Canadian Journal of History / Annales Canadiennes d’Histoire DATINI

Canadian Journal of History / Annales Canadiennes d’Histoire

Saskatoon. Department of History, University of Saskatchewan
Semestrale; dal 1970 quadrimestrale
ISSN: 1010-3643
Conservata in: Prato, Fondazione Istituto Internazionale di Storia Economica “F. Datini”, Coll: Riv. 65
Consistenza: a. I, 1966, 1-a. L, 2015, 3
Lacune: a. XLIII, 2008, 1; a. XLVIII, 2013, 3;
[ 2020-2011 ] [ 2010-2001 ] [ 2000-1991 ] [ 1990-1981 ] [ 1980-1971 ] [ 1970-1966 ]

copertina della rivista

a. XLV, 2010, 3

Sean D. W. Lafferty, Italy in the Twilight of the Empire: The Decline of Roman Law and Culture under Theoderic the Great (c. 493-526), p. 457
Nadine Hunt, Expanding the Frontiers of Western Jamacia through Minor Atlantic Ports in the Eighteenth Century, p. 485
Howard G. Brown, Robespierre’s Tail: The Possibilities of Justice after the Terror, p. 503
Janice Cavell, Manliness in the Life and Posthumous Reputation of Robert Falcon Scott, p. 537

Lars Fischer, Continuity and Discontinuity in Nineteenth and Twentieth-Century German History, p. 565

Dieter K. Buse, De-Centering Rememberance: German Memory Debates, p. 589

Reviews/comptes rendus, p. 595
Books Received but not Revied, p. 699

a. XLV, 2010, 2

Richard Raiswell, Geography is Better than Divinity: The Bible and Medieval Geographical Thought, p. 207
Marie-Hélène Côté, “What Did It Mean to be a French Diplomat in the Seventeenth and Early Eighteenth Centuries?”, p. 235
Brian Bonfiomme, Russian Compassion: The Russian Society for the Protection of Animals – Founding and Contexts, 1865-75, p. 259
Jan Germani, Taking Possession of Marianne: The Place de la République as Political Battleground, p. 299

Feature Reviews/Notes spéciales, p. 335
Reviews/comptes rendus, p. 353

a. XLV, 2010, 1

Dave Postles, The Politics of Diffuse Authority in an Early Modern Small town, p. 1
Julian Goodare, The Scottish Presbytenan Movement in 1596, p. 21
Janet E. Mullw, Cards on the Table: The Middling Sort as Suppliers and Consumers of English Leisure Culture in the Eighthteen Century, p. 49
Jill Campbell-Miller, “Ex Unitate Vires”: Elite Consolidation and the Union of South Africa, 1902-10, p. 83

Reviews/comptes rendus, p. 105
Notice, p. 207

a. XLIV, 2009, 3

John Finlay, Lawyers and the Early Modern State: Regulation, Exclusion, and Numerus Clausus, p. 383
Josiane Tantchou Yakam, De l’imperatif d’une “mise en valeur” à la sauvegarde des races indigenes? La lutte contre la maladie du sommeil au Cameroun Francais, p. 411
Sean F. Johnston, Creating a Canadian Profession: The Nuclear Engineer, e. 1940-68, p. 435
Lucas Richert, Reagan, Regulation, and the FDA: The US Food and Drag Administration’s Response to HIV/AIDS, 1980-90, p. 467

Reviews/comptes rendus, p. 489
Books Received but not Reviewed, p. 589

a. XLIV, 2009, 2

Roman I. Shiyan, Biblical Parallels in Political Rhetoric: A Case Study of Writmgs by Ukranian Hetmans, Their Entourages, and Contemporaries (1640s-70s), p. 199
Jeremy Rich, Rocky Rapids and Sinking Hopes: River Travel, Commercial Rivalries, and Political Divides in Oskar Lenz’s Gabon Voyages, 1874-77, p. 215
Eric M. Reisenauer, Between the Eternal City and the Holy City: Rome, Jerusalem, and the Imperiai Ideal in Britian, p. 237
John Fisher, “A cali to action”: The Committee on British Communities Abroad, 1919-20, p. 261

