Thinking: Medieval and Modern Fantasies, p. 493
Jan D. Armour, The Sensitivities of ‘Smail, Backward Nations’: Austria-Hungary, Serbia, and the Regulation of the Danube 1870-71, p. 515
Andrea Patterson, Black Nurses in the Great War: Fighting for and with the American Military in the Struggle for Civil Rights, p. 545
Greci Kennedy, Imperial Networks, Imperial Defence, and Perceptions of American Influence on the British Empire in the Interwar Period: The Case of the 27th Earl of Crawford and Balcarres, p. 567
Glenn Leonard, Economics, Diplomacy, and War: Britain and Bulgaria, 1936-38, p. 597

Reviews / comptes rendus, p. 623

a. XLVII, 2012, 2

Andrea Mckenzie, « God’s Hat » and the Highwayman’s Shoes: Gestural and Sartorial History of Seventeenth- and Eighteenth-Century English Trial and Execution, p. 231
Thomas M. Prymak, Voltaire on Mazepa and Early Eighteenth-Century Ukraine, p. 259
Christian Vivier, Jean-Yves Guillain, Jeu de Tarot et jeux corporels « fin de siècle ». Les bambochades civilisées des cartes d’atout du Tarot Grimaud, p. 285
Emmanuel Filhol, Le contrôle des Tsiganes en Europe de la fin du XIXe siècle aux années trente, p. 317
Emanuele Sica, June 1940: The Italian Army and the Battle of the Alps, p. 355

Review Articles / Notes Critiques, p. 379
Reviews / comptes rendus, p. 395

a. XLVII, 2012, 1

Sara Butler, Sacred People, Sacred Spaces : Evidence of Parish Respect and Contempt toward the Pre-Reformation Clergy, p. 1
Michel De Waele, Félix Lafrance, La rédention par l’histoire: le case de Pierre Matthieu (1563-1621), p. 29
Tangi Villerbu, Entre monde atlantique et Jeune République: Charles Mame à New York au début du 19eme siècle, p. 59
Francis M. Carroll, The American Civil War and British Intervention: The Threat of Anglo-American Conflict, p. 87

Reviews / comptes rendus, p. 117
Book received, p. 223

a. XLVI, 2011, 3

Jowi Morgan, The Early Defence of ‘Lambeth Calvinism’: Theological and Pastoral Responses in a Lincoinshire Parish, p. 495
Jan D. Thatcher, The First State Duma, 1906: The View from the Contemporary Pamphlet and Monograph Literature, p. 531
Christopher Schultz, The Self Separated from Violence: Spectacle, Material Appropriation, and Voices of Resistance on the Westem Front, 1914-18, p. 563
Johanna Granville, True Grit: Gheorghiu-Dej and Romanian Exceptionaiism in 1956, p. 585

Karl Schweizer, François de Callières and the Marquis de Torcy’s « Political Academy »: New Evidence, p. 619

Review Articles / Notes Critiques, p. 627
Reviews / comptes rendus, p. 655

a. XLVI, 2011, 2

Deborah Gorham, Liberty and Love? Dora Black Russeil and Marriage, p. 247
Robert J. Young, From Pacifist to Warrior: Gladys Arnold and the European Years, 1935-40, p. 273
Hamish Ion, Brass Hats behind Bamboo Palisades: Senior Officer POWs in Singapore, Taiwan, and Manchukuo, 1942-45, p. 303
Emmanuel Olapido Ojo, The Politics of the Formation of Alliance Governments in Multi-Ethnic States: A Case Study of the Nigerian First Alliance Government, 1954-57, p. 333

Reviews/comptes rendus, p. 367

a. XLVI, 2011, 1

Jacques Gleyse, La renaissance de la  » fabrication du corps » par l’exercice physique au xvie siècle discours, pratique, préservation d’un patrimoine, ou transgression d’un interdit? Une étude des archives du fonds ancien dela Faculté de médecine de Montpellier, p. 1
David C. Jones, « A Beastly Affair »: Visual Representations of Animality and the Politics of the Dreyfus Affair, p. 35
Nicole Longprè, « An issue that could tear us apart »: Race, Empire, and Economy in the British (Welfare) State, 1968, p. 63
Graeme S. Mount, US-Romanian Relations during the Presidency of Gerald R. Ford, p. 97

Reviews/comptes rendus, p. 135