Reviews/comptes rendus, p. 287

a. XLIV, 2009, 1

Amie Wright, “La Bebida Nacional”: Pulque and Mexicanidad, 1920-46, p. 1
Alison Rowley, Where are ali the Mother-Heroines? Images of Maternity in Soviet Films of the 1930s, p. 25
Jean-Yves Bernard, Disregarding the Atlantic “Special Relationship”: The Eden Cabinet in the Lead-up to the Invasion of the Suez Canal Zone, p. 39
Yann Rlgolet, Pérennité et présence d’un my the Jeanne d’Are, l’Européenne?, p. 63

REFLECTING ON CANADA’S ROLE IN THE WORLD: A FOREIGN POLICY REVIEW OF RIVAL PRIME MINISTERIAL MEMOIRS Hon. Wm P.R. (Rob) Norris, The Rt Hon. Brian Mulroney, Memoirs: 1939-1993 and The Rt Hon. Jean Chrétien, My Years as Prime Minister, p. 95

Reviews/comptes rendus, p. 101
Notes, p. 197
Erratum, p. 198

a. XLIII, 2008, 3

Sharon Kettering, Favour and Patronage: Dancers in the Court Ballets of Early Seventeenth-Century France, p. 391
Kirrily Freeman, “The bells, too, are fighting”: The Fate of European Church Bells in the Second World War, p. 417
Hyrum Lewis, The Conservative Capture of Anti-Relativist Discourse in Postwar America, p. 451

Keith Bradley, Roman Slavery: Retrospect and Prospect, p. 477

Alexandra Bamji, Cultural Exchange in Early Modern Europe, p. 501

Reviews/comptes rendus, p. 547
Books Received but not Reviewed for 2008, p. 611

a. XLIII, 2008, 2

Marc B. Cels, God’s Wrath against the Wrathful in Medieval Mendicant Preaching, p. 217
Michael Cichon, Mishandled Vessels: Heaving Drinks and Hurling Insulta in Medieval Welsh Literature and Law, p. 227
Sharon Wright, Broken Cups, Men’s Wrath, and the Neighbours’ Revenge: The Case of Thomas and Alice Dey of Alverthorpe (1383), p. 241

Bruce C. Daniels, Early Modern Olympians: Puritan Sportsmen in Seventeenth-Century England and America, p. 253
K.W. Schweizer, M. Schumann, Anglo-American War Reporting 1749-63: The Press and a Research Strategy, p. 265

Reviews/comptes rendus, p. 279
Errata, p. 385

a. XLII, 2007, 3

Brendan Cook, The Uses of Resipiscere in the Latin of Erasmus: In the Gospels and Beyond, p. 397
Amy Bell, Women’s Politics, Poetry, and the Feminist Historiography of the Great War, p. 411
David Dutton, Liberal Nationalism and the Decline of the British Liberal Party: Three Case Studies, p. 439

Larry Stewart, Feedback Loop: A Review Esssay on the Public Sphere, Pop Culture, annd the Early-Modern Sciences, p. 463

Reviews/comptes rendus, p. 485

a. XLII, 2007, 2

Martin Staum, “Race” and Gender in Non-Durkheimian French Sociology, 1893-1914, p. 183
Christian W.E. Tripodi, The Foreign Office and Anglo-Italian Involvement in the Red Sea and Arabia, 1925-28, p. 209
Josiah Brownell, The Taint of Communism: The Movement for Colonial Preedom, the Labour Party, and the Commumst Party of Great Britain, 1954-70, p. 235

Grace Vuoto, The Anglo-American Global Imperiai Legacy: Is There a Better Way?, p. 259
Emilian Kavalski, The Complexity of Empire, p. 271

Reviews/comptes rendus, p. 281

a. XLII, 2007, 1

Donald A. Bailey, Power and Piety: The Religiosity of Michel de Marillac, p. 1 Evelyn Lima, Nicole Lacroix, Théâtre et société dans la région du Minas au Brésil: un public métis pour les salles de spectacle, p. 25 Jutta Paczulla, “Talking to India”: George Orwell’s Work at the BBC, 1941-1943, p. 53

Feature review/note spécial
Daniel Todman, World War I Battles and Strategy, p. 71

Reviews/comptes rendus, p. 77
Notes, p. 181

copertina della rivista

a. XLI, 2006, 3

Amos Tubb, Parliament Intends “to Take Away the King’s Life”: Print and the Decision to Execute Charles I, p 461
Eliza Riedi, Tony Mason, “Leather” and the Fighting Spirit: Sport in the British Army in World War I, p. 485
Clea Lutz Bunch, Balancing Acts: Jordan and United States during the Johnson Administration, p. 517

Reviews/comptes rendus, p. 537
Books Received but not Reviewed/ Livres recus mais non analysés, p. 641
Erratum, p. 649
Notes, p. 651
Subscription Form/Abonnement, p. 657
Advertisements/Annonces, p. 653

a. XLI, 2006, 2

Martin Greig, Bishop Gilbert Burnet and Latiduinarian Episcopal Opposition to the Occasional Conformity Bills, 1702-1704, p. 247
Kenneth McRobbie, Under the Sign of the Pendulum Childhood Experience as Determining Revolutionary Consciousness. Ilona Duczynska Polanyi (1897-1978), p. 263
Tunde Oduwobi, Politics in Colonial Ijebu, 1921-51: The Role and Challenge of the Educated Elite, p. 299

Review article/note critique
Big History, the Whole Story, and Nothing Less?, by Wolf Schäfer, p. 317

Feature review/note spécial
E. Kolinsky, After the Holocaust; Jewish Survivors in Germany after 1945; H.M. Broder, A Jew in the New Germany; and J.M. Peck, Being Jewish in the New Germany, by Jay Howard Geller, p. 329

Erratum, p. 455
Advertisement, p. 457

a. XLI, 2006, 1

John M. Mwaruvie, Kenya’s “Forgotten” Engineer and Colonial Proconsul: Sir Percy Girouard and Departmental Railway Construction in Africa, 1896-1912, p. 1
Rick Clapton, Police and Présence: The Victoria Police and Public Impressions of Authority in Australia, 1900-1930, p. 23
G. Bruce Strang, John Bull in Scardi of a Suitable Russia: British Foreign Policy and the Failure of the Anglo-French-Soviet Alliance Negotiations, 1939, p. 47

Feature reviews/notes spécial
J. Kohler, Wagner: The Last of the Titans ; L. Kramer, Opera and Modern Culture: Wagner and Strauss; G. Liébert, Nietzsche and Music, by Ruth A. Starkman, p. 85
S. Feder, Gustav Mahler: A Life in Crisis, by J. Trygve Has-Ellison, p. 95
D. Nice, Prokofiev: From Russia to the West, 1891-1935, by Francis Maes, p. 96

Reviews / Comptes rendus, p. 99
Books Received but not Reviewed, p. 215
Errata, p. 241
Notes, p. 243
Advertisements, p. 244

a. XL, 2005, 3

John McCannon, A Note from the Editor, p. 413
Hubert C. Johnson, Historians as Nationalists, p. 415
Michael Hayden, Historians as Explorers, p. 419

Lloyd Robertson, How I Became a Canadian History Buff, p. 425
Guy Vanderhaeghe, History and Fictionv, p. 429

Michael Clinton, “Revanche ou Relèvement”, The French Peace Movement Confronts Alsace and Lorraine, 1871-1918, p. 431
Daniel Gorman, Liberal Internationalism, the League of Nations Union, and the Mandates System, p. 449

Ian Germani, Rising to the Challenge: Historians and the “Impossible” History of Paris, p. 479

Reviews/comptes rendus, p. 491

a. XL, 2005, 2

Joseph M. González, Sleeping Bodies, Jubilant Souls: The Fate of the Dead in Sweden 1400-1700, p. 199
Benjamin Day, Mill’s Liberty, the Ribald Press, and the Politics of War, p. 229
Stuart Mitchell, Resale Price Maintenance and the Conservative Party: 1949-64, p. 259

Yves Laberge, Multiculturalisme et transferts culturels: pour une histoire des mouvements européens au 20e siècle, p. 289

Reviews/comptes rendus, p. 295

a. XL, 2005, 1

Dieter K. Buse, Finding the Nation in Bremen: The Lower Class and Women after Napoleonic Occupation, p. 1
Dora M. Dumond, Workers in Risorgimento Bologna, p. 23
Mary Jane McCallum, “The Fundamental Things”: Camp Fire Girls and Authenticity, 1910-20, p. 45

Carl N. Still, The Search for the Real Aquinas, p. 67

Reviews/comptes rendus, p. 75

a. XXXIX, 2004, 3

Charles Beem, “I Am Her Majesty’s Subject”: Prince George of Denmark and the Transformation of the English Male Consort, p. 457
Andrew Ede, Creating an Image of Science: Persuasion and Iconography in A. Cressy Morrison’s Man in a Chemical World, p. 489
Johanna Granville, Radio Free Europe’ Impact on the Kremlin in the Hungarian Crisis of 1956: Three Hypotheses, p. 515

Ian K. Steele, Where is History Heading?, p. 547

Reviews/comptes rendus, p. 557

a. XXXIX, 2004, 2

Sara M. Butler, “I will never consent to be wedded with you!”: Coerced Marriage in the Courts of Medieval England, p. 247
Alison Falby, Cultural Exchange and Religious Change: Buddhism, Vedanta and Immortality in Late Nineteenth- and Early Twentieth-Century Britain, p. 271
Mark Russell, Aby Warburg and the Public Purposes of Art in Hamburg, p. 297

Review article/note critique, p. 325
Feature review/note particulier, p. 331
Reviews/comptes rendus, p. 339

a. XXXIX, 2004, 1

Blake Brown, “A Delusion, a Mockery, and a Snare”: Array Challenges and Jury Selection in England and Ireland, 1800-1850, p. 1
Nelson Ouellet, Le travail politique nécessaire de la Grande Migration. Idéalisme et pragmatisme à Gary, Indiana (1919-1924), p. 27
Arieh J. Kochavi, Why None of Britain’s Long-Term POWs in Nazi Germany Were Repatriated During World War II, p. 63

Douglas M. Peers, Reading Empire, Chasing Tikka Masala: The Contested State of Imperial History, p. 87

Reviews/comptes rendus, p. 105

a. XXXVIII, 2003, 3


Krista Kesselring, Politics, Patronage, and Piety in Early Modern Britain: A Special Issue in Honour of Paul Christianson, p. 385

Daniel Woolf, Paul Christianson as Scholar and Teacher, p. 389

D. Alan Orr, From a View to a Discovery: Edmund Spenser, Sir John Davies, and the Defects of Law in the Realm of Ireland, p. 395
Ken MacMillan, Common and Civil Law? Taking Possession of the English Empire in America, 1575-1630, p. 409
Charles Prior, Ancient and Reformed? Thomas Bell and Jacobean Confromist Thought, p. 425
Simon Healy, Oh, What a Lovely War? War, Taxation, and Public Opinion in England, 1624-29
Ian Gentles, “This Confused, Divided and Wretched City”: The Struggle for London in 1642-43, p. 467
Sears McGee, Sir Simonds D’Ewes and “the Poitovin Cholick”: Persecution, toleration, and the Mind of a Puritan Member of the Long Parliament, p. 481
Dennis Bustin, Papacy, Parish Churches, and Prophecy: The Popish Plot and the London Particular Baptists – A Case Study, p. 493
Warrren Johnston, The Patience of the Saints, the Apocalypse and Moderate Nonconformity in Restoration England, p. 505
Jeffrey R. Wigelsworth, Lockean Essences, Political Posturing, and John Toland’s Reading of Isaac Newton’s Principia, p. 521
Stephen D. Snobelen, “A Time and Times and the Dividing of Time”: Isaac Newton, the Apocalypse and 2060 A. D., p. 537
John Morrill, Rewriting Cromwell: A Case of Deafening Silences, p. 553

Notes, p. 579

a. XXXVIII, 2003, 2

Mark A. Waddell, The Perversion of Nature: Johannes Baptista Van Helmont, the Society of Jesus, and the Magnetic Cure of Wounds, p. 179
Boriana Panayotova, Soi et l’Autre dan la perspective de l’antogisme “barbarie-civilisation”: le case de la Bulgarie et de ses voisins balkaniques, p. 199
Jeffrey D. Bowersox, ‘Loyal Sons of the Church and Fatherland? Center-Polish Relations in Upper Silesia, 1870-1907, p. 231
Brian C. Shipley, Gilbert, Translated: Silvanus P. Thompson, the Gilbert Club, and the Tercentenary Edition of De Magnete, p. 259

Mark Jurdjevic, Renaissance Studies in the New Millennium, p. 281
Klaus J. Hansen, Tocqueville: Frenchman for all Seasons?, p. 295

Reviews/comptes rendus, p. 307

a. XXXVIII, 2003, 1

Andrew B. Pernal, The London Gazette as a Primary Source for the Biography of General Patrick Gordon, p. 1
Katherine Stern Brennan, Culture in the Cities: Provincial Academies during the Early Years of Louis XIV’s Reign, p. 19
David Leeson, Death in the Afternoon: The Croke Park Massacre, 21 November 1920, p. 43
Leslie Howsam, Book History Unbound: Transactions of the Written Word Made Puclic, p. 69

Reviews/comptes rendus, p. 83

a. XXXVII, 2002, 3

Linda Mahood, “Give Him a Doing”: The Birching of Young Offenders in Scotland, p. 439
Stephen Heathorn, “The Highest Type of Englishman”: Gender, War, and the Alfred the Great Commemoration of 1901, p. 459
Hsiao-ting Lin, Between Rhetoric and Reality: Nationalist China’s Tibetan Agenda During the Second World War, p. 485

Reviews/comptes rendus, p. 511

a. XXXVII, 2002, 2

André Poulin, Industrialisation, migration et anglicisation dans le sud du pays de Galles: Treherbert, Vallée de la Rhondda, 1861-91, p. 229
Christopher P. Hosgood, Negotiating Lower-Middle-Class Masculinity in Britain: The Leicester Young Men’s Christian Association, p. 253
Geoffrey D. Spurr, The London YMCA: A Haven of Mascoline Self-Improvement and Socialization for the Late Victorian and Edwardian Clerk, p. 275

Sean McGlynn, Politics and Violence in the Middle Ages, p. 303 Michael Jabara Carley, Resurgent France of Decadent France?: War Origins Once Again, p. 311

Review/comptes rendus, p. 319

a, XXXVII, 2002, 1

Derek Neal, Suits Make the Man: Masculinity in Two English Law Courts, c. 1500, p. 1
Thomas C. Kennedy, Tory Radicalism and the Home Rule Crisis, 19 10-1914: The Case of Lord Willoughby de Broke, p. 23
Lawrence D. Stokes, From Law Student to Einsatzgruppe Commander: The Career of a Gestapo Officer, p. 41

Trevor H. Levere, Addicted to Experimental Philosophy: The Works of Robert Boyle, p. 75
Matthew Hendley, Tradition and Innovation in the Historiography of British Conservatism, p. 83
Reginald C. Stuart, First & Further Drafts: Reappraisals of North American Identities, p. 95

Reviews / Comptes rendus, p. 103

copertina della rivista

a. XXXVI, 2001, 3

David Bates, Political Pathologies: Barnave and the Question of National Identity in Revolutionary France, p. 427
John McEvoy, Postpositivist Interpretations of the Chemical Revolution, p. 453
TG. Otte, “The Winston of Germany”: The British Foreign Policy Elite and the Last German Emperor, p. 471

Sean McGlynn, Waxing or Waning? The Late Middle Ages and The New Cambridge Medieval History, p. 505
James Seay Dean, History from Below Decks, p. 513
Arthur Williamson, Edward Gibbon, Edmund Burke, and John Pocock: The Appeals of Whigs Old and New, p. 517
Gordon McOuat, The Mistaken Gestalt of Science Studies: Steve Fuller takes on Kuhn, p. 523

Reviews / Comptes rendus, p. 529

a. XXXVI, 2001, 2

Jared R. M Sizer, The Good of this Service Consists in Absolute Secrecy: The Earl of Dunbar, Scotland, and the Border (1603-1611), p. 229
Susan Dalton, Gender and the Shifting Ground of Revolutionary Politics: The Case of Madame Roland, p. 259
Margaret Jacob, David Reid, Technical Knowledge and the Mental Universe of Manchester’s Early Cotton Manufacturers, p. 283

Gordon McOuat, The Latest Latour: Realism and Hope in Science Studies, p. 305
Jolanta T. Pekacz, Twentieth-Century Communism – The Rise and Fall of an Illusion, p. 311

Reviews/comptes rendus, p. 317
Advertisement, p. 423

a. XXXVI, 2001, 1

Ken MacMillan, Discourse on History, Geography, and Law: John Dee and the Limits of the British Empire, 1576-80, p. 1
Dianah Leigh Jackson, Anatomy of Observation: From the Académie royale de la Chirurgie to the “Salons” of Denis Diderot, p. 27
Patrick J. Harrigan, Church, State, and Education in France From the Falloux to the Feny Laws: A Reassessment, p. 51

Richard Connors, J.R.D. Falconer, Cornering the Cheshire Cat: Reflections on The ‘New British History’ and studies in Early Modern British Identities, p. 85

Reviews/comptes rendus, p. 109
Notes and Advertisement, p. 221
Subscription Form, p. 227